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Lesson 2

A friend who came from the sky

Q.1 what was Mini doing in the balcony?

Ans. Mini was sitting in her wheel chair and watching the children playing in the park

Q.2 Why was her mother worried as Mini sat in the balcony?

Ans. Because there was too windy outside and Mini can’t come inside by herself. it had started
to rain, Mini’s mother didn’t want her to get wet.

Q.3 What is the meaning of the word spastic?

Ans. Spastic is a syndrome. A spastic person has no control over his hands & legs from
birth and he can’t work with his legs and hands properly.

Q.4 Why did the neighbourhood children not become friendly with her?

Ans. The neighbourhood children did not become friendly with her because they were busy with
their own games and school.

Q.5 What was the ‘ball’ that fall in her lap?

Ans. She thought it was a ball but it was actually a little wild duck that landed in her lap.

Q.6 What had happened to the bird?

Ans. It lost its flock while returning to their native land and in efforts to rejoin its mates it had
hurt its wings.

Q.7 How did the bird react when Mini’s mother tried to pick it up?

Ans. When Mini’s mother tried to pick it up, it nipped her.

Q.8 Why do you think the bird the bird refuse to eat anything?

Ans. The bird refused to eat anything because it was so afraid and wounded badly.

Q.9 How was the bird fed?

Ans. Mini’s mother fed the bird with mashing cooked rice in a bowl and sugar added milk. She
opened its beak and the mixture was put into its beak with the help of a ink dropper.

Q.10 Why do you think Mini named the bird, ‘Mitra’?

Ans. Mini had no friends to play with her, she needed a friend who take away her loneliness that
is why she gave him the name ‘Mitra’?
Q.11 What was Mini’s reaction when she found Mitra’s basket empty in the morning?

Ans. Mini was shocked and filled in horror when she didn’t found Mitra in the basket because
she didn’t want him to be lost.

Q.12 Why did the neighbourhood children come to Mini’s house?

Ans. The neighbourhood children came to see the little bird as they were so excited to see it
since evening when they saw it first.

Q.13 What change did the bird bring in the attitude of the neighbourhood children towards

Ans. The bird had become lame as its wings got hurt by, seeing the bird in this situation the
children realized the anguish Mini must have gone through.

Q.14 What mistake that Anju make? How did she compensate?

Ans. After looking at duck and its’ disability she said “It is all the more hard for him now to make
new friends because he is lame”. She later realized that it could hurt Mini. She brought a fat
book about the duck next morning.

Q. 15 Describe the duck’s farewell?

Ans. Mini’s father took all the children and the duck to a nearby lake, the children lifted Mitra
from Mini’s lap and genteelly release it into the lake. it started swimming, shoveling the water
with its beak. The children watched this for so long time.

Q. 16 who do you think the story is about, Mini or the duck? Why?

Ans. The story is about Mini who is spastic and disabled from hands and foot. The duck is
symbolically brought into story to highlight the challenges facing by disabled people in their dally


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