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Section 1 Introduction

Table of Contents
1.1 Bridge Policy ................................................................................... 1-1

1.2 Organizations and Functions ......................................................... 1-2

1.2.1 Services Development Section .......................................................... 1-2

1.2.2 Bridge Planning Section .................................................................... 1-2
1.2.3 Bridge Design Section ....................................................................... 1-4
1.2.4 Structural Services Section ............................................................... 1-6

1.3 Preparation of Bridge Plans ......................................................... 1-12

1.4 Consulting Engineers .................................................................... 1-13

1.5 Checklist for Preparation of TSL Plans ....................................... 1-14

1.5.1 General ............................................................................................ 1-14

1.5.2 Plan View......................................................................................... 1-14
1.5.3 Elevation View ................................................................................. 1-16
1.5.4 Upper Left Hand Corner Data .......................................................... 1-17
1.5.5 Cross Section .................................................................................. 1-17
1.5.6 Section thru Abutment ..................................................................... 1-17
1.5.7 Pier Sketch ...................................................................................... 1-18
1.5.8 Supplemental Sections .................................................................... 1-18
1.5.9 Title Block ........................................................................................ 1-18
1.5.10 Profile Grade ................................................................................... 1-19
1.5.11 Horizontal Curve Data ..................................................................... 1-19
1.5.12 Location Sketch ............................................................................... 1-19
1.5.13 Design Stresses .............................................................................. 1-19
1.5.14 Other ............................................................................................... 1-19

1.6 Checklist for Use in the Final Plan Preparation .......................... 1-20

1.6.1 General ............................................................................................ 1-20

1.6.2 General Plan and Elevation............................................................. 1-20
1.6.3 Footing Layout, Stage Construction Details, Etc.............................. 1-22
1.6.4 Deck Elevations ............................................................................... 1-22
1.6.5 Deck Details .................................................................................... 1-22
1.6.6 Bridge Parapet Rail Details ............................................................. 1-23
1.6.7 Framing Plan and Beam/Girder Details .......................................... 1-23

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1.6.8 Abutment Details ............................................................................. 1-25
1.6.9 Pier Details ...................................................................................... 1-27
1.6.10 Standardized Details ....................................................................... 1-28
1.6.11 Special Provisions ........................................................................... 1-28
1.6.12 Pay Item Worksheet ........................................................................ 1-28

1.7 Phase II Consultant Contracts ...................................................... 1-28

1.7.1 "Interim Plan-Review" Meeting Requirements ................................. 1-29

Apr. 97
Section 1 Introduction
Table of Figures

1.2 Organizations and Functions .........................................................1-2

Figure 1.2-1 Bureau of Bridges and Structures Organizational Chart ...1-8

Figure 1.2.2-1 Bridge Planning Organizational Chart ............................... 1-9
Figure 1.2.3-1 Bridge Design Organizational Chart ................................ 1-10
Figure 1.2.4-1 Structural Services Organizational Chart ........................ 1-11

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Bridge Policy A s directed by the Engineer of Bridges and Structures, it is the responsi-
bility of the Engineer of Bridge Design to develop, maintain and administer the
policies that govern the design and preparation of plans and specifications of
all bridges under the jurisdiction of the Division of Highways.

This Manual, supplemented by the Prestressed Concrete Manual, Culvert

Manual, Drainage Manual, and the Structural Services Manual, is the vehicle
by which this policy is controlled. Presented herein is a compilation of design
and plan presentation procedures, specification interpretations, standard
practices, and details which constitute “policy”. While this Manual attempts to
unify and clarify bridge design policy performed by or for the Illinois Division of
Highways, it does not preclude justifiable exceptions; subject to the approval
of the Engineer of Bridges and Structures, provided the exceptions are based
on sound engineering principals. Good design practice will always require a
combination of basic engineering principles, experience, and judgment in order
to furnish the best possible structure, within reasonable economic limitations,
to suit an individual site. The policies in this Manual have been established
primarily for application to normal short and medium span highway structures
using conventional construction methods. The policies and details within this
manual meet the minimum AASHTO requirements for Seismic Performance
Category A with a low probability of being exceeded during the normal life
expectancy for a bridge. Bridges and their components that are designed to
resist Category A forces and constructed in accordance with the design details
contained in this manual should not experience total collapse but may sustain
repairable damage due to seismically induced ground shaking. Structures in
Seismic Performance Categories B & C will require additional analysis as per
the latest edition of the AASHTO Specifications for Seismic Design. These
policies are subject to re-examination and may not be applicable to long span
or high clearance structures such as major river crossings or multi-level
interchange complexes.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

This Manual is an active manual in the respect that as research, new products,
and new experiences dictate, new or revised sheets and figures will be issued.
As these sheets are received, they should be immediately incorporated in the
book, as instructed, so that the Manual’s integrity is maintained.

1.2 Organizations
and Functions
T he Bureau of Bridges and Structures is a part of the Program Development
area of the Division of Highways. The Engineer of Bridges and Structures as
head of the Bureau, is responsible for planning, developing and maintaining the
State’s bridge engineering program, policies, specifications and standards
which will facilitate the best utilization of resources for accomplishing objectives
of the Division of Highways.

To fulfill these responsibilities, the Bureau is organized into four Sections;

Services Development Section, Bridge Planning Section, Bridge Design
Section, and the Structural Services Section as illustrated in the Organization
Chart in Figure 1.2-1.

1.2.1 Services This Section is responsible for managing the Bureau’s operating budget;
Development personnel and salary administration; business service activities; fiscal payment
Section processing; typing services; file maintenance; and administrative staff support.

This unit also makes structural inspections on both state and jointly owned
structures and insures compliance with the National Bridge Inspection Stan-
dards for those structures under Illinois jurisdiction.

1.2.2 Bridge This Section is under the direct supervision of the Engineer of Bridge Planning.
Planning This Section composed of four units, is responsible for project programming
and the preliminary design of bridges and structures including the hydraulic
engineering, soils analysis and foundation determination and has corollary
responsibilities for highway drainage design and roadway geotechnical analy-

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

· Project Planning Units

Under the direction of the Unit Chief, this unit is responsible for project
programming and monitoring; bridge management system development;
the bureau’s consultant service activities; prequalification of structural
engineering consultants; preparation of Inter-State agreements; conduct-
ing special engineering studies and reports; and for the analysis and
approval of man-hour requirements for structural engineering, and consult-
ing engineering agreements.

This unit also prepares detailed economic evaluations of alternate struc-

ture types and configurations, structural analyses, and aesthetic studies,
formulates the basic type and shape for proposed structures utilizing
current State and Federal design policies. This unit reviews and approves
Bridge Condition Reports, prepares Type, Size and Location Plans and
reviews those prepared by consultants. The BCR details the scope of work
for a bridge project and is utilized in the Project Report to secure design
approval. The TSL Plan documents the basic features of the structure and
is used to secure approval and to detail the basic project parameters for the

· Hydraulics Unit
Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit performs hydraulic studies
of all stream crossing structures assigned to the Section to insure that they
are designed in accordance with the policies and procedures of the
Department. The unit also performs hydraulic studies of special drainage
projects involving pumping stations, complex storm sewer projects, deten-
tion basins, flumes, channel changes, energy dissipators and other
unusual drainage structures. It is responsible for the development and
implementation of all drainage policies and technical hydrologic and
hydraulic procedures used by the Division of Highways and provides
technical advice and solutions on difficult drainage problems to the Districts
and other Central Bureaus. The unit also obtains all necessary construc-
tion permits for bridges, culverts, and channel changes from the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

· Foundations and Soils Unit

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit prepares the foundation
treatment of all bridges and traffic structures designed for the State of
Illinois. This includes the soil pressure analysis for cofferdams and earth
retaining structures. In addition, this unit acts in an advisory capacity in the
solution of soil problems on projects other than bridge structures. This unit
also prepares and reviews the geotechnical reports for proposed highway

1.2.3 Bridge Design This Section is under the direct supervision of the Engineer of Bridge Design.
Section This Section, composed of three units and the Final Plan Control, Estimates
and Special Provisions Engineer, is responsible for the design and preparation
of bridge and structure plans for the Department; the initiation, development
and dissemination of policies, design and seismicity procedures and structural
theories to be used in selection, proportioning, and detailing members and
components used in any bridge or structure type used on our highway system;
the development of specifications and special provisions for all materials and
procedures as they relate to their use and application in bridges and structures;
preparation of bridge and structure estimates of cost and time estimates;
evaluation and utilization of new structure types, products, techniques and
materials; and the resolution of bridge and structure construction problems.

· Final Plan Control, Estimates and Special Provisions Unit

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit makes the final review
ensuring compatibility of roadway and bridge plans; evaluates, develops
and recommends approval of bridge special provisions; prepares cost and
time estimates for new bridge designs, products, or construction methods;
and seeks out, evaluates and recommends the use of new design and
construction techniques, products and materials.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

· Bridge Design & Review Units

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, each unit performs the analysis and
evaluation of structural designs, develops and prepares bridge and
structural plans for use on the State Highway System; performs the
analysis, evaluation and approval of final contract plans for bridges and
structures prepared for the Department by outside consultants or by Local
Agencies; evaluates and studies construction problems and develops
details for corrective action; develops and implements policies and proce-
dures for the design and plan preparation by outside agencies for structures
on the Primary and Secondary State Highway Systems; and conducts the
performance evaluation of consultant prepared plans.

· Bridge Standards and Specifications

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit develops, and maintains
all bridge and structure design policies including seismic design proce-
dures, standard plans and Design Manuals; analyzes, reviews and devel-
ops standards for special structures, highway appurtenances, and special-
ized design and construction concepts developed by outside agencies;
designs new specialized structure components utilized by the Bridge
Design and Review Groups in structural plan preparation; seeks out,
evaluates and develops policy and guides for use of new design and
construction techniques, products and materials; reviews and approves/
disapproves shop plans for precast Box Culverts, Three sided Precast
Concrete Structures, and Noise Walls; monitors structure related Standard
Specifications for incorporation in the Standard Specifications for Road
and Bridge Construction; development of the bureau's technical programs
and systems; and the bureau's development of plans utilizing CADD. The
Unit Chief serves, representing the Bureau, on the Department’s Specifi-
cation Committee.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.2.4 Structural This Section is under the direct supervision of the Engineer of Structural
Services Services. This Section, composed of four units, is responsible for the
specialized structural investigations of bridges leading to the development of
repair plans, bridge ratings and capacity limits, shop plans, fabrication inspec-
tions, and overload permit approvals. This section is also responsible for all
bridge inspection activities on the Illinois Highway System and compliance with
the National Bridge Inspection Standards.

· Bridge Investigations and Repair Plans Unit:

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit investigates and prepares
plans for structures in need of repair, either from general deterioration or
from accidental damage. The uniqueness of this Unit is the need of its
personnel to be able to readily adapt to the “repair climate” which ranges
from the usual tasks to the immediate and frequently complex emergency
temporary repairs. This unit is also accountable for developing policies and
procedures and for directing programs for bridge maintenance and bridge
inspection activities for the state highway system. These responsibilities
are critical to state compliance with the National Bridge Inspection Stan-
dards. The unit is responsible for the development and maintenance of the
Repair Section of the Structural Services Manual including policy, plan
preparation, and details for repair of existing structures. The unit is also
responsible for maintaining an active inventory of all contract, as-built, and
shop plans for all state maintained structures.

· Local Bridge Unit:

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit provides administrative
and technical expertise to local agencies concerning local bridge matters.
Areas of involvement include policy development and implementation in
bridge and culvert planning, design, and construction; NBIS inventory,
inspection, and rating; and bridge repair and rehabilitation. The unit is also
responsible for the inspection of structures, the determination of load
carrying capacity, and the recommendation of load posting or closure when
requested by local agencies

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

· Structural Ratings and Permits Unit:

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit is responsible for
computing the load carrying capacity for all newly designed structures and
updating the load carrying capacity for existing structures, as conditions
change; analysis of field inspection data for possible load restriction
recommendations to the districts; and reporting to the Highway Record
Data Bank. The unit also investigates structures for heavier than legal
loads as requested by the Bureaus of Operations and Construction
pursuant to the issuance of permits by the Department.

· Shop Plans & Steel Fabrication Inspection Unit:

Under the supervision of the Unit Chief, this unit is responsible for the review
and approval/disapproval of all shop plans required for all bridge and sign
structures involving fabrication of structural materials. The unit also
provides shop inspection services for the fabrication, welding and non-
destructive testing of structural steel bridges and aluminum overhead sign
structures. In addition, the unit acts as adviser in matters associated with
structural steel, structural aluminum, welding and non-destructive testing.
The unit is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the
Sign Structures Manual including policy, plan preparation, standards, and
inspection of all state maintained sign structures.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction
Figure 1.2-1
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Figure 1.2.2-1
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Figure 1.2.3-1
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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction
Figure 1.2.4-1
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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.3 Preparation of
Bridge Plans
T he preparation of all bridge plans is initiated by the submittal of the Structure
Report and, where applicable, the Hydraulic Report Data sheets. The
information contained in these Reports are the basis upon which the structure
is hydraulically and geometrically proportioned, and sufficient data must be
furnished to fully delineate all field conditions. Particular care must be taken
to supply complete information on existing structures which are to be incorpo-
rated into the plans. Upon completion of the final plans, the Structure Report
is re-examined by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures for conformance to the
final design and is filed as a permanent record.

From the data furnished in the Structure Report, the Type, Size & Location Plan
(TSL Plan) is prepared. This plan shows the general plan and elevation of the
structure and general descriptions and treatments of the basic components. It
is employed as an exhibit for presentation to the District Engineer and to other
agencies for their concurrence in the relation to overall features of the structure.
The data necessary for all approvals must be included. A Hydraulic Report must
be completed in accordance with the policies and procedures in the Drainage
Manual and approved by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures as a necessary
part of the design of all bridges over water courses. In addition to the District
Office, other agencies whose approvals are required, when applicable, include
the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, the
Illinois Division of Water Resources, railroads, utilities, and the U.S. Coast
Guard (when navigable streams are affected). After all the necessary
approvals of the TSL Plan have been received, the detailed design and
preparation of the final plan is initiated.

The final design plans constitute the single most important document neces-
sary for the construction of bridge structures. The final plans must agree with
the approved TSL Plan in all details. If it is found necessary to deviate from the
TSL Plan during design, prior approval must be obtained from the Engineer of
Bridges and Structures before such change can be incorporated. Since any
deviation could involve concurrence by other applicable agencies, sufficient
time must be allowed for processing.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

After the final plans are completed, they are submitted to the Engineer of
Bridges and Structures for approval and signature to denote acceptance of the
plans. The plans are then stored until placed on contract. During this time, if
policy changes dictate, the plans are updated in accordance with current
design policy and then transmitted to the Project Development and Implemen-
tation Section of the Bureau of Design and Environment for contract process-

1.4 Consulting
C onsulting engineers are retained by the Division of Highways for the
design of bridge structures when the plan production capacity of the Bureau
of Bridges and Structures must be supplemented. The consultant must be
prepared to undertake any or all of the necessary steps inherent in production
of the final plans as per the state of the art and in compliance with the policies.
These are: the field site investigation, preparation of the Structure Report,
economic studies, bridge type selection studies, preparation of the TSL Plan
and final detail plans, constructability and the shop plan review. During the
construction phase of the project, it is his/her responsibility to interpret the plans
and to undertake the correction of any construction difficulties resulting from
design plan errors or inconsistencies.

Included herein are guidelines and requirements to help the consultants in the
development of the TSL plans and in the design and preparation of the Final
Plans. Adherence to these guidelines will facilitate expeditious review and
approval of the final plans and eliminate last minute changes and delays. The
guidelines are presented in the following manner:

- Check list for preparation of TSL plans based on Section 2 of the

Bridge Manual
- Check list for use in the final plan preparation based on Section 3 of
the Bridge Manual
- Phase II consultant contracts.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.5 Checklist for

Preparation of
S ee Figures 2.8-1 thru 2.8-7 in the Bridge Manual for examples.

TSL Plans

1.5.1 General 1. Check correspondence file, Bridge Condition Report, Structure Report
and Hydraulic Report to see that the TSL plan agrees with the listed
reports and that the structure fits the site conditions. Microfilm
correspondence files may have additional information for rehabilitation
jobs. Check the fabrication plans for truss, plate girder and other major
thru type structures for detrimental details and welds.
2. Pertinent existing structure dimensions are to be verified with field
measurements before portions of that existing structure are incorpo-
rated into a new structure.
3. The top and bottom slabs of multiple box culvert extensions should be
designed as continuous members according to present design policies.

1.5.2 Plan View 1. Provide span lengths, end distances (for new structures and super-
structures utilizing flanged sections), back-to-back abutments, skew
angle, width, clearance and out-to-out dimensions.
2. Show stations and elevations along profile grade line.
3. Show station equation for intersecting reference lines on roadways.
4. Show stations and offsets to roadway tapers that are across or under
the structure.
5. Bridges are laid out with stationing going from left to right.
6. Culverts are laid out with stationing going from bottom to top (culvert
lengths from the roadway centerline to culvert ends along its centerline
should be rounded off to the nearest 100 mm).
7. Show stationing direction on road under (flow or unclear traffic direc-
8. Show pavement and shoulder dimensions.
9. Show location of minimum vertical clearance.
10. Indicate important horizontal clearances such as roadway to piers,
walls or culvert ends.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

11. Show stage construction line and temporary sheet piling location, when
12. Show deck drains and spacing. See Section 3.2.10 in the Bridge
Manual and Section 1-303.02 in the Drainage Manual for detailed
13. Plot boring locations.
14. Show berm width, when applicable. See Figures 2.6.2-1 and 2.6.2-2
in the Bridge Manual.
15. Show proper “picture” of end slope configuration.
16. Show slopewall or riprap extension for 600 mm above DHW and 3 m
past abutments on the upstream side. Slopewall is not provided
between dual highway structures over roadways.
17. Show outline of limits of existing structure including piers. Avoid plan
layouts that permit interference between existing and proposed sub-
structure elements.
18. Show shoulder embankment slopes, if known.
19. Show slopewall slope at right angle to stream.
20. Show pipe culverts and local drainage near structure.
21. Add shoulder widening note for guardrail where structures are wider
than approach roadway. “The width between the guardrails shall be
the width between the bridge rails or parapets which will require
approach shoulder widening.”
22. Bridge approach pavement (9 m Std. 420401).
23. Show guardrail at proper ends.
24. Check for proper drafting (particularly at bridge ends).
25. Show railroad mile post information and railroad deck drain note.
26. Show approach curb and gutter type, if applicable.
27. Show north arrow.
28. Show all retaining walls and provide appropriate details.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.5.3 Elevation View 1. Use same scales for vertical and horizontal dimensioning.
2. Show bridge omission stations.
3. Show fixity and expansion conditions at all substructure elements.
4. Show clearance dimensions - vertical and horizontal.
5. Show end post treatment - anchor bolt note - guardrail.
6. Show estimated footing elevations, pile type with estimated capacities
and lengths and battered piles as needed for foundations on piles and
allowable soil bearing pressures for foundations on spread footings.
7. Show beam type and depth.
8. Show slopewall with toewalls, etc.
9. Show pipe culverts through embankment if required.
10. Show pier elevation consistent with pier sketch.
11. Plot natural ground line.
12. Show 60'-0" construction embankment lines (new construction).
13. Show elevation at ditch and/or ground elevation at piers (between
divided highways).
14. For controlled access - Note: Conduits to be provided for future lighting.
15. Show stream bed elevation and channel width, where applicable.
16. Place bottom culvert slab 75 mm below flow line. See Section
17. Show H.W. elevation and appropriate design year.
18. Show pier thickness (stream crossing only).
19. Add note: “Backfill behind abutment by Bridge Contractor.” (open
abutments on new embankments only). See Figure 3.9.1-3 in the
Bridge Manual.
20. Add note for railroad jobs - “No deck drains will be permitted in the span
over tracks or within 3 m of cross arms of a railroad pole line.”
21. Provide vertical scale to determine natural ground elevations.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.5.4 Upper Left 1. Show bench mark note.

Hand Corner 2. Show existing structure description, length, width and old structure
3. Show staging instructions.
4. Add note when to remove existing structure, if necessary.
5. Show salvage materials.

1.5.5 Cross Section 1. Check that bridge width is correct for roadway classification and is
consistent with the approved BCR.
2. The following should be shown on each cross section:
a) Dimension bridge roadway and shoulder widths.
b) Slab thickness.
c) Stringer size, spacing, fillets and composite note.
d) Rail type and vertical dimensions.
e) Crown configuration and location of profile grade application.
See Figure 2.6.3-1 in the Bridge Manual.
f) Class I and waterproofing - indicate thickness.
g) C&G type, if applicable - (median and sidewalk). A 150 mm high
mountable or barrier curb may be used for bridge deck medians
and in some special cases a 225 mm barrier curb may be used.
h) For curved bridges: Offset tangent.
3. Check to see if a longitudinal open joint is needed - See Figure
3.2.7-1 in Bridge Manual.
4. Show staging details with type of temporary barrier to be used.
5. Show deck drains. Omit drains on high side in case of superelevation.

1.5.6 Section thru 1. Show proper type - with vaulted abutments, show type of superstruc-
Abutment ture, i.e. sand filled or PCC I-beams.
2. Show bridge omission application location.
3. Show expansion joint types - remember skew limitations. See Figure
3.4.2-6 in the Bridge Manual.
4. Show approach pavement, do not use wearing surface on new
approach pavement.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

5. Show only dimensions that are necessary for planning purposes.

6. Show back of abutment location, clearance to berm, back wall thick-
nesses and joint type.
7. Show all bearing types.
8. Show porous granular embankment, perforated drain pipe and
geotechnical fabric. (see Figure 3.6.12-1 in the Bridge Manual.)

1.5.7 Pier Sketch 1. Show proper type of pier for abutment used.
2. Show correct number of columns. See Figures 3.7.1-1 and 3.7.1-2 in
the Bridge Manual.
3. Make sketch to scale for esthetic evaluation of pier shape.
4. Add crash wall for railroad jobs. See Figure 3.7.3-1 in the Bridge
5. Provide dimension from ground line to top of crash wall.
6. Show open joint in caps and construction joint in base wall for long piers.
See Section 3.7.3 in the Bridge Manual.
7. In general use circular columns for railroad piers.
8. Encase pile bents in debris laden streams.
9. Show median ditch elevation.

1.5.8 Supplemental 1. Provide section at W.T. showing 600 mm or 1.5 m slopewall or riprap
Sections extension.
2. Show 50 mm riser with triangular top. See Section A-A, Figure 3.9.4-
1 in the Bridge Manual.
3. Show section thru slopewall - I.C.G. RR has special requirements.
(1 m deep toe).

1.5.9 Title Block General plan, marked route over feature name, designated fund, route,
section, county, station and structure number.

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1.5.10 Profile Grade 1. Show location, grades, curve length and elevations and stations of
2. Show all profiles for roads over and under.

1.5.11 Horizontal PI Station, I, D, R, L, T, E, PC Station, PT Station, SE and crown

Curve Data attainment stations.

1.5.12 Location Show Range, Township, Principle Meridian, Section Numbers, North
Sketch Arrow and Proposed Structure.

1.5.13 Design 1. Show field units - precast units.

Stresses 2. Show alternate loads, FAI only.
3. Show future wearing surface.
4. Show loading MS18.
5. Show design specifications note.
6. Show seismic data: Seismic Performance Category (SPC), bedrock
acceleration coefficient (A), site coefficient (S).

1.5.14 Other 1. Show waterway information table.

2. Show roadway data (Highway Classification), including ADT, DHV and
3. Show offset sketches for horizontally curved roadways.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.6 Checklist for

Use in the
Final Plan

1.6.1 General 1. To become familiar with the project the designer should review the
previous correspondence, bridge condition report, structure report,
hydraulic and foundation recommendations, previous shop plans if any
and existing plans.
2. The checklist of items below is given for guidance only and is not all
inclusive. The designer and the checker should supplement this
checklist with additional material suitable to the specific project to
achieve a better quality control. The referenced figures are included
in the Bridge Manual unless otherwise indicated.
3. The plans, Standard Specifications, Supplemental Specifications,
recurring Special Provisions and Special Provisions form the contract
documents. The designer has the responsibility to see that there are
no errors or omissions and possibilities of misinterpretation by the
4. Plans depict the scope of work graphically. Generally they define
extent, locations, sizes, thicknesses and similar quantity consider-
ations. Specifications describe the quality of material and equipment,
the installation methods and techniques and the results to be achieved.
Requirements should be defined in only one place. Only where special
emphasis is required will items be covered by both the Special
Provisions and shown on the drawings.
5. For each project the consultant's performance will be evaluated for
timeliness in meeting schedules, cooperation, coordination, quality and
adequacy of structural design and plans, drafting quality, extent of
corrections and initiative in identifying design issues.

1.6.2 General Plan 1. Check conformance with approved TSL plan and make sure that the
and Elevation following information shown on the TSL plan is not included in the Final

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

a) Bridge omission.
b) Estimated pile capacities, lengths and allowable soil bearing
pressure. Show only the pile type.
c) Cross section, section thru abutment, pier sketch etc.
d) Roadway data (highway classification).
e) Do not show limits of structure excavation. These limits are
governed by standard specifications.
2. Confirm inclusion of the following information if there are integral
a) Limits of porous granular embankment and pipe drain with filter
cloth. See Figure 3.6.12-1.
b) Bridge approach pavement. Standards should be included with
roadway plans.
3. Show name plate lettering and show location of name plate on plans.
If it is rehabilitation add note on relocating the existing name plate. See
Figures 3.10-1 thru 3.10-3.
4. Include all applicable general notes. See Section 3.1.3.
a) Specify type of paint system and Munsell number. Consult with
b) Specify method of cleaning for existing beams.
5. Total Bill of Material :
Try to use coded pay items as much as possible. Verify to see if non-
coded pay items are properly covered in the Special Provisions. Note
any missing pay items. Incidental items should be included in a specific
pay item. Do not make an item incidental to contract.
6. Show slope wall details. See Figure 3.9.4-1.
7. Affix structural seal and signature.
8. Limits of temporary sheet piling indicating top and bottom elevations
and lengths shall be shown in the plan. Add note stating that the
information shown is estimated.
9. Stage construction line if any.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

1.6.3 Footing 1. For dual structures, single structure on curved alignment and other
Layout, Stage unusual situations, footing layout should be shown. See Figures
3.1.8-1 thru 3.1.8-3.
Details, Etc.
2. Sketches showing the stage removal and stage construction of the
superstructure and limits of removal of the substructure should be
shown. Generally show 4 elevation views: Stage I Removal; Stage I
Construction; Stage II Removal; Stage II Construction.
3. Show location of temporary concrete barrier and temporary bridge rail.
Use of temporary bridge rail should be limited to existing portion of the
deck. Utilize the Standard Base Sheets R-25 (M) and R-27 (M).
4. Is the cost of removal of non-standard items properly accounted for (e.g.
removal of existing bridge rail etc.) by notes or Special Provisions?
5. Show detail of partial and full deck patching shown where applicable.
See IDOT “Guidelines for Bridge Deck Repair Projects” dated July
6. Is there a suggested sequence of construction shown when neces-

1.6.4 Deck Check the following:

Elevations 1. Fillet details. See Figure 3.2.4-6 (or Prestressed Concrete Manual).
2. Dead load deflection diagram (deadload of concrete deck and all
superimposed dead loads except future wearing surface).
3. Layout of elevation lines. See Figure 3.1.9-1.

1.6.5 Deck Details 1. Cross Section.

a) Are the cross sectional dimensions shown as in the Standard
Base Sheets of the Bridge Manual?
b) Location of longitudinal bonded construction joints. In general,
PPC I-beam bridges do not use longitudinal bonded construc-
tion joints.
c) Crown, total drop, bar clearance, slab thickness and location
of profile grade line must be shown on cross section.

Page 1-22 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

2. Plan
a) Design the area of the main reinforcement and distribution of
steel in accordance with Figure 3.2.2-1 and Section 3.2.2.
b) Make sure top and bottom reinforcement are lapped at different
locations. See Section 3.1.4.
c) Specify minimum lap lengths.
d) Show top bars in the slab under the curb lapped with alternate
transverse bars at the top of the slab. See Figure 3.2.4-2.
e) The section at the top of the slab should be shown.
3. See Section 3.2.8 for deck pouring sequence. If required, the pouring
sequence should be shown on the plans.
4. Show the notes on epoxy coating of the bars, etc.
5. Show expansion joint requirements and details. See Section 3.4.
6. Show deck drainage system and locations. See Figure 3.2.10-1, Base
Sheets DS-1 (M) thru DS-4 (M) and memoranda to Designers.
7. On stage construction jobs, check dimension designations, bar call-
outs, bar splicers. See Base Sheet BSD-1.

1.6.6 Bridge Show parapet details. See Figure 3.2.4-2.

Parapet Rail a) Show Mandatory Bonded Construction Joint at top of slab and
curb as shown.
b) Show aluminum plate parapet joint locations. See Section
c) Show end of parapet details for expansion joint treatment.

1.6.7 Framing Plan 1. A framing plan for steel layout must be shown.
and Beam/ a) Show beam/girders spacing, lengths.
Girder Details
b) Show diaphragm/cross frame locations for beam/girder struc-
tural requirements. See Figures 3.3.17-1 thru 3.3.17-9.
c) If curved, a table of layout dimensions is required. See Figure
d) North arrow is required.

Apr. 99 Page 1-23

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

2. The steel beams/girders shall be designed per the requirements of

Section 10 of AASHTO Specifications and Section 3.3 of the Bridge
a) Beam size or girder plates should be designed for strength
requirements, for economical design and constructability re-
b) The Moment table and Reaction table should be shown. The
Tables should, in general, follow the guidelines in the Bridge
Manual. See Figures 3.1.12-1 and 3.1.12-2.
c) Show weld size, flange transitions, shear stud requirements,
notch toughness or fracture critical notations, diaphragm/cross
frame details, splice design and locations.
d) A table of Top of Web (or Top of Beam for WF) elevations must
be provided. Add note: For fabrication use only.
e) A camber diagram for girders is required. It should follow the
Bridge Manual. See Section 3.3.9.
f) Show bearing stiffener details.
g) If intermediate or longitudinal stiffeners are shown, investigate
the feasibility of increasing web thickness to eliminate them.
h) Show bearing details. Should follow Bridge Manual.
See Section 3.5.
i) Any steel (WF, plates, web ...) other than M270, grade 250
should be specified. Please note that by current Specs. all steel
is M270, grade 250 unless otherwise specified in the plans.
j) Show designation of NTR for beams, webs, plates, splice
k) In the analysis of rehabilitation projects of steel bridges involv-
ing the replacement of the existing deck slab, a fatigue check
using the “AASHTO Guide Specifications For Fatigue Design
of Existing Steel Bridges” dated 1990 should be made.

Page 1-24 Jan. 94

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

3. A framing plan for Precast Prestressed Concrete I-beams must be

a) Show beam spacing, lengths.
b) North arrow is required.
4. The P.P.C. I-beams must be designed for strength and serviceability
in accordance with the Prestressed Concrete Manual and Section 9 of
the AASHTO Specs.
a) Beam size and strand pattern should be evaluated for economi-
cal design.
b) Show strand layout, draping details, lifting loop details, drain
insert details. See tables, charts, details and base sheets in the
Prestressed Manual.
c) Show bar list, bar details, notes and Bill of Material.
d) Show required f'ci on beam sheet.
e) Show bearing details. Should follow Bridge Manual.
See Section 3.5.
f) Check diaphragm details. See Prestressed Manual.

1.6.8 Abutment 1. Vaulted abutments.

Details a) Design piles or spread footings for all loading conditions from
AASHTO group loadings.
b) Show footing dimensions and reinforcement for same loadings.
c) Detail “n” bar development lengths.
d) Step heights must be greater or equal to 20 mm, otherwise shim
plates need to be specified.
e) Steps 100 mm or larger shall be reinforced. See Section 3.6.9.
f) All elevations shall be shown in meters to 3 decimal places.
g) Show pile capacity, length, number required and test pile
requirements. See Foundations’ recommendation from file.
h) Design and detail vault slab.

Jan. 94 Page 1-25

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

2. Pile bent abutments.

a) Design piles for all loading conditions from AASHTO group
b) Step heights must be greater or equal to 20 mm, otherwise shim
plates need to be specified. See Section 3.6.9.
c) Steps 100 mm or larger shall be reinforced. See Section 3.6.9.
d) See Figures 3.6.3-1 and 3.6.3-2 for general details and design
e) Min. main reinforcement is #25 bars as shown in the Bridge
Manual base sheets. Check min. shear reinforcement require-
ments also.
f) Show step and bottom of cap elevations. All elevations shall be
shown in meters to 3 decimal places.
3. Integral Abutments. See Section 3.6.12.
a) Design of piles includes impact.
b) Step heights must be greater than or equal to 20 mm, otherwise
set beam at lower elevation and the difference will be taken up
in the fillet for PPC I-beams. Shim for steel beams. See Section
c) Show dimensions and details of cap. Min. main reinforcement
is #25 bars. Check min. shear reinforcement requirements in
the cap and corbel.
d) Show wing wall details.
e) Show step and bottom of cap elevations. All elevations shall be
shown in meters to 3 decimal places.
f) Check to see that the proper pile protection is provided. See
Section 3.6.12.
g) Show a bar splicer (E) for a #15 bar at the junction of approach
slab and bridge slab. The bar splicer should extend 1.2 m into
main slab and 1.8 m into approach slab.
4. Details of pile capacity and lengths, or soil pressure should be checked
against Foundations’ recommendation on file. Show soil pressure on
plans for spread footings. Show number of test piles required.

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Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

5. Quantity for structure excavation must be shown for each individual

6. Are bridge seat sealer and epoxy coated bars used where applicable?

1.6.9 Pier Details See Section 3.7.

1. All piers should, in general, follow layout as shown in Bridge Manual
standards. Show and detail stage construction if used.
2. Column Piers/Frame Piers.
a.) Design piles or spread footing soils pressure for all AASHTO
group loadings.
b.) Design footing size and reinforcement for same loadings.
c.) Design column and cap for frame action, where applicable.
d.) Provide reinforcement details in column and cap, as required
by design.
e.) Check step requirements (same as for abutments).
f.) Elevations for all steps and footings must be shown in meters
to 3 decimal places.
3. Pile bent piers.
a.) Design piles for all AASHTO group loadings.
b.) Design cap for same loadings, and shear reinforcement re-
c.) Elevations of all steps and bottom of cap must be shown in
meters to 3 decimal places.
d.) Show pile encasements.
e.) Investigate the need for cofferdams in stream crossing or high
water table situations. Check if current criteria and details are
being utilized to eliminate need for cofferdams.
f.) For pile bent piers in stream crossings specify sonotubes for
individual encasement below the closure wall and tremie
concrete below water level.

Jan. 94 Page 1-27

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

4. Details of pile capacity and lengths, or soil pressure should be shown

in accordance with Foundations’ recommendations on file.
5. Quantity of structure excavation must be shown for each individual pier.
6. Is bridge seat sealer used where applicable?
7. Are epoxy coated bars used throughout?

1.6.10 Standardized Ensure that all applicable Standard Base Sheets, such as temporary concrete
Details barrier, anchor bolts, expansion joints, drainage scuppers, bar splicer, con-
crete pile standards, etc. are included.

1.6.11 Special 1. Do not provide Special Provisions for items included in the Standard
Provisions Specification.
2. Non standard items should be adequately covered by Special Provi-
3. Include all applicable Special Provisions currently in use. The District
may be contacted for current available specifications.

1.6.12 Pay Item Provide pay item work sheets and submit with final plan prints and special
Worksheet provisions.

1.7 Phase II
R equirements for Submittal of Detailed Plans and Other Documents for an
Interim Review by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures:

In order to facilitate a more efficient and timely approval of final plans, a

requirement is hereby instituted mandating the Consultant to submit a “Plan
Development Outline”. This outline shall be submitted directly to the Bureau
of Bridges and Structures prior to the commencement of final plans. The “Plan
Development Outline” shall include, as a minimum, the items listed below:

Page 1-28 Mar. 95

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

(a) Consultant’s procedures for quality control and quality assur-

ance including the project co-ordinator.
(b) A description of items involved in overall scope of work.
(c) An outline of the proposed method of analysis.
(d) A list of the special checks needed such as fatigue analysis,
seismic, ice loads, curved girder analysis, etc.
(e) Issues of the constructability, erection, deck pouring sequence,
etc. should be addressed.
(f) Final assessment of foundation treatment based on borings
and/or foundation report.
(g) Preliminary list of Pay Items.
(h) Preliminary list of sheets outlining the contents.
(i) Any non-conventional detail and/or concern that needs to be
(j) List of General Notes.
(k) Items covered by Special Provisions.

After reviewing this document, the Bridge Office will decide either (a) to have
a meeting with the design Consultant for an “Interim plan-review” or (b) to notify,
with comments if any, the Consultant to proceed with the finalization of the plans
without a meeting. At this time the Consultant will be informed of the name and
phone number of the contact person within the Bureau of Bridges and
Structures. Even though an interim review is made by the Bridge Office it is the
total responsibility of the design Consultant to submit final plans that are 100%
complete, are devoid of errors and sealed by an Illinois Licensed Structural
Engineer. Errors in items or subjects not discussed or commented on by the
Department shall be the sole responsibility of the design Consultant.

1.7.1 "Interim Plan- The Consultant Engineer responsible for sealing the plans will be required to
Review" attend the meeting in the Central Office with the personnel from the Bridge
Design Section of the Bureau of Bridges and Structures. After receiving
comments on the “Plan Development Outline” document, the Consultant
should set up a mutually acceptable date for this meeting as required. The

Jan. 94 Page 1-29

Bridge Manual Section 1 - Introduction

Consultant shall respond within 10 calendar days of the first notification date
to set the "Interim Plan Review" meeting date. The following items should be
made available to facilitate discussions:

1. Structural design must be completed or at a far advanced stage.

2. Copies of all completed sheets appearing in the final submittal
should be presented. These sheets should not be just copies
of altered sheets from some other projects. Outlines for all
sheets that are not completed should be presented.
3. Special Provisions where needed.
4. Listing of any specific problems that the Consultant is facing.
5. Design computations. These will be returned at the end of the

Page 1-30 Jan. 94

Section 2 Planning
Table of Contents
2.1 Type, Size, and Location Plans .................................................... 2-1

2.1.1 Reference Materials........................................................................ 2-1

2.1.2 Presentation of Work ...................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 Job Identification .............................................................................2-3
2.1.4 Design Criteria ................................................................................ 2-3

2.2 Bridge Planning Process .............................................................. 2-5

2.2.1 Structure Report .............................................................................. 2-5

2.2.2 Preliminary Planning ...................................................................... 2-8
2.2.3 Type, Size, and Location ................................................................2-8
2.2.4 TSL Plan Content .......................................................................... 2-11
2.2.5 Plan Processing - State Design .................................................... 2-12
2.2.6 Plan Processing - Consultant Design ........................................... 2-13
2.2.7 Retaining Walls ............................................................................. 2-14
2.2.8 Foundation Borings for Structures ................................................ 2-17

2.3 Preliminary Bridge Investigations ............................................. 2-27

2.3.1 Proposed Bridge Drawings ........................................................... 2-27

2.3.2 Bridge Type Studies...................................................................... 2-30
2.3.3 Economic Evaluation .................................................................... 2-31
2.3.4 Aesthetics ..................................................................................... 2-31

2.4 Bridge Geometry ......................................................................... 2-33

2.4.1 Skew Angle ................................................................................... 2-33

2.4.2 Horizontally Curved Alignments .................................................... 2-33
2.4.3 Vertical Controls ........................................................................... 2-34
2.4.4 Horizontal Controls ....................................................................... 2-35

2.5 Structure Rehabilitation ............................................................. 2-35

2.5.1 Bridge Condition Reports .............................................................. 2-36

2.5.2 Existing Bridge Survey .................................................................. 2-39
2.5.3 Staged Construction ...................................................................... 2-39
2.5.4 Abutment Widening ....................................................................... 2-40
2.5.5 Pier Widening ............................................................................... 2-41
2.5.6 Abutment and Pier Location .......................................................... 2-42
2.5.7 Semi-Integral Jointless Abutment ................................................. 2-42
Apr. 99
2.6 Planning Practices ...................................................................... 2-43

2.6.1 Pile Cap Abutment Geometry ....................................................... 2-43

2.6.2 Berm Widths ................................................................................. 2-43
2.6.3 Deck Cross Slopes ....................................................................... 2-43 Sidewalk-Bikeway Configuration................................................... 2-43
2.6.4 Superelevation Development ........................................................ 2-48
2.6.5 Selection of Structural Steel.......................................................... 2-48
2.6.6 Slope Protection for Stream Crossings ......................................... 2-48
2.6.7 Encasement of Piles in Pile Bent Piers ........................................ 2-53
2.6.8 Pile Bent Piers in River Crossings ................................................ 2-55
2.6.9 Culvert Nesting Ledges ................................................................. 2-58 Culvert Invert Elevations ............................................................... 2-58
2.6.10 Permit Sketches ............................................................................ 2-58
2.6.11 Bridges over Navigable Waterways .............................................. 2-65
2.6.12 Traffic Barrier Terminal, Type 6 ................................................... 2-67

2.7 Attachment of Utilities on Structures ........................................ 2-69

2.7.1 Computation of Cost Assessment ................................................. 2-70

2.8 Sample TSL Plans ....................................................................... 2-72

Apr. 99
Section 2 Planning
Table of Figures
2.1 Type, Size, and Location Plans .................................................... 2-1

Figure 2.1.4-1 Acceleration Coefficient Map of Illinois .............................2-4

2.2 Bridge Planning Process .............................................................. 2-5

Figure 2.2.1-1 Example Structure Report ................................................. 2-6

Figure 2.2.1-2 Example Structure Report ................................................. 2-7
Figure 2.2.3-1 Construction Depth Selection Guide................................ 2-10
Figure 2.2.8-1 Allowable Side Resistance - Cohesive Soils ................... 2-23
Figure 2.2.8-2 Allowable End Bearing - Cohesive Soils ......................... 2-24
Figure 2.2.8-3 Allowable Side Resistance - Granular Soils.................... 2-25
Figure 2.2.8-4 Critical Qu Requiring Shelby Tubes ................................ 2-26

2.3 Preliminary Bridge Investigations ............................................. 2-27

Figure 2.3.1-1 Proposed Bridge Drawing ............................................... 2-29

2.6 Planning Practices ...................................................................... 2-43

Figure 2.6.1-1 Single Structure Bridge Geometry Abutment Policy ........ 2-44
Figure 2.6.2-1 Berm Width Details.......................................................... 2-45
Figure 2.6.2-2 Berm Width Details.......................................................... 2-46
Figure 2.6.3-1 Bridge Crown Policy ........................................................ 2-47
Figure 2.6.4-1 Method of Attaining Superelevation ................................. 2-49
Figure 2.6.6-1 Typical Stream Crossing Slope Protection Layout .......... 2-50
Figure 2.6.6-2 Toe Stone Riprap Treatment Stream Crossings .............. 2-51
Figure 2.6.6-3 Flank Stone Riprap Treatment Stream Crossings ........... 2-52
Figure 2.6.7-1 Encasement of Piles in Pile Bent Piers ........................... 2-54
Figure 2.6.8-1 Pile Bent Piers in River Crossings .................................. 2-57
Figure 2.6.9-1 Phoebe Nesting Site on Box Culvert ............................... 2-59
Figure 2.6.10-1 Sample Permit Sketch ..................................................... 2-60
Figure 2.6.10-2 Sample Permit Sketch ..................................................... 2-61
Figure 2.6.10-3 Sample Permit Sketch ..................................................... 2-62
Figure 2.6.10-4 Sample Permit Sketch ..................................................... 2-63
Figure 2.6.10-5 Sample Permit Sketch ..................................................... 2-64
Figure 2.6.12-1 Integral Abutment Corbel Notch for Traffic Barrier
Terminal, Type 6 ............................................................. 2-68

Apr. 99
2.8 Sample TSL Plans ....................................................................... 2-72

Figure 2.8-1 Grade Separation Highway/Highway .............................. 2-73

Figure 2.8-2 Railroad Structure Highway/Railroad ............................. 2-74
Figure 2.8-3 Curved Roadway Highway/ Stream ................................ 2-75
Figure 2.8-4 Culvert ............................................................................. 2-76
Figure 2.8-5 Rehabilitation Re-use Existing Substructure .................. 2-77
Figure 2.8-6 Curved Roadway; Dual Structures; Highway/Channel ........ 2-78
Figure 2.8-7 Curved Roadway; Dual Structures; Highway/Channel ........ 2-79

Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Section 2 Planning
2.1 Type, Size,
and Location
T he bridge planning process encompasses the collection of the site
information, its analysis, the application of established policies and practices,
the consideration of the alternates and their respective economic evaluations
for the purpose of establishing the bridge configuration that is the most cost
effective and functionally, structurally and aesthetically appropriate.

The Planning Section of the Bridge Manual has been developed as a guide
and a control for the preparation of Type, Size and Location Plans (TSL) and
for the promulgation of policy interpretations of the control documents. Since
many of the controls and guides for the proper development of TSL Plans are
found in documents issued by other Bureaus, the Planning Section of the
Bridge Manual will also serve as a source manual for ready reference in
locating the appropriate planning policies.

2.1.1 Reference In addition to the AASHTO “Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges -
Materials Division I”, familiarity with the following manuals and documents is necessary
to properly develop a TSL Plan for a structure over which the State has review

1. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction -

Bureau of Design and Environment
2. Design Manual - Bureau of Design and Environment
3. Highway Standards Manual - Bureau of Design and Environ-
4. Manual of Policies and Procedures - Bureau of Design and
5. Administrative Policies - Bureau of Local Roads and Streets
6. Design Memoranda - Bureau of Design and Environment

Apr. 97 Page 2-1

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

7. Memoranda to Bridge Designers - Bureau of Bridges and

8. Current 3R Policies for the Rehabilitation of Arterial Highways
and Bridges for Other than Expressways and Freeways on the
Federal-aid Highway System in Illinois - Bureau of Design and
9. Current 3R Policies for the Rehabilitation of Collector Streets
and Highways on the Federal-aid Highway System in Illinois -
Bureau of Design and Environment
10. Current 3R Policies for the Rehabilitation of Highways and
Bridges on Unmarked Routes of the State Highway System in
Illinois - Bureau of Design and Environment
11. Current FHWA Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Bridges.
Note the exception to this manual is: unless specifically
instructed by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures, all bridges
shall have a "Standard" Importance Classification when deter-
mining the proper Seismic Performance Category.

These reference materials form the basic criteria which control all TSL Plans
prepared for the State. With the exception of the “Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges”, which may be obtained from AASHTO, the reference
manuals and documents can be obtained from the issuing Bureau.

An “exception to policy” must be secured from the appropriate Bureau before

any design or detail outside the guides and controls of the referenced policy
manuals may be utilized on any TSL Plan.

2.1.2 Presentation Since the TSL Plan is generally utilized as the cover sheet for the detailed
of Work plans, care should be exercised in its layout and presentation. Unnecessary
details, out-of-scale drawings, and non-standard lettering should be avoided.
The plan and elevation views should be presented on one sheet to provide a
clear picture of the complete structure. Detailed dimensioning outside of that
necessary to establish geometric and structural controls is not desirable;

Page 2-2 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

however, the planner should make the necessary calculations and scaled
sketches to assure a well proportioned and aesthetic structure. See Section
2.8 for sample TSL Plans.

2.1.3 Job All bridges that are built under the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois are
Identification inventoried and provided with a Structure Inventory Number. To facilitate job
identification on projects involving existing structures, all plans processed
through the Bureau of Bridges and Structures shall include as a part of the
project identification, the Structure Inventory Number. The Structure Inventory
Number is assigned by the Bureau of Program Development in each District.

2.1.4 Design The Standard Specifications for Highway Structures allows the option of using
Criteria either service load or strength (load factor design) methods in specified areas
of design. To realize the savings generally resulting from strength methods,
load factor design shall be used wherever this option is allowed by the

Design involving the in-kind widening or extension of an existing structure shall

employ the same method of design used in the design of the existing structure
unless prior written approval of a different design procedure has been obtained
from the Engineer of Bridges and Structures.

Seismic data shall be provided on TS&L's for all structures except buried
structures and shall only be provided on TS&L's for retaining walls as directed
by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures. When required, the following data
shall be given: Seismic Performance Category (SPC), Bedrock Acceleration
Coefficient (A), and the Site Coefficient (S). See Figure 2.1.4-1 for the
Acceleration Coefficient map of Illinois.

Apr. 99 Page 2-3

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Figure 2.1.4-1
Page 2-4 Apr. 97
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.2 Bridge
T he Structure Report, Form BBS-153 (Current Revision), is the instrument
utilized for the compilation of data necessary for the preparation of a TSL plan.
Submittal of a properly completed Structure Report together with a request
from the District is the impetus for this office to proceed with the development
of a TSL plan or to review and approve a TSL plan prepared by a consultant.

2.2.1 Structure Typical data included on a Structure Report is:

Report 1. Project identification, location and programming
2. Highway, railroad and stream data
3. Utility accommodations, traffic handling and permit require-
4. Recommendations on the make up of the structure
5. Soils borings

Drawings and photographs necessary to define special conditions or informa-

tion, such as highway and railroad templates or plan and profile, which can best
be provided by plans and drawings must be provided as attachments to the
report. Unless previously submitted, the Bridge Inspection Report, the Bridge
Condition Report, the existing Bridge Survey (see Section 2.5.2) and the
Hydraulic Report Data Sheets must accompany the Structure Report.

The efficiency and timeliness of the preparation and processing of preliminary

designs are greatly contingent upon the completeness of information in the
Structure Report. Therefore, all items must be appropriately addressed with
non-applicable items so designated, unless that condition is obvious. All
required attachments to the report shall be provided.

Upon receipt by the Bridge Planning Section, the Structure Report will be
reviewed for completeness of information and, if in order, used as the basis for
the preparation and/or review of the Type, Size and Location (TSL) plans.

A sample completed Structure Report form is shown in Figures 2.2.1-1 and


Apr. 97 Page 2-5

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Figure 2.2.1-1
Page 2-6 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Figure 2.2.1-2
Apr. 97 Page 2-7
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.2.2 Preliminary and Hydraulic Analysis and the Foundation Analysis, it is the responsibility of
the bridge planner to establish the cost-effective bridge type and size and to
locate the substructure components. The TSL, Type Size and Location, plan
is prepared for use in obtaining the agreement of the responsible parties and
subsequently for use as the basis for developing the construction plans.

TSL plans shall be prepared and processed for all bridges including multiple-
opening box culverts, retaining walls in excess of 3 meters, sophisticated
retaining wall designs of any height and all other highway structures where
agreement on the general configuration prior to detail design is appropriate.

2.2.3 Type, Size Bridge type, size and location are to be established under the principles of
and Location overall project economy and are subject to the various site factors and
conditions peculiar to the project. Detailed configuration proposals must,
therefore, be based on comprehensive geometric, structural and economic
analyses. However, the following general guidelines may be used in making
initial recommendations in the Structure Report or to establish approximate
bridge lengths, profile grades and project costs prior to the detailed planning
of the structure.

Bridge Length.
Bridge Length is determined by the location of the abutments. The location
of the abutments is dependent on the method used to terminate the approach
embankment and transition to structure. Where the embankment is to be
terminated by means of a stable end slope, an "open" abutment is located at
or near the top of the end slope. End slopes shall be 1:2 or as otherwise
established by a geotechnical stability analysis. Where the embankment is to
be terminated at a vertical plane, a "closed" or earth retaining abutment is
located at that plane. The use of an end slope to terminate the embankment
results in a longer bridge than one using a closed abutment; however, overall
bridge costs are generally lower with the open abutment design because of the
high cost of closed abutments. Closed abutments are seldom economical
where their height exceeds 3 meters and should not be used without a detailed
cost investigation.

Page 2-8 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Closed abutments are generally designed as reinforced concrete retaining

walls supported on large spread footings or pile supported footings.

Open abutments, also called spill-through or pile bent abutments, generally

consist of a staggered row of piles supporting a concrete cap block. Vaulted
abutments and integral abutments are variations of open abutments.

Pier Location and Type.

The number, type and location of the piers are determined in such a manner
as to produce optimum bridge economy within the constraints of horizontal
clearance requirements, stream flow requirements and aesthetics. Bridge
piers are generally of two basic types: pile bents and piers with footings. Pile
bents consist of a single row of piles supporting a bearing cap. Where required
for aesthetic or hydraulic purposes, the extension of the piles above the ground
may be encased to produce a solid wall.

Footing supported piers are of many types. Footings may be "spread" (soil or
rock supported) or may be supported by piling. Pier shafts may be solid walls,
walls with cantilever extensions (hammerheads), or may consist of a multi-
column frame mounted on a plinth or "crashwall".

Superstructure Types.
Figure 2.2.3-1 provides a list of commonly employed superstructure types; the
span ranges for which they are applicable; and the approximate construction
depth, profile grade to low beam, required for their use. Superstructures may
be of any of the types listed for the span length ranges indicated. Where two
or more types are applicable to the span length and depth requirements of the
site, the choice shall be made on the basis of comparative cost. The values
provided are general guidelines only and should not be used for detailed TSL

Apr. 97 Page 2-9

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning
Figure 2.2.3-1
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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.2.4 TSL Plan After completion of the type selection studies, the TSL plan is to be prepared
Content to illustrate the proposed configuration. The TSL plan shall be prepared as
a full size drawing to the same plan preparation standards required for contract
plans. The plan sheet shall be presented in a form that will allow for its eventual
refinement as the "General Plan" sheet, the cover sheet for the contract bridge
plans. The following is a list of items that must be shown on the plan when
applicable to the proposed bridge:

1. Elevation view
2. Plan view
3. Cross section through superstructure
4. Outlines of existing bridge
5. Roadway classification data
6. Location sketch
7. Waterway information
8. Profile grade data
9. Horizontal curve data
10. Channel change sketch and cross section
11. Design specifications, loading, allowable stresses, and seis-
mic data
12. Sections through abutments and piers showing superstructure
13. Sketch of typical pier in elevation
14. Stage construction order and limits
15. Description of existing bridge and structure number
16. Location of borings

The plan must also document the approved foundation treatment. The
following information is required to provide this documentation:

1. The configuration required for embankment stability

2. Footing elevations
3. Pile type, capacity and estimated length when used
4. Maximum and allowable soils pressures when spread footings
are used

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

See also Section 1.5, Checklist for Preparation of TSL Plans.

Special architectural treatments and special bridge features should also be

illustrated; however, data and dimensions subject to refinement in the detailed
structural analysis should be omitted.

2.2.5 Plan The TSL plan is the means of obtaining agreement from all interested parties
Processing - on the general bridge configuration prior to the development of the final plans.
State Design
To obtain this agreement, the plan should normally be processed as follows:

A. After completion by the Bridge Planning Section, the plan will be

transmitted to the District Engineer for review and approval. The plan
shall be reviewed for agreement with the Project Report, the develop-
ment of the roadway plans and other project requirements. The District
Engineer's approval assures that agreement. An approved copy,
marked for revision where necessary, shall be returned to the Bridge
Planning Section.

B. When levees or federal civil work projects are affected, the District shall
obtain the Corps of Engineers and/or Levee Authority's approval of the
plan and so notify the Bridge Planning Section.

C. Plans for railroad grade separations will be transmitted by the Bureau

of Design and Environment to the railroad company for review and

D. After approval by the District Engineer and other parties with interest
and after all required revisions are made, the Engineer of Bridges and
Structures will approve the TSL plan as the basis for the preparation
of final plans and direct that preparation.

E. TSL plans for interstate bridge projects which are deck replacement,
superstructure replacement, widening or complete replacement and

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

are non-routine in nature or are over 92 meters in length shall be

submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for review and

Concurrently with the TSL plan processing, the Bridge Planning Section will
obtain construction permits, when required, from the Department of Natural
Resources and the U.S. Coast Guard.

2.2.6 Plan The District Engineer is responsible to direct and supervise work performed
Processing - by Consultants. TSL plans developed by Consultants are normally processed
as follows:

A. The Consultant provides the completed TSL plan to the District where
it is reviewed for agreement with the Project Report and other project

B. Concurrently with the above submittal, the TSL plan, along with the
Structure Report, is transmitted by the Consultant to the Bureau of
Bridges and Structures for review by the Bridge Planning Section. The
Bridge Planning Section may make corrections to the plan or request
revision and resubmittal from the District.

C. After Bridge Planning Section review, TSL plans for railroad grade
separations will be transmitted by the Bureau of Design and Environ-
ment to the railroad company for approval.

D. The Engineer of Bridges and Structures will, after Railroad approval

(if required), approve the TSL plan as the basis for the preparation of
the final contract plans and transmit the plan so marked to the District.
The District Engineer may then direct the Consultant to proceed with
the final design.

E. When submittal of TSL plans to the Federal Highway Administration is

required, see Section 2.2.5 Paragraph E, the District Engineer may

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

wish to delay directing the Consultant to proceed with the final plans
until FHWA approval has been obtained - depending on the degree of
complexity or controversy involved in the proposed design.

TSL plans prepared by railroad companies or their consultants for railroad

structures overpassing highways shall be processed as above except for
Item C.

In instances where TSL plans are to be prepared by the State for Consultant
final design, the plans will be processed according to Section 2.2.5.

As with State design, the Bridge Planning Section will apply for construction
permits from the Department of Natural Resources or the U.S. Coast Guard;
however, the permit drawings should generally be provided by the Consultant.

2.2.7 Retaining The following four phases shall be evaluated for preparation of TSL plans for
Walls retaining walls.

1. Site Investigation:
Before any decisions can be made concerning wall feasibility or econom-
ics, an adequate subsurface investigation, including cross section data,
must be completed. See Section 2.2.8 to determine adequate subsurface

2. Feasibility Study:
The first alternate to be considered should always be a "no-wall" alternate
which means that the soil is to be laid back on slopes to eliminate the need
for earth retention. This may often require additional right-of-way, earth
work and/or relocation of utilities and existing structures; all of which, along
with slope stability, must be considered in determining the feasibility of the
"no-wall" alternate. The next step, if the wall can not be eliminated, is to
study a combination of slope and wall types, when aesthetically accept-
able, to minimize both wall length and height. The various retaining wall

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

types derive their support in differing ways and means and each should be
evaluated based on soil/structure interaction, constructability and avail-
ability. The feasibility, complexity and extensiveness of temporary shoring
systems required for construction of some wall types must also be

3. Economic Evaluation:
For those alternates determined feasible through the above process,
including the "no-wall" alternate, a direct cost comparison including the
cost of temporary shoring systems must be performed.

4. Presentation:
Proprietary wall plans will not be allowed to serve as TSL plans nor will they
be allowed as contract plans. Proprietary plans are supplied to the
Department by the contractor under contract terms, when a particular
proprietary wall is chosen by the contractor. Retaining wall TSL plans
should not be drawn on plan and profile sheets. Final plans must not be
submitted with the intent that they will also serve as TSL plans. The TSL
plan should consist of a plan view, elevation view and necessary cross
sections. Sufficient sections should be provided to properly show details
such as drainage, changes in topography, wall termination methods and
temporary construction methods.

All retaining walls 3 meters or greater in height must be planned or reviewed

by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures. Three meters is defined as the design
height from bottom of footing or top of leveling pad to top of wall (not including
parapets) at the maximum point. Walls under 3 meters in height are the
District's responsibility and should be evaluated in a manner similar to that
described above.

The following information and data constitutes the minimum requirements

which shall be submitted at the initiation of the TSL plan or with the initial
submittal of the consultant's TSL plan for review. Retaining walls in Category
II require consultation with the Bureau of Bridges and Structures.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Category I : Routine Retaining Walls, 3 meters to 6 meters high

1. Structure Report with all applicable attachments; roadway plan

and profile; plans and/or comments on drainage above and
below the wall; location of existing and proposed utilities, traffic
lanes, railroads and existing structures; schematics of stage
construction sequences and right-of-way limits; and borings
according to Section 2.2.8.
2. Cross sections of existing ground at 15 meter maximum
intervals or as dictated by variations in topography. The
minimum number of cross sections by any wall is 2. The cross
sections shall extend a sufficient distance from the back of the
wall in order to define backslopes.
3. Temporary walls required for contruction of the permanent
walls. These must be shown on the TSL plan and included in
the cost estimates. Special attention shall be given to construc-
tion restrictions due to facilities and/or other structures in the

Category II : Major Retaining Walls, over 6 meters high

1. All requirements of Category I.

2. Pictures of the site of the proposed wall identifying constraints
such as buildings, slope failures, pipes, power lines and any
other interfering features.
3. A narrative describing the visible features in item 2 above and
any underground interfering structures such as sewers, gas
lines and water mains.
4. Contour map when available.

To ensure that schedules can be maintained, Structure Reports (including

boring data) should be submitted 9 months prior to the anticipated letting date
for in-house designs. A minimum of 60 days should be allowed for review of
the consultant's TSL plans.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

The designer is responsible for checking the overall wall stability, construction
slope stability, allowable soil bearing capacity and settlements along with other
geotechnical engineering analysis required in the feasibility studies. There-
fore, designers responsible for wall projects shall have the proper structural
as well as geotechnical expertise.

2.2.8 Foundation Structure borings shall be secured for bridges, culverts, retaining walls and
Borings for other highway structures. The Bridge Condition Report (BCR) must be
completed and approved before a foundation boring program can be initiated.
Using the drawings and the approximate abutment stations, culvert or wall
length from the BCR, the subsurface exploration program shall be developed
as follows:
I. Structure Borings

A. Borings for Bridges

1. Take one split spoon sample boring at each known abutment

and pier location. Dual structures would require four abutment
borings plus multiple pier borings.
2. Since the location and number of piers are not established at
the BCR stage, take additional borings according to the
following schedule:

a. If total bridge length is < 15 m, no additional borings.

b. If total bridge length is 15 m but < 30 m, take an additional boring
at mid-point.
c. If total bridge length is 30 m but < 45 m, take borings at 3rd
d. If total bridge length is 45 m but < 75 m, take borings at 25 m
e. If total bridge length is 75 m or greater, consult the Bureau of
Bridges and Structures.
f. For major river bridges, the Bureau of Bridges and Structures
should review and approve the soils exploration plan.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

g. When deviations from the above guidelines are anticipated, the

Bridge Condition Report approval memorandum shall note the
approximate number and locations of borings.
h. Boring locations shall be in a staggered pattern at adjacent
substructure units.

3. All structure borings shall be drilled to a depth that will achieve

a 580 kN min. bearing for a 305 mm diameter metal shell pile
unless rock is encountered first. These depths shall be derived
from the Allowable Side Resistance for Cohesive Soils, the
Allowable End Bearing for Cohesive Soils, and the Allowable
Side Resistance for Granular Soils given by Figures 2.2.8-1,
2.2.8-2 and 2.2.8-3 respectively.
4. In high seismic areas of the State, namely Districts 7, 8 and 9,
at least one bridge structure boring shall be extended to rock
whenever feasible. If not, the boring shall be made deep
enough to allow a 305 mm metal shell pile to achieve a 580 kN
bearing, as defined above, below potentially liquefiable over-
lying layers in the upper 12 m of the natural soils profile.
Seismic liquefaction of soils occur in low density silts, sand and
gravel below the water table. Gradation analyses shall also be
performed on representative samples of liquefiable soils.
5. When the proposed bridge width is greater than 23 m, two
borings (one towards each end) shall be made for each
substructure unit.
6. When an existing bridge is to be widened on both sides, it shall
be drilled as a dual structure when the width of the existing
bridge is greater than 23 m. When the width of the existing
bridge is less than 23 m, the type of existing foundation will
govern: drill as a dual structure where spread footings are
present; drill as a single structure where piles or drilled shafts
are present.
7. When the structure borings indicate the presence of low-
strength, and/or compressible soils and a new or higher

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

embankment is called for, undisturbed shelby tube sample

borings shall be made for unconfined compressive strength,
triaxial and/or consolidation testing. (See Shelby Tube Boring
requirements in this Section).

B. Borings for Culverts

Estimate the culvert length and plan a boring program according to the
following schedule:

a. Take one boring at each end of the culvert in a staggered

b. If the culvert is skewed, the two end borings shall be obtained
adjacent to the locations of the two longest wingwalls. These
locations will be on the longest diagonal axis of the culvert.
c. If horizontal cantilever wingwalls are anticipated (L £ 4.3 m) and
stage construction is required, wingwall borings are not nec-
essary, however, at least one boring shall be made as close as
possible to the culvert centerline. The soils information from
such a boring will be necessary for the design of stage
construction sheet piling or other shoring schemes.
d. If the culvert length is from 20 m to 45 m, take an additional
boring at mid length.
e. Take an additional boring for each culvert length increment
increase of 20 m. The borings shall be spaced as evenly as
possible along the length of the culvert.
f. For culverts with embankment heights of 10 m or greater,
consult the Bureau of Bridges and Structures.
g. All culvert structure borings shall be drilled to the deepest
depth required by the following: a depth that will provide a
270 kN minimum bearing for a 305 mm diameter metal shell
pile; a depth of at least one and a half (1 1/2) times the fill
height; or a depth equal to the distance between the
proposed grade and the flowline.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

h. When the structure borings indicate the presence of low-

strength, and/or compressible soils and a new or higher
embankment is called for, undisturbed shelby tube sample
borings shall be made for unconfined compressive strength,
triaxial and/or consolidation testing. (See Shelby Tube Borings
requirements in this Section.)

C. Borings for Retaining Walls

Accurate analyses necessary to determine wall type, location, and

limits are often not complete at the early stages. Therefore, the Project
Report and any other preliminary analysis or information which gives
indications of likely wall heights and location (stations, offsets, and
length) shall be used in conjunction with the following general guide-
lines to develop an adequate subsurface investigation:

a. Take a minimum of two (2) borings per wall.

b. For walls anticipated to be up to 6 m in height, use a maximum
boring spacing of 20 m.
c. For wall height > 6 m, use a maximum boring spacing of 15 m.
d. If possible, one boring shall be located near the expected
highest portion of the wall.
e. Borings shall be located along the proposed wall face.
Additional borings at similar spacings stated above shall be
taken behind the wall within the right-of-way limits at a
sufficient distance behind the face of the wall to define the
soil profile in the transverse direction to the wall. If the right
of way is too close, drilling may have to be done beyond
these limits if necessary and at all possible.
f. Borings shall be continued to sufficient depths, well below
the anticipated wall bottom, to determine the complete
subsurface profile behind and below the anticipated wall
and allow for the estimation of pile lengths if necessary.
g. When the structure borings indicate the presence of low-
strength, and/or compressible soils and a new or higher

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

embankment is called for, undisturbed shelby tube sample

borings shall be made for unconfined compressive strength,
triaxial and/or consolidation testing. (See Shelby Tube
Borings requirements in this Section.)

The designated boring areas defined in categories A, B and C above are

idealized. Terrain and stream conditions for some projects may prevent
borings in certain specified locations. In such cases, the Geotechnical
Engineer in charge shall exercise their best judgment and locate the
borings in the most appropriate locations possible.

Also, in the above categories A, B and C, if bedrock is encountered at a

boring site within the normal depth of the boring, a minimum of one (1)
boring shall be cored to a depth of 3 m or more into bedrock. If the boring
data indicates the likelihood that one or more substructure units will be
founded on spread footings in rock, then each boring at such a unit shall
be cored to a 3 m minimum depth in rock.

If hard drilling (N > 60 blows/300 mm), in glacial till or very dense granular
soil, is encountered at the termination of a boring to required depth, that
boring shall be extended a minimum of four (4) sampling increments or 3
m through such deposit.

II. Shelby Tube Borings

Shelby tube borings are made in order to obtain relatively undisturbed soil
samples for more accurate testing and subsequent assignment of proper
soil parameters for analysis. Generally speaking, Shelby tube borings are
taken in weak cohesive soils. They are indicated where embankment
slope stability and/or settlement are judged to be marginal or below
standards for design. For slope stability, strength and other soil property
tests, such as unconfined compressive strength tests, triaxial tests, unit
weights, moisture contents and soil classification shall be performed. For
settlement, consolidation tests shall be performed.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

If, during the structure borings operation, low-strength, compressible soils

are encountered, and the boring is at or adjacent to the site of a proposed
embankment, or a fill to be raised in height, undisturbed shelby tube
samples shall be secured for additional triaxial and/or consolidation
testing. If time does not permit preliminary stability analyses to be run,
critical soil strengths can be approximated by the equation:

Qucrit = 9 x Fill Height (see Figure 2.2.8-4)

where Qu is the unconfined compressive strength in Kilo pascals and the

fill height is in meters.

When the structure boring Qu values are less than Qucrit , shelby tube
borings shall be made.

As a rule of thumb, moisture contents in excess of 25 percent are an

indication of potential settlement problems.

It is the Department's practice, when taking Shelby tube samples, to offset from
the initial structure boring location and push continuous tubes from the ground
surface to the base of the weak soil zone. Isolated shelby tube samples within
a split-spoon structure boring are discouraged.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning


Factor of Safety = 3




Allowable Side Resistance (kPa)


(Origin al Curve)




Allowable Side Resistance
as a Function of Qu
for Cohesive Soils
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Unconfined Compressive Strength "Qu" (kPa)

Figure 2.2.8-1
Apr. 97 Page 2-23
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Factor of Safety = 3






e r

Allowable End Bearing (kN)

60 am

35 le
50 r Pi
5 mm
40 3 0



Allowable End Bearing
as a Function of Qu
for Cohesive Soils
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Unconfined Compressive Strength "Qu" (kPa)

Figure 2.2.8-2
Page 2-24 Apr. 97
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning


Factor of Safety = 3





Allowable Side Resistance (kPa)







350 m


d S a
300 F nd


250 n e
200 l


50 Allowable Side Resistance

as a Function of N Value
for Granular Soils & Hard Tills
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
SPT N-value, Blows/300 mm (63.5 kg, 762 mm drop)

Figure 2.2.8-3
Apr. 97 Page 2-25
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning



Critical Unconfined Compressive Strength "Qu crit." (kPa)




i ti




Critical Unconfined Compressive Strength
Requiring Shelby Tubes
as a Function of Proposed Fill Height
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Proposed Embankment Height (m)
Figure 2.2.8-4
Page 2-26 Apr. 97
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.3 Preliminary
P rior to initiation of Type, Size and Location Plans for a structure, an
investigative procedure to establish the proper alignment and/or the scope of
work to be performed for a project is followed in the Location Study phase. The
purpose of this procedure is to establish the alignment, develop a profile grade
line, provide an environmental assessment and determine and address those
factors affecting the socio-economic conditions and the overall impact of the
project on the area through which the alignment passes. The results of these
procedures and studies are summarized in the Location Study Reports (Project
and Design Reports).

2.3.1 Proposed The bridge information necessary to complete the location study phase varies
Bridge with the complexity and type of project under consideration; however, all bridge
projects require the submittal of a “Proposed Bridge Drawing” to the Planning
Section for review and approval. The Bureau of Design and Environment will
utilize this drawing in the Location Reports. Requirements for a Proposed
Bridge Drawing are also addressed in Design Memoranda 95-21 and 95-31.

A “Proposed Bridge Drawing” will generally depict the following information:

1. Bridge type, i.e., closed or open abutments or a culvert and an
approximate structure length.
2. Approximate vertical profile and horizontal alignment.
3. Limiting restrictions, if any, on pier placement.
4. The proposed bridge width base-to-base of curbs and para-
pets or face-to-face of rails without curbs.

A preliminary hydraulic analysis may be required to establish the approximate

structure length and vertical profile.

For a typical “Proposed Bridge Drawing”, see Figure 2.3.1-1.

For rehabilitation, reconstruction and replacement projects, the information

necessary for the Location Study Phase is provided in the Bridge Condition
Report (BCR). The “Proposed Bridge Drawing” is typically included with the
BCR. The BCR process is addressed in Section 2.4.

Apr. 97 Page 2-27

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

For major stream crossing projects, the determinations made in the Location
Study phase in regard to vertical profile and the horizontal alignment are
typically refined to the point where minor adjustments in the TSL or design
phases will not significantly affect the project impacts. Because of the
potentially large variations in structure depths between major river crossing
structures types, high and low vertical profile options may have to be
addressed. Sufficiently significant impacts caused by either the high or low
profile options might lead to the elimination of certain structure types from
further consideration.

Structure type evaluation at this stage should normally be limited to the

determination of those structure types that are feasible for the given crossing
conditions and within the same general economic range. Detailed evaluation
of structure types is performed during the bridge type study phase.

The location study phase bridge information requirements for all other bridge
projects are normally satisfied by the Proposed Bridge Drawing.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Figure 2.3.1-1
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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.3.2 Bridge Type A Bridge Type Study is the process by which the most appropriate structure
Studies type for a given location is determined and is a compilation of the necessary
economic, aesthetic and site evaluations which lead to that selection. A well
conceived Bridge Type Study would consider the structure types feasible for
the site parameters or environmental commitments, provide the reasoning for
eliminating or developing particular alternates and provide cost estimates for
all alternates considered and the rationale for the selection of the structure type
chosen. As such, a Bridge Type Study is necessary for the preparation of a
TSL plan.

If situations exist that obviate the use of all but one type of structure, the Bridge
Type Study could consist of as little as a paragraph describing the limiting
conditions leading to the structure type selection.

In each situation described above, the Bridge Type Study is a part of the
planning computations which justify the TSL Plan and as such is not submitted
for review. However, for major river crossings or when requested by the
Bureau of Bridges and Structures, a Bridge Type Study becomes a formal
report requiring the approval of the Bridge Planning Engineer before prepa-
ration of the TSL Plan can commence. Such a report would provide, in addition
to the above, detailed economic evaluations for the viable alternates, span
length versus pier height studies for the approaches, pier type structural and
aesthetic studies, for the main spans and the approaches, structure type
aesthetic studies, and architectural presentations of the alternate systems
presented in the report. Since AASHTO Specifications do not specifically
address some of the long span bridge types associated with major river
crossings, the report should also document unusual design procedures
contemplated, deviations from or variations of AASHTO Specifications to be
used, special materials or details proposed or tests anticipated.

In the consideration of alternative structure types for a stream crossing project,

the advantages of utilizing Standard Bridges as detailed in the current versions
of the “Standard Bridge Plans”, Volumn I and II, should be considered when
the site parameters are within the limits of these structure types.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

The Design and Environment Manual should be consulted for further informa-
tion on the structure geometrics and TSL process.

2.3.3 Economic It is the philosophy of the Bureau of Bridges and Structures that all structures
Evaluation are to be planned within the constraints of site requirements and policy such
that the selected bridge configuration will result in the minimum structure cost.
The minimum structure cost shall be established on the basis of initial structure
cost with due consideration given to replacement and maintenance costs.

More than minimum costs are justifiable when it will result in either the minimum
overall highway project cost, reduced annual maintenance costs or where
other intangible benefits are derived. The use of cost premiums shall be
supported by proper economic documentation.

The following features are obvious cost premiums:

1. Bridge length in excess of that required by clearance or

waterway opening requirements.
2. Bridge widths in excess of that required by structure width
3. Bridge superstructure depth less than the most economical.

2.3.4 Aesthetics Each structure should also be evaluated for aesthetics. It is seldom practical
to provide cost premium aesthetic treatments without a specific demand but
careful attention to the details of the lines and forms used will generally result
in a pleasing structure appearance.

Some basic aesthetic guidelines are:

1. Avoid mixing structural support systems, i.e. trusses and

beams, or column piers with solid piers.

Apr. 97 Page 2-31

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2. Whenever possible, use one or no more than two beam depths

in a structure length. Avoid sandwiching shallow spans
between two deeper spans and utilizing very slender super-
structures over massive piers.
3. Abrupt changes in beam depth should be avoided when
possible. Whenever sudden changes in the depth of beams in
adjacent spans are required, care should be taken in the
development of details at pier locations. If thoughtfully consid-
ered, treatment of these depth transition piers can create an
attractive and pleasing appearance which will compliment the
aesthetics of the overall project.
4. The lines should be simple and without excessive curves,
insets, offsets and ornamentation.
5. All structures should blend with their environment.

One of the most significant design factors contributing to the aesthetic quality
of a highway might variously be termed unity, consistency, coherence or
continuity - that quality which makes it appear that the whole has been
consciously designed to present a “highway theme”. Highways are not, from
an aesthetic design point, easily divisible, particularly the modern interstate or
freeway with long sight distances, therefore, every element in the highway
complex should relate directly or indirectly to the others if the desired theme
is to be realized.

Because of the typically great extent of modern multi-lane freeways, it is

inappropriate to follow a single theme for the full extent of a highway. Changes
in the character of the terrain and in the culture of the various areas traversed
will facilitate the blending or graceful transitioning from one basic set of design
concepts to another.

The thematic concept for highway design can normally be accomplished within
the general guides of the standards developed by the Department for both
structures and roadways requiring only minimal special designs and accom-
plished with minor project cost increases.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

It is anticipated that special situations and projects will arise where new
concepts and details will require development to fulfill the aesthetic needs of
a given project. These details and concepts should be developed and
coordinated with the appropriate District and the Bureau of Bridges and

2.4 Bridge
B ridge geometric policy is the application of highway geometric design
policies to the design of bridges, and generally defines the relationship
between the physical limits of a structure, the supported roadway and the
obstruction or obstructions bridged.

Since good bridge geometric design is intrinsic to the development of aesthetic,

economic and safe structures, the following policies have been developed to
facilitate the preparation of TSL plans along these lines.

Any deviation from these policies must receive prior approval from the Engineer
of Bridges and Structures.

2.4.1 Skew Angle The relationship between two or more intersecting elements (skew) of a
roadway shall be shown on all TSL plans. See Figure 2.8-1 thru 2.8-7 for proper
application of this requirement.

The accuracy of the angle of intersection between either crossing roadways

or railroads shall be limited to the nearest second. The degree of accuracy
between an intersecting roadway and stream shall be to the nearest degree
with the exception of standard bridges which have been developed utilizing
skew increments of 5º.

2.4.2 Horizontally Bridges located on horizontally curved alignments present special problems
Curved in layout, design and construction. Because of this, the effect of curvature must
receive careful consideration in the planning stages to assure a problem free
structure that is economically and structurally justifiable. An increase in the

Apr. 97 Page 2-33

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

degree of curvature increases the amount of torsional forces which result in

a reduction in the direct bending capacity (stress) of a beam. Also, the other
factors affecting the stresses that should be accounted for are uplift for sharply
skewed structures, stiffness analysis and effect of forces on shear center.

The layout of highway structures on horizontally curved alignments shall

generally follow the treatment given below:

Maximum Offsets
Width 1
75 mm to 5
75 mm. 300 mm.
300 mm
3 3
Widen Widen Curve
< 1.2 m
Structure Structure Structure

Widen Widen Curve

1.2 m
Structure Structure Structure

2 4
Split Split Curve
> 1.2 m
Offset Offset Structure

1 Girders and watertables shall be straight and parallel.

2 For dual structures, consider reducing the larger shoulder width.
3 Re-evaluate alignment for revision to tangent section.
4 For Interstate Bridges, widen to provide full shoulder width.
5 600 mm if Integral Abutment is used.

See Figures 2.8-6 and 2.8-7 for the layout of a horizontally curved structure.

2.4.3 Vertical Vertical clearance is defined as the clear vertical distance between the low
Controls superstructure and the usable roadway width including shoulders.
The location and value of the minimum vertical clearance provided should be
shown on all TSL Plans. The minimum vertical clearance requirements for
structures over a roadway, railroad or stream crossing are specified in the
Design and Environment Manual.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

For reconstruction projects, where existing conditions such as established

profile grades, re-use of existing substructure, etc., does not allow the
freeboard required by policy, the District must secure a policy waiver from the
Bureau of Bridges and Structures. Each waiver of freeboard will require that
the District submit proper justification and documentation for consideration by
the Bureau of Bridges and Structures.

2.4.4 Horizontal The minimum horizontal clearance must be provided from any obstruction such
Controls as piers, abutments, etc. for the safety of the traveling public. The minimum
horizontal clearance requirements are shown in the Design and Environment
Manual. For very high unit cost bridges, reduced horizontal clearance may be
provided; however, all reduced clearances must be economically justified and
barrier protection must be provided.

2.5 Structure
I n the course of maintaining a highway system to accepted standards, it
becomes necessary to rehabilitate or replace structures which have become
either functionally or structurally obsolete or physically deteriorated to the point
that structural capacity is significantly impaired. To do this, and to assure a
cost effective and viable structure rehabilitation procedure, specific policies
and systems to address the special problems and considerations of structure
rehabilitation have been developed. These procedures, practices and policies
are detailed in the following paragraphs.

Responsibility for the field evaluation of the physical condition of existing

structures rests with the District Bridge Maintenance Engineer. The results
of each maintenance inspection are recorded on the Maintenance Bridge
Inspection Report (Form BM-BIR-1-71). The completed Report forms the basis
for initial rehabilitation recommendations.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.5.1 Bridge A Bridge Condition Report for Deck Repair is required whenever the scope of
Condition rehabilitation work anticipated is limited to deck and minor structural repair
without widening or replacement options. Since the geometrics of the structure
will not be altered, this type of work will normally not require a TSL plan. See
the “Guidelines for Bridge Deck Repair Projects” for the appropriate evaluation

When it becomes apparent that the scope of work necessary for structure
rehabilitation will exceed deck repair, submittal of a Bridge Condition Report
(BCR) is required. Requirements for BCR’s are also addressed in Design
Memorandum 95-21 and Design Memorandum 95-31.

Since the BCR is the vehicle by which the scope of work to be performed is
defined, it is imperative that the information presented be as thorough and
detailed as possible to allow an accurate and in-depth evaluation of the scope
of work recommendations. Of particular concern is the physical condition of
all elements to be retained for re-use in the rehabilitation project. All potential
problems such as scour, shifted or frozen bearings, out-of-plumb elements,
substructure movements, deterioration, anticipated vertical or horizontal
alignment changes and important cracks should be reported and accompanied
by explanatory sketches and photographs to aid the evaluation of the
recommended scope of work. Colored photographs and properly-scaled
drawings are very valuable tools and provide a permanent record of the
conditions existing at the time of the inspection and are of great use in
evaluating the suitability of re-using specific structural elements. The photo-
graphs and sketches should be of sufficient number to cover all areas of the

The Bridge Planning Section is available, upon request, to assist with the
evaluation of problem structures or site locations.

As a part of a BCR, it is the responsibility of the Bridge Planning Section to

perform the necessary structural analyses based on current loading conditions
of all members recommended for re-use. Existing steel beams or girders
scheduled for a new bridge deck shall be made composite in the positive

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

moment regions, regardless if composite action is necessary for strength.

Approval of the BCR by the Bridge Planning Section is structural approval
for re-use of the members so recommended. The allowable stresses for
different materials and time periods are shown in the AASHTO Manual for
Condition Evaluation of Bridges (1994).

The remaining fatigue life of all structural steel beams or girders with Category
E or E' details must be evaluated.

Steel beams or girders with pin and hangers should be evaluated for
elimination of this fracture critical detail by making the beams or girders
continuous whenever possible.

Incorporating the existing substructure elements into the new construction is

frequently found to be economical; however, this is not always true since the
required repair to the substructure may be too extensive or the portions of the
existing structure to be re-used may not be sufficient to justify the additional
cost of repairs and adjustments. In all situations, the economy and propriety
of re-using elements of the existing structure should be compared with the cost
of total replacement. In the absence of other overriding factors, a rule of thumb
is that when the cost to modify, repair and/or strengthen an element of a bridge
for re-use exceeds 50% of the cost to replace it, the element should be
replaced. Examples of overriding factors may be intolerable disruption of traffic
or unique architecture preservation.

Substructure elements must be in good or repairable condition to be consid-

ered for reuse. This is documented by pictures, field measurements, surveys
and sketches as previously discussed. In addition, an analysis must be
performed as follows: If the proposed dead load (reaction from the superstruc-
ture plus the weight of the substructure) is not greater than 110% of the existing
dead load ( including current wearing surface), then the element may be
considered suitable for reuse without further investigation or additional
support. The current MS18 live load may be more severe than the original
design live load; however, live load need not be considered in the analysis for
this case if the substructure element shows no signs of distress under the

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

current MS18 live load. If the proposed dead load is greater than 110% of the
existing dead loads, further investigation including, but not limited to, a review
of pile driving records should be performed.

In-kind pier widenings, with additional footings and/or piles typically do not
require further analysis. When the original design concept is changed, such
as replacing a series of simple spans with a continuous superstructure, the
existing substructure must be evaluated for increased reactions from the
superstructure, as well as overturning and bending forces that were not
present in the original design. In this case, live loads shall be considered.

The re-use of bridge components for which the original plans are not available
is not recommended. Proposals of this nature will be considered only when
the Bridge Survey provides complete information on the component’s sound-
ness, make-up and dimension and the proposed loading conditions will remain
essentially unchanged.

The proposed bridge width on a reconstruction project should be addressed

in the BCR and is a function of traffic, design speed, existing roadway features
and the proposed roadway improvement. The required bridge widths for State
rural reconstruction projects that are financed with Federal funds are found in
the current 3R Policies for the Rehabilitation of Arterial Highways and Bridges
for Other Than Expressways and Freeways on the Federal-aid Highway
System in Illinois and 3R Policies for the Rehabilitation of Collector Streets and
Highways on the Federal-aid Highway System in Illinois. Urban bridge widths
for reconstruction projects are generally determined on the basis of consis-
tency with the approved roadway template.

To facilitate the review of structure width recommendations contained in a

Bridge Condition Report, the approach roadway templates for existing and
proposed sections should be included in the BCR submittal. Each template
should depict the approach roadway width, shoulder width, curb and gutter
type (urban) crown slopes, shoulder width and stabilizing material and side
slopes. The Bridge Planning Section will not concur with a bridge width in
excess of, or less than that required by rehabilitation policy, unless it has
received prior approval from the Bureau of Design and Environment.
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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Each BCR submittal should include a “Proposed Bridge Drawing” which is

to be used to notify interested agencies in the Location Study phase of the
general configuration of the proposed bridge project. Details such as rail,
superstructure and substructure types, need not be shown. However, the
approximate structure length, pier locations (when environmental or hydrau-
lic concerns mandate a specific location or omission), the general structure
configuration (i.e., open abutment, closed abutment or culvert) and recom-
mended structure width should be indicated. All other details, unless
required to secure approval, should generally be omitted to allow the
designer the necessary freedom to select the most appropriate structure
design. See Section 2.3.1 for additional discussion on “Proposed Bridge

2.5.2 Existing A properly completed Structure Report for a rehabilitation project must
Bridge Survey contain the necessary information required for TSL plan development. Of
utmost importance on these projects is the existing Bridge Survey which
verifies that all components proposed for re-use are located and constructed
in accordance with the original plans or provides full information on any
apparent variances or movements. The survey should include the accurate
measurement of center-to-center of bearings and bearing seat elevations
which are of paramount importance to the designer in the preparation of a
reliable set of plans. The Bridge Survey should also provide the dimensions
of deteriorated areas of concrete and structural steel that are to be repaired
or replaced.

On large or major steel structures where structural steel deterioration is a

primary concern, it is paramount that a thorough and detailed steel inspection
be performed to assure that the designers are made aware of all areas of
significant deterioration so that the proper decisions on replacement or repair
of either individual elements or the total replacement of a superstructure can
be made.

2.5.3 Staged When staged construction has been determined to be the most cost effective
Construction alternate to provide for traffic flow during the reconstruction process, staging
sequences must be shown on the TSL plan. See Figure 2.8-5 for a typical

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

staging plan. Where a wide-load detour is not available, the minimum lane
width for a single lane staged roadway shall be 4.2 m. If a separate wide-load
detour is provided, a minimum lane width of 3 m may be provided. The minimum
lane width for multiple lane widths shall be provided in increments of 3 m. Each
of the above lane widths should be considered as minimums and additional
width should be provided whenever practical.

To separate traffic from construction areas during staging, a temporary

concrete barrier shall be provided when it can be safely supported by the
existing structure. See Base Sheet R-27 (M) of the Bridge Manual for the
appropriate details. The temporary steel bridge rail alternate should be used
whenever a temporary concrete barrier cannot be safely supported or the use
of a temporary concrete barrier will not provide the minimum required lane
width. The temporary steel bridge rail is depicted on Base Sheet R-25 (M).

All new construction stages of deck-girder superstructures shall be supported

by at least three girders unless special consideration and approval is secured
from the Bureau of Bridges and Structures. Special attention should be given
to stage construction of concrete bridge decks on longer span structures when
large deflections or cambers may cause construction problems in making the
final deck pour.

2.5.4 Abutment Abutment caps and/or walls are typically widened by either extension in-kind
Widening or by providing a cap cantilevered from the existing abutment. The use of a
cantilevered cap is normally a function of the structural capacity of the existing
abutment, imbalance of the deck system during construction staging or the
structural limitations of the cantilever itself. Since the cantilever method of
extension is normally more economical than extension in kind, a cantilever
should be used whenever it is both structurally and economically feasible.

The extension of the abutment cap beyond the existing embankment width by
cantilever on a closed abutment leaves the wingwalls inadequate and creates
a void between the existing and proposed shoulders adjacent to the abutment
cap. The approach shoulder beam treatment was developed to retain the

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

widened embankment. The approach shoulder beam, typically a precast

channel section, rests on the modified abutment at one end and a pedestal at
the other and for additional stability the approach beam is normally tied into the
adjacent slab. The beam length is determined by computing the distance
necessary to provide a 1:2 (V:H) slope from the end of the existing wing wall
to the shoulder edge at the end of approach beam. The minimum beam length
to be used should be 6.07 m and when additional length is required it should
be increased in increments of 1.2 m.

2.5.5 Pier Widening The widening of solid piers is typically accomplished by one of three methods.
The first method utilizes cantilever construction and is accomplished by
rebuilding the pier cap to the required width by extending cantilever arms out
past the pier shaft. This method is limited by the capacity of the pier to accept
the additional dead load and by the length of the cantilever arm.

The second method utilizes open or encased pile bent construction to extend
the pier to the necessary width. This method is limited by the capacity of the
pile bent construction.

The third method for pier extension is an extension of the pier with the same
type of construction as used on the original pier. This method is the most costly
of the three options and is generally used when the other options prove
unacceptable for either structural or physical reasons.

Other pier types such as pile bents or open columns are typically widened with
in-kind construction. Crash walls and footings shall be connected to the
existing crash walls and footings in all cases. On framed piers with cantilivered
caps, the pier caps shall not be attached and shall be designed accordingly.
All other pier types shall have a full connection at the cap. The normal
distribution of dead and live loads to the beams or girders of both the existing
and widened portions may be assumed when following these criteria.

The intended design approach consistent with the planning review shall be
stated on the TSL plan.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.5.6 Abutment and In locating new substructure units for bridge replacement projects, care should
Pier Location be exercised to avoid locating new units within the area of influence of the old
units. When increased structure length or unusual span length or arrangement
result from avoidance of conflict between new and old substructure units,
appropriate economic evaluations must take place to determine whether
removal of the existing substructure unit or units or an increase in span length
and/or structure length is the most cost-effective solution.

2.5.7 Semi-Integral A semi-integral jointless abutment may be appropriate for rehabilitation

Jointless projects which incorporate an abutment not originally designed to be integral.
The rehabilitated abutment may continue to use expansion bearings, but the
beams can be integral with the backwall, eliminating the deck's expansion joint
at the abutment. The bridge expansion is provided for as in a typical integral
abutment, at the ends of the approach slab away from the bridge. This type
of abutment may also be applicable to new construction when short piles (3.6 m
or less) or drilled shaft abutments prohibit the standard integral abutment. See
Section 3.6.13 for additional details. Generally, bridges with lengths greater
than 40 m should be planned with similar abutment types on both ends. These
projects should be considered on a case by case basis, and the Bureau of
Bridges and Structures should be contacted for approval.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.6 Planning
T his Section has been developed to provide ready access to the basic
parameters, common details and necessary information to facilitate bridge

2.6.1 Pile Cap Figure 2.6.1-1 depicts the preferred methods of treating an abutment berm for
Abutment a single structure with or without varying elevations between exterior beams.
Geometry These sketches are presented as guides and it is anticipated that situations
will occur which will fall outside the limits defined here. These situations will
require combinations of the treatments shown or unique solutions to solve
specific problems.

Dual structures will normally require individual evaluation to determine the

appropriate berm treatment.

2.6.2 Berm Widths Figures 2.6.2-1 and 2.6.2-2 are provided to show the development of berm
widths for open abutment structures.

2.6.3 Deck Cross Figure 2.6.3-1 indicates the deck cross slopes for structures with various
Slopes combinations of lanes and medians. These slopes are appropriate for all new
bridge superstructures. Cross slopes for redecking projects should be
considered on an individual basis to avoid excessive fillets and undesirable
additional dead loads. Sidewalk- The general procedure for new construction of sidewalks and bikeways on
Bikeway bridges is to slope the surface transversely away from concrete parapets. This
Configuration will avoid the need for any surface drainage through concrete parapets. The
typical cross slope is 1.7 %. See Base Sheets R-28 (M), R-29 (M), R-32
(M), R-33 (M) and Figure 3.2.4-4 for detailded configurations.

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Figure 2.6.1-1
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Figure 2.6.2-1
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Figure 2.6.2-2
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Figure 2.6.3-1
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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.6.4 Super- The approved procedure for developing superelevation is shown in Figure
elevation 2.6.4-1. The layout of a structure located within a horizontally curved section
of highway is shown in Figures 2.8-6 and 2.8-7. The appropriate offset
treatment is described in Section 2.4.2.

2.6.5 Selection of Structural steels shall conform to the material and strengths designated in
Structural Table 10.2A of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.
When economics justify, AASHTO M 270M Grade 345 should be used for new
bridges. For widenings, the strength of the existing beams shall be matched.
When M 270M Grade 345 steel is designated for the main longitudinal beam
design of straight beams, AASHTO M 270M Grade 250 shall be designated
for all diaphragms, crossframes, and connecting plates or angles. Wide flange
beams and plate girders shall utilize composite design in the positive moment

AASHTO M 270M Grade 345W (Weathering Steel) is allowed on bridges in

the unpainted condition when the Federal Highway Administration Technical
Advisory (T 5140.22) "Uncoated Weathering Steel in Structures" (October 3,
1989) is followed. See Section 3.1.3 for applicable General Notes when
weathering steel is specified.

2.6.6 Slope Two layouts of a slope protection system for stream crossing structures are
Protection for shown in Figure 2.6.6-1 and Figure 2.8-3. In each situation, the slope
protection system is developed to protect the bridge embankment endslopes
and areas where stream bank failure could endanger the structure or its
individual components. Figures 2.6.6-2 and 2.6.6-3 indicate the approved
treatments for ending a stone riprap embankment protection system.

For additional slopewall information and details, see Section 3.9

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Figure 2.6.4-1
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Figure 2.6.6-1
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Figure 2.6.6-2
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Figure 2.6.6-3
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2.6.7 Encasement Pile bent piers are of two general types - open and walled. Generally walled
of Piles in Pile piers are utilized to prevent pile damage and waterway blockage due to the
Bent Piers
collection of debris and ice, while open piers with individual pile encasements
are used to prevent corrosion of steel piles.

The following guidelines shall be followed for encasement of piles on stream

crossing structures. Special situations, however, shall be given due consid-
eration as to the proper type of wall encasement. It also remains the bridge
planner's responsibility to determine the structural appropriateness of this pier
type for each application.

1. Channel Bents:
Pile bents in the channel or within 7.5 m of the top of bank as illustrated
with pier locations B, C, and D in Figure 2.6.7-1.

A. Channel bents located in the overbank, location B, shall be

provided with solid wall encasement extending to 900 mm
below the ground line or 300 mm below the streambed,
whichever is higher. In addition, metal shell and steel H-piles
shall be provided with individual encasements extending from
the solid wall down to an elevation 1.2 m below streambed.
B. Channel bents located within the channel limits, locations C
and D, shall be provided with solid wall encasement extending
to 300 mm below streambed. In addition, metal shell and steel
H-piles shall be provided with individual encasements 900 mm
long and extending to 1.2 m below streambed.
C. Solid wall encasement for channel bents may be omitted when
it is determined that the stream does not convey bent clogging
debris during flood stages.

2. Overbank Bents:
Overbank bents, locations A and E in Figure 2.6.7-1, shall not be
provided with solid wall encasement; however, metal shell and steel
H-piles shall be provided with individual encasement extending to 1.2 m
below ground, as at location A, or to 1.2 m below streambed as at

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Figure 2.6.7-1
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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

location E, where movement of the channel position is expected during

the structure life.

Also, see Section 2.6.8 for acceptable uses of sacrificial steel to eliminate
individual pile encasement.

2.6.8 Pile Bent Generally, construction of encased pile bent piers in stream crossings is
Piers in River intended to be accomplished without cofferdams. Occasionally, special
procedures or means of excavation protection, short of a full fledge cofferdam,
may be necessary. Therefore the following guidelines shall be applied to
structures with an encased pile bent pier in a stream crossing.

1. On all final plans that are being prepared for contract, any encased pile
bent pier located in a stream channel or within 7.5 m from the top of the
main channel banks shall have an extra pay item titled "Structure
Excavation Protection for Pile Bents". (See Bents B, C, and D in
Example 1 of Figure 2.6.8-1). This will allow compensation to
contractors for constructing pile bents with innovative construction

2. Pile bent piers shall not be used on major river crossings. The following
rivers are considered to be major:
The Mississippi River
The Ohio River
The Illinois River
The Wabash River
The Rock River
The Navigable reaches of the DesPlaines River

3. On intermediate river crossings, cofferdams shall be specified for

foundations located in the channel or within 7.5 m from the top of the
channel banks. The exception to this occurs when drilled shafts are
used, since cofferdams may not be necessary. With this in mind, the
planner should provide solid piers with footing supports and possibly

Apr. 99 Page 2-55

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

longer spans at these locations in order to reduce the number of

substructure units and thus, achieve better economy. (See Example
2 of Figure 2.6.8-1). An intermediate river crossing is defined herein
as a stream location having a minimum contributing drainage area of
1800 km2.

4. Pile bent piers with solid or individual encasements may be used, if

appropriate, on all other river crossing locations not specified in items
2 and 3 above. (Such as, Bents A and E in Example 1, Bent A in
Example 2 and Bents A and E in Example 3 of Figure 2.6.8-1). In these
cases, neither cofferdams nor "Structure Excavation Protection for Pile
Bents" are required to be shown on the plans.

5. On unmarked routes, where individual pile encasement is allowed by

hydraulic considerations, concrete encasement (if appropriate) may
be substituted for by additional thickness of sacrificial steel for
corrosion on metal shell and steel H-piles. The designer shall make
sure that both the flanges and the web of an H-pile have the sufficient
thickness of sacrificial steel.

On other routes, where due to consideration of possible future stream

meander, solid and/or individual encasement may be quite deep below
the ground line. (See Bents B and E in Example 3 of Figure 2.6.8-1).
Under such circumstances, increasing the pile section to allow for
corrosion losses can be an effective way to decrease the encasement
embedment, thus reducing the need for excavation protection.

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Figure 2.6.8-1
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2.6.9 Culvert Multiple box culverts with a clear height of 1.2 m and greater shall be provided
Nesting with 25 mm ledges, 1.2 m long on each side of all interior walls near the
downstream end when these walls contain a single plane of reinforcement bars
located at the wall center.

These ledges provide suitable nesting sites for certain bird species (phoebes
and barn swallows) that tend to nest in man-made shelters. The ledge detail
is depicted in Figure 2.6.9-1. Culvert The invert elevations of all culverts at stream crossing locations shall be set
Invert a minimum of 75 mm below the lowest point in the stream cross section. This
will insure that culvert inverts will not become a barrier to fish migration during
low water. The size of the culvert opening does not need to be increased to
compensate for lowering the invert 75 mm. Locations which may warrent lower
invert elevations shall override this policy.

2.6.10 Permit As part of the preparation of plans for stream crossing structures, sketches
Sketches must be prepared for submittal to the agencies having jurisdiction over the
involved waterways.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources requires the submittal of

Waterway Sketches and Channel Change Sketches. Samples of these
sketches are illustrated in the Drainage Manual.

The U.S. Coast Guard requires permit sketches when navigable waters are
involved. Figures 2.6.10-1, 2.6.10-2, 2.6.10-3, 2.6.10-4 and 2.6.10-5 illustrate
the proper presentation and requirements to be followed in the preparation of
these drawings.

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Figure 2.6.9-1
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Figure 2.6.10-1
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Figure 2.6.10-2
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Figure 2.6.10-3
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Figure 2.6.10-4
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Figure 2.6.10-5
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2.6.11 Bridges Over It is the responsibility of the Engineer of Bridges and Structures to obtain from
Navigable the Commandant, United States Coast Guard, a permit approving the location
and plans for the construction or alteration of any bridge on the State highway
system over certain navigable waterways. Alteration in this context means any
work that would permanently alter the navigation clearances.

Requirements for navigation lights and vertical clearance gages are estab-
lished by the Coast Guard and become conditions of the permit.

A U.S. Coast Guard Permit is required when a bridge crosses waters which
are used or susceptible to use in the natural condition or by reasonable
improvement as a means to transport interstate or foreign commerce. The
determination of the need for a permit is made by the USCG. The following
table lists those waterways that in the past have required permits under the
foregoing definition. These waterway locations have not been resurveyed in
kilometers and are therefore intentionally shown in miles.

U.S. Coast Guard Permit Waterways

Second Coast Guard District - St. Louis, Missouri
Waterway Upper Limit
Big Muddy River Murphysboro, Illinois, Mile 37.5
Chain of Rocks Canal In its entirety
Des Plaines River Mile 291.1
Illinois River Confluence Kankakee and
Des Plaines River, Mile 273.0
Kaskaskia River Fayetteville, Illinois, Mile 36.2
Little Wabash River Mile 39.7
Ohio River In its entirety
Upper Mississippi River In its entirety
Carr Creek Mile 2.4
Fountain Creek Mile 5.75
Massac Creek Mile 2.2
Big Grande Pierre Creek Mile 6.0
Mary's River Mile 14.0
Round Springs Mile 0.8

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Quincy Bay In its entirety

Chaney Creek Mile 0.5
Grays Bay Mile 0.4
Larry Creek Mile 0.9
Sonora Creek Mile 0.6
Waggoner Creek Mile 0.7
Riley Creek Mile 0.4

Ninth Coast Guard District - Cleveland, Ohio

Waterway Upper Limit
Waukegan Harbor In its entirety
Chicago River:
Main Branch In its entirety
North Branch and
North Branch Canal Mile 7.29 (Addison Street)
South Branch In its entirety
South Fork of South Branch In its entirety
Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal In its entirety
Calumet - Sag Channel In its entirety
Little Calumet River Calumet - Sag Channel
Calumet River In its entirety
Lake Calumet In its entirety
Grande Calumet River State line

All federally funded bridges over navigable waters which do not meet the above
definition, are exempt from the USCG permit process. The FHWA will make
the exempt status determination in the early coordination phase of project
development. Non-federally funded bridge projects where the permit require-
ment is not apparent after an investigation into stream navigability shall be
referred to the USCG for a permit requirement determination.

In the early stages of project development, the District shall consult with the
Bureau of Bridges and Structures, who will assess the need for a Coast Guard
permit. When a permit is required, the District should initiate coordination with
the USCG at an early stage of project development and provide opportunity

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

for the USCG to be involved throughout the environmental review process in

accordance with 23 CFR, Part 771. The Bureau of Design and Environment
should be consulted for coordination procedures and requirements.

2.6.12 Traffic The Traffic Barrier Terminal, Type 6 is crash tested and approved by the FHWA
Barrier for connection of Steel Plate Beam Guardrail to the approach ends of bridges.
This terminal shall be implemented on applicable projects.
Type 6

On most projects, a special treatment to the structure will be required to avoid

interference with the end post of the traffic barrier terminal. Generally, the
special treatments for different types of structures are:

Integral Abutment - a 245 x 250 notch shall be provided at the end of

the abutment wall corbel, as shown in Figure 2.6.12-1.

Semi-Integral Abutment - see Figure 3.6.13-2.

Bridges with expansion joints - the standard parallel wingwall as shown

in Figure 3.6.3-2 shall be utilized. However, when piles for the wingwall
are the only piles required for the structure, a spread footing in lieu of
the pile supported footing shall be used. The wingwalls spread footing
shall be designed for assumed soil conditions of Qu = 95 kPa unless
actual field data is available. Some structures with expansion joints
may have pile bent abutments with dog-ear wingwalls in which case the
wingwall is typically moved 150 mm toward the face of the abutment.

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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Figure 2.6.12-1
Page 2-68 Apr. 97
Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.7 Attachment of
Utilities on
T he policy on the Accommodation of Utilities on Rights of Way of the Illinois
State Highway System, Illinois Administrative Code 530, governs the attach-
ment to and assessment for utility installations to bridges and to traffic
structures under the jurisdiction of the Division of Highways. A copy of the most
recent publication of this policy can be obtained from the Central Bureau of

All utility companies, whether private, cooperative or municipally - owned, who

wish to attach their facilities to bridges or to traffic structures under the
jurisdiction of the Division of Highways are subject to assessment charges.

The administration and regulation of utility attachments are functions of the

Bureau of Operations and of the District Engineer.

If the District Engineer approves of the proposed attachment to the structure,

an application for a permit for utility attachment to a bridge or structure shall
be submitted to the Central Bureau of Operations for review of compliance with
policy and method of attachment. If approved by the Central Bureau of
Operations, the permit will be forwarded to the Bridge Planning Section of the
Bureau of Bridges and Structures for structural analysis and computation of
assessment charges. Copies of the Computation of Cost Assessment will then
be sent directly to the District Engineer with a copy of the letter of transmittal
to the Bureau of Operations and, in the case of new structures, to the Bureau
of Construction for further processing.

In instances where it is desirable to attach a utility to a proposed new structure

undergoing design or reattach to a proposed bridge reconstruction, a permit
and assessment should be processed as above; however, the plans and
details of the attachments should be transmitted to the Bureau of Bridges and
Structures early in the design stage so that provision for the attachment may
be incorporated into the construction plans. Such provisions will generally be
limited to:

1. Including the mass of the attachment in the design loads.

2. Providing concrete inserts for anchor bolts.

Apr. 97 Page 2-69

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

3. Providing openings or passageway thru or around structural elements

where structurally practical.

2.7.1 Computation A utility company whose facility is to be carried on a structure will be assessed
of Cost an amount equal to the product of the ratio of the mass of facility to the live load
for which the structure was designed and the cost of applicable structural items
which contribute to the longitudinal carrying capacity of the structure. Assess-
ment will be made for the full capacity of attachment; for example, if six
telephone ducts are installed, assessment will be made for all six ducts, even
though initially only two ducts might be utilized.

The mass of facility shall include all conduits, cables and pipes, completely
filled, and all material necessary for attachment to structure.

The live load for which the structure is designed is either present-day loading
or any condition of loading previously used in the design of existing structures.
If sidewalk loading was or is incorporated in the design of the structure, it shall
be included in arriving at a proper design live load ratio. Also, whenever the
mass of a utility attachment is included in the design of a structure, the utility
mass shall be included in the design live load ratio.

All items that contribute to the longitudinal carrying capacity of the structure
element shall be included.

All items of the superstructure exclusive of the roadway deck slab,
sidewalks and railing shall be included. However, when composite
action is utilized in the design, the roadway concrete (deck slab and
reinforcement) shall be included.

All material in the piers and abutments, i.e., concrete, reinforcing,
foundations and piling shall be included. Wingwalls shall also be
included when they are tied to the main abutment wall and/or are

Page 2-70 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

supported on a monolithic footing. Seal coats and cofferdams neces-

sary to facilitate foundation construction shall not be included.

Whenever possible, cost assessments shall be based on final quantities and

actual contract prices. When final quantities and actual contract prices are not
available, the plan quantities and present-day estimated prices shall be used.
When present-day estimated prices are used, the cost of applicable structural
items shall be prorated to time of actual construction by application of the
Engineering News-Record Cost Indices. Also, when estimated prices are
used, 10% of the cost of applicable structural items shall be included in the total
cost of structure to cover engineering contingencies. The 1913 Cost Index
shall be used if the structure was built prior to the year 1913.

In no case shall the assessment to utility companies to support their facilities

be less than $300.

When contract prices are used in the cost assessment computations, the cost
assessment formula is as follows:
Assessment = ´c

When estimated prices are used in the cost assessment computations, the cost
assessment formula is as follows:

a e
Assessment = ´ ´  c + d
b f

a = Mass of Utility (kg)
b = Design Live Load (kN)
c = Cost of Applicable Structural Items
d = 10% for Engineering and Contingencies
e = Cost Index - Year of Construction
f = Cost Index - Present Day

Apr. 97 Page 2-71

Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

2.8 Sample TSL

S ix sets of sample TSL plans which indicate the typical range of grade
separation and stream crossing structures that might be encountered within
a given project have been developed to provide planners with a quick reference
for bridge planning policy location, the preferred method of information
presentation for a TSL and to indicate the type and wealth of information
necessary for a complete presentation. The numbered notations are provided
for information and reference and are not to be shown on the TSL plan.

The following chart provides a quick reference for specific structure types that
have been developed as sample TSL plans.

Type County Route Section Description

1.05 m Plate Girder

Grade Separation
2.8-1 Tazewell FA 406 90-(107-2)HB Vaulted Abutment,
Column Pier

914 mm PPC I-Beam

Railroad Structure Pile Bent Abutment
2.8-2 Stephenson FA 401 177-2VB
Highway/RR RR Pier

W 760 mm (M270)
Curved Roadway FAU Grade 345
2.8-3 Tazewell (105B)BR
Highway/Stream 6757 Integral Abutment

2 - 2.8 m x 1.8 m Box

2.8-4 Culvert Douglas FA 749 121-BR-6
Fill Ht.=800 mm ±

Rehabilitation Deck Replacement

2.8-5 Henry FAI 80 37-1BR-2
Re-use Exist. Sub. and Widening

2.8-6/ Curved Roadway, Curved Plate Girder,

Dual Structures, Madison FA 2 202 BR-1 Std. Open Abutments,
2.8-7 Highway/Channel Solid Piers

Page 2-72 Apr. 97

Figure 2.8-1
Apr. 99 Page 2-73
Figure 2.8-2
Page 2-74 Apr. 99
Figure 2.8-3
Apr. 99 Page 2-75
Figure 2.8-4
Page 2-76 Apr. 99
Figure 2.8-5
Apr. 99 Page 2-77
Figure 2.8-6
Page 2-78 Apr. 99
Figure 2.8-7
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Bridge Manual Section 2 - Planning

Page 2-80
Section 3 Design
Table of Contents
3.1 General .................................................................................. 3-1

3.1.1 Plan Presentation ................................................................... 3-1

3.1.2 Content of Bridge Plans .......................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 General Notes ........................................................................ 3-2
3.1.4 Reinforcement Presentation ................................................... 3-8
3.1.5 Reinforcement Designation .................................................... 3-9
3.1.6 Total Bill of Material (General Plan & Elevation Sheet) ....... 3-10
3.1.7 Bill of Material (Individual Elements of Bridge) .................... 3-10
3.1.8 Basic Geometry & Footing Layout ........................................ 3-11
3.1.9 Top of Slab Elevations ......................................................... 3-15
3.1.10 Designation of Roadway Crown on Plans ............................ 3-19
3.1.11 Boring Logs .......................................................................... 3-19
3.1.12 Table of Moments and Shears ............................................. 3-19
3.1.13 Provisions for Electrical Conduit and Lighting ..................... 3-26

3.2 Deck ..................................................................................... 3-27

3.2.1 Concrete Deck Slabs on Stringers........................................ 3-27

3.2.2 Reinforcement (Deck Slab on Stringers) .............................. 3-32
3.2.3 Reinforcement (Treatment of Skewed Decks) ...................... 3-34
3.2.4 Parapet & Sidewalk Sections ................................................ 3-34
3.2.5 Raised-Curb Medians ........................................................... 3-41
3.2.6 Longitudinal Bonded Joints (Concrete Deck on Steel
Stringers) .............................................................................. 3-44
3.2.7 Longitudinal Open Joints ...................................................... 3-44
3.2.8 Transverse Construction Joints ............................................ 3-45
3.2.9 Aluminum Plate Parapet Joints (Concrete Deck on
Stringers) .............................................................................. 3-48
3.2.10 Deck Slab Drains .................................................................. 3-48
3.2.11 Slab Bridges (Main Reinforcement Parallel to Traffic) ......... 3-55
3.2.12 Overlay Systems .................................................................. 3-59
3.2.13 Bridge Rails .......................................................................... 3-59

Apr. 99
3.3 Structural Steel ................................................................... 3-63

3.3.1 Distribution of Loads to Stringers ......................................... 3-63

3.3.2 Limiting Live Load Deflection of Stringers ............................ 3-64
3.3.3 Uplift at End Reactions ......................................................... 3-64
3.3.4 Design of Steel Stringers- General ...................................... 3-64
3.3.5 Notch Toughness Requirements .......................................... 3-65
3.3.6 Cover Plates ......................................................................... 3-65
3.3.7 Composite Beam Design- Shear Connectors ....................... 3-68
3.3.8 Welded Girder Flange Transitions ....................................... 3-70
3.3.9 Camber ................................................................................. 3-70
3.3.10 Fillet Welds ........................................................................... 3-75
3.3.11 Intermediate Vertical Stiffeners ............................................ 3-75
3.3.12 Bearing Stiffeners ................................................................. 3-75
3.3.13 Structural Steel Framing ....................................................... 3-76
3.3.14 Fillet Heights ......................................................................... 3-77
3.3.15 Lateral Bracing ..................................................................... 3-77
3.3.16 Splices .................................................................................. 3-79
3.3.17 Interior Diaphragms and Cross Frames ............................... 3-83
3.3.18 End Diaphragms and Cross Frames ................................... 3-84
3.3.19 Oversize Holes in Diaphragms, Cross Frames & Lateral
Bracings ............................................................................... 3-85
3.3.20 Slotted Holes in Intermediate Diaphragms and
Cross Frames ....................................................................... 3-85
3.3.21 Computation of Structural Steel Quantities ........................... 3-85

3.4 Expansion Devices.............................................................. 3-95

3.4.1 Expansion Joints - Limitations .............................................. 3-95

3.4.2 Sealed Expansion Joints ...................................................... 3-95
3.4.3 Substructure Treatments ...................................................... 3-96

3.5 Bearings ............................................................................ 3-107

3.5.1 Bearing Assemblies............................................................ 3-107

3.5.2 Thickness of Plates ............................................................ 3-110
3.5.3 Seismic Requirements ....................................................... 3-112
3.5.4 Elastomeric Expansion Bearing Assemblies ...................... 3-115

Apr. 99
3.6 Abutments ......................................................................... 3-141

3.6.1 General ............................................................................... 3-141

3.6.2 Reinforcement .................................................................... 3-141
3.6.3 Standard Pile Bent Abutments ............................................ 3-141
3.6.4 Abutment Footings .............................................................. 3-142
3.6.5 Closed Abutments - General .............................................. 3-147
3.6.6 Closed Abutments - Restrained Top and Bottom................ 3-149
3.6.7 Closed Abutments - Cantilever Type .................................. 3-154
3.6.8 Approach Pavement Support .............................................. 3-154
3.6.9 Bridge Seats ....................................................................... 3-155
3.6.10 End of Slab Treatment ........................................................ 3-155
3.6.11 Vaulted Abutments.............................................................. 3-157
3.6.12 Integral Abutments .............................................................. 3-164
3.6.13 Semi-Integral Jointless Abutments ..................................... 3-173

3.7 Piers ................................................................................... 3-179

3.7.1 Piers (General) ................................................................... 3-179

3.7.2 Reinforcement .................................................................... 3-179
3.7.3 Pier Caps and Base Walls .................................................. 3-182
3.7.4 Pier Columns ...................................................................... 3-182
3.7.5 Pier Footings ...................................................................... 3-184
3.7.6 Transmission of Transverse and Longitudinal Forces ....... 3-185
3.7.7 Design Policy on Ice Forces ............................................... 3-185
3.7.8 Pile Bents ........................................................................... 3-186
3.7.9 Pier Treatment for Slab Bridges ......................................... 3-186

3.8 Piles ................................................................................... 3-191

3.8.1 Pile Capacities .................................................................... 3-191

3.8.2 Pile Embedment ................................................................. 3-191
3.8.3 Pile Spacing ....................................................................... 3-191
3.8.4 Point Bearing Piles ............................................................. 3-193
3.8.5 Friction Piles ....................................................................... 3-193
3.8.6 Concrete Piles .................................................................... 3-196
3.8.7 Untreated and Creosoted Piles ........................................... 3-197

Apr. 99
3.9 Embankment and Slope Walls ......................................... 3-199

3.9.1 Embankment ...................................................................... 3-199

3.9.2 Slope Walls - General ........................................................ 3-199
3.9.3 Abutment Berms ................................................................. 3-199
3.9.4 Slope Walls (Grade Separations) ....................................... 3-203
3.9.5 Slope Protection Systems (Stream Crossings)................... 3-206

3.10 Miscellaneous Details ...................................................... 3-209

Apr. 99
Section 3 Design
Table of Figures
3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 3-1

Figure 3.1.8-1 Sample Footing Layout .............................................................. 3-12

Figure 3.1.8-2 Sample Footing Layout .............................................................. 3-13
Figure 3.1.8-3 Sample Footing Layout .............................................................. 3-14
Figure 3.1.9-1 Sample Deck Elevations ........................................................... 3-17
Figure 3.1.9-2 Sample Deck Elevations ........................................................... 3-18
Figure 3.1.12-1 Service Load Design Data Tables ............................................. 3-20
Figure 3.1.12-2 Load Factor Design Data Tables ............................................... 3-21
Figure 3.1.12-3 Load Factor Design Data Tables for Curved Girders ................ 3-23
Figure 3.1.12-4 PPC I-Beam Design Data Tables .............................................. 3-25

3.2 Deck .......................................................................................................... 3-27

Figure 3.2.2-1 Ultimate Strength Slab Design with FWS = 2.4kN/m2 ......................... 3-30
Figure 3.2.2-2 Ultimate Strength Slab Design with FWS = 1.2kN/m2 ......................... 3-31
Figure 3.2.4-1 Concrete Parapet Configuration ................................................ 3-35
Figure 3.2.4-2 Deck & Parapet Reinforcement ................................................. 3-36
Figure 3.2.4-3 Deck Treatment at Piers & Abutments....................................... 3-37
Figure 3.2.4-4 Sidewalk Configuration & Dimensions ...................................... 3-38
Figure 3.2.4-5 Sidewalk Reinforcement ............................................................ 3-39
Figure 3.2.4-6 Fillets ......................................................................................... 3-40
Figure 3.2.5-1 Median Details........................................................................... 3-42
Figure 3.2.5-2 Voided Median .......................................................................... 3-43
Figure 3.2.7-1 Longitudinal Deck Joint ............................................................. 3-46
Figure 3.2.7-2 Longitudinal Joint Seal at Median Barriers................................ 3-47
Figure 3.2.10-1 Floor Drain ................................................................................ 3-51
Figure 3.2.10-2 Alternate Floor Drain ................................................................. 3-52
Figure 3.2.10-3 Drainage Scupper ..................................................................... 3-53
Figure 3.2.10-4 Light Pole Mounted on Concrete Parapet .................................. 3-54
Figure 3.2.10-5 Light Pedestal Reinforcement ................................................... 3-55
Figure 3.2.11-1 Slab Bridges .............................................................................. 3-57
Figure 3.2.11-2 Two Span Slab Bridges ............................................................. 3-58
Figure 3.2.11-3 Three Span Slab Bridges .......................................................... 3-59

Apr. 99
3.3 Structural Steel ........................................................................................ 3-63

Figure 3.3.6-1 Cover Plates .............................................................................. 3-67

Figure 3.3.7-1 Typical Detail of Shear Connectors ........................................... 3-69
Figure 3.3.8-1 Flange Plate Butt Welds - Joint Width = 300 mm ..................... 3-71
Figure 3.3.8-2 Flange Plate Butt Welds - Joint Width = 350 mm ..................... 3-72
Figure 3.3.8-3 Flange Plate Butt Welds - Joint Width = 400 mm ..................... 3-73
Figure 3.3.8-4 Flange Plate Butt Welds - Joint Width = 450 mm ..................... 3-74
Figure 3.3.13-1 Curved Girder Layout ................................................................ 3-78
Figure 3.3.16-1 Standard Beam and Girder Splices Configurations .................. 3-81
Figure 3.3.16-2 Standard Beam and Girder Splices Configurations .................. 3-82
Figure 3.3.17-1 Diaphragm Connections ............................................................ 3-86
Figure 3.3.17-2 Diaphragm Connections ............................................................ 3-87
Figure 3.3.17-3 Diaphragm Connections ............................................................ 3-88
Figure 3.3.17-4 Interior Cross Frame Away from Support .................................. 3-89
Figure 3.3.17-5 Interior Cross Frame Away from Support .................................. 3-90
Figure 3.3.17-6 End Cross Frame for Skew < 45° ............................................. 3-91
Figure 3.3.17-7 End Cross Frame for Skew _> 45° ............................................. 3-92
Figure 3.3.17-8 End Cross Frame for Skew _> 45° ............................................. 3-93
Figure 3.3.17-9 Bottom Lateral Connections ...................................................... 3-94

3.4 Expansion Devices................................................................................... 3-95

Figure 3.4.2-1 Additional Bars at Neoprene Expansion Joints ......................... 3-97

Figure 3.4.2-2 Finger Plate ............................................................................... 3-98
Figure 3.4.2-3 Finger Plate ............................................................................... 3-99
Figure 3.4.2-4 Trough Detail Abutment ........................................................... 3-100
Figure 3.4.2-5 Trough Detail Pier ................................................................... 3-101
Figure 3.4.2-6 Limits of Expansion Joint Seal ................................................ 3-102
Figure 3.4.2-7 Preformed Joint Seal (64 mm and 102 mm) .......................... 3-103
Figure 3.4.2-8 Preformed Joint Seal (45 mm, 64 mm and 102 mm)............. 3-104
Figure 3.4.2-9 Typ. Neoprene Expansion Joints at Poured Concrete Decks .. 3-105
Figure 3.4.2-10 Preformed Joint Seal over Fixed Bearings.............................. 3-106

3.5 Bearings ................................................................................................. 3-107

Figure 3.5.1-1 Low Profile Fixed Bearing ....................................................... 3-109

Figure 3.5.2-1 Non-Elastomeric Bearing Plate Design ................................... 3-111
Figure 3.5.4-1 Elastomeric & TFE Elastomeric Expansion Bearings .............. 3-119
Figure 3.5.4-2 Types I & II Plan Dimensions vs. Loadings ............................. 3-120
Figure 3.5.4-3 Type III Plan Dimensions vs. Loadings ................................... 3-121
Figure 3.5.4-4 Type of Bearing vs. Expansion Length .................................... 3-122
Figure 3.5.4-5 Type I Minimum Bearing Thickness vs. Expansion Length ..... 3-123
Figure 3.5.4-6 Type II Minimum Bearing Thickness vs. Expansion Length .... 3-124

Apr. 99
Figure 3.5.4-7 Type II & III Minimum Bearing Thickness vs. Slope ................ 3-125
Figure 3.5.4-8 Type II & III Minimum Bearing Thickness vs. Slope ................ 3-126
Figure 3.5.4-9 Type II & III Minimum Bearing Thickness vs. Slope ................ 3-127
Figure 3.5.4-10 Slope Limitations for Elastomeric Expansion Bearings ........... 3-128
Figure 3.5.4-11 Type I Elastomeric Expansion Bearing ................................... 3-129
Figure 3.5.4-12 Type II Elastomeric Expansion Bearing................................... 3-130
Figure 3.5.4-13 Type III Elastomeric Expansion Bearing .................................. 3-131
Figure 3.5.4-14 Elastomeric Bearing Details for Steel Beams on
Semi-Integral Abutments ......................................................... 3-132
Figure 3.5.4-15 Elastomeric Bearing Details for PPC I-Beams on
Semi-Integral Abutments ......................................................... 3-133
Figure 3.5.4-16 Miscellaneous Details for Elastomeric Expansion Bearings ... 3-134
Figure 3.5.4-17 Elastomeric Bearing Plate Design ........................................... 3-135
Figure 3.5.4-18 Load Capacity and Shape Factor - Type 1, 2 & 3 Bearings .... 3-136
Figure 3.5.4-19 Table of Dimensions - Type 1 Bearing .................................... 3-137
Figure 3.5.4-20 Table of Dimensions - Type 2 and 3 Bearing .......................... 3-138
Figure 3.5.4-21 Table of Dimensions - Type 3 Bearing (continued) ................. 3-139

3.6 Abutments .............................................................................................. 3-141

Figure 3.6.3-1 Pile Bent Abutment .................................................................. 3-143

Figure 3.6.3-1.1 Alternate Pile Bent Abutment ................................................... 3-144
Figure 3.6.3-2 Wingwalls for Standard Abutments ......................................... 3-145
Figure 3.6.3-3 Pile Bent Abutment for Fixed Slab Bridges ............................. 3-146
Figure 3.6.5-1 Dimensions Closed Abutments ............................................... 3-148
Figure 3.6.6-1 Abutments Restrained Top & Bottom ...................................... 3-150
Figure 3.6.6-2 Closed Abutments Slab Bridges .............................................. 3-151
Figure 3.6.6-3 Closed Abutments RC Girder Bridges ..................................... 3-152
Figure 3.6.6-4 Closed Abutments Steel Stringer Bridges ............................... 3-153
Figure 3.6.10-1 Expansion or Fixed Bearing Rigid Approach .......................... 3-156
Figure 3.6.11-1 Vaulted Abutment with PPC I-Beams ...................................... 3-158
Figure 3.6.11-2 PPC Beam Lengths on Vaulted Abutments ............................. 3-159
Figure 3.6.11-3 Vaulted Abutment Back Wall Thickness "B" for PPC I-Beam .. 3-160
Figure 3.6.11-4 Filled Vaulted Abutment .......................................................... 3-161
Figure 3.6.11-5 Electrical Conduit Vaulted Abutments ..................................... 3-162
Figure 3.6.11-6 Electrical Conduit Pile Bent Abutments ................................... 3-163
Figure 3.6.12-1 Typical Section Thru Integral Abutment................................... 3-167
Figure 3.6.12-2 Integral Abutment Plan ............................................................ 3-168
Figure 3.6.12-3 Integral Abutment for Steel Beams .......................................... 3-169
Figure 3.6.12-3.1 Integral Abutment for Steel Beams W690 and Smaller ......... 3-170
Figure 3.6.12-4 Integral Abutment for PPC I-Beams ........................................ 3-171
Figure 3.6.12-5 Integral Abutment Beam Location ........................................... 3-172
Figure 3.6.13-1 Semi-Integral Abutment Details ............................................... 3-174

Apr. 99
Figure 3.6.13-2 Semi-Integral Abutment Details ............................................... 3-175
Figure 3.6.13-3 Semi-Integral Abutment for Steel Beams ................................ 3-176

3.7 Piers ........................................................................................................ 3-179

Figure 3.7.1-1 Grade Separation Piers ........................................................... 3-180

Figure 3.7.1-2 Grade Separation Piers ........................................................... 3-181
Figure 3.7.3-1 Height of Beam Portion of Multi-Column Piers ....................... 3-183
Figure 3.7.6-1 Skew Angle of Wind Girder Spans WN Max ............................ 3-187
Figure 3.7.6-2 Skew Angle of Wind Girder Spans W Max ............................. 3-188
Figure 3.7.8-1 Reinforced Concrete Caps for Pile Bents ................................ 3-189
Figure 3.7.9-1 Pile Bent Pier for Slab Bridges ................................................ 3-190

3.8 Piles ........................................................................................................ 3-191

Figure 3.8.1-1 Method of Computing Pile Loadings ....................................... 3-192

Figure 3.8.4-1 Typical HP Pile Encasement ................................................... 3-194
Figure 3.8.4-2 Standard Steel Pile Field Splice .............................................. 3-195

3.9 Embankment and Slope Walls ............................................................. 3-199

Figure 3.9.1-1 Embankment Cones ................................................................ 3-200

Figure 3.9.1-2 Embankment Cones Dual Bridges .......................................... 3-201
Figure 3.9.1-3 Construction Procedure for Embankment Cones .................... 3-202
Figure 3.9.4-1 Slopewall Treatment Grade Separations................................. 3-204
Figure 3.9.4-2 Details of Slopewall with Paved Berm ..................................... 3-205
Figure 3.9.5-1 Special Slopewall Treatment Stream Crossings ..................... 3-207

3.10 Miscellaneous Details ........................................................................... 3-209

Figure 3.10-1Name Plate Location ............................................................... 3-210

Figure 3.10-2Lettering for Name PLates ....................................................... 3-211
Figure 3.10-3Name Plate Location ............................................................... 3-212
Figure 3.10-4Guard Rail Anchorage ............................................................. 3-213
Figure 3.10-5Retaining Wall Joint & Drainage Details ................................. 3-214
Figure 3.10-6Paved Aprons on Multiple Box Culverts .................................. 3-215
Figure 3.10-7Beam Bearing Location on Abutment w/ M24 Anchor Bolts .... 3-216
Figure 3.10-8Plate Girder Bearing Location on Vaulted
Abutment w/ M36 Anchor Bolts ............................................... 3-217
Figure 3.10-9 Standard Beam Splices ........................................................... 3-218
Figure 3.10-10 Standard Beam Splices ........................................................... 3-219

Apr. 99
Figure 3.10-11 Standard Splices for Common Beam Sections ....................... 3-220
Figure 3.10-12 Standard Splices for Uncommon Beam Sections ................... 3-221
Figure 3.10-13 Abutment Expansion Bearing I-Beam Bridges ........................ 3-222
Figure 3.10-14 Interior Expansion Bearing I-Beam Bridges w/o Cover Plates 3-223
Figure 3.10-15 Interior Expansion Bearing I-Beam Bridges w/ Cover Plates .. 3-224
Figure 3.10-16 Interior Fixed Bearing I-Beam Bridges w/o Cover Plates ........ 3-225
Figure 3.10-17 Interior Fixed Bearing I-Beam Bridges w/ Cover Plates .......... 3-226
Figure 3.10-18 Abutment Fixed Bearing I-Beam Single Span < 14 m ............. 3-227
Figure 3.10-19 Abutment Fixed Bearing I-Beam Bridges ................................ 3-228
Figure 3.10-20 Expansion Plate Girder Bearing .............................................. 3-229
Figure 3.10-21 Fixed Plate Girder Bearing ...................................................... 3-230
Figure 3.10-22 Abutment Expansion Bearing RC Deck Girder ........................ 3-231
Figure 3.10-23 Abutment Expansion Bearing RC Deck Girder ........................ 3-232
Figure 3.10-24 Interior Expansion Bearing RC Deck Girder ............................ 3-233
Figure 3.10-25 Interior Fixed Bearing RC Deck Girder ................................... 3-234
Figure 3.10-26 Interior Fixed Bearing RC Deck Girder ................................... 3-235
Figure 3.10-27 Abutment Expansion Bearing RC Slab Bridges....................... 3-236

Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Section 3 Design
3.1 General
3.1.1 Plan
T he design plans comprise the mode of communication between the
Designer and the Contractor. If the Designer expects the structure to be built
in accordance with the structural design and the governing policies, the plans
must be accurate and explicit.

For permanent record all plans are microfilmed. For lettings, plan sheets are
produced which are one-quarter the original size. These quarter-size prints
are the plans used by the Contractor for figuring the bid and for constructing
the bridge. Since some clarity is lost inherently in the reduction of plan size
and microfilming process, the following paragraphs emphasize good plan

“A good drawing is easily recognized by sharp line work, clear

uniform lettering, well selected views, simple presentation and
legible dimensions and elevations. The importance of simplicity
cannot be over-emphasized as a prime factor in contributing to good
reproduction from microfilm.

All lettering shall be slant style, lower case lettering known as the
gothic type, except for titles, and they shall be upper case of the same
style and type. The body of all letters, numerals and symbols shall
be no smaller than 2.33 mm.”

In order to withstand the handling and processing prior to microfilming and to

facilitate the making of subsequent revisions, plans must be produced on
durable sheets such as vellums or mylars, using a CADD system, ink, or non-
smudgable plastic pencil. High quality pencil work on paper may be used by
transferring it to drafting film through a photographic process.

Apr. 97 Page 3-1

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.1.2 Content of The Bridge Plans are composed of a sheet or sheets covering each of the
Bridge Plans
following aspects of a structure and are usually presented in the plans in similar

1) General Plan
2) Substructure Layout
3) Deck Elevations
4) Deck Details
Superstructure - plan and cross section
Superstructure - Details; expansion devices
5) Bridge Rail Details
6) Girder and Framing Details (Steel or Concrete)
7) Bearing Details
8) Abutment Details
9) Pier Details
10) Pile Details
11) Other applicable misc. Base Sheets
12) Boring Logs

3.1.3 General Notes The following plan notes are required, when applicable, to supplement the
Standard Specifications. While usually placed under the heading “General
Notes”, the notes marked with an asterisk may be placed near the associated

Note Application

1. Fasteners shall be high strength bolts Note in ( ) to be added when

(AASHTO M164M, Type 3). Bolts M ___ , unpainted structural steel
open holes ____ mm B , unless otherwise M 270M Grade 345W is used.

2. Calculated mass of Structural Steel = When multiple grades are used,

show quantity for each.

Page 3-2 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Note Application

3. Cast steel shall be Class ____. Structural When cast bearings have
steel weldments of equal sections and meeting been detailed.
AASHTO M may be substituted for castings
at the option of the Contractor, subject to
approval by the Engineer prior to fabrica-
tion. No additional compensation will be
allowed the Contractor for this substitution.

4. Roadway expansion guards shall be assembled Finger plate and sliding

in the proper position with the ends in plate expansion devices.
place and shall be left assembled for shop

5. The roadway expansion plates shall be flame Finger plates expansion

cut as provided in Article 505.04(k) of the guards.
Standard Specifications.

6. Expansion guards which are not cast in the Precast slab bridges
precast unit shall be fabricated and erected and PPC deck beams
according to Article 503.10(c) of the
Standard Specifications and are included in
quantity of structural steel.

7. Reserved

8. All structural steel shall be AASHTO M 270M Structural steel M 270M

Grade 345W except expansion joint plates Grade 345W. Use Notes
and attached bars which shall be AASHTO #16 & #43 with this notes.
M 270M Grade 250.

9. Reserved

10. Expansion joint plates and attached bars All joints except finger joints.
shall be shop painted with the inorganic zinc Use with note #8.
rich primer.

11. Reserved

12. Reserved

13. Reserved

14. Field welding of construction accessories All structures with steel

will not be permitted to the bottom flange stringers.
of beams or girders nor to the top flange
for a distance equal to one-fourth the span
length each way from the pier supports. Field
welding in other areas will be permitted
only when approved by the Engineer.

Apr. 99 Page 3-3

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Note Application

15. Anchor bolts shall be set before bolting All steel structures.
diaphragms (bolting cross frames) over

16. The structural steel bearing plates of the To be used when required by
Elastomeric Bearing Assembly shall conform to design (or when unpainted
the requirements of AASHTO M 270M Grade 345 steel is used).
(AASHTO M 270M Grade 345W).

17. The main load carrying member components sub- All steel structures.
ject to tensile stress shall conform to the
Supplemental Requirements for Notch Toughness
Zone 2. These components are (the wide flange
beams)(the tension flanges, webs) and all
splice plate material except fill plates.

18. Reinforcement bars shall conform to the

requirements of AASHTO M 31M, M 42M
or M 53M Grade 400.

19. Slope wall shall be reinforced with welded For all slope walls.*
wire fabric, 152 x 152 - MW25.8 x MW25.8
with a mass of 2.91 kg/m2

20. Layout of slope protection system may be varied Stream crossings only.
in the field to suit ground conditions as
directed by the Engineer.

21. The embankment configuration shown shall be All structures requiring

the minimum embankment that must be construct- embankment cones.
ed prior to construction of the abutments.

22. Reserved

23. Backfill shall be placed behind the abutment Closed abutments.

after the superstructure has been poured and (Restrained top and bottom).
the falsework removed. See Article 502.10 of
the Standard Specifications.

24. The back face of Closed Abutments and Closed Abutments and Retain-
their wingwalls (or Retaining Walls) shall be ing Walls only.
waterproofed according to Article 503.18
of the Standard Specifications.

25. The Contractor shall make allowance for the R. C. Slab or R. C. Deck
deflection of forms, shrinkage and settlement Girder Bridges.*
of falsework, in addition to allowance for
dead load deflection.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Note Application

26. Plan dimensions and details relative to exist- Widening, repair or rehabil-
ing structure have been taken from existing itation of existing struc-
plans and are subject to nominal construction tures.
variations. It shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to verify such dimensions and
details in the field and make necessary ap-
proved adjustments prior to construction or
ordering of materials. Such variations shall
not be cause for additional compensation for
a change in the scope of the work, however,
the Contractor will be paid for the quantity
actually furnished at the unit price bid for
the work.

27. Reserved

28. The top surface of the beams shall be finished All P.P.C. Deck beam
according to Article 504.06 of the Standard structures with water-
Specification except that the surface shall not proofing.
be roughened by brooming. The finished
surface shall be free of depressions or high spots
with sharp corners, and the top edge of keys
shall be rounded or chamfered a minimum of 6 mm.

29. A Corrosion Inhibitor, as covered in the Special All P.P.C. Deck Beam
Provisions, shall be used in the concrete for structures.*
precast prestressed concrete deck beams.

30. Protective Coat shall not be applied to sur-

faces to which Waterproofing Membrane System
is applied.

31. Bearing seat surfaces shall be constructed or All continuous steel beam
adjusted to the designated elevations within a structures.
tolerance of 3 mm. Adjustment shall be made Notes in ( ) to be added
either by grinding the surface or by shimming when Type I Elastomeric
the bearing. Two 3 mm adjusting shims, of the Bearings are used.
dimensions of the bottom bearing plate, shall be
provided for each bearing in addition to all other
plates or shims. (For Type 1 Elastomeric
Bearings, two 3 mm adjusting shims shall be
provided for each bearing and placed as detailed).

32. Concrete piles at abutments shall be driven When distance from bottom
in holes precored through the embankment of abutment to existing
according to Article 512.10(c) of the ground is greater than 3 m.
Standard Specifications.

Apr. 99 Page 3-5

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Note Application

33. The contractor shall drive (1) ______ test piles (1.) number and type
in a permanent location at (2) ________ (2.) location
as directed by the Engineer before ordering
the remainder of piles.

34. The concrete for bridge floors finished For all decks on steel or
according to Article 503.17 of the Standard concrete girder structures with
Specifications, shall be placed and compacted skew angle 45º or greater or
parallel to the skew in uniform increments along structures with skew angle
centerline of bridge. The finishing machine, exceeding 30º and the ratio of
when required, shall be set parallel to the skew the width of deck pour (out to
for striking off and screeding the concrete. out deck or between longitudinal
bonded joints) to the span length
exceeding 0.8.

35. Reserved

36. Prior to pouring the new concrete for the deck, For bridge rehabilitation
all loose rust, loose mill scale, and all other projects where the complete
loose, detrimental foreign material shall be or partial removal of existing
removed from the portions of flanges of concrete deck is specified,
beams or girders in contact with concrete. and where cleaning and painting
The removal shall be accomplished with existing structural steel is not
appropriate power hand tools. Cost shall be specified as an item of work.
included with ( ). (Include cost in appropriate
pay item)

37. Bridge Seat Sealer shall be applied to the seat For new substructure seat areas
area of the _____________. beneath superstructure joints.

38. When the deck pour is stopped for the day at When a deck pouring sequence
one or more of the transverse Bonded Construc- is shown on the plans.*
tion Joints in the deck Pouring Sequence as
shown, the next pour shall not be made until
both of the following requirements are met:

1. At least 72 hours shall have elapsed from

the end of the previous pour.

2. The concrete strength shall have attained a

minimum modulus of rupture of 4.5 MPa or
a minimum compressive strength of 24 MPa.

39. In addition to all other requirements of section When steel H-piles or Metal
512 of the Standard specifications, splices for Shell piles are used in Seismic
________ piles shall develop the full capacity Performance Categories B
of the steel's cross sectional area of the pile or C.
for tension, shear and bending forces. One
approved method of achieving this requirement
is full penetration butt welding of the entire
cross section. Other types of splices meeting

Page 3-6 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Note Application

the full capacity requirement may be allowed

subject to the approval of the Engineer. Any
proposal by the contractor to use an alternate
splice method must include adequate documen-
tation demonstrating that the full tension, shear
and bending capacities will be met. Appropriate
welder qualifications will be required for the
positions and processes used in splicing all piles.
Nondestructive testing of completed welds will
be limited to visual inspection.

40. All dimensions are in millimeters (mm)

except as noted.

41. The existing structural steel coating contains Steel structures erected prior to
lead. The Contractor should take appropriate 1986 with lead based primer.
precautions to deal with the presence of lead
on this project.

42. AASHTO M 270M Grade 345W structural steel New weathering steel with
shall only be painted, at the ends of the beams, integral or semi-integral
for a distance equal to the depth of embedment abutments.
into the concrete cap plus 75 mm. Those areas
shall be primed in the shop with an inorganic zinc
rich primer per AASHTO M 300, Type I. No field
painting shall be required. All structural steel shall
be cleaned as specified in the special provision for
"Surface Preparation and Painting Requirements
for Weathering Steel".

43. AASHTO M 270M Grade 345W structural steel New weathering steel on
shall only be painted, for a distance of three times structures with deck joints.
the depth of the beams or girders (but not
exceeding 3 m) each way from the deck joints.
All structural steel shall be cleaned as specified
in the special provision for "Surface Preparation
and Painting Reqiurements for Weathering Steel".

Apr. 99 Page 3-7

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.1.4 Reinforcement On any plan sheet presenting the drawings for a portion of the bridge structure
such as a pier, all reinforcement bars pertinent to that pier shall be detailed and
billed on that sheet.

In no case shall the same designation be used for reinforcement bars of a

different size, length and shape when they are employed in elements of the
substructure, and the same shall be applicable to bars used in the superstruc-
ture design.

If a horizontal reinforcement bar in an abutment carries an “h5” designation and

an “h” bar of the same size, length and shape is used in the design of a pier
under the same structure, this latter bar shall also carry an “h5” designation
unless the structure is of such magnitude as to make this coordination
impractical. Bars of like designation (such as “h”) shall be numbered in
sequence as h, h1, h2, etc. This system has been followed in the Bureau of
Bridges and Structures for many years, and to promote uniformity, all bridge
plans prepared for the Illinois Department of Transportation should follow this

When detailing lengths of reinforcement bars, consideration must be given to

transportation and handling and, where extremely long lengths are contem-
plated, to availability and special orders.

All sizes of bars are readily available in lengths up to 18 m. However, #10 bars
longer than 12 m tend to bend in handling and should be avoided. Sizes #15
through #55 in lengths exceeding 18 m can be rolled at mills by special order.
In any circumstance, 21 m should be considered the maximum limit. For
shipping and handling convenience, 15 m lengths should be considered the
practical limit for all conventional structures.

When the location of bar splices is arbitrary, as in the case of the longitudinal
reinforcement of deck slabs on stringers, the following lengths are preferred:

#20 bars and up ........................................................ 11 m

#15 bars .................................................................... 9 m

Page 3-8 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

If it becomes necessary to provide varying length reinforcement bars to

accommodate a flared condition on any part of a structure, do not detail the bars
in a table of small increment changes in length; detail the bars in groups of the
same length to accommodate the flare by variance of lap. All bars in the same
group shall carry the same bar designation. This criteria is not to be construed
as applicable to the ends of the deck slab of a skewed structure supported on
steel stringers; in this case, the bars shall be cut in the field as described under
Section 3.2.3 - Reinforcement (Treatment of Skewed Decks).

On stage construction projects for both superstructure and substructure

elements, bar splicer assemblies shall be used to connect reinforcement bars
which must cross the stage construction line. Bar splicer assemblies are
preferred over extending the reinforcement through the forms to make a lap
splice because they provide ease of construction and a safer work environ-

Bars shall be detailed to the nearest 10 mm of length and the mass of

reinforcement bars shown in the Bill of Material shall be to the nearest 10

3.1.5 Reinforcement To provide uniformity on all bridge plans, the following reinforcement bar
Designation designation shall be used:

a - Transverse Slab, Sidewalk and Median Reinforcement

b - Longitudinal Slab, Sidewalk and Median Reinforcement
c - Sidewalk and Median Reinforcement (Transverse)
d - Vertical Reinforcement in parapet or Dowel bars at any location
except Wall to Footing
e - Longitudinal Reinforcement in Concrete Parapet
g - Main Reinforcement - Concrete Girder
h - Substructure Horizontal - Walls
m - Horizontal Reinforcement - Diaphragm in P.P.C. I-Beam Structures
n - Dowell - Wall to Footing
p - Pile Caps and Pier Caps - Longitudinal

Apr. 99 Page 3-9

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

s - Strirrup Bars
t - Footing (Transverse)
u - Ends of Pier Caps, Pile Caps and Rectangular Walls
(Also variable depth stirrups in pairs)
v - Vertical Bars (Substructure)
w - Footing (Longitudinal)
x - Cantilevered Deck Slab (Longitudinal)

Note: Reinforcement bars designated (E) shall be epoxy coated.

3.1.6 Total Bill of Regardless of the placement of a coded “Summary of Quantities” on any other
Material sheet, there shall be a “Total Bill of Material” for bridge quantities on the
(General Plan
“General Plan and Elevation” sheet. This bill need not include code numbers,
& Elevation
Sheet) but it shall be broken down into Superstructure, Substructure and Total. It
shall be carefully checked by the designer to reflect the individual quantity
totals within the plans.

3.1.7 Bill of Material There shall be separate Bills of Material on the appropriate sheets for the
(Individual superstructure and individual elements of the substructure. If the expansion
Elements of
piers under a structure are very similar in dimension and reinforcement, it is
permissible to combine the quantities into one Bill of Material.

The fixed pier or piers under a structure would normally differ from the
expansion pier or piers in dimension and reinforcement. In this case, the fixed
pier or piers shall be detailed on a separate sheet from the expansion pier or

The same general criteria as that described for piers shall be applicable to
presentation of “Bills of Material” for abutments.

Judgement shall be used in the presentation of all Bills of Material, keeping in

mind that the bill is not prepared for the convenience of the designer, but rather
for the use and convenience of those who are bidding and constructing the
Page 3-10 Mar. 95
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.1.8 Basic The basic geometry for the initial location of the substructure units must be
Geometry &
clearly shown on the plans.
Footing Layout

All portions of the structure must be referenced to the same single longitudinal
reference line. When a structure is on a tangent (straight), this line may be
designated as either the Centerline Survey, Centerline Roadway or Centerline
North (South, East, West) Bound Lanes. When a structure is on a curve, the
reference line preferably should be established and designated as either the
“Tangent to Centerline Survey (Roadway, Lanes) at Sta....” or a “Parallel to
Tangent to Centerline Survey at Sta. ____”. When all or most of the stringers
for a curved deck are to be continuously straight and parallel, the reference
line selected should be parallel to these stringers.

Except for the most simple geometry, such as found on a single symmetrical
structure on a tangent, a footing layout should be shown on the plans. This
layout may be in the form of a small diagram or occupy an entire sheet,
depending on the complexity of the geometry.

Figures 3.1.8-1, 3.1.8-2 and 3.1.8-3 show typical examples of these layouts.

Jan. 94 Page 3-11

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design
Figure 3.1.8-1
Page 3-12 Jan. 94
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design
Figure 3.1.8-2
Jan. 94 Page 3-13
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Figure 3.1.8-3
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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.1.9 Top of Slab A table showing top of deck slab elevations along the centerline of web of each
Elevations supporting stringer, each longitudinal bonded joint and stage construction joint
and the profile grade shall be included on the bridge plan for all structures with
steel or prestressed concrete I Beam stringers. This table is usually in the form
of a computer output reproduced in tabular form on individual plan sheets. A
sample of these sheets are shown in Figures 3.1.9-1 and 3.1.9-2. Top of slab
elevations shall also be provided for slab bridges with a skew greater than 30
degrees or a vertical curve. Elevations should be given along the profile grade,
stage construction joint and curb lines.

Where the stringer lies below a curb, sidewalk or median section, the
elevations shall be given for a theoretical top of slab which would be the
projection of the roadway slab template to the centerline of beam.

The increments for elevations along each line shall be 3 m with any odd
increment at the end of a span not greater than 4.5 m nor less than 1.5 m. See
Figure 3.1.9-1 for diagram. A new series of 3 m increments shall begin in each
respective span along the structure. In all cases, the increments shall progress
in the direction of the stationing on the bridge for the full length of the structure.
The top of slab elevations at these increment points shall include the
adjustment for dead load deflection and shall be the finished elevations for
construction of the deck slab.

These elevations in tabular form shall be keyed to a diagrammatic plan. Actual

dead load deflection (mass of concrete deck and all superimposed dead loads
except future wearing surface) diagrams shall be shown on this sheet
indicating deflection ordinates at the quarter points and mid point of all spans
for all beams (exterior and interior). However, if the variance in deflection
between the beams is 3 mm or less, one dead load deflection diagram shall
be sufficient for all beams. These dead load deflection diagrams shall be
qualified with the following note:

“The above deflections are not for use in the field if the Engineer is
working from the Theoretical Grade Elevations Adjusted for Dead
Load Deflection.”

Apr. 99 Page 3-15

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Dead load deflection diagrams indicating deflection ordinates at the quarter

points and mid point of all spans shall be provided for all slab bridges. The
previous note should be included in the plans when top of slab elevations are
provided according to the first paragraph of this section.

Page 3-16 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design
Figure 3.1.9-1
Mar. 95 Page 3-17
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design
Figure 3.1.9-2
Page 3-18 Mar. 95
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.1.10 Designation The plans should clearly show the total crown and how the crown was
of Roadway
obtained. For example, if the total crown is 78 mm, this and the fact that it was
Crown on
Plans obtained by 1.5% slope in 3.6 m traffic lane and 2.0% slope in 1.2 m should
be shown.

3.1.11 Boring Logs The boring locations shall be shown on the plan view on the “General Plan and
Elevation” sheet and shall be keyed by number to the boring logs such as
“Boring No. 1, Boring No. 2, etc.” The boring logs shall be included within the
Final Plans. The bottom of footings should, if possible, be indicated on the
appropriate boring log and identified as “Bottom of Footing-Pier No. 1, etc.”
Ground water elevations shown on the boring logs should state “Elevation at
time boring was taken.”

3.1.12 Table of To provide ready information for any future analysis of a structure and to
Moments and provide the reviewing agencies with a basis for checking of the design, all
Shears detailed bridge plans shall present as a part of said plans a table of moments
and shears. Figures 3.1.12-1, 3.1.12-2, 3.1.12-3, and 3.1.12-4 present
suggested layouts for the information given for the proper design method used;
if possible, this table shall be shown on the structural framing sheet of the plans.

Apr. 97 Page 3-19

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.1.12-1
Page 3-20 Jan. 94
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.1.12-2
Jan. 94 Page 3-21
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Is and Ss are the moment of inertia and section modulus of the steel section
used in computing fs (Total and Overload).

Ic(n) and Sc(n) are the moment of inertia and section modulus of the composite
section used in computing stresses due to Live Load.

Ic(3n) and Sc(3n) are the moment of inertia and section modulus of the composite
section used in computing stresses due to superimposed dead loads. (See
AASHTO 10.38).

VR is the maximum LL + impact shear range in span.

Z is the plastic section modulus used to determine the Fully Plastic Moments
in the non-composite areas.

The Plastic Moment capacity (Mu) is computed according to AASHTO 10.48.1


fs (Total) is the sum of the stresses due to

1.3 [M DL + Ms DL + 5 (M LL + M (Imp))]

fs (Overload) is the sum of the stresses due to

M DL + Ms DL + 5 (M LL + M (Imp))

M DL - Moment due to dead loads on non-composite section.

Ms DL - Moment due to dead loads on composite section.

M LL - Moment due to live load on non-composite or composite section.

M (Imp) - Moment due to live load impact on non-composite or composite


Ma (Applied Moment) = 1.3 [M DL + Ms DL + 5 (M LL + M (Imp))]


Page 3-22 Jan. 94

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.1.12-3
Apr. 97 Page 3-23
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Fb - Maximum allowable stress Fbu or Fby computed according to AASHTO

[Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved Highway Bridges Section
2.12(B) and 2.16].

Is and Ss are the moment of inertia and section modulus of the steel section
used in computing fs (Total and Overload).

Ic(n) and Sc(n) are the moment of inertia and section modulus of the composite
section used in computing stresses due to live load.

Ic(3n) and Sc(3n) are the moment of inertia and section modulus of the composite
section used in computing stresses due to superimposed dead load (see
AASHTO 10.38).

VR is the maximum LL + impact shear range in span.

Ma (Applied Moment) = 1.3 [M DL + Ms DL + 5 (M LL + M (Imp))]


(fs + fw)(Overload) is the sum of the stress due to

M DL + Ms DL + 5 (M LL + M (Imp)) + Mbi
3 1. 3

fs (Total) is the sum of the stress due to

1.3 [M DL + Ms DL + 5 (M LL + M (Imp))]

Sbi is the section modulus for one flange plate for lateral flange bending.

Mbi is the lateral bending moment for flange plate (factored).

fw is the calculated normal stress at the edge of flange due to lateral bending

M LL and R LL include the effects of centrifugal force and superelevation.

The fs (Total)+ fw value is necessary only for Sections with non-compact

compression flanges. (Non-compact top compression flanges in compos-
ite sections shall be considered compact after the deck is hardened).

Page 3-24 Mar. 95

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.1.12-4
Apr. 99 Page 3-25
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

I and I' are the moment of inertia and composite moment of inertia of the beam

Sb and Sb' are the non-composite and composite section modulus for the
bottom fiber of the prestressed beam.

St and St' are the non-composite and composite section modulus for the top
fiber of the prestressed beam.

M DL is the moment due to dead loads on the non-composite prestressed

beam. It is conservatively calculated at 0.5 of the span.

Ms DL is the moment due to dead loads on the composite section.

M LL is the moment due to live load on the composite section.

M (Imp) is the moment due to live load impact on the composite section.

3.1.13 Provisions On controlled access highways, provisions for electrical conduit shall be made
for Electrical on all interchange and mainline bridges and, in urban areas, on bridges over
Conduit and
the mainline. A 50 mm diameter galvanized steel conduit shall be provided on
the two outside corners of each dual bridge and on all four corners of a single
bridge. See Figures 3.6.11-5 and 3.6.11-6 for details of the conduit location
in vaulted and pile bent abutments.

If light poles are to be located on the bridge at the time of construction or in the
near future, provisions for the light pole foundations shall be made in the
parapet as shown on Figures 3.2.10-4 and 3.2.10-5.

Page 3-26 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.2 Deck
3.2.1 Concrete
Deck Slabs on
C oncrete deck slabs supported on stringers shall be designed in accor-
dance with Article 3.24.3 of the AASHTO Specifications. Figure 3.2.2-1 or
3.2.2-2 may be used in lieu of complete computations. These figures are
applicable to the design of slabs on steel or prestressed concrete stringers and
also to the transverse design of the slab (flange portion) of reinforced concrete
deck girder (T-beam) superstructures.

Defined in Figures 3.2.2-1 and 3.2.2-2 are the design span, reinforcement
clearances and design stresses to be used in slab design. An allowance of
2.4 kN/m2 and 1.2 kN/m2 for future wearing surface is included in the criteria
for Figures 3.2.2-1 and 3.2.2-2, respectively. All supporting elements of
structures shall be designed using an allowance of 2.4 kN/m2. Figure 3.2.2-
2 may be used for existing structures when necessitated by limited load
carrying capacity.

Figures 3.2.2-1 and 3.2.2-2 were developed by using the following design
assumptions and equations. Design spans or loads outside the range covered
by these figures require individual computation using this same criteria. Also,
designs utilizing reinforcement sizes other than #15 bars require individual

Design Criteria

A. Design Stresses

Concrete f ‘c = 24 MPa
Reinforcement fy = 400 MPa

B. Loading

Live Load - MS18

é 1
Live Load Moment = ML +I = 13
. 71ê S + 0.61ùúkN · m / m
ë 1218
. û

Apr. 99 Page 3-27

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Dead Load

Self-mass of the slab plus allowance for future wearing surface.

Dead Load Moment = MD =

Load Factor Moment = MLF = 1. 3(MD + ML +I )

C. Design Thickness

To insure adequate reinforcement clearances, the minimum slab

thickness shall be 195 mm.

D. Design Procedure and Equations


Sufficient reinforcing steel must be provided to satisfy each of

the following criteria:

a. Ultimate strength
b. Distribution of reinforcement (crack control)

1. Ultimate Strength

é æ fy ö ù
Mu = f ê A s f y dç 1 - 0.6r ÷ ú ³ MLF
êë è f ' c ø úû


Mu = Ultimate moment capacity

B = 0.9
fy = specified yield strength of reinforcement

Page 3-28 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

d = distance from top of slab to centroid of bottom reinforce-

ment for positive moment; distance from bottom of slab to
centroid to top reinforcement for negative moment.
As = area of tension reinforcement

H = tension reinforcement index = A s

f ’c = Specified compressive strength of concrete

2. Crack Control

fs =
3d A

but fs shall not exceed 0.6fy.


fs = allowable calculated stress in the reinforcement at service

A = effective tension area of concrete surrounding the main
tension reinforcing bars and having the same centroid as
that reinforcement, divided by the number of bars.
dc = thickness of concrete cover measured from the extreme
tension fiber to the center of the bar closest thereto.
For calculation purposes, the thickness of clear concrete
cover used to compute dc shall not be taken greater than
50 mm.
z = 23,000 N/mm

Apr. 97 Page 3-29

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design
Figure 3.2.2-1
Page 3-30 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design
Figure 3.2.2-2
Apr. 99 Page 3-31
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.2.2 Reinforcement On all Interstate, primary route and grade separation structures, all bridge deck
(Deck Slab on
reinforcement bars shall be epoxy coated. In addition, all reinforcement bars
in parapets, sidewalks, medians and solid concrete diaphragms shall be epoxy

Epoxy coated bars shall be indicated by suffixing the bar designation with “(E)”.
For example, bar a4(E). A separate mass for the epoxy coated bars shall be
computed and billed as “Reinforcement Bars (Epoxy Coated)” on both the deck
detail sheet and the Total Bill of Material.

A note shall also be placed on the deck detail sheet which reads as follows:

Reinforcement bars designated “(E)” shall be epoxy coated.

Truss bars shall not be used in bridge decks. The maximum size bars permitted
in the slab for transverse reinforcement is #20. However, Figures 3.2.2-1 and
3.2.2-2 are based on #15 bar. If #20 bars are used, they must be designed by
computation. Do not mix bar sizes, such as #15 and #20 to provide main
reinforcement; use one bar size properly spaced. The spacings shall be to an
even ten millimeter increment; i.e. not 133 mm but 130 mm.

AASHTO Article 3.24.10 presents the criteria for distribution reinforcement in

the bottom of slabs when the main reinforcement is transverse to the direction
of traffic. In effect, it states that for design spans up to and including about 3.3
m, the distribution shall be sixty-seven (67) percent of the main bottom
reinforcement in the slab. The bottom longitudinal distribution reinforcement
shall be #15 bars and the maximum spacing shall be 380 mm.

Except as shown in Figures 3.2.2-1 and 3.2.2-2 for Bulb-T’s, no distribution

steel shall be placed directly over a stringer; the reinforcement shall be equally
spaced between the edge of the stringer flanges with the first bar approximately
100 mm from the edge. For instance, if 1290 mm2/m is required for the main
bottom reinforcement in the slab, then #15 at 150 mm centers would be
satisfactory and 0.67 x 1290 = 865 mm2/m would be required for the distribution
steel. This area could be furnished by #15 at 230 mm centers spaced as

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

described above between the flange edges. Indicate the bar spacing (such
as 8 - #15 bars at 230 mm cts.); do not call for “8 bars at equal spacing”.

The longitudinal bars in the top of the slab shall be #15 at 300 mm centers and
they shall be placed full width of the superstructure.

The top and bottom longitudinal bars preferably shall not be lapped in the same
locations in the deck, nor shall the top and bottom transverse bars be lapped
in the same locations except when staged construction is utilized.

On continuous structures which are non-composite over the piers, additional

reinforcement shall be provided in the top of the slab for negative reinforcement
over the piers. Between the normal #15 bars at 300 mm centers, #20 bars
spaced at 300 mm centers shall be placed over the piers for the full width of
the superstructure including the top of the slab under the parapet base. (See
Figures 3.2.4-2 and 3.2.4-3 for details).

When a neoprene expansion joint is provided, #15 “X” (E) bars shall be placed
in the top of the slab as shown in Figure 3.4.2-1.

For bridges with a 35º or greater skew, additional “X” (E) bars shall be provided
to reinforce the cantilevered slab overhanging the end diaphragm or cross
frame. “X” (E) bars shall also be provided at the ends of cantilevered deck slabs
on both sides of any hinge in a framing plan. The “X” (E) bars shall be placed
parallel to traffic, within the limits of the parapet bases, and shall be similar to
the details for Neoprene Expansion Joints.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.2.3 Reinforcement If a bridge is skewed fifteen degrees (15º) or less and is less than 15 m back
(Treatment of
to back of the abutments, the main reinforcement shall be placed parallel to the
Decks) skew. Design the reinforcement as if it were at right angles to the stringers and
multiply the required area by the secant of the skew angle squared (As x sec2).

If a bridge is more than 15 m back to back of the abutments and skewed, detail
the main reinforcement bars for the full length of the slab placed at right angles
to the stringers and provide the note: Cut bars in field to fit skew and use the
remainder of bars at other end of deck.

3.2.4 Parapet & The parapet and sidewalk sections are shown on Figures. 3.2.4-1 and

The fascia of these sections, which is that portion of the concrete visible in
direct elevation outside of the exterior beam, shall be a constant depth
dimension for the full length of the bridge and shall afford continuous
concealment of the top flange of the exterior beam. The dimensions of the
vertical surface are standard. The vertical dimension of the sloping under
surface of the section is to be computed for each structure by the designer. To
establish this dimension, the designer must estimate accurately the maximum
actual depth of slab plus fillet over the top of the outside stringer considering
all deflections and camber. Figure 3.2.4-6 establishes 6 mm as the minimum
dimension from the bottom of the top exterior beam flange to the lower edge
of the sloping surface. This dimension varies throughout the structure and its
maximum and minimum must be shown on the plans.

The vertical depth of the sloping surface should not exceed 130 mm.

For structures on horizontal curves with variable overhangs, the depth of the
sloping surface should be held close to the 50 mm minimum. The overall depth
of the fascia, however, may be different on each side of the structure.

The concrete parapet shown in Figure 3.2.4-1 shall be used on urban and rural
structures where appropriate.

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Figure 3.2.4-1
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Figure 3.2.4-2
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Figure 3.2.4-3
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Figure 3.2.4-4
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Figure 3.2.4-5
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Figure 3.2.4-6
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3.2.5 Raised-Curb Detailed in Figures 3.2.5-1 and 3.2.5-2 are two types of Raised-Curb medians:
Superimposed and Voided. Either of these types may be split with a 25 mm
separation joint depending on the overall bridge width. See Section 3.2.6. The
type to be used on a particular deck is that which balances ease of construction
with economical use of concrete and reinforcement for the required median
width and stringer locations.

Figures 3.2.5-1 and 3.2.5-2 depict barrier curbs. See the Design and
Environment Manual for additional guidelines on medians for bridge decks.

In general terminology, “Median” is that portion of the deck between the inside
edges of the traffic lanes, and the raised portion is this center distance minus
the gutter flag that is used in the approach cross-section.

Raised-Curb medians on the bridge deck are formed with a radius at the top
to match the roadway curb and gutter section. The top of the median surface
must be sloped for drainage.

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Figure 3.2.5-1
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Figure 3.2.5-2
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3.2.6 Longitudinal The Illinois Department of Transportation allows the use of longitudinal bonded
Bonded Joints
joints in the roadway slab at certain locations. These joints are normally placed
Deck on Steel in the middle half of the outside framing panels and, when possible, shall line
Stringers) up with the outside edge of the traffic lanes. On extremely wide decks it is
permissible to place a longitudinal bonded joint at the edge of an intermediate
traffic lane. No bonded joint shall cross a beam line. If a situation is met which
does not appear to permit the use of a longitudinal bonded joint within these
limitations, the Engineer of Bridges and Structures should be notified in order
that the matter can be resolved.

Special consideration must be given to placement of the longitudinal slab steel

in relation to the bonded joint on a horizontally curved structure. In extreme
cases, it may be necessary to lay out the reinforcement in plan to assure proper
placement of the distribution steel.

Note that no longitudinal bonded joint is shown adjacent to the voided median
in Figure 3.2.5-2. If the District Engineer requests variation from this standard
to meet certain construction procedures, the Engineer of Bridges and Struc-
tures shall be notified and the variation will be incorporated into the plans.

3.2.7 Longitudinal When the distance between the fascia beams is greater than 27 m, the deck
Open Joints shall be split by means of a 25 mm open joint. This joint must be sealed with
an epoxy sealer and rubber rod and designated as “Concrete Joint Sealer” on
the plans, when located in a raised median or in a deck that is not waterproofed
and surfaced.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.2.8 Transverse If a deck pour is greater than 150 m3 between the longitudinal joints or 230 m3
Construction when the longitudinal joints are omitted, an optional transverse construction
joint and a deck pouring sequence shall be provided on the plans. The location
of this transverse joint shall be near the point of dead load counterflexure with
the day’s pour terminating at the end of a positive moment area.

On continuous bridges with a span or spans exceeding 45 m, the positive and

negative moment areas shall be poured separately. The pouring sequence
and the location of the transverse construction joints for these spans shall be
determined on an individual basis and shall be shown on the plans.

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Figure 3.2.7-1
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Figure 3.2.7-2
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3.2.9 Aluminum To control cracking in the parapets in the negative moment areas, an aluminum
Plate Parapet
plate joint shall be placed over the supports on all continuous structures; in
(Concrete addition, aluminum plate joints are placed at 0.6 the average distance to the
Deck on points of dead load contraflexure on both sides of the support if either span is
Stringers) more than 15 meters. The aluminum plate shall be the full height of the parapet
and no reinforcement shall pass through the aluminum plate. The reinforce-
ment bars shall not be cut in the field but shall be properly dimensioned and
listed in the Bill of Material.

Figure 3.2.4-3 presents details for placement of the aluminum plate joints on
a skewed deck. Figure 3.2.4-4 provides joint details for a parapet on a sidewalk
and Figure 3.2.5-1 provides joint details for superimposed medians.

3.2.10 Deck Slab Depending on the location and drainage requirements of the structures, either
Drains 160 mm f floor drains or 152 x 943 drainage scuppers may be used for deck
slab drains. Floor drains may be angled if required, as shown in Figure 3.2.10-
1. The 100 x 300 aluminum floor drains shown in Figure 3.2.10-2 may be
considered when the 160 mm f drains cannot be used.

The 160 mm f floor drains shown in Figure 3.2.10-1 shall be listed in the Bill
of Materials as a Pay Item, i.e. Floor Drains - each.

Figure 3.2.10-3 shows the control dimensions and additional reinforcement in

the slab for the 152 x 943 drainage scuppers. If drainage scuppers are used
in the bridge deck, Base Sheets DS-3 (M) and DS-4 (M) for steel and cast iron
respectively should both be included in the plans as alternates.

No drains are required in the high gutter of a superelevated structure; no drains

shall be placed in spans over highways or railways; drains shall be placed at
the base of a median if it is the low gutter of a superelevated roadway.

Wherever feasible, decks shall be provided with uniformly spaced tubular

drains on flat longitudinal grades of less than 0.5%. On grades greater than
0.5%, drainage scuppers (bridge deck inlets) shall be provided as needed to

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

limit the width of longitudinal gutter flow and spaced accordingly. The locations
of the drains shall be shown on the plans, and spaced a minimum of 3 m from
the piers and abutments. Refer to the Drainage Manual for detailed informa-

Provide this note on all plans where applicable: “Drains shall be located clear
of all diaphragms.”

The color of the floor drains shown in Figures 3.2.10-1 and 3.2.10-2 should
match the color of the fascia beam or girder. For treatment of drains adjacent
to steel girders, see the notes in Figures 3.2.10-1 and 3.2.10-2. For treatment
of drains adjacent to concrete beams, see the Prestressed Concrete Manual.
When weathering steel is used or when painting of a structure will be delayed
to a separate contract, the note given on basesheets S-1-D (M) and S-2-D (M)
which reads " The exterior surfaces of the floor drains..." shall be replaced with
the following note: "Floor drains need not be painted".

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Figure 3.2.10-1
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Figure 3.2.10-2
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Figure 3.2.10-3
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Figure 3.2.10-4
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Figure 3.2.10-5
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3.2.11 Slab Bridges Skewed slab structures are generally designed for main reinforcement placed
parallel to the centerline of roadway. The design span is therefore taken as
Parallel to the span distance along the centerline of roadway. Skewed simple spans,
Traffic) which are very wide in relation to their length, may be designed to span the
direct right angle distance between supports.

Figures 3.2.11-1 through 3.2.11-3 present details and the general placement
of reinforcement for slab superstructures. All bridge deck reinforcement bars
shall be epoxy coated. In addition, all bars in parapets, sidewalks and medians
shall be epoxy coated. Note the compression steel and stirrups placed in the
curb section which functions as an edge beam.

No joints (top of curb to top of slab) shall be provided in the negative moment
areas of continuous slabs.

The minimum concrete bridge slab thickness requirements of AASHTO Table

8.9.2 shall not be applicable to concrete slabs that meet the serviceability
requirements of AASHTO Articles and

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Figure 3.2.11-1
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Figure 3.2.11-2
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Figure 3.2.11-3
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3.2.12 Overlay Precast, prestressed concrete deck beam bridges and all widening projects
which utilize a portion of the existing slab shall include an overlay system.

Three types of bridge deck overlay systems are currently used in Illinois.
Bituminous concrete with a waterproofing membrane system, a microsilica
concrete overlay and a latex modified concrete overlay.

3.2.13 Bridge Rails As a minimum, bridge rails shall be designed to meet the loading requirements
of Article 2.7-"Railings" of the AASHTO Specifications. When a crash tested
railing is required, the rail should either be actually crash tested or meet the
requirements of the current AASHTO Guide Specifications for Bridge Railings.
Railing Base Sheets Specified as crash tested shall not be altered unless
approved by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures in the TSL phase of the
project. Modifications are very limited on railings which need to maintain a
crash tested status.

Rails on all new or rehabilitated federal-aid bridges are required to be crash

tested unless they meet one of the following criteria:
1.) ADT < 1000
2.) bridge is located in urban area where the regulatory speed limit is
less than 65 km/h and the roadway cross section is a curb and gutter

The most common bridge rail used in Illinois is the concrete parapet configu-
ration shown in Figure 3.2.4-1 (New Jersey Curb and Parapet). This rail has
been crash tested.

The standard sidewalk rail to be used with the standard sidewalk section
shown in Figure 3.2.4-4 is detailed on Base Sheet R-20 (M). This rail meets
the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Bridge Railings and therefore is
acceptable where crash tested railing is required.

The spacing of rail posts mounted on parapets shall be set from 2.1 m to 3.0
m center to center and shall miss all parapet joints. Posts shall be spaced at
equal or nearly equal spaces when possible.
Apr. 97 Page 3-59
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Standard Base Sheet R-34 (M) (Type SM Steel Bridge Rail Side Mounted) is
a crash tested side mounted railing. This railing is the preferred side mounted
crash tested railing for all new or retrofit projects.

Standard Base Sheet R-30 (M) (Type WT Steel Railing) is a crash tested side
mounted railing. The use of this railing shall be limited to isolated repairs of
existing Type WT Steel Railing or where a preference is warranted to match
the approach guardrail detail.

Standard Base Sheets R-23A (M), R-24A (M) and R-26 (M) depict side
mounted steel rails. These rails are primarily for use on slab or prestressed
deck beam bridges which are widened or reconstructed. The type "S-1" rail
shown on Base Sheet R-23A (M) is designed to be used on single span bridges
without curbs. The type "T-1" rail shall be used on multiple span bridges with
curbs as shown on Base Sheet R-24A (M). The type "TP-1" rail shown on Base
Sheet R-26 (M) shall be used with sidewalks or in combination with the
appropriate side mounted rail when a sidewalk is located on one side only.
These rails have not been crash tested and are subject to the above conditions
for exception to crash testing.

Standard Base Sheet R-28 (M) depicts pedestrian railing with protective
fencing. This rail is to be utilized only when a sidewalk is present and where
it is anticipated that a problem of debris or litter being thrown from a structure
could cause a hazard to traffic or pedestrian movements below. This rail has
been designed for use only with a 710 mm high parapet. Use in any situation
other than as described should be evaluated for both geometrics and loading
requirements. This rail meets the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Bridge
Railings and therefore is acceptable where crash tested railing is required.

Standard Base Sheet R-29 (M) depicts bicycle railing. This railing should be
utilized on all bridges where provision is made for the specific operation of
bicycles. This railing may also be used as a sidewalk rail for pedestrian traffic
provided the sidewalk is protected by traffic railing. The height of this rail may
be reduced to 1 m when it is used for pedestrian traffic only. The traffic railing
on this base sheet is a crash tested bridge rail.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Standard Base Sheet R-31 (M) (Steel Bridge Rail Curb Mounted (2399)) is a
crash tested curb mounted railing. This railing may be utilized on new bridges
or retrofit projects when replacing substandard rail or where eliminating safety

Standard Base Sheet R-32 (M) (Bridge Fence Railing Parapet Mounted
(2444)) and Standard Base Sheet R-33 (M) (Bridge Fence Railing Sidewalk
Mounted (2445)) are applicable for existing and new structures and should be
used on structures as directed by the District. Base Sheet R-32 (M) is subject
to the same limitations as Base Sheet R-28 (M). Base Sheet R-33 (M) is
separated from traffic by a crash tested barrier.

Other bridge rails that have been crash tested and are acceptable for use are:
1.) Tubular Thrie Beam (Standard 509001 of the Highway Standards Manual)
2.) Traffic Rail Type T411
3.) Combination Rail Type C411

Numbers 2 and 3 above are Texas aesthetic rails. Contact the Bureau of
Bridges and Structures for approval.

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Page 3-62
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.3 Structural
3.3.1 Distribution of
Loads to
L ongitudinal steel stringers, interior and exterior, shall be designed in
accordance with Article 3.23 of the AASHTO Specifications. The lane load
distribution shall be one half the wheel load distribution given in Article 3.23.
For example, the lane load distribution to an interior stringer is S/3.35 when the
wheel load distribution is given as S/1.67.

When determining dead load moments and shears, the dead load supported
by the interior stringers shall be that portion of the floor slab center to center
of the slab spans, and the dead load supported by the exterior stringers shall
be that portion from the center of the outside slab span to the fascia. The curb
section and rail above the mandatory horizontal construction joint; the median
if of the superimposed type; and any superimposed wearing surface, proposed
or future, shall be distributed equally to all stringers.

The section properties determined using 3n shall be used for the calculation
of stresses due to composite dead loads; however, it is acceptable for the
analysis used to determine the composite dead load moments, shears and
reactions to be based on the value of n.

Exterior stringers shall be of the same section and capacity as the interior
stringers even though the design analysis indicates that it could be less. If
special cases arise where the design requirements of the exterior stringer are
greater than the interior, modification of the fascia portion of the structure
should be considered.

The standard fascia section shown in Figure 3.2.4-1 usually results in a lower
required design capacity for the exterior stringer than for the interior. The
exterior stringer, therefore, need not be designed when using this standard
fascia unless the stringer spacing is less than 1.7 m. Base sheet SB-1 (M),
which details special cantilever forming requirements, shall be included in the
plans when W690 or smaller steel beams are used in order to prevent
excessive torsion on these shallow beams.

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3.3.2 Limiting Live The limiting ratios of live load deflection to span length for simple or continuous
spans as given in AASHTO Article 10.6, shall be applied only to bridges with
Deflection of
Stringers pedestrian sidewalk and/or bicycle lanes.

The live load deflection shall be computed considering all beams acting
together and having equal deflection. All lanes shall be loaded simultaneously
subject to the reduction in load intensity allowed for such loading. Impact shall

3.3.3 Uplift at End End reactions of continuous beam designs shall be checked in accordance
Reactions with Article 3.17 of the AASHTO Specifications for uplift. Since the floor slab
and diaphragm system is considered sufficiently rigid for the necessary
distribution, uplift investigation should be based on all beams acting together
and having equal reactions under the critical loading. All lanes should be
loaded simultaneously and impact shall apply. The number of traffic lanes
loaded shall be in accordance with Article 3.6 of the AASHTO Specifications
subject to the reductions of Article 3.12.

The allowance for future wearing surface should not be included in uplift
calculations when this additional dead load increases the end reactions.

3.3.4 Design of All steel stringers, girders, floor beams or sub-stringers shall be of rolled beam
Steel or welded plate design. Generally, all shop connections shall be welded. All
Stringers- field connections shall be made with mechanical fasteners.

Rolled beam stringers may be supplemented with cover plates or shear

connectors, either separately or in combination, to provide efficient usage of
steel subject to fatigue consideration. The base section of a rolled beam
stringer of continuous design may also be varied at field splices so long as a
constant nominal depth is maintained.

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Optimum conservation of material in welded plate girders usually requires butt

welded flange plate transitions in thickness and/or width. Plate size transitions
may be located at the field splice so that butt welding requirements are either
reduced or eliminated. Welded girders may also be detailed with or without
transverse and/or longitudinal web stiffeners depending on an analysis of least

In determining the optimum features of structural steel elements, however,

conservation of material should not receive unwarranted emphasis. In welded
plate girder design, a thicker web may be considered more economical for
fabrication. Minimum web thickness shall be 11 mm. Simplification and
repetition of details, reduction of fabricating operations, ease of erection, and
stability during construction are some of the factors to be considered in design.

3.3.5 Notch The main load carrying members of steel bridges subject to tensile stresses
Toughness shall conform to the Supplemental Requirements for Notch Toughness (Zone
2). These tensile members, including flanges, webs and splice plates shall be
designated on the plans by “N.T.R.” with an explanation of these letters on the
sheet. Cross frame elements and their connecting plates carrying design
stresses for curved structures shall also be designated “N.T.R.”

3.3.6 Cover Plates Cover plates shall be limited to one on any flange. The maximum thickness
shall not be greater than 2 times the thickness of the flange to which the cover
plate is attached. The minimum thickness shall not be less than 1/24 times the
distance between welds measured transverse to the direction of stress or 10
mm, whichever is greater.

The minimum length of any cover plate shall be twice the depth of the beam
plus 1 m. The maximum width of any cover plate shall be the flange width minus
30 mm.

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The designer should be aware that the use of cover plates might not be
practical or economical under the current AASHTO fatigue requirements,
especially for structures subjected to high cyclic stresses. In structures with
high stress cycles, the designer should consider the possibility of utilizing
larger beam sections in lieu of the cover plates.

The standard end treatment for cover plates is shown in Figure 3.3.6-1.

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Figure 3.3.6-1
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3.3.7 Composite In continuous wide flange beams and plate girders, composite design shall be
Beam Design-
limited to the positive moment areas. No shear connectors shall be allowed
Connectors in the negative moment areas over the interior supports. However, composite
design in the negative moment areas may be considered when existing steel
beams are rehabilitated to current AASHTO Specifications.

In the design of steel box girders (trough type), the hardened slab is considered
to act effectively in preventing the lateral torsional instability of the box beam.
To ensure this behavior, shear connectors should be provided in both the
positive and negative moment areas of the steel box beam even if composite
action is not considered in the negative moment areas.

For the usual composite design, 19 mm diameter stud shear connectors a

minimum of 100 mm long shall be detailed on the plans. 22 mm diameter stud
shear connectors may only be used as a last resort and require approval from
the Bureau of Bridges and Structures. If fillet heights exceed 150 mm, shear
reinforcement shall be provided from the slab into the fillet. The top of the stud
shall be a minimum of 50 mm above the bottom of the deck slab except when
fillet areas have appropriate shear reinforcement. The minimum distance
between centers of stud shear connectors shall be 4 times the diameter of the
stud. The distance between the edge of a girder flange and the center of the
stud shall not be less than 40 mm. A detail similar to the one in Figure 3.3.7-
1 shall be shown on the plans.

Placing stud shear connectors on splice plates shall be avoided whenever

possible. In no case shall a stud be placed within 75 mm of the field splice

In continuous composite plate girders, the minimum top flange plate width shall
be 300 mm and the minimum thickness shall be 20 mm.

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Figure 3.3.7-1
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3.3.8 Welded Girder Figures 3.3.8-1 through 3.3.8-4 shall be used to determine whether a reduction
in plate thickness justifies the cost of the butt weld.

The thicker plate in the transition shall be limited to approximately twice the
thickness of the thinner plate. When possible the flange width between bolted
splices shall be kept constant for economical fabrication.

Butt welded thickness transitions are subject to the applicable fatigue allow-
able range of stresses, Category B.

3.3.9 Camber Rolled beams shall not be cambered unless prior approval is obtained from the
Bureau of Bridges and Structures.

The plate girder webs shall be cambered to minimize the fillet heights. Only
the mass of the deck slab and the steel should be considered for deflections
used in computing the camber. When the structure is on a vertical summit
curve, consideration shall be given to increasing the computed camber to
further minimize the fillet heights. The camber shown on the plan shall be the
total adjusted computed camber. Shown below, for guidance, is a typical
example of a properly prepared camber diagram.

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Figure 3.3.8-1
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Figure 3.3.8-2
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Figure 3.3.8-3
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Figure 3.3.8-4
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3.3.10 Fillet Welds The minimum size of fillet weld shall be according to AASHTO Article

3.3.11 Intermediate Intermediate vertical stiffeners shall be of 10 mm minimum thickness and shall
Vertical be welded on one side of the web with a 6 mm minimum continuous fillet weld.
Intermediate stiffeners so placed shall be welded to the compression flange,
and undercut at the tension flange. The distance between the end of the
stiffeners and the near edge of the web-to-tension-flange fillet weld shall be
no more than six times or less than four times the web thickness. When
intermediate vertical stiffeners are used as connecting plates for cross frames,
the stiffeners shall be welded to both flanges with fillet welds on both sides of
the stiffeners and the flange stress at these locations shall be investigated for
fatigue under Category C.

The stiffener plates at the junction of the flanges and the web shall be clipped
25 mm horizontally and a minimum vertically of 40 mm or four times the web
thickness plus the size of web-to-flange fillet weld.

For girders with webs equal to or smaller than 1.35 m, it is preferable not to
utilize intermediate stiffeners. For girders with webs larger than 1.35 m, the
web thickness may be increased to limit the vertical stiffeners to only one or
two locations per span beyond those provided for cross frame attachments.

3.3.12 Bearing Bearing stiffeners shall be milled on the bearing end and have a tight fit at the
Stiffeners other end. The bearing stiffener plates at the junction of the flanges and the
web shall be clipped 25 mm horizontally and a minimum vertically of 40 mm or
four times the web thickness plus the size of web-to-flange fillet weld. They
shall be welded to both flanges when used as connecting plates for cross
frames or diaphragms. The welding to the flanges shall be fillet welds on both
sides of the stiffeners. The length of the fillet weld at the mill to bear end shall
be the width of the stiffener minus the 25 mm horizontal clip minus 10 mm (5
mm each end). The length of the fillet weld at the other end shall be the full
width of the stiffener minus the 25 mm horizontal clip.

Apr. 97 Page 3-75

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.3.13 Structural In order to minimize fillet heights on steel structures, the beam or girder slopes
Steel Framing
shall be changed at the splices to conform to the general configuration of the
bottom of the formed deck slab.

On the structural steel sheet, a table showing top of beam elevations for rolled
beams or top of web elevations for plate girders shall be shown. The elevations
shall be given for all beams or girders at the abutments, piers and splices.

For steel structures on horizontal curve, the uniqueness of the framing plan
layout necessitates the inclusion of additional data on the structural steel
sheets to facilitate fabrication.

The following data are considered essential. However, additional data may
be provided at the discretion of the designer:

1. The radius of each individual beam or girder line.

2. The length of each individual beam or girder between bearings
and splices measured along centerline beam or girder.
3. The total length of each individual beam or girder measured
along centerline beam or girder.
4. The vertical and horizontal offset at all bearings and splices
measured from a tangent for each individual beam or girder
parallel to the local tangent for the structure.

Shown in Figure 3.3.13-1, for guidance, is a typical example of a proper

presentation of the above data.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.3.14 Fillet Heights A . Wide Flange Beams

1. At all locations except splices
The top of the beam or cover plate shall be set to have a minimum
positive fillet height of 15 mm above any point on the beam or cover
2. At splices
The top of splice plate shall be set to have a minimum positive fillet
height of 15 mm above any point on the splice plate.

B. Plate Girders
1. At all location except splices
The top of the girder shall be set to have a minimum positive fillet height
of 20 mm above any point on the girder.
2. At splices
The top of splice plate shall be set to have a minimum positive fillet
height of 20 mm above any point on the splice plate.

The minimum positive fillets, specified for plate girders, reflect an allowance
for the girder depth’s fabrication tolerance of 5 mm plus and zero minus.

3.3.15 Lateral The need for lateral bracing on all simple or continuous spans shall be
Bracing investigated in accordance with Article 10.21 of AASHTO Specifications. On
continuous spans, only those spans that require lateral bracing shall be
provided with lateral bracing.

Jan. 94 Page 3-77

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.3.13-1
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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.3.16 Splices Splices shall be located at or near the point or points of dead load contraflexure
and shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO articles 10.18, 10.24,
10.56, 10.57, and 10.58 except as noted. Splices shall be designed for not less
than the average of the required strength at the splice location and the gross
strength of the member, but in any event, not less than 75 percent of the gross
strength of the member. The gross strength of the member shall be defined
as FyS, regardless of whether the member is compact, braced, or unbraced
and shall be considered as the gross strength of the member at that point as
if no splice existed.

In cases of continuous span bridges with composite positive moment areas and
non-composite negative moment areas, the splices shall preferably be located
to miss the additional shear connectors required by AASHTO Article
(ie. toward the pier from the point of dead load contraflexure.) This is intended
to avoid the need to place studs directly on top of the splice plate. If this is not
possible, shear studs may be placed on the splice plate, however, in no case
shall a stud be detailed within 75 mm of the centerline of a field splice.

When a splice is required in a composite region due to span length, it shall be

designed for both the composite (final) condition and the intermediate load
stages prior to the hardening of the deck. The strength of the splice shall not
be less than 75 percent of the gross strength of the non-composite beam. In
no case shall a stud be detailed within 75 mm of the centerline of a field splice.

The following maximum lengths shall be used in determining field splice

locations. If greater lengths are considered, the engineer must investigate
transportation and erection feasibility and receive approval from the Engineer
of Bridges and Structures before designing the member.

Plate Girders ......................... *38 m

W 920 and W 840 ......................27 m
W 760, W 690 and W 610 ..........21 m
W 530 and W 460 ......................18 m
*Special considerations should be given to haunched, curved
or heavily cambered girders when using this length.

Apr. 99 Page 3-79

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

When checking the requirements of AASHTO article 10.57, standard size

holes shall be used and the contact surfaces of the bolted parts shall satisfy
the criteria for a Class A slip-critical connection.

AASHTO M164M (A325) Type 3 high strength bolts shall be specified when
unpainted AASHTO M 270M GR 50W (A588) steel is used. For painted areas
near expansion joints, Type 3 high strength bolts without mechanical galva-
nizing shall be used.

The web splice plates and bolts shall be designed for the effects of shear,
moment and the moment caused by the eccentric shear. The elastic method
shall be used to calculate the force on web bolt groups. This method typically
produces conservative designs of bolt groups. As such, the design bearing
force, jR = 0.9L c tFu £ 18
. dtFu , on the connected material may be taken as
. dtFu , provided the member to be spliced is within the parameters of this
manual. The reduced bearing capacity provisions introduced with the
AASHTO Standard Specification, 16th edition are not required.

The net area of the flange splice plate or plates shall be at least equal to the
net area of the flange.

The minimum size flange bolt shall be an M22. Web bolts shall be the same
diameter as the flange bolts when feasible. Bolt patterns shall be symmetrical
about the center of the splice for each flange. Interior flange splice plates must
have a minimum of two rows of fasteners.

Standard beam and girder splice configurations are illustrated in Figures

3.3.16-1 and 3.3.16-2.

Figures 3.10-9 through 3.10-12 depict existing standard beam splice designs
and are provided for special case projects and reference only. These splices
are based on 75 percent of the gross beam section; working load design
specifications; AASHTO M 270M GR 250 steel and must be checked for

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.3.16-1
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Figure 3.3.16-2
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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.3.17 Interior Diaphragms or cross frames shall be placed at each support and throughout
the span at 7.5 m maximum centers. At the free end supports, end diaphragms
and Cross
Frames or frames shall be used. See Section 3.3.18.

On spans composed of rolled beam stringers or welded plate girders 1.2 m or

less in depth, diaphragms shall be used. The correct number of diaphragms
used throughout shall be the minimum number that can be placed or as required
by design without exceeding the 7.5 m maximum spacing. It is preferable to
place diaphragms at the 0.4 point of the end spans of continuous units and at
the center of the interior spans when this can be done without an increase in
the total number. It is also desirable to have diaphragms located adjacent to
a field splice, between the splice and the pier.

The interior diaphragm detail shown in Figure 3.3.17-1 shall be used for rolled
beams and welded plate girders less than 1.05 m deep. The detail shown in
Figure 3.3.17-3 shall be used for welded plate girders with depths of 1.05 m
through 1.2 m with or without stiffeners. The detail in Figure 3.3.17-3 may also
be used at interior supports for welded plate girders less than 1.05 m deep
when the diaphragms are attached at the bearing stiffener locations.

On welded plate girders greater than 1.2 m in depth, cross frames shall be used.
Figures 3.3.17-4 and 3.3.17-5 illustrate details of cross frames for girders with
or without stiffeners. Diaphragms or cross frames on curved girders designed
for curvature effects warrant special design and NTR material. Each girder
designed for curvature effects shall be diaphragmed exactly at its support to
prevent twisting of the girder on its bearing.

For skews greater than 10º, intermediate diaphragms and cross frames shall
be placed at right angles to the stringers. For 10º and smaller skews, the
diaphragms and cross frames may be placed along skew line. Where two
adjacent stringers are not parallel, the diaphragms and frames shall be placed
at right angles to one of the stringers.

Apr. 99 Page 3-83

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Connecting plates for cross frames and diaphragms shall be welded to both
flanges with fillet welds on both sides of the connecting plates. The flange
stress at these locations shall be investigated for fatigue under Category C.

Special consideration shall be given to the connections between the floor

beams and the main girder for two-girder system bridges to prevent fatigue
cracking in the webs.

3.3.18 End At the terminations of beam lines, the diaphragms or cross frames are normally
Diaphragms placed along the line defined by the centerline of bearings of the beams and
and Cross
are set level 75 mm below the bottom of the top flange of the low beam at a
constant elevation across the structure. These end diaphragms shall have a
flange width of 200 mm. (A common end diaphragm is a W310x60).

The designer should verify that the end diaphragm or crossframe used for the
particular design is in compliance with the provisions of Article 3.24.9 of the
AASHTO Specifications.

The end diaphragm detail shown in Figure 3.3.17-1 shall be used for rolled
beams. The detail in Figure 3.3.17-2 shall be used for welded plate girders
with depths of 1.2 m or less. Figures 3.3.17-6 and 3.3.17-7 show details of end
cross frames for welded plate girders greater than 1.2 m in depth with skews
less than 45 degrees and skews greater than or equal to 45 degrees,

If the deck of the structure is superelevated, it is advisable to place the end

diaphragms on a constant slope across the structure. Do not step the end
diaphragm which supports the drop slab at the end of the superstructure deck.
Such steps are difficult to form beyond ends of the beams, and the abrupt
change in section may induce cracking in the end of the deck slab.

The same criteria which applies to the diaphragms at the ends of the
superstructure deck is applicable to the diaphragms placed on each side of a
hinge in a span.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.3.19 Oversized To facilitate erection, all connecting bolt holes for diaphragms, cross frames
Holes in and lateral bracings should be detailed with 4 mm oversize holes for M20 H.S.
Bolts and 6 mm oversize holes for M22 H.S. Bolts as shown in Figures 3.3.17-
Cross Frames
& Lateral 1 through 3.3.17-7. These oversized holes shall have hardened washers
Bracings placed over them in accordance with Article 10.24 of the AASHTO Specifica-
tions. The contact surfaces of joints with oversized holes shall be free of paint
or lacquer, except when the zinc-silicate primer is used.

3.3.20 Slotted Holes On skewed and curved girder structures, when the differential dead load
in Intermediate deflection of adjacent girders at any intermediate diaphragm and cross frame
location is 20 mm or more, the connecting bolt holes for all diaphragms and
and Cross
Frames cross frames in the span shall be detailed with 40 mm long-slotted vertical holes
at the girder with the largest deflection. The long-slotted holes shall be in
accordance with Article of the AASHTO Specifications. They shall
be 2 mm wider than the bolt diameter and shall be used in only one of the
connected parts. These slotted holes shall have 8 mm structural plate washers
placed over them.

The long-slotted holes shall also be detailed for the connecting bolt holes for
the intermediate diaphragms and cross frames of adjacent girders along the
stage construction line of all structures.

The bolts for the slotted holes shall only be finger-tightened prior to the deck
slab pouring and then be fully-tightened after the completion of the pouring.

3.3.21 Computation The structural steel plates and their mass, including an allowance for 50% of
of Structural the permissible overweight given in ASTM-A6M in accordance with Article
505.12 of the Standard Specifications are shown on Pages 4-14 through 4-23
of the Design Aid Section. All quantity computations for structural steel shall
be based on the mass values shown.

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Figure 3.3.17-1
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Figure 3.3.17-2
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Figure 3.3.17-3
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Figure 3.3.17-4
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Figure 3.3.17-5
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Figure 3.3.17-6
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Figure 3.3.17-7
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Figure 3.3.17-8
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Figure 3.3.17-9
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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.4 Expansion
3.4.1 Expansion
Joints -
T he type of expansion device to be used on a bridge deck depends on
the length of structure for which the expansion opening is provided, the skew
angle of the opening and if the joint is to be sealed. The temperature range
shall be -34 ºC to 54 ºC with a normal installation temperature of 10 ºC. For
design purpose, the coefficient of linear expansion shall be 0.000011/ ºC for
steel and concrete structures.

Figure 3.4.2-6 sets the limits for sealed joints (preformed joint seals,
neoprene expansion joints and finger plate joints).

3.4.2 Sealed All expansion joints shall be sealed to exclude deck drainage from the
Expansion openings.

Figures 3.4.2-7 through 3.4.2-9 show the details of the preformed joint seals
and the openings for neoprene seals. The details for the Neoprene Joints
are given by the EJ-CS (M) Series of the Standard Base Sheets.

When a neoprene expansion seal is specified, additional bars at the end of

the deck slab shall be detailed as shown in Figure 3.4.2-1.

Figures 3.4.2-2 through 3.4.2-5 show the details of a finger plate joint with
a trough for use with moderate movements of up to 200 mm. Adequate
elevations and dimensions shall be furnished on the plans to guide fabrica-
tors in detailing the trough support angles and splash plates and to obtain
a proper fit.

The minimum thickness of a finger plate shall be 40 mm. The design

thickness is determined by assuming a point loading at the end of the finger
based on a tire width of 508 mm for MS18 loading. The entire load shall be
applied to only the fingers on one side of the joint within the 510 mm design

Apr. 97 Page 3-95

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Special expansion joint designs, other than those detailed in this manual are
required for movements in excess of 200 mm. The Bureau of Bridges and
Structures should be consulted to verify the viability and acceptability of any
special joint design proposed for use.

3.4.3 Substructure The substructure elements under expansion joints shall be provided with
Treatments bridge seat sealer as an additional protective treatment to the epoxy coated

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.4.2-1
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Figure 3.4.2-2
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Figure 3.4.2-3
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Figure 3.4.2-4
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Figure 3.4.2-5
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Figure 3.4.2-6
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Figure 3.4.2-7
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Figure 3.4.2-8
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Figure 3.4.2-9
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Figure 3.4.2-10
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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.5 Bearings
3.5.1 Bearing
S tandard Elastomeric Expansion Bearing Assemblies for all conventional
structures are detailed in Section 3.5.4. These bearings shall be utilized for
all new designs that are within the parameters outlined in Section 3.5.4. The
standard fixed bearing used in conjunction with the standard elastomeric
bearings is the low profile fixed bearing detailed in Figure 3.5.1-1.

Where the design requirements of a conventional structure dictate an elasto-

meric bearing outside the parameters of Section 3.5.4, a feasibility and
economic evaluation should be made for utilizing an elastomeric bearing of a
special design or a special bearing design.

Special bearing designs such as pot, disc, and isolation bearings that are not
detailed in this manual, may be required for long span, unique, and seismically
sensitive structures. There are a variety of special bearing designs that may
or may not conform to the Department’s specifications and design require-
ments. The Bureau of Bridges and Structures should be consulted to verify
the acceptability of any special bearing recommended for use. A Special
Provision is available to cover the use of such special bearings under the
generic title “Floating Bearings.”

Elastomeric and steel bearings for prestressed concrete I Beams and expan-
sion and fixed bearings for PPCD Beams are detailed in the Prestressed
Concrete Manual.

Typical Anchor Bolt Details are shown in the following table.


Bearing Plate Hole Dia.
Bolt Dia. (mm) Plate Washer (mm)

M24 60 x 60 x 8 40

M30 65 x 65 x 8 46

M36 75 x 75 x 8 52

M48 85 x 85 x 8 64

M64 100 x 100 x 8 80

Apr. 99 Page 3-107

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Details of bearings no longer commonly used are given in Section 3.10. These
bearings may be used in special situations and for rehabilitation projects where
in-kind replacement or matching of existing bearings is necessitated.

Rocker bearings used with rolled beam structures are detailed in Figures
3-10-13 through 3.10-17. These assemblies may be used for welded
girders with expansion lengths less than 68 m and reactions less than or
equal to that allowed by AASHTO Article 10.32.4 using the established
rocker radius of 300 mm. This radius limits the reaction to 2889 kN/m of
the rocker for M 270M Grade 250 steel. For plate girders with expansion
lengths or reactions greater than these limits, the bearings detailed in
Figures 3.10-19, 3.10-20 and 3.10-21 may be used.

Figure 3.10-19 details a low profile fixed abutment bearing. Figure 3.10-18
illustrates a special bearing treatment for single rolled beam spans of less
than 14 m. Rocker bearings for concrete deck girders are detailed in
Figures 3.10-22 through 3.10-26 and the roller bearing for concrete slab
structures is shown in Figure 3.10-27.

Page 3-108 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.5.1-1
Apr. 99 Page 3-109
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.5.2 Thickness of Bearing plate thicknesses and connecting weld sizes shall be determined by
use of the formulas given in Figure 3.5.2-1. The thickness of top bearing plates
on girders with bearing stiffeners shall be 80% of the thickness required if no
stiffeners were present.

On steel stringers, top bearing plates shall be beveled if the beam grade
is 2.0% or greater.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.5.2-1
Apr. 97 Page 3-111
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.5.3 Seismic The connection of the superstructure to the substructure for bridges in Seismic
Performance Category A shall be designed to withstand the total horizontal
forces equal to 20% of the contributing dead loads of the superstructure in the
restrained directions. The following equations and tables provide guidelines
in meeting these connection requirements. These guidelines are applicable
to structures which use a combination of elastomeric bearings and low-profile
fixed bearings to support the beams. Structures requiring the use of other
bearing types or in a Seismic Performance Category other than A shall be
independently investigated.

Minimum bearing support length requirements for Seismic Performance

Category A are stated in the AASHTO Seismic Design Section Article 5.3 and
are addressed in Section 3.6 of this manual.

The number of anchor bolts required along each beam line is given by the
following equation.

0. 2DL
N: number of anchor bolts required for the given bearing under
consideration for Seismic Performance Category A
DL: sum of all contributing superstructure dead loads in the restrained
direction at the given bearing under consideration. (service)
F: the allowable shear force per anchor bolt for seismic loading given
in the following table:

Anchor Bolt Allowable Shear

(for Seismic Loading)

F (kN) F (kN)
Bolt Dia. (mm)
A 307 M 164M (A 325M)

M24 51.4 88.9

M30 80.4 121.5

M36 115.7 175.0

M48 205.7 -

M64 365.8 -

Page 3-112 Apr. 99

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

The Illinois coil lock anchor bolt detailed on base sheet ABB-1 (M) exceeds the
capacities of both the A 307 and M 164M (A 325M) anchor bolts. The maximum
size of anchor bolts shall be limited to M36, when feasible.

Side retainers shall be provided on both sides of all elastomeric bearings as

shown in Figures 3.5.4-11 through 3.5.4-13. These retainers limit the amount
of relative transverse displacement which can occur between bearings. To
insure the adequacy of these retainers to control the relative displacement of
the beams during an earthquake, these retainers should be designed to
withstand a horizontal force equal to 20% of the contributing dead load
reaction. The following table shows the anchor bolt sizes for retainer anchor
bolts that are required for seismic loads on standard size elastomeric bearings
shown in Figure 3.5.4-16. These bolt sizes are based on one anchor bolt per
retainer with the maximum reaction allowed for a given bearing size.

Elastomeric Bearing
Anchor Bolt Sizes*
(per Side Retainer In Seismic Performance Category A)

A 307 Bolt
Bearing Size
Dia. x Length (mm)

152 x 254 M24 x 300

178 x 306 M24 x 300

230 x 306 M24 x 300

254 x 356 M30 x 380

280 x 406 M30 x 380

306 x 458 M36 x 450

*Lengths shown are the required total lengths for the Illinois Coil or
cast-in-place headed anchor bolts. The required total length for the
sealed capsule alternate anchor bolt shall be according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations.

The maximum diameter of anchor bolts shall be limited to 36 mm. When special
bearing designs are required, M 164M (A 325M) bolts may be used and/or
multiple bolts per side retainer.

Apr. 99 Page 3-113

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

The number and size of pintles required at fixed bearings shall be designed
for the same horizontal forces as the anchor bolts provided for at that bearing.
The number of pintles which will be required along each beam line is given by
the following equation:

0. 2DL
Np =

Np: number of pintles required at the given bearing under consid-

eration for Seismic Performance Category A
DL: sum of all contributing superstructure dead loads in the re-
strained direction at the given bearing under consideration.
Fp: The allowable shear force per pintle for seismic loading given
in the table below.

Pintle Allowable Shear for Seismic Loading

Fp (kN) Fp (kN)
Pintle Dia. (mm)
Fy = 250 MPa Fy = 345 MPa

32* 120.6 166.5

35 144.3 199.2

38 170.1 234.8

40 188.5 260.1

45 238.6 329.2

50 294.5 406.4

55 356.4 491.8

*minimum pintle dia.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.5.4 Elastomeric Elastomeric bearing assemblies are divided into three types according to the
expansion lengths which they will accommodate. The details of the types are
Assemblies: shown in Figure 3.5.4-1.

The Type I assembly is a conventional laminated pad where all of the

movement is taken by distortion of the rubber. This type shall be limited to
expansion lengths of 23 m or less for the 152 mm wide and 46 m or less for the
306 mm wide bearing.

The Type II assembly has a teflon sliding surface incorporated to provide

additional movement capacity. The movement is accomplished by both
deformation of the elastomer and slippage on the teflon surface. The elastomer
deforms until the internal shear force equals the friction force required to slip
the teflon surface. The expansion length limitations of the Type II assembly
shall be 46 m for the 152 mm wide bearing and 92 m for the 306 mm wide

The Type III bearing was developed to accommodate expansion lengths which
exceed the limitations of the Type II bearing. The Type III is essentially a Type
II with a shear restrictor pin added to prevent the rubber from overstressing in
shear as movement occurs. The movement in excess of that allowed by the
shear restrictor pin is accommodated by slippage on the teflon surface.

There is no limitation on the expansion length for which the Type III may be used
as long as sufficient travel capability is provided by the shear restrictor pin and
the size of the stainless steel plate. The rubber thickness is based on the
deformation allowed by the shear restrictor pin and the rotational requirements
for nonparallel load surfaces.

Figures 3.5.4-11, 3.5.4-12 and 3.5.4-13 depict standard details for the Type
I, Type II, and Type III elastomeric expansion bearings respectively. Figues
3.5.4-14 and 3.5.4-15 depict unique elastomeric bearing details which are
intended to ease future bearing replacement. These details shall be reserved
for new structures with semi-integral abutments.

Apr. 99 Page 3-115

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

The design of elastomeric bearings is governed by four basic parameters.

These parameters are as follows:

1. Dead Load Reaction.

2. Deal Load plus Live Load Reaction.
a. Impact not included.
3. Expansion Length.
a. Distance from fixed bearing to expansion bearing.
4. Percent slope due to nonparallel surfaces.
a. Dead load rotation.
b. Camber of prestress beams.
c. Profile grade of beam.

The design criteria is subject to certain limitations. These limitations are in

terms of both allowable stresses and minimum dimensions. They are as

1. The total effective rubber thickness (ERT) of the elastomer shall

be at least 2 times the total movement for the Type I bearing. See
Section 3.4.1 for temperature range and linear expansion coeffi-
a. The total effective rubber thickness is defined as the
summation of the individual layers of rubber including the
top and bottom layers.
b. For the Type II bearing, the ERT need only be equal to the
total movement, due to the use of the teflon and stainless
steel sliding surfaces.
c. For the Type III bearing, the ERT is not directly related to
the total movement provided that the sliding surfaces
remain in full contact as shown in Figure 3.5.4-1.
2. The width of the bearing, parallel to the direction of movement shall
be at least 3 times the total effective rubber thickness.

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Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.* The stress due to dead load shall be between 1.4 MPa and 3.5
4.* The stress due to dead load plus live load without impact shall be
between 1.4 MPa and 5.5 MPa.

*The 1.4 MPa minimum requirement is intended for preventing the

horizontal crawling of the bearing when it is not attached to the top
surface. This requirement has been applied to the bearing designs
detailed in this manual even though these bearings are detailed with
positive attachment to the flange of the girder. Compliance with the
requirement is desirable but is not mandatory if it results in a special
bearing design or special superstructure treatments.

5. Sufficient rubber thickness or a tapered plate shall be provided to

avoid a lift-off condition on the leading edges of the pad.

Design aids have been produced which incorporate the design parameters
and limitations. These aids are shown in Figures 3.5.4-2 through 3.5.4-10. The
following is a step by step procedure for using the design tables.

Step 1. The size of bearing required is determined by entering dead load

reaction and the dead load plus live load reaction in the tables in
Figure 3.5.4-2 or 3.5.4-3. The limits of the Type III bearings are
reduced because of the reduction in area due to the holes for the
shear restrictor pins.

Step 2. The type of bearing required is determined from the table in Figure
3.5.4-4. If a Type III is required, the table in Figure 3.5.4-3 must be
checked to see that the limits of the Type III are not exceeded.

Step 3. The thickness of the bearings are determined from Figures

3.5.4-5 through 3.5.4-9. Each bearing type is divided according
to plan dimensions and thicknesses. The thicknesses (series) are
designated by letters such as a, b, c, etc. which correspond to
dimensions given in Figures 3.5.4-19 through 3.5.4-21. For Type

Jan. 94 Page 3-117

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

I and II bearings, the thickness required for expansion requirements

are found in Figures 3.5.4-5 and 3.5.4-6. The thickness required
to satisfy slope requirements for Type II and III bearings is given in
Figures 3.5.4-7 through 3.5.4-9. For Type I bearing the slope
requirements are shown in Figure 3.5.4-19. Both of these thick-
nesses must be determined and the maximum used. If a tapered
plate is used, the slope becomes zero and series “a” will satisfy
slope requirements only. For Type III bearings, the only require-
ment is to meet the slope requirements. Therefore, only the tables
in Figures 3.5.4-7 through 3.5.4-9 are used to determine which
series is required. If a tapered plate is used, again the slope
becomes zero and a series “a” is required. After the correct series
is determined the detailing dimensions are found in Figures
3.5.4-18 through 3.5.4-21. Additional plates are included to
provide detailing aids.

A force acting in a direction parallel to the movement shall be applied to the

substructure at the base of the bearing. This force is due to either the force
required to deform the elastomer of the Type I bearing or the friction force
required for slippage of the teflon surface on the Types II and III bearings. The
magnitude of the force shall be 1.75 x 10-4 kN/mm2 of bearing area for Type
I bearings and .04 times the dead load reaction for Types II and III bearings.

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Figure 3.5.4-1
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Figure 3.5.4-2
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Figure 3.5.4-3
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Figure 3.5.4-4
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Figure 3.5.4-5
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Figure 3.5.4-6
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Figure 3.5.4-7
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Figure 3.5.4-8
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Figure 3.5.4-9
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Figure 3.5.4-10
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Figure 3.5.4-11
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Figure 3.5.4-12
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Figure 3.5.4-13
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Figure 3.5.4-14
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Figure 3.5.4-15
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Figure 3.5.4-16
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Figure 3.5.4-17
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Type 1 and 2 Type 3

Bearing (in kN) (in kN)
Size MPa MPa
(mm) 1.4 3.5 5.5 S.F. 1.4 3.5 5.5 S.F.

152 x 254 54 135 212 5.94 52 131 206 5.03

178 x 306 76 191 300 5.63 75 187 293 4.90
230 x 306 99 246 387 6.57 96 241 378 5.67
254 x 356 127 316 497 6.74 124 311 489 5.93
280 x 406 159 398 625 6.37 156 391 614 5.60
306 x 458 196 491 771 6.55 193 483 760 5.84


Figure 3.5.4-18
Page 3-136 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Bearing We Le Tp Np Ts Ns ERT Te Max. %
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

152-a 152 254 8 3 2 2 24 28 1.89

152-b 152 254 8 5 2 4 40 48 3.16
152-c 152 254 8 6 2 5 48 58 3.79

178-a 178 306 10 3 2.5 2 30 35 2.02

178-b 178 306 10 4 2.5 3 40 48 2.70
178-c 178 306 10 5 2.5 4 50 60 3.37

230-a 230 306 10 5 2.5 4 50 60 2.62

230-b 230 306 10 7 2.5 6 70 85 3.67
230-c 230 306 10 8 2.5 7 80 98 4.19

254-a 254 356 11 5 3 4 55 67 2.60

254-b 254 356 11 6 3 5 66 81 3.12
254-c 254 356 11 7 3 6 77 95 3.64
254-d 254 356 11 8 3 7 88 109 4.16

280-a 280 406 13 4 3 3 52 61 2.24

280-b 280 406 13 5 3 4 65 77 2.80
280-c 280 406 13 6 3 5 78 93 3.35
280-d 280 406 13 7 3 6 91 109 3.91

306-a 306 458 14 3 5 2 42 52 1.65

306-b 306 458 14 4 5 3 56 71 2.20
306-c 306 458 14 5 5 4 70 90 2.75
306-d 306 458 14 6 5 5 84 109 3.30
306-e 306 458 14 7 5 6 98 128 3.86

Figure 3.5.4-19
Apr. 99 Page 3-137
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Bearing We Le Tp Np Ts Ns ERT Te
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

152-a 152 254 8 3 2 2 24 51

152-b 152 254 8 5 2 4 40 71
152-c 152 254 8 6 2 5 48 81

178-a 178 306 10 3 2.5 2 30 58

178-b 178 306 10 4 2.5 3 40 71
178-c 178 306 10 5 2.5 4 50 83

230-a 230 306 10 5 2.5 4 50 83

230-b 230 306 10 7 2.5 6 70 108
230-c 230 306 10 8 2.5 7 80 121

254-a 254 356 11 5 3 4 55 90

254-b 254 356 11 6 3 5 66 104
254-c 254 356 11 7 3 6 77 118
254-d 254 356 11 8 3 7 88 132

280-a 280 406 13 4 3 3 52 84

280-b 280 406 13 5 3 4 65 100
280-c 280 406 13 6 3 5 78 116
280-d 280 406 13 7 3 6 91 132

306-a 306 458 14 3 5 2 42 75

306-b 306 458 14 4 5 3 56 94
306-c 306 458 14 5 5 4 70 113
306-d 306 458 14 6 5 5 84 132
306-e 306 458 14 7 5 6 98 151

Figure 3.5.4-20
Page 3-138 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Bearing Tb* Dp Ds Hp
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

152-a 25 25 38 38
152-b 25 25 38 58
152-c 25 25 38 64

178-a 25 25 38 46
178-b 25 25 38 58
178-c 32 25 38 64

230-a 32 32 45 64
230-b 38 32 45 90
230-c 45 32 45 102

254-a 38 32 45 76
254-b 38 32 45 90
254-c 45 32 45 108
254-d 50 32 45 122

280-a 38 38 51 70
280-b 38 38 51 84
280-c 45 38 51 102
280-d 50 38 51 122

306-a 32 38 51 64
306-b 45 38 51 84
306-c 50 38 51 102
306-d 50 38 51 122
306-e 60 38 51 140

* Based on minimum thickness required for seating restrictor pin

Figure 3.5.4-21
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3.6 Abutments
3.6.1 General N o impact shall be included in the design of elements below the bearing
seat. Impact shall be included in all substructure elements (including piling)
when the superstructure is monolithic with the bearing substructure.

3.6.2 Reinforcement On all Interstate, primary route and grade separation structures, all reinforce-
ment bars in abutment elements shall be epoxy coated.

3.6.3 Standard Pile The general details and design criteria for the standard pile bent abutments
Bent are shown in Figures 3.6.3-1 and 3.6.3-2.

An alternate pile bent abutment is shown in Figure 3.6.3-1.1. This detail may
be used on abutments with small lateral loads or in situations where the entire
pile length is in natural ground and as required by design. Generally short right
angle wings are used with this detail rather than the standard end posts.

A pile bent abutment for a fixed slab bridge is shown in Figure 3.6.3-3. The
slab shall be connected to the abutment cap with a minimum of #15 (E) bars
at 300 cts. however, no reinforcement shall connect the slab to the approach.
A single row of piles is prefered for fixed conditions.

If the length of the abutment is greater than 27 m, a 25 mm expansion joint

should be used. The base of an abutment under a superelevated roadway
shall be constructed level if the difference between the low and high elevation
of the bridge seat is 450 mm or less. For a difference in elevation greater than
450 mm, the base of the abutment cap shall be stepped with the reinforcement
continuous through the transitions. The base of the abutment cap shall always
remain level between sloped transitions.

Concrete piles should be driven through precored holes if the distance from
the bottom of the abutment to natural ground is greater than 3 m.

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When natural ground is at or near the elevation of the bottom of the abutment
cap, consideration should be given to placing the cap on a spread footing
instead of using the pile bent type abutment.

Provisions for drainage shall be provided behind pile bent abutments. The
drainage details shall be similar to those shown for integral abutments in Figure

3.6.4 Abutment The minimum thickness of a spread footing or a footing supported on piles
Footings under an abutment shall be 600 mm unless design calculations indicate the
necessity of a footing of greater thickness. If a spread footing is founded on
rock, the entire footing shall be keyed a minimum of 150 mm into solid rock.

The minimum pile spacing shall be 1 m for 305 mm piles and 1.1 m for 356 mm
piles. If necessary, smaller pile spacings may be used for point bearing piles
provided the spacings are approved by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures.

The maximum pile spacing shall be limited to 3.5 times the effective footing
thickness plus 300 mm but not to exceed 2.5 m.

The longitudinal reinforcement (w bars) in a pile supported footing shall be No.

15 at 300 cts minimum placed between piles. The transverse reinforcement
(t bars) shall be designed.

For the design of the pile supported footing in flexure and in shear, the pile load
shall be distributed in a width equal to 0.8X + 1.143 m but not wider than the
longitudinal pile spacing. Where X is the distance from the edge of the vertical
wall to the center line of the pile under consideration.

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Figure 3.6.3-1
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Figure 3.6.3-1.1
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Figure 3.6.3-2
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Figure 3.6.3-3
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3.6.5 Closed Joints in closed concrete abutments shall be similar to those illustrated in
Abutments - Figure 3.10-5. Reinforcement shall be continuous through construction joints,
General but no reinforcement shall pass through expansion joints. Only construction
joints are permitted in the footings.

Wing walls of a closed abutment shall not be poured integrally with the
abutment wall. The wing wall shall be separated from the abutment wall with
a 13 mm joint filled with preformed joint filler. The front face of the wing wall
shall be set back at the top 50 mm from the face of the abutment wall. See Figure
3.6.5-1 for wing wall dimensions and heights. The footing under the wing wall
shall be continuous with and at the same elevation as the abutment footing.
The wing wall footing thickness shall be constant; however, for long wings, the
footing width may be reduced to reflect the reduced overturning moment.

Wing walls shall be designed according to the criteria given to the Culvert
Manual. Batter shall be placed on the front face up to a maximum of 1:24. If
a greater wall thickness is required, place the additional batter on the backface.
The batter shall be constant for the full length of the wing. The minimum
thickness of any wing wall with a closed abutment shall be 300 mm.

Weep holes are to be provided in all closed abutment walls and wing walls
except when the general appearance would be affected such as a closed
abutment adjacent to a traveled roadway. Weep holes shall be located and
dimensioned on the plans as stated in Article 503.12 of the Standard
Specifications. When weep holes are not used, a system of pipe drains should
be used. Figure 3.10-5 presents a suggested pipe drain detail.

The back face of closed abutments and wing walls shall be waterproofed
according to Article 503.18 of the Standard Specifications.

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Figure 3.6.5-1
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3.6.6 Closed Simple spans supported on closed abutments may be fixed at both supports
Abutments -
when the back-to-back of abutment dimension measured along the centerline
Top and of roadway does not exceed 14 m. When both supports are fixed, the
Bottom abutments shall be designed as restrained top and bottom. The design earth
pressure shall be based on a 7.9 kN/m3 equivalent fluid mass. If the approach
roadway is a non-rigid type, there shall be added to the earth pressure a live
load surcharge of 600 mm of soil.

Figure 3.6.6-1 presents general design details for closed abutments restrained
top and bottom.

Figures 3.6.6-2, 3.6.6-3 and 3.6.6-4 detail closed abutments with fixed
supports for slab bridges, R. C. girder bridges and steel stringer bridges,
respectively. These details are generally associated with closed abutments
restrained top and bottom.

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Figure 3.6.6-1
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Figure 3.6.6-2
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Figure 3.6.6-3
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Figure 3.6.6-4
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3.6.7 Closed When the back-to-back dimension between closed abutments exceeds 14 m,
Abutments - the supports for a simple span shall be fixed at one end and expanded at the
other end. For this situation, both closed abutments shall be designed as free
cantilevers. The design earth pressure shall be based on a 6.3 kN/m3
equivalent fluid mass. If the approach roadway is a non-rigid type, there shall
be added to the earth pressure a live load surcharge of 600 mm of soil.

The vertical reinforcement in the back face shall be designed neglecting the
vertical loads. Vertical reinforcement in the front face shall be #15 bars at +
1.2 m centers. Horizontal temperature reinforcement in the front face shall be
#15 bars at 300 mm centers. Horizontal reinforcement in the back face shall
be #15 bars at + 900 mm centers. Batter requirements shall be the same as
that specified for wing walls.

A footing width of 0.545 times the distance from the crown to the bottom of the
footing shall be used as a guide for spread footings with no surcharge.
Approximately 0.5 of the width of the footing should extend behind the wall and
0.33 of the width in front of the wall.

3.6.8 Approach Except as noted hereinafter for semi-integral structures, the approach support
Pavement shall be constructed level unless a superelevated roadway or an excessive
skew cause a total differential seat elevation greater than 300 mm. When the
approach seat is constructed level, the dimension from the top of the approach
pavement down to the approach support at centerline of roadway shall be 385
mm plus the maximum total crown drop plus 25 mm. When superelevation or
excessive skew cause a differential seat elevation greater than 300 mm, the
approach seat shall follow the slope as defined at the edges of the approach
pavement and the dimension from the top of the approach pavement down to
the approach support shall be 410 mm at these locations.

For semi-integral structures, the approach support shall follow the crown of the
roadway. The dimension from the top of the approach pavement down to the
approach support shall be 410 mm.

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The dead load reaction of the standard approach pavement is 44 kN per meter
of width. This 44 kN reaction should not be applied on the abutment, if the net
effect is to reduce the load on the piles. On all abutments, regardless of the
type of approach roadway, a support shall be provided for a rigid-type
approach pavement.

3.6.9 Bridge Seats The bridge seats shall be constructed in steps poured monolithically with the
abutment. The minimum step shall be 20 mm. Provide metal shims at each
bearing if steps are less than 20 mm. The elevation of each seat shall be shown
on the plans. Steps 100 mm or larger should be reinforced except for integral
abutments meeting the provisions of Section 3.6.12 (see the following
diagram). In all cases, the bridge seats between the bearings shall be sloped
to drain. The minimum bearing seat requirements detailed for substructure
elements in this manual meet the Seismic Performance Category A bearing
seat support length requirements as specified in the AASHTO Seismic Design
Section 5.3.

3.6.10 End of Slab Figure 3.6.10-1 details the end of the slab treatment at an expansion abutment
Treatment when the approach surface is a rigid type.

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Figure 3.6.10-1
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3.6.11 Vaulted The general configuration of the standard vaulted abutment utilizing precast,
Abutments prestressed beams to support the abutment span is illustrated in Figure 3.6.11-
1. This abutment is generally used when the abutment design span at right
angles is greater than 6.5 m. Access to the inside of the vault must be provided
for in this type of abutment.

The space provided between the curtain wall and the adjacent precast beam
should be large enough to allow for inspection. The distance from the center
of the curtain wall to the center of the adjacent precast beam may be as large
as the center to center spacings of the precast beams. In any case, the curtain
wall shall be designed to carry its share of vertical load and may be designed
using the provisions in AASHTO Article for outside roadway stringers
and beams.

Figures 3.6.11-2 and 3.6.11-3 provide the information necessary to determine

the critical abutment dimensions.

Figure 3.6.11-4 shows the general configuration and standard dimensions of

the sand filled vaulted abutment using a reinforced concrete slab as the
abutment slab. This abutment is generally used when the right angle design
span is 6.5 m or less.

The minimum transverse distance between the outside rows of piles in the
footings of the sand filled vault shall be 1.8 m. The footing shall be reinforced
transversely top and bottom. The minimum reinforcement in the top of the
footing shall be No. 20 bars at 300 centers. The bottom steel should be

The vertical steel extending from the footing into the front wall of the sand filled
vault shall be No. 25 bars at 300 centers minimum. The vertical steel in the
wall shall be No. 20 at 300 centers minimum.

Figure 3.10-7 shows the main span bearing location for both types of

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Figure 3.6.11-1
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Figure 3.6.11-2
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Figure 3.6.11-3
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Figure 3.6.11-4
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Figure 3.6.11-5
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Figure 3.6.11-6
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3.6.12 Integral Traditionally, bridges are designed with expansion joints and other structural
Abutments releases that allow the superstructure to expand and contract freely with
changing temperatures. Integral abutment bridges eliminate expansion joints
in the bridge decks, which reduce the initial construction cost as well as
continued maintenance costs. The use of integral abutment structures is
permitted within the following limitations:

1. Maximum skew is 30º.

2. Total length (along centerline) for steel structures is 95 m maxi-
3. Total length (along centerline) for concrete structures is 125 m
4. All structures must be built on a tangent alignment or built on a
tangent (no curved girders).
5. Abutments and piers must be parallel.

The analysis of the thermal forces introduced into bridge elements when
expansion joints and other structural releases are omitted is not required on
structures within the above limitations.

When utilizing integral abutments, the following design considerations should

be made:

1. All abutments must be provided with “dog-ear” type wingwalls.

The length of these wing walls shall be limited to 3 m.
If wingwall lengths greater than 3 m are required, the wall lengths
should be shortened to 3 m by allowing the soil to wrap around the
front face of the wingwall as shown hereafter. As shown on the
base sheets, the wingwalls on skewed structures are typically
placed parallel to the centerline of the abutment; however, they
may be placed at right angles to the centerline of the roadway.

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2. The abutment backfill must be well drained and noncompacted.

See Figure 3.6.12-1 for details of abutment and backfill.
3. Although steel H piles are preferred for structure lengths up to 60
m and required for structure lengths between 60 m and 125 m,
concrete piles will be permitted as follows:
(a). The standard concrete pile alternates shown on Base
Sheet X-3 (M) with the exception of the Precast Pre-
stressed Concrete Pile are permitted for structure lengths
up to 27 m. When using Base Sheet X-3 (M) with integral
abutments, the Precast Prestressed Concrete Pile alter-
nate shall be crossed out.
(b). The precast concrete or 356 mm diameter metal shell piles
shown on Base Sheet X-PB (M) are permitted for structure
lengths up to 60 m.
4. Pile encasements shall be provided for abutments with Steel H
Piles as shown in Figure 3.8.4-1.

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5. Pile reinforcement shall be provided in all metal shell piles at

abutments as shown on Base Sheet X-3 (M).
6. When hard soils are encountered, 150 mm of porous granular
embankment shall be placed all around the pile encasement for H
Piles or all around the top 900 mm of Metal Shell Piles.
7. All piles shall have their strong axis oriented to the centerline of the
abutment as shown in Figure 3.6.12-2 and embedded 600 mm
minimum into the cap.
8. Steel beams shall be detailed as shown in Figure 3.6.12-3. Steel
beams shall be set on 3 mm reinforced elastomeric neoprene
mats the size of the entire beam bearing area and shall be bolted
to the abutment caps. If the beam grade is 2% or greater, a
beveled shim plate shall be provided in addition to the neoprene
mat. The beveled plate and neoprene mat shall be detailed on
the design plans. Shallow steel beams (W 690 and smaller)
shall be detailed as shown in Figure 3.6.12-3.1
9. PPC-I-beams shall be detailed as shown in Figure 3.6.12-4.
PPC-I-beams shall be set on an initial 15 mm minimum grout (2:1
sand and Portland cement, very dry mix) to provide full bearing. Any
excess grout squeezed out from under the beam shall be removed.
10. To insure stability during construction, cross frames shall be
provided near the abutments for all steel girders greater than 1.5
m in depth. The cross frames shall be placed 600 mm minimum into
the span from the inside face of the concrete diaphragm. The cross
frames shall be similar to the one shown in Figure 3.3.17-4.
11. The superstructure shall be connected to the abutment cap with
a minimum of #15 (E) bars at 300 cts. See Figures 3.6.12-3, and
12. The bridge deck shall be connected to the approach pavement with
bar splicers for #15 bars at 300 cts. See Figures 3.6.12-3 and
13. See Section 2.6.12 for Corbel notch details necessary when the
Traffic Barrier Terminal, Type 6 is specified.

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Figure 3.6.12-1
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Figure 3.6.12-2
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Figure 3.6.12-3
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Figure 3.6.12-3.1
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Figure 3.6.12-4
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Figure 3.6.12-5
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3.6.13 Semi-Integral Semi-integral jointless abutment details are shown in Figures 3.6.13-1,
through 3.6.13-4. Applications for these abutments are described in Section
2.5.7. Semi-integral abutments shall not be used for structures with a skew
greater than 30°. Wingwalls shall not be connected to the superstructure when
semi-integral jointless abutments are used. The backwall of existing abut-
ments that are to be made semi-integral shall be completely removed, and the
backwall required shall be reconstructed. Loads transferred from the bridge
approach pavement to the substructure shall be considered to act through the
bearing; not the backwall.

To insure stability during construction, semi-integral structures with new steel

girders greater than1.5 m in depth shall have cross frames near the abutments
as described for integral abutment structures in Section 3.6.12. The reuse of
existing cross frames on a structure which will be made semi-integral will be
handled on a case by case basis.

Figures 3.5.4-14 and 3.5.4-15 show the preferred bearing details for new
structures with semi-integral abutments. These details are intended to ease
future bearing replacement.

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Figure 3.6.13-1
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Figure 3.6.13-2
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Figure 3.6.13-3
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Figure 3.6.13-4
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Page 3-178
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3.7 Piers

3.7.1 Piers
G eneral proportions for grade separation piers are shown in Figures 3.7.1-
1 and 3.7.1-2. The ratios given in Figure 3.7.1-2 should be used with caution
for any extreme heights. In all cases, a scale drawing should be made so that
the pier’s true proportion can be visualized. The piers in Figure 3.7.1-1 should
be used with the standard vaulted abutment, and the piers in Figure 3.7.1-2
should be used with the standard pile bent abutment.

The minimum width of any pier cap at a grade separation shall be 760 mm. This
minimum dimension shall be followed unless additional width is needed for the
bearing seats.

On usual stream crossings, the solid pier shown on Base Sheet P-1 (M), PB-
1 (M) or PC-1 (M) can be used. The sides of solid piers shall be straight, except,
when required by design, the sides of those piers shall be battered. The
minimum width at the top of a solid pier shall be 600 mm. If the bearing seat
requirements are such that more than 600 mm in width is needed, consideration
should be given to the use of a hammerhead grade separation pier or a modified
hammerhead pier such as shown on Base Sheet P-10 (M). The ends of pier
stems shall be rounded when located in the main stream. Different pier types
should be considered at bridge sites which lend themselves to special
architectural treatment.

No impact shall be included in the design of elements below the bearing seat.
Impact shall be included in all substructure elements (including piling) when the
superstructure is poured monolithically with the bearing substructure.

3.7.2 Reinforcement On all Interstate, primary route and grade separation structures all reinforce-
ment bars shall be epoxy coated.

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Figure 3.7.1-1
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Figure 3.7.1-2
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3.7.3 Pier Caps and Pier caps and base walls may be a maximum of 27 m in length without a joint.
Base Walls
When a joint is required in a pier cap, it shall be an open joint. When base walls
require a joint, it shall be a beveled bonded construction joint with reinforcement
continuous through the joint.

All piers on grade separation structures shall be equipped with a collision wall
which extends 700 mm minimum above the ground. When a guardrail is to be
installed running around the face of the pier, the ground elevation should be
computed at the face of the guardrail. The top of the collision wall shall run
continuously level.

Figure 3.7.3-1 illustrates the base wall criteria for stream crossings, viaducts
and grade separations.

3.7.4 Pier Columns All multi-column trapezoidal piers shall be designed for frame action and
consideration shall be given to stresses and movements resulting from
variations in temperature as well as shrinkage of the concrete. Insofar as
shrinkage and temperature affect the design of the columns of a pier, the
following criteria shall be followed:

(1) The coefficient of expansion of reinforced concrete shall be

taken as 0.0000108 per oC.
(2) The modulus of elasticity of concrete may be taken as 2.3 x 104
(3) The coefficient of shrinkage for concrete shall be taken as

On the usual multi-column grade separation pier, the temperature differential

between the cap and the collision wall can be considered negligible.

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Figure 3.7.3-1
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3.7.5 Pier Footings The minimum thickness of any spread footing or a footing supported on piles
under a pier shall be 600 mm, unless design calculations indicate the necessity
of a footing of greater thickness.

Under most structures, the footing for the fixed pier will not be the same as the
footing for an expansion pier. When the design indicates a reasonable variance
it shall be reflected on the plans.

The minimum width of any spread footing under an expansion pier shall be one-
fourth the distance from the top of the pier to the bottom of the footing. If the
spread footing is founded on rock, this ratio may be reduced to one-fifth of the
pier height, and keyed a minimum of 150 mm into sound rock. The actual
maximum footing pressure shall be shown on the plans.

The minimum width between the outside rows of piles in a pile supported footing
shall be one-fifth of the pier height.

The minimum pile spacing shall be 1 m for 305 mm piles and 1.1 m for 356 mm
piles. If necessary, smaller pile spacings may be used for point bearing piles
provided the spacings are approved by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures.

The maximum pile spacing shall be limited to 3.5 times the effective footing
thickness plus 300 mm but not to exceed 2.5 m. The minimum edge distance
measured from the side of the pile to the nearest edge of the pier footing shall
be 230 mm.

The longitudinal reinforcement (w bars) in a pile supported footing shall be No.

15 at 300 cts minimum placed between piles. The transverse reinforcement
(t bars) shall be designed.

For the design of the pile supported footing in flexure and in shear, the pile load
shall be distributed in a width equal to 0.8X + 1.143 m but not wider than the
longitudinal pile spacing. Where X is the distance from the edge of the vertical
wall to the center line of the pile under consideration.

Page 3-184 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

The footing dowels for a fixed pier shall be designed to resist the moment
created by the lateral forces transmitted from the superstructure to the
substructure as well as any lateral forces which may act directly on the
substructure. The direction of these forces shall be that direction which
produces maximum overturning at the pier.

Any construction joints allowed in pier footings shall be bonded construction

joints with continuous reinforcement.

3.7.6 Transmission Longitudinal forces transmitted from the superstructure to the substructure
of Transverse shall be as specified by AASHTO in magnitude but applied through the hinge
at the bearing.
Transverse forces shall be as specified by AASHTO both in magnitude and
points of application.

See Figures 3.7.6-1 and 3.7.6-2 for skew angle of winds producing the
maximum horizontal force.

3.7.7 Design Policy The rivers on which ice forces shall be considered in pier designs are as follows:
on Ice Forces
1. Mississippi River
2. Illinois River
3. Rock River
4. Fox River
5. Kankakee River
6. Iroquois River

Ice forces shall also be considered in pier designs on any other river with
identified ice problems.

Apr. 99 Page 3-185

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

The crushing strength of ice for design shall be as specified in the AASHTO
Specifications, Article The ice thickness shall be 450 mm for
locations north of Peoria and 300 mm for locations south of Peoria. The height
on the pier at which the ice forces are applied shall be the average of the low
and high water elevations unless more precise data is available. The floating
ice criteria above shall be applied to the ends of piers for each design project.

Forces to the sides of piers shall be applied only if the stream is navigable and
the shore line is a bluff type. For this condition every favorable feature, such
as skew, column action under an assumed condition of a receding water level
and the inability of ice to withstand tension shall be considered to keep the
footing width within the limits of sound engineering judgement.

To confront any floating ice with splitting effect at those sites where heavy ice
movements are known to occur or where relatively rapid stream flow exists, the
upstream nose of the pier shall be beveled and reinforced with a 203x203x12.7
steel angle of AASHTO M 270M GR. 250 and galvanized in accordance with
AASHTO M 111. The angle shall be anchored to the pier with fasteners at 600
mm spacing. No encasements of piers with corrosion resistant steel plates or
any similar treatment is required.

3.7.8 Pile Bents Figure 3.7.8-1 details a reinforced concrete cap for pile bents. If each bearing
is located above a pile, this cap may be used without designing the “p”(E) bars.
The minimum “p”(E) bar shall be a #25 bar. When the bearings are located other
than directly above the piles, the “p”(E) bars shall be designed assuming the
cap as continuous beams supported by the piles only. In no case shall a solid
encasement around the piles be considered as an integral part of the cap or
a support to the cap between the piles.

3.7.9 Pier A typical detail for a fixed slab bridge connection at a pier is shown in Figure
Treatment for 3.7.9-1.
Slab Bridges

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Figure 3.7.6-1
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Figure 3.7.6-2
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Figure 3.7.8-1
Apr. 99 Page 3-189
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.7.9-1
Page 3-190 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.8 Piles

3.8.1 Pile
T he maximum pile capacities shall be as follows:

Timber Piles (Untreated or Creosoted)

305 mm butt diameter 200 kN

Concrete Piles (Equal Alternates)

356 mm Precast Concrete

356 mm Precast Prestressed Concrete
305 mm Metal Shell 400 kN

Concrete Piles

356 mm Metal Shell 500 kN

Steel Point Bearing Piles 60 MPa

Steel Friction Piles 60 MPa

All piles under a foundation unit shall be driven to the same capacity. The
required design capacity per pile shall be shown on the plans. The maximum
pile capacities stated above shall be called for only if required by design
calculations. Figure 3.8.1-1 details a method of computing pile loads on closed
abutment walls and retaining walls.

3.8.2 Pile Piling shall be embedded in footings 300 mm. Footing reinforcement shall be
Embedment placed 75 mm clear of the bottom of the footing and arranged in such a manner
that the pile head can project 300 mm into the footing.

3.8.3 Pile Spacing The minimum pile spacing shall be 1 m for 305 mm piles and 1.1 m for 356 mm
piles. If necessary, smaller pile spacings may be used for point bearing piles
provided the spacings are approved by the Bureau of Bridges and Structures.

The maximum pile spacing shall be limited to 3.5 times the effective footing
thickness plus 300 mm but not to exceed 2.5 m.

Apr. 97 Page 3-191

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

 a a + b
 + 
To locate c.g. of Piles = x1 =  Sp2 Sp3 

The eccentricity of the resultant = x-(x1+x4) = e

The moment of the resultant = eΣW

S= ±

In this case:
S = Pile Load
P = ΣW
A = Area = portion of piles per m :

1 1 1
= + +
Sp1 Sp2 Sp3

C = distance of pile from c.g. of Piles:

= x1, x2, or x3

I = Moment of Inertia of Piles = Σx2

x12 x2 x2
= + 2 + 3
Sp1 Sp2 Sp3

Load on pile #1 = ΣW eΣW

S1 = − • x1

Σ W e ΣW
*S2 = − • x2

S3 = + • x3
Determine magnitude and position
of resultant in usual manner.

* Equation is for c.g. as shown. If c.g. falls

between Piles 1 & 2, equation becomes:

S2 = + • x2

Figure 3.8.1-1
Page 3-192 Jan. 94
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.8.4 Point Bearing A pile shall be considered to have point bearing when placed or driven on or
into a material which is capable of developing the pile load by direct bearing.
Piles shall be considered point bearing when they are driven to shale,
sandstone, limestone or dolomite. When point bearing piles are appropriate,
they shall be steel H piles.

The maximum bearing values for steel H piles should be based on the basic
area of the pile even though pile tip reinforcement is used. Steel H piles used
for point bearing shall be driven to refusal without specifying the capacity in kN.

When steel H piles are used under pile bent type abutments, a 900 mm deep
Class SI concrete encasement shall be provided similar to that shown in Figure
3.8.4-1. The cost of the encasement and the reinforcement is incidental to the
cost of furnishing the piles.

Splices for steel piles are rarely shown on the plans. If the required pile length
cannot be supplied in one continuous pile section, splices will be permitted so
long as full penetration butt welding of the entire section is employed. The
sections preferably should be spliced prior to their placement in the driving

When steel piles are unpredictably found too short on driving, the piles may be
extended either by completely butt welding the sections or by the use of fillet
welds as shown in detail in Figure 3.8.4-2.

3.8.5 Friction Piles A pile shall be considered a friction pile if its point does not rest on or in a material
which is capable of developing the pile load by direct bearing at the point. The
minimum length of any pile shall be 3 m, and the minimum penetration of a friction
pile into natural ground shall be 3 m.

Mar. 95 Page 3-193

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.8.4-1
Page 3-194 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.8.4-2
Jan. 94 Page 3-195
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.8.6 Concrete Piles Base Sheet X-3 (M) details the five acceptable alternates of concrete piles to
be used as friction piles. The 305 mm metal shell is considered to be equivalent
to the 356 mm precast concrete pile and the 356 mm precast, prestressed
concrete pile.

If soil or structural requirements dictate the use of one specific type of concrete
pile, only the acceptable type shall be shown on the plans. In this case the pay
item shall be for the type of pile used, i.e. Precast Concrete Piles, Precast
Prestressed Concrete Piles or Metal Pile Shells.

Concrete piles used under a pile bent type abutment shall be driven to the actual
design capacity but not less than 200 kN.

If metal shell concrete piles are used at pile bent piers, they shall be encased
with Class SI concrete. See Sections 2.6.7 and 2.6.8 for additional details.

Reinforcement spiral shall be used in top of metal shell piles when they are
under pile bent abutments. See Base Sheet X-3 (M). Omit reinforcement spiral
if metal shell piles are under pier footings placed in natural ground.

Concrete piles subject to flexural bending and shear as well as vertical load
shall be designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the AASHTO
Specifications. Pile details shown on Base Sheets X-3 (M) or X-PB (M) may
require revisions to meet the provisions of the AASHTO Specifications.
Tension stresses will not be permitted in prestressed concrete piles. Pre-
stressed concrete piles may require auxiliary normal grade reinforcement for
pile bent structures and shall not be specified for integral abutment structures.

Base Sheet X-PB (M) details two alternates of concrete piles that may be used
for pile bent piers or abutments when the design requirements exceed the
structural capacities of the alternate piles detailed on Base Sheet X-3 (M). The
Hydraulics Unit shall approve the use of the individual pile encasement details
shown on Base Sheet X-PB (M).

Page 3-196 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.8.7 Untreated and Untreated and creosoted piles shall not be used as point bearing piles. Use
of untreated or creosoted piles in pile bent abutments shall be limited to
situations where the complete length of pile will be embedded in natural ground.

Timber piles shall be creosoted whenever subjected to alternate wet and dry
conditions, such as at-grade separations. At stream crossings, timber piles
shall be untreated if wet conditions exist at all times.

When timber piles are to be driven in very coarse material or when boulders
may be encountered, they shall be equipped with metal shoes.

Apr. 97 Page 3-197

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Page 3-198
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.9 Embankment
and Slope

3.9.1 Embankment F igures 3.9.1-1 and 3.9.1-2 show embankment plans for single and dual
bridge pile bent abutments. A construction procedure for embankment cones
is detailed in Figure 3.9.1-3.

Bridge cone embankment quantities and the lengths of pipe culverts under the
bridge cone shall not be shown on the bridge plans. These quantities are
supplied by the District and will be included in their “Summary of Quantities”
for the complete contract plans. The following note should be included in the
“General Notes”:

The embankment configuration shall be the minimum embank-

ment that must be constructed prior to construction of the

On the “General Plan” sheet an arrow with the note “Subgrade Elevation” shall
be placed to the top of the embankment. Also, the end of approach slab at the
abutment shall be indicated.

3.9.2 Slope Walls - For complicated slope wall configurations, an additional sheet should be
General included with the “General Plan” sheet showing sufficient dimensions and
elevations to clarify the details.

3.9.3 Abutment A note shall be placed on the plans indicating that all abutment berms shall be
Berms sloped 4.0% to drain.

Apr. 97 Page 3-199

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Figure 3.9.1-1
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Figure 3.9.1-2
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Figure 3.9.1-3
Page 3-202 Mar. 95
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.9.4 Slope Walls The thickness of the slope wall shall be 100 mm, and it shall be reinforced with
welded wire fabric, 152 x 152 - MW25.8 x MW25.8 with a mass of 2.91 kg/m2.
Cost of the mesh is incidental to the cost of slope wall. Under a single structure,
the slope wall shall be paved 600 mm beyond the outside limits of the
superstructure if the structure does not have drains above the slope wall and
1.5 m if the structure does have drains above the slope wall. The lateral edges
shall be provided with cut-off wall for control of possible erosion. See Figure
3.9.4-1 for a detail of this cut-off wall.

The embankment slope between dual structures shall not be paved when the
distance between adjacent slope wall edges exceeds 3 m.

The paved slope wall shall be separated from all contact with a pier by a 50 mm
preformed joint filler. This is detailed in Figure 3.9.4-1. No preformed joint filler
is required between the paved berm and the front of the abutment cap.

Apr. 97 Page 3-203

Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.9.4-1
Page 3-204 Mar. 95
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

Figure 3.9.4-2
Apr. 99 Page 3-205
Bridge Manual Section 3 - Design

3.9.5 Slope Typically stone riprap will be used for the protection of embankments for stream
Protection crossing structures. A typical toe protection detail for stone riprap is shown in
Figure 2.6.6-2. The riprap size, gradation, and thickness of layer shall be as
Crossings) specified in Section 10-302 of the Drainage Manual.

Concrete type slope walls may be used to solve specific protection problems.
The minimum thickness for a paved concrete slope wall shall be 150 mm and
shall be reinforced the same as grade separation slope walls. The toe of the
slope wall shall be detailed at a constant elevation.

The layout of a slope protection system will be generally as detailed in Figure

2.6.6-1. Figure 3.9.5-1 deals with specific details for a paved concrete slope

The top of the slope protection may terminate at 600 mm above high water.

At stream crossings only, the note “Layout of the slope protection system may
be varied to suit ground conditions in the field, as directed by the Engineer” shall
be placed on the plans.

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Figure 3.9.5-1
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Figure 3.10-1
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Figure 3.10-2
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Figure 3.10-3
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Figure 3.10-4
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Figure 3.10-5
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Figure 3.10-6
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Figure 3.10-7
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Figure 3.10-8
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Figure 3.10-9
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Figure 3.10-10
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Figure 3.10-11
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Figure 3.10-12
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Figure 3.10-13
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Figure 3.10-14
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Figure 3.10-15
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Figure 3.10-16
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Figure 3.10-17
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Figure 3.10-18
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Figure 3.10-19
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Figure 3.10-20
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Figure 3.10-21
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Figure 3.10-22
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Figure 3.10-23
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Figure 3.10-24
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Figure 3.10-25
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Figure 3.10-26
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Figure 3.10-27
Page 3-236 Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Section 4 Appendix
4.1 Design Aids

Jan. 94 Page 4-1

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix
01 Adams (6) 001 26 Fayette (7) 051 51 Lawrence (7) 101 77 Pulaski (9) 153
02 Alexander (9) 003 27 Ford (3) 053 52 Lee (2) 103 78 Putnam (3) 155
03 Bond (8) 005 28 Franklin (9) 055 53 Livingston (3) 105 79 Randolph (8) 157
04 Boone (2) 007 29 Fulton (4) 057 54 Logan (6) 107 80 Richland (7) 159
05 Brown (6) 009 30 Gallatin (9) 059 55 McDonough (4) 109 81 Rock Island (2) 161
06 Bureau (2) 011 31 Greene (8) 061 56 McHenry (1) 111 82 St. Clair (8) 163
07 Calhoun (8) 013 32 Grundy (3) 063 57 McLean (3) 113 83 Saline (9) 165
08 Carroll (2) 015 33 Hamilton (7) 065 58 Macon (5) 115 84 Sangamon (6) 167
09 Cass (6) 017 34 Hancock (6) 067 59 Macoupin (6) 117 85 Schuyler (6) 169
10 Champaign (5) 019 35 Hardin (9) 069 60 Madison (8) 119 86 Scott (6) 171
11 Christian (6) 021 36 Henderson (4) 071 61 Marion (7) 121 87 Shelby (5) 173
12 Clark (5) 023 37 Henry (2) 073 62 Marshall (3) 123 88 Stark (4) 175
13 Clay (7) 025 38 Iroquois (3) 075 63 Mason (6) 125 89 Stephenson (2) 177
14 Clinton (8) 027 39 Jackson (9) 077 64 Massac (9) 127 90 Tazewell (4) 179
15 Coles (5) 029 40 Jasper (7) 079 65 Menard (6) 129 91 Union (9) 181
16 Cook (1) 031 41 Jefferson (7) 081 66 Mercer (4) 131 92 Vermilion (5) 183
17 Crawford (7) 033 42 Jersey (8) 083 67 Monroe (8) 133 93 Wabash (7) 185
18 Cumberland (5) 035 43 JoDaviess (2) 085 68 Montgomery (6) 135 94 Warren (4) 187
19 DeKalb (2) 037 44 Johnson (9) 087 69 Morgan (6) 137 95 Washington (8) 189
20 DeWitt (5) 039 45 Kane (1) 089 70 Moultrie (5) 139 96 Wayne (7) 191
21 Douglas (5) 041 46 Kankakee (3) 091 71 Ogle (2) 141 97 White (7) 193
22 DuPage (1) 043 47 Kendall (3) 093 72 Peoria (4) 143 98 Whiteside (2) 195
23 Edgar (5) 045 48 Knox (4) 095 73 Perry (9) 145 99 Will (1) 197
24 Edwards (7) 047 49 Lake (1) 097 74 Piatt (5) 147 100 Williamson (9) 199
25 Effingham (7) 049 50 LaSalle (3) 099 75 Pike (6) 149 101 Winnebago (2) 201
76 Pope (9) 151 102 Woodford (3) 203

District and County Numbers

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5

16 Cook 04 Boone 27 Ford 29 Fulton 10 Champaign

22 DuPage 06 Bureau 32 Grundy 36 Henderson 12 Clark
45 Kane 08 Carroll 38 Iroquois 48 Knox 15 Coles
49 Lake 19 DeKalb 46 Kankakee 55 McDonough 18 Cumberland
56 McHenry 37 Henry 47 Kendall 66 Mercer 20 DeWitt
99 Will 43 JoDaviess 50 LaSalle 72 Peoria 21 Douglas
52 Lee 53 Livingston 88 Stark 23 Edgar
71 Ogle 57 McLean 90 Tazewell 58 Macon
81 Rock Island 62 Marshall 94 Warren 70 Moultrie
89 Stephenson 78 Putnam 74 Piatt
98 Whiteside 102 Woodford 87 Shelby
101 Winnebago 92 Vermilion

District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9

01 Adams 13 Clay 03 Bond 02 Alexander

05 Brown 17 Crawford 07 Calhoun 28 Franklin
09 Cass 24 Edwards 14 Clinton 30 Gallatin
11 Christian 25 Effingham 31 Greene 35 Hardin
34 Hancock 26 Fayette 42 Jersey 39 Jackson
54 Logan 33 Hamilton 60 Madison 44 Johnson
59 Macoupin 40 Jasper 67 Monroe 64 Massac
63 Mason 41 Jefferson 79 Randolph 73 Perry
65 Menard 51 Lawrence 82 St. Clair 76 Pope
68 Montgomery 61 Marion 95 Washington 77 Pulaski
69 Morgan 80 Richland 83 Saline
75 Pike 93 Wabash 91 Union
84 Sangamon 96 Wayne 100 Williamson
85 Schuyler 97 White
86 Scott

Page 4-2 Mar. 95

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Suffixes to Denote Type of Work

A - Grading
AC - Access Control — Frontage Roads or other features of access control except bridges
B - Bridges (Complete Structures or Substructures only)
BR - Bridge Reconstruction
BY - Bridge Widening
D - Bridge Floors
E - Steel Erection
F - Steel Fabrication
FL - Railroad Crossing Protection
HB - Highway Grade Separation
HVB - Highway Railroad Grade Separation
I - Miscellaneous
K - Interchange Work except bridges
K-HB - Interchange Grade Separations
KHVB - Interchange Grade Separation over Highway and Railroad
L - Lighting
P - Painting
R - Reconstruction
RS - Resurfacing
SB - Subway (Railroad)
T - Storm Sewers or Deficient Drainage Correction
TS - Traffic Signals
VB - Viaducts (Railroad)
W - Pavement Widening
Y - Widening Shoulders and Ditches
Z - City Pavement

No suffix is to be used for pavement sections

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Page 4-10 Jan. 94

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Reinforcement Bar Splices

(for Coated and Uncoated Bars)

Tension Splices

I. Regions of high tensile stress or

Reinforcement provided < twice that required for strength.

1. No more than 1/2 of the bars are lap spliced within a required lap length.
Use Class B splice

2. More than 1/2 of the bars are lap spliced within a required lap length.
Use Class C splice

II. Regions of low tensile stress or

Reinforcement provided > twice that required for strength.

1. No more than 3/4 of the bars are lap spliced within a required lap length.
Use Class A splice

2. More than 3/4 of the bars are lap spliced within a required lap length.
Use Class B splice

III. Assume all temperature and shrinkage reinforcement fully stressed. A Class B or Class C splice
must be used depending on amount spliced within required splice length.

Jan. 97
Apr. 94 Page 4-11
Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Tension Splices for Normal Weight Concrete (mm)

f'c = 24 MPa
fy = 400 MPa

Basic Lap

Bar Class A Class B Class C

Size 1.0 ld 0.8 1.3 ld 0.8 1.7 ld 0.8

#10 310 310 350 310 450 360

#15 380 310 490 390 640 510

#20 470 380 610 490 790 640

#25 780 620 1010 810 1320 1060

#30 1090 870 1410 1130 1850 1480

#35 1550 1240 2020 1620 2640 2110

#45 2330 1860 3020 2420 3950 3160

#55 3880 3100 5040 4030 6590 5270

Top Bars Lap (1.4 x Basic Lap)

Bar Class A Class B Class C

Size 0.8 0.8 0.8

#10 370 310 480 390 630 500

#15 520 420 680 550 890 710

#20 660 530 850 680 1110 890

#25 1090 870 1410 1130 1850 1480

#30 1520 1220 1980 1580 2590 2070

#35 2170 1740 2820 2260 3690 2950

#45 3260 2610 4230 3390 5530 4430

#55 5430 4340 7050 5640 9220 7380

Notes: Use 0.8 Multiplier when bars are spaced 150 mm or more apart and in 75 mm from side of
Top bars are horizontal bars with more than 300 mm of concrete cast below.

Page 4-12 Jan. 94

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Compression Splices
f'c = 24 MPa
fy = 400 MPa

Bar Standard Lap within Lap within

Size Lap (mm) Ties (mm) Sprirals (mm)

#10 340 310 310

#15 480 400 360
#20 580 480 440
#25 750 620 560
#30 890 740 670
#35 1060 880 790
#45 1290 1070 970
#55 1670 1380 1250

Note: The "within ties" column may be used if the ties throughout the lap length
have an effective area of at least 0.0015 hs.


h = overall thickness of member, (mm).

s = tie spacing, (mm).

Apr. 99 Page 4-13

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0300 1.0300 1.0300 1.0250 1.0225 1.0200

Thickness (mm)
2 4 6 8 10 12
Width (mm)
150 2.426 4.851 7.277 9.656 12.040 14.413
155 2.507 5.013 7.520 9.977 12.441 14.893
160 2.587 5.175 7.762 10.299 12.843 15.373
165 2.668 5.336 8.005 10.621 13.244 15.854
170 2.749 5.498 8.247 10.943 13.645 16.334
175 2.830 5.660 8.490 11.265 14.047 16.815
180 2.911 5.822 8.732 11.587 14.448 17.295
185 2.992 5.983 8.975 11.908 14.849 17.776
190 3.072 6.145 9.217 12.230 15.251 18.256
195 3.153 6.307 9.460 12.552 15.652 18.736
200 3.234 6.468 9.703 12.874 16.053 19.217
205 3.315 6.630 9.945 13.196 16.455 19.697
210 3.396 6.792 10.188 13.518 16.856 20.178
215 3.477 6.954 10.430 13.840 17.257 20.658
220 3.558 7.115 10.673 14.161 17.659 21.138
225 3.638 7.277 10.915 14.483 18.060 21.619
230 3.719 7.439 11.158 14.805 18.461 22.099
235 3.800 7.600 11.401 15.127 18.863 22.580
240 3.881 7.762 11.643 15.449 19.264 23.060
245 3.962 7.924 11.886 15.771 19.665 23.541
250 4.043 8.086 12.128 16.093 20.067 24.021
255 4.124 8.247 12.371 16.414 20.468 24.501
260 4.204 8.409 12.613 16.736 20.869 24.982
265 4.285 8.571 12.856 17.058 21.271 25.462
270 4.366 8.732 13.099 17.380 21.672 25.943
275 4.447 8.894 13.341 17.702 22.073 26.423
280 4.528 9.056 13.584 18.024 22.475 26.904
285 4.609 9.217 13.826 18.345 22.876 27.384
290 4.690 9.379 14.069 18.667 23.277 27.864
295 4.770 9.541 14.311 18.989 23.679 28.345
300 4.851 9.703 14.554 19.311 24.080 28.825
310 5.013 10.026 15.039 19.955 24.883 29.786
320 5.175 10.349 15.524 20.598 25.685 30.747
330 5.336 10.673 16.009 21.242 26.488 31.708
340 5.498 10.996 16.494 21.886 27.291 32.669
350 5.660 11.320 16.980 22.530 28.093 33.629
360 5.822 11.643 17.465 23.173 28.896 34.590
370 5.983 11.967 17.950 23.817 29.699 35.551
380 6.145 12.290 18.435 24.461 30.501 36.512
390 6.307 12.613 18.920 25.104 31.304 37.473
400 6.468 12.937 19.405 25.748 32.107 38.434
410 6.630 13.260 19.890 26.392 32.909 39.394
420 6.792 13.584 20.375 27.035 33.712 40.355
430 6.954 13.907 20.861 27.679 34.514 41.316
440 7.115 14.230 21.346 28.323 35.317 42.277
450 7.277 14.554 21.831 28.967 36.120 43.238
460 7.439 14.877 22.316 29.610 36.922 44.199
470 7.600 15.201 22.801 30.254 37.725 45.159
480 7.762 15.524 23.286 30.898 38.528 46.120
490 7.924 15.848 23.771 31.541 39.330 47.081

Page 4-14 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0300 1.0300 1.0300 1.0250 1.0225 1.0200

Thickness (mm)
2 4 6 8 10 12
Width (mm)
500 8.086 16.171 24.257 32.185 40.133 48.042
510 8.247 16.494 24.742 32.829 40.936 49.003
520 8.409 16.818 25.227 33.472 41.738 49.964
530 8.571 17.141 25.712 34.116 42.541 50.925
540 8.732 17.465 26.197 34.760 43.344 51.885
550 8.894 17.788 26.682 35.403 44.146 52.846
560 9.056 18.112 27.167 36.047 44.949 53.807
570 9.217 18.435 27.652 36.691 45.752 54.768
580 9.379 18.758 28.138 37.335 46.554 55.729
590 9.541 19.082 28.623 37.978 47.357 56.690
600 9.703 19.405 29.108 38.622 48.160 57.650
625 10.107 20.214 30.321 40.231 50.166 60.053
650 10.511 21.022 31.533 41.841 52.173 62.455
675 10.915 21.831 32.746 43.450 54.180 64.857
700 11.320 22.639 33.959 45.059 56.186 67.259
725 11.724 23.448 35.172 46.668 58.193 69.661
750 12.128 24.257 36.385 48.278 60.200 72.063
775 12.533 25.065 37.598 49.887 62.206 74.465
800 12.937 25.874 38.810 51.496 64.213 76.867
825 13.341 26.682 40.023 53.105 66.220 79.269
850 13.745 27.491 41.236 54.714 68.226 81.671
875 14.150 28.299 42.449 56.324 70.233 84.074
900 14.554 29.108 43.662 57.933 72.240 86.476
925 14.958 29.916 44.875 59.542 74.246 88.878
950 15.362 30.725 46.087 61.151 76.253 91.280
975 15.767 31.533 47.300 62.761 78.260 93.682
1000 16.171 32.342 48.513 64.370 80.266 96.084
1025 16.575 33.151 49.726 65.979 82.273 98.486
1050 16.980 33.959 50.939 67.589 84.280 100.888
1075 17.384 34.768 52.151 69.198 86.286 103.290
1100 17.788 35.576 53.364 70.807 88.293 105.692
1125 18.192 36.385 54.577 72.416 90.300 108.095
1150 18.597 37.193 55.790 74.025 92.306 110.497
1175 19.001 38.002 57.003 75.635 94.313 112.899
1200 19.405 38.810 58.216 77.244 96.319 115.301

COEFF. 1.035 1.035 1.03 1.03 1.025 1.02

1225 19.906 39.811 59.428 79.238 98.567 117.703

1250 20.312 40.624 60.641 80.855 100.578 120.105
1275 20.718 41.436 61.854 82.472 102.590 122.507
1300 21.124 42.249 63.067 84.089 104.601 124.909
1325 21.531 43.061 64.280 85.706 106.613 127.311
1350 21.937 43.874 65.493 87.323 108.624 129.713
1375 22.343 44.686 66.705 88.941 110.636 132.116
1400 22.749 45.499 67.918 90.558 112.648 134.518
1425 23.156 46.311 69.131 92.175 114.659 136.920
1450 23.562 47.124 70.344 93.792 116.671 139.322
1475 23.968 47.936 71.557 95.409 118.682 141.724
1500 24.374 48.748 72.770 97.026 120.694 144.126

Apr. 97 Page 4-15

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0200 1.0200 1.0200 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175

Thickness (mm)
14 16 18 20 22 25 28
Width (mm)
150 16.815 19.217 21.619 23.962 26.358 29.953 33.547
155 17.375 19.857 22.340 24.761 27.237 30.951 34.665
160 17.936 20.498 23.060 25.560 28.116 31.950 35.783
165 18.496 21.138 23.781 26.358 28.994 32.948 36.902
170 19.057 21.779 24.501 27.157 29.873 33.946 38.020
175 19.617 22.420 25.222 27.956 30.751 34.945 39.138
180 20.178 23.060 25.943 28.755 31.630 35.943 40.256
185 20.738 23.701 26.663 29.553 32.509 36.942 41.375
190 21.299 24.341 27.384 30.352 33.387 37.940 42.493
195 21.859 24.982 28.105 31.151 34.266 38.938 43.611
200 22.420 25.622 28.825 31.950 35.144 39.937 44.729
205 22.980 26.263 29.546 32.748 36.023 40.935 45.848
210 23.541 26.904 30.266 33.547 36.902 41.934 46.966
215 24.101 27.544 30.987 34.346 37.780 42.932 48.084
220 24.662 28.185 31.708 35.144 38.659 43.931 49.202
225 25.222 28.825 32.428 35.943 39.538 44.929 50.320
230 25.783 29.466 33.149 36.742 40.416 45.927 51.439
235 26.343 30.106 33.870 37.541 41.295 46.926 52.557
240 26.904 30.747 34.590 38.339 42.173 47.924 53.675
245 27.464 31.387 35.311 39.138 43.052 48.923 54.793
250 28.025 32.028 36.032 39.937 43.931 49.921 55.912
255 28.585 32.669 36.752 40.736 44.809 50.920 57.030
260 29.145 33.309 37.473 41.534 45.688 51.918 58.148
265 29.706 33.950 38.193 42.333 46.566 52.916 59.266
270 30.266 34.590 38.914 43.132 47.445 53.915 60.385
275 30.827 35.231 39.635 43.931 48.324 54.913 61.503
280 31.387 35.871 40.355 44.729 49.202 55.912 62.621
285 31.948 36.512 41.076 45.528 50.081 56.910 63.739
290 32.508 37.152 41.797 46.327 50.959 57.908 64.857
295 33.069 37.793 42.517 47.126 51.838 58.907 65.976
300 33.629 38.434 43.238 47.924 52.717 59.905 67.094
310 34.750 39.715 44.679 49.522 54.474 61.902 69.330
320 35.871 40.996 46.120 51.119 56.231 63.899 71.567
330 36.992 42.277 47.562 52.717 57.988 65.896 73.803
340 38.113 43.558 49.003 54.314 59.746 67.893 76.040
350 39.234 44.839 50.444 55.912 61.503 69.890 78.276
360 40.355 46.120 51.885 57.509 63.260 71.886 80.513
370 41.476 47.401 53.327 59.107 65.017 73.883 82.749
380 42.597 48.683 54.768 60.704 66.774 75.880 84.986
390 43.718 49.964 56.209 62.302 68.532 77.877 87.222
400 44.839 51.245 57.650 63.899 70.289 79.874 89.459
410 45.960 52.526 59.092 65.496 72.046 81.871 91.695
420 47.081 53.807 60.533 67.094 73.803 83.867 93.932
430 48.202 55.088 61.974 68.691 75.561 85.864 96.168
440 49.323 56.369 63.415 70.289 77.318 87.861 98.404
450 50.444 57.650 64.857 71.886 79.075 89.858 100.641
460 51.565 58.932 66.298 73.484 80.832 91.855 102.877
470 52.686 60.213 67.739 75.081 82.589 93.852 105.114
480 53.807 61.494 69.180 76.679 84.347 95.849 107.350
490 54.928 62.775 70.622 78.276 86.104 97.845 109.587

Page 4-16 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0200 1.0200 1.0200 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175

Thickness (mm)
14 16 18 20 22 25 28
Width (mm)
500 56.049 64.056 72.063 79.874 87.861 99.842 111.823
510 57.170 65.337 73.504 81.471 89.618 101.839 114.060
520 58.291 66.618 74.946 83.069 91.376 103.836 116.296
530 59.412 67.899 76.387 84.666 93.133 105.833 118.533
540 60.533 69.180 77.828 86.264 94.890 107.830 120.769
550 61.654 70.462 79.269 87.861 96.647 109.826 123.006
560 62.775 71.743 80.711 89.459 98.404 111.823 125.242
570 63.896 73.024 82.152 91.056 100.162 113.820 127.479
580 65.017 74.305 83.593 92.654 101.919 115.817 129.715
590 66.138 75.586 85.034 94.251 103.676 117.814 131.951
600 67.259 76.867 86.476 95.849 105.433 119.811 134.188
625 70.061 80.070 90.079 99.842 109.826 124.803 139.779
650 72.864 83.273 93.682 103.836 114.219 129.795 145.370
675 75.666 86.476 97.285 107.830 118.613 134.787 150.961
700 78.469 89.678 100.888 111.823 123.006 139.779 156.553
725 81.271 92.881 104.491 115.817 127.399 144.771 162.144
750 84.074 96.084 108.095 119.811 131.792 149.763 167.735
775 86.876 99.287 111.698 123.804 136.185 154.755 173.326
800 89.678 102.490 115.301 127.798 140.578 159.748 178.917
825 92.481 105.692 118.904 131.792 144.971 164.740 184.508
850 95.283 108.895 122.507 135.785 149.364 169.732 190.100
875 98.086 112.098 126.110 139.779 153.757 174.724 195.691
900 100.888 115.301 129.713 143.773 158.150 179.716 201.282
925 103.691 118.504 133.317 147.766 162.543 184.708 206.873
950 106.493 121.706 136.920 151.760 166.936 189.700 212.464
975 109.296 124.909 140.523 155.754 171.329 194.692 218.055
1000 112.098 128.112 144.126 159.748 175.722 199.684 223.647
1025 114.900 131.315 147.729 163.741 180.115 204.676 229.238
1050 117.703 134.518 151.332 167.735 184.508 209.669 234.829
1075 120.505 137.720 154.935 171.729 188.901 214.661 240.420
1100 123.308 140.923 158.539 175.722 193.294 219.653 246.011
1125 126.110 144.126 162.142 179.716 197.688 224.645 251.602
1150 128.913 147.329 165.745 183.710 202.081 229.637 257.193
1175 131.715 150.532 169.348 187.703 206.474 234.629 262.785
1200 134.518 153.734 172.951 191.697 210.867 239.621 268.376

COEFF. 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02

1225 137.320 156.937 176.554 196.172 215.789 245.214 274.640

1250 140.123 160.140 180.158 200.175 220.193 250.219 280.245
1275 142.925 163.343 183.761 204.179 224.596 255.223 285.850
1300 145.727 166.546 187.364 208.182 229.000 260.228 291.455
1325 148.530 169.748 190.967 212.186 233.404 265.232 297.060
1350 151.332 172.951 194.570 216.189 237.808 270.236 302.665
1375 154.135 176.154 198.173 220.193 242.212 275.241 308.270
1400 156.937 179.357 201.776 224.196 246.616 280.245 313.874
1425 159.740 182.560 205.380 228.200 251.019 285.249 319.479
1450 162.542 185.762 208.983 232.203 255.423 290.254 325.084
1475 165.345 188.965 212.586 236.207 259.827 295.258 330.689
1500 168.147 192.168 216.189 240.210 264.231 300.263 336.294

Apr. 97 Page 4-17

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175

Thickness (mm)
30 32 35 38 40 45 50
Width (mm)
150 35.943 38.339 41.934 45.528 47.924 53.915 59.905
155 37.141 39.617 43.332 47.046 49.522 55.712 61.902
160 38.339 40.895 44.729 48.563 51.119 57.509 63.899
165 39.538 42.173 46.127 50.081 52.717 59.306 65.896
170 40.736 43.451 47.525 51.598 54.314 61.103 67.893
175 41.934 44.729 48.923 53.116 55.912 62.901 69.890
180 43.132 46.007 50.320 54.634 57.509 64.698 71.886
185 44.330 47.285 51.718 56.151 59.107 66.495 73.883
190 45.528 48.563 53.116 57.669 60.704 68.292 75.880
195 46.726 49.841 54.514 59.186 62.302 70.089 77.877
200 47.924 51.119 55.912 60.704 63.899 71.886 79.874
205 49.122 52.397 57.309 62.222 65.496 73.684 81.871
210 50.320 53.675 58.707 63.739 67.094 75.481 83.867
215 51.519 54.953 60.105 65.257 68.691 77.278 85.864
220 52.717 56.231 61.503 66.774 70.289 79.075 87.861
225 53.915 57.509 62.901 68.292 71.886 80.872 89.858
230 55.113 58.787 64.298 69.810 73.484 82.669 91.855
235 56.311 60.065 65.696 71.327 75.081 84.466 93.852
240 57.509 61.343 67.094 72.845 76.679 86.264 95.849
245 58.707 62.621 68.492 74.362 78.276 88.061 97.845
250 59.905 63.899 69.890 75.880 79.874 89.858 99.842
255 61.103 65.177 71.287 77.398 81.471 91.655 101.839
260 62.302 66.455 72.685 78.915 83.069 93.452 103.836
265 63.500 67.733 74.083 80.433 84.666 95.249 105.833
270 64.698 69.011 75.481 81.950 86.264 97.047 107.830
275 65.896 70.289 76.878 83.468 87.861 98.844 109.826
280 67.094 71.567 78.276 84.986 89.459 100.641 111.823
285 68.292 72.845 79.674 86.503 91.056 102.438 113.820
290 69.490 74.123 81.072 88.021 92.654 104.235 115.817
295 70.688 75.401 82.470 89.538 94.251 106.032 117.814
300 71.886 76.679 83.867 91.056 95.849 107.830 119.811
310 74.283 79.235 86.663 94.091 99.043 111.424 123.804
320 76.679 81.791 89.459 97.126 102.238 115.018 127.798
330 79.075 84.347 92.254 100.162 105.433 118.613 131.792
340 81.471 86.903 95.050 103.197 108.628 122.207 135.785
350 83.867 89.459 97.845 106.232 111.823 125.801 139.779
360 86.264 92.015 100.641 109.267 115.018 129.395 143.773
370 88.660 94.571 103.437 112.302 118.213 132.990 147.766
380 91.056 97.126 106.232 115.338 121.408 136.584 151.760
390 93.452 99.682 109.028 118.373 124.603 140.178 155.754
400 95.849 102.238 111.823 121.408 127.798 143.773 159.748
410 98.245 104.794 114.619 124.443 130.993 147.367 163.741
420 100.641 107.350 117.414 127.479 134.188 150.961 167.735
430 103.037 109.906 120.210 130.514 137.383 154.556 171.729
440 105.433 112.462 123.006 133.549 140.578 158.150 175.722
450 107.830 115.018 125.801 136.584 143.773 161.744 179.716
460 110.226 117.574 128.597 139.619 146.968 165.339 183.710
470 112.622 120.130 131.392 142.655 150.163 168.933 187.703
480 115.018 122.686 134.188 145.690 153.358 172.527 191.697

Page 4-18 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175

Thickness (mm)
30 32 35 38 40 45 50
Width (mm)
490 117.414 125.242 136.983 148.725 156.553 176.122 195.691
500 119.811 127.798 139.779 151.760 159.748 179.716 199.684
510 122.207 130.354 142.575 154.795 162.942 183.310 203.678
520 124.603 132.910 145.370 157.831 166.137 186.905 207.672
530 126.999 135.466 148.166 160.866 169.332 190.499 211.665
540 129.395 138.022 150.961 163.901 172.527 194.093 215.659
550 131.792 140.578 153.757 166.936 175.722 197.688 219.653
560 134.188 143.134 156.553 169.971 178.917 201.282 223.647
570 136.584 145.690 159.348 173.007 182.112 204.876 227.640
580 138.980 148.246 162.144 176.042 185.307 208.470 231.634
590 141.377 150.802 164.939 179.077 188.502 212.065 235.628
600 143.773 153.358 167.735 182.112 191.697 215.659 239.621
610 146.169 155.914 170.530 185.147 194.892 219.253 243.615
620 148.565 158.470 173.326 188.183 198.087 222.848 247.609
630 150.961 161.025 176.122 191.218 201.282 226.442 251.602
640 153.358 163.581 178.917 194.253 204.477 230.036 255.596
650 155.754 166.137 181.713 197.288 207.672 233.631 259.590
660 158.150 168.693 184.508 200.323 210.867 237.225 263.583

Apr. 97 Page 4-19

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175

Thickness (mm)
55 60 70 80 90
Width (mm)
150 65.896 71.886 83.867 95.849 107.830
155 68.092 74.283 86.663 99.043 111.424
160 70.289 76.679 89.459 102.238 115.018
165 72.485 79.075 92.254 105.433 118.613
170 74.682 81.471 95.050 108.628 122.207
175 76.878 83.867 97.845 111.823 125.801
180 79.075 86.264 100.641 115.018 129.395
185 81.272 88.660 103.437 118.213 132.990
190 83.468 91.056 106.232 121.408 136.584
195 85.665 93.452 109.028 124.603 140.178
200 87.861 95.849 111.823 127.798 143.773
205 90.058 98.245 114.619 130.993 147.367
210 92.254 100.641 117.414 134.188 150.961
215 94.451 103.037 120.210 137.383 154.556
220 96.647 105.433 123.006 140.578 158.150
225 98.844 107.830 125.801 143.773 161.744
230 101.040 110.226 128.597 146.968 165.339
235 103.237 112.622 131.392 150.163 168.933
240 105.433 115.018 134.188 153.358 172.527
245 107.630 117.414 136.983 156.553 176.122
250 109.826 119.811 139.779 159.748 179.716
255 112.023 122.207 142.575 162.942 183.310
260 114.219 124.603 145.370 166.137 186.905
265 116.416 126.999 148.166 169.332 190.499
270 118.613 129.395 150.961 172.527 194.093
275 120.809 131.792 153.757 175.722 197.688
280 123.006 134.188 156.553 178.917 201.282
285 125.202 136.584 159.348 182.112 204.876
290 127.399 138.980 162.144 185.307 208.470
295 129.595 141.377 164.939 188.502 212.065
300 131.792 143.773 167.735 191.697 215.659
310 136.185 148.565 173.326 198.087 222.848
320 140.578 153.358 178.917 204.477 230.036
330 144.971 158.150 184.508 210.867 237.225
340 149.364 162.942 190.100 217.257 244.414
350 153.757 167.735 195.691 223.647 251.602
360 158.150 172.527 201.282 230.036 258.791
370 162.543 177.320 206.873 236.426 265.980
380 166.936 182.112 212.464 242.816 273.168
390 171.329 186.905 218.055 249.206 280.357
400 175.722 191.697 223.647 255.596 287.546
410 180.115 196.489 229.238 261.986 294.734
420 184.508 201.282 234.829 268.376 301.923
430 188.901 206.074 240.420 274.766 309.111
440 193.294 210.867 246.011 281.156 316.300
450 197.688 215.659 251.602 287.546 323.489
460 202.081 220.452 257.193 293.935 330.677
470 206.474 225.244 262.785 300.325 337.866
480 210.867 230.036 268.376 306.715 345.055

Page 4-20 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175 1.0175

Thickness (mm)
55 60 70 80 90
Width (mm)
490 215.260 234.829 273.967 313.105 352.243
500 219.653 239.621 279.558 319.495 359.432
510 224.046 244.414 285.149 325.885 366.621
520 228.439 249.206 290.740 332.275 373.809
530 232.832 253.999 296.332 338.665 380.998
540 237.225 258.791 301.923 345.055 388.186
550 241.618 263.583 307.514 351.445 395.375
560 246.011 268.376 313.105 357.834 402.564
570 250.404 273.168 318.696 364.224 409.752
580 254.797 277.961 324.287 370.614 416.941
590 259.190 282.753 329.879 377.004 424.130
600 263.583 287.546 335.470 383.394 431.318
610 267.976 292.338 341.061 389.784 438.507
620 272.369 297.130 346.652 396.174 445.696
630 276.763 301.923 352.243 402.564 452.884
640 281.156 306.715 357.834 408.954 460.073
650 285.549 311.508 363.426 415.344 467.261
660 289.942 316.300 369.017 421.733 474.450

Apr. 97 Page 4-21

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0150 1.0150 1.0150 1.0150 1.0150

Thickness (mm)
100 110 120 130 140
Width (mm)
150 119.516 131.468 143.420 155.371 167.323
155 123.500 135.850 148.200 160.550 172.900
160 127.484 140.232 152.981 165.729 178.478
165 131.468 144.615 157.761 170.908 184.055
170 135.452 148.997 162.542 176.087 189.632
175 139.436 153.379 167.323 181.266 195.210
180 143.420 157.761 172.103 186.445 200.787
185 147.403 162.144 176.884 191.624 206.365
190 151.387 166.526 181.665 196.803 211.942
195 155.371 170.908 186.445 201.982 217.520
200 159.355 175.291 191.226 207.162 223.097
205 163.339 179.673 196.007 212.341 228.674
210 167.323 184.055 200.787 217.520 234.252
215 171.307 188.437 205.568 222.699 239.829
220 175.291 192.820 210.349 227.878 245.407
225 179.274 197.202 215.129 233.057 250.984
230 183.258 201.584 219.910 238.236 256.562
235 187.242 205.966 224.691 243.415 262.139
240 191.226 210.349 229.471 248.594 267.716
245 195.210 214.731 234.252 253.773 273.294
250 199.194 219.113 239.033 258.952 278.871
255 203.178 223.495 243.813 264.131 284.449
260 207.162 227.878 248.594 269.310 290.026
265 211.145 232.260 253.374 274.489 295.604
270 215.129 236.642 258.155 279.668 301.181
275 219.113 241.024 262.936 284.847 306.758
280 223.097 245.407 267.716 290.026 312.336
285 227.081 249.789 272.497 295.205 317.913
290 231.065 254.171 277.278 300.384 323.491
295 235.049 258.553 282.058 305.563 329.068
300 239.033 262.936 286.839 310.742 334.646
310 247.000 271.700 296.400 321.100 345.800
320 254.968 280.465 305.962 331.458 356.955
330 262.936 289.229 315.523 341.816 368.110
340 270.904 297.994 325.084 352.175 379.265
350 278.871 306.758 334.646 362.533 390.420
360 286.839 315.523 344.207 372.891 401.575
370 294.807 324.287 353.768 383.249 412.729
380 302.775 333.052 363.329 393.607 423.884
390 310.742 341.816 372.891 403.965 435.039
400 318.710 350.581 382.452 414.323 446.194
410 326.678 359.346 392.013 424.681 457.349
420 334.646 368.110 401.575 435.039 468.504
430 342.613 376.875 411.136 445.397 479.659
440 350.581 385.639 420.697 455.755 490.813
450 358.549 394.404 430.259 466.113 501.968
460 366.517 403.168 439.820 476.471 513.123
470 374.484 411.933 449.381 486.830 524.278
480 382.452 420.697 458.942 497.188 535.433

Page 4-22 Apr. 97

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Mass of Rectangular Steel Sections

(Kilograms per Linear Meter)
Coeff. 1.0150 1.0150 1.0150 1.0150 1.0150

Thickness (mm)
100 110 120 130 140
Width (mm)
490 390.420 429.462 468.504 507.546 546.588
500 398.388 438.226 478.065 517.904 557.742
510 406.355 446.991 487.626 528.262 568.897
520 414.323 455.755 497.188 538.620 580.052
530 422.291 464.520 506.749 548.978 591.207
540 430.259 473.284 516.310 559.336 602.362
550 438.226 482.049 525.872 569.694 613.517
560 446.194 490.813 535.433 580.052 624.672
570 454.162 499.578 544.994 590.410 635.826
580 462.130 508.342 554.555 600.768 646.981
590 470.097 517.107 564.117 611.126 658.136
600 478.065 525.872 573.678 621.484 669.291
610 486.033 534.636 583.239 631.843 680.446
620 494.000 543.401 592.801 642.201 691.601
630 501.968 552.165 602.362 652.559 702.756
640 509.936 560.930 611.923 662.917 713.910
650 517.904 569.694 621.484 673.275 725.065
660 525.872 578.459 631.046 683.633 736.220

Apr. 97 Page 4-23

Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

Page 4-24
Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix

4.2 Base Sheets Base sheets are intended to be used without revision except for the addition
of some items which have intentionally been left blank. Base sheets such as
R-25, R-27, etc. specify alternate details. Typically, not all of the alternates
will pertain to the specific job to which the base sheet was attached; however,
in most cases details and notes located elsewhere in the plans should clarify
which alternate is applicable. In most cases it is not necessary to cross out
details which do not pertain.

In some cases it may be necessary to modify details or add details to the base
sheets. When this is done, the name and date of the base sheet in the lower
left corner should be removed. This alerts the plan reviewer that the base sheet
has been revised and that it will need to be reviewed. This also maintains the
integrity of the base sheets by preventing the revised base sheet from being
used on future jobs as if it was the original.

Apr. 99
Bridge Manual Section 4 - Appendix
Table of Contents
8 1/2" x 11" Reductions of 23" x 36" Sheets


(See Metric Substructure Library-

Pile Bent A-1 (M) A10 4/30/99

A-1-D (M) A1D 4/30/99
A-1-L(1º - 14º) (M) A1L14 4/30/99
A-1-R(1º - 14º) (M) A1R14 4/30/99
A-1-L(15º - 34º) (M) A1L34 4/30/99
A-1-R(15º - 34º) (M) A1R34 4/30/99
A-1-L(35º - 60º) (M) A1L60 4/30/99
A-1-R(35º - 60º) (M) A1R60 4/30/99

Integral AI-0 (M) AI0 4/30/99

AI-L (M) AIL 4/30/99
AI-R (M) AIR 4/30/99

Vaulted (I-Beam) AV-I-0 (M) AVI0 & AVI01 4/30/97

AV-IW-0 (M) AVIW0 & AVIW01 4/30/99
AV-I-L (M) AVIL, AVILR & AVIL1 4/30/97
AV-I-R (M) AVIR, AVILR & AVIR1 4/30/97
AV-IW-LR (M) AVIWLR & AVIW2 4/30/99

Vaulted (Sand Filled) AV-S-0 (M) AV, AV0 & AV01 4/30/97
AV-S-L (M) AV1, AVL & AVL1 4/30/97
AV-S-R (M) AV1, AVR & AVR1 4/30/97

Anchor Bolts
(See Metric Substructure Library-

ABB-1 (M) ABB1 4/30/99

Apr. 99

Bar Splicer
(See Metric Superstructure Library-
BSD-1 (M) BSD & BSD1 4/30/97

Double Box Culverts

(See Metric Culvert Library-

Horiz. Cant. Wing Walls DB-H-0 (M) DB1 & DBH0 4/30/99
DB-H-L (M) DB & DBHL 4/30/99
DB-H-R (M) DB & DBHR 4/30/99

"L" Type Wing Walls DB-L-0 (M) DB2 & DBL0 4/30/97
DB-L-L (M) DB3, DBLL & DBLL1 4/30/97
DB-L-R (M) DBLR & DBLR1 4/30/97

"T" Type Wing Walls DB-T-0 (M) DBT0 & DBT01 4/30/99
DB-T-L (M) DBTL & DBTL1 4/30/99
DB-T-R (M) DBTR & DBTR1 4/30/99

Drainage Scupper
(See Metric Superstructure Library-

Steel with Bituminous Surf. DS-1 (M) DS1 & DS11 4/30/99
Cast Iron with Bituminous Surf. DS-2 (M) DS2 & DS21 4/30/99
Steel without Bituminous Surf. DS-3 (M) DS3 & DS31 4/30/97
Cast Iron without Bituminous Surf. DS-4 (M) DS4 & DS41 4/30/99

Neoprene Expansion Joints

(See Metric Superstructure Library-

(50, 65 & 100) EJ-CS (M) EJCS & EJCS1 4/30/97

Apr. 99

Deck Elevations
(See Metric Superstructure Library
E-S (M) ES 4/30/97

Bearings & Structural Steel

(See Metric Superstructure Library-

2 Span PL Girder Details G-1 (M) G1 4/30/99

Brg. Diaphs. & Splice (W-Beam) I-2 (M) I2 4/30/99
Bearings (W-Beam) I-2-B (M) I2B & I2B1 4/30/99
Brg., Diaphs., Splice & Cover PL I-2-C (M) I2C & I2C1 4/30/99
Diaphragms & Splice (W-Beam) I-2-D (M) I2D 7/1/93
Brgs. (2 Span PL Girder) I-2-G (M) I2G 4/30/99
Type I Elastomeric Bearings I-2-E1 (M) I2E & I2E1 4/30/99
Type II TFE Elastomeric Bearings I-2-E2 (M) I2E & I2E2 4/30/99
Type III TFE Elastomeric Bearings I-2-E3 (M) I2E & I2E3 4/30/99

(See Metric Substructure Library-

Solid Pier Straight Stem P-1 (M) P1 4/30/99

Solid Pier Battered Stem PB-1 (M) PB1 4/30/99
Solid Pier Straight Stem Cap PC-1 (M) PC1 4/30/99
Single Hammerhead P-2 (M) P2 4/30/99
Double Hammerhead P-3 (M) P3 4/30/99
Double Hammerhead (Alt.) P-4 (M) P4 4/30/99
Recommended over P-3 (M) for
regular use of grade separations
Three Column P-5 (M) P5 4/30/99
Multiple Column P-6 (M) P6 4/30/99
Trapezoidal P-7 (M) P7 & P7A 4/30/99
Modified Single Hammerhead P-10 (M) P10 4/30/99
Two Column Trapezoidal P-11 (M) P11 4/30/99

Apr. 99

Three Column Trapezoidal P-12 (M) P12 4/30/99

Four Column Trapezoidal P-13 (M) P13 4/30/99
Five Column Trapezoidal P-14 (M) P14 4/30/99
Four Column (Over Railroad) P-24 (M) P24 4/30/99
Six Column (Over Railroad) P-26 (M) P26 4/30/99

(See Metric Superstructure Library-

Type L (Two Element Alum. Rail) R-20 (M) R20 & R201 4/30/97
Type S-1 (Single Element Side R-23A (M) R23A & R23A1 4/30/97
Mounted Rail)
Type T-1 (Two Element Side R-24A (M) R24A & R24A1 4/30/99
Mounted Rail)
Temporary Bridge Rail R-25 (M) R25 & R251 4/30/99
Type TP-1 (Triple Element Side R-26 (M) R26 & R261 4/30/99
Mounted Rail)
Temp. Conc. Barrier for Stage Constr. R-27 (M) R27 4/30/99
Pedestrian Railing R-28 (M) R28, R281 & R282 4/30/99
Bicycle Railing R-29 (M) R29 & R291 4/30/99
Type WT Steel Railing R-30 (M) R30 & R30A 4/30/99
Steel Bridge Rail Curb mounted R-31 (M) R31 & R311 4/30/99
Bridge Fence Railing Parapet R-32 (M) R32, R321 & R322 4/30/99
Bridge Fence Railing Sidewalk R-33 (M) R33, R331 & R332 4/30/99
Type SM Steel Bridge Rail Side R-34 (M) R34 & R341 4/30/99

Apr. 99

Superstructure - Steel Bridges

(See Metric Superstructure Library-

3 to 6 Span Bridges S-1-0 (M) S1 & S10 4/30/99

Deck. Plan & Cross Section S-1-L (< 15º) (M) S1 & S1L15 4/30/99
S-1-R (< 15º) (M) S1 & S1R15 4/30/99
S-1-L (> 15º) (M) S1 & S1L16 4/30/99
S-1-R (> 15º) (M) S1 & S1R16 4/30/99
3 to 6 Span Bridges. S-1-D (M) SD & S1D 4/30/99
Bill of Material & Details

2 Span Bridges S-2-0 (M) S1 & S20 4/30/99

Deck. Plan & Cross Section S-2-L (< 30º) (M) S1 & S2R30 4/30/99
S-2-R (< 30º) (M) S1 & S2L30 4/30/99
S-2-L (> 30º) (M) S1 & S2R31 4/30/99
S-2-R (> 30º) (M) S1 & S2L31 4/30/99
2 Span Bridges S-2-D (M) SD & S2D 4/30/99
Bill of Material & Details

Appr. Spans for Vaulted Abuts. SA-1-0 (M) SA1 & SA10 4/30/97
(I-Beam) SA-1D-0 (M) SA1D0 4/30/97
SA-1-L (M) SA1 & SA1L 4/30/97
SA-1D-L (M) SA1DL 4/30/97
SA-1-R (M) SA1 &SA1R 4/30/97
SA-1D-R (M) SA1DR 4/30/97

Appr. Spans for Vaulted Abuts. SA-2-0 (M) SA2, SA20 & SA21 4/30/99
(Sand Filled) SA-2-L (M) SA2, SA21 & SA2L 4/30/99
SA-2-R (M) SA2, SA21 & SA2R 4/30/99

Apr. 99

Cant. Forming Bracket Dets. SB-1 (M) SB1 4/30/97

(W690 and smaller)

Single Span Integral Abut. Bridges SI-1-0 (M) SI10 4/30/99

Deck Plan & Cross Section SI-1-L (M) SI1L 4/30/99
SI-1-R (M) SI1R 4/30/99

Two Span Integral Abut. Bridges SI-2-0 (M) SI20 4/30/99

Deck Plan & Cross Section SI-2-L (M) SI2L 4/30/99
SI-2-R (M) SI2R 4/30/99

Diaphragm for Integral Abut. SI-DS1 (M) SIDS1 4/30/99

(Steel Beams)
Diaphragm for Integral Abut. SI-DS2 (M) SIDS2 4/30/99
(Steel Beams W690 and Smaller)

Superstructure - Prestressed (See “Prestressed Concrete Manual”)

Concrete Bridges

Concrete Piles
(See Metric Substructure Library-

Five Alternates X-3 (M) X3, X31 & X32 4/30/97

Two Alternates X-PB (M) XPB 4/30/97

Apr. 99

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