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Specific Heat Capacity - Worksheet 1

L. ln kJ, how much heat is required to raise the temperature of L.23 kg of water from
23.6"Cto 84.9 "C? (317 kJ)

#:,':* Ko Q= nc bf
c-- tL "! ) lry"c 6?--- tn t$ (,o
o, J/4'4 (XT, | "( - L3,t")
fi -- L], 6"(
T.F" 8
,/,10. au296r?!)J
7-Q= 7t2 tet J
2. How much heat is n6:tdedto;arm up 36 kg of hydrogen gas from 12.0 "C to 48.0 "C?

Q'( 6/-- pc6f

fi1;7t t Kl oo.J/kt" ")(Lt 3.0"c - ll-{:'c)
Ti /12,o' .(.
Q< t.6 *: ot J
,-' {,4 '19b !i; ru much heat is released when a 260.0 g plate of copper cools from 5.30 x 10' K to 20.0 "C?
(-24.0 kJ)

cprrT Q=nC bf
A= L(o,ot'- o.2loo49 tl= o ,L6oo g (1no5lKJ'r)( "qgK' 5,1o'/{0'/()
L-- , clo) /l{j'c
fi= r.1o><u-i Y:7!( :!? -
Ts = Lo.o !.L-=L17 K /(-ft - KJ
4. 3.4 ki of heat is added to a 1.4 kg rod of uranium. What is the change in temperature the rod

4;v,(KJ . 74ooJ Q--ncAf 340" Z =A{

h = l,t( re) G4(uo1/try"r)
L'- 7to XtKl'(
5. 24OOOJofheatisreleasedwhen640gofsilverdropsintemperature. lfthesilverwasinitially
at -10.0 "C, what is the final temperature of the silver? (-170 "C)

Q= thc (vr;)
tt(o oof
(\-- - z( ooo j - + C/o''"4'7;
gf 7 Tr-Ti o,6v,, t{y (tlrl//GI)
tyl-- 6tt/' -- o'64o rg
Ti -- -/ o,0'c ,*
n '.- l7o"( >f-rr
-7 I
+ li 4-n
lr' I NC
€-- Z\o T/(g"(
9#c L'fq
6. A mass of gold, initially at 540.0 "C, experiences a drop in temperature of 12.0 "C when 82.0 J of
heat is released. What is the mass of the gold in grams?

n-1 Q> lnc Af a -62'c)j :h

TT=ft12( -A _ (,i l/r'q'rf,-tt,o't)
bT= @4>o'( ,sf =n \"
(9.-- - t).o5 o . of 4'? ath
7. 5.00x102Jof heatproducesatemperatureincrease of 8.77 Kinag5gsampleof anunknown
substance. What is the specific heat capacity? What is the substance? (6.00 x IOz J/kg"C)

q-- ,,oo y/0" J g= nc bf T,ou >rotJ

bT= 6.7? K +
-- C o,o|f 9 l, *n 11
nz4f u= o.olint
6-- | 6@0 Yo-Vrlr- (
8.What is the difference between the amount of heat required to show an increase of 25.0 K
thermometer containing 2.00 g of mercury and a thermometer made of the same mass of
methyl alcohol? Be sure to take the larger number and subtract the smaller number.

AT= 2f .0K
t|.{4y H"olwl
&--? e-- (o."" rt)(t,t 4 Ero K
"i/t$ ) ff=
bt= Lr.o K C7
ft1= Z,oo2=o'oo>t(7 q= 7. 6 k-i ,&2
C-_ tt4o S/Kr, .I
Q-= rha 6;
ltf J- 77 t LTT -_
9. How many
4y( Il-t,ul .n*dr lttt ,lore
oT'mercury must oe In a tnermomeTer show the same temperature
increase as the methyl alcohol thermometer in #8 (if it received the same amount of energy)?
(35.7 g) ^ aT
t .r
f\--7 a:^c
M=4' o? f7 t(
A::'b-{) +;A
A1'- 't (AK /
f/ nx ?{7q ./

c= /qo5/U'L @ oK) -
10. A 15.75-9 piece of iron absorbs L}86.75joules of heat energy, and its temperature changes
from 25"C to 175"C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of iron.

h= lf ,7f gz o,otSZfb Q- ^, A T cx 4/o J/4'c

Q=- lo 8t ,7f t
It 2-f"c -qL=C
Tr= 12f'c lrlT6,7rl-- .
C=7 o,;re(nr'< -Lrz)
flc o?"r
11. How many joules of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 10.0 g of aluminum from 22"C
to 55"C, if the specific heat of aluminum is 0.90 Ug"C?

Q,r7 Q-- ncAf

th= to.o)- ) ( rrl_ - 2Lo c)
T;,Ti,: 1e: 7,ono"i)
L -- o,Xo//lo (
t2.f o whaftemperature will a 50.0 g piece of glass raise if it absorbs 5275 joules of heat and its
specific heat capacity is 0.50 J/g"C? The initial temperature of the glass is 20.0"C.

o) n( CTe -Ti)
fn= f,). I
A= I EPf l 4 Zz.yoc = T+
q=t >7f ) (o'*5/t
| h = T, -Tr' ilro o,
4 -,)
s1 o.fo5/1"<l a_ ff;
.1 -' T7
# |W
i!. Calculate dre heat capacity of a piece of wood if 1500.0 g of the wood absorbs 6.75x1-04 joules
of heat, and its tem.perature changes fromr32"C to 57"C.
c= 7 I Q- -- *, t)T I t,7f Yrc'I-- = cv
+' c foffi4
A:;::?'!lo* t |

T:;", rbr l@ l-1 J/q"c e tsoot/g", .L,

14. 1OO.O mL of 4.0"C ["r4", temperature is 37"C. lf the specific heat of water
is heated untit is

4.!8J,/g"C, calculate the amount of heat energy needed to cause this rise in temperature.
Q=7 6L= atc bT
h > l0ts,tt 2 oc'
f, -- L/' O't e=- | 0o.09 U,l g 7j "c)(i? * o'c )
'fp ; 1?'C
L= '?,tt 5/1L
15. Assuming that Coca Cola the same specific heat as water (q.B lgSC), calculate the amount
of heat in kJ transferred when one can (about 350g) is cooled from 25"C to 3"C .

QrT Q> m< LT

C=- L( (t5/?".
/n> 7fo) q = vat ( tr, tt f/1") (2"(- Lf 'L)
f;; Lf '< Q. ''7u{ }
'7'C Qx -7)* KJ
5/?4 A'PT

16. Mercury (Hg) is the only metalthat exists as a liquid at room temperature. Hg as a specific heat
capacity of O.L OJ/9"C. How many kilojoules of energy are required to increase 75.0kg of Hg
from 23.0 to 52.0"C?
Q-- th cOT
C--o,l4o 5/1'C
Q = Trooot ( o, / rt o 7/) "t) (f2- o'c - 7\r, 0 "L)
n' 7f"%t 7fooo1
fi = )4'0"( Q: loTfoo7
Tr' A-ooc
= Vof k5
17. Titanium metal is used as a struCtffilmaterial in many high-tech applications such as jet
engines. What is the specific heat of titanium (in J/g"C) if it takes 89.7 J to raise the temperature
of a 33.09 block by 5.20"C?

c=7 (2-= r4c_ A T 6(,77 :C

Q -- x1,7 j
0 ("r( ,. 2,0'c)
fttl= 77,0 t nLT
---= 'O.577 5 "C
/>T= r,")- o" C /q

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