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We have two strengths: the life force and the re-creative strength of the life force which is within us. YB
Ed. Note: When this set was taught in 1986, the first drink was pure pineapple juice and the second drink was pure coconut juice.
In 1993 Yogi Bhajan revised this to provide more vitamin C in each drink by mixing the two juices in the proportions given at the
beginning of the set.
You will need a mixture of 9 parts pineapple juice and 1 part coconut juice for
this set. Have 8 -12 oz. available for each of the two times when you are
required to drink your juice.
1. Raise your hands above your head, palms facing forward. Place the
right palm against the back of the left hand with the thumbs crossed so that the
right thumb is in front of the left. Grip the back of the left hand with the right
hand. Then grip the right thumb with the left hand. Continue this action,
alternating the grips rhythmically. Make a circle of your lips and breathe
strongly and deeply through the mouth. Inhale and grip with one hand. Exhale
and grip with the other hand. 10 Minutes.
2. Place your thumbs on the mound of the sun finger (ring finger) and
close the fist around the thumb. Hold your fists on either side of your head.
Inhale and hold your breath for 20 seconds while shaking your hands rapidly
and powerfully. Exhale. Do this inhale, hold, and shake a total of seven times.
This movement will totally revitalize you if you really do it hard. Do it with
such strength that your buttocks move to keep your balance during the shaking.
3. Drink 8-12 oz. of your juice. Relax 3 Minutes.
4. Panj Mudra: hold your arms out to the sides. The elbows are bent with
the forearms and fingers pointing upwards. The arms are pulled back so that
the forearms are a little behind the ears. The hands are about the level of the
eyes. Touch your thumb and Mercury (little) finger and bring your hands and
forearms in front of your face and then return back to the first position. Release
the mudra. Touch your thumb and Sun (ring) finger and bring your hands and
forearms in front of your face then return back to the first position at the sides.
Release the mudra. Touch your thumb and Saturn (middle) finger and bring
your hands and forearms in front of your face then return back to the sides.
Release the mudra. Touch your thumb and Jupiter (pointer) finger and bring
your hands and forearms in front of your face then return back to the sides.
Release the mudra. Then begin the entire sequence again with the thumb and
Mercury finger. It is important to bring the movement from behind the ear to
the front of the forehead. You will circle around the horizontal center of the
skuil. 13 Minutes.
5. Make a wide V of your arms. Each arm pointed up and out to the side
at a 60 degree angle. The fingers of each hand are together but the thumb is
stretched away from the hand. Your chin is tilted up and you breathe upward
through the mouth. This is called the Akashic breath. The breath is in rhythm
with the tape of "Sat Nam, Wane Guru" (Indian version). The arms must not
move. Breathe powerfully. 4 Min- utes.
Inhale, tighten your arms and hands, and exhale. Hold your position and start
to chant along with the tape. Close your eyes and keep your face turned upward
in this posture of ecstasy. 1 Minute. Inhale and relax. Shake out your
6. Arms are in front of the body and up at a 60 degree angle. The fingers
are together with the palms flat, facing down. The tips of the thumbs touch
each other. Close your eyes. Feel a ton of energy coming through your palms
and pump your navel to the rhythm of "Bhor Na Marne Hoaa" by Ragi Sat
Nam Singh. 9 Minutes. Inhale, stretch and as you hold your breath for 20
seconds, feel the life force energy in the third chakra.
7. Drink your second juice.
8. Lock your hands over your head in Venus lock. Twist your shoulders left
and right. Your shoulders twist to the front ol your body. This loosens up the
rib cage and benefits the immune system. Sing along with "Sat Nam, Wahe
Guru" tape (Indian version). 4 1/2 Minutes.
9. With your hands in prayer pose above your head, lock your thumbs and
keep your arms as straight as possible. Twist left and right from the base of your spine. 5 Minutes. Yogi Bhajan played "Walking
up the Mountain" by Krishna Kaur and Gurudass Singh during this and the following exercise.
10. Keep your arms in the same position and bend forward to touch the ground and rise back up. Bend at the area of the 3rd, 4th
and 5th vertebrae, bend way down. 3 Minutes.
Bend forward, rest your torso on the ground and stretch the lower back. 1-2 Minutes.

You know it is a honest problem with what they call is with duty and rest. We started in Anchorage, Alaska this morning and
when we come to Los Angeles we saw the darkness, it was kind of strange. At this it will be about light there as it is about 4 pm.
Quite bright light. But we thought whatever the little emergency has been created in Houston and situation in Los Angeles,
meanwhile we'll get to talk and have a good time. See, Oh my God its nice, huh? What are we are trying is to re-vibrate the
immune system. To give ourselves our creative... There are two strengths. One is the life force, one is the recreative strength of the
life force which is within us. And we are trying to relate to that and build in us, what you call it, stamina. You understand? Trying
to make the magnetic field proportionately react to it in the sense that a, suppose a situation arises where we are depleted of the
energy, and depleted of energy, and depleted of the energy. And we are not in a position to react to perfectly. In that situation there
should automatic gearing in us which should just pull us up and make us to confront and make us to face. And sometime when
people talk to you negative, or positive what you want to talk about, you don't see the hook, you just see the bite. This blindness is
called consciousness blindness, because subconsciously you are unloved, hungry, you need it, and when the bait is put before you,
you do not understand the pain which follows. You, If fish would have known what will happen to her once she had the bite, oh
God, you can beat it with the clubs, she will never take a bite. You know what I mean. But you do take the bite. Ego is very strong.
Ego gives you the power to confine, consolidate. It gives you power to consolidate and confine, then reciprocation is right there,
then you feel somebody. But actually, you are somebody when you can flow with the flow and excel. That is somebody. So what it
does is, it creates the negative of the excellence and makes you feel better, but later on it drops to death. You see called it is the
reversal magneticism which happens and the frequency and the electromagnetic field drops. So tonight we are going to work little
hard. This is your hand, I believe it, and this is your hand and this is your hand, and this is your lock. And this lock has to just be
here, here, here, and you press this, this toe with this and this. This is your press. See? Understand the action? Left hand has to be
press right here. And right hand is only this toe. Ego vs. tattvas, that's all it is. Simple science, no big deal. Right? Hugh? And
with that...(indicates moderate paced breath) alleluia. Very goo. Very rhythmic thing. I'm right here straight from the airport, so
I'm very fresh, awake. Squeeze the toe, milk the toe, which is called thumb. Breathe powerfully. Squeeze the hand, those four
fingers. It's all part brain, it's not hands or just a... (name 65) good night.(Off microphone: Where's my thing? I'll talk to you.)
What we are doing now in our own time, these sacred kriyas of the ancients we are practicing. Wh wants to come 10:30 to class,
nobody. People wh know it, (unclear78) and want to do it. Breaths should come powerfully long. Through the lip hole. God, if you,
if we would have been doing this kriya in the ashram there, some of the student would have been making the milk out of the
coconut and pineapple, and doing the other stuff. And the smell of it, can you believe now it is all part of it, That even keeps
going. Come on, come on, hurry up, hurry up. All those wh are in the back that think they can put their hand down it is more
visible. So. It is wrong to sit back and cheat. Akasha, keep watch. With the breath, with the breath. I know you don't want to
breathe, I don't know why. Come on. Now I know you don't like it cause you started very good. But is alright. It will start, the
mess will start going in and you just want to get out of it. Forty hours. Stop that old habit. You have nothing to do with it. Yeah. It
is our own thing.Squeeze that thumb, that thing and the hand, keep going. Ah, ha, remember me? Hugh? Everybody, everybody
don't stop. Come on, come on, come on, hurry up. Up, up, up, up, go faster and squeeze, good. any good news? Looks like... Come
on folks, come on, bravo, hey what do you think you are, huh? Hurry up. You can't put your hand down, you gotta do it. I'm
looking right to you. You can look left, right, I know. Ah, ha, doing good job. And put a smile on your face. Some people look like
they are crying. What for? Is not bad. Come on, come on. These are very good classes. Just do it right, you will experience right
here something. Get to the rhythm, get to the rhythm. Oh you guys came in, very welcome. With my best complements. Hey, ah
ha. O.K., O.K., O.K., O.K., now stop here. Now take that hand, and this is the sun finger, put it there. Is little painful to do that,
sun finger and squeeze it. It is difficult also. Get your hand in this condition. And without making any noise. Holding the breath
in, you should shake it so badly you can't even, you know what I mean? It will hurt, the whole arm will hurt. Powerfully shake it,
hold the breath. Really do it. Really strongly. Exhale. Inhale again. Go. And go for it. It will totally re-vitalize you if you really do
it hard. Exhale. No, no, no, no, inhale. Go ahead. You know that beautiful drink, remember? Hello, Millers. Come on, just like
that, see? You want to see how I do it. This is how it goes. The bottom will move. The bal...T keep the balance with the body your
bottom will move. That is how you should do it. Exhale. Inhale. Go ahead. Show the power to God. That 's what it is. God will
bless you. Come on, come on. Exhale. Not enough, inhale again. Go ahead. Exhale. Inhale again. Go again. Try to, try to, t ry to
pull this upper muscle and this back muscle which you never apply which is hanging dead meat. Just apply it, apply it really good.
Won't hurt. Exhale. Inhale again. Hey, let us go. Come on. Really good, then I let you go. Relax. Now drink your pineapple. Shake
it that pineapple before you, don't, because the bottled one. Oh my God. Oh. (some kind of music box is playing) This is from Siri
Ram Kaur/Singh and that most beautiful Kaur. Is beautiful. Just open up. It has that, well, God Bless. Oh I have the glasses, far
out, I can't read it. Does it taste good? Then you have to work hard after that remember? (speaking off microphone I know.
December, 83. Who else can be that fat?) We have one pineapple and one is that other bottle of coconut. That is separate. Some
people are willing to take three, because. I don't mind as much you can drink, because you are all going to leave it here. You're not
taking home another hour is for you not for me. All set. Have you drank your part please now? O.K. you understan d this? This
movement of mine. Now understand it is a very classical dance. Is highly qualifying. It is just like that. Each time you change.
You start with pinky, come to the Sun, come to the Saturn, see you later. Don't miss the rhythm, not at all. First with the pinky,
then with the Sun, then with the Saturn, then with the and then again. Keep the rhythm. It is known as punj mudra it is one of the
most beautiful. You will not find it in any book or in the scripts. They just kept it so themselves. But just see what it does to you,
don't worry. Is a light, polite thing to do. See how it twist your head. Just watch, in a couple minutes what its going to do. Siri Ved
was telling me on the plane, "Should we sleep for an hour because we have a work to start." I said we are in the same boat. Hari
Har Singh don't sleep. What happened to my temple. Is being built? Two hours. You mean after ladies camp? Go, this is the
circleª this is the circle you have to complete. It has to back of the ear, and then here. If you can do like this, it is not. There is no
orphanage its just like here, come. Go, come. Go, come. Go, come. Do it just, just humanly. Please, keep on doing. Don't break the
circle. Don't cut corners. No sharp. Continue, continue. Don't take advantage of the cover. Keep moving. Come on, come on. Be
happy. Don't be so uptightly serious. Come on, come on. Ha, ha, hallelujah, you slow. Come on, do try. Soorya Singh, good boy.
smile and do it. You have the best teeth in the world, show it to everybody. Come on. How was the office today. Didn't like it, I
know. I don't either. I won't hide behind people. I'll just do this exercise as I've been told. Is it difficult what you're doing. Its so
simple, isn't it? Move. Just move in that circle. Moment you create that magnetic circle you'll start saying things. Is a very light,
polite simple exercise. Put the tape on, they are falling apart, hurry up. I thought they will stand up. Now come on with that tape to
create the rhythm, O.K.? Saram looks like bright tonight, must have something special. No, that won't work He's going to
say...Now please now, for God's sake, don't miss. If this rhythm then finger must not come this. Must continue the... Just go with
the beat.
Hum, here, here, this is, this is the arcline. Halo. You're going around it. Is not this, this, there's no place for it. this, just right
here. O.K.? Keep up. You got to do it, somebody's looking at your. You see. Look bad when you don't do it right. Come on. Cen ter
of the skull. Where they open of the skull surgically. You know. That is the line. Stop. Put your both hands this way please. And
like this. Put the tape on. Spread the. Louder, louder. Up, up, chin up. Chin up, angle breathe upward. It is called the akashic
breath. Just feel, bless me the heavens. Come on breathe and feel that way. "Sat, chit, anand". Truth. equilibrium and bliss. You
have got to keep exactly this open angle, must not change, hand must not move. This is no good. Inhale deep. Now fix your hand
tight please. Let the breath go but don't move the hands. Keep it there and now chant. (Tape of Sat nam, sat nam ji. Wahe
guru...)Speak towards the heavens. Posture of ecstasy they call it. Chin up, face upwards. Eyes closed. Bless the heavens. Inhale.
Relax. You can't take it more than this. Therefore please shake your shoulders. Be ready the next exercise is very heavy so, just.
Are you ready for this and in this I expect no cheating. I mean if you can't do it, you can't do it, if you can do it you do it. Okay.
Take your hands this way please and connect here. Interlock it and connect it straight. If they bend they bend, if they don't bend
they don't bend. If they do like this. Every thumb has different bend right. Now close your eyes and feel the turn of energy coming
through your palm and slipping in and keep moving the navel as fast as you can. Eyes closed in ecstasy. That you are blessing the
universe. Navel, navel, navel, play with it as it is a separate part and you are pumping. Come on, come on, this is something I want
you to experience. This is your yoga, it gives you the energy, the heat, the primal force. Don't stop navel. Come on, come on, once
in a life time you are lucky you can do it. Inhale deep. Stretch and hold. Hold. Hold the life force and the navel point. Hold.
Control the third chakra. Let it go. Relax. This morning we write a little poem and Sat Simran will read it to you. Listen to this.
(Sat Simran speaking: He wrote the poem. I wrote it down. It is called, Sacred Kiss.)
Oh wonderful death, oh beautiful friend,Sometimes you come so late that waiting becomes painful. In the longing to go home to
find eternal peace. You are the only friend wh can make it happen. In reality you are the only one source who can give freedom
With a wonderful reason to get rid of duality. This body of the tattvas and the juices sometimes dries away like a barren land.
You are the only one wh stops the changing of time sand. Under which our toil and turmoil, emotions and motions, love and
lies for there is a great fear to die.
But in reality you take us from time and space walking and Talking you take us to the ultimate base, the infinity of God, home
sweet home, the ultimate dwelling of the soul.
What a wonderful companion you are taking us into the warmth of God from the earthly cold. Life sometimes moves very slowly
like a glacier with the strength to move a mountain. Without you my love, oh death, every living being shall go insane. You are
the redeemer, you are the freedom. You are the ultimate friend through this beautiful journey of life and end.
But some have created a fear about you and very real is the fear. Innocent humans don't know in real you are the only frien d who
finishes the game of karma, opens up the gates of the dharma so each one can enter the heavenly home of Sach kand, the true
abode of the Nirinkar, the formless one.
We have the forms and from these farms we reap the crop of karma and many times we forget that the world is a motel to do the
karmas total.
In the ultimate real of reality there is only one personality and that is the soul in us which is God in all. And you my friend, my
lovely death, in the end of this journey of life, toil, sweat and strife become the walking companion and friendly champion to take
me to my God, my ultimate home.
The realm of infinity, freedom of all time and space, the ultimate God's Grace.
I the one who has ridden you many times like a horse of death, Like a victory of battle, like a sacrifice under sword and by
crossing the cross.
But I know all these changes takes me to my abode in the heart of my loving God, my ultimate place for which my heart beats in
the rhythmic joy with longing, waiting for you my friendly death.
In my deep silence I am waiting, I am relating for your arrival too.
Life is a span to do what we can to excite and excel, to
create a heaven and a hell and to ultimately wait and ride with you to the peaceful abode of God. I dwell in God here, ther e and
everywhere and life and death I share. But all have to go, we all have to go but sometimes going is tough, time is rough, stormy
with lightening and the winds are cold.
But the warmth of the heart and friendship makes us ready to Go to our abode.
In the heavenly kingdom of my father, the palace of peace. Place of eternal bliss, with one's death kiss.
Peace was in the beginning, peace is now, the end shall be nothing but peace.
Heavenly lights, realms of grace are the nucleus of peace. I love you my friend, why I call you the death.
You are the redeemer friendly steed wh reaches me to the zenith, the abode of God, peace of the man, ultimate bliss which can
only come through the last, at last with your lovely kiss.
In yogis union and prayers communion and a kingly glamour in meditative death, the throne of immortality, the "akaal takhat"
lay barren in human irony in peace default, in nations duality. It is a sacrifice gives akaal to all living, life and death are siblings.
Death is an ultimate friend, not to fear with conscience clear, one awaits its kiss.
Ultimate key to heavens, majestic peace, everlasting bliss, Lies in that wonderful sacred kiss.

(Siri Singh Sahib speaking again) I was very grateful in the morning she was handy so I could just speak and she wrote it down.
We will type it out and tomorrow you will hear it in a song in Krishna's voice. You know the greatest sin we have ever committed
is to be afraid of death. It is just like being afraid of afraid of riding in a horse. How you can go home? Are you going to go
walking to the cycle of 8.¥ million lifetimes or you are going to get on something and get going. It is a basic reality which you
finally have to become acquaintance and to friendly and to fall in love and deeply understand so when time comes you can shake
hands and say "Hallelujah" let's go. However there is a drink for you. Please have it. Did you get your coconut drink? Is it finished
or still in the process. All right lock your hands please and remember this twist. This and this, it is twist. Come on. Play it, play it.
Shoulder blades. No, no, the other one. This doesn't go. Something which gives them the music. Come on, twist, twist. No, no, this
twist. Shoulders. Shoulders. (Sat Nam, sat Nam ji, Wahe guru tape is played) Hey, down, down, down, down, down. It is for the
rib cage and immune system. Move it. You know this air which is our very good friend with all this radiation and not having an
immune system super active is not good idea. If you have any misunderstanding that iodine and this and that is going to work out
you are crazy. Your immune system either has to stand for you or get you. Come on, move, move. Let me hear you. Sat Peter you
will help Krishna to put it to music. It has to be walking to the mountain. Walking to the mountain. Come on, come on. Hey, look.
I tell you this is, true. I don't mind what you do. Come on. Oh Siri Livtar your happy birthday. Is it today. Huh? See, I am here.
When it was. They said two days ago. Now it is today. We will celebrate today. You didn't have it. Huh? Put it louder then. Okay
put your hands like this and move like this. Straight, move. Face and up move. Keep up it will give you something. Now we have
to bring something else now. Come on, move, move, move. Straight up and move the base. (Tape is played, Walking up the
Mountain.) Keep walking, keep moving. change the movement, come forward and up. Bend at the fifth, fourth and third vertebra
back, all the way down. And now straight, bend and stay there. And stretch the lower back just sitting. Properly the posture of the
sitting must not change. Put your hand forward and please stretch forward. Come on. Do it. Stretch, stretch the lower back. Stretch
the lower back forward and forward and forward. And keep it stretched for a minute or two. The lower back. May the longtime sun
shine upon you all love surround you and the pure light within your guide your way on. Sat Nam. Tomorrow we will meet ten
thirty with a two bottles of prune juice for everybody and whether you go two hours next day or not is none of my problem.
Tomorrow we are going to reverse cycle of the kundalini at the third chakra. That is what we are going to do and that will be my
last class with you as far as I am concerned. However we have a good news and a bad news. The good news is that matter is
contained. The bad news is the sangat loose. So we will see what happens next. Thank you very much. We are hit by the gang of
the eight.

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