Harding Senior High: Editor's Note To Students and Parents: This Year

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If the meat looks brown, stir

in the rice.
Harding Senior After you stir in the rice,
High sprinkle with soy sauce and
June But the very important thing
Is to put the green onion in
Editor’s Note to students at the same time
and parents: This year with the tomatoes, last.
students wrote poetry, When it all smells good, it
paragraphs, stories and is ready to eat!
songs. Here is a just a little
of some of their best work. ELL 3A
As a teacher, I feel very
proud and happy to work Journal
with these talented and
hard-working students, and I 2
will miss them next year! If 008
you want to email me or call,
please do! What’s In a Name
By Falis Sheikhdon
-- Ms. Smith,
maiware@yahoo.com If I ever changed my
phone: 651- name, I would change it to
528-0422 Faduma because that is the
name of a Prophet’s
The Poetry of a Wok daughter. It is a special
By Bee Lee name to me and to everyone
who knows about Islam. It’s
a good name for a daughter.
There are a lot of girls
named Faduma. It’s an
important name to all
Muslim people because of
how the prophet’s daughter
acts in our religion. She
controlled herself to keep
from doing anything bad.
The way to cook fried rice is She used to do what our
this: religion asked for. She
First put the oil into the wok. follows the better way.
When the oil starts to heat,
add the meat.
The way you love
By Yolanda Orellana Lopez

You will give everything to

You will love him the same
way he loves you.
You will feel like you can
love him forever.
You will feel like you have
butterflies in your stomach.
You will feel like you are in
the clouds.
But when you find your first
You will give everything.
Essay Excerpts Mai Soua Moua: . . . around
Phalen Lake in the summer.
My favorite place to play There were a lot of flowers
when I was younger was . . . everywhere and all of them
..... were pretty. Some flowers
were yellow, white, blue or
red. I liked to pick red
flowers because red flowers
mean love.
* Lee: . . .. in a large corn
field in Thailand. It was
thick with dead corn stalks
and dry leaves. I liked to cut
Mouapao Thao:. . . . . the corn stalks to build
. . . . I liked to go to fish at things, such as houses,
Mekong Lake in Laos near bridges and toy guns. I cut
our house. Many people several stalks, arranged
gathered around just to find them in rows, and tied them
the best place to fish. They together. Once, I cut about
also bet on who would have 20 stalks to build a small
the best looking Paa Nin fish. house. I covered it with
One day, I went with my corn leaves and grass. It
uncle and cousin to fish in looked like a real house.
the morning at 6 a.m., and
my uncle got a Paa Nin fish.
The second reason I
liked to play in Lake Mekong
was the huge swimming
place. I was really good at
swimming. I would do the
floating and frog jump. My
friends would ask me to help
them all the time. And I
showed them how to jump * Vue: . . . . on the
when I climbed up on a rock. mountain in Thailand. My
friends and I went caveup
Bee Lee: . . . in the sunny with our sling-shots and shot
area in front of our tiny birds, squirrels and rabbits.
bamboo house in Thailand. I When we saw the birds, we
would play jump ropes, hide crawled like a lion. If we
and seek, and play volleyball walked, the birds would hear
with all my friends. the noise and fly away.
Second of all, the mountain
was perfect for hide and
seek. We could hide in the
caves, a forest, or bush. I
liked to hide in the caves. A
person who was looking
could not find us because it
was dark and scary.

Yesenia Campos: . . . . . in
Miami because there are
different people in Miami like
white, black, native, Indian,
Hispanic, etc.
* Some students preferred
to not use their real or full
Zang Yang: . . . . in Japan
because Japan manufactures
More Essay Excerpts
faster, beautiful cars, the
girls are prettier and cuter
If I could live anywhere, I
than in any other country,
would like to live. . . . .
and Tokyo is the best city.
Mai Xee Lee: . . . . in
PaKeng Her: . . . . in Laos
Thailand to eat delicious
because Laos was my
food: papaya salad, fried
grandparents home where
chicken and sweet rice.
they were born, and because
there are a lot for great
Fatah Sheikhdon: . . . in
places to grow foods such as
Somalia. Somalia has a lot
rice and vegetables.
of delicious foods. The rice
Lor Vang: . . . in the
in Somalia is cooked with
mountains because there are
chicken soup, salt and
lots of animals. I would like
tomato. Somali people eat
to have birds and monkeys
goat, beef and camel meats.
around my house. I love
My favorite is goat meat. It
hunting and I could go and
is so soft when cooked.
hunt deer. In mountains I
could feel and breathe the
cool air.

Toua Xiong: . . . . I would

like to live in Thailand
because I like to see people
walking to the market, and
to climb the high mountains. I like Hmong New Year
The lakes are important to because it has special things
me because me and my to do. The Hmong New Year
friends like to go swimming has seven days. Before New
in the lakes. Year, my mother likes to sew
clothes for us. She

Learning to Respect
By Hser Nay Blu

If I could write
anything about something or
someone, I would write
likes to make Hmong clothes
about my mother. One thing
with beautiful flowers. My
she told me is very
friends and I like to wear
important to my life. To
Hmong clothes for the New
respect others is best for
Year. We also play games
me. My mother told me to
and eat special foods then. I
respect others -- people
like Hmong New Year
that are older than me, and
because I have time to
even people that are
spend with my family and
younger. I have asked my
mother why. She told me
that if you respect other
people that are different
from you, they will respect
you, too. She said whatever
you do, good or bad, it will
come back to you. I’m going
to remember what my
mother taught me. I will use
this lesson in my life forever.

Hmong New Year

By Chue Lee
A Special Cousin behind her mother and
By Nou Yang kicked her mother. Her
mother was bleeding and
My cousin is like my started crying.
sister and loves me like a Then suddenly, the
sister. She always helped daughter felt her body
my family with everything changed and transformed
when we got here to the into a mad dog.
United States. She helped
us buy things we needed The Woman with the Long
such as food, clothes and Ears
other things. She always
took us with her to the park. A folk story as retold by
She is very good at Yesenia Campos, Maryama
volleyball and always Nebi, Yolanda Orellana
teaches us how to play. She Lopez and Falis Sheikdhon
is always helpful to and Fatah Sheikdhon
everyone. I will remember
her in my mind forever, even Once upon a time, a man
when we are old. married a beautiful woman.
They had a son together.
After awhile, the husband
A Thai folk story married another woman. He
As retold by M. V.* divided his animals into two
different groups for each of
She is the only child. his wives. He built a big
Her mom and dad gave her house for his new wife. The
everything. Since the house was next to the house
daughter has everything, of his first wife.
she has no sense of what is When the first wife saw
right, wrong or fair. the beautiful young wife and
Once, while her the new house, she got
mother was praying at the jealous. She got so jealous
Buddhist place of worship, that she was almost crazy.
the daughter came to her Jealousy took over her. The
mom. She asked her next night, she left the
mother for money. Her house with her baby. Her
mother asked her to be husband was with the new
patient until after she wife so he didn’t know that
finished praying. the first wife had left with
The daughter was their child.
angry because her mother In the morning, everyone
asked her to wait. She found out that the older wife
walked around to stand
had gone. They went to find running faster and faster,
her, but they couldn’t. but the mother was running,
The older wife tried to too.
find where her family lived, While they were running,
but she got lost. She finally they came to some deep
got to the Nugal Valley. The holes in the ground. When
Nugal Valley was known as a the mother saw those deep
lonely place where a woman holes that she couldn’t’
named Woman with Long cross, she said, “God, save
Ears hunted for people. me.” Then she jumped
While the first wife was across safely with her son.
walking, she sensed that Woman with Long Ears
someone was running after stopped and didn’t want to
her. But the running she take the risk of jumping over
heard was different than the these holes. When she
running she knew. The couldn’t jump, she said,
running created all kinds of “Oh, deep holes. They
dust and wind. She knew can stop a man that is flying.
that the person running after Oh, look at the woman’s
her was Woman With Long body. Oh, look at the
Ears. She kept running whiteness of her skin. Oh,
faster and faster and look at her body shake.
Woman With Long Ears kept Look at her sweet baby. Oh,
running after her, too. deep holes. Oh, they can
The mother and her son stop a flying man.”
were both fat. Woman With “Stop there!”
Long Ears loved fat people. And the woman and her
She was very hungry for son ran a lot, because they
them. Woman With Long wanted to get away from
Ears was used to running Woman With Long Ears, so
fast, and no one she chased the woman and her son
ever got away from her. didn’t get killed because they
Woman With Long Ears was escaped.
Note: All students obtained parental permission to use their
names in print.

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