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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Auditing in Computer Information System

Submitted by
Ms. Cristine B. Wacan

Submitted to
Mr. Lowelle Cielo Pacot, CPA

September 2017
An interview was conducted last September 9, 2017 with Mr. Arnold Cyril Ethan Saplad,

University's Property Custodian and Ms. Marife Ladion, University's Property Custodian

regarding the current system they are using with its functions, limitations and their expectations

about the outsourced system that they will be using soon.

Mr. Saplad is the in-charge of keeping all the records of the university's properties such

as fixed assets, furniture and fixtures, equipment, machineries and etc. He conducts regular

inventory twice a year which happens every end of the semester. He checks if those assets still

exists and are still in the right place where it belongs. Mr. Saplad uses Microsoft Excel as its

primary means of recording and updating inventories and being back up with Google Drive using

the department's email address. With this, records are safely kept. As to its access control,

anyone can have the access upon request and depending on its purpose or if needed.

Mr. Saplad wasn't able to use yet the newly outsourced system that will help him in his

job. But he was already aware that the system will be good enough and will surely help him

work easier. He was also excited about the new features that the outsourced system may have.

On the other hand, Ms. Ladion, the university's purchasing officer also showed the old

system she uses until now which is called Purchase Order System. The system can generate

report daily, weekly, monthly or whatever the user desires to have. The system records all the

purchase orders of the university and if the user desires to sort some information, the system can

sort the data by date, by department, by item or by supplier. As to its access control, only the

Purchasing Officer and the Vice President for Finance can access the system. The system uses
the Log-in System wherein the in-charge can only open the system using username and

password. This will provide confidentiality of information. However, the system can be very

crucial at some point especially if the user inputs purchase orders and power interruption occurs,

the unsaved files will be gone. This will make the in-charge repeat its work.

Both personnel considers the use of various systems in their daily work very essential

since it helps them perform task the best way that they can to be able to produce quality service.

Using the system helps them perform their job in very timely manner with minimized errors.

Mr. Saplad and Ms. Ladion are very open to new improvements of the system that they will be

using in the next years. They believe that the new system will be user friendly. They were both

very excited to use the new system. They only want best out of everything and they believe that

using such will help them achieve what they aim.

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