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Pathophysiology Acute Pyelonephritis

Precipitating Factors
Obstruction of urinary outflow, Vesicoureteral Reflux,
Neurogenic Bladder, Renal Diseases, Metabolic Disturbances
Predisposing Factors
Gender, Older Age, Lifestyle, Environment,
Pregnancy, Instrumentation, Chronic Analgesic Abuse

Bacteria gain access to blood Intestinal M.O. Exegenous M.O. Genitor-Urinary M.O.

Systematic Arteries
Systematic Circulation
Ureters and Bladder

Infection Inflammation of the renal tissue Pain
Increase WBC and Platelet Small abscess in Pain and bladder
the calyx surfaces retention

Suppuration Change of abscess to lesions

Pain and Pyuria
(Pus Formation)

Increase polymorphnuclea leukocytes

in the tubules and in the interstitium
surrounding the tubules

Bleeding in the mucous membrane of

the adjacent collecting system

Destruction of Dysuria
Necrosis of Renal Tissue
Segments of tubules

Leukocyte Casts May lead to Renal Failure

(Accumulation of WBC)

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