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Competitive Replacement Nov 2010

The main strength of Quick-EDD/HA vs Obviously, these additional costs have no real
competition is that the solution has meaning for the client in terms of functionality or
been really designed with one single aim: enhancements.
The Switch A replacement with ‘Quick-EDD’ avoids the future
upgrade costs and is really fair.
Every competitor has made software solutions 3) Ease: The 2 main reasons of the ‘Quick-EDD’
   on the Replication, which is for us just a success are ‘Ease and Performance.’
part of the design. Quick-EDD is much simpler to install, to manage, to
Every competitor is using the IBM ‘Remote set up, to operate and to maintain. The usage costs
Journaling,’ but not us! are very limited.
The replication is effectively the basis of HA software. Quick-EDD is using only 2/3% of CPU and has the
But the Replication is not enough to provide a real and most efficient use of the bandwidth by sending only
complete HA solution. the changes instead of the entire journal, meaning
Today, the Replication is very simple and delivered with that the TCO is minimum.
any standard OS400 with the function called ‘remote 4) Agility of the solution: In comparison to other HA
-journaling.’ products made either for SMB (Small and Medium
The ‘remote journaling’ allows the DATA Replication Businesses) or for High-End customers, Quick-EDD
from one System i to another. It’s a very good, free /HA has been designed to be easy to setup and
function, a gift from IBM. maintain, to be highly flexible and scalable; truly the
A developer can afterwards write a simple CLP best of both worlds.
program based on the API QDBRPLAY to apply to its - The SMB customer asks for ease and efficiency;
target DB the DATA contained into the ‘remote Quick-EDD/HA is a fully functioning HA solution.
journal’. Here, there is no need for HA software. - The High-End customer asks for the capabilities of a
High-Availability software using the ‘remote Cluster or iASP Environment and Quick-EDD/HA is able
journaling’ as a unique Replication process is limited to deliver this functionality as well.
to taking place on the CLP program mentioned 5) 2011 is the right moment: Throughout the year 2011,
above. If they smartly added some features, did some the Orion client installation base would change to itera of
marketing research, clients could believe in a real Mimix, which are both different from Orion.
HA solution. The client will have to install a new, un-chosen solution,
2011 is the year to replace ORION (also called even if Vision Solutions may deny this!
OMS/ODS or Vision) at clients IT organizations. We think 2011 is the year to push strongly for these clients,
Quick-EDD is clearly now a leader of the HA software and to convince them to, at the very least, compare with
solutions on the IBM System i market. Quick-EDD.
The product is now installed in more than 1000 If you want more proof that Orion has effectively
companies and more than 150 Vision replacements disappeared, have a look on this picture of the banner
have been done already. used during the Common meeting in Germany last
So two pieces of good news: November and try to find Orion!
- The first one is that not every System i client has
purchased a HA solution; a large market share with
new opportunities still exists!
- The second one is that there are still a large
number of Orion clients to migrate to Quick-EDD!

What are the arguments you can use?

1) The maintenance price: The Orion MA fees are
based on the price invoiced to the client a long
time ago, which are now completely out of the
market. We can generate savings on this and
take advantage of the disappointments of the
2) Pricing model: The Vision products are invoiced Beyond these sales and marketing arguments, we still
based on the system CPW. With every system have to demonstrate that Quick-EDD is what we have
migration cycle, knowing that the CPW is always described, and nothing’s better than a POC to show
growing, the client has to pay an additional license to the client all the advantages they would have by
FAQ_EDH_vs_Vision_2011 fee and of course an additional MA fee. using Quick-EDD!

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