Steambootstrapper Norwegian

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"Language" "norwegian"

"SteamBootstrapper_UpdatingSteam" "Oppdaterer %appname%..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdatingSteam" "Updating %appname%..."
"SteamBootstrapper_ElevationPrompt" "%appname% må oppdatere seg selv før det
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_ElevationPrompt" "%appname% needs to self-update
before launching."
"SteamBootstrapper_ReadOnlyInstallOSX" "%appname% kan ikke skrive til
installeringsmappen. Kontroller at du ikke prøver å kjøre fra diskavbildningen."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_ReadOnlyInstallOSX" "%appname% is unable to write to
its folder. Make sure you're not trying to run from the disk image."
"SteamBootstrapper_ReadOnlyInstall" "%appname% kan ikke skrive til
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_ReadOnlyInstall" "%appname% is unable to write to
its folder."
"SteamBootstrapper_InsufficientDiskSpace" "%appname% trenger %nMegaBytes% MB med
ledig diskplass for å oppdatere."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_InsufficientDiskSpace" "%appname% needs %nMegaBytes
%MB of free disk space to update."
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestLoad" "Kunne ikke laste pakkemanifest."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestLoad" "Failed to load package manifest."
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestVerify" "Kunne ikke bekrefte pakkemanifest."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestVerify" "Failed to verify package
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestSave" "Kunne ikke lagre pakkemanifest."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestSave" "Failed to save package manifest."
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedPackageRead" "Kunne ikke lese pakke (%pkgName%)."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedPackageRead" "Failed to read package (%pkgName
"SteamBootstrapper_CorruptPackageFile" "Skadet pakkefil (%pkgName%)."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_CorruptPackageFile" "Corrupt package file (%pkgName%)."
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedPackageUnzip" "Kunne ikke åpne pakke (%pkgName%)."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedPackageUnzip" "Failed to unzip package (%pkgName
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateApplyFail" "Kunne ikke bruke oppdatering.
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateApplyFail" "Failed to apply update,
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateCleanup" "Rydder opp..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateCleanup" "Cleaning up..."
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateCleanupFail" "Kunne ikke rydde opp etter oppdatering.
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateCleanupFail" "Failed to clean up after update,
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateFinalizeFail" "Kunne ikke skrive
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateFinalizeFail" "Failed to write installation
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateComplete" "Oppdateringen er fullført. Starter %appname
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateComplete" "Update complete, launching
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateChecking" "Ser etter tilgjengelige oppdateringer..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateChecking" "Checking for available updates..."
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdatePrepare" "Gjør klar til å oppdatere..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdatePrepare" "Preparing to update..."
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateDownload" "Laster ned oppdatering..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateDownload" "Downloading update..."
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateDownloading" "Laster ned oppdatering (%bytes% av %size
% kB)..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateDownloading" "Downloading update (%bytes% of
%size% KB)..."
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateExtractingPackage" "Pakker ut..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateExtractingPackage" "Extracting package..."
"SteamBootstrapper_UpdateInstalling" "Installerer oppdatering..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_UpdateInstalling" "Installing update..."
"SteamBootstrapper_InstallVerify" "Bekrefter installering..."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_InstallVerify" "Verifying installation..."
"SteamBootstrapper_DownloadComplete" "Nedlastingen er fullført."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_DownloadComplete" "Download complete."
"SteamBootstrapper_NoNetwork" "%appname% må være tilkoblet for å kunne oppdatere.
Bekreft nettverkstilkoblingen, og prøv på nytt."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_NoNetwork" "%appname% needs to be online to update.
Please confirm your network connection and try again."
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedMkdir" "Kunne ikke opprette mappen %dirname%. Fikk
feilen %errno%"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedMkdir" "Couldn't create directory %dirname%, got
error %errno%"
"SteamBootstrapper_FailedDownloadHTTPError" "Nedlastingen mislyktes: http-feil
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_FailedDownloadHTTPError" "Download failed: http error
"SteamBootstrapper_MoveContentDir_DestExists" "%appname% har endret lagringssted
for spillinnhold fra ~/Documents/Steam Content til ~/Library/Application
Support/Steam/SteamApps. Du har spillfiler på det opprinnelige lagringsstedet, og
%appname% kunne ikke flytte filene fordi det allerede finnes filer på det nye
lagringsstedet. Det kan hende at du må flytte filene manuelt eller slette de gamle
filene og laste ned spillene på nytt. Vil du fortsette likevel?"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_MoveContentDir_DestExists" "%appname% has changed
where it stores game content from '~/Documents/Steam Content' to
'~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps'. You have game files in the
original location, and %appname% was not able to move the files because files
already exist at the new location. You may need to move the files manually, or
delete the old files and download your games again. Continue anyway?"
"SteamBootstrapper_MoveContentDir_CopyError" "%appname% har endret lagringssted
for spillinnhold fra '~/Documents/Steam Content' til '~/Library/Application
Support/Steam/SteamApps'. Du har spillfiler på det opprinnelige lagringsstedet, og
%appname% kunne ikke flytte filene. Det kan hende at du må flytte filene manuelt
eller slette de gamle filene og laste ned spillene på nytt. Vil du fortsette
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_MoveContentDir_CopyError" "%appname% has changed where
it stores game content from '~/Documents/Steam Content' to '~/Library/Application
Support/Steam/SteamApps'. You have game files in the original location, and
%appname% was unable to move the files. You may need to move the files manually,
or delete the old files and download your games again. Continue anyway?"
"SteamBootstrapper_InstallDirNotASCII" "%appname% kan ikke kjøres fra en
mappebane med ikke-engelske tegn. Vennligst installer %appname% på nytt til
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_InstallDirNotASCII" "%appname% cannot run from a folder
path with non-English characters. Please re-install %appname% to the default
"SteamBootstrapper_PercentComplete" "%percent%%% utført"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_PercentComplete" "%percent%%% complete"
"SteamBootstrapper_OK" "OK"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_OK" "OK"
"SteamBootstrapper_Cancel" "Avbryt"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_Cancel" "Cancel"
"SteamBootstrapper_Error_Title" "%appname% - Fatal feil"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_Error_Title" "%appname% - Fatal Error"
"SteamBootstrapper_Warning_Title" "%appname% - Advarsel"
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_Warning_Title" "%appname% - Warning"
"SteamBootstrapper_RunFromDiskImageOSX" "Vennligst dra %appname% inn i
Programmer-mappen din før du starter det."
"[english]SteamBootstrapper_RunFromDiskImageOSX" "Please drag %appname% into
your Applications folder before launching it."

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