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Question 1 (15 Marks)

0.1 kg of a fluid at 0.7 bar 1.2 m3/kg is compressed reversibly to a pressure of 3.5 bar and 0.5
m3/kg, according to the law pv1.85 = constant. The fluid is then heated reversibly at constant
pressure until the specific volume is 0.5346 m3/kg. A reversible expansion, according to the law
pv2 = constant, restores the fluid to its initial state. Sketch the p-v diagram for the process and
determine the net work output of the cycle




Net work input = 10802 – 1211-10372 = -781 N•m

Net work output = 781 N•m

Question 2 (5 Marks)

Steam enters a turbine operating at steady state with a mass flow rate of 4 500 kg/h. The turbine develops
a power output of 100 kW. At the inlet the pressure is 13.8 bar, specific volume 0.143 m3/kg, specific
internal energy 2590 kJ/kg and velocity 30 m/s. At the exit, the pressure is 0.35 bar, specific volume 4.37
m3/kg, specific internal energy 2360 kJ/kg and velocity 90 m/s. Calculate the heat rejected to the
surroundings in kW.

The heat rejected to the surroundings is 228.5 kW

Question 3 (16 Marks)

Complete the following table for H2O:

P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase

200 2045.86
500 250
950 753.00
162 0.443
400 0.595

P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase

200 120.23 2045.86 0.62031 0.7 2 phase V/L
500 250 2961.05 0.4945 -- Superheated Steam
950 177.60 753.00 0.001124 0 Saturated liquid
650 162 1603.95 0.13028 0.443 2 phase V/L
400 250 2964.5 0.595 -- Superheated Steam
P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase
200 2045.86

First try saturated steam tables

0.2 120.23 0.001061 0.8857 504.47 2025 2529.5 504.68 2202 2706.6 1.53 5.597 7.1271

From saturated steam tables at 200 kPa hg=2706.6 kJ/kg thus phase is 2 phase vapour liquid
Temperature is 120.23 oC

P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase

500 250

First check the saturated steam tables

0.5 151.86 0.001093 0.3749 639.66 1921.6 2561.2 640.21 2108.5 2748.7 1.8606 4.9606 6.8212
Saturation temperature is 151.86 C. The given temperature us much higher thus state is superheated
Use superheated steam tables
P kPa 100 150 200 250 300
400 v (m3/kg) 0.471 0.534 0.595 0.655
u (kJ/kg) 2564.4 2647.2 2726.4 2805.1
h (kJ/kg) 2752.8 2860.9 2964.5 3067.1
s (kJ/kg K) 6.931 7.172 7.380 7.568

600 v (m3/kg) 0.3521 0.3939 0.4344

u (kJ/kg) 2639.3 2721.2 2801.4
h (kJ/kg) 2850.6 2957.6 3062.0
s (kJ/kg K) 6.968 7.183 7.374

Interpolate for 500 kPa at 250oC

P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase

950 753.00

First check the saturated steam tables

0.95 177.69 0.001124 0.2042 751.94 1830.2 2582.1 753.00 2023.1 2776.1 2.1171 4.4869 6.604

At 950 kPa hf is 753 thus the state is Saturated liquid

Temperature is 177.60 oC
v is 0.001124 and x=0

P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase

162 0.443

x<1 therefore phase is 2 phase vapour liquid

Use Saturated steam tables

0.65 162.01 0.001104 0.2927 683.55 1886.5 2570.1 684.26 2076 2760.3 1.9627 4.7704 6.733

Pressure is 650 kPa

P (kPa) T (°C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) x phase

400 0.595

First check the saturated steam tables

0.4 143.63 0.001084 0.4625 604.29 1949.3 2553.6 604.73 2133.8 2738.5 1.7766 5.1193 6.8958

Specific volume of saturated liquid is 0.4625. The given Specific volume us much higher thus state is
superheated steam

Use superheated steam tables (shown above)

Temperature is 250 oC h is 2964.5

Question 4 (4 Marks)

In an air compressor the pressures at inlet and outlet are 1 bar and 5 bar respectively. The temperature of
the air at inlet is 15°C and at outlet is 207oC. Calculate the increase of internal energy per kg of air. and
the ratio: outlet volume/inlet volume
Question 5 (10 Marks)

Steam at 7 bar, dryness fraction 0.9, expands reversibly at constant pressure until the temperature
is 200o C. Sketch a p-v diagram for the process. Calculate the work output and heat supplied per
unit mass of steam during the process.

At 7 bar and dryness fraction 0.9 (fluid is wet vapor)

0.7 164.97 0.001108 0.2729 696.43 1876.1 2572.5 697.20 2066.3 2763.5 1.9922 4.7158 6.708

or from

At 7 bar and 200oC the steam is superheated and from tables

600 v (m3/kg) 0.3521
u (kJ/kg) 2639.3
h (kJ/kg) 2850.6
s (kJ/kg K) 6.968

800 v (m3/kg) 0.2609

u (kJ/kg) 2631.0
h (kJ/kg) 2839.7
s (kJ/kg K) 6.818

or from

work output = +42.56

heat supplied = 289.28

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