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Youth Volunteering Team Awards - 2016

Youth Friendly Organisation – Nomination Form

We're on the lookout for organisations that are going above and beyond to help young
people have a great volunteering placement!

"An organisation which engages exceptionally well with young volunteers, provides them
with rewarding & satisfying volunteering roles in a supportive & welcoming environment”

We want to hear about how your group stands out as exceptionally "Youth Friendly" -
tell us about what young people can get involved in and how your group gives them a
great volunteering experience. Young volunteers are aged 25 and under.

Nominations close Friday 31st August at 5pm. Please email to

1. Name of Organisation

2. Address

3. Email Address

4. Contact Tel Number

Volunteering opportunities & support

*5. Tell us about your youth volunteering opportunities - give the names of the roles:

* 6. How many young volunteers (aged 25 and under) are part of your organisation?)

* 7. What is the minimum age for your volunteers?

*8. Please check the policies your group has in place to protect young volunteers

□ Child Protection
□ Insurance
□ Health and Safety Policy
□ Other (please specify)
What makes you youth friendly?

This is your opportunity to show us how you involve and support your young volunteers.
Give us real examples of what you do in your group to answer the following:

* 9. Tell us about the roles you offer young people and how do they suit a range of skills and abilities and
make a difference to your group?

*10. Tell us how your group provides individual support and opportunities for training and personal
development? Please give us any details of how your group may have adapted the support to suit
individual skills and abilities?

*11. Tell us how your group recognises the contributions made by young volunteers and celebrates
the differences they make?

Friendly n Nomination Form 2016

What makes your organization stand out from the crowd?

This is your opportunity to summarise what makes you "Youth Friendly". What does your
group do that makes such a difference to the young people you support to volunteer. You
also have the opportunity to include comments and feedback from the young people
themselves and tell us what difference the young people make to your group.

* 12. Summarise what makes you "Youth Friendly" and why you should be shortlisted for the

13. Here is your opportunity to give us any feedback from your younger volunteers - tell us
why they think you are a great place to volunteer (if shortlisted we will ask for verfication
from the young person/people providing the feedback) Please note, a nomination can be
submitted with no young volunteer feedback.Youth Friendly Nomination Form 2016

Thank you – we look forward to receiving your nomination

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