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storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
conglome str4 %4s conglomerado
vivienda str3 %3s vivienda
hogar str2 %2s hogar
district long %10.0g district
male byte %8.0g gender male
age float %9.0g
ccdd byte %10.0g
ccpp byte %10.0g
ccdi byte %10.0g
hid str9 %9s household identifier
hhmem float %9.0g number of household
lhhmem float %9.0g log number of household
kids float %9.0g # hh members aged 0
through 14
k_hhmem float %9.0g kids/household members
infants float %9.0g
children float %9.0g
adults float %9.0g
ces float %9.0g
depprov int %10.0g
hconsump float %9.0g household consumption
minus transfers
hconsumplm float %9.0g household consumption
minus transfers (Lima prices)
hhequiv float %9.0g
lhhequiv float %9.0g
lhhconsplm float %9.0g
CAST byte %8.0g q231 ø quÈ otros idiomas o
lenguas habla ud. ? : castellano
QUE byte %8.0g q232 ø quÈ otros idiomas o
lenguas habla ud. ? : quÈchua
AYM byte %8.0g q233 ø quÈ otros idiomas o
lenguas habla ud. ? : aymara
near_x float %9.0g
near_y long %12.0g
cusco byte %8.0g
pothuan_mita byte %8.0g
border byte %8.0g
d_bnd float %9.0g distance to mita
boundary (km)
bfe4_1 float %9.0g
bfe4_2 float %9.0g
bfe4_3 float %9.0g
elv_sh double %10.0g elevation (1000m)
slope double %10.0g mean slope
near_dist float %9.0g NEAR_DIST
dpot float %9.0g distance to Potosi (km)
lat float %9.0g
lon float %9.0g
dbnd_sh float %9.0g
dbnd_sh2 float %9.0g
dbnd_sh3 float %9.0g
dbnd_sh4 float %9.0g
x float %9.0g
y float %9.0g

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