Old Ragtime News Vol 1 Iss 6

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July 8th, 2008 Volume 1, Issue 6


From the desk of the President: (I have the SGA which will take
always wanted to write that. Thanks place on the 15th of July.
Woodrow for another dream come true.) Also we have an American
Special points of
Idol sort of event planned
Dedicated staff and fellow students, as on July 23rd which is
President of the Student Government called Woodrow Idol. The
• Letter from the Association, it is my great pleasure to participants will have a
President welcome you to our community. First, I chance to record their
• What you Must would like to thank all of you who have songs on a CD with Wade
Know About given me this opportunity. Sampson.
I firstly want to thank Rick Sizemore I would also like to remind
Inside this issue: and Russ Neyman for supporting the everyone that we’re still
SGA. We appreciate all the support we taking orders for Wade
Animals 3 can get and we appreciate the support Sampson CDS, & T-shirts.
you’ve given us.
Great Things About 4
Photography I would like suggestions from the stu-
Blue Ridge Parkway 6 dents and staff on how we can improve
on student participation. I want the stu-
Gypsy Hill Park 7 dents to get more involved in the SGA.
Top 4 Reasons 8 The SGA has many things to offer each
Women Ride The student. The SGA is here for each stu-
“Emotional Roller- dent, each one of you can benefit from
Coaster the SGA. The SGA is always planning
fun events for the students to participate
Sherando Lake 10 in. Our student newsletter is also posted
on Myspace, it’s got it’s own Myspace
Graduation 12 account now. You can leave comments
& suggestions on the Myspace account
Student Photos 14
& you can also read each newsletter on
Word Find 16 the Myspace profile under the blogs.
The address for the Myspace account is
Bean’s Photography 17 http://www.myspace.com/
Nature Trail 18
Anyone who would like to contribute to
Wheelchair Wash 20
the SGA newsletter is welcome to do so
SGA Committees 21 by emailing me at beanad@wwrc.net,
wwrc_sga@yahoo.com, or
Fourth of July Fire- 22 old_ragtime_news@yahoo.com
We have two events planned for July
Student Photos 23 that I think all of you like. We’re having
an SGA Car Wash to raise money for
Old Ragtime News Page 2
Old Ragtime News
Animals Page 3
By: Francesca Black
Great Things About Photography
Old Ragtime News Page 4

Are you thinking about taking up the hobby of photography? Many who have already discovered this exciting and fulfilling hobby
can tell you the top ten reasons why photography is so great. Maybe you will be captivated by this compelling and diverse art as

1. The Challenge of Getting the Perfect Picture

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Sometimes a hundred shots have to be taken and you have to try for several days to get
just the picture you want. An individual must have patience, but at the end of the day a great sense of accomplishment is felt from
capturing the best part.

2. Tell A Story
From beginning to end of a snowball fight, with people throwing their first snowball and eventually rolling in the snow and then
dusting off, you can see the event and it tells the story of friendship, fun and joy of life. Looking at pictures of an old family farm
from its humble beginnings to the growth and increase over a hundred years it tells a story of family, hard work and sacrifice. Every-
one has a story, photos can share that story and bring it to life.

3. Express Individuality
A photographer subject matter will reflect their interests, likes and preferences. A photo can also reflect the individuality of a subject.
The clothes they choose to wear and the location they want the pictures shot all show who they are and their personality.

4. Joy and Laughter Increase

Anyone who looks at their first grade picture can attest to this fact. What is more fun than looking back at your younger years or see-
ing the awkwardness of adolescence? In your later years of life, seeing a picture of your family working or playing together warms
your heart and lets you remember good times and better health. A photo lets us travel over the decades and brings back moments that
make us laugh and carries us through the hard times.

5. See Things Truly As They Are

Somethings are so perfect- the petals of a flower, the height of a Redwood, the still calm of the lake at dawn. They draw you in to the
grace of nature and life in purity and simplicity. The sweet smile of a child reflects the goodness of life and all the hope for what we
can become and achieve. This is what life is and who we are in it.

6. Solitude of the Dark Room

The magical atmosphere of the dark room leads you to discover the potential of the photograph. Lightness, darkness, shadows all are
in the control of the photographer. It is a work done alone with your ideas and skills combined to bring out the story of the photo
before you.

7. Understand the Emotions of Others

As you look over the events of history and witness the faces of those who endured the depression or see victims of the Holocaust you
can see in their eyes what they have endured. Their faces portray their hearts and hurts and although you were not there, you under-
stand what they carry with them a little more.

8. A Gift to Others of Their Most Precious Moments

After the couple returns from the honeymoon one of the first priorities is to get the wedding photos. One of the happiest days of their
lives is recorded forever. When someone does something for you that you can't do for yourself you feel indebted and forever grate-
ful. It is a special gift to give someone their special memories and most cherished events.

9. Once You Capture a Moment You Can Display it

From the famous to the personal, photographs reveal lives of people. Some are placed in history books, some on the walls of a mu-
seum and some in the home. When they are displayed they are able to reach into the lives of others and stir emotion and thought.
Photos are meant to be shared and seen.

10. The Only Way You Can Freeze Time

A photo is a moment frozen in time for a person to enjoy and remember whenever they want. The look, the expression, the emotion
only happen for an instant. Although someone might carry it in their heart, with time the memory fades. If a photo is taken a child is
able to see the happiness of their parents on their wedding day, a parent can see how small their child was the day they brought them
home for the first time and all the years after as they grew to adulthood. All the birthdays, first days of school, vacations and friends
can be captured and with you always. Time and space do not take a loved one from us when we can see them and the moments we
share together, always.
Old Ragtime News What You Must Know About Spam By: Mihaela Lica Page 5

What Is Spam?
When referring to emails, according to the NCES (National Centre for Education Statistic), "Spam refers to electronic junk
mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define Spam even more generally as any unsolicited e-mail. In addition to be-
ing a nuisance, Spam also eats up a lot of network bandwidth. Because the Internet is a public network, little can be done to
prevent Spam, just as it is impossible to prevent junk mail. However, the use of software filters in e-mail programs can be used
to remove most Spam sent through e-mail."

Some search engines use the term to describe websites that try to attain a high listing rank by submitting identical or mirror
pages. In this article I am going to give you a few tips about email Spam.

If we give a too general definition to the word, we might end up taking for Spam perfectly legitimate emails. Not "any" unso-
licited mail is Spam. Spam means unsolicited bulk email.

If a message is unsolicited that doesn't make it Spam. The same goes for bulk. A message is Spam only if it is both unsolicited
and bulk. When you receive an unsolicited job enquiry, you do receive an uncalled-for email. But is that Spam? No. What
about a newsletter? That is bulk, but no Spam if you are a subscriber.

Why Do You Get Spam?

Have you posted your email address online in forums, chat rooms, on your website? Than why do you marvel? Spammers
gather the addresses from the Internet; so no wonder your own found its way onto a spammer's list. Besides, spammers use
different other means to get what they want: viruses, Trojans, buying from other spammers.

Spam Scams
How many times have you received an "update your account" email from paypal, a bank or ebay? How many times have you
received a "warning message"? Maybe it didn't look suspicious to you as it came from an institution you work with, but was it
really that way? This kind of emails is referred to as "phishing scam". There is not much you can do when this happens. Just
don't click on any links in that email, don't give away any confidential information such as social security number, bank ac-
count or credit card number. There are some free tools that can protect you against known phishing websites. For example
download the free EarthLink toolbar and report the scam to the Anti-Phishing Working Group.

What about the emails from different Nigerian (or other nationalities) citizens offering you a percentage of a vast sum of
money? Yes, you've got that right: scam. You'll only loose your money on this one. Better don't be curious. They will ask you
to pay a fee in advance - a so called transfer tax, and guess what: some complications will appear, you have to pay more and
more and end up with nothing. And don't believe the "you won money" lottery sweepstakes either. You'll only spend. The
same goes for the Nigerian purchase scam: they want to buy something from you, pay by check and they wish the goods to be
sent in Lagos, Nigeria.

A Major Don't
Don't reply to spammers... ever! Don't send any "remove me" message. By doing so you confirm your address is active, you
show you read bulk messages, you prove your ISP doesn't use Spam filters. You are the perfect candidate. You will never be
removed. On the contrary...

Spam Fighters
If Spam really bothers you and you want to fight against it, than you have plenty of possibilities. If you are an American, join
Cauce at: www.cauce.org. If not... check out Cauce's international partners (example: EuroCAUCE for Italy, Spain, Germany,
Holland, France, Norway).

Associations such as to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, the American Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or other volun-
teers' organizations are there to help protecting you against scam or other illegal emails (children pornography for example).
Detailed information about Spam, Spammers and ways to fight against them you can find here: www.spamhaus.org.
Old Ragtime News
Blue Ridge Parkway Page 6
Page 7
Gypsy Hill Park Staunton, Virginia Old Ragtime News
Top 4 Reasons Women Ride The “Emotional Roller-Coaster”
Old Ragtime News Page 8
by Dr. Shawn Byler

1. Women have learned and are in the habit of being driven by the approval of others.
Most women allow the expectations of others to define them and therefore making
the approval of others is responsible for their happiness. This pattern gives others’
the power to make and take your happiness at any time. Approval seeking steals
your happiness and doesn’t allow you to ever get to know yourself, your wants,
your desires, or your needs. A total disconnect. Thus an up and down roller-coaster
of emotions. Not a pleasant way to live.
2. Women believe their achievements define their value. This belief causes several
problems. When you believe that you are defined by your achievements, you are
unable to feel good about yourself or have strong self-esteem unless you are ac-
complishing or producing which does not allow for down time, relaxation or free
creativity. There is no room for you to just be… you. You identify yourself as results.
This way of living allows for little or no joy, peace, or contentment because you are
always looking for the next way to achieve. This is very different from healthy goal
setting. Attaching your value to your achievements will ensure that you will not exit
your emotional roller-coaster.
3. Women believe their children define them. Holding this belief can be very damag-
ing for the parent and the child. When parents (unconsciously) hold the belief that
their children define them or give them value, they will act in a way that pressures
kids to perform at a standard they cannot match up to. Or parents try to force kids
to have goals that the parent thinks is best and disregard what the kid or teen
wants. Parents with this belief tie their sense of purpose to their children’s results
or who they become. This will steal your child’s own sense of worth because he/
she will only feel good about themselves when they meet your standards and ex-
pectations. And quite frankly this is not the unconditional love your child deserves.
This is pushing your own agenda on your kids. Children, teens, and young adults
need some (increasing as they age) space to figure out what they want and what is
important to them! Discover your own identity and allow your children to do the
same. Anything else will push your children away emotionally as they grow up. If
you depend on your children’s results (or your perception of what these results
“should” be) you will stay on the emotional roller-coaster!
4. Women believe that their husbands are supposed to make them happy. Who of
you thought when you got married (if you are married), or perhaps moved in with a
significant other, that, “this person will make me so happy”? Or if you have experi-
enced a divorce or a break-up, you may have thought, “this person makes me so
unhappy”. I am simplifying a bit, but the principal is true. The problem with this
thinking is that if we allow people to “make” us happy, then at any time that person
can “take” our happy. Only you are responsible for your happiness. You must cre-
ate or develop an inner knowing that you are completely loveable, worthy, and
valuable regardless of who is or isn’t a part of our life!
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 9
Old Ragtime News
Sherando Lake Page 10
Volume 1, Issue 6
Sherando Lake Page 11
Old Ragtime News
June 27th 2008 Graduation Page 12
Volume 1, Issue 6 New Student Sara Moats & WWRC Friends Page 13
Old Ragtime News Student Photos Page 14
Volume 1, Issue 6 Page 15

Are you wearing your nametag?

You MUST have it on when you are not in

your room!

Thank you.
Old Ragtime News Page 16


S  C  I  O  N  T  C  F  U  A  O  P  R  H  I  N  O  V  H  Q  D  P  P  T  G  R 

A  C  P  Q  X  V  M  L  S  V  S  G  W  R  L  D  S  Q  M  C  L  G  S  I  K  A 

T  Y  U  B  C  A  R  D  E  D  G  R  A  P  H  I  C  S  O  Z  X  J  Z  N  F  Y 

F  B  M  R  T  L  Q  J  H  D  F  B  P  Y  C  M  B  E  A  N  R  W  Q  K  D  O 

R  G  H  I  J  A  T  I  G  E  R  S  K  Z  X  C  V  B  T  F  D  H  G  E  M  S 

N  A  S  W  F  F  D  E  Q  T  O  S  N  W  Q  M  N  M  S  G  O  Q  K  R  U  P 

D  U  D  L  E  Y  S  Z  H  R  G  Z  R  E  E  Y  L  K  J  H  L  I  H  B  G  I 

W  R  I  J  S  F  J  D  I  A  S  V  T  Y  E  S  Q  A  S  D  L  N  V  E   V  D 

S  D  B  D  H  K  Q  O  H  J  O  A  K  J  S  P  A  Q  W  R  Y  E  S  L  E  E 

O  V  L  N  X  G  R  O  M  F  E  L  L  H  S  A  G  S  U  T  P  O  D  L  G  R 

N  K  U  V  Y  O  T  W  R  K  H  O  M  I  E  C  S  S  D  J  A  P  K  V  D  M 

Y  F  E  R  F  J  Y  Y  T  E  R  R  B  N  N  E  L  K  W  W  R  C  S  I  R  A 

G  J  K  Q  W  E  P  L  Y  V  S  O  V  C  N  G  H  J  K  Y  T  H  S  M  S  N 

D  H  D  H  I  R  S  L  O  G  T  T  Z  X  E  F  D  S  A  Q  O  L  M  A  O  B 

G  R  E  A  T  S  M  O  K  Y  M  O  U  N  T  A  I  N  S  W  N  H  J  N  S  F 

H  G  F  D  L  L  E  D  L  T  Y  M  U  U  I  O  M  P  A  S  D  F  G  A  V  C 

J  K  L  Z  X  C  W  Y  I  V  E  T  E  R  I  N  A  R  I  A  N  K  N  T  U  M 

M  N  B  V  W  E  B  D  E  V  E  L  O  P  E  R  Q  A  W  R  C  V  B  E  N  Y 

Q  O  R  A  N  G  E  W  E  R  C  O  L  L  I  N  S  S  D  J  T  H  L  E  R  E 
Tigers    Blue    Moats    Orange    Sony   
Frogs    Motorola    Bean    Myspace    Rhino   
Scion TC    Dell    Dollywood    Web Developer  Collins   
WWRC    Veterinarian  Tinkerbell    Dolly Parton    Great Smoky Mountains 
Carded Graphics  Dudley    Spiderman    Manatee    Tennessee   
Volume 1, Issue 6 Bean’s Photography Page 17
Old Ragtime News Opening of the STAR Nature Trail Page 18
Volume 1, Issue 6 Opening of the STAR Nature Trail Page 19
Old Ragtime News Wheelchair Wash Page 20
Volume 1, Issue 6
SGA Committees Page 21

Activities Committee (Chairman) Eric Canady-El

(Vice Chairman) Tremaine Rollins
(Secretary) Ashley Roberts

Dorm Committee (Chairman) Amanda Winn

(Vice Chairman) Scott
(Secretary) Position Open

Dining Hall Committee (Chairman) Position Open

(Vice Chairman) Position Open
(Secretary) Position Open

Wheelchair Committee (Chairman) Position Open

(Vice Chairman) Position Open
(Secretary) Position Open

Day Student Committee (Chairman) Amanda Trifiatis

(Vice Chairman) Position Open
(Secretary) Position Open

Nature Trail Committee (Chairman) Leigh Ann Mitchell

(Vice Chairman) Position Open
(Secretary) Position Open

Green Thumbs Committee (Chairman) Position Open

(Vice Chairman) Position Open
(Secretary) Position Open

Special Events Committee (Chairman) Amanda Trifiatis

(Vice Chairman) Gary Davis II
(Secretary) Position Open
Old Ragtime News Coal Road, Stuarts Draft Virginia Page 22

Fourth of July

Pictures by:
Angela Bean
Volume 1, Issue 6 Student Photos Page 23
SGA Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is a fine institu-
tion to be a part of. The Student Government Associa-
tion and SGA Activities Committee works hard for all of
you students. We welcome suggestions and ideas from
P.O. Box 1500
Fishersville, VA every student at WWRC. We would like more students
22939 to be involved in the content of the Old Ragtime News
E-mail: wwrc_sga@yahoo.com Newsletter. We are looking for students to submit arti-
E-mail: activities.committee@yahoo.com cles and ideas to the e-mail addresses listed above.
http://wwrcstudents.tripod.com Come out and enjoy the activities that we have planned
for you, come participate in the committees, submit
articles and your poems to the newspaper. Thanks for
From the desk of the President..
making this dream come true. From the desk of your
SGA President. ——- Bean (SGA President)

We’re on the web!


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