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Installing Computer Systems and Networks



At the end of the topic session, the students are expected to:


1. Explain what an operating system is

2. Identify the components of operating system
3. Explain the different functions of the operating system
4. Identify the types of operating system


1. Listen to others with respect

2. Participate in class discussions actively


1. topic slides
2. OHP


Have the students research the following:

 Definition of operating system
 Different types of operating system
 Components of operating system
 Functions of operating system
 Boot Process

Online Reference:


The topic will revolve around operating system. Discussions

will include operating system (OS) components, OS operation,
OS functions and types of OS.

Guide Questions:
1. What is an operating system?
2. Explain briefly the components of OS.
3. What are the functions of OS?

This will be the suggested flow of discussion for Operating


1. Explain what an operating system (OS) is.

2. Discuss the different components of an OS.
3. Discuss the operation of an OS.
4. Identify the types of OS.
Show the slides with captured screenshots and explain
them to the class.
5. Explain the different functions of an OS.

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Installing Computer Systems and Networks

Computer Software Computer Software

Page 1 of 17
Note to the instructor: Ask the students to define what a
PC Technology 1

computer software (or simply software) is.

Computer Software
Computer software is a program or set of instructions that
tells the computer what to do. It enables computer hardware
 a program or set of instructions that tells
the computer what to do
to perform specific tasks. If the processor is the brain of the
computer, then the software is what the computer thinks
 System software
• programs that control the basic
operations of a computer system
 Application software
• programs that are used to
accomplish specific tasks for
There are two classes of software: system software and
computer users
application software. System software are programs that
control the basic operations of a computer system such as
saving files, printing files, accepting input from keyboard, and
Operating System * Property of STI
Page 1 of 17 others. It helps run the computer hardware and computer
system. System software includes operating systems, device
drivers, utilities, and more. Application softwares, on the other
hand, are computer programs that are used to accomplish
specific tasks for computer users. Examples of application
software are word processors, spreadsheets, presentations,
database management software, games, and others.

The succeeding discussions focus on computer operating


[Computer Software, Page 1 of 17]

Operating System Operating System

Page 2 of 17
Note to the instructor: Before presenting the slide, ask the
PC Technology 1

students first to share what they have read about Operating

Operating System (OS) System. Call on 2 to 3 students to give the definition of
Operating System.

 software that contains instructions that

An operating system is a system software that manages the
coordinate all the activities among
computer resources hardware (such as processor, memory, hard disk, etc.) and
 serves as the middleman between software resources of the computer system. It also provides
applications and hardware
interface for users to store, retrieve, and manipulate files. For
example, operating systems recognize input from the
keyboard, keep track of files on the hard disk and control disk
drives. In general, an OS acts as an intermediary between
software and hardware. General-purpose computers must
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Page 2 of 17
have an operating system installed to run other programs and
to allow a user to interact with the computer.

[Operating System, Page 2 of 17]

OS Components

An operating system can be divided into two parts: shell and

kernel. The figure below shows the relationship between the
user, the shell, and the kernel. As seen in the figure, the shell
is the outer layer while the kernel is the innermost part of the
operating system, hence the terms shell and kernel.

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Installing Computer Systems and Networks

OS Components
Page 3 of 17 Computer User

PC Technology 1
user makes a request to the
operating system through the shell
OS Components shell checks
user’s request for
validity and
 Every operating system has two main correctness and
internal components:
then passes it to Shell
 Shell the kernel
• relates to the user and to applications
 Kernel
• core of an operating system

Kernel Operating System

Computer User

user makes a request to the

operating system through the shell
shell checks
user’s request for
validity and
correctness and
kernel performs
then passes it to Shell
the kernel requested service
Kernel Operating System

kernel performs
requested service

Operating System * Property of STI

Page 3 of 17 The shell is the portion of the OS that relates to the user and
to applications. That is, in general, it is the shell that the user
and applications interact with. It works with the operating
system as a command processor, used to enter commands,
and initiate the execution. Running applications actually form
another layer around the shell so that the user interacts with
the application to perform specific (more complicated) tasks.

The kernel is the core of an operating system. This part loads

when you first turn on your computer. The kernel controls the
computer hardware and performs the basic or low-level
services being offered by the operating system. It stays in the
memory while the computer is running to help manage
memory, maintain the computer clock, start applications and
assign resources such as devices, programs, data and

The kernel is considered to be memory resident because it

stays in memory while the computer is running. However,
other parts of the operating system may be nonresident and
are stored in secondary storage (typically on the hard disk)
until they are needed.

[OS Components, Page 3 of 17]

Sample Operating Sample Operating Systems

Page 4 of 17 Several operating systems are available today. Among those
popular (or used to be) for personal computing are DOS,
PC Technology 1

Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux and OS/2. Each operating

Sample Operating system is designed to support different types of hardware
systems and user needs. The OS links the various elements
of the computer system together through common hardware
 Each operating system is designed to
support different types of hardware
interface, a common programming interface and a common
systems and user needs.
user interface.
 Disk Operating System (DOS)
 Windows
 Unix
 Linux [Sample Operating Systems, Page 4 of 17]
 Mac OS

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Page 5 of 17
Early operating systems were designed simply to control how
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you read from, write to files and disks, and were hence termed
Disk Operating System basic disk operating system or BDOS.

 It is the first OS used for IBM and IBM-

compatible computers.
The original operating system that came with the IBM PC was
 It uses a command-line interface where
called PC-DOS developed by Microsoft. In this case, DOS
the user has to enter specific commands.
referred to the operating system being resident on a disk. By

Volume in drive C is MS-DOS 6_0

some “loophole” in the license agreement between Microsoft
Volume Serial Number is 446B-2781
Directory of C:\ and IBM, Microsoft was able to market a better version of PC-
COMMAND COM 52925 03-10-93 6:00a
1 file(s) 52925 bytes
10219520 bytes free DOS called the MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) which quickly

MS-DOS Version 6.00

surpassed PC-DOS in popularity. At present, DOS is used to
refer to both PC-DOS and MS-DOS in general.

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Below is a screenshot of an MS-DOS 6.0 session. DOS uses
a command-line interface where the user has to enter or type
specific commands at a system prompt (“C:\>” in this case).
The example shows the execution of the commands “dir” and
“ver”. The first lists the contents of the currently selected disk
(drive C: as indicated by the prompt) while the second shows
the version of MS-DOS loaded. The last line shows the
prompt while waiting for user input.

DOS is no longer popularly used in lieu of OS’s that use the

more user-friendly graphical user interfaces such as Microsoft
Windows. However, most Windows OS continue to support
DOS to allow users to execute commands and complete
specific tasks. In most cases, these are commands that allow
finer control over the operating system and/or would be too
dangerous to be at easy access of “non-advanced” users.

[DOS, Page 5 of 17]

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Page 6 of 17
Originally written on a 16-bit PDP-7 minicomputer, Unix was
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designed to be a time-sharing and multi-user system. These

Unix capabilities used to be exclusive to the larger mainframe
computers. Most major hardware platforms have a proprietary
 It is a popular OS used to manage
networks, support multiple users, to handle
OS derived from Unix such as the AIX for IBM computers and
a high volume of instruction and to support
applications used on the Internet.
Solaris for Sun Microsystem. It and its derivatives have
 It is an open source OS. become the preferred OS among many computer
 Below is a screenshot of a sample UNIX professionals (hackers) and scientists due to system
command prompt.

[piferr@neverland piferr]$ whoami

efficiency, stability, and security. (Trivia: The internet and the
[piferr@neverland piferr]$ ls
public_html stuff
web were designed according to Unix requirements. Hence,
[piferr@neverland piferr]$ date
Wed Jul 14 15:50:41 EDT 2007
[piferr@neverland piferr]$
Unix and its derivatives are considered native to the internet
and web.)

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Below is a screenshot of a sample Unix command-line
session. This shows the prompt and the execution of three
commands: whoami which identifies the current user, ls
which displays the contents of the current directory, and date
which shows the current system date and time.

Current versions include a graphical user interface capability.

[UNIX, Page 6 of 17]

Linux Linux
Page 7 of 17
Linux is a scaled-down version of Unix that was designed to
provide a low-cost but efficient and secure operating system
for personal computer users. The Open Source status of
Linux along with its reputation for reliability, robustness and
fast-performing system has made it popular. Various
“versions” or “packages” of Linux, called distros (from
distribution), exist, including Bayanihan Linux, a distro
designed for the Philippines. Linux is also available in
commercial versions such as Red Hat, LindowsOS,
Slackware, SuSE and others. Below is the famous Linux logo.

[Linux, Page 7 of 17]

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Mac OS Mac OS
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Mac OS is available only for Apple Macintosh computers. The
Mac OS has long been the model for ease of use and good
user interface design. Newer versions also provide features
such as built-in networking support and strong multimedia
capabilities. Macintosh computers often are used by people
working with graphics applications, by students in educational
settings and by home users. Below is the Mac OS logo.

[Mac OS, Page 8 of 17]

Windows Windows
Page 9 of 17
The Windows operating system is the operating system most
widely used on today’s personal computers. Microsoft has
PC Technology 1

Windows developed many versions of the Windows operating systems

over the past few decades. Each version was designed to
 The Windows operating system is the
operating system most widely used on
provide additional features for specific users including home
today’s personal computers.
and business users. (Windows Vista is the most recent
 Each Windows version developed was
designed to provide additional features for version of Windows as of 2007).
specific users including home or business

[Windows, Page 9 of 17]

Windows 9x logo Windows XP,

2003 Server and
Vista logo

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Windows Version Windows Versions

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Windows Description
Windows Versions
Description Windows 3x Early Windows version including Windows 3.1
Windows 3x Early Windows version including Windows 3.1
and 3.11. It uses the DOS system.
and 3.11. It uses the DOS system with a GUI
Windows 9x It includes the Windows 95, Windows 98 and
Windows ME (Millennium Edition). Windows
9x rely on a DOS core.
that runs on top.
Windows It comes in two versions: Windows NT
NT Workstation and Windows NT Server. It is

used for businesses and technical users.
An upgrade of Windows NT. It has several
Windows 9x It includes the Windows 95, Windows 98, and
2000 versions such as Windows 2000 Professional,
Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000
Advanced Server and Windows 2000
Windows ME (Millennium Edition). Windows
Datacenter Server.
It combines the strength of Windows 2000 with
9x rely on a DOS core.
XP the user-friendly features of Windows 98 and
Windows ME.
Windows It is a network operating system with additional
features for managing and maintaining a
network. Windows NT It comes in two versions: Windows NT
Windows It is the most recent version of Windows as of
Vista 2007. It has updated graphical user interface,
advanced multimedia and improved security.
Workstation is used for technical users and
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Windows NT Server is used for business.

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Installing Computer Systems and Networks

Windows An upgrade of Windows NT. It has several

2000 versions such as Windows 2000 Professional,
Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000
Advanced Server and Windows 2000
Datacenter Server.
Windows XP It combines the strength of Windows 2000 with
the user-friendly features of Windows 98 and
Windows ME.

Windows It is a network operating system with additional

Server 2003 features for managing and maintaining a

Windows It is the most recent version of Windows as of

Vista 2007. It has updated graphical user interface,
advanced multimedia, and improved security.

The table above shows the various versions of the Windows

operating system. The Windows 3x provided a graphical user
interface to what essentially still a DOS system. The Windows
9x versions are true operating systems unlike Windows 3x
operating environment. The Windows 9x rely on a DOS core
while providing a user-friendly interface and advanced
features such as Plug and Play (PnP), more integrated
Internet capabilities and support for hardware devices such as
DVS. (Optional: Plug and Play is a standard designed to
make installation of hardware devices easier allowing the
connection of a device to a computer. After which the
operating system recognizes that hardware has been changed
since the last time the computer was started or while the
computer was running. A server is a computer that controls
access to the hardware, software and other resources on a
network and provides a centralized storage area for programs,
data and information.) The Windows NT version on the other
hand contains more advanced security features, network
support and user administration features. The Windows 2000
version is more of a network operating system, which provides
additional features such as network support and increased
stability. Windows XP provides an upgraded user interface,
support for multiple users, better performance to help
programs run faster and more support for multimedia such as
audio and video. Windows Server 2003 provides increased
security, enhanced file and print server support for remote
access and more. Windows Vista is the most recent version
of Windows as of 2007. It has updated graphical user
interface, advanced multimedia and improved security.

Note to the instructor: Research on the features of Windows

Vista and discuss this on class. Encourage the students to
share what they know about Windows Vista.

[Windows Version, Page 10 of 17]

OS Functions

Regardless of the specific type of operating system, the OS

performs key functions such as providing a user interface,
managing files and folders, running applications and

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OS Functions managing hardware.

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OS Provides a User Interface
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OS Functions When a PC first is turned on, the operating system is loaded.

After the OS is in control, it either automatically executes a
 OS provides a user interface program or waits for its next instruction from a user. If you are
Command-line working with the OS, you see an interface on the monitor
screen. This interface can be a command-line interface, a
menu-driven interface or a graphical user interface.

Command-line interfaces – With this, you type

Menu-driven interface Graphical user interface
commands or press specific keys to enter data and
 OS manages files and folders
command to instruct the OS to perform operations.
When working with a command-line interface such as
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Page 11 of 17 DOS, the set of commands entered which provides
instructions is called command language. Network
administrators and other users familiar with these
commands use a command-line interface to configure
devices, manage system resources and troubleshoot
network connections.

Menu-driven interfaces – It provides menus such as a

way to enter data and commands. Menu-driven
interfaces are easier to learn than command-line
interfaces because users do not have to learn the
command language used to enter commands.
Instead, they just have to select functions from a

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Graphical user interfaces – Most of today’s operating

system use a graphical user interface (GUI). With
GUI, you issue commands by selecting icons, buttons,
windows or other graphical objects on screen. When
an operating system is started, the initial screen
appears with menus, commands and icons. This is
called the desktop (in allusion to the work area of the

OS Manages Files and Folders

An operating system is responsible for storing and organizing

files on a secondary storage medium such as a CD-ROM,
floppy disk or hard disk. Before any files can be stored on a
disk, the disk must be formatted. The process of formatting a
disk or partition places a file system on the drive. An
operating system relies on an organizational method called a
file system to use the space available on a disk to store and
retrieve files and to store information about the disk’s directory
or folder structure. The folder structure is defined during the
formatting process.

[OS Functions, Page 11 of 17]

OS Manages Applications

An operating system is responsible for managing all other

software on the PC including installing and running
applications. An application depends on an OS to provide
access to hardware resources, manage its data in memory
and in secondary storage and perform any background tasks.
For example, consider a situation in which Windows XP loads
and executes an application. The application cannot run or
even load itself without Windows XP, much as a document
cannot be edited without a word processing program.
Windows XP stays available to the application for the entire
time the application is running.

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OS Functions Installing and loading application software.

Pages 12 to 14 of 17
Application software typically is distributed on DVD-
ROMs, CD-ROMS, or floppy disks or can be
downloaded from the Internet. Because application
software usually must be installed on a hard drive in
order to run, application software comes with an install
or setup program that installs the software to a hard
drive. During installation, the install program creates
folders on the hard drive and copies files to them. For
Windows, the software installation process makes
entries in the Windows registry, in addition to placing
icons on the desktop and adding entries to the Start
menu. Once an application is installed, an operating
system provides a way to execute or load software.
Windows XP provides four ways to load software for
example the MS Word as shown in the figures below.

A. Using a Shortcut – double-click shortcut on a


B. Using the Start Menu – click Start button on

Windows taskbar, select All Programs and then
click program name.

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Installing Computer Systems and Networks

C. Using the Command Prompt – click Start button,

click Run or Start menu, and then enter a
command line or click browse to search for a
program file to execute.

D. Using the Windows Explorer

Handling Multiple Programs

Some operating systems only allow one program to

run at a time, while others allow multiple programs to
run at once. A single tasking operating system allows
only one program to run at a time. For example, if you
were working on a spreadsheet and then wanted to
check your e-mail, you would have to close the
spreadsheet program before starting the e-mail
program. DOS, which was used on older PCs, is a
single tasking operating system. Today, PDAs and
other small computing devices use single tasking
operating systems while most PCs use a multitasking
operating system. A multitasking operating system
allows you to work with two or more programs that
reside in memory at the same time. With a
multitasking operating system, you could leave the
spreadsheet program running while you launch your
e-mail program.

[OS Functions, Pages 12 to 14 of 17]

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OS Functions How an OS uses device drivers

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Device drivers are small programs stored on the hard
drive that tell the computer how to communicate with
OS Functions a specific device such as a printer, network card, or
modem. Device drivers are software designed to
 OS manages hardware – An OS also is
responsible for communicating with
interface with specific hardware devices. For
example, a printer driver translates the commands
OS uses device drivers

sent by the printer to something more understandable
 OS uses system BIOS to manage
devices by the operating system. A device driver is installed
when the OS first is installed or when new hardware is
added to the system. An OS provides some device
drivers. The manufacturer of a specific hardware
device also usually provides device drivers with the
hardware device. In either case, unlike BIOS, device
Operating System * Property of STI
Page 14 of 14 drivers usually are written for a particular OS.

Installing a device in a system that supports Plug and

Play usually is a simple process. Plug and Play (PnP)
is a standard designed to make installation of
hardware devices easier. PnP applies to the OS, the
system BIOS, and the hardware devices themselves.
With PnP, if you connect a device to your computer,
the OS recognizes that hardware has been changed
since the last time the computer was started or while
the computer was running. Fox example, if you
connect a printer to a computer running Windows XP,
the OS recognizes the device, determines the system
resources needed by each device, and assigns
hardware resources appropriately. Windows then
determines which drivers are required to support each
device and load those drivers. Of all the Windows
versions, only Windows 3x and Windows NT do not
support PnP.

How an OS uses system BIOS to manage devices.

The basic input/output system (BIOS) on the

motherboard is stored on the ROM BIOS chip. The
data and instructions stored on the ROM BIOS chip
include the system BIOS, startup BIOS and the
CMOS BIOS or CMOS setup. The OS communicates
with simple devices such as floppy drives or
keyboards, through the system BIOS. In addition, the
system BIOS is used to access the hard drive. The
system BIOS uses the information in CMOS setup to
modify or supplement its default programming as

[OS Functions, Page 15 of 17]

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Installing Computer Systems and Networks

Booting Up Your Booting Up Your Computer

Page 16 of 17 Before an operating system can perform its functions or
communicate using the system resources, it must be loaded
from disk to main memory when the computer starts. The
process of starting or restarting a computer and loading the
operating system is referred to as the boot process or booting.

(Trivia: The original term used is “bootstrapping” in allusion to

lifting one’s self by the bootstraps when putting on boots. The
process involves a small program built into the PC that loads a
small loading module from the secondary storage device.
This, in turn, loads the remainder of the OS and then transfers
control over to it.)

Booting refers to either cold boot or warm boot. A cold boot or

hard boot is turning on the computer that is powered off
completely. Hence, the operating system is initialized from
scratch. It involves turning on the computer with the on/off
power button.

On the other hand, a warm boot or soft boot is the process of

restarting a computer that already is powered on. A warm
boot re-initializes only parts of the operating system, and
under the control of the running operating system. With
Windows XP, warm boot can be performed by clicking the
Start button, clicking Turn Off Computer and then clicking
Restart as shown in the figure below.

Clicking the Restart button performs a warm boot.

If there is a need to reboot the computer, for example, when

the system freezes up, always try using the warm boot first. A
cold boot is more stressful on the machine than a warm boot
because of the initial power surge through the equipment.
Besides, a warm boot is also faster since fewer initializations
are performed. If the warm boot method does not work, the
cold boot method is performed instead using the on/off button.
Avoid turning the computer off and then immediately back on
without a pause because this can damage the machine.

[Booting Up Your Computer, Page 16 of 17]

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Boot Process Boot Process

Page 17 of 17
The functions performed during the boot can be divided into
four parts. Startup BIOS is in control for the first step and the
beginning of the second step, when control is turned over to
the OS.

1. Startup BIOS runs a process called the power-on self test

(POST) and assigns system resources.

The ROM BIOS startup program performs a POST, which

involves surveying hardware resources and needs, and
assigning system resources to meet those needs. The
ROM BIOS startup program begins the startup process by
reading configuration information stored in the CMOS
RAM chip, DIP switches and jumpers and then comparing
these information to the available hardware such as the
CPU, video card, disk drive, hard drive and so on.

2. The ROM BIOS startup program searches for and loads

an OS.

Most often the OS is loaded from drive C on the hard

drive. Configuration information on the CMOS RAM chip
tells startup BIOS on which devices (and sequence) to
look for the OS. Most new BIOS’s support loading the OS
from the hard drive, a floppy disk, an optical (CD-ROM or
DVD) drive and/or a Zip drive. The BIOS checks the
devices in turn, reads the beginning files of the first OS
found, copies these into main memory and then turns
control over to the OS.

3. The OS configures the system and completes its own


The OS checks some of the same things that startup

BIOS checked, such as available memory and whether
that memory is reliable. Then the OS loads the software
to control a mouse, CD-ROM, scanner and other
peripheral devices. These devices generally have device
drivers stored on the hard drive. In case of Windows OS,
the Windows desktop is loaded.

4. Application software is loaded and executed.

Sometimes an OS is configured to launch application

software automatically, as part of the boot process. To
execute an application, the OS must first find the
application software on the hard drive or other secondary
storage device, copy the software into memory and then
turn the control over it.

[Boot Process, Page 17 of 17]

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Installing Computer Systems and Networks


 Mueller, Scott, (2006), Upgrading and repairing PCs (17th ed.),

Que Publishing
 Gookin, Dan, (2005), Troubleshooting your PC for dummies
(2nd ed.), Wiley Publishing, Inc.
 Press, B. and Press, M., (2004), PC upgrade and repair bible:
desktop edition, Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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