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68 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

24. 1x2 + 22 42. The number of TV channels is increasing. The bar graph
25. 250 # 26
shows the total channels available in the average U.S.
11 11 household from 2000 through 2006.
26. 27.
7 - 23 23
Number of TV Channels in the
In Exercises 2834, factor completely, or state that the polynomial Average United States Household
is prime.

Average Number of TV Channels

28. 7x2 - 22x + 3 29. x2 - 2x + 4 104
100 93 96
3 2 2 2
30. x + 5x + 3x + 15 31. 3x - 4xy - 7y 86
32. 64y - y4 33. 50x3 + 20x2 + 2x 72
34. x2 - 6x + 9 - 49y2 60

In Exercises 3536, factor and simplify each algebraic expression.
36. 1x2 + 122 - 101x2 + 12
3 1 1 1 1
- -2 -
35. x 2 - 2x + x2 2

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

37. List all the rational numbers in this set:

e -11, - , 0, 0.45, 223 , 225 f .

Source: Nielsen Media Research
Here are two mathematical models for the data shown by the
In Exercises 3839, rewrite each expression without absolute value graph. In each formula, N represents the number of TV chan-
bars. nels in the average U.S. household x years after 2000.
38. 2 - 213 39. x2 x if x 6 0 Model 1
40. If the population of the United States is approximately Model 2 N=0.5x2+9.5x+62
3.0 * 108 and each person spends about $140 per year on ice
cream, express the total annual spending on ice cream in a. Which model best describes the data for 2000?
scientific notation. b. Does the polynomial model of degree 2 underestimate or
41. A human brain contains 3 * 1010 neurons and a gorilla overestimate the number of channels for 2006? By how
brain contains 7.5 * 109 neurons. How many times as many many channels?
neurons are in the brain of a human as in the brain of a c. According to the polynomial model of degree 1, how
gorilla? many channels will the average household have in 2010?

Section P.6 Rational Expressions

Specify numbers that must
be excluded from the domain
H ow do we describe the costs of reducing environmental
pollution? We often use algebraic expressions
involving quotients of polynomials. For example, the
of a rational expression.
algebraic expression
Simplify rational expressions.
Multiply rational expressions. 250x
Divide rational expressions. 100 - x
Add and subtract rational
expressions. describes the cost, in millions of dollars, to remove x
percent of the pollutants that are discharged into a
Simplify complex rational river. Removing a modest percentage of pollutants,
expressions. say 40%, is far less costly than removing a
Simplify fractional substantially greater percentage, such as 95%.
expressions that occur in We see this by evaluating the algebraic
calculus. expression for x = 40 and x = 95.
Rationalize numerators.
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Section P.6 Rational Expressions 69

Evaluating for
Discovery 100 - x

What happens if you try substituting x = 40: x = 95:

100 for x in
2501402 2501952
250x Cost is L 167. Cost is = 4750.
? 100 - 40 100 - 95
100 - x
What does this tell you about the The cost increases from approximately $167 million to a possibly prohibitive
cost of cleaning up all of the rivers $4750 million, or $4.75 billion. Costs spiral upward as the percentage of removed
pollutants increases.
Many algebraic expressions that describe costs of environmental projects are
examples of rational expressions. First we will define rational expressions. Then we
will review how to perform operations with such expressions.

Specify numbers that must be Rational Expressions

excluded from the domain of a
A rational expression is the quotient of two polynomials. Some examples are
rational expression.

x - 2 4 x x2 + 1
, , 2
, and .
4 x - 2 x - 1 x2 + 2x - 3

The set of real numbers for which an algebraic expression is defined is the
domain of the expression. Because rational expressions indicate division and
division by zero is undefined, we must exclude numbers from a rational expressions
domain that make the denominator zero.

EXAMPLE 1 Excluding Numbers from the Domain

Find all the numbers that must be excluded from the domain of each rational
4 x
a. b. 2 .
x - 2 x - 1

Solution To determine the numbers that must be excluded from each domain,
examine the denominators.

4 x x
a. b. =
x-2 x2-1 (x+1)(x-1)

This denominator would This factor would This factor would

equal zero if x = 2. equal zero if x = 1. equal zero if x = 1.

For the rational expression in part (a), we must exclude 2 from the domain. For the
rational expression in part (b), we must exclude both -1 and 1 from the domain.
These excluded numbers are often written to the right of a rational expression:
4 x
,x Z 2 2
, x Z - 1, x Z 1
x - 2 x - 1

Check Point 1
Find all the numbers that must be excluded from the domain of
each rational expression:
7 x
a. b. 2
x + 5 x - 36
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70 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

Simplify rational expressions. Simplifying Rational Expressions

A rational expression is simplified if its numerator and denominator have no
common factors other than 1 or -1. The following procedure can be used to simplify
rational expressions:

Simplifying Rational Expressions

1. Factor the numerator and the denominator completely.
2. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by any common factors.

EXAMPLE 2 Simplifying Rational Expressions

x3 + x2 x2 + 6x + 5
a. b. .
x + 1 x2 - 25

x3 + x2 x21x + 12 Factor the numerator. Because the denominator is
a. =
x + 1 x + 1 x + 1, x Z - 1.

x21x + 12

= Divide out the common factor, x + 1.

x + 1

= x2, x Z - 1 Denominators of 1 need not be written because a1 = a.

x2 + 6x + 5 1x + 521x + 12 Factor the numerator and denomina-

1x + 521x - 52
b. 2
= tor. Because the denominator is
x - 25
1x + 521x - 52, x Z - 5 and x Z 5.

1x + 521x + 12

1x + 521x - 52
= Divide out the common factor, x + 5.

x + 1
= , x Z - 5, x Z 5
x - 5

Check Point 2 Simplify:

x3 + 3x2 x2 - 1
a. b. .
x + 3 x2 + 2x + 1

Multiply rational expressions. Multiplying Rational Expressions

The product of two rational expressions is the product of their numerators divided by
the product of their denominators. Here is a step-by-step procedure for multiplying
rational expressions:

Multiplying Rational Expressions

1. Factor all numerators and denominators completely.
2. Divide numerators and denominators by common factors.
3. Multiply the remaining factors in the numerators and multiply the remaining
factors in the denominators.
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Section P.6 Rational Expressions 71

EXAMPLE 3 Multiplying Rational Expressions

x - 7 # x2 - 1
Multiply: .
x - 1 3x - 21
x - 7 # x2 - 1
This is the given multiplication problem.
x - 1 3x - 21

x - 7 # 1x + 121x - 12 Factor as many numerators and denominators

= as possible. Because the denominators have
x - 1 31x - 72 factors of x - 1 and x - 7, x Z 1 and x Z 7.

x - 7 # 1x + 121x - 12
1 1
Divide numerators and denominators by
x - 1 31x - 72 common factors.
1 1

x+1 Multiply the remaining factors in the numerators

= , x  1, x  7 and denominators.
These excluded numbers from the
domain must also be excluded from
the simplified expression's domain.

Check Point 3 Multiply:

x + 3 # x2 - x - 6
x2 - 4 x2 + 6x + 9

Divide rational expressions. Dividing Rational Expressions

The quotient of two rational expressions is the product of the first expression
and the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, of the second expression. The
reciprocal is found by interchanging the numerator and the denominator. Thus,
we find the quotient of two rational expressions by inverting the divisor and

EXAMPLE 4 Dividing Rational Expressions

x 2 - 2x - 8 x - 4
Divide: 2
, .
x - 9 x + 3

x2 - 2x - 8 x - 4
, This is the given division problem.
x - 9 x + 3
x2 - 2x - 8 # x + 3
= Invert the divisor and multiply.
x2 - 9 x - 4
1x - 421x + 22 x + 3 Factor as many numerators and denominators
1x + 321x - 32 x - 4
= as possible. For nonzero denominators,
x Z - 3, x Z 3, and x Z 4.

1x - 421x + 22 1x + 32
1 1

# Divide numerators and denominators by

1x + 321x - 32 1x - 42
common factors.
1 1

x + 2 Multiply the remaining factors in the

= , x Z - 3, x Z 3, x Z 4
x - 3 numerators and in the denominators.
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72 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

Check Point 4 Divide:

x2 - 2x + 1 x2 + x - 2
, .
x3 + x 3x2 + 3

Add and subtract rational Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

expressions. with the Same Denominator
We add or subtract rational expressions with the same denominator by (1) adding or
subtracting the numerators, (2) placing this result over the common denominator,
and (3) simplifying, if possible.

EXAMPLE 5 Subtracting Rational Expressions with the Same


5x + 1 4x - 2
Subtract: 2
- 2 .
x - 9 x - 9

Dont forget the parentheses. Subtract numerators and include
parentheses to indicate that both
Study Tip terms are subtracted. Place this
5x+1 4x-2 5x+1-(4x-2)
Example 5 shows that when a 2 - 2 = difference over the common
numerator is being subtracted, we
x -9 x -9 x2-9
must subtract every term in that
expression. 5x + 1 - 4x + 2 Remove parentheses and then
x2 - 9 change the sign of each term in
x + 3
= Combine like terms.
x2 - 9
x + 3
1x + 321x - 32
= Factor and simplify (x Z - 3 and
1 x Z 3).

= , x Z - 3, x Z 3
x - 3

x 3x + 2
Check Point 5 Subtract:
x + 1
x + 1

Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

with Different Denominators
Rational expressions that have no common factors in their denominators can be
added or subtracted using one of the following properties:

a c ad + bc a c ad - bc
+ = - = , b Z 0, d Z 0.
b d bd b d bd

The denominator, bd, is the product of the factors in the two denominators. Because
we are considering rational expressions that have no common factors in their
denominators, the product bd gives the least common denominator.
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Section P.6 Rational Expressions 73

EXAMPLE 6 Subtracting Rational Expressions Having No

Common Factors in Their Denominators

x + 2 4
Subtract: - .
2x - 3 x + 3

Solution We need to find the least common denominator. This is the product of
the distinct factors in each denominator, namely 12x - 321x + 32. We can therefore
use the subtraction property given previously as follows:

a c ad bc
b d bd

Observe that
x+2 4 (x+2)(x+3)-(2x-3)4 a = x + 2, b = 2x - 3, c = 4,
- =
2x-3 x+3 (2x-3)(x+3) and d = x + 3.

x2 + 5x + 6 - 18x - 122
12x - 321x + 32
= Multiply.

Remove parentheses and

x2 + 5x + 6 - 8x + 12
12x - 321x + 32
= then change the sign of
each term in parentheses.

x2 - 3x + 18 3 Combine like terms in the

12x - 321x + 32
= , x Z , x Z -3
2 numerator.

3 5
Check Point 6 Add:
x + 1
x - 1

The least common denominator, or LCD, of several rational expressions is a

polynomial consisting of the product of all prime factors in the denominators, with
each factor raised to the greatest power of its occurrence in any denominator. When
adding and subtracting rational expressions that have different denominators with
one or more common factors in the denominators, it is efficient to find the least
common denominator first.

Finding the Least Common Denominator

1. Factor each denominator completely.
2. List the factors of the first denominator.
3. Add to the list in step 2 any factors of the second denominator that do not
appear in the list.
4. Form the product of the factors from the list in step 3. This product is the
least common denominator.

EXAMPLE 7 Finding the Least Common Denominator

Find the least common denominator of
7 9
and 2
5x + 15x x + 6x + 9
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74 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

7 9 Solution
and 2
5x + 15x x + 6x + 9 Step 1 Factor each denominator completely.
The given rational expressions (repeated) 5x2 + 15x = 5x1x + 32
x + 6x + 9 = 1x + 322 or 1x + 321x + 32

Factors are 7 9 Factors are

5, x, and x + 3. x + 3 and x + 3.
5x2 +15x x2 +6x+9

Step 2 List the factors of the first denominator.

5, x, x + 3
Step 3 Add any unlisted factors from the second denominator. One factor of
x2 + 6x + 9 is already in our list. That factor is x + 3. However, the other factor
of x + 3 is not listed in step 2. We add a second factor of x + 3 to the list. We have
5, x, x + 3, x + 3.
Step 4 The least common denominator is the product of all factors in the final
list. Thus,
5x1x + 321x + 32 or 5x1x + 322
is the least common denominator.

Check Point 7 Find the least common denominator of

3 7
and 2
x - 6x + 9 x - 9

Finding the least common denominator for two (or more) rational expressions
is the first step needed to add or subtract the expressions.

Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions That Have Different

1. Find the LCD of the rational expressions.
2. Rewrite each rational expression as an equivalent expression whose denom-
inator is the LCD. To do so, multiply the numerator and the denominator of
each rational expression by any factor(s) needed to convert the denominator
into the LCD.
3. Add or subtract numerators, placing the resulting expression over the
4. If possible, simplify the resulting rational expression.

EXAMPLE 8 Adding Rational Expressions with Different

x + 3 2
Add: 2
+ 2 .
x + x - 2 x - 1
Step 1 Find the least common denominator. Start by factoring the denominators.
x2 + x - 2 = 1x + 221x - 12
x2 - 1 = 1x + 121x - 12
The factors of the first denominator are x + 2 and x - 1. The only factor from the
second denominator that is not listed is x + 1. Thus, the least common denominator is
1x + 221x - 121x + 12.
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Section P.6 Rational Expressions 75

Step 2 Write equivalent expressions with the LCD as denominators. We must

rewrite each rational expression with a denominator of 1x + 221x - 121x + 12. We
do so by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator of each rational
expression by any factor(s) needed to convert the expressions denominator into the

x+3 x+1 (x+3)(x+1) 2 x+2 2(x+2)

 =  =
(x+2)(x-1) x+1 (x+2)(x-1)(x+1) (x+1)(x-1) x+2 (x+2)(x-1)(x+1)

Multiply the numerator and denominator by Multiply the numerator and denominator by
x + 1 to get (x + 2)(x 1)(x + 1), the LCD. x + 2 to get (x + 2)(x 1)(x + 1), the LCD.

x + 1 x + 2
Because = 1 and = 1, we are not changing the value of either rational
x + 1 x + 2
expression, only its appearance.
Now we are ready to perform the indicated addition.
x + 3 2
+ 2 This is the given problem.
x + x - 2 x - 1

x + 3 2 Factor the denominators.

1x + 221x - 12 1x + 121x - 12
= +
The LCD is
1x + 221x - 121x + 12.

1x + 321x + 12 21x + 22 Rewrite equivalent

1x + 221x - 121x + 12 1x + 221x - 121x + 12
= +
expressions with the LCD.

Step 3 Add numerators, putting this sum over the LCD.

1x + 321x + 12 + 21x + 22
1x + 221x - 121x + 12

x2 + 4x + 3 + 2x + 4 Perform the multiplications

1x + 221x - 121x + 12
in the numerator.

Combine like terms in the

x 2 + 6x + 7
1x + 221x - 121x + 12
= , x Z - 2, x Z 1, x Z - 1 numerator: 4x + 2x = 6x
and 3 + 4 = 7.

Step 4 If necessary, simplify. Because the numerator is prime, no further

simplification is possible.

x x - 4
Check Point 8 Subtract:
x2 - 10x + 25
2x - 10

Simplify complex rational Complex Rational Expressions

Complex rational expressions, also called complex fractions, have numerators or
denominators containing one or more rational expressions. Here are two examples
of such expressions:

Separate rational
1 1 1 expressions occur
1+ Separate rational - in the numerator.
x expressions occur x+h x.
1 in the numerator h
1- and the denominator.
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76 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

One method for simplifying a complex rational expression is to combine its

numerator into a single expression and combine its denominator into a single
expression. Then perform the division by inverting the denominator and multiplying.

EXAMPLE 9 Simplifying a Complex Rational Expression

1 +
Simplify: .
1 -
Step 1 Add to get a single rational expression in the numerator.
1 1 1 1x 1 x 1 x+1
1+ = + = + = + =
x 1 x 1x x x x x

The LCD is 1  x, or x.

Step 2 Subtract to get a single rational expression in the denominator.

1 1 1 1x 1 x 1 x-1
1- = - = - = - =
x 1 x 1x x x x x

The LCD is 1  x, or x.

Step 3 Perform the division indicated by the main fraction bar: Invert and
multiply. If possible, simplify.
1 x+1 1
x x x +1 x x +1 x x +1
= =  =  =
1 x-1 x x-1 x x-1 x-1
1- 1
x x
Invert and multiply.

1 3
x 2
Check Point 9 Simplify:
1 3
x 4

A second method for simplifying a complex rational expression is to find the

least common denominator of all the rational expressions in its numerator and
denominator. Then multiply each term in its numerator and denominator by this
least common denominator. Because we are multiplying by a form of 1, we will
obtain an equivalent expression that does not contain fractions in its numerator or
denominator. Here we use this method to simplify the complex rational
expression in Example 9.

a1 + b
1 1
1 + The least common denominator of all the rational expressions
x x x is x. Multiply the numerator and denominator by x. Because
= 1, we are not changing the complex fraction 1x Z 02.
= x
a1 - b
1 1 x
1 - x
x x
1#x + x
= Use the distributive property. Be sure to distribute x to every term.
1#x - #x
x + 1
= , x Z 0, x Z 1 Multiply. The complex rational expression is now simplified.
x - 1
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Section P.6 Rational Expressions 77

EXAMPLE 10 Simplifying a Complex Rational Expression

1 1
x + h x
Simplify: .

Solution We will use the method of multiplying each of the three terms,
1 1
, , and h, by the least common denominator. The least common denomi-
x + h x
nator is x1x + h2.

1 1
x + h x

a - bx1x + h2
1 1
x Multiply the numerator and denominator by
x + h
= x1x + h2, h Z 0, x Z 0, x Z - h.
hx1x + h2

1 # 1
x1x + h2 - # x1x + h2
x + h x
= Use the distributive property in the numerator.
hx1x + h2

x - 1x + h2 1
= Simplify: x1x + h2 = x and
hx1x + h2 x + h
x1x + h2 = x + h.
x - x - h Subtract in the numerator. Remove parentheses
hx1x + h2 and change the sign of each term in parentheses.

= Simplify: x - x - h = - h.
hx1x + h2

= - , h Z 0, x Z 0, x Z - h Divide the numerator and denominator by h.
x1x + h2

1 1
x + 7 x
Check Point 10 Simplify:

Simplify fractional expressions Fractional Expressions in Calculus

that occur in calculus.
Fractional expressions containing radicals occur frequently in calculus. Because
of the radicals, these expressions are not rational expressions. However, they
can often be simplified using the procedure for simplifying complex rational

EXAMPLE 11 Simplifying a Fractional Expression

Containing Radicals
39 - x2 +
39 - x2
Simplify: .
9 - x2
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78 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

39 - x2 + The least common denominator
39 - x2 is 39 - x2 .
9 - x2

39 - x2 + Multiply the numerator and the
39 - x2 # 39 - x
= denominator by 39 - x2 .
9 - x2 39 - x2

39 - x2 39 - x2 + 39 - x2 Use the distributive property in the
39 - x 2
19 - x2239 - x2

19 - x22 + x2 In the denominator:

19 - x22 19 - x222 = 19 - x22
1 1
19 - x222
3 1 1+

= 19 - x22 2 .

= Because the original expression was
319 - x22
in radical form, write the denominator
in radical form.
1x +
Check Point 11 Simplify:

Rationalize numerators. Another fractional expression that you will encounter in calculus is

2x + h - 1x

Can you see that this expression is not defined if h = 0? However, in calculus, you
will ask the following question:

What happens to the expression as h takes on values that get closer and closer
to 0, such as h = 0.1, h = 0.01, h = 0.001, h = 0.0001, and so on?

The question is answered by first rationalizing the numerator. This process involves
rewriting the fractional expression as an equivalent expression in which the numer-
ator no longer contains any radicals. To rationalize a numerator, multiply by 1 to
eliminate the radicals in the numerator. Multiply the numerator and the denominator
by the conjugate of the numerator.

EXAMPLE 12 Rationalizing a Numerator

Rationalize the numerator:
2x + h - 1x
Solution The conjugate of the numerator is 1x + h + 1x. If we multiply the
numerator and denominator by 1x + h + 1x, the simplified numerator will not
1x + h + 1x
contain a radical. Therefore, we multiply by 1, choosing for 1.
1x + h + 1x
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Section P.6 Rational Expressions 79

2x + h - 1x 2x + h - 1x # 2x + h + 1x
= Multiply by 1.
h h 2x + h + 1x

A 2x + h B 2 - 11x22 A 1a - 2b B A 1a + 2b B =
h A 2x + h + 1x B A 1a B 2 - A 2b B 2

A 2x + h B 2 = x + h
x + h - x
h A 2x + h + 1x B
and 1 1x22 = x.
h A 2x + h + 1x B
= Simplify: x + h - x = h.

= , h Z 0 Divide both the numerator and
2x + h + 1x denominator by h.

Calculus Preview 2x + h - 1x
What happens to as h gets closer and closer to 0? In Example
In calculus, you will summarize h
12, we showed that
the discussion on the right using
the special notation 2x + h - 1x 1
= .
2x + h - 1x 1 h 2x + h + 1x
lim = .
h:0 h 2 1x 1
As h gets closer to 0, the expression on the right gets closer to =
This is read the limit of 2x + 0 + 1x
2x + h - 1x 1 1 2x + h - 1x
as h approaches 0 , or . Thus, the fractional expression approaches
h 1x + 1x 21x h
equals . Limits are discussed 1
2 1x as h gets closer to 0.
in Chapter 11, where we present an 21x
introduction to calculus.
2x + 3 - 1x
Check Point 12 Rationalize the numerator:

Exercise Set P.6

Practice Exercises x2 - 9 # x2 - 3x x2 - 4 # 2x - 4
17. 18.
x2 x2 + x - 12 2
x - 4x + 4 x + 2
In Exercises 16, find all numbers that must be excluded from the
domain of each rational expression. x 2 - 5x + 6 # x2 - 1 x2 + 5x + 6 # x2 - 9
19. 20.
7 13 x + 5 x2 - 2x - 3 x2 - 4 x2 + x - 6 x2 - x - 6
1. 2. 3.
x - 3 x + 9 x2 - 25 x3 - 8 # x + 2 x2 + 6x + 9 # 1
x + 7 x - 1 x - 3 21. 22.
4. 2 5. 2 6. 2 x2 - 4 3x x3 + 27 x + 3
x - 49 x + 11x + 10 x + 4x - 45
x + 1 3x + 3 x + 5 4x + 20
In Exercises 714, simplify each rational expression. Find all 23. , 24. ,
3 7 7 9
numbers that must be excluded from the domain of the simplified
rational expression. x2 - 4 x + 2 x2 - 4 x + 2
25. , 26. ,
3x - 9 4x - 8 x x - 2 x - 2 4x - 8
7. 2 8. 2
x - 6x + 9 x - 4x + 4 4x2 + 10 6x2 + 15 x2 + x x2 - 1
27. , 28. ,
x2 - 12x + 36 x2 - 8x + 16 x - 3 x2 - 9 x2 - 4 x2 + 5x + 6
9. 10.
4x - 24 3x - 12 x2 - 25 x2 + 10x + 25
y2 + 7y - 18 y2 - 4y - 5 29. ,
11. 2 12. 2 2x - 2 x2 + 4x - 5
y - 3y + 2 y + 5y + 4
x2 - 4 x2 + 5x + 6
x + 12x + 36 x2 - 14x + 49 30. 2
, 2
13. 2
14. x + 3x - 10 x + 8x + 15
x - 36 x2 - 49
x2 2
+ x - 12 # x + 5x + 6 x + 3
31. 2 , 2
In Exercises 1532, multiply or divide as indicated. x + x - 30 x2 - 2x - 3 x + 7x + 6
x - 2 # 2x + 6 6x + 9 # x - 5 x3 - 25x # 2x2 - 2 x2 + 5x
15. 16. 32. ,
3x + 9 2x - 4 3x - 15 4x + 6 4x2 x2 - 6x + 5 7x + 7
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80 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

In Exercises 3358, add or subtract as indicated. 1 6 1

4x + 1 8x + 9 3x + 2 3x + 6 x + 1 x2 + 2x - 15 x - 3
33. + 34. + 69. 70.
6x + 5 6x + 5 3x + 4 3x + 4 1 1 1
+ + 1
x - 2x x + x 2 2
x - 4x 4x - 4 x - 2x - 3 x - 3 x + 5
35. 2
+ 2 36. 2
+ 2 1 1 x + h x
x + 3x x + 3x x -x-6 x -x-6
1x + h22
- 2 -
x x + h + 1 x + 1
4x - 10 x - 4 2x + 3 3 - x 71. 72.
37. - 38. - h h
x - 2 x - 2 3x - 6 3x - 6
x2 + 3x x2 - 12 Exercises 7378 contain fractional expressions that occur frequently
39. 2
- 2 in calculus. Simplify each expression.
x + x - 12 x + x - 12
x2 - 4x x - 6 1 1
40. - 2 1x - 1x -
x - x - 6 x - x - 6 31x 41x
73. 74.
3 6 8 2 1x 1x
41. + 42. + x2 x2
x + 4 x + 5 x - 2 x - 3 - 3x2 + 2 35 - x2 +
3 3 4 3 3x + 2
35 - x2
43. - 44. - 75. 76.
x + 1 x x x + 3 x2 5 - x2
1 1 1 1
2x x + 2 3x x + 4 - -
x + 2
x - 2
x - 3
x + 2 2x + h 1x 2x + 3 1x
77. 78.
h 3
x + 5 x - 5 x + 3 x - 3
47. + 48. +
x - 5 x + 5 x - 3 x + 3 In Exercises 7982, rationalize the numerator.
3 2 5 7 2x + 5 - 1x 2x + 7 - 1x
49. + 50. + 79. 80.
2x + 4 3x + 6 2x + 8 3x + 12 5 7
4 4 3 5x 1x + 1y 1x - 1y
51. 2
+ 52. + 81. 82.
x + 6x + 9 x + 3 5x + 2 25x2 - 4 x2 - y2 x2 - y2
3x 2x
53. - 2 Practice Plus
x2 + 3x - 10 x + x - 6
x x In Exercises 8390, perform the indicated operations. Simplify the
54. - 2
x2 - 2x - 24 x - 7x + 6 result, if possible.
x + 3 x + 2 x + 5 x + 1 2x + 3 # x2 + 4x - 5 2
55. 56. 83.
x2 - 1
x - 1 x2 - 4
x - 2 -
x + 1 2x2 + x - 3 x + 2
4x2 + x - 6 3x 5
, a b
57. 2
- + 1 1 1
x + 3x + 2 x + 1 x + 2 84. -
x2 - 2x - 8 x - 4 x + 2
6x2 + 17x - 40 3 5x
85. a 2 - b a1 + b
+ - 6 3
x + x - 20 x - 4 x + 5
x + 1 x - 2
In Exercises 5972, simplify each complex rational expression.
86. a4 - b a1 + b
3 5
x x x + 2 x - 1
- 1 - 1
y -1 - 1y + 52-1 y -1 - 1y + 22-1
3 4
59. 60.
x - 3 x - 4 87. 88.
5 2
1 1
1 + 8 +
x x 89. 3
1 # ac + ad - bc - bd - 2 c - d 2
61. 62. a - b3 1 a + ab + b
1 1
3 - 4 -
x x ab ac - ad - bc + bd a 3 - b3
90. 2 2
+ , 3
1 1 1 a + ab + b ac - ad + bc - bd a + b3
+ 1 -
x y x
63. 64. Application Exercises
x + y xy
x 91. The rational expression
x -
x + 3 x - 3 130x
65. 66.
x + 2 3 100 - x
x -
x - 2 describes the cost, in millions of dollars, to inoculate
3 4 x x percent of the population against a particular strain of flu.
- + 1
x - 2 x + 2 x - 2
67. 68. a. Evaluate the expression for x = 40, x = 80, and x = 90.
7 3 Describe the meaning of each evaluation in terms of
+ 1
x2 - 4 x2 - 4 percentage inoculated and cost.
P-BLTZMC0P_001-134-hr 14-11-2008 18:05 Page 81

Section P.6 Rational Expressions 81

b. For what value of x is the expression undefined? 94. If three resistors with resistances R1 , R2 , and R3 are
c. What happens to the cost as x approaches 100%? How connected in parallel, their combined resistance is given by
can you interpret this observation? the expression
92. The average rate on a round-trip commute having a one-way 1 R1
distance d is given by the complex rational expression 1 1 1
+ + R2
2d R1 R2 R3
d d
+ R3
r1 r2
in which r1 and r2 are the average rates on the outgoing and
return trips, respectively. Simplify the expression. Then find Simplify the complex rational expression. Then find the
your average rate if you drive to campus averaging 40 miles per combined resistance when R1 is 4 ohms, R2 is 8 ohms, and R3
hour and return home on the same route averaging 30 miles is 12 ohms.
per hour. Explain why the answer is not 35 miles per hour. In Exercises 9596, express the perimeter of each rectangle as a
93. The bar graph shows the estimated number of calories per single rational expression.
day needed to maintain energy balance for various gender 95. x 96. x
and age groups for moderately active lifestyles. (Moderately x+3 x+5
active means a lifestyle that includes physical activity x x
equivalent to walking 1.5 to 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per x+4 x+6
hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with
typical day-to-day life.)
Writing in Mathematics
Calories Needed to Maintain Energy
Balance for Moderately Active Lifestyles 97. What is a rational expression?

3200 Group 4 98. Explain how to determine which numbers must be excluded
Group 3 Group 5
Women from the domain of a rational expression.
2800 Group 6
Men Group 2 99. Explain how to simplify a rational expression.


100. Explain how to multiply rational expressions.

Calories per Day


2000 Group 1 101. Explain how to divide rational expressions.





1600 102. Explain how to add or subtract rational expressions with


the same denominators.

103. Explain how to add rational expressions having no common
800 3 7
factors in their denominators. Use + in your
400 x + 5 x + 2

48 9 13 1418 1930 3150 51+

104. Explain how to find the least common denominator for
Age Range
denominators of x2 - 100 and x2 - 20x + 100.
Source: U.S.D.A. 3 2
+ 2
x x
a. The mathematical model 105. Describe two ways to simplify .
1 2
W = - 66x2 + 526x + 1030 x2 x
describes the number of calories needed per day, W, by Explain the error in Exercises 106108. Then rewrite the right side
women in age group x with moderately active lifestyles. of the equation to correct the error that now exists.
According to the model, how many calories per day are 1 1 1 1 1
needed by women between the ages of 19 and 30, inclusive, 106. + = 107. + 7 =
a b a + b x x + 7
with this lifestyle? Does this underestimate or overesti- a a a
mate the number shown by the graph? By how much? 108. + =
x b x + b
b. The mathematical model
M = - 120x2 + 998x + 590 Critical Thinking Exercises
describes the number of calories needed per day, M, by
Make Sense? In Exercises 109112, determine whether each
men in age group x with moderately active lifestyles.
statement makes sense or does not make sense, and explain your
According to the model, how many calories per day are
needed by men between the ages of 19 and 30, inclusive, 3x - 3
with this lifestyle? Does this underestimate or over- 109. I evaluated for x = 1 and obtained 0.
4x1x - 12
estimate the number shown by the graph? By how much?
110. The rational expressions
c. Write a simplified rational expression that describes the
7 7
ratio of the number of calories needed per day by women and
in age group x to the number of calories needed per day 14x 14 + x
by men in age group x for people with moderately active can both be simplified by dividing each numerator and each
lifestyles. denominator by 7.
P-BLTZMC0P_001-134-hr 14-11-2008 18:05 Page 82

82 Chapter P Prerequisites: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra

111. When performing the division 119. 1x - y2-1 + 1x - y2-2

7x 1x + 32 2
120. In one short sentence, five words or less, explain what
, ,
x + 3 x - 5 1 1 1
+ 2 + 3
I began by dividing the numerator and the denominator by x x x
the common factor, x + 3. 1 1 1
+ 5 + 6
3x - 5 x - 3 x4 x x
112. I subtracted from and obtained a constant.
x - 1 x - 1
does to each number x.
In Exercises 113116, determine whether each statement is true or
false. If the statement is false, make the necessary change(s) to
produce a true statement.
x2 - 25 Preview Exercises
113. = x - 5
x - 5 Exercises 121123 will help you prepare for the material covered
-3y - 6 in the next section.
114. The expression simplifies to the consecutive
y + 2
121. If 6 is substituted for x in the equation
integer that follows -4.
2(x - 3) - 17 = 13 - 3 (x + 2),
2x - 1 3x - 1 5x - 2
115. + - = 0 is the resulting statement true or false?
x - 7 x - 7 x - 7
1 7
116. 6 + = x + 2 x - 1
x x 122. Multiply and simplify: 12a -
4 3
In Exercises 117119, perform the indicated operations.
123. Evaluate
1 1 1
117. n
x - 1
- n
x + 1
- 2n -b - 2b2 - 4ac
x - 1
118. a1 - b a1 - b a1 - b a1 - b
1 1 1 1
for a = 2, b = 9, and c = - 5.
x x + 1 x + 2 x + 3

Section P.7 Equations

Solve linear equations in M ath tattoos. Who knew?
Do you recognize the
significance of this tattoo?
one variable.
The algebraic expression gives
Solve linear equations the solutions of a quadratic
containing fractions. equation.
Solve rational equations with In this section, we will
variables in the denominators. review how to solve a variety of
Solve a formula for a variable. equations, including linear
Solve equations involving equations, quadratic equations,
absolute value. and radical equations.
Solve quadratic equations by
Solve quadratic equations by Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
the square root property.
We begin with a general definition of a linear equation in one variable.
Solve quadratic equations by
completing the square.
Solve quadratic equations Definition of a Linear Equation
using the quadratic formula. A linear equation in one variable x is an equation that can be written in the form
Use the discriminant to
determine the number and ax + b = 0,
type of solutions of quadratic where a and b are real numbers, and a Z 0.
Determine the most efficient
method to use when solving a An example of a linear equation in one variable is
quadratic equation.
Solve radical equations. 4x + 12 = 0.

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