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Assignment 3 - Answers to the questions

1. What steps or actions should be taken after you collect data and before you run
the analyses aimed at answering your research questions or testing your research
Base on the book �IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation,
Fifth Edition� we have steps that should be taken after collecting data and running

(a) Decide how to code each variable (i.e., what numbers/values to use with each
type of response).
(b) Check the data (e.g., questionnaires) to see if participant responses can be
coded consistently and accurately with your coding rules; fix any problems.
(c) Define and label variables with SPSS.
(d) Enter the data; the data can be entered directly from the original
questionnaires or from a coding sheet. Some prefer to enter the data in a
spreadsheet program first (e.g., Excel) then import it into SPSS.
(e) Compare the data that you entered with the original data (e.g.,
(f) Finally, check by running a few simple descriptive statistics to look for
errors in the data. For example, if you have a variable with scores ranging from 1
to 5, the maximum value in any field should not be greater than 5 nor less than 1.

2. Are there any other rules about data coding of questionnaires that you think
should be added? Are there any of our �rules� that you think should be modified?
Which one
A) Add other rules about data coding:
First, one additional rule is �code what is there�.
> Some data will be missing�too bad
> Can start with some standard codes, add more later
> Can enter actual terms, recode later
We should not code everything of the raw data or code too little of collected data.
Moreover, there are some notes that should be aware:
> Coding which is done at once make it easier.
> Information not coded will be unavailable for analysis (e.g., date questionnaire
received, which questionnaires were randomly selected for 10% verification survey).
> More detail can create more opportunities for error because we have to recode
many times.
B) Rules should be modified:
Rule number 6 that is �Apply any coding rules consistently for all participants�
should be stated more clearly with further explanation. It should be added with
some more reasons for this rule like the other rules in the book. For example, it
could be explained that when you apply the consistent rules for all participants,
this will make the data easier to be read and analyzed. Moreover, we can avoid the
mistake or misunderstanding in the process of data analysis.
3. Why would you print a codebook or dictionary?
Codebooks serve as a dictionary for your data. It is a very useful record of what
you have done and makes a more complete printed record of your labels and values.
It provides a way to check what was entered for each variable so that you
understand the meaning of the variable and its levels, special missing value codes,
and the level of measurement.
4. If you identified other problems with the completed questionnaires, what were
they? How did you decide to handle the problems and why?
The respondents did not give exact answer for the sake of questions. For example,
the question asked about ages of participant; however, the respondents gave the
answer which was the years they were born. We can handle this problem by making
some observation when the participants answered the questionnaire and then,
reminding them of giving more appropriate responds or based on your experience, the
researcher should clarify the questions by giving more modifying instructions next
to the questions in the questionnaire, e.g. adding �do not write the year of birth,
write your age�.
Another problem is that in the 5-points Likert Scale ranging from �Strongly agree�
to �Strongly disagree�, �Neutral bias� phenomenon usually occurs. To avoid this
issue, the 4-points scale should be applied.
5. If the university in the example allowed for double majors in different colleges
(such that it would actually be possible for a student to be in two colleges), how
would you handle cases in which 2 colleges are checked? Why?
We can make another option for this question in the questionnaire such as 4 =
double majors in different colleges. Furthermore, we can create another choice like
4 = other (please specify your major and your college). We should use the first
solution if there are a lot of students who are in double majors in different
colleges. However, if double majors in different colleges are rare, we should put
it as option �other� (more participants would be included if the category were more
6. (a) Why is it important to check your raw (questionnaire) data before and after
entering them into the data editor? (b) What are ways to check the data before
entering them? After entering them?
* Why is it important to check your raw (questionnaire) data before and after
entering them into the data editor?
It is important to check your raw (questionnaire) data before entering them into
the data editor in order to check for accuracy of the answers of the respondents
and make sure that they marked their score sheets or questionnaires appropriately.
By checking the raw data before entering them into the data editor, it helps
researchers to see if there are double answers to a question (when only one is
expected) or answers that are marked between two rating points.
* What are ways to check the data before entering them?
If after checking the raw data, the researcher found some problems as mentioned
before, he/she needs to have a rule (e.g., �use the average�) that he/she can apply
consistently. Thus, he/she should �clean up� his/her data, making sure they are
clear, consistent, and readable, before entering them into a data file. Moreover,
to check the accuracy of the score sheets, the researcher can ask some questions
* Are the responses legible/ readable?
* Are all important questions answered?
* Are the responses complete?
* Is all relevant contextual information included (data, time, place, researcher)?
* Why is it important to check your raw (questionnaire) data after entering them
into the data editor?
After entering data, we still need to recheck the raw data to see whether it is fit
with the entered and coded data. Moreover, it is necessary to see whether the
entered data are appropriate and accurate again to ensure the accuracy of the data
We can use the codebook or dictionary to double-check after entering data to make
the procedure quickly.
George A. et al. (2012). IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and
Interpretation. Fifth Edition. EB
Victor, J. (2014). Data analysis and interpretation. Retrieved from

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