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 : +919677095107
 :
Professional summary:
 Having 3+ years of Professional experience in software industry.
 Working in .Net Framework using Visual Studio 2015.
 Working extensively in C#.NET, ASP.NET, MVC 5, SQL SERVER 2012.
 Working extensively in MS SQL SERVER 2012.
 Having good knowledge of web-based 3-tier Architecture.
 Knowledge on Object Orient Programming concepts (OOPS) and design patterns
 A highly motivated team player with an ability to quickly adapt to new environments and
Professional Experience:

 Working as an ASP.NET MVC developer for TCS ltd Chennai from May 2015 to Till
Education Profile:
 Master of Computer Applications from Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, in
Skill Set:

Web Technology ASP.Net, MVC 5

Operating System Windows Family

Programing Languages C#, java
Web Clients/Tools HTML5, CSS ,Java Script JQuery, Angular JS
Database SQL Server 2012.
Data Access Technology ADO.NET, LINQ ,Entity Framework
Distributed technologies Web Services, WCF,WEB API
Tools used Kendo UI


Project #1 HMS (Hospital Management System).

Client UDH( United Doctors Hospital)
Role implementation
Team Size 8
Duration December 2016 to Till Date
Java Script, Ajax, JQuery, Angular js .

Project Description:
Hospital Management system which addresses all the major functional areas of hospital,
provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration and control, better
response to patient care, cost control and improved profitability.
Gives all the power that helps lab to capture the patient’s information, sample collection,
test results, Billing, Report generation and inventory. Helps the hospital to maintain the
schedules of all the visiting doctors and Doctors can maintain the schedules of all their visiting
hospitals and fix appointments of the patients.
Roles and Responsibilities:
 Involved in project on various phases of software development lifecycle such as
Gathering user requirements analysis
 Understanding the feasibility of the functional requirements specified in the Functional
 Preparing the Technical Specification (TS) based on Functional Specification
 Using ASP.NET MVC to build the application, used Razor View Engine and Worked on Views,
Controller, and Models.
 Used different types of filters ,action result methods, data passing form controller to
 Implemented ASP.NET MVC Form validation, routing
 Involved in MVC security
 Using html helper methods using Razor View Engine
 Used partial views , layout ,areas in ASP.NET MVC
 Worked on CRUDE operations with MVC and entity framework using code first approach.
 Using dependency Injection
 Using oops concepts , design patterns in C#
 Involved in performance tuning for web applications in AS.NET MVC
 Involved in creation of stored procedures, functions, Indexes, Joins & Views for efficient
data transfer and retrieval Using MS SQL Server 2012
 Used LINQ queries to interact with SQL Server Database and to retrieve the data from SQL server
data base
 Involved UI design, C# Coding and Validation.
 Extensively used JQuery for client side operations, Ajax calls and validations.
 Involved in Third Part Controls Like Kendo Controls.

 Writing Unit Test Case for my respective modules.
 Involved in deployment on IIS server
 Report Generation using SSRS2012.

Image Cheque Clearing System (ICCS.NET).

Project #2
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, Standard Chartered
Bank (SCB).
Technologies C#, ASP.NET 4.5, SQL Server 2010, JavaScript.
Role Implementation & Support
Team Size 8
Duration May 2015 to Oct 2016.

Project Description:
The Central Bank of UAE (CBUAE) has initiated the process of
implementing a country-wide; image based clearing system called ICCS Corporate. ICCS
Corporate enables the banks in UAE to perform clearing process based on the scanned image of
the cheques. It facilitates the banks to present and clear the cheques, electronically and thereby
streamline the clearing processes between banks. This application also ensures quick and
accurate cheque clearance process, since the cheques are captured as image with MICR code
line. Also, this application helps to generate various reports based on business requirements.

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Involved in project on various phases of software development lifecycle such as
 Gathering user requirements analysis
 Understanding the feasibility of the functional requirements specified in the Functional
 Preparing the Technical Specification (TS) based on Functional Specification
 Participated in design , development ,implementation , maintenance of interactive web
applications using,C#,
 Involved in session state management for web applications in ASP.NET
 Involved in security for web applications and web forms
 Involved in Application Design and development. using,C#,
 Used different types of asp server control validations for form validation and grid view
control for crud operations to interact with data base
 Used in model binding and data caching in web applications
 Used ADO.NET to connect to the database using the SQL Server .NET data provider.
 Using oops concepts , design patterns in C#
 Involved in performance tuning for web applications in ASP.NET
 Involved in creation of stored procedures, functions, Indexes, Joins & Views for efficient data
transfer and retrieval Using MS SQL Server 2010.

 Involved UI design, C# Coding and Validation.
 used JQuery for client side operations, Ajax calls and validations
 Writing Unit Test Cases for assigned modules during any enhancements
 Responsible for creating new properties in existing classes to enhancing their
 Report Generation using SSRS 2010.

Personal Information:
Pass Port No : M7495054 (Valid upto 05/04/2025)

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