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8/14/2018 Sales Document Screen Sequence Control | SAP Blogs

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Sales Document Screen Sequence Control

January 12, 2018 | 1,553 Views |

Yong Zhao
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SD (Sales and Distribution)

SD Sales | screen control

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SAP SD provides very dynamic approach to determine the sales document
screen sequence. The user interface picks up di erent sub-screens to work 1/19
8/14/2018 Sales Document Screen Sequence Control | SAP Blogs

with di erent business processes. The various user interface components

are controlled by the function codes which are de ned in the screen
sequence group.

Let’s go to system to explore how screen sequence control works.

Sales Document Type

First of all, the screen sequence group as well as overview screen function
code are de ned in the sales document type:

In this example, the screen sequence group “LL” is de ned for sales
document type “LZ”, and the overview screen function code is de ned as

How are those settings functioning in controlling user interface can be

found several tables which are de ned in transaction code “VFBS”.

Screen Sequence Control

The transaction code “VFBS” is used to control the screen determination
for sales document. 2/19
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Here we need to nd out what program ID should be used on this

transaction. This can be done by checking technical detail of any SD
transaction (e.g.T-code VA01). It is not so di cult to nd screen number of
VA01 and the relevant program name: 3/19
8/14/2018 Sales Document Screen Sequence Control | SAP Blogs

In program logic, the program ID of sequence control is routed to

“SAPMV45B” when transaction triggers to the main page of sales

So the program ID “SAPMV45B” will be used to control screen sequence

determination: 4/19
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Now let’s see how function code controls screen sequence in detail.

What kind of function is triggered in the screen will be de ned in the table
T185F. For example, generally we will press button ENTER to navigate from
initial screen of sales document to the main screen. So the ENTER will be
registered as a function code in table T185F:

In the same table, the second column de nes transaction types. There are
following transaction types available: 5/19
8/14/2018 Sales Document Screen Sequence Control | SAP Blogs

In our example, the default overview screen function code “UER2” was
de ned in the sales document type. The relevant entry can be found in the
table “T185F”: 6/19
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Settings in table T185F will be used to control what information is required

in table T185.

This table is used to de ne the paths between current location and next
location. For example, from the initial screen of sales document, the
current screen group is “A0”, and the function code is “UER2”.

So in the table T185, the next screen of initial screen is de ned below:

The screen sequence group “LL” which was speci ed in the sales document
type is de ned here. Double click the item to check the detail:

Settings in the detail view represents that the current function and screen
group are “USR2” and “A0”. The next location is de ned as:

Subsequent screen group: U0 (TAXI_TABSTRIP_OVERVIEW)

Subsequent panel: ERFI – this will be used in the next step
Function code: ENT1 7/19
8/14/2018 Sales Document Screen Sequence Control | SAP Blogs

This table is used to de ne the technical detail, such as screen number.

By using the program ID, screen group “U0”, and panel “ERFI” which were
determined in the previous step to locate the entry in this table:

Here eld “Panel” was de ned in table T185 according to previous step, and
main screen number “4001” is de ned here.

Double click the item to go to detail: 8/19
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In the detail view, it is very clear that main screen “4001” has two sub-
screens in tab control. To be precise, the sub-screen “4021” represents
overview header:

And sub-screen “4419” represents item overview tab which was set by
default on screen group “USR2”:

This table is used to de ne tabs in the table control of sales document.
Based on unknown reason, the program ID for table control de nition is 9/19
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In the table, there are many function codes de ned to represent di erent
tabs in the table control:

The screen group de nes tab control. For example, “U0” represents
overview table control. 10/19
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There are following tabs (function codes) with their sequence de ned in
this table:

The column number de nes sequence of overview tab. The function code
“UER1” and “UER2” which were assigned in the sales document type will
put the default active tab. For example, the rst tab “Sales” is set as default
tab if creating sales order (document type “OR”) and the tab “Item
overview” is set as default tab when creating scheduling agreement
(document type “LZ”).

Technical Detail
Screen Number Determination

In the PBO of initial screen the default values are prepared: 11/19
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In step 1 the transaction VA01, system will prepare some default value
based on transaction code. For example, the table T180 is used to store the
screen sequence default value by transaction code.

The screen groups are hard coded in the form


The screen group will be used to determine the table control tabs and their
function codes: 12/19
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The screen sequence control information is determined in the PAI module
of screen 101, which is the initial screen for sales document creation.

The screen number of main screen will be determined via screen sequence
control in following module: 13/19
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In above modules, following function modules are called:


Tab Control Determination

The tabs of the tab control are determined in the PBO of main screen of
sales document. For example, assume the main screen of sales document
is 4001. In its PBO there are following steps: 14/19
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Step 1
Initialize the main screen and deactivate all unnecessary function codes.

The rst form is used to determine the text (e.g. title) based on transaction
group (e.g. order, inquiry, agreement, etc.)

The second one will lter out those unnecessary function codes.

Step 2
Following function modules are triggered to build up table control on the
main screen by default:

TAXI_CREATE_CAPTIONS: determine the captions on each tab

GET_HANDLE_SD_TAB_CUST_H: handle the custom tab settings for
sales document header
GET_HANDLE_SD_TAB_CUST_I: handle the custom tab settings for
sales document item
TAXI_ACTIVATE_TAB: it is used to determine the default active tab by
function code 15/19
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Step 3 and Step 4

Call header sub-screen and call body sub-screen.

More investigation will be shared later.

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Michelle Crapo

January 12, 2018 at 5:53 pm

Great Blog – I’ve changed the screen sequence before.   For me – it didn’t work out. 
 There are just so many dependencies.   Perhaps I’ll be able to do that in the future on
higher levels of SAP.

Love the screen shots.


Yong Zhao Post author

January 13, 2018 at 1:32 pm

Thanks Michelle! 16/19
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You are right. When I was debugging SD application, there were so many
enhancement points and exits which introduced very complex
dependency. I had to open Google translator to translate comments
from Germany to English. Indeed, it was painful, but worthwhile.

Best regards,


Paul Hardy

January 15, 2018 at 7:41 am

This was a very interesting blog.

However I have found the e ort involved in “wrapping” sales order creation in your
own Z code (be it DYNPPRO in the GUI or more recently UI5), and then calling a
BAPI,  is far less than battling with the standard SAP code. And it is a battle.

SAPMV45A despite giving a truly amazing amount of functionality, is a horror on the

inside, and a textbook example of monolithic programming, chock full of examples of
what you should never do any more e.g. SHARED PART.

The greatest irony, is that SAP decided to write ME21N in all object orientated code,
and they missed the point totally, the point being that well written OO code should be
easier to understand, so ME21N is far more di cult to debug than VA01.

In any event the problem with standard SAP screens is that they had to be all things
to all people, which is why there were so many tabs all lled with hundreds of elds,
and each company only need about six elds.

So it does not matter what order those screens appear in, it is still agony. That is why
you need some sort of wrapper to radically simplify matters for any given

Cheersy Cheers


Yong Zhao Post author 17/19
8/14/2018 Sales Document Screen Sequence Control | SAP Blogs

January 15, 2018 at 9:58 am

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your comments! It gives me more thoughts on simplifying

SAP standard transactions.

I was curious about how screen sequence group setting was working in
the sales document type con guration, so I started to investigate screen
sequence controls.

As the logic inside of SAPMV45A  is so complex, do you see any

possibility that this application will be refactored or simpli ed? Frankly I
don’t think it will happen. SAP screen personas would be an option to
simplify UI screen of it, but not the backend logic.

best regards,


Ged Hurst

January 15, 2018 at 1:33 pm

One fantastic blog.

We rediscovered this functionality during an ERP upgrade to EhP8. We introduced

new elds to SAPMV45A item subscreens in the 4000 range by copying them to
screens in the 9000 range and adjusting the copies with the new elds. Of course you
still have to create repairs for the objects you create, and you have to modify
V_T185V in SM30. The contents of V_185V are reset to standard at upgrade time
(which is why we found missing elds) and it gives you a message: ‘Maintenance of
this table is not currently permitted’ when you go to update it.

Yong Zhao Post author

January 16, 2018 at 1:24 am

Hi Ged,

Yes. You are correct. I think modify T185 series table is not
recommended. This is why there is no o cial document available about 18/19
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how screen sequence control is working.

Alternatively we’d better to utilize exits or BAdI to enhance new elds on

standard screens. Otherwise, the modi cation would be overwritten by
standard upgrade.

best regards,


G Lakshmipathi

March 21, 2018 at 2:44 pm

Comprehensive blog with screen shots.  Keep sharing on various standard


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