Fall 2018 English 12 Syllabus - Engelke 1

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Name: ______________________________

Hour: _____

ENGLISH 12 Fall 2018​ – Ms. Kelsey Engelke

Classrooms:​ 116, 126 Email: ​kelsey.engelke@jeffco.k12.co.us Office Hours: ​By appointment

Office:​ Room 127 Website:​ thisisthelitclass.weebly.com (Seniors tab) Planning Periods:​ 1 & 3
A Google Classroom site is also available for students’ assignments.

GHS Mission: ​The staff of Golden High School is committed to fostering a welcoming and collaborative environment through
effective communication and dynamic critical thinking. We are accountable to all members of our community.

GHS Vision: ​At Golden High School, we strive to create life-long learners who are compassionate critical thinkers, creative
problem solvers and responsible community members.

Units of Study and Objectives:


Unit 1:​ ​Writing for Application (Informational writing)

○ Overarching Understanding:​ The conventions of written language facilitate and control communication
between writers and their intended audiences
○ Overarching Essential Question:​ What does my use of conventions tell a reader about me?
Unit 2:​ ​Introduction to Critical Theories and Literary Perspectives/ Interpreting Texts Through Critical Lenses
○ Overarching Understandings:​ Reading enables us to consider multiple perspectives and think critically. Reading
enables us to consider multiple perspectives and think critically.
○ Overarching Essential Questions:​ How does a text affect my perspectives? How do my perspectives influence
my understanding of a text? What was the author trying to make us feel, see, and believe?
Unit 3:​ ​Critical Lens Literary Analysis Essay (Argumentative writing)
○ Overarching Understandings:​ Reasoning must be carefully constructed and supported by evidence.
○ Overarching Essential Question:​ How will what I know and don’t know impact the evidence I use to support
my reasoning?


Unit 1: ​Evaluating Conclusions that Define our Human Experiences/Argumentative: Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
○ Overarching Understandings:​ Researchers are metacognitive about their reasoning and processes as they
consume and generate information. Researchers examine and reveal perspectives as they engage in inquiry.
○ Overarching Essential Questions:​ What questions do researchers ask themselves to check their thinking? What
is the relationship between research/ inquiry and perspective?
Unit 2: Evaluating Relationships between Elements
○ Overarching Understanding:​ As readers comprehend, they interpret and respond differently to texts.
○ Overarching Essential Question:​ Why do readers make sense of texts in different ways?
Unit 3: Reflective Presentation (Narrative writing)
○ Overarching Understanding:​ Listening, speaking, and non-verbal cues are important aspects of communication.
○ Overarching Essential Question:​ How do verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication interact with one

I make every effort to limit homework to only that which is necessary. Students should have the time outside of school to pursue
their goals and interests beyond the academic. However, there will be times when class-time is simply not enough to accomplish
everything necessary for our students to be successful in the future. At these times, I fully expect students to complete the
required work by the assigned date. Regardless of homework, s​ tudents will be expected to read outside of class in an effort to
reach their individual reading goal(s).

Each student will need a spiral, college-ruled notebook to use as your Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook; a folder is also required. For
writing assignments, you will need to use your JEFFCO Google account in order to work at home and at school efficiently. For
the books we read, you may purchase your own copies, check them out from the public library, or read them on a tablet. For
improved comprehension, students might consider using an audio book along with reading the printed text for more challenging
novels especially.

JEFFCO Policy: Makeup work for excused absences

“Makeup work should reflect class assignments missed during the absence, and a reasonable amount of time should be allowed
for work completion. Time allowed to make up work is twice the number of classes or days missed (two days allowed for
makeup work for each day of absence). Students who complete makeup work within the required timeline will receive full
academic credit earned for the makeup work.”

Late work:
GHS students are expected to complete all coursework and submit on time. There will be a ​25% reduction​ of the points earned
on any assignment submitted late. Late work will not be accepted after the end of each respective unit. ​Essays and projects that
are final unit assessments will be assigned with ample time and will not be accepted late.

Tardies and Absences:

Remember the GHS policy: You will be assigned in-school suspension after three unexcused absences or four tardies. Be

Cheating & Plagiarism:

Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class. Plagiarism simply means the attempt to pass off someone else's words
or ideas as your own. In this class, all borrowed words and ideas must be documented. Students who plagiarize or cheat will
receive a zero on the assignment, quiz, or exam.

Electronic gadgets:
Cell phones are not to be seen in this classroom.​ Make a habit of putting your phone away in your backpack or pocket rather
than placing it on your desk. Occasionally cellphones will be used for academic purposes. If you are seen using your phone
during class for nonacademic purposes, your phone may be turned over to the office to be picked up by a parent. iPods and
other portable music devices may not be used during instruction, discussion, or reading. Generally, individual devices used for
playing music will only be used during writing projects.

Food/drink policy:
Avoid having food and drink in the academic areas of the building, but water bottles are acceptable.

Course Grade:
Your overall grade will be comprised of the following two categories:
● Summative Assessments: 60% of your grade. ​This portion of your total grade will consists of assessments that will
demonstrate your mastery of grade level standards. Such assessments could be: essays, exams, and projects.
● Formative Assignments: 40% of your grade. ​This portion of your total grade will consists of assignments that will
demonstrate your development/progress towards grade level standards. Such assignments could be: homework and
reading assignments; drafts of essays; and assignments in your Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook.

Grade Percentages:
90 - 100% A 60 - 69% D
80 - 89% B 0 - 50% F
70 - 79% C

Having read the syllabus, we understand and agree to adhere to the expectations of this class.

Student:__________________________________________ Date:________________________

Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________ Date:________________________

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