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Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

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HPGR model verification and scale-up

M.J. Daniel *, S. Morrell
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Isles Road, Indooroopilly, Qld. 4068, Australia

Received 2 April 2004; accepted 11 May 2004


This paper summarises test results that were used to validate a model and scale-up procedure of the high pressure grinding roll
(HPGR) which was developed at the JKMRC by Morrell et al. [Morrell, Lim, Tondo, David,1996. Modelling the high pressure
grinding rolls. In: Mining Technology Conference, pp. 169–176.]. Verification of the model is based on results from four data sets
that describe the performance of three industrial scale units fitted with both studded and smooth roll surfaces. The industrial units
are currently in operation within the diamond mining industry and are represented by De Beers, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. Ore
samples from the De Beers and BHP Billiton operations were sent to the JKMRC for ore characterisation and HPGR laboratory-
scale tests. Rio Tinto contributed an historical data set of tests completed during a previous research project.
The results conclude that the modelling of the HPGR process has matured to a point where the model may be used to evaluate
new and to optimise existing comminution circuits. The model prediction of product size distribution is good and has been found to
be strongly dependent of the characteristics of the material being tested. The prediction of throughput and corresponding power
draw (based on throughput) is sensitive to inconsistent gap/diameter ratios observed between laboratory-scale tests and full-scale
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Comminution; High pressure grinding rolls; Energy efficiency; Model verification, Scale-up

1. Introduction and is beginning to seek ways of developing sustainable

mining practices. One particular area of focus is aimed
The turn of the millennium has awakened the devel- at quantifying and modelling energy utilisation in com-
oped worldÕs interest in global energy consumption in minution processes.
view of the earthÕs limited fossil energy resources. So The high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) is a rela-
too have mining multinationals realised the serious im- tively new comminution device that offers realistic
pact that possible future energy limitations might have potential in dramatically reducing comminution energy
on the industry. The continued depletion of non-renew- requirements. As such, it is viewed as an alternative to
able energy resources has prompted a drive towards the existing, less energy efficient processes such as
sustainability. To achieve this all sectors of the industr- semi-autogenous (SAG) and ball mills. (Morrell et al.,
ialised world will have to dramatically reduce energy 1997) believed that an important factor in encouraging
consumption and increase energy efficiency. To this the use of the HPGR technology in the future, was
end, the mining industry has now taken up the challenge through the availability of adequate process models
for simulation that described the processes and scale-
up requirements. Today simulation is widely used in
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 7 3365 5888/5815; fax: +61 7
mine pre-feasibility, feasibility and final design studies.
3365 5999. However, the models behind comminution simulators
E-mail address: (M.J. Daniel). such as JKSimMet, often rely on ore characterisation

0892-6875/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1150 M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

Table 1
Summary of the data sets used to validate the Morrell/Tondo/Shi HPGR model
Data source Roll surface Roll size (m) kWh/t (full-scale) kWh/t (lab-scale)
Rio Tinto (historical) Smooth 2.2 1.8–2.5 1.8–2.5
De Beers Smooth 2.8 4.0–4.5 4.0–4.5
De Beers Studded 2.8 2.5–3.0 3.5–3.9
BHP Billiton Studded 1.7 1.0–1.2 2.0–3.0

data and pilot scale test data for model calibration pur- et al., 1996). Two counter-rotating rolls allow the com-
poses. In HPGR evaluation, pilot scale tests require sev- pression breakage to be used in a continuous rather than
eral tons of sample due to the high capacity of such units batch operation.
(50–80 t/h). By contrast laboratory-scale HPGR test One of the rollers in the HPGR rotates on a fixed axis
units have much lower throughput capacities (1–5 t/h) while the other is allowed to move linearly with a press-
which, if their results are scalable, are more cost effec- ing force applied to the moving roll. The moveable roller
tive, less labor intensive and enable the model to be cal- is forced up against the material in the gap between the
ibrated using small amounts of sample. This is rollers by an hydraulic oil cylinder system. This oil pres-
particularly suited to pre-feasibility studies where lim- sure acts through four or two cylinders (depending on
ited amounts of drill core are usually available. The issue the manufacturer) and transmits the grinding force over
of whether the results from a laboratory HPGR unit are the cross-section of the diameter of the rolls where the
scalable is particularly important. Hence a program was bed has formed. The amount of material in the gap, or
initiated to compare laboratory and full scale results compression zone (>50 MPa), may be manipulated to
using the Morrell, Tondo, Shi model. a limited degree to result in optimum operating condi-
Three different kimberlite ores were tested using lab- tions, but generally, it is a characteristic of the process
oratory-scale units fitted with both smooth and studded ore, roll diameter and surface characteristics.
rolls. The laboratory-scale data was used to fit model During processing, the particle bed is compressed to a
parameters. The model was then used to scale-up to pre- density of greater than 70% solids by volume. The mate-
dict the performance of full-scale units treating the same rial is usually agglomerated into a cake (flake) that may
ores. These simulated (predicted) results were then com- have to be de-agglomerated before passing on to subse-
pared with the actual full-scale data as generated by quent processes. This is achieved by either immersing
each of the industrial scale operating units. Details of the product in water in a sump under the discharge
the operating ranges of the full scale machines are sum- end of the rolls or by using a hammer, impact or ball
marised in Table 1. mill (Schönert, 1988).
Ore is fed to the HPGR by means of a chute usually
mounted directly above the gap between the rolls. Mate-
2. Overview of the HPGR rial is usually fine enough to be gravity fed into the
HPGR (Schönert, 1988), where the nip angles of the
The basic machine concept is very simple. The mate- particle and the internal friction of the bulk of the mate-
rial is force-fed into the unit by creating a head of mate- rial mass are sufficient to continuously draw-in the
rial over the machine, as seen in Fig. 1 (Napier-Munn material through the rolls.

Fig. 1. Cross-sectional representation of HPGR, including the hydraulic spring system (Napier-Munn et al., 1996).
M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161 1151

The HPGR breaks particles predominantly in an Feed to HPGR

autogenous way, unlike other comminution devices such
as ball and rod mills. The grinding force is transferred Pre-crusher

from one particle to the next, with only a small propor-

tion of the particles coming into direct contact with the Splitter
Compressive bed
Schönert (1988, 1991) also mentions that even though breakage
Edge effect
the inter-particle process in less efficient than single par- crusher
ticle stressing, he found that when a bed of particles is
compressed and comminuted, the result is that the mate-
rial is comminuted more efficiently than in a ball mill.
Schönert concluded that the main reason for this is the
fact that the controlled transport and stressing featured
Product from the HPGR
in HPGR results in a high proportion of available en-
ergy being used solely for the purpose of stressing the Fig. 2. The current Morrell/Tondo model structure represented
material. In conventional mills, the material transport conceptually (Morrell et al., 1997).
and stressing inside the active volumes of the mill be-
tween the balls occurs randomly. This often allows par- cur in a conventional rolls crusher. The product of this
ticles to move out of position resulting in unproductive pre-comminution process then passes into a region
collisions between grinding media and the liner wall where a bed under compression has formed. Thus the
within the mill. This mode of energy input is inherently interface between the compression and pre-crusher
wasteful because of the hit-and-miss nature of the zones is defined by the critical gap (xc), and is expressed
process. as:
(   )
2 4qg Dxg 0:5
3. Model structure and theory xc ¼ 0:5 ðD þ xg Þ  ðD þ xg Þ  ; ð1Þ
The Morrell/Tondo/Shi model consists of three parts, where D is the roll diameter (m); xg is the working gap
namely a model for the prediction of product size distri- (m); qg is the flake density (t/m3); and qc is the bulk
bution, a throughput model, and a power consumption ‘‘compacted’’ density (t/m3).
component. The throughput model component uses a
standard plug flow model version that has been used
3.1.2. The ‘‘edge effect’’ zone
extensively by the manufacturers and researchers. The
Breakage at the edge of the rolls is different to that at
power consumption is based on the throughput and
the centre and conforms more to that experienced in a
the specific comminution energy (Ecs) input.
conventional rolls crusher. This so-called ‘‘edge effect’’
is what defines the proportion of relatively coarse parti-
3.1. Modelling particle size distribution
cles usually seen in HPGR products. Its existence has
been explained by the pressure gradient across the width
Modelling the product size distribution also com-
of the roll and the zero confinement of the ore at the
prises three separately defined processes that are each
edges of the rolls where cheek-plates are sometimes pro-
modelled and then combined to produce a final result.
vided (Watson and Brooks, 1994).
The size reduction model relies on the assumption
The model assumes a step-change in pressure profile
that the three breakage mechanisms occur independ-
at the rolls edge where material is comminuted in single
ently within the HPGR (Morrell et al., 1997). These
particle mode similar to the pre-crusher zone. No com-
sub processes or zones within the crusher are defined
pressed bed breakage is assumed to take place in this
zone, whereas in reality a gradual change in pressure is
likely to be encountered.
(i) the pre-crusher zone,
The interface which defines the boundary between the
(ii) the edge effect zone and
compression zone and the edge effect zone is represented
(iii) the compression zone.
mathematically by a fraction of the original feed mate-
rial which undergoes the single particle comminution.
The zones are described conceptually in Fig. 2.
This fraction is represented by the following equation
(2) (Morrell et al., 1997).
3.1.1. The ‘‘pre-crusher’’ zone
If particles are bigger than a certain critical size (xc), xg
f ¼c ; ð2Þ
they will be broken directly by the roll faces as would oc- L
1152 M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

where f is the fraction of the feed material which is com- ðP noload þ P shaft Þ
Ecs ¼ : ð5Þ
minuted in the edge zone; c is the ‘‘ore specific’’ split fac- Qm
tor; xg is the working gap (m); and L is the length of the
rolls (m). The shaft power (Pshaft) is calculated from the experi-
mentally measured torque (s) on the rolls along with
3.1.3. The ‘‘compression’’ zone the circumferential speed of the rolls expressed in Eq.
The compression zone boundary is at some point (6). The no-load power (Pno-load) is the power consumed
away from the outer edges of the rolls, defined by by the unit when no material is being fed.
f/2.L, where L is the length of the rolls and f the fraction 2su
defined by Eq. (2), and extending upwards from the area P shaft ¼ ; ð6Þ
of minimum gap (xg) to the area bounded by the critical
gap (xc) given by Eq. (1). The compression zone is by far where s is the shaft torque (N m); u is the circumferential
the most important comminution zone, as it is in this re- speed (m/s); D is the rolls diameter (m); and Pshaft is the
gion where the majority of the breakage processes take net shaft power (kWh/t).

3.2. Throughput 4. Experimental programme

The measured (experimental) throughput is deter- 4.1. Background to experimental test work
mined by dividing the sample test mass by the time to
process (Eq. (3)) and is expressed in tonnes per hour The test work consisted of a series of experiments
(t/h) conducted with a range of ores using a laboratory-scale
HPGR. The results of these tests and the associated
Test sample mass ðkgÞ
Qm ¼ 3:6 : ð3Þ experimental errors were used to first calibrate the
Time to process ðsÞ
HPGR model. The same model parameters determined
The model predicts throughput using Eq. (4) and is also from the calibration process are used during scale-up
expressed in tonnes per hour (t/h). to simulate the performance of a full-scale unit.
Qc ¼ 3600ULqg xg c; ð4Þ The overall result was that three new data sets were
generated using the two different kimberlite ores. The
where U is the circumferential rolls speed (m/s); L is the fourth data set was a historical data set that was ac-
rolls width (m); xg is the working gap (m); qg is the den- quired during a previous project. Here data with similar
sity of the flake produced (t/m3); and c is the correction specific energies to the full-scale and pilot scale opera-
factor. tion were extracted from the data set to produce the
Rio Tinto modelling data set.
3.3. Power draw The De Beers industrial unit was first operated with
smooth rolls. These were replaced with studded rolls
The power draw (kW) for a simulated HPGR is cal- during the course of the project. As a result an addi-
culated directly from the product of the specific commi- tional data set was generated, and a direct comparison
nution energy (Ecs) measured during the laboratory between the performance of smooth and studded rolls
(kWh/t) and the predicted throughput (t/h) of the simu- surfaces was made. Studded rolls, are seen as a standard
lated HPGR. The power draw prediction is therefore di- feature in new designs (Fig. 3), because of their im-
rectly related to the accuracy of the throughput proved wear resistant characteristics (Battersby et al.,
prediction. 1992).
The experimentally measured specific energy (Ecs) is Studded rolls also improve process performances
calculated from the sum of the measured shaft power through higher throughput rates and an apparent lower
(Pshaft) and the no-load power, divided by the measured specific energy consumptions (Lim and Weller, 1997).
throughput (Qm) as expressed in the following equation: The full-scale BHP Billiton unit is a unit fitted with stud-

Fig. 3. Typical full-scale roll surface characteristics, welded, chevron, studded and hexadur.
M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161 1153

ded rolls, and so in order to make a direct comparison

between the two types of roll surface designs, it was nec-
essary for the research project to complete tests on a lab-
oratory scale unit fitted with both smooth and studded

4.2. Relative scale of the test unit to full-scale units

The industrial-scale data sets represent the perform-

ance of units with roll diameters of 1.7, 2.2 and 2.8 m.
Fig. 4 shows the relative scale of the three industrial
units, the JKMRC conventional 300 mm rolls and the
Amdel 250 mm HPGR rolls. Two geometrically similar
particles are placed between a full-scale roll and a labo-
ratory-scale test unit to amplify the relative positions
where particles first make contact with the rolls surface.
This affects both nipping of individual particles in the Fig. 4. The relative gap and rolls diameter between industrial scale
units and the laboratory-scale unit.
pre-crusher zone. The relative voidage between particles
in the laboratory-scale feed is assumed to be similar to
the full-scale feed voidage conditions. This implies that 4.4. Test data (measurements) required by the model
the bulk density is the same for both laboratory scale
and full-scale. Verification of each of three model components
formed a structured basis for the data/ measurements
4.3. The Amdel laboratory-scale test unit that were required during the experimental phase.

The Amdel laboratory-scale unit (Fig. 5) employed • Scale up procedure (scaling data, ratio of roll diame-
for the test work was a unit originally manufactured ter and working gap).
by Krupp Polysius and shows both the smooth and • Prediction of throughput.
studded roll profiles. The rolls are 100 mm wide and • Prediction of power draw.
have a diameter of 250 mm. Each roll is independently • Prediction of product size distribution, including:
driven by a separate motor which has the option of (i) Fraction of material split to compressed bed
two fixed speed settings of 0.33 and 0.67 m/s. Also de- zone and edge effect.
picted in Fig. 5 is the feed chute/hopper which is used (ii) Single particle breakage—appearance function.
to maintain a constant head of feed material to the (iii) Compressed bed breakage—appearance function.
HPGR. (iv) Default model parameters.

Fig. 5. The 250 mm Amdel test unit fitted with both smooth and studded rolls surface profiles.
1154 M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

Table 2 14

Power Coefficient Kp,

Model data derived from experimental measurements

(t10, fixed at 37)

Item Data category Model data (experimental measurements) 10
1 Measured input Sample mass
Roll diameter (D), roll width (L),
Roll speed (U ) 4
Bulk ‘‘compacted’’ density (qc) 2
Feed size distribution 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Measured output Working gap (xg), flake thickness (xgf),
Specific comminution energy (kWh/t)
flake density (qg)
Product size distribution (measured)
De Beers smooth rolls
Batch process time
Working pressure (pw), power (kW)
Fig. 6. The specific comminution energy (kWh/t) versus power
coefficient (Kp(hpgr)) (where t10 is kept constant).

The data required by each of the above model com-

ponents may be further categorised into five groups. model-fitted to determine how the two critical model
The groups are shown in Tables 2 and 3 and constitute parameters t10h and Kp(hpgr) (power coefficient) interact.
all the data needed for the model verification procedure. An example of this interaction is shown in Fig. 6, where
the parameter Kp(hpgr) is shown to increases with increas-
4.5. Calibrating the model and scaling-up ing energy input, whilst keeping t10 constant. When the
t10 parameter is kept constant, the resultant predicted
To verify the modelÕs scale-up ability, the procedure product size distribution approximates (i.e. with large
followed was first to calibrate the model using data from residual errors) the measured product size distribution.
tests completed on a laboratory-scale unit. Calibration When t10 is not fixed and is fitted with Kphpgr, then it
was achieved by fitting a curve to the experimental prod- was found that similar fitted (t10) values were obtained.
uct size distribution. The calibrated model parameters Generally, the (t10 parameter is found to remain numer-
were then fixed and a particular specific energy input ically in the range of 30–40 for all ores tested. This phe-
used. To predict the outputs of a full-scale unit with nomenon was observed and reported previously by
the same specific energy, the predicted outputs were Morrell et al. (1997),Lim and Weller (1997), Fuerstenau
compared to the actual full-scale performance data. This et al. (1991, 1993) and Schönert (1988) as a ‘‘self-similar-
procedure is summarised in Fig. 6. ity effect’’, where increased energy input resulted in the
Calibrating the model requires only a single data set parallel shift towards a finer product size distribution.
from a single test. The model may then only predict The power coefficient reflects the utilisation of applied
the full-scale performance using a similar specific com- power in size reduction (a higher value of Kp(hpgr) reflects
minution energy. Ideally, a test series of at least five to poorer energy utilization).
six tests which have a range of specific energies and cor- By fixing the t10 parameter, it was possible to estab-
responding product size distributions are needed. Each lish that a linear relationship between the power coeffi-
of these data sets generated from the test series may be cient Kp(hpgr) and specific energy (kWh/t) exists. The

Table 3
Model parameters and calculated outputs
Item Data category Model parameters and calculated output
3 Calculated output Measured throughput (Qm)
Calculated throughput (Qcalc)
Specific energy (Ecs)
Specific force (Fsp)
Critical gap (xc)
Product size distribution (calculated)
4 Fixed default parameters t10p, t10e––breakage for edge and pre-crusher
K1p, K2p, K3p––pre-crusher model parameter
K1e, K2e, K3e––edge-crusher model parameter
K1h, K2h, K3h––compression zone model parameter
Split factor (c)
Kp(edge)––power coefficient (edge)
5 Critical model parameters Kp(hpgr)––power coefficient (compression zone)
t10h––breakage for compression zone crusher
M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161 1155

model fitted product size distribution had a larger error assumption that gap/diameter ratio is constant during
in these cases than the error obtained when allowing the scale-up. This assumption is known in literature to be
t10 parameter to be fitted as a second model parameter. poorly understood, but remains true within a limited
The data was however produced to provide the general range. For example diameter to gap ratios have been re-
linear relationship that exists between Kp(hpgr) and Ecs ported to remain between 0.9% and 1.6%, which relative
as shown in Fig. 6, which enabled the model to linearly to the rolls diameter is not seen as significant, but dra-
adjust the Kp(hpgr) value during scale up. This adjust- matically changes throughput estimations when the
ment of the Kp(hpgr) value is necessary when the labora- working gap is amplified by the scale factor in full-scale
tory-scale specific energy differs from the full-scale units. When the scale factor is large (e.g., 11.2), the accu-
specific energy. The adjustment makes allowances for racy of gap measurement at lab scale becomes critical to
the portion of energy that is converted into heat energy the performance of the throughput model and the result-
after the energy saturation point has been reached. The ant power draw.
point at which maximum size reduction occurs is de-
scribed as the saturation energy (Tondo, 1997).
Once the model has been calibrated, all model para- 5. Results
meters are subsequently fixed and used in the full-scale
simulation. The ÔnewÕ diameter of the simulated HPGR 5.1. Working gap
(full-scale) is used with other variables such as rolls
speed, and flake and bulk density, and is ‘‘scaled up’’ The measured versus predicted full-scale working
when the simulation is run (see Fig. 7). gaps (calculated from the working gap of the experimen-
During scale-up, the model uses a scale factor to pre- tal test) are shown in Fig. 8. The De Beers smooth roll
dict the working gap of the simulated mill. The working working gap was reported to be 24 mm, although no ac-
gap of the original laboratory-scale mill is multiplied by tual measurement of the gap was made, measurements
a scale factor to calculate the working gap of the simu- of the flake material suggest that the gap was more likely
lated full-scale mill. The scale factor is defined as the to be in the range of 28–32 mm. The design working gap
ratio of the simulated mill diameter divided by the orig- for this unit is 31.5 mm which is comparable to the pre-
inal mill diameter and expressed in Eq. (7). dicted working gap, as determined by scale up from the
experimental working gaps.
Dsimulated Dfullscale The De Beers studded working gaps (Fig. 8) were
Scale factor ¼ ¼ : ð7Þ
Doriginal Dlabscale measured accurately during the commissioning tests of
the new studded rolls (gap measurement represent stud
Hence it is the laboratory-scale working gap, that when to stud). Here, the predicted studded working gap is be-
multiplied by the scale factor determines the full-scale lieved to be in error due to the difficulty in measuring a
working gap. The scale-up procedure relies on the ‘‘studded’’ working gap during the laboratory tests.

Provide representative ore Provide industrial scale

sample of industrial unit feed plant data

Complete Ore Complete Laboratory

Characterisation Scale Tests
Compare the data with
given industrial scale data
Does the model scale-up ?
Measure & fix input Measure & calculate output
variables variables

Input fixed default

Use data & parameters
HPGR Model to Use the model to simulate
and predict full scale product
size distribution, throughput
and power draw using the
Model fit a size distribution to the same parameters as
experimentally measured size distribution determined in the laboratory
and determine critical model parameters Scale-up scale tests.

Fig. 7. The procedure for the HPGR model verification and scale-up.
1156 M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

100 The errors associated with the fittings are also shown
De Beers
90 in the figures. These errors reflect the accuracy of the fits
Predicted gap (mm)

80 Full-scale
70 gap data and were calculated using the following equation:
60 y=x vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
uP y mi y pi 2
De Beers
Linear u
30 t y mi
(y=x) Error ¼ i¼1 ; ð8Þ
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 where N is the number of data sets; ymi is the ith meas-
Measured gap (mm) urement (individually fitted) value; and ypi is the ith pre-
diction (model) value.
Fig. 8. Measured versus predicted full-scale working gaps. Fig. 9 shows that the throughput model works well
when accurate measurements of the model variables
A further limitation of the model scale-up is realised have been made. In this case the measured flake thick-
when the parameters t10 and Kp as determined during ness and corresponding flake density was used as de-
model calibration are used in full-scale simulation. As scribed in Eq. (4). The velocity of the rolls was the
mentioned previously, the simulated prediction is only same as the velocity of the bed exiting the rolls as no
valid when an identical specific energy input to that material slip is deemed to be taking place. This conclu-
which was measured during laboratory-scale tests is sion has also recently been published by Schönert and
used. This point highlights the need to complete a series Sander (2001). Thus possible variations in throughput
of laboratory-scale tests with a range of specific energy could be attributed to the error in experimental meas-
inputs. The results may then give an indication of the urements of the flake, gap and rolls speed or in the error
saturation energy level, and the results from this test caused by the lower density of the material in the edge
should then be chosen for scale-up. effect zone. The error in resultant measured and calcu-
lated throughputs ranged from 16.8% to 16.5%, and
5.2. Throughput the overall error of the model based on the available
experimental data was 10.52%.
The measured (experimental) throughput versus cal- Eq. (3) was then applied to the full-scale data (Fig.
culated (model) throughput of a series of laboratory- 10) where two very noticeable outliers are present that
scale tests is shown in Fig. 9. The graph displays the represent the throughput of the Rio Tinto unit. In this
99% and 95% confidence limits generated from a statis- particular case the measured throughput far exceeds
tical linear comparison method. the predicted throughput. This is thought to have been
due to the state of the cheek plates. These plates are used

y = 0.8869x + 0.3497 Identity line

8 y = 0.8155x + 51.237
Y=X 1000 Identity line
7 Y=X
Plug flow model calculated (tph)

Plug flow model Predicted (tph)

5 600

4 400

Error = 10.52
Error = 30.24
0 -200

-1 -400
-1 1 3 5 7 -400 100 600
Lab scale measured (tph) Full scale measured

Fig. 9. Measured throughput versus calculated model throughput for Fig. 10. Measured industrial scale throughput versus scale-up pre-
tests completed on the laboratory-scale unit. dicted throughput for three sets of data.
M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161 1157

to prevent material from by-passing the rolls and had The specific comminution energy is usually fixed dur-
worn away during the time of data acquisition. This ing scale up, unless it is required to predict the product
caused excessive feed material to spill out from the sides size distribution at a different specific comminution en-
of the rolls resulting in the high throughputs as meas- ergy. During model calibration (using the measured spe-
ured on the feed conveyor. The actual feed which was cific comminution energy) the model parameter K3h is
comminuted between the rolls would have been much determined iteratively so that the model predicts the cal-
less. culated power required that matches the power required
Fig. 10 shows the relationship between the measured as determined by the required throughput and the spec-
and predicted throughputs. The graph displays the 99% ified specific comminution energy.
and 95% confidence limits generated from a linear com- This method ensures that the plant power and model
parison method. The error in the measured experiments calculated power draw required by the motors of a
(excluding the outlier) is still high and ranged from HPGR unit are always the same. However since the
38% to 39%. These high values are as a result of the model relies on a good estimate of the specific comminu-
inconsistencies in the gap/diameter ratios that are ob- tion energy which is determined through the measure-
served during the scale-up from laboratory-scale to ment of the torque on the rolls and the measured
full-scale and the difficulty in being able to measure throughput. So unless the throughput and torque meas-
accurately the working gap. urements are indeed accurate, the resultant calculated
Measured and calculated throughputs are usually power draw will not be correct. This is shown in the pre-
compared to determine how accurate the model expres- dicted laboratory-scale power requirements in Fig. 11
sion is. Variations between the measured and calculated and the corresponding discrepancies in full-scale power
throughput may be attributed to variations in the den- predictions shown in Fig. 12 The graph displays the
sity of the material in the edge effect zone and the com- 99% and 95% confidence limits generated from a linear
pression zone coupled with the expansion effect between comparison method. The model error for the laboratory
materials in the gap to that which has exited the gap. Er- scale power draft prediction was 14.0% and 30.4% for
rors in the measurement of the rolls speed and gap width the full-scale power draft.
could also attribute to throughput discrepancies. These Again the outlier representing the Rio Tinto unit, has
areas where experimental errors are possible are the root a large discrepancy between the measured versus pre-
cause for discrepancies between measured and calcu- dicted power draw. This has been caused by the
lated throughputs. throughput discrepancy explained previously, and the
Currently, the diameter/gap ratio is assumed to be fact that the actual specific comminution energy should
constant during scale-up and is used to predict the be higher in the full-scale unit, than that which has been
full-scale working gap. Full-scale working gap is cal- reported.
culated by multiplying the laboratory-scale working
gap by the ratio of the roll diameters (full-scale to lab-
oratory-scale). This assumption, coupled with the
error in the measurement of laboratory-scale unit 25
y = 0.9066x + 1.4651 Identity line
working gap may result in large discrepancies between Y=X
the actual and predicted working gap at full-scale.
These differences may cause misleading calculated 20
throughputs and associated power draw. It is possible
that the scale-up is non linear and possibly related to
Calculated (kW)

the diameter, however this needs to be further inves-

5.3. Power draw
A unique feature of the Morrell/Tondo/Shi model is
the way in which one of the Whiten model parameters
(K3h) for the compression zone is determined. Before Error = 14.0
model calibration and scale-up may continue, the
model first requires an input value for the specific
comminution energy. The value of the specific commi- -5
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
nution energy is calculated by dividing the shaft power
Lab scale measured (kW)
that was measured during the experiment by the
throughput rate (time to process a known mass of Fig. 11. Measured versus calculated power draw for experiments
material). completed on the laboratory-scale test unit.
1158 M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

y = 0.8996x + 82.147 Identity line 5.4. Calculated (predicted) product size distribution and
2000 The model fitted and experimentally measured prod-
uct size distribution results for each of the units/ores
1500 tested are shown as the left hand side graphs of Figs.
13(a), 14, 15, 16(b). The simulated prediction of the
Predicted (kW)

1000 full-scale unit performance versus the actual industrial

scale data for the four units being used to verify the
500 model are shown in the right hand side graphs of Figs.
13(b), 14, 15, 16(b). What is noticeable in producing
these results is that the feed size distributions that were
prepared were geometrically similar to the full scale
Error = 30.4 feed size distribution. These tests produced similar pre-
dicted product size distributions, but the results were
not as accurate as those tests where the replicated
‘‘geometrically similar’’ feed size distributions were
-1000 0 1000 2000
Full scale measured (kW)
In the BHP Billiton series, the model is fitted to the
Fig. 12. Measured versus calculated power draw in full-scale predic- product size distribution of a test which had a measured
tions based from experimental results completed on a laboratory-scale specific energy of 2.03 kWh/t. The model fitting cali-
unit. brated the model and produced a similar product size
distribution using a t10 of 53, and Kp(hpgr) of 1.77. The
These results show hat the prediction of throughput full-scale data was representative of an energy input of
and power draw is sensitive to experimental measure- 1.08 kWh/t. Since the energies were not the same it
ments such as the working gap (flake thickness). In stud- was therefore assumed that the energy saturation point
ded or profiled rolls the measurement of the effective gap (energy level where maximum size reduction takes place)
is difficult and is further complicated by having to esti- had already been reached, and a linear adjustment to the
mate the average thickness of the flakes produced. Kp(hpgr) parameter is justified. Simulation then used an
Sometimes the effective gap is defined by measuring identical t10 value of 53, but a new (linearly adjusted)
the gap as the distance between the rolls from stud to Kp(HPGR) parameter of 0.94 was used representing an en-
stud which may cause bias in calculated throughputs. ergy input of 1.08 kWh/t.
In addition to this, knowledge of full-scale and labora- Running the full-scale simulation resulted in a pre-
tory-scale process anomalies such as feed material by- dicted product size distribution that is very similar to
pass or working gap estimations needs to be taken into the flake size distribution of the full-scale industrial
account when using the model. data. If this procedure is to be used, extreme care must

Lab Scale FSD and PSD Full Scale FSD and PSD
100 100
90 90
80 80
Cum % Passing

Cum % Passing

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 Feed 20
10 10 Feed
0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
(a) Size (mm) (b) Size (mm)

Lab Scale Feed Lab Scale Product Full Scale Feed Full Scale Product
Lab Scale Model fit Full scale Simulated

Fig. 13. (a) Model fitting to experimental PSD for Rio Tinto 0.25 m smooth rolls at 2.2 kWh/t. (b) Scale-up and model verification using the Rio
Tinto 2.2 m smooth rolls at 2.28 kWh/t.
M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161 1159

Lab Scale FSD and PSD Full Scale FSD and PSD
100 100
90 90
80 80
Cum % Passing 70

Cum % Passing
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0.1 1 10 1 10 100
Size (mm) Size (mm)
(a) (b)

Lab Scale Feed Lab Scale Product Full Scale Feed Full Scale Product
Lab Scale Model fit Full Scale Simulated

Fig. 14. (a) Model fitting to experimental PSD for De Beers, using 0.25 m smooth rolls at 3.3 kWh/t. (b) Scale-up and model verification of the De
Beers 2.8 m smooth rolls at 4.0 kWh/t.

Lab Scale FSD and PSD Full Scale FSD and PSD
Cum % Passing

Cum % Passing

60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 Feed
10 10 Feed
0 0
0.1 1 10 1 10 100
(a) Size (mm) (b) Size (mm)

Lab Scale Feed Lab Scale Product Full Scale Feed Full Scale Product
Lab Scale Model fit Full Scale Simulated

Fig. 15. (a) Model fitting to experimental PSD for De Beers, using 0.25 m Studded rolls at 4.9 kWh/t. (b) Scale-up and model verification of the De
Beers 2.8 m Studded rolls at 2.67 kWh/t.

be taken when using the adjusted parameters. In order used in JKSimMet to evaluate new and to optimise
to avoid having to do this it is recommended that a ser- existing comminution circuits. The model prediction of
ies of tests be completed to determine where the energy product size distribution is good and has been found
saturation point is. This not only provides more data to be strongly dependent of the characteristics of the
with which to simulate a new HPGR, but provides the material being tested and is said to be ore specific.
operator with valuable information as to how the proc- The prediction of throughput and corresponding
ess might be optimised. All operations using HPGR power draw (based on throughput) is sensitive to incon-
should aim to operate their units at or near the energy sistent gap/diameter ratios observed between labora-
saturation level for maximum comminution benefit. tory-scale tests and full-scale operations. The current
throughput model appears to be accurate and reliable
only when accurate measurements of the gap are made
6. Conclusions when treating geometrically similar feed size distribu-
tions operating at low circumferential speeds. The cor-
The results conclude that the modelling of the HPGR rection factor used to offset the effect of the so called
process has matured to a point where the model may be material slippage at higher circumferential speeds was
1160 M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161

Lab Scale FSD and PSD Full Scale FSD and PSD
80 80

Cum % Passing

Cum % Passing
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30 Feed

20 Feed
10 10
0 0
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
(a) Size (mm) (b) Size (mm)

Lab Scale Feed Lab Scale Product Full Scale Feed Full Scale Product
Lab Scale Model fit mean PSD Full Scale Simulated

Fig. 16. (a) Model fitting to experimental PSD for BHP Billiton, using 0.25 m Studded rolls at 2.03 kWh/t. (b) Scale-up and model verification of the
BHP Billiton 1.7 m Studded rolls at 1.08 kWh/t.

not evaluated as part of this study. However, considera- 7. Recommendations

tion to the manufacturers roll speed scale-up rules
appears to produce reliable scale-up performance pre- It is recommended that the data requirements for
dictions, and therefore no need seen to complete labora- HPGR modelling and scale up be obtained from only
tory-scale tests at high circumferential speeds. Since the ore characterisation tests conducted within in a piston
modelÕs power draw is directly proportional to the and die. The test procedure should be researched to in-
throughput, the resultant accuracy of the power draw clude measurements that may be related to a power pre-
is therefore directly dependent on the accuracy of the diction model. In addition to this the working gap
throughput as described above. prediction should be based on ideal hydraulic system
A characteristic feature of HPGR process is that the settings as determined by the tests.
comminution takes place only up to a certain limiting It is recommended that the suggested minor modifica-
point, beyond which little or no further comminution tions to the existing throughput model be tested and sta-
is realised. The process was observed to continue con- tistically evaluated based on the knowledge that slip
suming energy after the maximum comminution benefit within the gap is not possible (Schönert and Sander,
had been reached. This energy is wasted by the process 2000, 2001). This analysis should include the effect of
and is converted mainly into heat. This heat is likely the suspected flake expansion after it exits the compres-
to be caused by the very high frictional forces that begin sion zone.
to dominate the process when the majority of the inter- Finally, mineral liberation should be researched and
nal voids between particles have collapsed and the mate- measured either as a function of the amount of fines gen-
rial becomes incompressible. erated, or as a function of the product size distribution
Under normal HPGR process conditions the edge relative to the valuable mineral size distribution compo-
and pre-crusher model component are not dominant, nent of the ore. These indicators could eventually be-
but contribute to the accuracy of the overall model. come the overriding measures which may determine
Model parameters are a function of the ore, hence there the performance conditions at which the HPGR should
is a need to complete laboratory-scale tests, in order to be operated.
predict the performance of a full-scale unit with a partic-
ular ore.
The latest technological improvements in HPGR rolls Acknowledgments
surface design and materials by the manufacturers cou-
pled with proven process models will now hopefully Acknowledgement goes to both Amdel Laboratories
encourage the wider minerals industry to further adopt (Adelaide), who provided access to their HPGR test
this technology. The model may now be used to justify unit, and Krupp Polysius (Germany) who manufactured
the existence of the HPGR in various comminution cir- the new studded rolls for Amdel. The use of the labora-
cuit scenarios based on the accurate predictive perform- tory-scale test unit was of paramount importance to the
ance of such units performance. HPGR model verification research project. AMIRA
M.J. Daniel, S. Morrell / Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 1149–1161 1161

International specifically the P9 project are acknowl- Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Aachen, Germany, Septem-
edged for giving permission to present this paper. ber 1997.
Napier-Munn, T.J., Morrell, S., Morrison, R.D., Kojovic, T., 1996.
To the sponsors P.J. Sergeant of De Beers and M. Mineral comminution circuits––their operation and optimisation.
Rylatt of BHP Billiton are also gratefully acknowledged Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, Monograph, vol. 2,
for the supply of ore samples and corresponding indus- The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, pp.149.
trial scale operational data. R. Shaw of Rio Tinto is also Schönert, K., 1988. A first survey of grinding with high-compression
acknowledged for allowing access to experimental data roller mills. International Journal of Mineral Processing 22, 401–
from a previous research project. Without the commit- Schönert, K., 1991. Advances in comminution fundamental, and
ted involvement of these companies, this project would impacts on technology. In: Proceedings of the XVII International
not have been possible. Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, September 23–28, 1991,
vol. 1, pp. 1–21.
Schönert, K., Sander, U., 2000. Pressure and shear on the roller
surfaces of high pressure roller mills. In: Proceedings of the XXI
References International Mineral Processing Congress, Rome, Italy, Sect A4,
pp. 97–103.
Battersby, M.J.G., Kellerwessel, H., Oberheuser, G., 1992. Important Schönert, K., Sander, U., 2001. Shear stresses and material slip in high
advances in the development of high pressure rolls comminution pressure roller mills, Elsevier, Powder Technology 122 (2002) 136–
for the minerals industry. Extractive Metallurgy of Gold and Base 144, March (2001).
Metals, Kalgoorlie, Australia, pp. 159–165. Tondo, L.A., 1997. Phenomenological modelling of a high pressure
Fuerstenau, D.W., Shukla, A., Kapur, P.C., 1991. Energy consump- grinding roll mill. MSc Thesis, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral
tion and product size distributions in choke-fed, high-compression Research Centre, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engi-
roll mills. International Journal of Mineral Processing 32, 59–79. neering, University of Queensland.
Fuerstenau, D.W., Kapur, P.C., Gutsche, O., 1993. Comminution of Watson, S., Brooks, M., 1994. KCGM evaluation of high pressure
single particles in a rigidly-mounted roll mill Part 1: Mill torque grinding roll technology. In: Fifth Mill OperatorsÕ Conference,
model and energy investment. Powder Technology 76, 253–262. Roxby Downs SA, pp. 69–83.
Lim, W.I.L., Weller, K.R., 1997. Modelling of throughput in the high
pressure grinding rolls. In: Proceedings of the XX International
Mineral Processing Congress(IMPC), Aachen, Germany, Septem-
ber 1997, pp. 173–184. Further reading
Morrell, S., Lim, W.I.L., Tondo, L.A., David, D., 1996. Modelling the
high pressure grinding rolls. In: Mining Technology Conference, AMIRA P428, 1996. Application of high pressure grinding rolls in
pp. 169–176. mineral processing. Final report P428/11, Confidential, Jul/Aug.
Morrell, S., Shi, F., Tondo, L.A., 1997. Modelling and scale-up of high Farahmand, A., Ehrentraut, G., 1997. Erzmetall No. 3(March),
pressure grinding rolls. In: Proceedings of the XX International pp. 201–210.

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