Sacrament of Confirmation Reviewer (G12)

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1. What is the Sacrament of Confirmation? sign of the cross, the Bishop says: Be sealed with the gift
of the Holy Spirit.”
The Sacrament of Confirmation is the efficient sign of
grace that confers the Holy Spirit. It is called 2. What is the meaning of the slap on the cheek?
Confirmation because this sacrament confirms and
strengthens the baptismal grace. Through the Holy Traditionally, after the anointing and the laying of
Spirit, we become mature Christians and witnesses of hands, the bishop slaps the cheek of the candidate to
signify bravery. Since the candidate is now a “soldier of
Christ, in words and deeds, until death.
Christ” (Miles Christi), he must fight bravely for the
2. When did Jesus institute the Sacrament of Kingdom of God.
Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Confirmation when he
said: ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you - he 1. What are the effects of Confirmation?
breathed on them and said - Receive the Holy Spirit” The Sacrament of Confirmation has three effects: 1)
(John 20:21-22). The first Confirmation in the Spirit gives the Holy Spirit, 2) makes us mature Christians, 3)
happened on Pentecost Day (33 AD), when the Holy imprints the character.
Spirit came over the Virgin Mary and the twelve
apostles gathered in the Cenacle of Jerusalem (Acts 2). 2. What is the “character” of Confirmation?

THE MATTER OF CONFIRMATION The character of Confirmation is a spiritual seal that

consecrates us to Christ. As St. Paul said: “God has put
1. What is the matter of Confirmation? his seal upon us and given the Spirit in our hearts as a
The matter of Confirmation is the laying of hands and guarantee” (2 Corinthians 1:22). The character is an
Sacred Chrism. indelible mark signifying our total belonging to Christ. It
is similar to the seal marked on the soldiers to indicate
2. What is the meaning of the laying hands? their loyalty to their leader, or the seal used on a
document to make it authentic. Baptism and Ordination
The laying hands signifies the coming of the Spirit. It is also imprint the character; therefore these three
in accordance with the example of the apostles: “Peter sacraments cannot be erased nor repeated.
and John laid hands on them and they received the Holy

3. What is the Sacred Chrism? 1. Who can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

The Sacred Chrism is olive oil mixed with perfume. The Every baptized Catholic can and should receive the
Chrism is consecrated by the bishop during the Chrism sacrament of Confirmation after he reached the age of
Mass on Holy Thursday at the cathedral. The perfume reason, generally accepted as seven years, and after
signifies the sweet fragrance of Christ that every due preparation. Presently, in most countries,
Christian must bring into the world. Confirmation is given anywhere between seven and
eighteen years of age. In danger of death, or for special
The Sacred Chrism makes us share in the prophetic, cases, children can also be confirmed.
kingly, and priestly ministry of Christ, since in the Old
Testament people became prophets, kings, and priests 2. What is the case for adult candidates?
by anointing. Isaiah was anointed prophet (Isaiah 61:1),
Saul was anointed king (1 Samuel 10: I), and Aaron was The adult catechumens ought to receive at the same
anointed priest (Leviticus 8:12). The anointing highlights time Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If the adult
the name Christ and Christian, which means anointed. candidate is already baptized, he can receive
Confirmation anytime after due preparation.
3. Do we need to prepare before receiving
1. What is the “form” of Confirmation? Confirmation?

The form is the prayer spoken by the Bishop to The candidates for Confirmation should be properly
administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. After laying prepared: generally, in the four basic pillars of our faith
his hands and anointing the forehead of the candidate (creed, sacraments, commandments, prayer); and
with the Sacred Chrism, by making with the thumb a specifically, in the understanding of the Holy Spirit (his
manifestations and gifts) and in their mature 3. What is the Liturgical color of Confirmation?
participation to the life and mission of the Church.
The liturgical color for Confirmation is red or white. On
4. Do we need to go to Confession before receiving the Sundays of Advent and Lent the color is Violet;
Confirmation? during the Easter Season, the color is white; on
Solemnities, the color of the day must be used.
Yes, we do. In order to celebrate the Sacrament of
Confirmation we must be in the state of grace; 4. What arc the liturgical readings and prayers for
therefore, we should first receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?
The proper readings and prayers of the day must be
5. Can we receive Confirmation more than once? used on all Sundays in Advent, Lent, Easter, and on all
Solemnities. On other days, the Liturgy in ritual Mass of
No, we cannot, because Confirmation imprints an Confirmation is used. Gloria and Alleluia are omitted on
indelible character on our soul, that cannot be erased Advent and Lent. The candidates for Confirmation may
nor repeated. also serve as lectors and carry gifts during the offertory.
THE GODPARENTS 5. What is the proper manner to greet the bishop and
1. Is there a need for godparents at Confirmation? other clergy?

Yes; each candidate for Confirmation should be The deacon should be addressed as Reverend; the
accompanied by one godparent (sponsor), preferably priest as Father; the bishop as His Excellency; and the
the same one of Baptism. cardinal as His Eminence. To the deacon and priest, we
should ask for the hand for the customary blessing
2. What is the mission of the godparents? (“mano po”); to the bishop, we should kneel or bow
down and kiss his ring, otherwise, we make a deep bow.
The godparents have the mission of : 1) presenting their
godchildren to the Bishop during the Confirmation; 2) Catechesis for Confirmation
guiding them in their Christian life.
1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
3. What are the requirements for godparents?
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Blessed Trinity.
The godparents for Confirmation must fulfill the
following requirements: 1) to be at least sixteen years The dogma of the Blessed Trinity, which says that God is
old; 2) to be Roman Catholic of good standing, already one nature in three divine persons, was defined by
confirmed; 3) and not the father or mother of the Jesus, when he said: “Go and make disciples of all
candidate. nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
2. What are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
1. What is the proper dress for the candidates for
Confirmation? The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are permanent
dispositions that make us docile to God’s will. They are
The dress of the candidates for Confirmation should be revealed by Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest
modest but festive. Confirmation robes are not upon him: a Spirit of wisdom and understanding, a Spirit
recommended, since they are easily confused with of counsel and of strength, a Spirit of piety, a Spirit of
graduation robes. Confirmation stoles should not be knowledge and of fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2-3).
used, since the stole is a liturgical garb that
distinguishes an ordained minister. WISDOM: It is the predisposition to judge and order all
things according to God’s will. Its contrary is
2. Should Confirmation be celebrated within the Mass? foolishness.

The sacrament of Confirmation should be celebrated UNDERSTANDING: It is the predisposition to grasp the
within the Mass, after the homily of the Bishop, to make truths of faith easily and deeply. Its contrary is
evident the connection between the two sacraments of unawareness.
Christian initiation. Confirmation can be celebrated
outside the Mass only for a just and reasonable cause. COUNSEL: It is the predisposition to discern correctly
In that case, only the Liturgy of the Eucharist and and immediately the will of God in the different
Communion are omitted. circumstances of life. Its contrary is stubborness.
STRENGTH: It is the predisposition to persevere in which parted and came to rest on each of them. And
fulfilling the will of God in moments of trial. Its contrary they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and begun to
is weakness. speak in different tongues” (Acts 2:1-4).

KNOWLEDGE: It is the predisposition to discover the

truths of the spiritual and material world, and to relate
them to the Creator. Its contrary is ignorance.

PIETY: It is the predisposition to worship God with all

our heart, and consequently to love our neighbor as
ourselves. True worship to God is manifested in the
sincere love for his children. Its contrary is wickedness.

FEAR OF THE LORD: It is the predisposition to respect

the majesty of God and to be scared of sin. We should
avoid sins not for fear of punishment, but for fear of
offending God’s love. Fear is not terror, but adoring
reverence for God’s fatherly love. Its contrary is

3. What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit?

Love, Joy, Peace , Patience , Kindness, Goodness,

Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Generosity,
Charity, and Chastity

4. What are the four major manifestations of the Holy

Spirit in the Bible?


through the prophets and the apostles, and inspired
them into writing the Old and New Testament. As St.
Peter said: “There is no prophecy of Scripture that is
matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever
came through human will; but rather human beings
moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of
God” (2 Peter 1:21).

ANNUNCIATION: Jesus Christ was conceived in the

womb of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy
Spirit. As the Archangel Gabriel said to her: “The Holy
Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most
High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child to be
born will be called holy, the Son of God” (Luke 1:35).

BAPTISM OF JESUS: The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus

at his baptism in the Jordan River. As the Gospel says:
“After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water
and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the
Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon
him” (Matthew 3:16-17).

PENTECOST: On Pentecost day, the Holy Spirit

descended upon the Virgin Mary and the apostles
gathered at the Cenacle in Jerusalem. As Scriptures say:
“Suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong
driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they
were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,

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