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The Addams Family

Gomez: I love the smell of the grave yard… Once a year we gather to honor the great circle of life and
dead. Let’s celebrate be an Addams. Come to me my dear wife! You are so pale, I am so black.

Morticia: We are made one for each other.

Gomez: I love when you talk sexy.

Gomez: Till next year my beloved ancestors.

Lucas: Family…we have a problem!

Wednesday: Ok, I tell them. His name is Tomas. Tomas Banderking. …and we are in Love!

Lucas: That’s right! … little Wednesday Addams, charming, irreplaceable girl, you have grown up and
found love.

Tomas: (Hugs her) Oh Wednesday! I just want to tell your family how much I love you.

Wednesday: No, no my family. They will never understand.

Tomas: Why? Am I not enough for you?


Gomez: (fencing) Fight a man. Come on do your best movements …ha, ha, ha… Damn with your

Large: Re-flex-es

Morticia: Gomez look!

Gomez: Flowers…wahh …who sent us something so tasteless?

Morticia: - To the most precious gift, my beautiful Wednesday.

Gomez: Precious?, Beautiful?, Who talk like this?

Morticia: The Banderking’s - Wednesday’s friend Tomas.

Gomez: Tomas? …but Tomas is a boy’s name.

Morticia: It is.
Gomez: Wednesday has a friend who is a boy?

Morticia: Large, put this in water.

Large: Wa-ter

Parsley: Mum, Dad I brought dinner!

Morticia: Oh honey! Thank you…it’s so nice of you.

Parsley: At the zoo.

Morticia: oh!

Parsley: What’s that awful smell?

Wednesday: Mum, Dad I have something very important to tell you.

Gomez: Go ahead honey!

Parsley: She invited the Banderking’s for dinner.

Gomez: She did what?

Wednesday: Tomas and his family are coming for dinner.

Large: Di- nner

Gomez: Did you invite them for dinner?

Morticia: Don’t worry honey, we have fresh meat. Large prepare something special.

Large: Some-thing spe-cial.

Parsley: Is Anna Coming? Is she?

Gomez: This is too much for me…

Morticia: Honey…

Wednesday: Mum…Can you keep a secret?

Morticia: Of course I can.

Wednesday: Look!
Morticia: Oh, it looks like an engagement ring… it is an engagement ring!

Wednesday: Tomas wants to marry me.

Morticia: What? …Marry you? …Do you want to marry him?

Wednesday: I do. …well I never meet his parents and he never meet mine. He should know where he is
getting into.

Morticia: What do you mean?

Wednesday: I’m saying we are very different. …but we love eachother.

Morticia: Your father will die.

Wednesday: No, please. Don’t tell him.

Morticia: But your father should know you are getting married.

Wednesday: After the dinner, please! …Oh thank you Mum!


Grandma: Something is wrong with Wednesday.

Morticia: Really?

Grandama: She is in the kitchen, Smiling… like this… …may be is that boy.

Morticia: That boy? …don’t be silly.

Grandma: She is my granddaughter, I know something is wrong with her. You are perspiring, are
you hiding me something?

Morticia: Me, no! …hiding something…

Grandma: I know something is happening here …and I will know.


Parsley: Wednesday has a boyfriend, Wednesday kissed a boy, L-O-V-E L-O-V-E

Woow, that was intense. Do it again, do it again!

Wednesday: This dinner has to go ok.

Parsley: Don’t worry. It won’t.

Wednesday: Since I met him, I want to laugh and I see colours everywhere. Something is wrong with

Parsley: Oh, it’s worst than I thought. Maybe Grandama has a potion.

Wednesday: A potion? I didn’t think about that. Thank you!

Parsley: (shouts)


Grandma: Abra Cadabra, witches fingers and toe nails. Spiders legs and…and...

Wednesday: Grandma.

Grandma: I know my girl. You need my help and I will help you. Is that boy, Right?

Wednesday: I think I’m in love… I feel like dancing all the time.

Grandma: Like dancing? Oh no! …we have to do something soon, come with me!


Cousin itt: Ok… family meeting! …about the dinner… it’s something very important to Wednesday.
You must behave. She was very specific.

Gomez: Specific? What do you mean?

Cousin itt: yes, she said that first you have to say thinks like… Hi, Nice to meet you,

Large: Nice – to – meet – you.

Cousin itt: Then eat dinner in manners.

Lucas: We are all manners. (eating a snot)

Gomez: Sorry, we are not interested in meeting that people. What for?

Cousin itt: They are in love.

Gomez: They what? (heart attack)

Morticia: Oh honey!
Gomez: Cara mia! What is happening?

Cousin itt: She asked you to act normal.

Lucas: Normal? Define normal.

Cousin itt: Not like you, not like me, not like us.

Gomez: Is she ashamed to be an Addams? (heart attack)

Morticia: please honey! …she is confused, that’s all.


Mr. Banderking: Tomas, enough is enough! Give me that map.

Mrs. Banderking: We have been walking for hours.

Anna: I’m tired.

Tomas: Wait! I know this place. This is where I saw her for the first time. I got lost, and there she
was, Wednesday!

Anna: Oh no, here he goes again.

Mr. Banderking: Give me that thing.

Mrs. Banderking: My feet….I can’t walk any single step.

Mr. Banderking: This way!... let’s go.


Cousin itt: She just want a normal night.

Lucas: Here they’re coming. Take your places.

Large: Come- in – Bander -kings. You – are – wel –come.

Mrs. Bandrerking: Hello, Sorry about the time. We got a little lost.

Mr. Banderking: …but finally we are here!

Tomas: Where is Wednesday?
Large: Wednes – day . (leaves the room)

Mrs. Banderking: Look at this place, …it’s so strange!

Anna: Mum, I don’t like this place.

Mr. Banderking: I think I saw enough.

Tomas: Please! May be they are different, but they are good people.

Mrs. Banderking: Tomas is right. Let’s meet them.

Mr. Banderking: So you are the butler?

Large: But – ler.

Gomez: Hello…You arewelcome to the Addams family normal house.

Mr. Banderking: It’s a pleasure Mr. Addams.

Gomez: So exquisite.

Mrs. Banderking. Oh, Thank you Mr. Addams. Nice to meet you.

Gomez: …and you must be the little Anna.

Anna: Nice to meet you sir.

Tomas: It’s a pleasure to meet Wednesday’s father. Let me tell you how much I appreciate your lovely

Gomez? Lovely? She is not lovely.

Mrs. Banderking: She is not?

Gomez: Cara mia!.... she is my wife, mother of my children, the love of my life. Morticia!

Morticia: Oh, thanks honey. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Mrs. Banderking: Alice, I’m Alice.

Morticia: Alice. …and you must be Tomas. Nice name!

Tomas: Thank you Mrs. Addams. Now I know where Wednesday takes her beauty from.
Morticia: You are a Gentleman.

Wednesday: Hi, I’m Wednesday (Greets Alice and Mr.Banderking)

Morticia: What are you wearing?

Wednesday: A dress. Hi Anna.

Anna: You look beautiful Wednesday.

Morticia: A yellow dress? … sorry I’m not going to tolerate that colours in my house. Oh nooo, it’s

Grandma: She is just pretending to be normal. Keep calm!

Tomas: You look like a princess.

Large: Prin – cess.

Mrs. Banderking: You have a lovely dress Wednesday.

Gomez: …and this is my mother in law, the spirit of the house.

Grandma: you look so normal. Welcome home.

Mr. Banderking: …a pleasure madam.

Gomez: this is our son, Parsley Addams.

Parsley: Hi Anna. Do you want to see my bedroom?

Anna: No. Thanks.

Mrs. Banderking: Anna. Don’t be rude.

Parsley: Would you like to make a donation?

Mr. Banderking: Of course, what are you collecting for?

Parsley: just put the money in the can and nobody will get hurt.

Gomez: …and my brother, Lucas.

Lucas: Nice to meet you… so you are the reason why Wednesday has been so strange those days?
Tomas: I don´t know… Am I?

Wednesday: Please, Uncle Lucas!

Lucas: Be careful I´m watching you.

Tomas: Okey.

Large: Come this way, Dinner is ready!


Tomas: So you didn´t tell your parents about us? Why? I don´t understand… Don´t you want to marry

Wednesday: My family is not like yours…. Just give me time.

Tomas: Time? …why? …they don´t like me. Right?

Cousin It: It´s not you. They don´t like anybody.

Tomas: haaaaaaa… What´s that?

Wednesday: It´s Cousin It.

Tomas: This thing is your cousin?

Wednesday: I told you…my family is not like yours.

Cousin It: Am I not normal enough for you?

Tomas: Oh noo…sorry… I didn´t mean that. Of course you are…very normal. I love Wednesday and
I also will love her family.

Cousin It: I like him!


Mrs. Banderking: I am so proud of my Tomas! …He has became into a honest and gentle man. When his
grandfather, my father in law died Tomas promised him to keep this surname in status.

Lucas: Oh he died. …I like that!

Mrs. Banderking: Sorry? What did you say?

Morticia: He means that he is so sorry to hear that.

Mrs. Banderking: Oh… Thankyou!

Gomez: …And Tomas…What do you do?

Tomas: I study Sir and also take care of my grandfather´s business.

Gomez: That´s good. …and what are you studing for?

Tomas: Forensic.

Lucas: Forensic! Welcome to the family. I really like this guy.

Morticia: Why did you choose that?

Tomas: Well you are able to get a look to the inside of dead people bodies. I find it exciting!

Mr. Banderking: …and they don´t mind because they are dead. hahaha

Gomez: hahahaha… I like this people!

Wednesday: We found eachother …it´s kind of miracle.

Grandma: Miracle?

Tomas: Wednesday…I think is time.

Grandma: Time for what?

Mr. Banderking: What are you talking about Tomas?

Parsley: I know, I know.

Wednesday: Shut up Persley.

Tomas: Mrs and Mr Addams… the reason why we are here is because I want to ask you for your
daughter´s house.

Gomez: You what?

Morticia: Oh Honey!
Wednesday: Please Dad, we love eachother.

Parsley: They love each other… L – O – V- E ha ha ha

Wednesday: Stop.

Grandma: Parsley …respect your sister!

Parsley: Grandma…. Did you pee again?

Grandma: I´m afraid I did.

Morticia: Oh Mum!

Large: I clean.

Lucas: So you want to get married?

Gomez: Getting married? Lucas, what are you talking about?

Tomas: We do.

Mrs Banderking: Oh… You have my blessing dear.

Morticia: Ok…If that is what you want… you have mine too.

Gomez: Cara Mia… what are you saying?

Morticia: Sorry Honey.

Anna: You are a really nice couple.

Parsley: Nice couple (vomit face)

Wednesday: Dad? …Say something. (She cries and runs - Tomas goes after her - Parsley makes a victory
Grandma: Oh poor girl.

Large: Wha – ter sir?

Mr. Banderking: I think I´m leaving.

Anna: Don´t you see how much they love each other?
Large: This way.
Mrs. Banderking: Thank you for the dinner!

Parsley: Good bye Anna.

Anna: Good bye.

(Parsley victory dance)


(Wednesday with a suitcase)

Cousin It: Where are you going honey?

Wednesday: I´m leaving, I love Tomas and ….they will never understand.

Cousin It: Follow your heart. (hugs her)

Gomez: You are not going anywhere… Wednesday Addams… I am your father and I love you so much

Wednesday: Dad! (Runs to hug him)

Parsley: Nooooo!

Large: That means par – ty.


Tango - Lucas and Cousin It

Mr and Mrs Banderking
Parsley and Anna
Large and Sol
Gomez and Morticia
Tomas and Wednesday

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