B.Inggris Kls 7

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Material Summary

A. The Expression of Greeting (KD 3.1 and 4.1, 1st Meeting)

1. The Expression of Greeting
Greeting is the activity of communication. We intentionally make our presence known to each
other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social
status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each
other. Greetings are used to a conversation or to greet in passing, such as on a sidewalk, bus
station, in market, on the way and so on.
There are many ways of greeting people, both formal and informal.
a. General Greetings (Formal)
1) Hello!
2) How are yu?
3) How are you doing?
4) How is everything?
5) How have you been keeping?
b. General Greetings (Informal)
1) Hi.
2) What’s up?
3) Good to see you.
4) How are things (with you)?
5) How’s it going?
c. Response of Greeting
1) Hi
2) Nice to meet you
3) Good to meet you
4) Pleased to meet you
2. Leave Taking or Parting
Leave taking or parting is the act of departing politely. Here are, the expressions of parting and
its responses leave taking,as follow.
a. Sorry, I have to go now.
b. It’s been nice talking to you.
c. Good bye.
d. See you tomorrow.
e. Yes of course. See you.

B. The Expressions of Gratitude and Apology (KD 3.1 and 4.1, 2th Meeting)
1. The Expression of Gratitude
Gratitude is the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.
Here are some expressions of gratitude, as follow.
a. Thanks
b. Thank you.
c. Thanks a lot.
d. Many thanks
e. I really appreciate…

We use these expressions to respond to gratitude, as follow.

a. Don’t mention it.

b. It was my pleasure.
c. You’re welcome
d. No big deal.
e. I’m glad that I can help you.
2. The Expression of Apologizing
Apologizing is the expression to to express or make an apology, acknowledge failing or
faults. We use these expressions to express apology, as follow.
a. I apologize
b. I’m sorry
c. … is/was my fault
d. (I’m) sorry if…
e. I (really) must apologize

We use these expressions to respond and to apology, as follow.

a. Never mind
b. It’s okay
c. No problem
d. Not at all
e. That’s alright

Competence Test Chapter 1

I. Choose the right answer!

1. Mr. Joko : “Time is up, students. We will continue our lesson tomorrow.”
Students : “See you, Mr. Joko.”
Based on dialogue above, what does Mr. Joko say to end the lesson?
a. Goodbye
b. See you
c. Time is up
d. Students
2. Ratna : “Mom, I am so sleepy. Can I sleep now?”
Mother : “Of course, dear. …., Ratna.”
Ratna : “…”
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good evening
d. Good night

This dialogue for number 4-6.

Sinta : “Good afternoon, Mona.”

Mona : “Good afternoon, Sinta. How about your day?”

Sinta : “It was bad. My brother disturbed my study.”

Mona : “We can study together, Do you want to come my house tonight?”

Sinta : “Nice, thanks a lot. See you later.”

Mona : “See you.”

3. Sinta says, … to greet Mona when she meets her on the way
a. Good afternoon
b. It was bad day
c. Nice
d. Thanks a lot
4. Based on the text, Sinta’s day is…
a. Wonderful
b. Terrible
c. Horrible
d. Great
5. Which on of the phrases below showing leave-taking?
a. Nice
b. Thanks a lot
c. See you later
d. How about your day?
6. Dana : “It’s great to talk with you I have to go now…”
Jaya : “Goodbye”
a. Nice to meet you too
b. See you later
c. Goodbye
d. Good evening
7. Tina : “I have many candies, do you want to eat?”
Sania : “…”
Tina : “Here you are”
a. No, thanks
b. Thank you
c. I’m sorry
d. Nice
This dialogue is for number 9-11
Shop Assistant : “Good evening. What can I do for you?”
Nania : “Good evening. Can I look the pink dress?”
Shop Assistant : “Of course, wait a moment I will take it for you.”
Nania : “Thanks.”
Shop Assistant : “Here you are.”
Nania : “Do you have M size?”
Shop Assistant : “I’m sorry. They’ve sold out.”
Nania : “O.K. Never mind. I will take the blue one.”
Shop Assistant : “O.K”
8. Nania says to the shop assistant … when she takes the pink dress
a. I’m sorry
b. Thanks
c. Do you have M size
d. Never mind
9. “Never mind” is phrase to respond expression…
a. Greeting
b. Leave-taking
c. Thanking
d. Apologizing
10. The shop assistant says … to apologize to Nania
a. Good evening
b. Can I help you
c. I will take it for you
d. I’m sorry. They’ve sold out
11. You broke your mother’s vase. You will say to you mother…
a. Thanks a lot
b. I’m sorry, Mom
c. Nice to meet you
d. Never mind
12. Your friend tells that your hair is beautiful. You will say…
a. Thanks a lot
b. I’m sorry, Mom
c. Nice to meet you
d. Never mind
13. Your friend has tore your favorite book and he said sorry. You will say…
a. Never mind
b. You have to replace my book
c. You’re welcome
d. You’re bad student
14. Kenan : “I have two ice creams. I’ll give you one.”
Rian : “Thank you.”
Kenan : “….”
a. Alright
b. How do you do?
c. Don’t mention it
d. No, thank
15. Sandy : “Hi, Ardi.”
Ardi : “Hi, Sandy.”
Sandy : “Good to see you, too.”
a. Where have you been?
b. It’s good to see you.
c. Nice to meet you.
d. How are you?
16. Budi : “I have to go to English course.”
Desta : “…”
a. Bye
b. Good bye
c. See you
d. Pleased to see you
17. Lola : “Thank you for accompanying me to the library.”
Putri : “Don’t mention it!”
What did Lola and Putri probably do in the library?
a. Buy some books.
b. Repair a laptop.
c. Watch a game.
d. Borrow some books.
18. Alif : “Mom, I’m sorry. I forgot to post your letter.”
Mom : “No problem. We can post is later.”
Why did Alif say sory to his mother?
a. Because she posts the letter twice.
b. Because she helps her mother in the kitchen.
c. Since he forgot her mother’s request to post a letter.
d. Since she does not read the letter form her mother.
19. Surya : “Hello Ayu. How are you?”
Ayu : “Hi, …”
a. Never mind
b. How do you do
c. You’re welcome
d. I am fine thank you
20. Laila : “… Rasya.”
Rasya : “Good morning Laila.”
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good evening
d. Good night
21. Rindi : “I think it is time to go home now, …”
Saskia : “Ok. Be carefull.”
a. I am fine thank
b. Good bye
c. Nice to meet you
d. How do you de
22. Ryan : “Thank a lot for you help, Galang.”
Galang : “…”
a. How are you
b. How do you do
c. It’s up to you
d. Youre welcome
23. Giri : “How are you Itok?”
Itok : “…”
a. I am fine thank you
b. Good bye
c. Good to see you
d. Good night
24. Rendi : “How are you Mrs. Yulia?”
Mrs. Yulia : “…”
a. Good bye
b. Bye bye
c. I am fine thank
d. How do you do
25. Lintang : “… Desta.”
Desta : “Good night Lintang.”
a. Good night
b. Good morning
c. Good bye
d. Good afternoon
26. Teacher : “Time is up for students and you may go home…”
Students : “Good afternoon, Sir.”
a. Good bye
b. Good afternoon
c. Good evening
d. Good night
27. Rhaka : “… Mr. Lanjar.”
Mr. Lanjar : “Good morning.”
a. Good night
b. Good morning
c. I am fine thank you
d. Good bye
28. Abi : “…”
Bono : “Good bye.”
a. Good morning
b. Nice to meet you
c. Well, I’ve to go, bye!
d. Hi, nice to see you
29. Tyas : “Mam, I’m sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of sugars as you requested.”
Mother : “what? How cloud you forget? Oh, OK, …”
a. Thank you
b. My pleasure
c. Never mind
d. You’re welcome
II. Answer the questions correctly!
1. What do you say when someone ask about your condition?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. If someone say ‘thank you’, what will you say?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. What will you say when you want leave the conversation?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. What will you say when you want to apologize to your mother, because you have
broken her glasses?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. What will you say when you are given a gift form your friend?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The following dialogues are for questions number 6 to 10.

Dialogue 1

Restu : “I lend you a pencil and a ruler.”

Fahmi : “Thanks a lot. They’re very nice.”

Restu : “You’re welcome.”

Dialogue 2

Kukuh : “Thank you for the colour pencils and drawing books you gave me for the
birthday gift. It’s just what I wanted.”

Heru : “I’m glad you like it.”

Dialogue 3

Roni : “Thanks for taking me home.”

Surya : “That’s oke.”

Dialogue 4

Guest : “It was very kind of you help me to find my luggage.”

Bell boy : “It was my pleasure.”

Questions :

6. Who lend Fahmi a pencil and a ruler?

Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. What is Fahmi’s reply?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Who give Kukuh the birthday gift?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. What gift are they?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Where does the dialogue between the guest and the bell boy probably take place?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Mid Semester Test

I. Choose the right answer!
The following text is for questions number 1 to 4.
Patricia’s Family
My name is Patricia Smith. I am twelve years old. I am at the school grade of junior high
school. I live in Jakarta with my parents, but actually we are Australia. We are from
My parents work in the same office. My father is Mr. Smith. He is an engineer, and my
mother is an accountant. My father is forty one years old. He is tall and handsome. My
mother is thirty seven years old. She is beautiful and smart.
I have one sister and one brother, Anastasya and Ryan. Anastasya was born three years
ago. She is clever and funny. My brother Ryan is eight years old. He is tall and handsome. He
is at the third grade of elementary school. Anastasya stays at home with a baby sitter. She is
no t old enough to go to school.
1. Where do Patricia’s family come from?
a. Indonesia
b. Malaysia
c. Canada
d. Australia
2. Who is clever and funny?
a. Patricia
b. Anastasya
c. Ryan
d. Mrs. Smith
3. What does Mr. Smith look like?
a. Clever and funny
b. Smart and clever
c. Tall and handsome
d. Smart and handsome
4. How many persons are there in the Patricia’s family? There are…
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

The following text is for questions number 5 to 9.

My Very Best Friends

I’m so lucky because I have three best friends. They are Lusiana, Kevin Julio and Dany
Joe. We have known each other since we were your years old. We met in the kindergarten.
Since then, we always go to the school. Moreover, our houses are still in the same block. We
do everything together. Now, let me introduce my friends one by one.

Lusiana is the youngest among us because she was born in November. We call her “The
sweety Lusiana”. Her father is Australian. She is tall and slim. She is about 168 cm. She has
long straight hair. Actually the color of her hair is blonde. She has beautiful blue eyes, an
oval face and pointed nose. She is a cheerful, confident, and determined girl. Homever, she
is a little bit careless and stubborn. She has many cats in he house. There are about seven
cats. She loves them all. One of her favourite is a little brown cat. She calls her “Brownie”.
Lusiana loves to dance and sing. Nevertheless, she wants to be a model.

Kevin Julio’s nickname is Kevin. There’s no doubt about his good looking. We call him
“The Charming Kevin”. His height is 170 cm. Kevin has straight hair and perfect face. He is an
intelligent and introvert person. Above all, he is humble. He was crowned as The Best
Student this year. He won so many prizes on English and Physic competition. Homever, his
favourite subject is English. He wants to be a writer someday.

Dany Joe is a funny person. He can frequently make the people around him laugh. I
wonder what it is in his head for he can create jokes spontaneously. Joe’s nick name is Dany.
He is plump. He is about 158 cm tall. His weight is 70 kg. He has a round face with brown
eyes. His skipy hairstyle makes him easily recognized. Dany is a humorous, friendly and an
easy going person. He is a movie freak. He would never miss any new movie in the cinema.
He dreams of becoming a famous actor one day.

How about me? Well, my name is Elisa. I’m the shortest one among them. I’m about 160
cm tall. I have long wavy hair with round face. My friend call me “The Chubby Elisa” because
I also have a chubby cheek. Most people, even my parents say that I’m a careful, generous
and diligent person. They also say that I’m a bit sensitive. I love painting. I spend much time
in my small studio just painting.

That’s all about me and friends of mine. Even though we are quite different, we love
each other.

5. What is Dany look like?

a. He is fat, stubborn, and funny.
b. He is plump, humble, and sensitive.
c. He is friendly, easy going, and slim.
d. He is fat, easy going, and funny.
6. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. Dany wants to be a chemist.
b. Kevin wants to be an artist.
c. Elisa has long straight hair.
d. Lusiana is a cheerful girl.
7. What is Elisa’s hobby?
a. She loves Chemistry.
b. She loves cats.
c. She loves watching TV.
d. She loves painting.
8. The followings are Lusiana’s characters such as…
a. Sensitive, confident, serious, lazy
b. Determined, humorous, sensitive, diligent
c. Cheerful, confident, determined, and stubborn
d. Cheerful, confident, and strong-minded, humorous
9. Who want to be an actor?
a. Lusiana
b. Kevin
c. Dany
d. Julio

The following text is for questions number 10 to 11.

The most important person in my life is my father. He has been the example for
me to develop my social and professional life. In my social life, he shows me how to be
with people and what behavior I need to have in different situations. For example, I talk
or behave differently with a director of a company than with a worker. My father could
not study in school, but he has a lot of experience. He is a good worker with high
responsibilities in his work. He aslo taught me that the most important responsibilities
are to my work and my family.
My father was a very good baseball player when he was young. He likes all
sports, and he taught me to play sports with a clear mind. My father is an average
person. Homever, he has been the biggest person of me.

10. What is the topic of the text above?

a. My father.
b. An important person.
c. A good warker.
d. A good baseball player.
11. Which one is the correct statement about the writer’s father?
a. He bad studied at university
b. He is a teacher
c. He likes all sports
d. He is a coach

The family tree below is for questions number 12 to 15.

Mr. Waluyo >< Mrs. Sulastri

Mr. Yandi >< Mrs. Dewi Mr. Antok >< Mrs. Ningsih

Galuh Tasya Indra

12. Mr. Waluyo is…

a. Indra’s uncle
b. Mr. Yandi’s father
c. Mr. Yandi’s grandfather
d. Tasya’s father
13. Galuh is …. Son.
a. Mrs Ningsih’s
b. Mrs Sulastri’s
c. Mr Antok’s
d. Mrs Dewi’s
14. Who is Tasya? Tasya is…
a. Mr Antok’s daughter
b. Mrs Dewi’s niece
c. Mrs Ningsih’s niece
d. Mrs Sulastri nephew
15. Both Galuh and Tasya are Mr Yandi’s …
a. Nephew
b. Children
c. Grandchildren
d. Niece

This dialogue is for number 16 to 18

Yudi is introducing himself to Albert, an American boy.

Yudi : “Hello, my name is Yudi. I am an Indonesian. I stay at Mataram Street No. 18,

Albert : “Hi, Yudi. My name is Albert. I am an American. My address is at 25 Manhattan

Street, New York.”

Yudi : “How old are you?”’

Albert : “I’m 15 years old. And you?”

Yudi : “Fourteen years old.”

16. What is Yudi’s nationality?

a. Indonesian
b. American
c. Bandung
d. New York
17. Is Albert younger than Yudi?
a. No, he isn’t
b. Yes, he is
c. No, they aren’t
d. Yes, they are
18. Where is Yudi form? He is from…
a. Bogor
b. Mataram
c. New york
d. Bandung
19. Who lives at Manhattan street? … does.
a. Yudi
b. Boy
c. Albert
d. None
20. Rima : “Thank you for your attention.”
Anto : “…”
a. You are welcome
b. I am very sorry
c. Please excuse me
d. Thanks
21. Ranti : “I’m sorry, I broke your ruler.”
Angga : “…”
a. Thank you
b. Never mind
c. Please excuse me
d. You are welcome
22. If you want to see my family next weekend, give … my best regards and don’t forget to
bring the gifts
a. Us
b. Them
c. Its
d. It
23. I can’t understand … when they speak Spain. They seem weird. They should study more.
a. Me
b. His
c. Her
d. Them
24. We can find the magazine in the library, … is very complete. We can find various books
a. My
b. We
c. She
d. It
25. Nana felt worried about the children, so she asked … husband not to go abroad for the
a. His
b. Her
c. Their
d. Him
26. We meet … friends at the mall yesterday.
a. Our
b. Your
c. Its
d. It
27. Donny : “Hi, Jeremy. How do you do?”
Jeremy : “Hello, Donny. How do you do?”
Donny : “It’s nice to meet you.”
Jeremy : “…”
a. Nice to meet you, too.
b. I’m glad you like me.
c. Yes, that’s right.
d. Am I really nice?
28. Angel : “How are you doing, Agnes?”
Agnes : “…, thank you.”
a. I’m glad to meet you
b. That’s alright
c. I’m very well
d. Nice to meet you
29. Rono : “I apologize for my mistake.”
Ami : “…”
a. Thank you
b. My pleasure
c. It doesn’t matter
d. Your are welcome
30. Riri : “Mam, I’m sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of rice as you requested.”
Mother : “What? How could you forget? Oh, OK…
a. You’re welcome
b. Thank you
c. My pleasure
d. Neve mind

II. Answer the questions correctly!

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.
Dear Margaret,
I am really sorry for the way I behaved with you at Jen’s birthday party. I was in a really
bad mood because of the project that I am doing at college and also because of the
argument I had with my friend, before coming to the party. Homever, this is no excuse for
the things I said to you that day.
The reason I have decided to write this letter is that, I understand that I was a total fool
to shout at you. I want you to know that your friendship means a lot to me and I do not
want to lose you because of my stupid behavior.
After whatever I said to you that day, I know, it will be difficult for you to forgive me.
But, please give me another chance and I promise this will never happen again. You are a
very close friend of mine. You were with me through thick and thin and I don’t want to lose
you, ever.
Waiting for your reply.
Questions :
1. Who is the writer of the letter aboe?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Who has the birthday?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Why did Samantha think she was a fool?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. What was being promised by Samantha?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Who is the recipient of the letter above?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Number 6 to 8 based on the text!
Budi’s Family
Mr. and Mrs. Budi have one daughter and one son. They are Tina and Tono. Mr. Budi’s
wife is Wati. She is good mother. Mr. Budi has a sister, her name is Tuti. Mr. Anto is
Tuti’s husband. Mr. Anto and Tuti have two sons. They are Dedy and Amir. They love
their sons very much. Mr. Slamet is Mr. Budi father. His wife is Mrs. Mina. They are
Tina’s and Tino’s grandparents. Dedi and Amir are their grandsons.
6. How many children does Mr. Budi have?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. What is name of Tono’s aunt?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Who is Tono’s sibling?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. What will you say if you have eaten your firend’s bread?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. What will you say if there is someone says good things about you?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Material Summary

A. Time (KD: 3.3 and 4.3, 5th Meeting)

Pay attention to the table below!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven) (eight) (nine) (ten)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(eleven) (twelve) (thirteen) (fourteen) (fifteen) (sixteen) (seventeen) (eighteen) (nineteen) (twenty)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
(twenty (twenty (twenty (twenty (twenty (twenty (twenty (twenty (twenty (thirty)
one) Two) Three) Four) Five) six) seven) eight) nine)
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 10.000 1.000.000
(forty) (fifty) (sixty) (seventy) (eighty) (ninety) (one (one (ten (one
hundred) thousand) thousand) million)

B. Name of Date and Month (KD 3.3 and 4.3, 6th Meeting)
Do you know the name of days in English? Can you mention them?
Now, look at the coloum below!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Observe the sentence below then lear them!

1. Saturday is after Friday My birthday is on July

2. After Monday is Tuesday
3. Wednesday is before Thursday It is on the second of July
4. Before Tuesday is Monday
It is on July the second

Competence Test Chapter 3

I. Choose the right answer!


1. What time do you start study at school?

a. Seven o’clock
b. Seven a half
c. A half past seven
d. A half past eight
2. After Monday is…
a. Sunday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday
3. Santi was born in April 21st, 2005. Today is April 21st, 2018. How old is Santi?
a. 12 years old
b. 13 years old
c. 14 years old
d. 15 years old

This schedule is for number 4 to 6.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Math Indonesian English Religion Indonesian
PE Art Indonesian Science Math
History Citizenship Art Social study
Religion Science Math Math
4. When do you have PE?
a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Friday
5. On Wednesdays, what do you learn after?
a. English
b. Math
c. Art
d. History
6. How many times do you learn Citizenship?
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Three times
d. Four times
7. Dana : “When do we celebrate hero’s day?”
Jaya : “We celebrate it on…”
a. 21st of April
b. 2nd of May
c. 23rd of July
d. 10th of November
8. Tina : “When is your birthday?”
Sania : “…”
Tina : “It is same with me”
a. It is in 2001
b. It is on March
c. It is on March of the eighth
d. It is on Monday
9. Dana : “When do we celebrate Pancasila’s day?”
Jaya : “We celebrate it on…”
a. 1st of June
b. 22nd of December
c. 5th of October
d. 28th of October
10. 08.00

I clean my house at … on Sundays


a. A half past seven

b. Eight o’clock
c. A half past eight
d. Nine o’clock
This text is for number 1 to 13.
On Monday, I take piano course

On Tuesday, I play badminton

On Wednesday, I go jogging near my house

On Thursday, I learn to play violin

On Fridays, I ride bicycle to the park

On Satuday, I visit my firend

On Sunday, I go to the town

11. When do you play badminton?

a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday
12. What do you do on Sunday?
a. I learn violin
b. I visit friend
c. I go jogging near house
d. I go to the town
13. What do you do on Monday?
a. I ride bicycle to the park
b. I visit friend
c. I learn piano
d. I learn violin
14. After june is…
a. July
b. October
c. May
d. August

Today is…

a. Satuday
b. Monday
c. Sunday
d. Friday

The following timetable is for questions number 16 to 18.

Sahabat Junir High School Football

Schedule 2016


October Tunas Jaya Away 5.30 3.30
October Pusaka Jaya Home 5.15
October Harapan Persada Away 5.00 3.45
November Karya Bangsa Away 5.00 4.00
November Budi Jaya Home 5.00
November Widya Utama Home 5.00
16. Where will the match between Sahabat and Widya Utama be held?
a. Away
b. At Pusaka Jaya’s Football Field
c. At Harapan Persada’s Football Field
d. At Sahabat’s Football Field
17. How often does Sahabat have the football match in a month?
a. Six times
b. Once
c. Twice
d. Three times
18. What time is the football match held in November?
a. At 3.00
b. At 3.30
c. At 5.00
d. At 4.30

The following timetable is for questions number 19 and 20.

Putra’s Time Table

Practice Basketball Voleyball Tennis

Monday  X 
Tuesday  X 
Wesneday  X X
Thrusday   X
Friday  X X
Saturday   X
19. Putra practices … at Tuesday.
a. Table time
b. Basketball
c. Volleyball
d. Tennis
20. Putra … plays basketball.
a. Sometimes
b. Never
c. Always
d. Seldom

The following timetable is for questions number 21 to 25.

Restu’s Timetable

No. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 Math Science Religion English Math
2 Math Science Religion English Math
3 Social Science Physical Education Math Science Environment
4 Social Science Physical Education Math Science Environment
5 English Civics Social Science Indonesia
6 English Civics Social Science
7 Indonesian Javanese Art Handicraft
8 Indonesian Javanese Art
21. Does Restu have Art on Monday?
a. Yes, he is
b. No, he does
c. No, he does not
d. Yes, he does
22. Restu has Physical Education on…
a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Friday
d. Wednesday
23. Restu has Science on…
a. Monday and Wednesday
b. Monday and Tuesday
c. Tuesday and Thursday
d. Thursday and Friday
24. When does Restu have Math? He is Math on…
a. Thursday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday
25. When does Restu have English?
a. On Monday
b. On Friday
c. On Thursday
d. On Wednesday

The following dialogue is for questions number 26 to 28.

Oka is very curious about why Helmi’s clocks show different times.
Oka : “Hey, you have so many clocks in your bedroom.”

Helmi : “Yeah, I want to make sure I can wake up in the morning.”

Oka : “But is there something wrong with your clocks? None of them has the same

Helmi : “I do it purpose, I set this clock ahead ten minutes, and this one back ten
minutes, but I always set that one to the right time.”

Oka : “So the alarms ring every ten minutes?”

Helmi : “Yeah.”

Oka : “Are you insane or what?”

Helmi : “No, I am just heavy sleeper. It needs thunder to wake me up.”

26. The alarms ring every ten minutes because Helmi set the clock…
a. Ahead five minutes
b. Ahead ten minutes, and back ten minutes
c. Ahead ten minutes
d. Back ten minutes
27. Who has many clocks in the bedroom?
a. Helmi’s sister
b. Harry
c. Oka
d. Helmi
28. “So the alarm ring every ten minutes?” The word underlined has some meaning with the
word below, except…
a. Sound
b. Voice
c. Noise
d. Silent

The following timetable is for questions number 29 to 30.

The Student’s Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

English Indonesian Social Study Math Science
Math Science Sport English Indonesian
Art Citizenship Religion Science Citizenship
Religion Art Art Indonesian -
29. What do student learn on Tuesday?
a. English, Social Study, Science, and Citizenship
b. Math, Citizenship, Indonesian
c. Science, Indonesian, Art, and Citizenship
d. Indonesian, Art, Religion, and Science
30. The following subjects should be learned by the students on Thursday, as follow…
a. Religion, Science, Religion, and Science
b. Science, Math, Social Study, and Sport
c. Citizenship, Indonesian, Art, and Citizenship
d. Science, Math, Indonesian, and English
II. Answer the questions correctly!
Arif : “When is your birthday, Koko?”
Koko : “It’s December 23, 2005. By the way, when is yours?”
Angga : “It’s April 11, 2004.”
Koko : “What…? It’s April 11, right? So it’s your birthday today. I congratulate you. Happy
birthday to you, Angga!”
Angga : “Yes, it is. Thank you. By the way, can you help me, please!”
Koko : “Of course, why not. What can I do for you, then?”’
Angga : “Please, invite our classmate to come to my house after school. My mother has
prepared lunch all of us.”
Koko : “Okay. With pleasure. I’ll do it for you. Don’t worry.”
Angga : “Thank. You’re really kind.”
Koko : “Don’t mention it.”
Questions :
1. When is Koko’s birthday?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. When is Angga birthday?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Can Koko want to help Angga?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Who have prepared lunch for all Angga’s friend?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
5. What does the phrases “With my pleasure” mean in Indonesian?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
Answer the questions for number 6 to 10.
6. What time do people usually praying subuh?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
7. What time do the school start?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
8. What do the independence day of Indonesian usually celebrated?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
9. What day you get holiday?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………
10. How many days are there in December?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………


A. Stating or Asking the name and Amount of Things and Public Place

Thing is every movable possession ( posseses by some one ). While public place is any area set aside
for a particular purpose that located in public. There are many kinds of public place buidings such as
mosque, church, temple, market, school, hospital, bank, museum, stadium, and many more. In
order to state these, we use article.

B. Stating or Asking the Animals

Stating about animal

Pay attention to the pictures below!

How many pets do you have?

I have fish I have two chickens

Picture : a fish Picture : two chickens

I have three birds I have four duck

Picture : three birds picture : four duck

From the picture, we can say that:

There is a fish

There are two chickens

There are three birds

There are four ducks



The following dialogue is for question number 1 to 5.

Agung : “ Where are tou going, Tyo?”

Tyo : “ I am going to school library. “

Agung : “ Where is it ?”

Tyo : “ It’s upstairs between the school laboratory and school hall. By the way, where are yoing?”

Agung : “ I am going to the canteen, but I don’t know where it is.”

Tyo : “ It’s over there, near the parking lot. Just walk along this corridor and then turn left, you can
find it.”

Tyo : “Don’t mention it.”

1. Where is Tyo going ?

a. He is going to the mosque
b. He is going to the hall
c. He is going to the school
d. He is going to the canteen
2. Where is school library locted?
a. It’s upstairs between the school laboratory and school hall.
b. It’s upstairs between the school laboratory and basketball court.
c. It’s upstairs between the school laboratory and mosque
d. It’s upstairs between the school laboratory and canteen
3. Where is canteen located?
a. It is between laboratory and school hall.
b. It is among laboratory, library and basketball court.
c. It’s near the parking lot.
d. It’s near third grade class
4. The word “upstairs” in Indonesia means ….
a. Gudang
b. Ruang bawah tanah
c. Tingkat atas
d. Anak tangga
5. Just walk along this corridor and then turn left, you can find it. What is the synonym of the word
a. Dormitory
b. Residence
c. Passageway
d. Lobby

The following text is for questions number 6 to 9.

Lilo’s Pet

Lilo has pet. It is dog. He calls it Dodo. Dodo is Indonesia breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has
got thick brown fur. When Lilo cuddles it, the fur feels soft. Dodo doesn’t like bones.

Every day Lilo gives it some food such as steamed rice, fish or bread. Lilo frequently gives it
some milk and bread every morning. When Lilo is at school Dodo plays with Lilo’s cat. They get along
well and never fight because Dodo doesn’t bark a lot. Dodo is really a sweet and friendly animal.

6. The text tell us about …

a. A cute pet
b. Dodo
c. The cat
d. A friendly pet
7. Dodo is really a sweet and friendly animal. (Line 5) ….
a. Cute c. freak
b. Fierce d. awkward
8. Where Lilo is at school, whom does Dodo play with?
a. Lilo’s bird c. Lilo’s rooster
b. Lilo’s rabbit d. awkward
9. The writer feed Dodo every morning with ….
a. Milk and bread
b. Fish and toast
c. Cake and steamed rice
d. Steamed rice and egg
The following text is for question number 10 to 13.

Bono’s Rabbits

Bono has two rabbits, they are so cute. He buys them at pet shop. The rabbits have sweet gray
and brown fur, red eyes, small mouth, small nose, big and short tail. They eat grasses, some vegetables,
and some fruits. They are the female and male rabbit. Their name is Bitto and Bitti. Bitti is younger that
is made from bamboos. At the moment, Bono is waiting to have the rabbit babies. Bono loves his rabbits
very much.

10. Bono buys the rabbits at ….

a. The minimarket
b. The petshop
c. The toyshop
d. The small shop
11. The rabbits are belongs to ….
a. Bono c. Bono’s father
b. Bono’s brother d. Bono’s neighbor
12. The rabbits usually eat ….
a. They usually eat grasses, some of vegetables, and some of fruits
b. They usually eat grasses, insect, and rice
c. They usually eat fruit, porridge, and cakes
d. They usually eat bread, meat, and vegetables
13. Bono loves his rabbits very much. The synonym of the underlined word is ….
a. Ignore c. hatred
b. Detest d. adore
14. What is the title of the text above?
a. Yulia’s classroom
b. Yulia sister’s classroom
c. Yulia brother’s classroom
d. The reader’s classroom
15. There are … desks in te classroom.
a. Fifteen
b. Twenty
c. Twenty four
d. Thirty
e. Thirty
16. How many chairs does the classroom have?
a. Thirty
b. Forty
c. Fifty
d. Sixty
17. How many markers are on the teacher’s desk?
a. Two markers
b. Four markers
c. Six markers
d. Eight markers
18. Is the classroom big and clean?
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. No it does not
d. Yes it does
19. “Yulia really loves her classroom.” The same meaning of the underlined word is…
a. Detests
b. Hates
c. Enjoys
d. Ignores

The following text is for questions number 20 to 22.

The students are in Sederhana Restaurant now. The students are sitting in this place. There are
some foods and drinks on the table including fried rice, noodles, meatballs, bread, and iced tea.
They come to this place during the break time.

20. Which of the following is same kind of drink?

a. Fried rice
b. Noodles
c. Iced tea
d. Bread
21. “They come to this place during the break time.” The underlined word refers to…
a. Noodles and meatballs
b. Some foods
c. Teachers
d. Students
22. Where are the students eating?
a. In a traditional market.
b. In a restaurant.
c. In a foodstall.
d. In a library.

The following dialogue is for questions number 23 to 26.

Afgan and Nando are talking about public place in the library.

Afgan : “Do you know where the Big Ben is, Nando?”

Nando : “Yes, The Big Ben is located in London, England.”

Afgan : “What about Eiffel Tower, where is it?”

Nando : “The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, French.”

Afgan : “Some tourists don’t know that Bali is in Indonesia, right?”

Nando : “Yes, my friend from India asked me “How far is Indonesia form Bali?”

23. Where is the dialogue above?

a. In the library
b. In the school park
c. In the canteen
d. In the classroom
24. Where is The Big Ben located?
a. In London, England
b. In Manchester, England
c. In Milan, Italy
d. In Madrid, Spain
25. In what country does Eiffel Tower located?
a. England
b. French
c. Italy
d. Germany
26. “Some tourists don’t know that Bali is in Indonesia, right?” The underlined word has synonym
with the word…
a. Neighbor
b. Dweller
c. Inhabitant
d. Vacationists

The following text is for questions number 27 to 30.

The House of the Toraja

The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and Central Sulawesi (Celebes)
are known by the name of Toraja, which has come to mean “those who live upstream” or “those
who live in the mountains”. Their name is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskrit
means “king”. The society is hierarchically structured : the noblemen are called rengnge, the
ordinary people to makaka, and the slaves to kaunan; birth determines which rank a person will

The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the
“buffalo horns”, the roof design and the rich decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of
status, courage, strength, and fighting spirit.

Designed as a representation on the universe, the Tongkonan is constructed in three

parts: the upper world (the roof), the world of humans (the middle of the building), and the
underworld (the space under the floor). The highly distinctive roofs constructed by the Toraja
given rise to various ingenious interpretaions. Certainly the roof is something of deep
significance for the Toraja, and even today they build “modern” houses with such roofs.

27. According to the text , what determine a rank which someone belong to?
a. Strength
b. House design
c. Richness
d. Birth
28. Which statement is not true about the features of the tongkonan?
a. Every Tongkonan has a buffalo
b. The buffalo design symbolizes some values
c. It has the rich wall decoration
d. It has a special roof design
29. Which part of Tongkonan represents human’s world?
a. Outside of the house
b. Inside of the house
c. The space under the floor
d. The middle of the building
30. “Certainly the roof is something of deep significance for the Toraja, and …”
The closest meaning of the underlined word…
a. Ineffective
b. Unable
c. Meaning
d. Pathetic

II. Answer the questions correctly!

The following dialogues is for questions number 1 to 5.
Salma : “Can I borrow your ruler, please?”
Firman : “Which one do you want, the long one or the short one?”
Salma : “The long one, please.”
Firman : “Here you are. Is there anything else?”
Salma : “Do you have some paper?”
Firman : “Yes, I do. How many pieces of paper do you need?”
Salma : “Give me five pieces of paper. And do you have some ink?”
Firman : “I only have a little ink. How much ink do you need?”
Salma : “Not much. That’s more than enough. Thank you very much, Firman.”
Firman : “Any time.”
Questions :
1. Who are involved in the dialogue above?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Who want to borrow the ruler?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Who want to lend the ruler?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Does Firman have some paper?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. How many pieces of paper does Salma need?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
The following text is for questions number 6 to 10.
Taman Sari Town
This is Taman Sari Town.
There are two banks in the town.
They are Sahabat Bank and Prasodjo Bank.
There is also a museum on Pahlawan Street.
The museum is between the two banks.

A hospital and a bakery are on Sumpah Pemuda Street.

The hospital is opposite the bakery.
A Padang restaurant is next to the bakery.
On Melai Street, there is next to the bakery.
It is Sahabat restaurant.
It is near the Grand supermarket.
Come and see the town.
Questions :
6. How many banks are in Taman Sari Town?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Mention the name of the bank in the town?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Where is the museum located?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Is there any another restaurant on Melati Street?
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. The hospital is opposite the bakery. What does the word underlined mean in
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Final Semester Test

I. Choose the right answer!
1. Ricky : “Hi, Steven! How are you?”
Steven : “Not too bad, thanks. And you?”
Ricky : “…”
a. You are welcome
b. That’s okay
c. Fine, thanks
d. How do you do?
2. Jennifer : “How are you?”
Lourensia : “fine, thanks.”
The underlined word means…
a. Very well
b. It’s OK
c. Not at all
d. Certainly
3. Vincentius : “How are you, Hansen?”
Hansen : “Not too bad, thank you.”
The underlined word means…
a. Asking about health
b. Asking about weather
c. Telling about others
d. Introduction
4. Teacher : “Good morning, students. How are you today?”
Students : “…, teacher. We are fine, thank you. And you?”
Teacher : “Good, I’m very good.”
a. Not so bad
b. You are late
c. Good morning
d. Hello
5. Irwan : “Thank you for coming.”
Anto : “…”
a. Sorry
b. No problem
c. You’re welcome
d. I don’t know
6. Sigit : “I’m sorry for not calling you.”
Sri : “…”
a. That’s OK
b. Any time
c. You’re welcome
d. Sure
7. Santi : “Could you pass me the sugar, please?”
Liya : “…”
a. Thank you
b. Here you are
c. Yes, I am
d. No, thank you
8. I can’t find … pencil. Can I borrow …., Diana?
a. My, their
b. Me, your
c. My, your
d. My, yours
9. This building is so expensive for … We can’t pay such a high rent. We need to think
a. Them
b. Her
c. Us
d. It

This text is for number 10 and 11.

Dear Mom,

How are you, Mom?

I hope you are in great condition. I will go home next Sunday

I really miss you

I love you, Mom

With love,

Your son


10. Who does Reno miss?

a. His mother
b. His father
c. His brother
d. His sister
11. When will Reno come home?
a. On Sundays
b. Next Sunday
c. In Sunday
d. At Sunday
This text is for number 12 to 14.

My Family

My family is wonderful family. My father is a kind postman. He works in the post

office near my house. He goes to his office by foot at 08.00 in the morning. While my
mother is a tailor, she works at home. Usually, she receives orders to make clothes. Her
office is our house. She always finishes her jobs on time.

My parents have two children. My younger sister and I am her brother. I am

fourteen years old while my sister is eight years old. I study in junior high school. My
sister is very beautiful. She has round eyes and long hair. Her nose is pointed. My friends
call her as Barbie doll. I love my family so much. They are wonderful person.

12. What is the writer’s father profession?

a. A farmer
b. A postman
c. A tailor
d. A police
13. Where does the writer mother her job?
a. Post office
b. School
c. Hospital
d. House
14. How many sisters does the writer have?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

The following text is for questions number 16 to 19.

Wayne Rooney

The wonder boy, Wayne Rooney is one of popular footballers in the world. At
the age of 16. Rooney was a top goal scorer for Everton, his first team.
Wayne Rooney was born on 24 October 1985 in Croxteth Liverpool. He is the
son of a working class family. He grew up in croxteth. He was brought up in a three
bedroom house with perent’s, Jeanette and Wayne, and his younger brother, Graham
and Jhon. When he was young, Wayne had a dream, he wanted to be the best
footballer. His family were everton was filled with Everton flags.

His debut I Everton Football Club was in August 2002. His first league goal came
in Ocotber 2002 when he became the youngest goal scorer in the history of the Premier
League at the age of 16 years. In 2004, he joined Manchester United.

15. What is the text mostly about?

a. England football player
b. Wonder boys
c. Wayne Rooney
d. Top goal scorer
16. In what club did Wayne Roone score his first goal?
a. Arsenal
b. Manchester United
c. Everton
d. Liverpool
17. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
a. Rooney is very popular
b. Rooney lives in simple family
c. Rooneu becomes the youngest footballer
d. Rooney has been fan on Everton since he was young
18. “… He was brought up in a three bedroom house…”
a. Wayne Rooney
b. Graham Rooney
c. John Rooney
d. Wayne’s Rooney

The following text is for questions number 20 to 25.

My name is Julie. This is my daily activities. I get up at five o’clock in the
morning. I brush my teeth at five ten. I take a bath at five fifteen, and then I have
breakfast at half past five every morning.

I go to school at six thirty in the morning. I arrive at school at seven o’clock. The
school begins at quarter past seven every morning. And the school finishes at one
fifteen in the afternoon. I arrive at home at t o’clock in the afternoon. I have lunch at ten
past two in the afternoon.

At home, I take a nap at three o’clock. I watch television at a quarter to five in

the afternoon. I have dinner at seven in the morning. I study at seven thirty. I go to bes
at nine. On Sunday I help my mother in the kitchen.

19. Julie gets up at…

a. Quarter to five
b. Half past five
c. A quarter past five
d. Five o’clock
20. Julie studies her lesson at…
a. Ten to seven
b. Ten past seven
c. Half past seven
d. Quarter past seven
21. Julie helps her mother on…
a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Saturday
d. Sunday
22. The day after Monday is…
a. Tuesday
b. Monday
c. Friday
d. Saturday
23. The Spring season is around…
a. March-May
b. June-August
c. September-November
d. December
24. The month after July is…
a. June
b. August
c. September
d. October

The following text is for questions number 26 and 27.

One Night Scout Camping Activity Program

Time Activity Place

07.00 am Set up tents School field
09.00 am Opening ceremony School field
10.00 am Scouting session Sport building
12.00 am Break -
01.00 pm Leadership session Sport building
02.30 pm Hiking Nearby village
05.00 pm Break -
07.00 pm Campfire School field
11.00 pm Break -
04.00 am Morning pray School mosque
05.00 am Exercise/gym School field
07.00 am Voluntary work School environment
10.00 am Closing ceremony School field

25. What do the scouts do on first day at seven o’clock in the morning?
a. Do voluntary work
b. Do morning work
c. Have campfire
d. Set up the tens
26. Based on the text we can conclude that most of the activities are done…
a. In the sport building
b. Outside school
c. Outdoors
d. Indoors

The following text is for questions number 28 to 30.


Many people are fond of ladybugs because of their colorful, spotted

appearance. But farmers love them for their appetite. Most ladybugs voraciously
consume plant eating insects, such as aphisdm and in doing so they help to protect
crops. Ladybugs lay hundreds of eggs in the colonies of aphids and other plant eating
pests. When they hatch, the ladybugs larvae immediately begin to feed. By the end of its
three-to-six-week life, ladybugs may eat around 5.000 aphids.

Ladybugs are also called lady beetles or, in Europe, ladybird beetles. There are
about 5.000 different species of these insects, and not all of them have the same
appetites. A few ladybugs prey not on plant eaters but on plants. The Mexican bean
beetle and the squash beetle are distructive pests that prey upon the crops mentioned
in their names.

Ladybugs appear as half spheres, tiny, spotted, round or oval-shaped domes.

They have short legs and antennae.

Their distinctive spots and attractive colors are meant to make them
unappealing to predators. Ladybugs can secrete a fluid from joist in their legs which
gives them a foul taste. Their coloring is likely a reminder to any animals that have tried
to eat their kind before. A threatned ladybug may both play dead and secrete the
unappetizing substance to protect itself.

27. What is another name of ladybugs?

a. Bug beetle
b. Lady beetle
c. Lady bug
d. Beetles
28. Why the farmers like the bugs?
a. Because they help the farmer protect the crops
b. Because the colorful body
c. Because ist beauty body
d. Because they eat the crops
29. How long do ladybugs lifespan?
a. 5-7 weeks
b. 3-4 weeks
c. 3-6 weeks
d. 4-6 weeks

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