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Case WCSOCID18020646 Printed on August 14, 2018

Status Approved
Report Type Investigations Unit
CIBRS Classification
Primary Officer Jordan Barto
Investigator Jordan Barto
Reported At 07/05/18 11:01
Incident Date 07/05/18 11:01
Incident Code CSC : CSC Sex Offense

Disposition Closed - Prosecution Declined

Disposition Date/Time 08/08/18 14:05

Offense Information

Offense Sex Offense

UCR Code
Counts 1
Offense Details Case was Exceptionally Cleared



Male, DOB 9999 - Sex Offense - Case was Exceptionally Cleared


BECKER, MN 55308



Male, DOB 9999 - Sex Offense - Case was Exceptionally Cleared


BECKER, MN 55308


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1155 COUNTY ROAD 75 9999 - Sex Offense - Case was Exceptionally Cleared

Primary Narrative By Jordan Barto, 07/05/18 14:28


​ ​ On the morning of 07/05/18 I was contacted by Deputy Wilmes in regard to a criminal sexual
conduct (CSC) complaint informed him of. Deputy Wilmes provided me with the
complainant's name,​ ,​ and phone number. Shortly after I contacted .
explained that ,​ had an affair with pastor,​ Steve Timm. advised
spoke with attorney whom advised to report it to law enforcement for possible
CSC ​charges. The specific CSC statute reads:

(1) the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy,​ the complainant is not married to the
actor,​ and:

(i) the sexual penetration occurred during the course of a meeting in which the complainant
sought or received religious or spiritual advice,​ aid,​ or comfort from the actor in private; or

(ii) the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was
meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice,​ aid,​ or
comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defense.

I interviewed at approximately 1000 hrs on 07/05/18. Below is a summary of the
interviews. ​


​ ​ . explained that
was fairly normal and that nothing seemed to be wrong. Near the end of February 2018
traveled to . When returned from asked for
some space. began consulting in pastor in regard to problems.
. On 07/03/18 confessed to that had an affair with
pastor Steve. ​

​ ​ Based on conversation with felt that was taken advantage of by someone
(Steve) who was in a position of power. felt that Steve manipulated into an intimate
relationship during a time in which was vulnerable. ​

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explained that
​ ​ has known pastor Steve for approximately years. stated
relationship began with Steve near the end of January 2018. divulged that Steve has
sent some inappropriate text messages. and Steve decided it would be a good idea to
talk it out and decided to do this while going to Ikea to pic up tables for a church event.
informed me that and Steve did not talk about the inappropriate texts while on the way to
Ikea. Once at Ikea Steve told that he wanted to kiss . rejected Steve's advance.
and Steve proceeded to the store. After finishing up shopping and Steve returned to
the vehicle they drove in. During his time Steve grabbed hand and began assisting in
stroking his penis. ​ said that Steve asked to touch and see how tastes but
rejected this . Prior to this occurring mentioned ​Steve
advised that he could no longer consult with as pastor,​ but rather this would need to
be done as friends.

​ ​ stated soon after this and Steve began engaging in an intimate relationship.
and Steve would drive to a park where would perform oral sex on Steve. Near the end of
February 2018 and Steve began engaging in sexual intercourse. The sexual intercourse
continued until the ​beginning of April 2018. When asked why the relationship ended
explained that Steve had told his wife. After Steve confessed to his wife he ended his
relationship with . made no mention of seeking spiritual or religious advise from Steve
during the times in which sexual relations occurred. ​

​ ​ On 07/09/18 I interviewed Pastor Steven Walter Timm ​ at the Wright Co LEC. Prior to
interviewing Steven I advised him the reason I wanted to speak with him. ​

​ ​ Steven met in July 2016 .
. Steven and would text each other and become closer
friends. In December 2017 Steven and began going to the gym and working out together.
Steven recalled a text conversation with where he said something similar to "I am so tough
I can cook bacon naked". According to Steven,​ replied that would like to see that. It
was at this point where Steven and relationship went from platonic to sexual. Steven
detailed the trip to Ikea similarly to description. Steven stated that it was whom
initiated touching his penis. Steven stated they kissed when the returned from Ikea. Steven
explained that they began engaging in a sexual relationship and explained his fantasy of being
dominated by . bought sex toys and used them on Steven's anus,​ acting out his
fantasies. Steven allowed me to photograph two (2) hand written notes he received from .
The first note read,​ "Here you are,​ you slave...put them on and walk around like a
woman!" Steven explained this note was in regard to giving him a pair of underwear to
wear. The second note read,​ I can't wait to see that little cock cage in person!" This note was
signed . The (2) photographs were added into evidence on this case. ​

​ ​ In mid-April 2018 Steven confessed his infidelity to his wife. Soon after Steven would end his
relationship with . According to Steven,​ attempted to continue the relationship after he
ended it. Steven explained that he did not think wanted the relationship to end. Steven
stated the relationship occurred outside of his career as a Pastor and was conducted outside of

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the Church. Steven stated at no point did any sexual contact occur inside the Church. ​

​ D
​ isposition

and Steven were each ​active participants in the aforementioned sexual relationship.
Over the course of two (2) months ​and Steven ​detailed ​several instances of consensual
sexual intercourse. Instead of ceasing the relationship and Steven continued engaging in it.
admitted had feelings for Steve and the only reason the relationship ended was
because Steve chose to do so. made no mention of seeking spiritual or religious advise
from Steve during the times in which sexual relations occurred. ​ stated the affair was
outside of relationship with Steve as a pastor,​ thus does not violate any potential CSC ​
charges. ​

CSC charges were unfounded. I advised
​ ​ that the case would not be moving
forwarded with any criminal charges. ​

​ ​ ​ ​J. Barto ​187

​ ​ ​ ​Records
Supporting Narrative By Jordan Barto, 08/03/18 15:37
Follow Up Interview

On 08/02/18 contacted me via phone and advised had more information to add to the case.
emailed me a link to a St. Cloud Times article where a Pastor was charged with 3rd Degree CSC. believed
case was similar and seemed to wonder why it was not being treated the same way.

On 08/03/18 I contacted and inquired about the information wished to disclose. A follow-up interview was set
up for the afternoon of 08/03/18.

At approximately 1530 hrs I met with and spoke with in interview room S2202 at the LEC. ​

provided me a copy of the MN Statute for 3rd Degree CSC. ​

I went over the statute with and advised that I did not feel case fit the statute but that I would forward the
case to the County Attorney for a charging decision. ​

The information wanted to disclose was in regard to how had been manipulated by Steven Timm prior to their
sexual relationship. stated Steven ​also told ,​ that their relationship would
not ever work and that it should be ended. stated that some of this information was on cell phone but the
phone had recently crashed. I advised if wanted to they could sign a consent to search electronics
form for the cell phone in attempt to recover any possible evidence. ​

I provided with the phone number for the County Attorney's Office and advised that when the case is sent
over could call and talk to whomever the case is assigned to. ​

J.Barto 187

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