Life of MGMT Grads - Monica

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Monica Chi
Monica Chi has been greatly influenced by the example her family have set for her, this
corroborates with the Bandura’s Social Cognition and Self-efficacy Theory. This theory proposes we
behave in a certain way because we are shaped by others in society- “what drove my siblings and me
was the sacrifice of our parents, their role model, example of hard work...” This also demonstrates
that her Love/Belongingness need (on the Maslow’s Theory of Need Hierarchy) has been satisfied
and she has moved on to the self-actualisation need as described below.

She also believes that challenges are an enormous opportunity to learn and grow. This shows that
she has a learning goal orientation (Goal Theory). It also hints at a need for achievement (nAch) on
the McClelland’s Need Theory as she places more importance on the success of the task rather than
power and prestige. This also reveals her job motivator (Herzberg’s Theory of Hygiene).

Monica’s supervisor is proficient at “understanding what motivates people”, showcasing a Y

framework (McGregor’s X and Y Theory) at the workplace, leading to a more fulfilling and
collaborative work environment.

Monica also has an intrinsic reward system wherein she believes that her expectancy of working
hard on challenging goals, the instrumentality of “having the biggest impact around”, the valence of
meaningful work to reach her self-actualisation need will give her “just rewards”(Vroom’s
Expectancy Theory). The phrase, “just rewards”, points to her belief that her effort and reward will
match (Adam’s Equity Theory).

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