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THE “FACE TO PACE’ INTERVIEW Join Freemans inervew wih Jung on the BBC television grim "Face o Fae” har weber brought ang to moe ethan Sy rer fo wai ad mp gs fh writings Freeman snd stele! te pada Fg Duet Sed the ini in Jung's Rous st Kiseacht ia Mc 959 and eed wo on bl fay was bends fe Gent Britain on October 23 955, Sacgeery, it has fe ‘en reads and a cinema fim vrai ent show lpmbcationlorgznizatons, Jungian gro and ah Peco thetransip was ube ins diferent fon in Fare vo Face died by Burnet (London, 1964), containing # number in teviews conducted ty Frenman reman was deputy ctr ofthe New Seesman atthe sine of th interview with Jong. Tey formed iendh tat sorting unl Jang’ death Later, Prema wa edit {hil of the New Starman, ee 68, Br High Comme Sioner to Indias and 69-7, Bega Amador to Was ing. Fecie ofthe sues of Jang’ interview by Freeman, the ne year the BIC requested another ier thi ene with rhs aout meal poten. Jung devin, case he [etunequal w the exertion and nat dicoorged by hs pe ‘ow experience of imeriews by pycalosts pry info ‘is work: Se is eur to Berne, Jane 3, S60 in Later, fb Adler v= Prdesor Jang, how mony years have you lived in this lovdy Bouse by the ake at Zurich? es jus shoo fy yar. ” ‘The "Pace to Face” Interview Do you lie hee now just with your seeetarir and your Enplih howehecper? Yes No chilren or grandchildren with you? ‘lb, they don ive here, but {have plenty of chem i the srroundings Dothey come to re you often? How many grandchilven hove you? Obyninecen, And great grandchildren? Teak elght and 1 suppose on ison he way. And do you enjoy having them? ‘Wal ities to feel sucha living crowd are ou f on wll Are they afi of you de you think? T don't think a If you would kaow sny geandhidren you woulda think sol They seal my things. Even my hit tha belongs to me they sole che other day- Now, con tae you bck t your own childhood? Do you remember the stenon when you fs jl comaionsnt ¢) your own individual tf? “Thani veh year, Thee dey wan sy way to school T stepped oof is. Te was fu at Thad been ia a eit walking in ny and T aepeed tot of and Knew, tam?“ am what apn” And thea T thought "Bae what have 1 ben before?” And then I found that I bad been ins is not Knowing how to d= ferenae mys fom things 1 was just oe thing mons cher things! 5h Jane, Memory, Dram, Reflcos, 2. ut 4“, 1959) Now war thet axociated with any partial episode in your ier wat jot amoral function of adolescence? Well chat’ diel to sy. As far as can remember, nothing had happened before chat would explain this sad en coming to canecousress You hadi, fr instance, been quarreling with your par. ent anything? ‘No. No, What memories have you of your parent? Were they aret nd alashioned n the tay they brought you wp? ‘Oh wel you know, they belonged tothe ater pre of he Middle Ages My father was paron in the country, and You can imagine what people were then you know, athe ‘vets of the past etary. They ha! the convictions in which pope hve lived since one thou eight hundied How di be ty so impress there contitons on you? Did Se punish you, fr instance? ‘Oh no, not at aly no. He was very liberal, and he was ‘ot tleant and most undencanding. Which did you get om with more itnstely—your father + your mother ‘Thats del to sy. OF couse one is always more in ste with the mother, but when it comes tothe perwonal felingY had beter slaticn to my fates, who we pe ital, tan wich my mothe, who wae oe avery prob ematical seething $02 ay rae fear was nt om element in your elation with sour father? ‘Nota Did you cecept him a Being infallible in his judgments? ‘Ok ny knew he was very lib 3s ‘The Facet Fae” Interview How od were you when you knew that? "Now, let me se [Long pase] Perhaps deve or telve Years old twas hanging ogeter withthe face that Ts, ‘that T Kew Tar and trom then om Us tht any Kater was dilerene, Yes So the momen of selfrerelation was cloely connected sith realizing he falliity of your parent Yes ane eould say 20. Bow T tlie chet had fr of sy mother but nee duving the dap. Then she wat quite now tome, and predictable but ithe night {had fr of ny masher ‘And can you remember why? Can you rementber what that tear have noe che lights ides why, What shout your schoaldaye now? Were you happy at shoalmat a schoolboy? 1 the beginning Iwas very happy to have companions, you know, because Belov Thad been very lonely. We Bed Jn the couney and I had no bruther and no iste. My since was born very much later, when Iwas nine years old, and 01 was wed to being alone, but I mised tt mised ompany-—and in sthool ie wat wonderful to have sm pany, But soon—you Know ins country schoo Twas far shead~and then T began to be bored What sort of eligion upbringing id your Jather ive you? Oh we were Sis Reformed Ad did he make you attend church regularly? Ob, wel, chat was quite natural Exerybody went 0 church on Sunday. And did you believe in God? Ob yee 1959 Doyou now believe in God? ‘Now? [Pause] Dili to answer I ow, I doa need tobive know. Wel mow, wring to the next aging poi in your lie Wht made you decide to become doctor? rellyoriginally—t_ wasted to be an archaologisy -Asunology, Egyptology, or something othe sort hada't ‘themoney the sudy ws too expensive So my second love then belonged 19 nature parvesinly nology, and when begin my srdies [inserted inthe vocaled Philsopicel Faeilty Two-that means nara scenes Ba then | soon sav thar the caer that wat before me would male ‘ehoalmaser of me, you see. But I didat—I never thought Tin any chance to ger aay funher, because we had 90 mosey a all, And then I saw that that didn't suit my ox fecitons, you know. I didn't want to Bose a school ‘mater, Teaching was oot just what | was looking for. Aad so T remembered thar my grandfather had been «doctor, nd knew that when T war studying medicine 1 had ‘hance to study nateral since and to beseme a dor, Ad 1 cero can develop, you se, he can ave a price, be ‘anchoowe his scent interests more les. At all even, Toul have more chace than being 1 schoolmasten ale the dea of ding something wef with human beings prakd tome Ant did you, when you decided 10 become a data, hace Sin eting He rng hol adn Psion T paricalarly had a dculy with ceri teachers. They Aide believe that I enuld wre a these | remember one fase where the teacher had the estom, the hab of cu sing the papers writen bythe pupils, aad he tok the bet first And he went through the whole numberof the pup andl dia’ appear, andT war badly erosbled over iy std 1 thong well is impossible that'my thesis can be that o The "Pace o Pace Interview bod, and hen he hd ithe he sid: "There i alone paper ec ver and tha the one by Jung That woud be by'tr the bo paper if adn’ ben copied, He ha js Opi ths womewhere—stalen. You are thet, Jung! And {Pi knew where ou had len iT would Bing yu oe ‘col And gua a sad this the one thee were hove worked the mow, cause the heme wa ner, fn contradiction, yo know, 0 ober themes heh 2 te al iereing to me, Aad ther he st ana Ih td if we com pone shat you have en tha hing socenere the you et out of choo ‘Now thst at 8 vey sto thing for me, ecse wha alec thes, you see? And T hte that flow, snd tha a, the only man [could bave killed, you know iT had met im one a dark corner T would hve shown bm me thing of what could do id you ote have set thoughts aout pope when you tere ya? ‘No ot xa. Oaly when I got mad, Wel then et chem up ‘And did you ten pet mad? ‘Net fey but then for god You were very strong and big, I imagine? Yes Tar prety strong, abd you know, reared in che county with hoe peasant boy was 2 rough kindof i Twould have been capable of viene, TRrow. Twas a he lead of 10 Lather ted to avoid cri stations because I didn erat myc. Once I was atacked by abort seven boys and [got mad, and I took one, abd just sang thm round by his legs, you know, and beat down four of thers and then they were stisied And were there amy conequences rom tha afterwards? ‘Ob, T should say, yer! From then on i was always su 8, aft Aa "The ied Ch” CW a7, pe 2 ~ 1959 ted hat | was at che bottom of every trouble was ne ba they were afaid and T was never sacked again Well now, when the time came that you qualifed us @ shetr what mae you decide to specaiee va beng en ene? Well, that is rather an interesting point. When { had Fsished my sucies practical and wen T de knoe iit I really wanted to do, had big chane t fellow 8 of my pofrwnr. He wo elld whew pasontny Manich and he wanted me ahs asistane- Bu hen in ton ‘moment I tue for my fl examination, Te tenbook of psychiatry. Upto then [thought sthingsbout ‘because or profesior then wast perealyinterenes and ony cead the introduction to that book, whereencng things were said about psychos a a maladjumment ofthe Peonaity, That hit the al onthe head. In that moment aw L mus become an alieain. My heart wan thumping iily in that moment, and when t tad my profesor 1 oaldae fellow him, t would tudy peychiaty, be couldnt ‘understand ic Nor my friends, beatin those days poy, shiney was nothing, tathng’at all But Taw the re rex chance to unite centsin contrasting things Ya mycle nanely, besides medicine besides nataral scence Talay nc studied the history of philorphy and such ndjece: I a jst aif suddenly eo terns were joining” ‘Ant how long was it ater you tok tht decison that you fs came in contact with Freud? Gh, you know, that was atthe end of my suis, and then i took quite 2 while woil Ime Fieud. You seed Finihed my studies in too and Tet Freud atopiher ‘uh tern gp ales eed hia Dream Incrpreston and the Breuer Feud sts aout hyena bt thet er erly literary, you know, and then in yoy T tecame ‘scqlained with him perl "Moris Drs Reais 8 The "Facet Face” Interview Wyo i me hw ttre Did ou go Ve emhnt i hen wien ack st he paca damenin panne called chips A tei toad hr oe ede 6 roa fors frig and thn ne hal ey og prrcing cmos nd ch ted when you tk in a censin way you may fel considerly Ber and 1 thin if you thik log the line of naar then you think ge And this Ls met the lt queton tht | want ask Jon. ds the world becomes more teal eens {coms incresingly neceray for pepe behase conte tl nd elects. Now do ou think pre ths the oe The "Pace to Face hight development of man may be to eubmerge his own indniduly feo bid of collie conoaseen? That's hardly posible Tua there willbe a reaction, A reaction wil ein against this communal disoaion. You Eenow, man doesn't stand for ever hit nllifeaton. Once there will bea restion, and T ee sting in. You kaon vie T think of my patents they all seek their own coc ane ci cn agi that an ‘temiention into nethingwety of into mcannglece, Min ance and 4 meanings if, 9

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