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Español III: 2018 -2019 Course Syllabus

Instructor: M. McCormick

505- 438-4026
Availability: by appointment lunch or after school

Spanish Department Philosophy: ATC's Spanish Department helps students to become global citizen
scholars, helping them to communicate with, explore and experience the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish Department Objectives: The Spanish department strives to provide high quality education in
Spanish to all students, regardless of their linguistic background. All Spanish courses will focus on the
acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Our program will prepare students for
postsecondary education (including dual credit courses) and the work force.

Graduation Requirements: 3 years of language; at least two years of the same language

Course Description:
Spanish III/IV - Foreign Language - available to grades: 10, 11, 12
Course further refines, reinforces, and develops the skills and cultural awareness previously acquired
in the first two levels. A greater emphasis is placed on reading and on communicating orally and in
writing. The importance of Spanish in career fields continues to be emphasized.

World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages

Communication: Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situation and for
multiple purposes.
Standard 1.1: Interpersonal Communication. Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or
written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
Standard 1.2: Interpretive Communication. Students understand, interpret and analyze what is heard, read, or
viewed on a variety of topics.
Standard 1.3: Presentational Communication. Students present information, concepts, and ideas to inform,
persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of
listeners, readers, or viewers.

Cultures: Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Standard 2.1: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and
reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Standard 2.2: Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain,
and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

CONNECTIONS Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the
language to function in academic and career related situations
Standard 3.1: Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines
while using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively
Standard 3.2: Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and
diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.
COMPARISONS Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence
Standard 4.1: Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the
nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Standard 4.2: Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the
concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

COMMUNITIES Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual
communities at home and around the world
Standard 5.1: School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the
classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world
Standard 5.2: Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for
enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

Classroom Norms: (Norms will be modified to reflect student input)

1. Students will come to class ready to learn. This includes working hard, preparing for class
(including homework) doing their best, turning work in on time, listening actively, asking questions,
speaking in Spanish, daring to take academic risks, and having a positive attitude. This also means
preparing themselves by completing personal business before/after class, such as using the
restroom, eating and drinking. (Students can have water in the classroom). Students will commit to
engaging with the class material for the entire hour. If an emergency arises, students can leave class at an
appropriate interval to use the restroom or drink water. They will have the teacher sign their planner
before leaving. If students cannot use the system in a responsible way, the process will be revised for
individuals, the class, or all classes.

2. Student will respect themselves, their fellow classmates, the teacher and any classroom guests.
This includes having a positive attitude, respecting others, helping others, listening to the teacher and
following reasonable requests.

3. Students will accept responsibility for their own learning. This includes being responsible, on time,
not using personal devices in class, taking care of their materials and cleaning their messes. No whining,
excuses or blaming. The school’s late work policy will be enforced. Communication with the instructor is
highly encouraged. This classroom norm includes using technology appropriately in class. Cell phones,
iPods, and other personal electronic devices are not allowed in class without prior authorization.
Students are not allowed to charge their devices in class without prior approval. If a student is unwilling
to comply, the device will be confiscated and given to school administration. When classroom
opportunities arise to use technology, students will follow school policies on appropriate use and follow
teacher directions.

ATC school policies will be enforced in the classroom in addition to the classroom norms
described above. This includes the information provided in the code of conduct and late work
policy. Failure to comply with will result in:
 1st instance- conference with teacher and phone call home
 2nd instance- lunch detention and phone call home
 3rd instance- student is referred to school administration
Materials needed
 Composition notebook(s). Notebooks will be graded on completeness and content throughout the
school year. (students are accountable for their own materials)
 Pens, pencils

Students will has access to a “virtual” textbook called Descubre 1 or 2, Imagina or Temas, depending on
their class level. They will also have access to the “supersite” that is associated with the textbook. Here
they will complete practices in-class and for homework. Student will also use google classroom, quizlet
and my website. Success in the class depends on having access to these programs. Students will have time
in class to complete some activities. They have access to the school’s computer lab before and after
school. If a student does not have internet access at home, other arrangements should be made (such as
the public library).

It is the responsibility of the student to come to class each day prepared with the proper materials. If a book
or technology is checked out to a student, they are responsible for keeping track of those materials. They
may be held financially responsible if materials are lost, stolen, or damaged. Students may be required to
purchase supplies for special projects (i.e. poster board)

Grade Evaluation:
Each semester grade includes 80% quarter grades and 20% semester exams. Q1 + Q2 + E1 = S1. Each quarter
will be divided as follows:
Formative Assignments (i.e. practice assignments) Summative Assignments (i.e. demonstrate mastery)
 Classwork: 25%  Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 50%
 Homework: 15%
 Habits of Work 10%

Classwork (25%): Students will earn points for completeness and accuracy of assignments. Assignments will
include grammar practice, student journals and other in-class activities.

Homework (15%): Homework will be used as a tool for review and reinforcement of concepts. It will always
be due on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When appropriate, technology and community resources may be required
to complete homework assignments. Please understand that homework will be reviewed and discussed during
the following class period and that “No name” papers will receive no credit! Please identify your work.

Habits of Work (10%) This includes your classroom habits including willingness to try new things,
participating in class, and using appropriate classroom behavior (see classroom norms)
Quality workerHabits of Work Prompt & Prepared
Attending Skills
Involved Citizen Contributes positively & behaves ethically
Collaborative Worker Works actively & cooperatively

Due dates for summative assignments will be given at least a week in advance. Please review the class
website and curriculum map for approximate dates. When appropriate, students will be given a pre-test
before the unit of study to track their progress. Students are able to make test corrections within one
week of the exam, and will receive full credit for their work, if complete and in the appropriate format. It
is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to make up summative assignments if they are
absent. Late projects will be penalized if arrangements with the instructor have not been made.
Español 2018 -2019
Dear Parents:

I am pleased to be given the opportunity to teach your child. Your involvement is essential to his or her
success. This year’s class syllabus is available on my website for easy reference
( Please review it with them at home. On Tuesday, August 21st
students should come to school with this signed agreement and the appropriate supplies including a
composition notebook. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Class donations needed:

• 1 box Kleenex • Clorox wipes
• 1 pack pencils • Hand sanitizer
• Extra composition notebooks

Thank you,

Maeghan McCormick, ATC Spanish Instructor

My signature confirms that I have read the class syllabus and that I understand the expectations and
requirements of the class.


Student’s First and Last Name (Print)

___________________________ ______________________

Signature of Student Date Signed

___________________________ _______________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Signed

Parent or Guardian Contact Information: Please list an appropriate email address and phone number to
contact you.

Email address: _______________________________________________________

Telephone: __________________________________________________________

Any additional information you feel will help me to better teach or engage your child


Spanish III Teacher: Maeghan McCormick Email:

Website: Phone: 505- 438-4026

Homework due: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Español 2018 -2019
Estimados padres:

Es un placer tener a su hijo/hija en la clase de español. El apoyo de los padres es muy importante para el
éxito escolar de sus hijos. El programa de estudios está en el sitio de web de la clase
( Por favor léalo con su hijo/hija. Ahí encontrará una descripción
de la clase, las reglas, y los materiales. El martes, 21 de agosto, los estudiantes deben regresarme este
contrato firmado. También deben llegar a la escuela con sus materiales, incluyendo un encuadernador. Si
tienen preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor, comuníquense conmigo.

Pedimos donaciones de:

 Kleenex  toallitas desinfectantes
 Lápices  geles antisépticos (para manos)
 Carpetas de anillas o carpetas con papel

Mil gracias,

Maeghan McCormick, ATC maestra de español

Firmo que he leído el programa de estudios, entiendo las expectativas y los requisitos de la clase.


Nombre y apellido del estudiante

___________________________ ______________________

Firma del estudiante Fecha

___________________________ _______________________

Firma del padre/tutor Fecha

Información de los padres:

Dirección del correo electrónico: _______________________________________________________

Número de teléfono: __________________________________________________________

Agregue cualquier información adicional que puede ayudarnos en la enseñanza de su hijo/hija:


Español III Maestra: Maeghan McCormick Correo:

Sitio: teléfono: 505- 438-4026

Se entrega la tarea: los martes y jueves

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