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Deploying Your Application

Chapter 09
What is deployment? → Installing digital certificates for security such as Secure
 Deployment is the process by which you distribute a Sockets Layer (SSL) communications
→ Setting values in the registry of the destination computer
finished application or component to be installed on
→ Installing application assemblies in the Global Assembly
other computers.
Cache (GAC) on the destination computer
How do you specify what should be
What is Copy Website Tool?
included when the web application is  The Copy Website tool automates the process of
deployed? copying and synchronizing files between the website
 In the Package/Publish Web tab of the setup project project and a destination site.
Properties window > under Items to Deploy (applies to all  The Copy Website tool enables you to open a folder on
deployment methods) section > select an option from a destination site, which can be on a remote website
the drops own. computer or in a different folder on your computer.
 Available options: What is Publish Website Tool?
1. Only Files Needed To Run This Application  The Publish Website tool precompiles the content of the
2. All Files In This Project website and then copies the output to the destination
3. All Files In This Project Folder you specify.
How do you specify that the contents of What is Silverlight?
the App_Data folder should not be copied  Microsoft Silverlight is a free web-browser plug-in that
enables interactive media experiences, rich business
during deployment? applications and immersive mobile apps.
 In the Package/Publish Web tab of the setup project
Properties window > under Items to Deploy (applies to all What are the files used by entity framework
deployment methods) section > uncheck Exclude Files and what these files contain?
From The App_Data Folder.  The Entity Data Model (EDMX extension) the Entity Data
How do you configure the scripts that must Model designer uses.
 The Conceptual Schema Definition Language (CSDL
run during deployment to set up database extension) file that contains XML definition of the
structures or data in the destination conceptual model.
The Store Schema Definition Language (SSDL) file that
environment? 
contains XML definition of the storage model
 In the Package/Publish SQL tab of the setup project
 Mapping Specification Language (MSL extension) file
Properties window.
that contains the mappings between the conceptual
 In Database Entries section specify a list of the
and storage models.
databases you need to deploy
 In Database Entry Details section specify settings for the
database selected in the Database Entries section.
What are Web.config File Transformations?
 An application's settings typically differ depending on
the environment in which the application is running. For
example, the database server to which you connect in
the production environment is typically different from the
database server you use in the development
 Visual Studio .NET 2010 enables you to create transform
files that automate the process of changing Web.config
settings during deployment.
 You can use the transform files to specify the changes
you want to make at deployment.
 Each transform file is associated with a build
 Visual Studio .NET 2010 creates a transform file for Debug
and Release build configurations by default, and you
can create custom build configurations.
Along with copying files to the destination
server what other tasks you typically must
perform during deploying a web
 The tasks are
→ Changing Web.config settings as required for the
destination environment
→ Propagating data and data structures used by the web
→ Configuring IIS settings such as application pool and
authentication method on the destination computer

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