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New errors posted on 4-28-10:

FA p58 - Health Care Payment - It is more accurate to say that Medicare

Part B covers outpatient expenses (x-rays, labs, vaccines, medical
equipment, home O2, and outpatient nursing and doctor bills) rather
than "doctor bills".

FA p169 - RNA viruses - Reovirus - Coltivirus is the viral genus

responsible for Colorado tick fever.  Genus Coltivirus is a member of the
Reovirus family.

FA p169 - RNA viruses - Paramyxoviruses - In cases of infants with RSV,

please know it is recommended NOT to use ribavirin.

FA p170 - Yellow fever - replace symptom of "black vomitus" with

"hemorrhagic disease" which manifests in different manners including
coffee-ground emesis (black vomitus), hematuria, epistaxis, and

FA p179 - UTI bugs - Leukocyte esterase - positive incidates the

presence of leukocytes and general inflammation which is present in
bacterial infection but may also be present in other situations.

FA p181 - Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - Cross through sentence in

margin starting with "Other STDs include..."  This sentece may confuse
the reader into thinking that Gardnerella and Trichomonas may be
responsible for PID when they are not.   These two oraganisms are
correctly listed in the STD section above the PID section.

FA p235 - Muscarinic antagonists - remove "pirenzepine" from the

section.  This drug is not available in the US; therefore, it is not likely to
be on the USMLE.

FA p272 - Cardiac tamponade - cross through Kussmaul's pulse.  Pulsus

paradoxus seen in cardiac tamponade is different and distinct from
Kussmaul's sign (JVD with inspiration) seen in constrictuve pericarditis.

FA p347 - Lab values in anemia - add 2 up arrows to the row for the
serum Fe/TIBC ratio under the anemia of chronic disease column.  One
of the most common scenarios when the Fe/TIBC ratio is used is in
determining whether a microcytic anemia is due to iron deficiency or
anemia of chronic disease.

FA p447 - Keeping "schizo-" straight - Schizoid + odd thinking does NOT

equal schizotypal  Schizoid and schizotypal are two distinct personality
disorders discussed on FA p446.

FA p474 - ACE Inhibitors - In the toxicity section change "Proteinuria" to

"Proteinuria prevention"

FA p483 - Sex chromosome disorders - Turner's syndrome patients are

"[female]," chromosomal "(45XO)," and incidence is "1:3000".

FA p489 - Ovarian germ cell tumors - move "Teratoma" subtitle down a

row so that it correspondes to "90% of ovarian...".

FA p493 - BPH - add "Finasteride" to the treatment.  This drug is

discussed on FA p496.

New errors posted on 2-22-10:

FA p157 - Chlamydia - Types L1, L2, L3 - The Frei test is an older test
that is no longer used commercially.

FA p168 - Herpesviruses - CMV - Change "owl's eye appearance" to

"owl's eye inclusions" which are the Cowdry type A inclusions.

FA p189 - Sulfa drug allergies - Add "celecoxib and probenecid" to the

list of sulfa drugs (see similar section in FA p242).

FA p196 - Antibiotics to avoid in pregnancy - Erythromycin should be

removed from this list as it is a class B in pregnancy.  More specifically,
erythromycin estolate should be avoided only in patients with current
liver disease (not pregnancy) because of its potential for worsening liver

FA p224 - Paraneoplastic effects of tumors - Erythropoietin elevation

resulting in polycythemia may also be seen in hepatocellular carcinoma
and pheochromocytoma (in addition to the already listed renal cell
carcinoma and hemangioblastoma).

FA p224 - Oncogenic viruses - EBV also can cause Hodgkin's lymphoma

and oral hairy leukoplakia.

FA p242 - Sulfa drugs - Add "acetazolamide and sulfonamide

antibiotics" to the list of sulfa drugs (see similar section in FA p189). 
And please note that while sumatriptan is structurally similar to sulfa
drugs, it does not cause hypersensitivity reactions in sulfa allergic

FA p271 - Bacterial endocarditis - (last sentence of section) Strep. bovis

is found in 15% of colon cancer patients and can cause endocarditis
(also see on FA p148).

FA p291 - Cushing's syndrome - (right margin) The upward arrows may

confuse the reader into thinking that dexamethasone will elevate cortisol
levels in those scenarios.  It would be more accurate to replace all of the
upward arrows in the margin with "unchanged cortisol" or "no change in
the abnormally elevated cortisol."

FA p327 - Wilson's disease - remove "Choreiform movements" from the

list of characteristic Wilson's features.  Next to "Dementia" add
Dyskinesia and Dysarthria.

FA p329 - Acute pancreatitis - Chronic calcifying pancreatitis section

should refer the reader to Image #118.

FA p347 - Lab values in anemia - "Transferrin/TIBC" should be replaced

with "Transferrin or TIBC" since Transferrin is directly proportional to
TIBC, and TIBC is roughly equal to transferrin x 1.4.  As correctly stated,
the "TIBC indirectly measures transferrin.

FA p359 - Aspirin - cross reference to additional section on Aspirin

found on FA p387.

FA p380 - Pseudogout - can be treated with either colchicine or NSAIDs.

FA p381 - Seronegative spondyloarthropathies - Add in Inflammatory

Bowel Disease Arthritis to the list.  PAIR is the mnemonic to remember
FA p383 - Derm terminology - Pustule - Move the Impetigo example to
match the row associated with Crust rather than Pustule.

FA p425 - Primary brain tumors - Medulloblastomas do not have

"perivascular pseudorosettes" but do have "Homer-Wright rosettes."

FA p448 - Alcohol - Intoxication - Alcohol intoxication is not treated with

naltrexone or disulfiram; however, these drugs have been proven to be
useful in relapse prevention.

FA p450 - Treatment for pysch - Anorexia/bulimia - Cross-out anorexia

because while bulimia responds well to SSRI therapy, anorexia nervosa
does not.

FA p482 - Pregnancy - Lactation is induced by a "decrease in

maternal progesterone" in the presence of high prolactin levels rather
than a "decrease in maternal steroids."

FA p491 - Malignant breast tumors - The editors mistakenly removed the

section on risk factors for breast cancer which include female gender,
age, early first menarche, not becoming pregnant before age 30, late
menopause, breast cancer in a first degree relative, BRCA gene
mutation, and prior breast cancer.

FA p494 - Penile pathology - Erythroplasia of Queyrat is not "similar to

Bowen's disease" but rather "a form of Bowen's disease"

FA p511 - Lung Cancer - Carcinoid tumor - carcinoid symptoms should

include "Right-sided valvular disease" as correctly stated in additional
Carcinoid section found on FA p296.

FA p520 - "Worst headache of my life" - should be "Subarachnoid

hemorrhage" rather than "Berry aneurysm."  To further clarify, the most
common cause of spontaneous, nontraumatic SAH is a ruptured berry

FA p520 - WBC casts in urine - remove cystitis.  Although WBCs can be

seen in both cystitis and acute pyelonephritis, WBC casts suggest only
acute pyelonephritis.

FA p525 - The most common infratentorial brain tumor in kids is

astrocytoma > medulloblastoma > ependymoma.
FA p526 - Most common esophageal cancer is squamous cell worldwide,
but adenocarcinoma in US.

FA p527 - HLA-B27 - Add in Psoriatic Arthritis and Inflammatory Bowel

Disease Arthritis to the list.  PAIR is the mnemonic to remember these.

Fitst Aid 2010 errors & Additions

Warning its a long post!!!!!

Below is a list of Updates, Corrections, and Clarifications for First Aid 2010.
I have not verified all of these entries yet, so plz give your feedback if u think, any info is wrong.

The source of this information is

First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2010 Official website

 FA p58 - Health Care Payment - It is more accurate to say that

Medicare Part B covers outpatient expenses (x-rays, labs, vaccines,
medical equipment, home O2, and outpatient nursing and doctor bills)
rather than "doctor bills".

 FA p169 - RNA viruses - Reovirus - Coltivirus is the viral genus

responsible for Colorado tick fever. Genus Coltivirus is a member of
the Reovirus family.

 FA p169 - RNA viruses - Paramyxoviruses - In cases of infants with

RSV, please know it is recommended NOT to use ribavirin.

 FA p170 - Yellow fever - replace symptom of "black vomitus" with

"hemorrhagic disease" which manifests in different manners including
coffee-ground emesis (black vomitus), hematuria, epistaxis, and

 FA p179 - UTI bugs - Leukocyte esterase - positive incidates the

presence of leukocytes and general inflammation which is present in
bacterial infection but may also be present in other situations.

 FA p181 - Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - Cross through sentence

in margin starting with "Other STDs include..." This sentece may
confuse the reader into thinking that Gardnerella and Trichomonas
may be responsible for PID when they are not. These two oraganisms
are correctly listed in the STD section above the PID section.

 FA p235 - Muscarinic antagonists - remove "pirenzepine" from the

section. This drug is not available in the US; therefore, it is not likely
to be on the USMLE.

 FA p272 - Cardiac tamponade - cross through Kussmaul's pulse. Pulsus

paradoxus seen in cardiac tamponade is different and distinct from
Kussmaul's sign (JVD with inspiration) seen in constrictuve pericarditis.

 FA p347 - Lab values in anemia - add 2 up arrows to the row for the
serum Fe/TIBC ratio under the anemia of chronic disease column. One
of the most common scenarios when the Fe/TIBC ratio is used is in
determining whether a microcytic anemia is due to iron deficiency or
anemia of chronic disease.

 FA p447 - Keeping "schizo-" straight - Schizoid + odd thinking does

NOT equal schizotypal Schizoid and schizotypal are two distinct
personality disorders discussed on FA p446.

 FA p474 - ACE Inhibitors - In the toxicity section change "Proteinuria"

to "Proteinuria prevention"

 FA p483 - Sex chromosome disorders - Turner's syndrome patients are

"[female]," chromosomal "(45XO)," and incidence is "1:3000".

 FA p489 - Ovarian germ cell tumors - move "Teratoma" subtitle down

a row so that it correspondes to "90% of ovarian...".

 FA p493 - BPH - add "Finasteride" to the treatment. This drug is

discussed on FA p496.

Errors & Additions in the editions before April 1, 2010.

 FA p157 - Chlamydia - Types L1, L2, L3 - The Frei test is an older test
that is no longer used commercially.

 FA p168 - Herpesviruses - CMV - Change "owl's eye appearance" to

"owl's eye inclusions" which are the Cowdry type A inclusions.

 FA p189 - Sulfa drug allergies - Add "celecoxib and probenecid" to the

list of sulfa drugs (see similar section in FA p242).
 FA p196 - Antibiotics to avoid in pregnancy - Erythromycin should be
removed from this list as it is a class B in pregnancy. More specifically,
erythromycin estolate should be avoided only in patients with current
liver disease (not pregnancy) because of its potential for worsening
liver damage.

 FA p224 - Paraneoplastic effects of tumors - Erythropoietin elevation

resulting in polycythemia may also be seen in hepatocellular carcinoma
and pheochromocytoma (in addition to the already listed renal cell
carcinoma and hemangioblastoma).

 FA p224 - Oncogenic viruses - EBV also can cause Hodgkin's

lymphoma and oral hairy leukoplakia.

 FA p242 - Sulfa drugs - Add "acetazolamide and sulfonamide

antibiotics" to the list of sulfa drugs (see similar section in FA p189).
And please note that while sumatriptan is structurally similar to sulfa
drugs, it does not cause hypersensitivity reactions in sulfa allergic

 FA p271 - Bacterial endocarditis - (last sentence of section) Strep.

bovis is found in 15% of colon cancer patients and can cause
endocarditis (also see on FA p148).

 FA p291 - Cushing's syndrome - (right margin) The upward arrows

may confuse the reader into thinking that dexamethasone will elevate
cortisol levels in those scenarios. It would be more accurate to replace
all of the upward arrows in the margin with "unchanged cortisol" or
"no change in the abnormally elevated cortisol."

 FA p327 - Wilson's disease - remove "Choreiform movements" from

the list of characteristic Wilson's features. Next to "Dementia" add
Dyskinesia and Dysarthria.

 FA p329 - Acute pancreatitis - Chronic calcifying pancreatitis section

should refer the reader to Image #118.

 FA p347 - Lab values in anemia - "Transferrin/TIBC" should be

replaced with "Transferrin or TIBC" since Transferrin is directly
proportional to TIBC, and TIBC is roughly equal to transferrin x 1.4. As
correctly stated, the "TIBC indirectly measures transferrin.

 FA p359 - Aspirin - cross reference to additional section on Aspirin

found on FA p387.
 FA p380 - Pseudogout - can be treated with either colchicine or

 FA p381 - Seronegative spondyloarthropathies - Add in Inflammatory

Bowel Disease Arthritis to the list. PAIR is the mnemonic to remember

 FA p383 - Derm terminology - Pustule - Move the Impetigo example to

match the row associated with Crust rather than Pustule.

 FA p425 - Primary brain tumors - Medulloblastomas do not have

"perivascular pseudorosettes" but do have "Homer-Wright rosettes."

 FA p448 - Alcohol - Intoxication - Alcohol intoxication is not treated

with naltrexone or disulfiram; however, these drugs have been proven
to be useful in relapse prevention.

 FA p450 - Treatment for pysch - Anorexia/bulimia - Cross-out anorexia

because while bulimia responds well to SSRI therapy, anorexia
nervosa does not.

 FA p482 - Pregnancy - Lactation is induced by a "decrease in maternal

progesterone" in the presence of high prolactin levels rather than a
"decrease in maternal steroids."

 FA p491 - Malignant breast tumors - The editors mistakenly removed

the section on risk factors for breast cancer which include female
gender, age, early first menarche, not becoming pregnant before age
30, late menopause, breast cancer in a first degree relative, BRCA
gene mutation, and prior breast cancer.

 FA p494 - Penile pathology - Erythroplasia of Queyrat is not "similar to

Bowen's disease" but rather "a form of Bowen's disease"

 FA p511 - Lung Cancer - Carcinoid tumor - carcinoid symptoms should

include "Right-sided valvular disease" as correctly stated in additional
Carcinoid section found on FA p296.

 FA p520 - "Worst headache of my life" - should be "Subarachnoid

hemorrhage" rather than "Berry aneurysm." To further clarify, the
most common cause of spontaneous, nontraumatic SAH is a ruptured
berry aneurysm.
 FA p520 - WBC casts in urine - remove cystitis. Although WBCs can be
seen in both cystitis and acute pyelonephritis, WBC casts suggest only
acute pyelonephritis.

 FA p525 - The most common infratentorial brain tumor in kids is

astrocytoma > medulloblastoma > ependymoma.

 FA p526 - Most common esophageal cancer is squamous cell

worldwide, but adenocarcinoma in US.

 FA p527 - In the entry for HLA-B27: please add psoriasis to the list,
and note that diseases commonly associated with HLA-B27 are
remembered by the mnemonic PAIR: Psoriasis, Ankylosing spondylitis,
Inflammatory bowel disease, and Reiter's syndrome.

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