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Color My World 1-4(x1) 9-12(x2)

9-9:30: Introductions!
• Name games.
• My name is _______, my favorite color is ________.
• Name gesture. Each child does a gesture and introduces themselves, and then the rest of the
group copies.
• Pass some object (rainbow?) and say name of person you’re passing to.
• Teach the color song (tune of twinkle twinkle: red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow
purple too, all the colors that i know are up in the rainbow, red and orange, green and blue,
shiny yellow purple too)

• Rules! Make a list, and go over important ones like don’t touch the mirrors!

9:30-9:45: Walk Across The Room As A Color

• What way would each color walk across the room?
• EX: Yellow (bright, happy), blue (sad). Other colors will require some creativity!

9:45-10:10: Read: Red is Best

• then, act it out.

10-10:20: Color Tag

• Everyone moves within the boundaries trying to avoid the taggers.
• Each time the tagger touches someone, s/he must say a color for that person to go to.
• When a person is tagged, that player must run to the color designated by the tagger (THERE

10:20-10:40: Rainbow Cloud Craft

• Pre-cut strips of colorful paper, paper plate pieces with clouds drawn on but
not cut out, and cotton balls.

10:40-10:55: Red Light, Green Light

• nice

10:55-11:15: Make Our Class Color My World Banner!


11:10-11:25: Pot of Gold Game

• “If I found a pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow, I’d buy…” Then you show by acting out
what you would buy. The others try to guess what you bought.

11:25-45: Color of the Day!:

• Red! Draw a picture of everything that you know is red!

11:40-55: Color Songs Freeze Dance

11:55: Clean Up
9-9:20: Warmups!
• Name games.
• My name is _______, my favorite color is ________.
• Name gesture. Each child does a gesture and introduces themselves, and then the
rest of the group copies.
• Pass some object (rainbow?) and say name of person you’re passing to.

• Rules! Make a list, and go over important ones like don’t touch the mirrors!

9:20-9:35: Wake Up The Crayons

• All kids but one are the crayons, and must lie very still with their eyes closed and
blank face. The one child tries to get the crayons to wake up (smile, laugh, open
their eyes, move).

9:35-9:55: Color Skits!

• Each group is assigned a color and (with assistance if necessary) comes up with
something of that color (yellow-bananas) and does a skit about that thing.

9:50–10:05: Rainbow, The Three Headed Dragon

• Three kids sit in a row, one kid from the “audience” asks a question. The three heads go down
the line and each say one word of the answer.

10:05-10:20: Rainbow Coffee Filter Umbrellas


10:20-10:35: Color Tag (different)

• If you’re wearing ____ you’re frozen, and try to tag the people moving about the

10:35-10:55: Rain Game


10:55-11:15: Outside Time to Color

11:15-11:30: Color of the Day!

• Orange! Draw a picture of everything that you know is orange!

11:30-45: Relating Colors to Feels:

• '-Joy, Blue-Sad. No wrong answers, just a chance to get creative

11:40-55: What are you doing?

11:55: Clean Up
9-9:20: Warmups!
• Name games.
• My name is _______, my favorite color is ________.
• Name gesture. Each child does a gesture and introduces themselves, and then the
rest of the group copies.
• Pass some object (rainbow?) and say name of person you’re passing to.

• Rules! Make a list, and go over important ones like don’t touch the mirrors!

9:20-9:40: Reading
• BOOK The Day The Crayons Quit

9:40-9:55: Color Charades

• Kid gives color of item, and then proceeds to act out item and everyone guesses.

9:50–10:20: White Crayon Art

• draw name or other picture in white crayon, and then paint it with rainbow colors.

10:20-10:35: Crayon Relay

• Each group gets a crayon, and has to weave around the crayon boxes and pass
the crayon to the next person.

10:35-10:50: 9. ‘SENSORY’ DRAMA PLAY ACTIVITIES, do it by items the color of the

• EX: touch an icicle, taste a lemon, here wind, see a car, smell, a skunk

10:50-11:05: Color of the Day!

• Yellow! Draw a picture of everything that you know is Yellow!

11:05-20: Banana Tag:

• One kid is it, and turns kids into bananas (hands above their head). Other kids
can stop and “peel” them in order to help them out.

11:20-55:Sunshine project
• Color Plate Yellow, and Cut hands out of yellow paper. glue together to make

11:55: Clean Up
9-9:20: Warmups!
• Name games.
• My name is _______, my favorite color is ________.
• Name gesture. Each child does a gesture and introduces themselves, and then the
rest of the group copies.
• Pass some object (rainbow?) and say name of person you’re passing to.

• Rules! Make a list, and go over important ones like don’t touch the mirrors!

9:20-9:40: Colorful beach ball craft!

• Pre-drawn beach ball, kids paint them

9:40-9:55: Color Charades

• Kid gives color of item, and then proceeds to act out item and everyone guesses.

9:50–10:25: Different Material Rainbow

• Glue down: red pom poms, orange yarn, yellow pasta, green ribbon, blue beads,
purple glitter

10:25-10:50: Colorful Waterbottle Bowling.

• water bottle filled with different colored water, bowling

10:50-11:05: Switch places if

• start with, if you’re wearing _____ color, go into other things.

11:05-11:20: Every kid glues crayons onto a little piece of cardboard as instructed
• Let dry, keep for tomorrow.

11:20-40: Color of the Day!

• Green! Draw a picture of everything that you know is green!

11:40-55: Frogger
• Frogs are green!

11:55: Clean Up
9-9:20: Warmups!
• Name games.
• My name is _______, my favorite color is ________.
• Name gesture. Each child does a gesture and introduces themselves, and then the
rest of the group copies.
• Pass some object (rainbow?) and say name of person you’re passing to.

• Rules! Make a list, and go over important ones like don’t touch the mirrors!

9:20-9:40: Reading
• BOOK Harold and the Purple Crayon

9:40-9:55: Create your own world!

• Harold creates his own world by drawing it. If you could, what would it look like? Pick one
color like Harold.

9:55–10:25: Color Mixing Information, and Painting color mix

10:25-10:40: Color of the Day!

• Blue/Purple! Draw a picture of everything that you know is blue/purple!

10:40-10:55: Favorite Game (maybe bowling again)

10:55-11:10: Rain, Rain, Rainbow

11:10-11:40: Outside time, melting the crayon art!

• Chalk coloring time, and each kid takes a turn (supervised) melting their crayon
art with a hairdryer.

11:40-55: Play favorite games.

11:55: Clean Up

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