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Two Ways To Support Discover Hope’s Future:

Location and Building Fund Fund Discover Hope 517 Operations

To Change a Life is to $360,000 GOA L What do you spend a $1 a week on? Coffee,
Change a Community. chewing gum, to watch TV, or maybe a lottery
ticket? Would you be willing to repurpose it to
Addiction has a grip on the Jasper County change lives in Jasper County? Consider making
community. Discover Hope 517 was founded by a difference by committing now.
Executive Director, Robbie Robinson, an ex-
convict and Aaron Groves, a law enforcement Only 1/week (= $52 annual contribution) and
officer. Their vision for Discover Hope 517 was to payment YOU can be a part of something life changing.
create a safe haven in Christ fo those wanting to raised! Can you double it? ($2/week = $104.) Maybe
restore their lives. you wouldn’t even miss $50/month for 2018.
Whatever you can do, we want it to be easy!
In one year, Discover Hope 517 has outgrown
There is an auto withdraw option on our
their location and they are in the process of
website! Find an easy “Donate Now” button at:
investing in a bigger space to call home. The new
space will provide an Addiction Recovery
Community Center (ARCC), transitional housing,
Fill in the info below and return by mail.
mentor and navigator training, life skills classes,
Insert in envelope (Pre-addressed and available
Name (Print): ____________________________________________________________
evening recovery support classes and community
in several locations or use your own).
events. We need your help to move Discover Hope
517 forward in helping the community break free Commitment Amount: $ Dropin)in the mail with your contribution check
________ (write
from the bondage of addiction. ◻ Weekly ◻ Monthly ◻ Quarterly or
◻ Annually ◻ One time lump sum

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has

become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life Signature: ___________________________ _________________________
has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Contact Information: Phone Email ______________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________
You can make a Please return to: DISCOVER HOPE 5:17
difference. ATTN: Robbie Robinson or Aaron Groves, PO Box 331, Newton, IA 50228
Questions? Office: (641) 841-0598 Robbie: (641) 831-0927
Our mission: Discovering hope through Christ Jesus for those who want to transform to a new live
and break free from their past.

Classification: Personal

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