There Are Many Students in My Class. I Had Been Working in That Firm For Many Years

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She visits her family a lot

I like onions a lot

Lots of men cry when they are sick

A lot of people travel alone

Did you drink lots of beer last night?

There is a lot of money in my wallet

she has a lot of books

They needed lots of chairs

There are many students in my class.

I had been working in that firm for many years.

1. He needs much water to fill the bucket. (Él necesita mucha agua para llenar la
2. She needs much time to finish her homework. (Ella necesita mucho tiempo para
terminar su tarea)
4. There are a lot of students in my class. (Hay un muchos estudiantes en mi
5. You and he have a lot of things in common. (Tú y él tienen muchas cosas
en común)

To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water. Para evitar la deshidratación, bebe muchaagua.

There are plenty of issues and problems to debate. Hay bastantes temas y problemas por

This coffee needs a little bit more sugar. Este café necesita un poquito más de azúcar.

The waves shook the aircraft carrier as if was only a little boat. Las olas zarandearon el
portaaviones como si fuera una barquito.

 You have a few options to choose from. / Tienes algunas opciones para elegir.
 Few students passed the test. / Pocos alumnos aprobaron el examen.
 Don’t worry, we have a few minutes. / No te preocupes, tenemos algunos minutes.

1.- I know a few thing about you / Sé unas cosas sobre ti

2.- You have a few friends / Tienes unos cuantos amigos

3.- She has a few music albums / Ella tiene unos álbumes de música

You know that we have very little time.Ya saben ustedes que tenemos una granescasez de

That means that there is very little that can be done.Esto significa que es muy poco lo que
podemos hacer.

I mean, for a desk jockey with very little weapons experience.

Es decir, para una funcionaria con muy poca experiencia en armas.

1) He isn't tall enough to be a police officer. (El no es suficientemente alto para ser oficial de

2)I am not intelligent enough to pass the test. (Yo no soy lo suficientemente inteligente para
aprobar el examen)

3) There is not enough room for both of us in the sofa.(No hay suficiente espacio en el sofa para

4) I don´t have enough time. (Yo no tengo suficiente tiempo)

5)I don´t have enough money to buy a new car. (Yo no tengo dinero suficiente para comprar un
carro Nuevo)

Ver más en -

1) That skirt is too long for you. (Esa falda es muy larga para ti)
2) You work too much. (Tu trabajas mucho)

3) There were too many people outside. (Hubo mucha gente afuera)

4) Martha is too shoort to be a fire fighter. (Martha es muy baja para ser bombero)5) My house is
to far from my work. (My casa está muy lejos de my trabajao)

6)I am too young to have a driver license. (Yo soy muy joven para tener licencia de conducir)

Ver más en -

There are too many students in the classroom.(Hay demasiados estudiantes para esta clase.)
Is there too much sugar in your coffee?(¿Hay demasiado azúcar en tu café?)
My daughter has too many shoes, she doesn’t need any more!(Mi hija tiene demasiados zapatos, no
necesita más.)
There is too much work for just one person!(Hay demasiado trabajo para una sola persona.)

Drinking water frequently is good for your health.Beber agua frecuentemente es bueno para la

More frequent intense hurricanes will kill many more.Unos huracanes intensos y
más frecuentesmatarán a muchas más personas.

I frequently send people to her shop.

Yo frecuentemente envío personas a su tienda.

I frequently feed the ducks in central park.

Doy de comer a menudo a los patos en Central Park.

But very few countries have formulated an independent trade facilitation strategy.
A pesar de ello, muy pocos países han formulado una estrategia independiente de facilitación del

But very few people have tenacity and perseverance.

Pero lo que muy poca gente tiene... es tenacidad, perseverancia.
In fact very few projects were submitted.
La razón es que se presentaron muy pocos proyectos.

Th e r e i sn 't __ __ wi n e i n m y gl as s.

an y

Th e r e a r en 't __ _ l i on s i n G r e en l an d .

s om e

an y

 There isn’t any rice in the cupboard. (No hay nada de arroz en el
armario. o No hay arroz en el armario.)

 • We didn’t waste any time. (No perdimos nada de tiempo. o No

perdimos tiempo.)

Can we do the laundry today? I don't haveany clean clothes left.¿Podemos hacer hoy el
lavado de ropa? Ya nome queda ropa limpia.

I don't have any money left.No me queda nada de dinero.

I want to buy you something but I don't haveany money.Te quiero comprar algo,
pero no tengo dinero.

What I do in my free time is none of your business.

· Don't eat all the sandwiches or there'll be none left for the

 We have no milk. - No tenemos leche.

 The children have no homework this week. - Esta semana los niños no
tienen deberes.

 There are no letters today. - No hay cartas hoy.

 She has no sisters. - No tiene hermanas.
 We still have got no plans for the summer holidays. - Todavía no tenemos
planes para las vacaciones en verano.

Is there any milk in the fridge? B. No, none OR No, there’s none = no, nada / no, no hay.

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