Unit 11 Reading LP

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Focussed Skill Reading

Date 31 July 2018
Time 12:40 p.m. – 13:40 p.m.
Class 4K
Number of Pupils 34
Proficiency Level Intermediate to advanced
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11: Amazing Malaysia
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding
of variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a
Content Standard range of strategies to construct meaning.
2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
(a) linear texts
2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by:
Learning Standard
(b) predicting with guidance
2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:
(b) non-fiction
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. predict where each family will go on during the holidays by matching situation on the sentence
Objectives strips to the corresponding places correctly;
ii. transfer information into i-think map correctly;
iii. answer Wh-questions correctly
Video clip entitled ‘OO-Kun & Friends in Malaysia’
PowerPoint slides – attractive places in some of the states in Malaysia (Appendix 1), pictures about
Teaching Aids the vocabularies in the reading text (Appendix 2), double bubble map (Appendix 3)
Sentence strips which contain the situations
Worksheet 1 – Read and answer the Wh-questions based on the reading text
Educational Emphases
i. Thinking skills Make predictions, Choose, Compare and Contrast, Identify main ideas, Draw conclusion
ii. Multiple Intelligence Visual-spatial, Verbal-linguistic
iii. Values
Moral Value Love for the country
Cross Curricular Element ICT

Stage/Time Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark

Set Induction 1. Teacher greets pupils. TA : Video clip entitled ‘OO-Kun &
(3 minutes) 2. Pupils respond to teacher politely. Friends in Malaysia’
3. Teacher plays a short video clip entitled ‘OO-Kun & Friends
in Malaysia”.
4. Pupils watch the video attentively.
5. Teacher asks some questions based on the video.
6. Pupils answer the teacher’s questions orally.
7. Teacher introduces the topic of the lesson – Amazing
Malaysia. MI : Visual-spatial

1. Where did OO-Kun and his friends visit
in Malaysia during their holidays?
2. What did they do?
3. Where would you go during your
holidays? Why?

Pre-reading 1. Teacher shows and explains the attractive places in some of TA :

(15 minutes) the states in Malaysia on PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint slides – attractive places in
2. Teacher prepares few sentence strips with situations on it. some of the states in Malaysia (Appendix
3. Teacher selects few pupils randomly to pick one sentence 1), pictures about the vocabularies in the
strips. reading text (Appendix 2), sentence strips
Stage/Time Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark
4. Teacher instructs the pupils to predict where each family which contain the situations
would go based on the situations given. TS : Make predictions, Choose
5. Pupils make predictions and match the situations with the MI : Visual-spatial, Verbal-linguistic
places shown on PowerPoint slides. CCE : ICT
6. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.
7. Teacher introduce the vocabularies in the reading text by
showing the pictures on PowerPoint slides.
8. Pupils listen attentively to teacher.

While-reading 1. Teacher instructs the pupils to turn to textbook page 89. TA :-

Step 1 2. Teacher asks the pupils to read aloud the reading text. TS : Compare and contrast
(7 minutes) 3. Teacher corrects their pronunciation if necessary. MI : Verbal-linguistic
4. Teacher guides the pupils to identify the similarities and
differences between the two places by putting brackets for
similarities and underlining the differences.
5. Pupils identify the similarities and differences between the
two places.

Step 2 1. Teacher asks the pupils about the most suitable i-think map TA : PowerPoint slide – double bubble
(15 minutes) to be used for comparing and contrasting these two places. map (Appendix 3)
2. Pupils answer the teacher’s question.
TS : Identify main idea, Compare and
3. Teacher shows the double bubble map on PowerPoint slides
and instructs the pupils to copy and complete the map on Contrast
their exercise book. MI : Verbal-linguistic, Visual-spatial
4. Pupils complete the map individually.
5. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.
Stage/Time Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark

Post-reading 1. Teacher distributes Worksheet 1 (Read and answer Wh- TA : Worksheet 1 – Read and answer
(15 minutes) questions) to pupils. Wh-questions.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read aloud the letter. TS : Identify main idea
3. Pupils read aloud the reading texts.
4. Teacher explain the meaning of some difficult vocabularies MI : Verbal-linguistic
to pupils orally.
5. Teacher instructs the pupils to answer the worksheet.
6. Pupils answer the worksheet individually.
7. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.

Closure 1. Teacher recaps the day’s lesson by asking the pupils on TA :-

(5 minutes) what they have learnt in the lesson. TS : Draw conclusion
2. Pupils answer the teacher. MI : Verbal-linguistic
3. Teacher ends the lesson.

Guru Pelatih Guru Pembimbing Pensyarah Penyelia

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