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“I stood in coat of mail, white tunic and cross in red relief in awe I stared in disbelief for there
within a stone, The Excalibur Sword all glittering and hone. Dare I, for it’s only me, I wept. Can
I be honored the courageous life? Be given Truth and serve My Christ? Centuries have past and I
have slept, for it is only now that Christ I met. He hugged me great, arms so strong, light so
bright and love so strong. He welcomed me and called me brother. I looked around and saw no
other. My chest did swell the tears they fell. The love I felt and to the call I have knelt. - The
Mystical Knight Templar

The information I have found compiles some 20 years of research effort that lends understanding
to the underlying motivation and spiritual purpose of the pre-inquisition Templar Orders. The
personal expertise lies in the study and application of Divine studies- a perfect foundation to
understand the character greatness of the Mystical Knights Templar. And, in addition, through a
living contact with God, I have resurrected the Divination programs that assist the soul to
achieve Divinity, the very heart of Templar life.

The research began by studying ancient mystical manuscripts in order to find translations of
Sacred Templar Icons. I then compared these same Icon translations with current translations
learned from Mystical students. The translations compared, and it appears, the language of the
Gods has remained constant as a fixed program through out the centuries. In addition, I
compared memories learned from past life regressions of several men who shared lifetimes and
Templar Orders. But, it should be noted here, that none of them knew each other in this life. In
addition, these same past life Templar’s psycho-profiles contained a highly evolved divine nature
and were members of the Celestial Knighthood.

The word “Knight” means a Christ awakened being. A soul, who, during a visual meditation
entered into the heaven realm for on objective living encounter with Christ, The saying, “He who
is seated at the right hand of the Father,” means-(seated) who is submissive in service to (the
right hand) that which is the outward expression of the Father’s will.

In balance, a female order known as the Daughters of God also flourished at this same time in
history. Their Order represented the Wisdom nature acquired though a living spiritual encounter
with the Holy/Daughter. “And there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle.”
Rev. 12:14. Translated to mean the Daughters of God were given the countenance of the Holy
Spirit (eagle) to implement the evolutionary program for acquisition of Divine wisdom. The
resultant acquired wisdom, when self-expressed by the material consciousness evolved the
activities of justice, symbolic of the right wing, and truth, symbolic of the left wing of the great
eagle. The body of the eagle was symbolic of the Holy Spirits gifts, while the tail represented
higher intellect, the neck and head represented faith, and the legs, feet and talons, the lower
activity and aspects of the will exercised for the advancement of the soul.

Although the orders were very separate, both male and female students of God entered into a
living encounter with both the Christ/Son and the Holy Spirit/Daughter for a balance. All sons
and daughters of God acted as free agents to the will of God, the father and mother. Each,
according to their destiny, carried out the necessary evolutionary programs for social and
religious progression. I sincerely hope, that the information found in this work stimulates a
movement in all present Templar Orders to return to the original Divine experience that
personifies the true nature of a Knights Templar. An enlightened Templar, who has stood in the
living presence of Christ an can honorably state, “I know Him.”

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