Community Service

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MATRIX NO: 012018022262




Community service is a non-paying job performed by one person or a group of people
for the benefit of the community or its institutions. Community service is distinct from
volunteering, since it is not always performed on a voluntary basis. Personal benefits may be
realized, but it may be performed for a variety of reasons including citizenship requirements,
a substitution of criminal justice sanctions, requirements of a school or class, and requisites
for receipt of certain benefits. For this community service project, we decided to go to
Pertubuhan Nur Kasih Klang at Kampung Rantau Panjang, 41400 Klang,Selangor. It’s quite
far from MSU to that place. Some of us took bus and the others who has cars they will go by
their ownself. The amount of fare is quite cheap too, it only cause RM15 per person so that all
of us can afford to join this community service. There will be many activities that we will do to
make the kids there happy and learn something new that they have never learned yet to gain
their knowledge. In this project, there will be diploma and bachelor students in MSU that will
volunteer to join this community service. There will be lecturers too to guide us in everything
that we need to do to make this community service successful.
For the fundraising, our team decided to sell marshmallow with fruits and covered with
chocolate. The ingredients that we need is apples, bananas, chocolate, stick, and cup. First,
we will cut the apples and bananas into small pieces. Then, we will melt the chocolate that we
bought so that every part of the fruits and marshmallow is covered with chocolate. We will put
in the bananas first, then bananas followed by marshmallow and last but not least the favourite
food by every human in this world is chocolate. We will sell this RM5 per cup. At first, it is hard
to sell this food because RM5 is quite expensive for everyone in MSU. At last, we decided to
reduce the price of this food to RM4.50. There are people who bought our food but not much
and we decided to spent our money to buy our own food. It is quite nice and it is very sweet.
We have to promote this food to everyone in MSU to get our target that is RM200. Some of
us promote to our lecturers, friends, seniors and siblings in order to achieve the target. On the
first, our sales is not good and it is lower than we expect, we only achieve RM80 only and it is
still far for our target. The next day, we decided to sell marshmallow and chocolate only. We
will poke the marshmallow with stick and we will covered it with chocolate but this time our
chocolate is a little bit special because we melted it and put extra milk inside to fell more milky
and sweet. We will sell this food RM2 per stick and we do sell many stick of marshmallow
covered with chocolate but the money that we earn is still not enough to reach the target that
is RM200. We went to our class and sell this food too to our friend and we do beg them to help
us achieve our target. We earn about RM50 only plus the money that we earn on the first day
RM80, the total of money that we earn for two days is only RM130. Some of our friends cannot
attend to help us selling this food because they are busy attending their classes and finishing
their project because it is short semester that make our timetable is fully packed but they did
their best in helping us such as buying ingredients, attend to our meeting, making video or
poster so that we can promote it online and attending to the venue we choose to sell this food
to help us selling the food although for just a few minutes because they still need to attend
their classes to get good reputation. Some of our friends intend to sell things on their own
because they cannot attend the time that we sell this food and that is a good way in helping
us but there are still some people are being incorporative.

For this community service, we have done many activities with the kids there. First, we
will have a game that called “bola racun” it is a favourite game during our childhood. The step
to play this game is easy, we need to split into two groups and there will be a ball in the middle.
We need to rush into the middle in order to get the ball first, so that we can attack our opponent.
Once the ball hits on anyone body parts it means they are out from this game, the rest who
are still survive in this game can continue to play until we have a winner and which groups are
him in.
Next, we have a small briefing on fire drill. We will sit in the field and listening to the
small briefing on fire drill. There will be seniors who taught us and the kids how to use the fire
extinguisher. The proper technique of using this fire extinguisher is first we need to pull the
pin, second aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. Hitting the tops of the flame with the
extinguisher won’t be effective. You got to smother the sucker at its base. Third squeeze the
trigger. In controlled manner, squeeze the trigger to release the agent. Fourth, sweep from
side to side. Sweep the nozzle from side to side until the fire is put out. Keep aiming at the
base while you do so. Most extinguisher will give you about 10-20 seconds of discharge time.
It will be much easier if we just remember “PASS”, P stand for pull, A stand for aim, S stand
for squeeze and S stand for swipe. If there is a fire, we need to run out from the building within
one and a half minutes to a bigger place such as field and away from the place that have been
caught fire. There are 13 ways we need to act during fire drill. First, we need to respond to the
fire alarm, stay calm and do not panic when you heat the fire alarm. Also, it’s important to stay
quiet so you can hear any instructions. Second, treat the alert as if it were a real fire. Though
you may think the fire alarm is just for practice, you should always treat it as there actually is
a fire. You have to practice the drill seriously to learn the proper procedure so that when a fire
does happen, you won’t panic. Third, stop what you’re doing. When you hear the alarm, you
must stop anything you are doing at that time. Don’t take time to finish a sentence on your
paper or send an email. Don’t take time to gather your things. Respond to the alarm
immediately. Fourth, start moving out of the building. Consider where the nearest exit is . leave
the room you are in going in that direction. Try to be as orderly as possible as you leave the
room. Line up to exit the room and don’t start running. If possible, know the route to the nearest
fire exit before a fire drill happens. It’s always good idea to check for your route when you’re
in a new building, especially one you will spend a good deal of time in. For instance, hotels
are required to have the fire exit on the back of your hotel door. Under no circumstances
should you ever use an elevator in an emergency evacuation. Fifth, close you door. If you are
the last person in a room, close the door behind you. Make sure it doesn’t lock, however.
When you close the door, it helps slow the fire because not as much oxygen can get in the
room as quickly. It also blocks smoke and heat from entering other room as much. Sixth, leave
the lights on. Do not turn he light odd as you exit the room. Leaving the lights on will help
firefighters see better. Making your way through the building. First, move to the nearest exit.
Go along the prescribed route for evacuating the building. If you don’t know where the nearest
exit is, look for “Exit” signs as you move down the hallways. These signs will usually be in red
(or green in UK) and sometimes will be lighted. Second, check doors heat. When you’re in a
real life, you must check doors for heat as you come up to them. Look for smoke coming under
the door, and place your hand near the door to see if it is radiating heat. If you see neither of
these signs, try lightly touching the door handle to see if it is hot. In a real fire, if you find any
of these signs, you must go another route. Third, take the stairs. You should not use elevators
during a fire drill. During a real fire, elevators are used by the firefighters to help fight the fire.
Plus, elevators can be dangerous during a fire. In addition, stairways are usually pressurized,
meaning they will not be as smoky as other areas. Fourth, watch for “smoke” signs.
Sometimes, the people doing the drill will put up “smoke” signs in certain hallways to simulate
what happens in a real fire. If you see a smoke sign, you need to find an alternative route out
of the building. If that’s the only way out, practice crawling low. When there’s smoke, getting
down low can help you see better. Leaving the building. First, clear the sidewalks. Make sure
to leave the sidewalks clear for the firefighters to do their work. If there are too many people
clumped on the sidewalks, firefighters cannot get through. Be sure to listen for people in
authority giving directions. Teachers or your bosses will be likely be looking to take a head
count, so they will want to get everyone in the same area, which is why it’s important to stay
quiet. Second, move to a safe distance. If there really is a fire, the building could eventually
collapse. You should move a safe distance away from the building. Generally, across the
street is fine. Finally, wait for the all-clear. Don’t assume that because the fire alarm has
stopped, you can re-enter the building. Wait until the firefighters or someone else in charge
ells you it’s fine to go back inside. Once you hear that, you can resume normal activities.

For the booth inside the place, we have choking booth, washing hand booth, experiment
booth, bandaging booth and health screening booth. First for the choking booth, we will teach
them how to act when someone was choke. First, Assess the situation. Make sure the person
is choking and determine whether it is a partial or total airway obstruction. If a person is
experiencing mild choking, or partial airway obstruction, you are better off letting him cough to
remove the obstruction himself. Signs of partial airway obstruction include the ability to speak,
cry out, cough or respond to you. The person will also usually be able to breathe, though it
may be slightly labored and the person may grow pale in the face. In contrast, someone
experiencing a total obstruction of the airway will not be able to speak, cry, cough or breathe.
In addition, you may notice the person making the "choking sign" (both hands clutched to the
throat) and his lips and fingernails may turn blue due to lack of oxygen. Next, Ask the person,
"Are you choking?" If the person can respond to you verbally, wait. Someone who is really
choking will not be able to speak at all, but they may shake their head yes or no. It is important
that you do not use back blows on a person who has partial airway obstruction because there
is the risk of lodging the previously semi-loose object more deeply and potentially causing a
total obstruction. If the person responds: Reassure the person. Let him know that you are
there and ready to help if need be. Encourage the person to cough to try to clear the blockage.
Do not use back blows. Then, Administer first-aid. If the person is choking severely or suffering
from a total airway obstruction and is conscious, communicate your intent to perform first aid.
It's a good idea to make sure that someone who is conscious know what you plan to do; this
will also give him an opportunity let you know if your assistance is welcomed. If you are the
only person present who can help the person, perform the first aid described below
before calling emergency services. If someone else is available, get him to call for assistance.
Keep monitoring the situation and be prepared to help in the case that the person's airway
becomes fully blocked or the choking becomes severe. Later, Give back blows. Note that the
following instructions apply to a person sitting or standing. Stand behind the person and
slightly off to one side. If you’re right-handed, stand to the left and if you’re left-handed, stand
to the right. Support the person's chest with one hand and lean the person forward so that the
object blocking his airway will exit his mouth (as opposed to going further down the throat).
Administer up to 5 forceful blows between the person’s shoulder blades with the heel of your
hand (between your palm and wrist). Pause after each blow to see if the blockage has cleared.
If not, give up to five abdominal thrusts. Administer abdominal thrusts (Heimlich
maneuver). The Heimlich maneuver is an emergency technique that is only to be used on
adults or children older than 1 year of age. Do not use the Heimlich maneuver on children
under 1 year old. Stand behind the choking victim. Put your arms around his waist and lean
him forward. Make a fist with your hand and place it directly above the person's navel (belly
button) but below the breastbone. Put your other hand on top of your first, then thrust both
hands backwards into their stomach with a hard, upward movement. Do this thrusting action
up to five times. Check after each thrust to see if the blockage is gone. Stop if the victim loses
consciousness. Modify the Heimlich maneuver for pregnant women and people who are
obese. Place your hands higher than described above in the regular Heimlich maneuver
technique. Your hands should be at the base of the breast bone, just above where the lowest
ribs join. Press hard into the chest with quick thrusts as described above. However, you will
not be able to make the same upward thrusts. Repeat until the person stops choking and the
blockage is dislodged or he falls unconscious.thrust to see if the blockage is gone. Stop if the
victim loses consciousness. Make sure the object is completely gone. Once the airway is
cleared, parts of the object that caused the person to choke can remain behind. If the person
is able, ask the victim to spit it out and breathe without difficulty. Look to see if there is
something blocking the airway. If there is, you can also do a sweep through the person's mouth
with your finger. Only sweep if you see an object, otherwise you could push it further back.
Check to see if normal breathing has returned. Once the object is gone, most people will return
to breathing normally. If normal breathing has not returned or if the person loses
consciousness, move to the next step. Administer help if the person falls unconscious. If a
choking person falls unconscious, lower him on his back onto the floor. Then, clear the airway
if possible. If you can see the blockage, take your finger and sweep it out of the throat and out
through the mouth. Don't do a finger sweep if you don't see an object. Be careful not to
inadvertently push the obstruction deeper into the airway. If the object remains lodged and
the person does not regain consciousness or respond, check whether the victim is breathing.
Place your cheek close to the person's mouth. For 10 seconds: Look to see if the chest is
rising and falling, listen for breathing, and feel for the person's breath against your cheek. If
the person is not breathing, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The chest
compressions used in CPR may also dislodge the object. Send someone to dial emergency
services or, if you are alone, call emergency services yourself and then return to help the
person. Alternate between chest compressions, checking the airway, and performing rescue
breathing while you wait for help to arrive. Give 2 breaths after every 30 chest compressions.
Remember to recheck the mouth repeatedly while administering CPR. There may be some
resistance to chest inflation until the object is dislodged. Finally, Consult a physician. If after
choking, the person experiences a persistent cough, any difficulty breathing or a feeling that
something is still stuck in his throat, he should see a medical professional immediately.
Abdominal thrusts can also cause internal injuries and bruising. If you used this tactic or
performed CPR on another person, he should be checked out by a physician afterwards.

The next booth is washing hand booth. First, we will ask them to demo on how do they
wash their hand everyday. The way that they wash their hand is completely wrong. We will
demo on how to wash our hand in a correct way for them to learn first. There are seven steps
in washing hands. First, wet your hands and apply enough soap (coin size). Next, rub you
palms together. Third, rub the back of each hand. Fourth, rub both your hands while
interlocking your fingers. Fifth, rub the back of your fingers and rub the tips of your fingers.
Sixth, rub your thumbs and the ends of your wrists. Finally, rinse both hands properly with
water and wipe it with towel or tissue.

Experiment booth is to let the kids there to learn something new about science. There
will be two line tying at the pillar and here will be one balloon on each of the line that is tape
with scotch tape. They will blew the balloon and release it and see which one move the
furthest. The other experiment is to let the kids see magic in science that they will pour some
liquid into a bottle and see which liquid is at the bottom.

For the bandaging booth, we will be teaching them how to bandaging head wounds.
There are five steps in bandaging head wounds. After putting on your protective
gloves, stopping any bleeding, and cleaning the wound, fold a large bandanna-sized cloth into
a triangle. Place the bandage on the injured person's head, with the tip at the back. Bring the
two ends across the head, just above the ears and cross them in back. Bring the two ends
back to the center of the forehead. Tie ends together. Tuck hem of bandage snugly under
wrap. Next, how to make an arm sling. There are five step in making an arm sling. First,
support their bad arm. Ask them to support their bad arm with their other hand. Slide the
triangular bandage underneath it, with the longest edge (the base) parallel to their body at the
tip of the little finger. The tip of the bandage (the point) should stick out past their elbow. Next,
pull the top bit. Gently pull the top bit under their bad arm and around the neck to the opposite
shoulder. Take the bit that’s hanging down over their arm and up to meet the other end at their
shoulder. Make a reef knot. Tie the ends together in a reef knot at the hollow above their collar
bone and tuck in the ends. Adjust the sling. Adjust the sling so that it supports their arm all
the way to the top of their little finger. Twist the tip by their elbow until it fits snugly around their
elbow and tuck it in or safety pin it. Finally, check their circulation. Check their circulation in
their fingers and keep checking every ten minutes. If it’s too tight, loosen the bandage and
sling and tie them again. At last we will teach them on how to wrap a knee. Place your leg in
a natural position and allow for a slight bend in the knee. You may spray or apply some kind
of ointment over the area. Hold one end of the bandage firmly against the kneecap and begin
wrapping the bandage around. Make sure to cover above and below the cap. This provides
maximum external support not just to the joint – but also to the ligaments, muscles and
connective tissue. Don’t wrap too tightly as this will hamper blood circulation to the affected
area. Make sure that the you’re comfortable with the pressure. Secure the bandage in place
with tape or Velcro strip that comes with it.
For the last booth, which is health screening, there will be seniors from BBM that will
help the kids and adults on their health. They will measure their height and weight and put the
information that they have gather into the handheld body fat loss monitor. Next, there will be
a senior who will ask questions about their daily routine. After being question, they will move
to blood pressure to get to know their level in blood pressure. Finally, there will be in ABO
grouping, they will prick the kids or adults finger using lancet. Later, they will put in a board to
let the kids knew what type of blood are them using some kind of liquids.
The conclusion for this project is we must plan everything earlier so that everything
that need to be done follow the flow that we have made without any delay and mistake that
can cause us many problems and make every activities that need to be done finish late. We
must learn on how to work together in a correct way not by doing everything alone and think
without anyone’s help that all the duty that had given by our lecturers can be done easily. We
are happy to help this kids in Wisma Tahfiz Nur Kasih in everthing that we could or afford.
Although this activities has been repeating since our childhood but it’s good to let the kids
there to remember back what they have learned before. The time that spent there is kind of
short but we did the best in helping them although we are still students and most of the thing
we hardly afford it. It’s a new experience for us as this is our first semester for the diploma
students and this is our first project that has been held out from MSU. We hardly get this kind
of experience because we are still young during our high school days and mostly our parents
will not let us go somewhere far away from them because they still think that we are still young
and dangerous to go somewhere without them by our side.
For this community, we have been to Wisma Tahfiz Nur Kasih in Klang that is quite far
from MSU. We have done many activities with the kids and adults there in order to let them
gain new knowledge and experience. For the ice breaking, we decided to play game with this
kids and the game is called “bola racun” that once you get hit you are out from this game. This
game is quite hard for us because he kids there will play hard on us such as threw the ball
without any direction that hits some of our partner head. It’s funny for us but it’s painful for the
one who get hit. The kids are very sporting in this game because they play it hardworking in
order to let the MSU student loss. There will be a small briefing on fire drill to teach the kids
and adults how to act during a fire drill. The kids and adults must stop everything that they are
doing on that time and run out from the place to a place that is far away from the fire. Other
than this game we have many booth to let them visit one by one to gain new knowledge and
let them see something they have never seen before. There will be choking booth to teach
them how to act when someone or their families choke. There are many step they need to
follow in order to not hurt the people who was choke by food or something else. There will be
a competition between the kids on the acting of how to help people who is choke. They will
get prizes at the end of the activities. The next booth is washing hand booth, we will ask them
to demo on how they wash their hand daily. Most of them are wrong but it’s fine because we
are here to teach them the right way to wash their hands. Next, experiment booth is to teach
them everything about science. Bandaging booth is to reach them how to bandage someone’s
body parts that has been wound such as their arm, knee and head. For the health screening
booth, there will be BMI, blood pressure, ABO grouping and counselor in health care.

The objective of this project is to help us in gaining new experience such as going out
from MSU to a place that is quite far in deep inside. Helping the kids there also been a new
experience for all of us because mostly we are the one who got help by someone else during
our childhood days. We have learned many new things such as working together to make
everything successful and follow the plan that we have made because each of us have
different ways in doing something and mostly the things that we have done before is
individually. We also get to learned something that we have never learn before such as
bandaging wounds, how to act during someone is choke and experiment. The knowledge that
we gain from this project can be shared to other people so that they will use the knowledge
that we have taught them to other people to make life easier without them thinking us as a
greedy knowledge that we just kept for us without letting them know. I will use this knowledge
that I have learned in the future such as during working days or my daily life to make my life
easier without any barrier.

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