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Government of Bihar

Department of Industries

Invitation for Expression of Interest

The Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar, invites Expression of

Interest from reputed consultancy organization for preparation of a Vision
Document for Food Processing Industry in Bihar for next 10 years. The vision
document is expected to provide an insight into the strategies techniques and
activities to achieve the revitalization of the food processing sector in the state.

Your proposal should address the Terms of Reference (TOR). The TOR
including the eligibility conditions for the assignment can be collected from the
office of the Director (Technical), Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar TOR
is also available at our Tel: 0612-2221462 FAX:
2224991 or A two stage procedure will be used in
evaluating the proposals 1) evaluation of technical proposals and 2) evaluation
of financial proposals.

The Expression of Interest may please be sent to the office of the

Director (Technical), Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar to the following
address. The last date for receipt of Expression of Interest is the 30th day of
publishing of the advertisement. The technical proposal will be opened on the
last day of receipt of EOI at 4.30 PM in the office chamber of Director

Department of Industries
Vikash Bhawan, Panta
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fcgkj ljdkj ds dk;kZy; ls izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA Vh0vks0vkj0 gekjs
osolkbV Tel: 0612-2221462 FAX: 2224991 or ij Hkh miyO/k gSA izLrko ds ewY;kad.k ds fy, nks Lrjh;
;Fkk rduhdh izLrko ,oa foRrh; izLrko dk eqY;kad.k izfdz;k viukbZ tk,xhA

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m|ksx foHkkx] fcgkj
fodkl Hkou] iVukA
Government of Bihar
Department of Industries

Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest is being called for preparation of vision document for Food
Processing Industry in Bihar for next 10 years. Your proposal should address the
Terms of Reference (TOR). The TOR can be collected from the office of Director
Technical, Industry Department. A two-state procedure will be utilized in evaluating
the proposals.

1) evaluation of technical proposals, and 2) evaluation of financial proposals.

Technical proposal

Your technical proposals should include the following information:

a) Legal status of the organization

1. Formal Registration of the organization

2. Audited statements of accounts for three years
3. Annual Report for three years.

b) Documents showing your professional capacity including

1. Organizational strength : Resume of key resource persons proposal in
the deployed for the assignment, present staff strength and their
2. Experience in the development of industry clusters, industry parks,
supply chain, capacity building etc.
3. Areas of Field Operation in last 3 years
4. Details of similar consultancy assignments handled earlier.

c) Methodology and approach for the study

1. Describe the general approach proposed to carry out the study.
2. Field Worked : Indicative of time schedule.

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal must contain an overall quotation for all services to be ---------
---cost breakdown of expenses must itemize the following.

- Consulting fees of professionals in number of working days for secondary

analysis, literature review, preparation of survey schedules, discussion
formats etc. with the object of the work carried out.
- Boarding, Lodging and Travel expenses for field visit.
- Consultancy fees for field work.
- Report writing expenses.

Submission of Technical and Financial Proposals

• The proposal should be divided into a technical and financial proposal,
both submitted in three copies.
• The proposal should be submitted within 30 days fo appearing of the

Further information and clarification can be obtained from.................

Terms of Reference

Development of Vision Document for Food Processing Industry in Bihar for

next ten years.


Bihar occupies a prominent place in the agriculture sector in the country as the
state is blessed with large tracts of fertile land and suitable climate which can
support a variety of crops.

Submission of Technical and Financial Proposals

• The proposal should be divided into a technical and financial proposal,
both submitted in three copies.
• The proposal should be submitted within 30 days of appearing of the

Further information and clarification can be obtained from ................

Terms of Reference

Development of Vision Document for Food Processing Industry in Bihar for

next ten years.


Bihar occupies a prominent place in the agriculture sector in the country as the
state is blessed with large tracts of fertile land and suitable climate which can
support a variety of crops. A vast majority of population in the state depend on
agriculture for their livelihood. However, in spite of being one of the leading
producers of many crops, fruits and vegetables, the infrastructure for post
harvesting and processing is quite inadequate. As a result, there is huge
wastage in the sector and thus not only reduces the income level of the
farmers but also affects the state economy adversely. The Govt. of Bihar is,
therefore, keen that food and agro sector should be provided with adequate
post harvesting and modern processing facilities. This would not only reduce
wastages but also.......... greater value realization for farmers. This would also
result in productivity gains in the sector and additional employment generation.
With this in view and particularly having considered the potential of the food
processing industry for diversification and commercialization of agriculture,
employment generation in rural and Urban areas, value addition and export
possibilities, the State has identified the Food Processing and Agro Based
Industry as a thrust area.


To start with, the Govt. of Bihar is keen to prepare a Vision Document for the
sector. The Vision Document is expected to lead to a clear strategy for
development of the sector in the State. The Govt. is particularly keen that any
strategy should be holistic and develop the sector in the cluster mode so as to
ensure balanced regional development and economy of scale as also to
benefit the farmers. This approach should stress on strengthening both
backward and forward linkages for the food processing industry with focus on
institutional development and capacity building. The vision document, in brief,
will provide an insight to the strategies, techniques and activities that should
be proposed to achieve the revitalization of the food processing sector in the

Key objectives in this sector are identified as - stimulating demand for

appropriate processed foods, achieving maximum value addition and by-
product utilization, creating............ job opportunities particularly in rural areas,
enabling farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology, and creating
surpluses for exports.


The Scope of work in preparation of vision document for the state is

• To go a diagnostic study for the food pressing sector in the state to
ascertain present status.
• To find out the constraints/barriers in the development of the sector
• To identify the potential of food pressing sector in the State.
• To identify potential areas (agro/food clusters) that show the
maximum potential for intervention.
• To assess the infrastructure needs of the food processing sector.
• To prepare a strategy for holistic development of the sector with a
cluster approach and focus on increasing the income level of
• To identify and access the technical & economical feasibility of
setting up Food Processing Zones including food parks in the state.
• To prepare and identify feasible 'business models' in context of the
available food crops against the state and national backdrop.
• To suggest for value addition to farm produces through agro-
processing and improved post-harvest facilities.
• To suggest ways for revitalization of institutional finances for credit.
• To help adoption of international food standards in safety, quality
and hygiene to meet the competitive challenges.
• To suggest an appropriate institutional framework in Public-Private-
Partnership made that can be replicate in various regions and the
role of community, panchayat and private entrepreneurs therein and
also suggest changes in Government policies if required.
• To define the role of community, panchayat and private
entrepreneurs in the supply chain of food crops and processed
• To define roles and responsibility of the State and other agencies.
• To reflect over the existing policy and suggest necessary policy
• The suggest a broad frameworks of marketing & trade within and
out side the state.


The methodology for preparation for the vision document should include
the following:
• Discussion with various related Government departments to know
the present status and need for possible changes in the existing
policies for promotion of food processing available under various
departments and scheme.
• Discussion with Farmers bodies, rural community to list out their
• Discussion with private entrepreneurs in the state to appreciate their
• Discussion with NGOs/Civil Society Organizations to identify their
roles in facilitation of food processing, specially in the backdrop of
rural community.
• Discussion with technology providers to arrive at the cost of and
availability of suggested technology interventions in the sector.
• Discussion with sect retail chains/food outlets to estimate marketing
• Discussion with large corporate groups in the country for
investments in the sector.
• Discussion with experts and research organizations involved in the
field of food processing for greater productivity.
• Stakeholders Workshop to discuss and firm up the findings of the

Time Period:

The assignment would be for a time period of 04 months after award. This
includes preparing o draft paper for study, discussion with Government
department and officials, field visits, meetings with private
entrepreneurs/corporate groups, discussion with concerned agencies etc.
Draft report is to be submitted at the end of 03 months after award of

State Govt's Role:

The State Govt. shall provide necessary data and facilitate interaction with
stakeholders in the state.


• Only organization with national/international and rich experience in

development of strategy for industry infrastructure would be
• Organizations/Consultants would have to have experience in cluster
development approach to do justice to the assignment.
• Organizations/Consultants would need to have worked with various
department of Govt. of India and at least state Govt. in development
of industry infrastructure.

Payment schedule:

The payment schedule for the study is as follows:-

• First installment will be released to the agency after award of
assignment. The amount of first installment will be 40% of the fee.
This will help in adequately taking up the study.
• Second installment will be released after submission of draft report.
The amount of second installment will be 30% of the total fee.
• The last and final installment will be released after submission of the
final report. The amount of the last and final installment will be 25%
of total fee.

Report quality:

The vision document should come out with proper diagnostics of the sector
and suggest an action plan which is realistic. Report will be submitted in both
hard and electronic version in three copies to the Govt. of Bihar.


The vision document would be reviewed by Committee headed by IDC. Govt.

of Bihar.

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