SCDL Assignment Paper: HR Management 7: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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SCDL Assignment Paper : HR Management 7

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Name the Integrative framework that identifies three paths through which HR practices can
contribute to business performance:
Correct Answer By building organisational capabilities , By improving employees satisfaction , By
shaping customers and shareholders satisfaction
Your Answer By building organisational capabilities , By improving employees satisfaction , By
shaping customers and shareholders satisfaction

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Every employee also has a succession plan to him, which is also known as -
Correct Answer Shadow planning
Your Answer Shadow planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In the career development cycle, which stage ideally starts when a new emploee joins an
organisation and finds a big gap between what the ideal organisation should be and what it is?
Correct Answer Exporatory stage
Your Answer Exporatory stage

Select The Blank

Question Ulrich (1994) says:The idea of utilising human resource as aa strategic business partner is
still at a level of ________ rather than reality.
Correct Answer Rhetoric
Your Answer Rhetoric

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Experience has shown HRD audit has tremendous impact on business in areas like:
Correct Answer strategic Planning , role clarity , Streamlining practices
Your Answer strategic Planning , role clarity , Streamlining practices

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Such a first attempt was made by the Congrece Government, but who was the main person
behind such a revolution in policies?
Correct Answer Narasinha Rao
Your Answer P. Chidarambaram

Question Long range planning are beyond eight years
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Select The Blank

Question 360 -Degree Feedback enhances the quality of ________ decisions.
Correct Answer HR
Your Answer HR
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In order to attain the support of Line Managers many organisations have formulated Training
Committees or Management Development Committee, membership consists of -
Correct Answer Mostly of Line Managers , The Chief Executive or a very senior managers take up the
role of Chairman , Training Managers is the member-Secretary in such committee.
Your Answer Mostly of Line Managers , The Chief Executive or a very senior managers take up the
role of Chairman , Training Managers is the member-Secretary in such committee.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question One of the importance of HRD is
Correct Answer Role clarity
Your Answer Role clarity

Question HRD audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the current HRD strategies, structures etc.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The differences in which kind of faiths among the people is hurdle in the HRD
Correct Answer Religious
Your Answer Social

Question Career planning is essentially the process of aligning the career needs of the employee with
the organisational career opportunities
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question ________ assignment can also be recommended for career development.
Correct Answer Rotational
Your Answer Rotational

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What are judgments of characteristics, traits of employees & impact of these characteristics
& traits on their performance.
Correct Answer Appraisals
Your Answer Appraisals

Question Workers and trade unions never praticipate in the management of human resources
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question Some organisations use ________ & committee management as techniques of training &
devlopment for flexitime systems
Correct Answer Job rotation
Your Answer Job enrichment

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question During the pre-reform period what was the industrial growth during the 1950-60 period
Correct Answer 7% to 9%
Your Answer 7% to 9%

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Through the BPR Programme an experience a sense of ownership in a company only if the
organisation believes in :
Correct Answer Caring ( honest & open communication & mutual support) , Sharing (with teams
having a common objectives) , Daring (encouraging enterpreneuial adaptation capabilities)
Your Answer Caring ( honest & open communication & mutual support) , Sharing (with teams having
a common objectives) , Daring (encouraging enterpreneuial adaptation capabilities)

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question 360 - Degree Appraisal is to get a broad assessment of an individual from different sources,
following factors need to be watched at this stage -
Correct Answer Individual learning , Organisational learning , Improved Individual behaviour
Your Answer Individual learning , Improved Individual behaviour , Improved Action planning

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Ranking system measures each job in comparison with other jobs in terms of the relative
importance of the following factors:
Correct Answer Supervision & leadership , Co-operation & association outside the line of authority ,
Probability & consequences of errors
Your Answer Supervision & leadership , Leadership & management , Co-operation & association
outside the line of authority

Question Potential refers to the likelihood of the job holder making a future contribution to the
employing organisation.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What are the major advantages of a Generic Benchmarking Technique?
Correct Answer It is readily transferable , New practices, earlier implemented in an entire industry can
be brought in, giving an organisation an edge over its rivals. , Proven systems can be implemented with
minimal modification
Your Answer It is readily transferable , New practices, earlier implemented in an entire industry can be
brought in, giving an organisation an edge over its rivals. , Proven systems can be implemented with
minimal modification

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The HRD outcomes can influence the organisation's business goals which may be in terms of
Correct Answer Higher productivity , Satisfied customers , Satisfied stockholders
Your Answer Higher productivity , Satisfied customers , Satisfied stockholders

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What are the objectives of a quality control programme?
Correct Answer Improvement in standard of goods with very little increase in cost of production ,
Improvement in minimizing wastages. , Conformance with desired standards.
Your Answer An effective inspection & control system. , Conformance with desired standards. ,
Improvement in minimizing wastages.

Question Trade union is a group of two people who come to strengthen their bargaining position.

Correct Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is the concept of groups of employees working towards different goals with little knowledge of

other functions or understanding of overall goals of the organisation?

Correct Answer Compartmentalisation

Select The Blank

Question Most HRD audit are due to failures of ________.

Correct Answer Implementation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Which system emphasis a lot on the need to motivate people

Correct Answer Human Resourse Development


Question The human resource department should move out from routine transactional activities and let IT take

care of their activities.

Correct Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Whose development plays an integral part in a Company today.

Correct Answer Employee

Select The Blank

Question While evaluating ________ jobs, where nature of work is difficult to be expressed in quantifiable


Correct Answer manegerial

Select The Blank

Question A major reason for resistance to re-engineering is a challenge to the existing ________.

Correct Answer hierarchy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What are the prerequisites for the perfect functioning of management participation in trade unions

Correct Answer The union should be well organised with sounds rules , the coverage of items for discussion &

participation should be pre -set , both parties should have implicit faith in information supplied by the other


Question The modern HR function has HRD at its core.

Correct Answer True

Match The Following

Question -- Correct Answer

Job analysis -- It is one of the job evaluation process which finds out relevant facts

Non-quantitative job evaluation category -- Simple ranking and grading are palced under such category

Quantitative job evaluation -- Point system and factor comparison methods are placed under such category

The beneficiaries to business firms by job evaluation -- It enables Cos. to get data in local wage surveys to

establish job classification

Select The Blank

Question The major issue to be resolved while framing ________ philosophy is whether to promote largely from

whithin the organisation or to hire people from outside at all levels.

Correct Answer Recruitment

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A programme that allows flexible entering & learning (the organisation) times for the employees is

known as -

Correct Answer Flexitime

Select The Blank

Question A strong ________ can have a lasting effect and provide sustenance to an organisation.

Correct Answer Culture

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Name the process in the development of managerial personnel.

Correct Answer Performance planning , Performance appraisal , Coaching

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Name the basic appraisal qualities:

Correct Answer Action , Judgement , Alertness

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The "Zero defects" concept defined TQM as -

Correct Answer The system to be used is prevention.


Question After the world War II, 'Made in Japan' became a synonym for shoddy goods, but the TQM concept put it

on the map.

Correct Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is that describes the duties of the job, authority relationship, skills requirement, conditions of work


Correct Answer Job analysis

Question Politician as the custodian of the nation has the responsibility to protect the interest of all the parties

envolved in the process of organisation

Correct Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is concerned with developing a pool of candidates in line with the human resources plan

Correct Answer Recruitment


Question The final step in manpower planning is to ensure that the supply will match the demand in future.

Correct Answer False

Select The Blank

Question Under ________ method jobs are arranged from highest to lowest, in order of their value to the


Correct Answer ranking

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The belief that a human resource, when put through different management development programmes, is

converted into a good management resources is supported by which common approach?

Correct Answer Manufacturing approach

Select The Blank

Question In indian since the liberalisation process in 19991, FDI flows have developed each year & exports are up

by more than ________

Correct Answer 0.5

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Job performance refers to :-

Correct Answer The actual achievements compaired with the objectives of the job.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What are the limitations of HRD Audits?

Correct Answer Becoming more of a political game than a genuine effort for improvement. , Failures of

implementations , Does not give evaluation of indiveduals but focuses on unit & systems

Select The Blank

Question Union leaders at different levels & at federatoins are elected on ________

Correct Answer democratic principle

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What was the key essential objective of the changed economic policy at the global level

Correct Answer to integrate the Indian economy with the world economy,


Question The degree to which an individual possess the innate quality of breath of mind is the most direct

indication of the individual's ultimate potential.

Correct Answer True


Question Eight members is considered to be the norm as to the no. of members constituting a QC-

Correct Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Name the first three phases that make up the process of the feedback exercise -

Correct Answer Participants orientation , Questionnaire distribution , Monitoring & follow up

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The Finance Minister also expressed the government's intention to eventually raise total resource
allocation for education to how much percent of the GDP in a phased manner?
Correct Answer 0.05

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Name the Integrative framework that identifies three paths through which HR practices can contribute to
business performance:
Correct Answer By building organisational capabilities , By improving employees satisfaction , By shaping
customers and shareholders satisfaction

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Every employee also has a succession plan to him, which is also known as -
Correct Answer Shadow planning

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In the career development cycle, which stage ideally starts when a new emploee joins an organisation
and finds a big gap between what the ideal organisation should be and what it is?
Correct Answer Exporatory stage

Select The Blank

Question Ulrich (1994) says:The idea of utilising human resource as aa strategic business partner is still at a level
of ________ rather than reality.
Correct Answer Rhetoric

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Experience has shown HRD audit has tremendous impact on business in areas like:
Correct Answer strategic Planning , role clarity , Streamlining practices

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