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Chapter 1 of 6

Summaries of the Chapters in “The Pearl”

The summaries of the chapters in the novel provide the events that take place and how the characters react to the situations or
circumstances. Through the reactions of the characters we will be able to form opinions on the nature of the characters (their
personalities and how they behave when they face problems).

Summary for Chapter One

The Start of a New Day

The story unfolds in the fishing village. Kino and Juana wake up to the start of a new day. Kino listens to the splashing morning
waves while Juana prepares breakfast for the family.  Coyotito, their only son, sleeps in a hanging box. Kino walks out from his brush
house to watch the dawn. Meanwhile, Juana takes Coyotito out from the hanging box, cleans him and places him close to her breast,
and sings an ancient song softly. She puts Coyotito into the hanging box. Both Kino and Juana eat their breakfast.

The Scorpion’s Sting

A scorpion moves slowly along the rope that holds the hanging box to the roof. Both Kino and Juana freeze as they notice the
scorpion getting closer to their helpless baby. Juana whispers an ancient magic to safeguard her child from evil, while Kino moves
stealthily toward the hanging box. Kino gets ready to crush the scorpion with his bare hand. But, with a little movement by Coyotito
lying in the hanging box, the rope moves and the scorpion falls. Kino tries to grab the scorpion but fails. The scorpion lands on  
Coyotito’s shoulder and stings him. Kino holds the scorpion in his hand and rubs it to a paste. By now, Coyotito cannot stand the pain
and cries. Juana holds her child and notices the small hole from the scorpion’s sting. She sucks the spot and spits, without any
hesitation. Coyotito continues to scream out of pain and the neighbours from the other brush houses come over to find out why the
baby screams. Kino’s brother (Juan Tomas) and his wife (Apolonia) and their four children are present amongst the people. 

The Need for a Doctor

Juana stops sucking the puncture for while. The little hole becomes slightly larger. The villagers know that a scorpion’s sting can
make an adult ill. A child may easily die from the scorpion’s sting. Juana realises the dangers of the scorpion’s sting. She requests for
a doctor. Kino and the neighbours know that the doctor would not come. Kino tells Juana that the doctor would not come. She insists
that they go to him instead.  The neighbours follow Kino and Juana (carrying Coyotito) to see the doctor. Others join the procession
to the doctor’s house.

Meeting the Doctor

The procession stops at the big gate of the doctor’s house. The doctor is not of the same race of Kino’s people. The doctor’s race has
colonised Kino’s native land and his people for centuries. The doctor’s people treat Kino’s people as though they are simple

The doctor lives in luxury unlike Kino and his people. A native (servant) appears to answer the knock on the gate. The servant enters
the house and informs the doctor that a native Indian boy is stung by a scorpion. The doctor reacts sarcastically and says that he has
better things to do than to cure little Indians of insect bites. He insists that he is a doctor and not a veterinarian.

The doctor wants to know if Kino has any money. Kino does not have money for the treatment. He, however, hands over eight small
badly-shaped pearls to the servant. The servant returns into the house and comes back. He informs Kino that the doctor is not around.
The doctor is away to attend a serious case.

The crowd disperses.  Kino is shameful. He is deeply hurt that the doctor refuses to treat Coyotito.  He shows his anger by boxing the
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Index Pages
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 2 of 6

Summary for Chapter Two

At the Beach
Kino and Juana walk slowly to the beach towards Kino’s canoe. The canoe is Kino’s only possession which was inherited from his father to
grandfather. The swelling from the scorpion’s sting is bigger and has spread to the neck and under the ear. Coyotito has a fever.

Juana gathers some seaweed and makes a flat damp poultice to nurse Coyotito’s wound. It would act as a remedy and relieve him of the

Kino Dives for Pearls

Kino prepares himself to dive into the sea to look for pearls. He is determined to look for pearls that are valuable. Juana prays hard that Kino
would find some pearls as Coyotito’s swell is getting bigger.

Kino finds a great oyster for the fist time. He feels reluctant to open it as he feels it would just be worthless. But, he is wrong. The pearl is as
perfect as the moon. It is as large as the size of a seagull’s egg. Kino and Juana are happy to have the greatest pearl in the world with them!
Kino sees hope and the future of his family in the pearl.

Juana shows Coyotito’s wound to Kino. The swell is subsiding, a sign that the scorpion’s poison is becoming less. Kino lets out a scream to
let out his emotions.

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Index Pages
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 3 of 6

Summary for Chapter Three

The Reality of Owning the World’s Greatest Pearl

The news of Kino’s discovery spreads fast and efficiently across the brush houses to the town. The news of the pearl in Kino’s possession
makes others envious of him. The shopkeepers lose interest in their wares.  The doctor suddenly becomes interested in treating Coyotito.
The beggars at the church are optimistic that a poor person with the new found richness would be overly-generous.

The news of the pearl also attracts the pearl buyers. These pearl buyers would fight, shout and threaten poor pearl sellers to depart with the
pearls at the lowest prices.
Kino’s pearl starts to make everyone dream, speculate, scheme, and plan. The pearl is the answer to the people’s futures, wishes, needs, lusts,
and hungers. The pearl is on everyone’s mind.

With the growing interest in Kino’s pearl, evil minds are at work. The only person between someone and the pearl is Kino. This makes him
become everyone’s enemy. Everyone wishes to own the pearl.

Kino’s Vision
Kino and Juana do not know what is happening around them. They think that everyone shares their joy. The neighbours are envious of
Kino’s discovery of the pearl.

Kino sees a great future ahead for him and his family. He envisions marrying Juana in the church. He sees his wife in beautiful clothes and
shoes. He dreams of himself in fine clothes complete with leather hat and shoes. He sees Coyotito in a blue sailor suit from the United States
complete with a small yachting cap. Kino's dreams also include owning a harpoon and a rifle. Kino also wishes to educate Coyotito. He
wants his son to go to school to learn to read, write and count. He wants Coyotito to be educated as it would make him and his family
experience freedom.

The Priest’s Visit

The neighbours move aside to give way for the priest to come to see Kino. The priest is revered. The men uncover their heads while the
women put their shawls over their heads and look down. The priest shows a deep interest in the pearl. He expects Kino to pay his respects to
the church.

The Doctor’s Visit

The doctor visits Kino in the pretext of seeing Coyotito.  Kino feels anger but he controls himself. The doctor frightens Kino that the
scorpion’s poison can cause a number of defects such as weakened legs, a blind eye or even a crumpled back. The doctor’s explanation
causes Kino’s anger to die off and he becomes fearful that something terrible would happen to Coyotito. Juana covers her baby and keeps
him away from the doctor. With an approving gesture from Kino, she allows the doctor to treat the baby. He examines the baby and
explains that the poison is still in the baby’s body. The doctor prepares medication and places it far back on the baby’s tongue.

Coyotito’s Condition Becomes Worse

Coyotito becomes ill and his condition worsens. He shows signs that make both Kino and Juana worried. The news of the Coyotito’s
worsening condition reaches the neighbours. They gather at Kino’s brush house. The doctor arrives and examines the child. He provides the
antidote to cure the child from the poison. The child becomes calm and goes to sleep. The doctor asks politely when Kino can pay him for
his services. Kino replies that he would pay the doctor once he sells the pearl he has found. The doctor pretends not to know of the new-
found pearl. The doctor volunteers to safeguard the pearl for Kino but Kino says that the pearl is safe with him.

Uninvited Guest
The doctor leaves Kino’s brush house but the villagers are reluctant to do so. They finally leave the house. Kino is cautious and listens
carefully to any sound that is foreign to him. He senses some kind of danger. He relocates the pearl into a hole under his sleeping-mat and
covers it. Kino is fearful that someone would steal the pearl from him.

Kino senses that someone is inside his house. Kino attacks the intruder with a knife and a small struggle takes place. Kino hurts his forehead.
The intruder escapes.

Juana’s Prophecy
Juana feels frightened. She tells Kino that the pearl is evil. It is a sin to keep it. She asks Kino to either bury it and forget about it or to throw
it away. She tells him that they can break the pearl between stones or throw it back into the sea. She senses that the pearl will destroy them.
Kino refuses to listen to her. He tells her that the pearl is the only chance they have to make it in life. Kino wants Coyotito to be educated and
set them free from their helpless situation and poverty.

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Index Pages
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 4 of 6

Summary for Chapter Four

The Situation in La Paz

The news of Kino visiting La Paz to sell his pearl is known throughout the town. Everyone seems to know Kino’s intention and wants to see
what happens. Almost everyone from all walks of life senses some form of excitement. The pearl buyers are looking forward to seeing,
holding and buying the pearl. The fishermen are all waiting to know what happens when Kino goes around selling his pearl that they do not
go out to sea.

The pearl buyers are ready for Kino and they have decided on the price to offer Kino for his pearl. The pearl buyer who buys pearls at the
lowest prices is the best and happiest pearl buyer.

The Situation in Kino’s Neighbourhood

Kino's neighbours discuss what they would do if they found the pearl. One of them says that he would present it to the Holy Father in Rome.
Another person says that he would buy masses for the souls of his family for a thousand years to come. Someone amongst them says he
would take the money and distribute it to the poor people in La Paz. One of the other neighbours says he would use the money he gets from
the sale of the pearl to set up charities which would benefit the people. Although each of them has a different way of making use of the pearl,
they all hope that Kino does not change with the new found treasure. They know that riches can make a man change   and they do not want
Kino to do this.

Kino and Juana look forward to a new life ahead. The pearl would bring them good fortune. They can baptise Coyotito with the money from
selling the pearl. Kino is hopeful that he would be rich by afternoon or the next day.

Going to La Paz
Kino and Juana are ready to go to La Paz. The neighbours follow them. Kino’s brother Juan Tomas warns Kino to be extra careful or he
would be cheated by the pearl buyers. Kino and Juan Tomas recall how pearls make men change and bring out the worst in them. Many have
cheated others by taking their pearls for their own good. Kino has heard many stories of betrayal and being cheated. The procession reaches
the town.  

Kino’s Attempt to Sell the Pearl

Kino shows his pearl to one of the pearl buyers in town. The pearl buyer examines it while the neighbours become restless wanting to know
how much it is worth. Kino explains that the pearl is of great value but the buyer says that the pearl is worthless. He tries to trick Kino by
saying that the pearl is too big and there would be no buyer for it. Kino is taken aback and insists that the pearl is worth fifty thousand
pesos. The buyer is only willing to pay him a thousand pesos.

The buyer calls for the other pearl buyers to come to his shop to appraise the pearl. The other pearl buyers also say that the pearl is ugly and
worthless. Kino knows he is being cheated.

Kino Returns Feeling Disappointed

The neighbours are confused. They think that Kino should have accepted the thousand five hundred pesos the buyer offers. They are
sceptical that the pearl would fetch a high price.

Kino is afraid to go to the capital. But for the sake of his family’s future he has to venture to the capital to sell his pearl.  The buyers in La
Paz are all cheats. He feels hopeless and helpless. He has to meet the challenge if he wants his son to make it in life.

Kino is Attacked
Kino feels disturbed. He also senses evil outside his brush house. Kino steps outside to find out what it is. In a moment Juana hears the
sound of struggle and a blow. Juana seizes a stone from the fire place and rushes out of the brush house. But, she finds Kino laying on the
ground and trying to get up. No one is around. The assailant is no where to be seen. Kino is injured in the attack and blood oozes from his
scalp. There is a deep cut from his ear to his chin. Kino is semi-conscious from the attack. 

Juana reminds Kino that the pearl is evil. She insists that they destroy the pearl before it destroys them. But Kino disagrees. He wants to keep
the pearl as it is their fortune. Kino tells Juana that they will go to the capital in the morning.

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Chapter 5 of 6

Summary for Chapter Five

Juana Throws the Pearl

While Kino sleeps, Juana removes the pearl from underneath the stone at the fireplace. She proceeds stealthily towards the shore. Kino
follows her quietly to see what she is up to. He realises Juana wants to throw the pearl into the sea. He strikes her in the face and kicks her in
the side. Kino is angry with her for trying to throw the pearl.

Kino Kills Someone

Kino walks towards the beach and hears someone trying to attack him. He takes out his knife and stabs a dark figure. He is attacked and falls
to the ground. His attackers search him to get the pearl. The pearl is knocked from his hand and falls behind a little stone.

Juana gets up painfully and looks for Kino. She finds the pearl and contemplates throwing it into the sea. Then, she notices two figures on
the beach. She approaches the figure only to find Kino lying there. The other figure is that of a dead stranger.  She realises that the old life,
which she and Kino had before the pearl came into their lives, is gone forever. 

Juana Talks Some Sense into Kino

Kino comes to this senses and reacts emotionally that everything is over. The attackers have taken the pearl. Juana calms him down and
shows the pearl to him.
Juana tells Kino that he has murdered a man. She convinces him that they are not safe there. They must leave the place immediately. Their
old life is gone forever.

Kino Faces More Problems

Kino instructs her to get Coyotito and all the corn they have. He will get the canoe ready for them. Kino finds his canoe with a big hole at the
bottom. He feels angry.

Juana flees the brush hut with Coyotito in her arms and runs towards the beach. She meets Kino and tells him that their brush hut is set on
fire by his attackers. The attackers have searched the house for the pearl. Juana feels terrified while Kino is afraid.

The fire destroys the brush house with ease. The neighbours, Juan Tomas and Apolonia think that Kino and his family perish in the fire.
They are sorrowful for the dead of the family.

Kino and Juana Escape

Kino approaches Apolonia as she comes to her house to collect her shawl. He asks her to get his brother, Juan Tomas. Kino explains to his
brother the situation he is in. He has killed someone. Juan Tomas tells Kino that the pearl is evil. He should get rid of it by selling it. Kino
requests assistance from him to hide them. Juan Tomas agrees to help Kino.
Juan Tomas borrows things from the neighbours to prepare Kino for his escape. He provides Kino with a long working knife, which is able to
function as a small axe, a tool and a weapon to protect him and his family.

Kino and Juana escape from the place with the support given by Juan Tomas and Apolonia.

Chapter 6 of 6

Summary for Chapter Six

Kino and Juana Leave their Place

Kino and Juana slip out of the neighbourhood and through the town stealthily. They head towards Loreto. Both of them walk all night. Kino
is extra careful and sweeps off the traces of their foot step so that others would not be able to trail them.

They stop to rest. Kino feels uneasy and nervous. He senses someone following them. He hides in the cover of a thorny tree and looks at the
way they have come.

Trackers Pick up Their Trail

He sees three figures. One is riding a horse while the other two are walking. They are trackers, skilful people who can track animals. They
are out to hunt Kino and his family. Kino senses danger and he needs to get his family to safety.
Kino starts to panic. He knows sooner or later the trackers would be turning on him and his family. They would find his trail. 

Kino and Juana Move On

Kino and Juana continue their journey. Juana asks Kino if the trackers will allow them to live. Kino does not answer her. He leads his wife
towards the mountain, hoping that the trackers would not find them there.

Kino persuades Juana to hide with the baby, while he goes on to the mountain. He would lead the trackers into the mountain while Juana and
the baby go to either Loreto or Santa Rosalia. He would then meet them there. But Juana refuses to leave Kino.

Kino and Juana make their way to the small pool. They drink water from the pool and rest for a while. Kino notices that the trackers are
following them. Kino finds a place for them to hide. He sets a false trail for the trackers to follow.

Kino Attacks 
The trackers reach the pool at night. They rest there. Kino observes them and plans his next move.

Kino tells Juana that if anything happens to him, she must remain quiet and leave for Loreto. Juana feels helpless. All she is able to do is pray
for her family’s safety.

Kino launches his attack. He moves slowly and stealthily without any noise. He climbs down to get the tracker, who is on watch.  The sound
of a cry wakes the trackers who are asleep and the tracker on watch fires a shot from his rifle towards the direction of the cry.

Kino attacks the trackers with his knife and he also uses the rifle that he grabs from one of the trackers to kill them.

Coyotito’s Death
Kino is unaware of what happens in the cave. Coyotito is shot by the tracker, mistaking him for a coyote pup.

Kino and Juana Return to La Paz

Both Kino and Juana walk through the town and into their village. They are speechless and do not show any sign of emotions. The people
know that something is terribly wrong.

Kino Throws the Pearl Into the Sea

Kino looks at the pearl. He only sees the faces of evil. He also sees death; of the trackers and his son, Coyotito.

Kino throws the pearl into the sea with all his might. It drops in the lovely green water and disappears. The pearl is no longer with Kino!

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