Multiplayer Dialogue: Heroes Villains

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The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth and well-organized reference to

all character dialogue from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End’s Multiplayer and Survival.
Quotes may not be 100% accurate. I claim no ownership over these characters or the
words they speak, please don’t sue me.

● Nate ● Lazarević
● Sully ● Rafe
● Elena
● Nadine
● Sam
● Knot
● Cutter
● Tenzin ● Orca
● Chloe ● Marlowe
● Salim ● Rameses
● Eddy
● Savior
● Talbot
● Hunter
● Brute ● Navarro
● Sniper ● Roman
● Asav

Note: a lot of characters have the same dialogue for throwing gear, getting downed/revived, and
during Plunder. To avoid repeats, here’s a list of non-unique dialogue most characters say:

● Outgoing! / Going out!
● Here! / Here you go!
● Catch! / Catch this! / Take this!
● Coming at ya!
● Heads up!
● Have some of this! / Have a little of this!

● Thanks. / Thank you. / Hey, thanks. / Thanks, mate.
● Appreciated. / Much appreciated. / Appreciate it.

● They have the idol! / They’re controlling the idol! / They’re holding the idol!
● We have the idol! / We’re controlling the idol! / Idol’s in our hands! / Idol’s all ours!
● Idol delivered! / They delivered their idol! / They scored their idol!

● Me? Really? Aw, I’m flattered.
● Yeah, that’s who I would’ve picked, too.
● N’aw, you shouldn’t have.
● Yep, no surprises there.
● C’mon, who else were you gonna pick?
● I’m feeling it. Are you feeling it? Cuz I’m definitely feeling it.
● Huh. Good choice.

● There’s a bunch of ways we could do this. If you want my advice, shoot them before they
shoot us.
● These folks all want us dead. Now, I’d rather not die, so, a little impasse for us to deal
● We’re dealing with a bunch of hardened mercenaries here… that means they’re not very
● On the downside a lot of people are gonna try and kill us. On the upside, there may be
snacks after!
● Let’s show them what we’re made of. Or show them what they’re made of, whichever.
● You all know the drill, right? Pick your shots and no heroics… well, maybe some heroics.
● You wanna do this for a living, better get used to the possibility of dying.
● Some guys buy sports cars for their midlife crisis. Me? I do this.
● I’d say I’m getting too old for this but I’ll let Sully have that one.
● Woo, that’s a down! / Put you down! / You’re down! / Down they go!
● No no, don’t bother getting up.
● Bump!
● Sit down, asshole.
● What is this, amateur hour?
● How’d that taste?
● That one’s mine!
● Oh, tough break.
● Little time out for ya.
● Ooooh, gotcha, didn’t I?
● What goes up must go down.
● Just like riding a bike.
● Dropped you like a bad habit.
● Tim-ber!
● Bet that’ll leave a mark.
● Crawl it off!
● Good meeting!
● Hey - pay attention!
● Comin’ through, assholes!
● How about you take a nap?
● Smack that mouth of yours.
● You ready to shut up yet?
● I could do this all day! (Master Downer)
● I’m on a roll! (Master Downer)
● How the hell I do that? (Master Downer)
● I’m kinda the reason we’re all here. (Master Downer)
● Just bringing on the heartbreak here, kids. (Master Downer)
● Oh man, I’m scaring myself! (Master Downer)

● Haha, kitty got wet!
● Ah, you’re out of your misery.
● Say good-night!
● Bye-bye!
● Jack-ass!
● Eat it!
● Not gettin’ up from that!
● Send me a bill!
● You had that comin’!
● Had enough of you.
● More where that came from!
● Bedtime for Bonzo!
● School’s out!
● It’s all coming back to me now!
● Another day at the office!
● Payback’s a bitch!
● I feel all glowy!
● Yeah, just try to shut me down! (KO King)

● That’s my assist, right?
● Thank me later!
● Okay, so we split that one.
● Team effort!
● Just pitching in!
● Helped you out.
● Hey! I helped!
● Tag-teamed that one.

● Son of a…
● Whoops.

● It’s too close to call!

● Holy shit!
● And there’s my cue to run!
● Yep, not good.
● Whoa!

● I can’t - can’t breathe!
● Asshole’s got me!
● I’m getting choked!
● Let go of me!

● Shit, I’m down!
● I got dropped!
● Are you all blind? Help me!
● I’m… about… to die!
● Hey - hey hey! Pick me up!
● God damned shot. / Lucky goddamn shot.
● I’m running out of time, here!
● I’m on my last legs here!
● Not gonna make it!
● Help me out!
● Really, really need help, here.
● God dammit, hurry!
● Ah, crap.
● Little help? How about a lot of help?

● That was too close.
● Break time’s over.
● Now for some payback.
● Oh, I feel better already!
● Hey, thanks. / Much appreciated.

● They got lucky.
● All right, time to get my hands dirty.
● If opportunity doesn’t knock, break down the damn door.
● Someone’s about to learn the meaning of the term “blowback.”
● I’m like a bad penny.
● I could’ve been a university professor - adjunct.
● Let’s do this.

● Let’s get you back up. / Gonna get you back up. / Time to get you back up. / Hey, gonna
patch you up.
● We gotta stop meeting like this.
● Just hang on!
● Hey, nice to see ya! How’s the family?
● No lyin’ down on the job!
● I’m here, you’re good. / Don’t worry, I’m here.
● Ah, you’ll be up in no time.
● You get the name of that truck?
● Wow, you look awful.
● Come on, you’re fine!
● Glad to see me?
● You’re not out of this yet.

● Yep, back-up needed!
● Hey, can you assist?
● Gonna call in a little help!
● Come on in, the water’s fine!
● Time to even the odds!
● Get out here, take care of this!
● Show me what you got!
● Need a hand here!
● Feel like pitching in?

● Those assholes have the idol!
● Shiiit they scored an idol.

● So there’s no “I” in “team” but there’s definitely one in “win.” (Win)
● Feel good about how that turned out. Real good. Unsolicited backrubs for everyone!
● It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game. But then again I can say
that because, well, we won. (Win)
● Wrapped that one up nicely, good work! Most of you, anyway. (Win)
● Whew, we barely eked that one out. I dunno about you, but I still got goosebumps.
(Close win)
● All I can say is, if I were on the other side, I’d be pretty upset right now. (Close win)
● After all that, I’m gonna go lie down and think about whales, or something. (Close win)
● It looked bad for a minute there, didn’t it? Then good, then bad. Then we won! So, there
you have it. (Close win)
● After a close loss like that I like to think about how everyone on the other team will
eventually die alone. (Close loss)
● Some of you may be saying, “I tried my best!” Yeah well, look where that got us. (Loss)
● There’s no shame in losing, said no one, ever, who actually had a shot at winning.

● I’ll take that.
● Finders keepers!
● I’ve been looking for something like this.
● Bingo!
● Got it!
● I earned this!
● Where have you been all my life?
● Sure thing, Sully. And hey, have fun up there being all safe and everything.

● Thanks for the intel, we got this.
● Ten-four, Sully. Stay in touch.
● We’re ready to work! Uh… we are ready, right?

● Got a feeling we’re not done yet.
● Okay, now what exciting adventures await?
● Nice! Ready for more, Sully!
● That was actually kinda fun.
● All right, Sully, we’re clear!
● Ugh, kitty got drenched.
● You guys know me, I get out of tough situations all the time! That was really tough.
● Oh man, after a tough one like that I can just… feel the adrenaline, you know what I
mean? I wanna fight someone, or go for a run, or… ahhh! Give me something to do!

● All in a day’s work, people. What odd work it is.
● Thanks, Sully! Hey, is it nap time yet?

● Don’t mind if I do.
● Flattery will get you everywhere.
● Look at me, I’m blushing.
● Lemme guess - it’s the moustache, isn’t it?
● Back in action!
● Age before beauty, right? I never really understood what that means.
● I’m like a fine wine, really.

● Remember, this is all gonna seem like a barrel of laughs until one of us gets popped.
● Remember one thing: these folks don’t like us very much.
● After we mop up the floor with these goons, first round’s on me.

● You’re out of luck!
● Get down and stay down!
● Stings a little, huh?
● Yes, gotcha!
● What’s the goddamned plan?
● How do you like that?
● Why don’t you sit down?
● You’re down, pal! / Down you go.
● You’ll thank me later!
● Knock ‘em down! / Line ‘em up and knock ‘em down!
● How’d that feel?
● Bring it on!
● Dropped one! / Dropped ya!
● Down you go! / Ha, stay down! / Oh, that’s a down!
● That’s the way it’s done.

● How do you like them apples?
● Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.
● You deserved it.
● Hit the bricks!
● Cross ‘em off the list.
● Deal with it!
● Now that’s how it’s done!
● Can’t keep up, huh?
● Shape up or ship out!
● Too much for ya?
● Laid that one out.
● You're just no good.
● End of the road, pal!
● Got one!
● You're out of luck!

● Assist Sullivan! / I’ll take the assist.
● Backed you up on that one. / You needed help on that one.
● What, no thank you?
● Guess I’ll bask in your glory.
● Just doing my part.
● Thank me in your memoirs.
● Glad to pitch in.
● Helped you out!

● Oh, mercy!
● Christ, I’m down! / Aw hell, I’m hit! / I got put down! / I got dropped! / I got clipped good! /
Blast it, I'm down!
● I’m gonna bleed out!
● Feelin’ a little woozy here, people.
● Hey, who’s gonna help me out?
● This is an official goddamned emergency, people!
● C’mon, help an old timer out!
● Could sure use a leg up right about now!
● Hey, give a guy a hand, yeah?
● I’m just about done!

● Whew, just in the nick of time!

● I can’t go rushing in there all swoop-stake.
● It’d be nice to walk away with a big score here.
● I’ve got a young man’s heart.
● You ever catch me saying, “I’m too old for this shit,” do me a favour and put me down.
● Let’s crack a few skulls, shall we?
● Still plenty to do out here.
● There's a fine line between daring and dead.

● All right, on your feet.
● I’ll fix ya right up.
● Enough of this lying around shit!
● We need you out there.
● Hey, no goldbricking allowed!
● I’m here to help.
● You've definitely looked better!
● Zapped you pretty bad, huh?

● C’mon, do my dirty work!

● Break out the single malt, we did it, kids! Good job. (Win)
● Some people think bragging is unseemly. I'm definitely not one of them. (Win)
● You know after that I’m gonna take a nice long nap and forget I even met any of you.
● Pretty damn difficult to look at yourself in the mirror after a performance like that. (Loss)
● Jesus, after that debacle I need a stiff goddamn drink. (Loss)

● Oh, thanks!
● Guess it’s time to show you what I can do.
● You’ll note I’m the only actual war correspondent here.
● I can handle myself, but I’m guessing you knew that already.
● I’ll consider us equal partners.
● You know a good thing when you see it.

● Maybe the pen is mightier than the sword… but, I’m glad I got a gun.
● There was a time when I regarded what I'm about to do as completely crazy.
● Well, that settles it. I guess I will do anything for a story.
● At this point, you might say I’ve lost my journalistic objectivity.
● My journalism degree didn’t prepare me for this.

● Down you go!
● That’s a down!
● Take a break!
● That’s from me to you.
● Oh, that probably hurt.
● Dropped one!
● It’s not your day!
● Stay down.
● Hey! Down in front, please.
● Nate’s got nothing on me!
● Now this is my idea of fun!
● Oh stop trying, it’s embarrassing.
● Get out of my damn way. (Master Downer)
● They should give Pulitzers for this. (Master Downer)

● Didn’t like you anyway!
● You deserved it!
● You’re over!
● You’re out.
● Oh, I like that!
● You’re cut from the story.
● You had a bad day?
● See ya!
● You couldn’t hack it!
● Off you go.
● KO!
● That felt good!
● That’s all she wrote!
● You lost, just get used to it.
● Oh yeah, I feel good. (KO King)
● MVP performance right here! (KO King)

● Your by-line, it’s my research.
● You’re welcome.
● I want partial credit!
● Hey, I get a co-credit.
● You needed my help on that one.
● Teamwork!

● Oh no!

● Oh no, I’m down!
● Ah, I got dropped!
● I’m in trouble, help!
● Ah, I don’t feel so good.
● Come on, help me!
● I don’t have much longer!
● Ah, medic?
● You know what? This sucks!

● I’m good to go.
● I’m glad you came along.
● Really needed that.
● Hey, thanks.

● I can’t believe I let Nate talk me into this.
● Treasure hunting… again.
● Okay, deep breaths… here we go!
● You won’t like me when I’m angry.
● I’m gonna have to request a rewrite on that one.
● I should probably just follow the gunfire.
● I think I just buried the lede.

● Hey, I’m here. I gotcha.
● Eh, I’ve seen worse.
● You’re not going out like this.
● You’re not done yet.

● I need your help!

● Those jerks have the idol!

● Congratulations! It’s not every day you get to send a bunch of murderous scumbags
packing. (Win)
● That feeling you get after a win? That’s the champagne of emotion. (Win)
● Well, we certainly kicked their butts! Though it’s not like they’re actually gonna learn
anything from it. (Win)
● Is anyone else shocked that we won that one? Anyone? No? (Close win)
● They say a close loss builds character. I say I got enough character as it is, thanks.
(Close loss.)
● I’m a writer and I don’t know how to describe a loss like that. (Loss)
● They wiped the floor with us! And what a gross, dirty floor it was. (Loss)

● Seek and ye shall find.
● I really needed this.
● Glad I found this!

● Time to put our shoulders to the wheel.

● Good intel, Sully. We’re on it.
● Got it, Sully. Stay in touch, okay?
● Got it, Sully. Now let’s get to work.
● You asked the impossible and we did it!
● Not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure if we were gonna pull that one off.
● Done! Now, let’s catch our breath.

● So, we did it! Now who’s buying the celebratory drinks? (Stage end)

● If you’re good maybe I’ll show you my other tattoo.
● Okay, we can do this.
● So if you’re expecting a bunch of witty quips, you got the wrong Drake.
● I see you favour substance over style.
● Hey, I know my way around a fight, you might learn something.
● You know what you’re gonna like about me? Everything.
● Are you sure you can hang with me? I’m kind of a big deal.

● Just a heads up I’m still getting used to this whole “teamwork” thing, okay?
● The only way to win this thing is to win it! ...Okay that - that sounded better in my head.
● The guys in prison used to say “you can steal to eat or you can steal to get rich.” I say,
why not both?
● Let’s go see what these upstanding mercenaries have to say for themselves.
● Remember everyone, these guys are pros. Do not underestimate them.
● For them, stealing is their job. For us, it’s more of a passion project.
● There’s no problem that a thousand rounds of ammo can’t fix.
● My advice? Play dirty and hit ‘em where it hurts.
● So, anyone heard any good jokes lately, huh? ...Or any bad jokes?

● This is not your day! / It ain’t your lucky day!
● Yep, you’re down! / Aaand you’re down.
● Ohhh, that’s a down! / Down! / Going down! / Get down! / Got one!
● Time to crawl, asshole!
● On the ground! / You’re grounded!
● You started it! / You asked for it!
● How’d that taste?
● I am the worst thing that’s ever happened to you!
● I’m just getting started!
● Haha, that’s like a kick in the huevos, isn’t it? (translation: “balls.”)
● I picked up some new tricks in prison!
● You feel that one?
● I’m the original Drake, you got that? (Master Downer)
● You can’t lock me up, I’ll just escape! (Master Downer)
● You could say I’m superb! (Master Downer)
● You better watch out, cuz I’m coming! (Master Downer)
● I’m wiping the floor with you pinheads! (Master Downer)
● Nothing’s getting in my way! (Master Downer)

● Jackass.
● See ya!
● Ha, you like that? / You don’t like that, do ya?
● Get the hell outta here.
● Trust me, you deserve it.
● I am not impressed!
● Oh-ho-ho, that felt good.
● You’ve seen better days.
● Away you go!
● Don’t forget to write!
● Tiger blood time!
● KO! / That’s a KO!
● You’re done!
● Don’t test me!
● You had it comin’.
● And they’re out!
● Time to tidy up around here!
● That’s how it’s done!
● You got something you wanna say to me?
● You don’t see moves like this every day!
● Oh don’t mind me, I’m just ruining your day!
● You wish you had my skills! (KO King)
● Hope your estates in order! (KO King)
● Human steamroller coming through! (KO King)

● Ah, I almost had him!
● Nice working with ya.
● Hey, I was part of that!
● That’s my assist.
● I want partial credit.
● Quite the team!
● Haha, they didn’t stand a chance!
● Okay, but I chipped away at him, too.
● You’re welcome!
● Let’s say we split that one, huh?

● We got a close one, here!

● Ohhh boy.
● Aw, shit.
● Ah, dammit!
● Whoa!

● Getting choked out! / Choking me out!
● They got me!
● Hey, I got grabbed!

● Shit, I’m down. / Oh, crap, I’m down!
● Ahhh, what the hell?
● Would someone please pick me up?
● Someone get your ass over here!
● You guys got a problem with ex-cons, or something?
● Hey, no fair!
● I’m dyin’ here!
● I’m not a damn leper, I just need help! / Shit, this is bad. I need help!
● Fading fast…
● Hey, hello? I’m right here!

● I’ll return the favour, I swear.
● Whew, I almost bought it.
● You’re good.
● Thanks / Thank you. / I’m grateful.
● You're a lifesaver - literally.

● Let’s just say I’m happy to be alive.
● Oh, I got that tingly, first day of school feeling!
● Maybe I shoulda studied harder in school…
● Heh, these bozos don’t scare me.
● I was robbing tombs before it was cool.
● I guess I wasn’t limbered up enough.
● Let’s go ruin someone’s day. / Let’s kick things into gear.
● Don’t you worry, I’m scrappy.
● I still got some piss and vinegar left in me. Well, vinegar, anyway.
● When you fall off the horse, you get back on it.
● Time to put those prison skills to work.
● So this is what Nathan’s been doing for the last 15 years? Yeesh.
● I guess I’m doing this.

● I bet I can fix that.
● Here, lemme help ya.
● On your feet, c’mon!
● Oh hey there, I thought I’d stop by.
● I’ll see what I can do.
● No no no no, you’re not done yet.
● I’m not letting you die.
● You’re lucky I’m here. / Looks like I got here just in time.
● My diagnosis? Get up!
● Hang on, I’m getting you up. / Time to get up. / All right, let’s get you up.
● Whoa, you definitely need help.
● Ah, you can still fight.
● C’mon, hold still.
● Don't let the bastards keep you down.

● Get out here, and try not to die! / C’mon, get out here! / Get out here!
● Go ahead, make some friends!
● Hey, you wanna pitch in?
● Calling in some help / Calling in backup!
● You wanna help? Now’s your chance!
● Need backup! / Time for backup!
● Turning you loose.
● Time to impress me!
● You ready for this?
● Deal with these assholes!
● Join the fun!

● Those assholes have our idol!
● They’re on the move with the idol.
● C’mon man, they scored their idol!
● Put a stamp on it, idol delivered!
● Score one idol, hell yeah!
● I’d really like to see the looks on the other team’s faces right now. Do you think they’re
actually crying? (Win)
● Score one for the heroes! Well, hero-esque… hey, at least we’re not villains, right?
Haha. (Win)
● I mean, c’mon. Was there any doubt that we weren’t gonna win? We’re the good guys!
Relatively speaking. (Win)
● I’m just gonna luxuriate in this feeling for a moment, okay? (Win)
● That was a lot closer than it should have been. I mean, c’mon. Those amateurs? (Close
● Well I for one wasn’t worried at all that we were going to lose. Nah, I wasn’t worried.
(Close win)
● Not sure my nerves are gonna survive any more wins like that one. (Close win)
● You know the saying “Close, but no cigar”? Well, we came close, but I don’t see any
cigars. (Close loss)
● You might say we almost won. But then by that logic, I’m almost the president of France.
(Close loss.)
● After a loss like that, I like to draw a nice warm bath, close the bedroom door… (Loss)
● I dunno what the hell we thought we were doing out there - except not winning, of
course. (Loss)
● Hey, losing never feels good. Losing like that is a whole different category of bad. (Loss)
● They chewed us up and spit us out. That would explain why I feel so slimy and gross.
● Well. We lost bad. Not gonna sit here and analyze it. What else is there to say? (Loss)

● Got it.
● Come to papa.
● Oh, thank god.
● Can always use more.
● Just what I needed! / Whoa, I really needed that!
● I know just where to put this.
● It’s mine now!
● Just in the nick of time.
● Been looking for something like this!

● Gonna need your eyes and ears down here, Victor.

● Okay, just about ready to bust some heads.
● Stay in touch, Victor. And thanks.
● Appreciate the intel, Victor.
● Yeah, I’ll take that. (Treasure hunt.)
● I am loving this treasure! (Treasure hunt.)
● Treasure drop! I love when that happens! (Treasure hunt.)
● Someone get to that treasure! (Treasure hunt.)
● There’s treasure appearing from nowhere… for some reason! (Treasure hunt.)

● Hail the conquering heroes, ha! We did it.
● Hey, I think we got the hang of this!
● Now that that’s over with, what’s next?
● We’re good down here, Victor. What’s up next?
● There’s nothing like the adrenaline rush you get after a tough gig like that!
● We came, we saw, we nearly bought it.
● Victor, please, hold your applause until you’re done with us!
● Nicely done, people, nicely done! Next!
● I need a minute, that was rough.
● Hey, Victor, maybe an easy one now, huh? Give us a minute to catch our breath.
● Well well well, that wasn’t so hard!

● You’re a good man, Victor Sullivan. Now, who wants to do that again?
● Never thought I’d say this, but… Victor, we couldn’t have done it without you.
● Now this is what happens when great minds cooperate towards a common - and yes,
criminal - goal.
● That wasn’t so bad. We barely needed Victor’s help!
● Hey Victor, when you’re done congratulating yourself, why don’t you get us the hell out
of here?
● I can feel my blood pumping now! Kinda sad it’s all over, actually.
● I dunno about you but I got plenty of jobs like that left in me.
● So what are we all standing around for? Let’s celebrate!
● Victor, you helped us out big time. Doesn’t mean you’re getting a bigger cut, okay?

● Not much for the matinee idol types, then? Good, me neither.
● Ah, it’s me then? Gimme a minute to limber up.
● You have no idea how much this pleases me.
● You’ll find that I’m a man of simple tastes: wine, literature, headbutts.
● I’m just glad you didn't pick you-know-who.
● Once more unto the breach, my friends! ...Henry the Fifth? Anyone? ...Anyone at all?
● Right, let’s not make a dog’s breakfast of this one.
● Here we go, running out into gunfire like a bunch of bloody morons. Who am I kidding? I
love this bollocks!
● Insert overused Henry the Fifth quote here.
● All right. Let's make quick work of 'em, lads.
● I’ve got an inspirational quote for you all. Ah… um… oh, I’ve forgotten it. Let’s do this!

● Don’t get up, mate.
● Eat some dirt!
● You had enough yet?
● Oooh, you didn’t like that, didja?
● Ouch!
● Oh yeah, you’re sorry now!
● Gotcha!
● That was cathartic!
● You stand in my way, you get hit.
● How’d that look? Pretty, yeah?
● Oh, where’s my selfie stick?

● Piss off!
● And that’s that!
● Wiped ‘em out! / Down and out!
● So long, arsehole!
● Ha! Sorry, mate!
● You lost! Quit your whinging!
● Game over? So soon?
● Insert fork!
● Ohh, too slow, mate!
● Got that one!

● Tag-teamed ‘em!
● Yeah, yeah. Teamwork, cooperation, etcetera etcetera.
● How about we split the credit for that one?
● Oi! What’s the big idea?
● Softened ‘em up for ya.

● Oh, bollocks.
● Move it, Charlie!

● Shit!
● I need help. / Oi, a little help, mate.
● I’m down! / Ah, bollocks. I’m down. / Oi, I’m down.
● Does no one see me?
● Come on, then, pick me up.
● Help me out, you tossers! I mean - I mean you wonderful, wonderful people!
● Not gonna make it!

● You’re a bloody hero.
● Glad you came along.
● Whew, close one!
● Good show, thanks a lot.
● Saved my skin.

● You can’t keep a good man down.
● Whose bloody idea was this little outing, anyway?
● Come on, Charlie! Use your bloody brain, man!
● All right, back at it.
● Would really like to punch someone right now.
● There must be an easier way to make a bloody living.
● Don't worry, love. I've been through worse.

● Ready to rejoin us? / Get back out there!
● Don't worry, mate, I gotcha.
● Oh, you've seen better days.
● Wakey wakey!
● Stay calm, I’m here.

● Those bell-ends have the idol!
● Our side’s got the idol!

● Let’s just savor the taste of victory together, shall we? (Win)
● It felt good wiping the floor with those miserable bell-ends, didn't it? (Win)
● And that's the way it's done, lads and ladies! (Win)
● They never knew what hit 'em! Well, actually, they probably did. Close quarters, all that.
Well, but still. Well done! (Win)
● Victory! By a whisker's width. But you know what? I'll take it. (Closs win)
● To quote Shakespeare, we just got our asses served to us on a silver bloody platter.
● Well, that all went a bit pear-shaped, didn't it? (Loss)

● Due to the fact Tenzin speaks Tibetan for all of his dialogue, I’m unable to provide
quotes for him at this time.

● Pleasure’s all yours.
● Our relationship will be strictly professional.
● Have we… met before?
● You can trust me… probably.
● I hope you know which end is up?

● Let’s keep this short. I have places to be.
● Another day, another bloody dollar!
● I hope you all brought ear plugs?
● Are you all ready for this? I know I am. More or less.
● Let’s go plunder some priceless treasure, shall we?
● Fair warning, we’re about to get shot at. A lot.

● I out-drew you. / Guess I’m a better shot.
● Knocked one down! / That’s one down! / They’re down!
● What’s wrong, darling? Tired? / Nap time!
● You’re not getting up.
● You’re gonna shut up now.
● Got one! / You’re down!
● Hey arsehole, sit down.
● You look better on the ground.
● Yeah, stick that in your pipe and smoke it! And then pass me back the pipe.
● Don’t make me laugh!
● Don’t like me, do you?
● Yeah, you like that?
● If you’ve got it, flaunt it!
● They’re not a problem anymore.
● Not impressed, love.
● Bye! Buh-bye! / So long! / Good riddance!
● They’re out! / And you’re out! / Took one out.
● You bloody idiot!
● And that’s that! / And things fall apart!
● Tada!
● You’re not so tough!
● Come on, show some backbone.
● Ha! They’re all done!
● Oh, so sorry!

● You had some help!
● Split that one with you.
● That wasn’t all you!
● I bet that hurt!
● You finished what I started.
● Doubled up!
● I didn’t hear a thank you?

● It’s anyone’s game!
● We’re still in this!

● Time to go!

● I’m out! / Got hit! / I’m hit - hit bad! / Dammit, I’m down!
● Shit shit shit!
● Don’t just let me bleed, I really like this shirt!
● It’s not like I’m hard to find!
● I’m… not feeling… so good.
● Oh, come on! Pick me up already!
● You wanker!
● Anyone who helps me gets 50 percent of my treasure! No, wait, 10 percent.
● Do I smell funny, or something? Get over here!
● I’m officially accepting help from anyone!

● Appreciate it! / Whew, thanks. / Yeah, cheers.
● You’d made a good doctor.
● It still hurts but, uh, thanks.
● Oh, hello.
● Yep, never felt better!

● At least I know what I’m doing.
● Well, that was… unpleasant.
● When do I get an actual vacation?
● Come on, Chloe. Keep it together.
● Oh dear dear dear.
● Let’s get on with it, shall we?
● There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Which is actually gross, don’t try it.
● Ah… right, then.
● The things I will do for excitement.
● I’ve never been one to complain… much.

● Come on, time for payback!
● Ah ah ah, you’re not getting off so easy!
● We need you out here, mate.
● Sorry, lost my smelling salts.
● I bet you wish I had whiskey, eh?
● Get up, will you?
● Patching you up!

● We’re holding the idol, people!
● Call it in, the idol's delivered!

● You know what I like more than winning? Treasure, and we got both. (Win)
● Can’t say I’m surprised. After all, it’s us! (Win)
● We sent them packing back to Loserland! Okay, that needed some work. (Win)
● Are you really surprised we won? I don’t pick losing sides. (Win)
● Oh man, is it too late to switch sides? (Loss)
● I don’t like to associate with non-winners, and yes, that’s my way of being polite. (Loss)
● I don’t mean to be a sore loser, but what the hell were you all doing out there? (Loss)

● You cannot clap with one hand.
● Ignorance is the most terrible acquaintance.
● You had it coming, habibi (translation: “my darling” or “my love.”)!
● I’m simply better, my friend!
● I’m sorry, but no!
● One down!
● I have beaten you!
● Go to sleep!
● You couldn’t escape!

● This wickedness must end!
● Forgive my impoliteness, hahaha!
● You made your choice!
● I banish you to the depths!
● Farewell!
● May you find peace!

● My contribution to the cause!
● Yes, I did that, too!
● That was a team effort!
● Success, my friend!
● We both got that one!
● I aided you in that!

● This is unfortunate.
● Dammit!

● I’m down, I’m down! / I’m hurt!
● Ah, medic! / I need a medic!
● Shit, I’m wounded!
● Please, you must aid me!
● I will die if you don’t help me, my friends!
● May I ask why no one is helping me?
● I can’t fight in this condition, help me!
● Please, allow me to enact my revenge!

● Know that I am grateful.
● Yes, thank you!
● I won’t forget this.
● You’ve done me a great service.

● To merely fight evil is not enough.
● That was an ugly turn of events.
● I came to fight, not talk.
● Mistakes can be rectified
● There shall be a great reckoning.
● Unlike most, I learn from my mistakes.

● It is not yet your time.
● You will die, but not today!
● God is merciful, my friend.

● I see you have come to the obvious conclusion.
● The crimes we will commit together… pure poetry.
● Was there any other choice?
● You will not regret this… but they will.
● Clearly, you know who has the real power here.
● I am wanted on several continents. Now I will show you why.
● This is not a negotiation.

● They are weak. We are strong. Cut them down - all of them!
● If you see Drake, leave him to me.
● We must have the will to do what other men do not.
● We will show strength. We will use force. We will prevail.

● You can’t escape me!
● Hahaaaa!
● You are down! / Sit down!
● On your knees! / Kneel before me!
● You are defeated!
● Your pain is glorious!
● Do not get up!
● There are war crimes named after me!
● They will write history books about me!
● I feel pretty, oh so pretty!
● I am coming for you!

● Farewell!
● You crushed me, now you pay.
● You are weak! / You have failed!
● Bug off!
● I dispatch you!
● Fool!
● To your maker you go!
● Entirely predictable!
● Yes!
● You crossed me, now you pay!
● And so your story ends!
● Another glorious victory!

● Stop stealing my kills!
● I wanted to see them suffer!
● I hurt them, you put them down.
● That was my kill, too!
● What are you doing? I was still toying with them!
● Insolence, they were mine!
● You ended their misery. WHY?!
● I will allow you to bask in my glory… this time!

● It’s close - we should be destroying them!

● Oh, hell!

● Oh, ow!
● Can you help me? / Help me, or I will kill you! / Help, hurry!
● Aid me, and you shall be rewarded!
● Comrades, assist me!
● I’m surrounded by traitors and fools!
● Can you not see me?
● I will not die - I cannot die! / I am dying!
● Impossible! / How can this be?
● You cannot win without me!
● Get over here!

● Oh!
● You have aided a great man.
● Tell no one of this. / You did not see this.
● I was not down, it was merely a ruse.
● Now for my revenge!
● I was getting up. / I’m up, I’m up.

● How dare you assume I failed!
● I will crush their skulls.
● I will not stop!
● Failure disgusts me.
● Oh, they will regret the day they crossed me.
● I am a living tidal wave!
● Onward, to victory!

● I should kill you myself!
● So weak… so predictable.
● You… infuriate me.
● Do not let this happen again.
● You bring shame to our cause.

● It’s not help if I demand it!
● Kill for me, die for me!
● You're needed on the plains of battle!
● Help me! I am not asking nicely!

● I take pleasure in one thing: the enemy’s unmitigated destruction. (Win)
● Take a look at yourselves. Do you like what you see? (Loss)
● Death has come for you. All of you! (Loss)
● Well… shit. (Loss)
● I do not take orders from anyone! (Wave start)

● I hope I was your first choice.
● I’m not bound by petty notions of conscience.
● I’ll lead, you’ll follow.
● Oh… how fun.
● Are you sure you’re on my level?
● One man’s morality is another man’s chains.
● I have a good feeling about our partnership.
● I hope you intend to win.
● I’ll look good in your portfolio.
● One request: don’t waste my time.

● Let’s not be utter savages about this, okay? I know that some of you are… emotional.
● If you don’t care for my methods contact my attorney.
● Wealth is created by two things: courage, and the willingness to hurt others.
● I want any and all troublemakers put down, no mercy. Just business.
● I expect excellence from myself and my allies. If you can’t hack it, get out, now.
● We’re here for treasure, for personal gain. Revenge is for children.
● The question isn’t who’s going to let me, it’s who’s going to stop me?
● A successful man is motivated to crush whoever is in his way.

● Put you down! / Put one down! / Oh, smack you down!
● Yeah, you didn’t like that.
● You’re not gettin’ up.
● Like what you see, don’t you?
● And stay down!
● So not impressed.
● I don’t like causing pain.
● I’m takin’ over!
● No no, don’t get up!
● It’s called a hostile take-over!
● I’ll pound you all into ash!
● Do not mess with me!
● You can’t stop me, only I can stop me!
● It’s called success, look into it! (Master Downer)
● I’m not afraid to succeed! (Master Downer)
● It’s not who’s gonna let me, it’s who’s gonna stop me! (Master Downer)
● Greed is good! (Master Downer)

● You couldn’t hack it! / You didn’t stand a chance!
● Too aggressive for you?
● Garbage out.
● Quit using my air!
● Didn’t care for you.
● Sorry, not sorry!
● Brilliant!
● You’re out of business! / You’re fired! / Contract terminated.
● I’m cutting you out.
● Shut that one up.
● Bet that was painful.
● What? No last words?
● Ah, the world's a cruel place.
● They’re all done! / We’re all done here!
● Out of the picture.
● That’s what you get!
● I will not lose!
● I take what I want!
● Ah, you had it coming.
● This is how the game is played! (KO King)
● I’ll hunt you down, all of you! (KO King)

● You know I helped, right?
● Don’t take from me again.
● Woo, success has many fathers!
● We split that one.
● There are makers and takers.
● That was an even split.
● I want some goddamn acknowledgement!
● I helped you out there.
● You capitalized on my investment.
● I get that assist.

● No, not now!
● We’re more or less tied!
● How are they keeping it so close?

● Oh, shit!
● No no no no no.
● Oh no!

● You’ll regret this!
● Someone’s grabbed me!

● I’m wounded! / I’m hit! I’m hit. / Ah, hell, I’m down!
● Oh, dammit. / Son of a bitch!
● If someone doesn’t help me, there will be hell to pay!
● I will not die begging for help!
● I’m too valuable to die like this!
● Why is no one helping me?
● This is horseshit - pick me up!
● I’m not gonna last much longer!
● Someone? Pick me up!
● I need an immediate bail-out, here! / I need first-rate medical assistance!
● Ugh, this is not happening.
● Oh shit, I’m bleeding - I’m bleeding out!

● I’ll pay you back.
● You’ll be compensated later.
● I barely needed help.
● Yeaaah, thanks, whatever. / Yeah. Terrific. Thanks.
● Feel better already.
● I appreciate it. / Thank you. / Thanks. / I’m good, I’m good, thanks.

● I won’t be humiliated.
● No excuses, Rafe.
● This might be harder than I anticipated.
● Success is not earned, it’s willed.
● Ugh, this is a challenging work environment.
● I guess I’m going to have to work for this one.
● Let’s make the most of this situation
● You can’t succeed without failure.
● Revenge doesn’t interest me… much.
● Time to make my play.
● They’re gonna regret the day they crossed me.
● I need to keep my emotions in check.

● Ugh, I don’t have time for this.
● You’re not exactly impressing me here.
● You gotta get up! / Get up. Now. / Come on, get up.
● This is not an ideal situation
● Don’t make me enable your weakness. / Don’t make me do this again.
● Come on, come on, you’re not that hurt.
● Quit crying, you’re going to be okay.
● I’ll help you - this time.
● We need you up and shooting.
● You're too valuable to me to die.
● Yeah, you’re hit, but not that bad.
● I won’t tolerate this shit, get up.
● I guess I’m feeling generous today.
● Can we not do this here?

● You got your money, now do your job!
● I pay you for a reason, god dammit!
● Try not to get yourself killed, huh?

● They scored an idol, god dammit!
● For god’s sake, don’t let them score another idol!

● Victory means I’m willing to provide a generous payout structure. (Win)
● They say money is the root of all evil, I say it’s the root of all achievement. (Win)
● This win will look good on all your performance reviews, nicely done. (Win)
● That was a classic case of creative destruction and we all got just a little bit richer. (Win)
● We won, but it was close. Frankly, I’m not comfortable with how close. (Close win)
● If that win were a profit and losses sheet I’d put us out of goddamn business. (Close win)
● A close win like that reminds me of one thing: the sheer power of human will. (Close win)
● If any of you feel okay about such a close win, let me know so I can fire you. (Close win)
● Don’t make me lecture you like I would a child. It was a close loss, now deal with it.
(Close loss)
● We lost. It was close, and some of you are drawing consolation from that fact. Don’t.
(Close loss)
● I’m disgusted. I’m angry. Who do I need to buy to make sure we win next time? (Loss)
● The only thing worse than losing like that is being on the other end of my legal team.
● I thought I had the best money could buy, I guess the joke’s on me. (Loss)
● We had one shot at winning and we blew it. Well, you people blew it, anyway. (Loss)
● Another loss like that and I’ll be referring you all to my board of directors. (Loss)

● I’ll take that. / I’m taking this.
● Can never have enough.
● Lucky boy!
● This is mine.
● About time I caught a break.

● I want frequent (???) reps, Nadine. The rest of you, move out.

● We’ll do our job, just make sure you do yours.
● Thanks for the intel, Nadine, now fly along.
● I’m prepared for anything. We’ll be in touch.

● I was hoping this would be a bigger challenge!
● We’re clear, Nadine. What’s next?
● Hell yes, now that’s the kinda challenge I live for! ...And nearly die for.
● Man, nothing like pulling off something like that to give you an adrenaline buzz!
● I love getting my hands dirty; bring on the next one!
● Ready for more, Nadine!
● Okay, inhale… exhale… unclench. Ready!
● That was fun. What’s next?
● That… got a little dicey out there, but let’s keep going!

● Yet again I’ve been tested, and yet again I proved my worth.
● Yeah, I appreciate your help, Nadine. That doesn’t mean you get a bigger cut.
● All right, let’s wrap this up, people. Nothing to see here anymore.
● Let’s not break our arms congratulating ourselves. We won, but show some restraint,
● We had this one the moment we showed up.
● Nothing’s gonna stop us. Now, tell me… where are we celebrating?
● I can handle myself. I’m more worried about you.
● This doesn’t mean we’re friends, you know.
● Let’s keep this strictly professional.
● I’ve seen some action, China. Have you?
● Eye of the tiger and all that.
● It’s their funeral.
● I’m guardedly optimistic.

● I don’t like to lose, and I don’t intend to lose.
● If I see anyone going off mission, you’ll regret it.
● Go ahead, underestimate me. It’ll make winning that much sweeter.
● I don’t lead with words, I lead by example.
● Some of you better try and impress me today.

● Target down! / Target put down! / Knocked down the target! / Target is down!
● Yeah, they’re down! / Get down!
● Oh, they didn’t like that!
● Excellence is not an accident!
● Knock knock!
● Feel sorry for you!
● I haven’t felt this good in ages!
● Dropped one!
● Oh, you poor thing.
● You’re a hot mess!
● Had enough? Just say the word!
● How do I do it? Not telling!
● Try to keep up.
● Good night, love!
● Don’t mess with me! (Master Downer)
● I’ll cram it right down your throat! (Master Downer)

● Target eliminated!
● Tootsies!
● I won’t miss you!
● You’re out! / Took that one out! / Taken out!
● Yeah, that’s how it’s done!
● Had enough of you!
● Got that one!
● So tasty!
● Put me down? Not likely!
● Nothing personal!
● Too rough for yeah?
● Could cut it, eh?
● I hit hard!
● Don’t start a fight you can’t finish!

● That’s my assist!
● They never knew what hit them!
● Normally I dislike sharing.
● Yeah, you’re welcome!
● Twice the fire-power!
● Oof, that wasn't pretty.

● Shit! / Aw, shit! / Shit, I got taken out! / I got hit! / I’m hit I’m hit! / I’m out!
● Ugh, they dropped me!
● Don’t let me sit here bleeding like some moron!
● Don’t let me die, not like this!
● I need help here, immediately!
● Someone get your ass over here!
● I need to get back on my feet, now!
● This is bullshit!
● You understand I’m dead if you don’t help me, right?
● Who’s coming for me? I need blessed help!
● I'm no bloody good to anyone on the ground!

● What a lovely thing you did.
● So what, you want a hug now?
● Thanks. / Thank you. / I appreciate it. / I’m good, thanks.
● I won’t forget this.

● I just had to enter the family business.
● Nothing like a target-rich environment.
● Ugh, I’m getting rusty.
● Need another run at that.
● It’s not in my nature to quit.
● Hold still, I’ll do some triage. / Hang on, I’m fixing you up. / Hold still, I’ll fix you up.
● I’m not exactly the mothering type.
● I think I can patch you up. / I think I’ve got a bandage or two.
● You know this isn’t my job, right?
● I’ve got some medical training.
● Oof, you got tagged good.
● I don’t let my people die.
● Yeah, you definitely need some help. / Yeah, they popped you, all right.
● Let’s not make a habit of this.
● Let’s get you on your feet, eh?
● Calm down, you'll be fine.

● I’d like to know how many of them are quietly crying into their pillows right now. (Win)
● A decisive victory. Makes me proud to be a part of this team. (Win)
● We handled that very well. Nice work! (Win)
● That wasn't so bad, was it? They barely put up a fight. (Win)
● Oh, they didn’t even put up a fight. You’ll all be getting handsome raises after that! (Win)
● You were keeping it close for what, the sheer sport of it? (Close win)
● A close loss like that is like salt in the wound. Rock salt, not that dumbass artisanal shit.
(Close loss)
● You want another loss like that, then be my guest. (Loss)
● There’s no words for a loss like that. Oh wait, there is: shit! (Loss)
● We’ll have to do some re-evaluation when we get back to camp. (Loss)

● Finders keepers, right?

● Right... what do they call this? Bi-location, isn't it?
● I suddenly have a very strange feeling.
● I like her voice. Commanding, tough, competent.

● Yeah, thought my number was up for sure back there!
● Yeah, that's how it's done!
● Handled that well enough, unto the next!
● Ready for new orders!

● Does she sound surprised to you, or is it just me?
● The intel you provided, brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
● Couldn't ask for a better commander in charge.
● What she said.

● Fun fact, I’ve killed at least one living thing in every continent.
● I have quite the reputation. Glad to see that doesn’t bother you.
● I'm not just another pretty face.
● If they didn't pay me, I'd do this for free.
● Guess I have to gear up then, eh?
● I consider myself a true opportunist: I'll shoot anyone.

● You know the drill: Survey the situation, kill everyone you don't like, exit with treasure.
● I hear some of these skelms (translation: “crooks”) call themselves adventurers. You
know what I call them? Dead!
● Rock up on these jokers and show them who the real professionals are!
● Some of you might die out there! At least you'll die doing something you love, eh?
● Some words of advice: Shoot first, shoot often and shoot them when they're down!
● I need you all on point, chop chop! No dicking around, eh!
● We're the best army money can buy. These twits don't stand a chance!
● Now even if they didn't pay me I'd still enjoy shooting strangers!
● I hope that smartass, the little one, makes some cute remark as I snap his neck!

● Target is down. / Ha, that's a down! / Knocked you down! / That's a down.
● Chop chop!
● You’ve got to work to stop me, eh?
● Out of my goddamn way.
● No getting up! / And stay down! / Stay down, bastard!
● I could do this all day!
● On your ass. / Sit down!
● Oi, going down?
● What's wrong, that hurt?
● This is my house.
● I've got you!
● Eat some dirt!
● Stings a bit, eh? / I know that hurt! Hah!
● Hell yeah, I'm good!
● I'm in charge here!
● Wiped out! / Wiped you out, China.
● You earned this!
● Tch, amateur.
● You can't run from me!

● Haha, wondering how I do it?
● Watch and learn!
● Remember my name!
● They're out of the picture! / Problem solved!
● Disappointed in you!
● Leaving so soon?
● Haha, put ‘em down!
● Be seeing you, arsehole.
● You're dead.
● Oh, that felt good!
● Off you go, then! / Piss off!
● Sien jou arsehole! (from Afrikaans 'sien jou gat' = 'falling flat on your face')

● That was both of us!
● Oh-ho, we both got that one!
● They couldn't handle both of us, eh?
● Haha, teamwork! / Double-teamed that one.
● Oi, I had that one.
● Half the effort, twice the pain!

● No no no!
● Shit!
● Time to move!
● Oi, not good!

● They got me! / I got grabbed!
● Agh, this lunatic's got me!
● This is bullshit!
● Agh, let go, arsehole!

● Oh, how did this happen?
● I’m wounded, help me!
● Bullshit - this is bullshit!
● Pick me up, I’m gut-full (gatvol, translation: “fed up”) of this shit!
● I’m dying here, hurry, dammit! / Do you want me to die? Help me!
● Pick me up, or heads will roll!
● Emergency situation, god dammit!
● Och, I got knocked down! / Oh christ, I'm down! / Och man, I'm down!
● Why won't you amateurs help me?
● I’m hit, I’m hit! / I’m bleeding out!
● Now I'm blooming mad!

● Thanks, China! / Yeah, thank you. / Thank ya! / Thanks, I needed that, eh?
● Tasty!
● Next one’s on me.
● Hey, good work.
● Lekker! (Translation: “nice.”)

● War is my business, and business is good.
● Hard to believe I get paid for this.
● Got a bullet with someone's name on it, eh.
● Killing for fun - and profit - since 1991.
● One man's war crime is another man's paycheck, eh?
● Never met a gunfight I didn't like.
● They got lucky.
● Time to hunt.
● Time to access my inner Viking. Heheh.
● I'll fight as long as the checks keep cashing.
● Business is booming.
● You got to live hard, to be hard, China.
● Let the professionals work, eh?
● Time to wreck someone.
● I was trained to handle this sort of thing.

● You’re okay. / You're okay, on your feet!
● You need to get up.
● If you can walk, you can fight!
● You’re not done yet! / You're not leaving us yet.
● Ha! Got popped good, eh?
● You're down but not out.
● Not letting you die.
● Enough relaxing, time to get up. / Sleeping time's over, mate.
● Gonna help you, hold still!
● Ag, it's not that bad.
● Still got some kick in you!
● Let us sort you out, eh?

● Welcome to the party!
● Oi, time to pitch in!
● I need you!
● Time for you to shine!

● They're keeping up!
● It's anyone's game, people!
● We’re neck and neck, eh!

● Nothing like a good, friendly stomping to remind you what life's all about. (Win)
● I'd say it's time to find the nearest den of iniquity and celebrate! (Win)
● I'm not surprised! They weren't very tough, eh? Hahah! (Win)
● Looks like we just guaranteed our winning bonuses. Good work out there! (Win)
● That was a close shave. Good thing I was around to tip the balance. (Close win.)
● Shouldn't let them get so close to winning. Fills them with all sorts of false confidence…
(Close win.)
● Why does winning like that feel so bloody close to losing! (Close win.)
● Grew a few more grey hairs after that one, eh? And I've already got a few. (Close win.)
● Nothing worse than a close loss. ...Ehh, maybe burning alive is worse. (Close loss.)
● Jaa, we lost a close one. But look on the bright side: We still hurt an awful lot of them,
eh? Hah. (Close loss.)
● We put up a good fight, but it wasn't good enough. All we can do is learn from it. (Close
● It was such a close match, anyone could've won it! ...Except us, apparently. (Close loss.)
● Amateurs! We let those amateurs beat us! How the hell did they do it… (Loss.)
● Maybe the better team won, maybe it didn't. One thing's for certain: Whoever won, it
wasn't us. (Loss.)
● Well that was a bit of a misadventure. How the hell did they beat us? (Loss.)
● They donnered (translation: “beat up”) us good out there. Nothing else to do but retreat,
reflect... and drink ourselves stupid. (Loss.)

● I'm scooping this up!
● I'm taking this!
● Aw, 'ello!
● Mine now!
● I'll take a taste of this!
● Been looking for this!
● Just in time.
● I'll take that.


● Understood, ma'am. And relax. You trained us well.

● Roger that, ma'am. We know what to do.
● 10-4, ma'am. We'll await your instructions.
● Just tell us who to shoot, ma'am, and they'll go down quick.
● We're ready to roll out. So let's do this, ja?
● Everyone clear on what we need to do? Good.
● Don't worry, ma'am. We'll do the Shoreline name proud.
● Alright, listen up! This is Miss Ross' operation. We do what she says.
● We're ready for action, ma'am. Just say the word.
● Proud to serve you, ma'am. We won't let you down.

● Lovely, lovely treasure! (Treasure hunt.)
● Time to get your piggybanks out! (Treasure hunt.)
● Tjaha! Could use that treasure! (Treasure hunt.)
● I know just how to spend it too! (Treasure hunt.)

● Stay sharp, there's more coming! There's always more coming!
● I thought this was going to be a challenge!
● That felt like an appetizer! Where's the main course?
● Watch your backs, we're not done here!
● Got a bad bit of action. But I'm ready for something bigger!
● That's it! What's next?
● There's no way it's over yet!
● Okay, we cleared the area, ready for more.
● I enjoy a good challenge. And that? Was a great challenge!
● Holy shit! That was too close for my liking!
● Alright! Hands up if you didn't think we'd pull that off!
● I bet we could all use a rest after that one, ja?
● I'm not one to complain about a tough objective, so... I'll shut up.
● It was a rough fight, ma'am. But with your help, we got through it.
● They threw everything they had at us, ma'am. Wasn't nearly enough.
● We're Shoreline, ma'am. We don't lose.
● Well, ma'am, what did you expect? After all, you trained us, eh?
● Thank you, ma'am. We'll await your chopper down here.
● Glad to hear you're pleased, ma'am. Come down when you're ready.
● Will keep watch down here, ma'am. To be honest, I don't trust some of these
● You heard Miss Ross. Time to begin our ruckus celebration! (or is it raucous?)
● Miss Ross has officially given her approval. Now, let's figure out who gets what, eh?
● Yes, ma'am. We'll get to work on dividing up the treasure!

● It’s not that I’m arrogant, it’s that I’m the best.
● Watch carefully, maybe you’ll learn something.
● Well, aren’t I lucky?
● You know I'm a wanted criminal, right?
● You and me? Okay, if you say so...
● Prepare for an education in pain.
● You know professionalism when you see it.

● There's only one reason to do this work and that's 'cause you love it.
● Nothing like a brand new day with brand new people to shoot at.
● Let's head out. We're not on a goddamn nature walk.
● Remember: Treasure's the goal here. All the inflicted pain and injury is just a lekker
added bonus.
● Get moving people. You see anyone who isn't us - light 'em up.
● Everyone get enough sleep? Drink enough water? Hah, if you didn't I don't really care.

● That’s my down!
● You made a bad call.
● One down. / Down confirmed!
● Hey China, you’re out!
● Time you learned.
● Have a rest, pal.
● Stroppy chum.
● Sorry China, you’re done!
● Any regrets?
● That’s lights out.
● That didn’t feel good, did it?
● KO confirmed.
● You’re all done here!
● Serves you right!
● Got you!
● Live and learn.
● You’re outta luck.
● If you don't know my name, you will.
● Almost brings a tear to my eye.
● See you on the other side!
● I've got something for all of you!

● My target, too!
● We got them!
● Teamwork’s a beautiful thing.

● Getting choked out!
● I’m grabbed!

● Aw, shit.

● I got knocked down!
● Don’t let me die!
● I’m losing my shit, here! / Shit, I’m freaking out, here!
● I can’t go out like this!
● You can’t let me bleed out!
● Now way I deserve this.
● Eina, I’m hit!
● Someone pick me up! / Someone help me, god dammit!

● You’re good.
● All right, thanks! / Sure, thanks!
● Ja ja, you’re a real hero.
● Nothing more dangerous than a man with something to prove.
● I’ve still got some surprises left in me.
● I’m all out of damns to give.
● I’m not a man of many words.
● According to my therapist I've got 'anger issues'.
● The name’s Orca. Get to know it.
● Aw, my heart is breaking.
● There's the hunter and the hunted.
● Let's go find someone to play with.
● Time to go predatory.

● Enough crawling around!
● Let’s sort you out.

● I need back-up!
● Calling in help!
● Let’s do this!

● Don’t let winning get to your heads, that’s where the beer’s supposed to go! (Win)
● That, friends, is how you demoralize an opponent! (Win)
● You know what a narrow win like that gives the other side? Ja, that's right: Hope. (Close
● What's the expression? We 'snatched defeat from the jaws of victory'? Ja, pretty much.
(Close loss)
● You can run from a gunfight. You sure as hell can’t hide from a loss like that. (Loss)
● Nothing to do but pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and invade some small
defenseless country. (Loss)
● I can tell you one thing: My therapist is not gonna wanna hear about this. (Loss)
● Guess the better team won... I can't believe I just said that. (Loss)

● Merry Christmas!
● Sure, I needed that.
● Taking this.
● Be still my beating heart!
● Mine!
● Just what I needed.
● You heard the lady. Safeties off and let's get started.
● We know the mission brief, ma'am. We won't let you down.
● Don't worry ma'am, if anyone quits down here, I'll shoot 'em myself.

● Alright, let's start our sweep.

● Hold on a sec. Just gotta catch my breath after that one. Okay.
● Not gonna lie, I was worried for a minute or two there.
● Ma'am, we're standing by!
● Ready for our next update, ma'am!
● Alright, we're done here!
● Job well done! What's next?
● Everyone alright? We're not done yet!
● Standing down, awaiting orders!
● Nearly got donnered on that one.

● Ma'am, I'll send you my post-op report first chance.
● Jaa, love a challenge! What else you got! [exhausted cough] Okay…
● Very kind of you to say, ma'am.
● Check another one off the list, ma'am!

● I’m rich, darling. I don’t need your approval.
● Yes, yes. This will do nicely.

● That little shit Drake better pray he doesn’t see me today.
● I have very high standards which I expect all of you to meet.
● Nothing like a brisk constitutional with guns to begin one’s busy day.
● I’d ask for 110 percent today were that not literally impossible.

● Down with you! / Down you go!
● You’re not fit to kiss my boots!
● Had enough yet, dear?
● It was bound to happen this way!
● How very undignified.
● Didn’t like that, did you?
● Pathetic weakling! / Pathetic!
● Tut-tut!
● Don’t feel bad, my child.
● You won’t do at all.

● Have a good trip! / Enjoy the undiscovered country!
● Out with the old!
● You have no business here.
● And so you expire. / And so you depart!
● Away with you! / Be gone with you!
● You can’t cheat death.
● Ta-ta for now! / Good riddance!
● I want what is mine!
● Don’t make a scene.
● You’ve done quite enough!
● Wallow in the gutter!
● Go to sleep, little one.
● Oh, how unpleasant!

● You had my help!
● We’ll split that one.
● We make a splendid team.
● The one-two punch!

● I didn’t expect it to be so close.

● Oh, dammit all!
● Revive me before it’s too late!
● Help me, I’m down! / I’m down, help me!
● I need help! / Help me, immediately!
● I will not die in the gutter, help me!
● I cannot fight if I cannot get up!
● I can’t believe this!
● They’ve injured me! / I’ve been hurt!
● I will not stand for this insolence!
● You bloody fools, I’m useless in this position!

● Yes, thank you. / Right then, thank you.
● You’re too kind.
● Back on my feet.

● Be still, my heart.
● I have unfinished business to attend to.
● Thugs and charlatans, the lot of them.
● I could have my dirty work done for me, but what fun would that be?
● So very undignified.
● Time to march out into the chaos.
● No one crosses me. No one.
● My work here is not yet done.
● So, who shall I shoot next?

● You’ve been injured, I see.
● Oh, very well, then.
● Let’s have a look at you.
● I can help you.

● I refuse to coddle those with whom I work. We lost. Learn from it. (Loss)

● Oooh, so happy to help.
● Good guys, bad guys, these are just labels, my friend.
● I guess I’m fighting for you, then? Cheers.

● Rameses is so happy to be here with you.
● Steal all the golds as you can, my friends.

● I put you down, my friend! / I put one down! / You’re down, habibi!
● You give me too much problems.
● No no no, don’t get up.
● Hahaha, gotcha!
● You’re mine now.

● Ya khara! (translation: “you are shit.”)
● Tlhas tizi hahaha! (translation: “suck my ass.”)
● I hope you like that.
● Goodbye, so sad, so long.
● Tz feek. (translation: Tz is a mockery term in arabic, feek is “in you.”)
● Ykhrob betak ya hmar. (translation: “may your home be destroyed, you donkey.”)

● You know I did help you.
● What, no thank you?
● Don’t be so greedy.
● Don’t think you did it alone, my friend!
● That was a team effort!
● Haha, we both got that one.

● Here they come!

● Oh shit. / Oh, shit, no, I’m hit. / I am knocked down! / Dammit, I’m down.
● I’m hurt! No one helping me, why? / Why won’t you assholes help me?
● Rameses is hurt! / Please, please help Rameses!
● I have fallen and I can’t get up!
● I need someone to pick me up, please!
● Ahtag al docotoor! (translation: “I need the doctor.”)
● I am hurt, my friend!
● Get over here, I am really wounded!

● My friend, habibi, thank you!
● Shukran, habibi. (translation: thanks.)
● Hahaha, feel better already!
● I am ready to fight again.

● Ahh, now I’m beginning to understand.
● The eye sees but the arm is short.
● Tbakh al sem byaklah. (translation: “who cooked the poison will eat it.”)
● I am not even a close to being finished.
● Stay out of my way.
● I have a plan, maybe even a good plan.

● Get up and fight! / You can still fight.
● I will do what I can, okay?
● It’s okay, Rameses is here.
● I can help you!
● It’s not that bad, hold still. / I’m here, hold still.
● You will live, my friend.

● Pleasure to meet you, new best friend!
● It's a good thing I packed my rifle, huh?
● There's no zombies here, right? I don't like zombies.
● Eddy Raja will show you the ropes.
● You know I’m not so good at following orders, right?
● You know what? I like you. You seem cool.
● Oh, bule! I’m touched. (translation: derogatory term for non-Indonesian, “albino.”)

● I don’t care who’s paying you! Out here, you listen to Eddy Raja!
● Let’s go show those assholes a good time!
● I’m a fair guy, I only shoot people I don’t like!
● I don’t backstab people - I frontstab them!
● Let’s get this party started, hahaha!

● Aw, had enough pain?
● Don't mess with me! / Mess with me, pay the price!
● You're rubbish!
● Yes yes yes!
● You're down! / Knock down! / Put you down!
● Eddy Raja! / The world fears Eddy Raja!
● Sleep on it, bule!
● Damn, you really suck!
● It's all in the wrist! (Master Downer)
● I'm starring in this action movie! (Master Downer)
● What can I say? I got a lot of energy. (Master Downer)

● Like a good kick to the head!
● Bye bye little doggy! / I'll stomp on all you little doggies!
● Eddy Raja just took you out! / Don’t mess with Eddy Raja!
● Any regrets?
● Die already!
● You're so done!
● So long, loser!
● Haha, I'm too good!
● Get out of here!
● You can't stop me!
● That was good-bye!
● Go straight to hell!
● Screw you!

● I think we both got that one.
● I wanted that one! / I had that one!
● Hey, I helped!
● I want a thank you, a sincere one!

● Hot potato!

● We're neck and neck, people!

● Getting choked!

● Why is no one helping me? I'm such a nice guy!
● Heeeey! Heeeelp! / Someone, help me! / I'm hurt bad, someone help!
● Eddy Raja dies on his feet, not on his knees!
● Get your ass over here, I'm going fast!
● Ohhh, why does this always happen to me?
● I'm hit, I'm hit!
● Aw, shit!
● Ah, you got lucky, bule!
● You bastard!

● Hell yeah!
● Eddy Raja lives!
● Hey, thanks.
● You did a good thing!
● Hey, you saved me!
● I'm very, very angry!
● My famously even temper is being tested.
● Let's dance!

● What happened, you fall down? On your feet!
● Don't worry, Eddy's here.
● Don't move, I'm trying to work here!
● Let's get you up.
● Who the hell messed you up?
● Don’t you think I have better things to do?
● Enough crawling, on your feet!
● Man, you’re really hurt bad. / You got hit bad.

● I think I can get used to this wonderful sensation of winning! (Win)
● Oh, oh, hang on, I just wanna enjoy this. Yeah, yeah, this feels good! (Win)
● Winning like that is the frosting on an already delicious cake! (Win)
● I can't take anymore close losses like that, I've got a very delicate nervous system!
(Close loss)
● What the hell just happened? They kicked our asses! (Loss)
● Eddy Raja is a winner, you hear me? A winner! (Loss)

● Excellent choice, darling.
● Don’t expect any miracles, love.
● Clearly my reputation precedes me.
● I see you admire my animal cunning and rapier wit?
● Ohh, I see. You like dashing, intelligent, morally conflicted men, do yeah?
● A scoundrel like me? You’re an odd duck, aren’t you?

● Ah, if only my mom and dad could see me now… yeah, they’d probably have me
● Oh, this feels like a real party, doesn’t it? Oooh, who brought the crisps?
● Sometimes I wonder why I chose this line of work. Then I remember - it’s a bloody good
● You lot look like you know what you’re doing. Nice to work with some professionals for
● We’ve got a job to do. It may or may not involve mowing down a bunch of two-bit
● Let’s keep this professional, yeah? No unseemingly celebrations.
● If any of you feel like you don’t have the stomach for this, leave now, and we won’t mock
you. To your face.
● Let’s just finish off this miserable lot as quickly as possible, yeah? I’ve got stuff to do

● Please, please, don’t get up.
● Oops, that looked painful.
● Haha, you’re down, mate! / That’s it, you’re down! / Put you down!
● They should write a bloody opera about me.
● What, no witty remark?
● Bags of skill, here. Bags.
● Feeling a little down, are we?
● Feel bad for you, mate.
● Down for the count! / Down so soon?
● Party’s over!
● Get down, stay down.
● Not gonna be your date, mate, that’s a promise!
● Have a nice nap.
● Ohh, hurts, yeah?
● You’ve been played.
● Why don’t you all just breathe my greatness in?
● If I were you, I’d just go home. (Master Downer)
● I am very, very tricksy! (Master Downer)
● I’m gonna getcha, all of ya! (Master Downer)

● That one’s done! / They’re done!
● That’s a KO! / KO!
● Off you go!
● You’re shit, mate!
● No hard feelings, yeah?
● Sorry, mate. Nothing personal.
● That’s all she wrote!
● And… you’re out! / And… Bob’s your uncle!
● A parting gift!
● Bye!
● See you on the other side!

● Hey, that one was mine!
● Uh, I want credit for that one.
● Cheers, but I almost had them.
● Split the difference.
● Cooperation! And such.
● Yeah, okay, team effort.
● It’s okay, I helped.

● Present for ya!

● This one’s still too close to call!

● Oops, that’s not good.

● Ah, shit, I’m down! / Oi, I’m down! / Help, I’m down! / They knocked me down!
● Shit shit shit! / Dammit, dammit!
● Bloody hell, why is no one helping me?
● I need help, like straight away!
● Oh, come on!
● Shit, I’m bleeding out.
● I’m not bloody ready to die!

● Oh, back in the thick of it!
● Saved my skin!
● About bloody time!
● Oh, you’re a dear!
● Thanks / Thank you, whew! / Oh, thanks mate! / Appreciate it!
● Yeah, feeling good, now!

● There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
● Back in the thick of it.
● Miles to go before I sleep.
● Eh, back to the daily grind.
● Let’s get this party started!
● No more mister nice guy.

● I’m not a bloody doctor, mate.
● Time to get up. / C’mon, get up. / Here, patching you up. / Up you get.
● Don’t worry, I’m here.
● You’ll be right as rain in a sec.
● Oi, time to get moving!

● Stop ‘em, they’ve got the idol!
● They banked their idol!

● You’d better believe I’m gonna rub this in Drake’s stupid, smug face later, hahaha. (Win)
● Oh, mates! That was beautiful! I’m tearing up a bit. (Win)
● Now’s the time to sit back, close your eyes, and think about how terrible the other team
feels. (Win)
● Winning isn’t everything - it’s the only thing. I think some American footballer said that.
● Let’s not break our arms patting ourselves on the back after that one, we barely won.
(Close win)
● Oi, we cut that one a little close, didn’t we? I hate winning like that, it feels too close to
losing. (Close win)
● How the hell did we let them make it so close? Good thing you lot had me. (Close win)
● If we keep winning like that we best get pacemakers because my heart can’t take it.
(Close win)
● They made us look like a bunch of grandparents! And not the cool, fit type, either! (Loss)
● [...] Smiling and laughing! Stupid prat. (Loss)

● Got it!
● I’ll take that.
● Lucky boy!

● Yeah, well, I’ve heard enough. Let’s find the damn treasure already!

● Come on, people, fan out! (???)
● Treasure! And it’s got my name on it! (Treasure hunt)

● Right, that’s another one sorted. Got anything else?
● Okay! What’s next?
● All right, we did it!
● And that’s that! So what’s next on the menu?

● I just went from dirt broke to filthy rich and plan to revert back to the former by morning!

● As long as you don’t treat me like the help, we’ll be fine.
● Don’t tell Marlowe, she’s possessive.
● Together there is nothing we can’t do.
● I’m more interesting than I look.
● I’m quite efficient, you know.
● I look forward to our association.
● The stories of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
● Tell me what you’d like to do first.

● If I see anyone take more than their allotted share of the treasure… we’ll be having a
● I’m not one for inspirational speeches. Do your damn job!
● Don’t let their shaggy appearances fool you. These people are ruthless.
● You know what to do. Find them. Hurt them. Make them suffer.
● Here’s a tip: inflict a maximum amount of pain and suffering.
● I hope you all left your moral consciences at home.
● I very much hope you will all make it out of here alive. You won’t, but one can hope.
● I shall apply all manner of trickery to defeat our opponents.

● For the order! All for the order!
● I’m an elite! You are commoners!
● Oh, you’ve fallen and you can’t get up?
● Admit it! Drake and I are equal in every way!
● Class warfare, I approve!
● Your options dwindle. / Your problems multiply!
● Confirmed down. / Down! / They're down! / Knocked down!
● I put you down.
● You should have run! / Nowhere to run, eh?
● How did that feel?
● Your pain has just begun!
● Enjoying yourself?
● Oh, it's far too late to hide. / It's too late for you!
● You'll regret getting up.
● I very much enjoyed that!
● Go ahead, shout for help!
● I'll tell you when it's over! (Master Downer)
● I do not forgive, I do not forget! (Master Downer)

● The cards point to your defeat!
● Leaving already?
● Oh, I enjoyed that!
● One less problem!
● Why did you even bother?
● You failed! / You failed to impress me!
● Eliminated the target!
● Get up, I dare you!
● That's it, you're done!
● Good night!
● Death becomes you!
● Time to die!
● I'm leveraging your weakness!

● Hey, that was my target! / I softened up the target for you!
● You didn't do that alone, you know!
● You finished them off!
● You nicked my kill!
● We’ll split that one.

● Hell and damnation!

● I’m down! / Dammit, I’m down! / Dammit, I’m hit!
● Are you blind or stupid? Either way, help me!
● An immediate bonus to whomever helps me!
● Dammit you fools, I'm right here!
● Don't let me die like this!

● Cheers, then!

● I’m not done yet!
● I know what to do.
● I won't take no for an answer.
● I will enact my revenge.
● It's time I took charge here.

● On your feet.
● Quite a fall you've had.
● Don't worry, you're not done yet.
● I'm here now, you can quit panicking.
● When you're done crying please get up.
● Come now, keep fighting!

● Get out here, you're needed!
● I'm not asking you to fight, I'm telling you!
● Consider this your conscription!

● I’m pleased to be a member of this team. Today, anyway. (Win)
● Ladies and gentlemen - this is what a decisive victory looks like! (Win)
● Now that is a victory. Clean, decisive, invigorating! (Win)
● I’d very much like to know how the other team’s coping with this ultimate humiliation. Not
well, I hope. (Win)
● I trust you will not content to yourself with such a piddling margin of victory. (Close win)
● Yes, we won. No, not by enough. Are you happy with such a victory? I can assure you, I
am not. (Close win)
● They kept it close but thankfully their incompetence reasserted itself. Nice work. (Close
● We came close but it was not enough… and now we decide who to blame. (Close loss)
● I can stomach losing such a close match normally, but not like this, and not to them.
(Close loss)
● After such a crushing loss I find one has two options: fiery rage or uncontrollable
sobbing. I shall flip a coin. (Loss)
● Perhaps in another realm of possibility we had a chance of winning that one. I honestly
doubt it. (Loss)

● We will do terrible things together.
● Prepare yourself, I'm not an easy man.
● When I find a partner I like, I hang onto them.
● You can’t be a worse partner than Roman.
● Excelente. (translation: “excellent.”)
● You must have an interest in cruelty.
● So many to shoot, so little time.
● We're doing this the old fashioned way - shoot everyone!
● So much suffering for a bit of gold! I wouldn't have it any other way.
● I'm abiding interest in treasure.

● Hurt you, hahaha!
● Sorry, culo! You’re down! (translation: “ass.”)
● I find your suffering highly amusing!
● Better stay down!
● Eso es mio! (translation: “that’s mine.”)
● No escape, cabrón! (translation: “bastard” or “asshole.”)
● Say hello to my little friend!
● Time to crawl!
● Hurt you, pendejo! (translation: “stupid.”)
● Shut up and die.
● Comer mierda de muerte! (rough (?) translation: “eat shit and die.”)
● You've never seen anyone like me! (Master Downer)

● Hahaha, good-bye!
● Farewell, pendejo!
● The game is up for you!
● Adiós! (translation: “goodbye.”)
● It's the last day of your sorry life!
● You're dead, cabrón!
● You got off easy!
● I know what I’m doing!
● So little imagination!
● I shut you down!
● Vete a la mierda! (translation: “drop dead”, “fuck off.”)
● The game is up for you!
● Die like a dog!
● Tonto del culo! (translation: essentially “dumbass.”)
● I am a hunter, and you are all in season! (KO King)

● That was me, too.
● We took them down! / We both got that one!
● I don't like to share.
● Dammit, I wanted that one!
● Needed my help, eh? Typical.
● Acknowledge my help!
● We hurt them together! Haha, good!

● I don't like it when it's this close!
● How are they keeping up with us?

● Oh, mierda! (translation: “shit.”)
● Shit shit shit!

● Estúpido, help me, immediately! (translation: “asshole.”)
● Ah, I'm hit! / I've been hit! / No no, I'm hit!
● Me cago en la leche! (literal translation is: “I shit in the milk.” Used to express
● Estoy hasta los cojones! (translation: “I’ve had enough of this.”)
● Mierda, I'm down!
● This is bullshit!
● If no one helps me, you'll regret it!
● I can't take much more of this!
● Oh, god damn you! / Dammit, I’m down!
● I'm losing strength!

● Gracias! / Gracias, mi amigo. (translation: “thank you, my friend.”)
● Thanks / Many thanks / I’m up, thank you.
● I'll return the favour.

● This is not my day.
● They won't get the best of me!
● Good, they’re playing rough.
● I know what to do.
● They won’t stop me now.

● Here, it helps with the pain.
● I’m here so shut up already.

● We beat them! This calls for the best tequila, someone bring the glasses! (Win)
● We had them on the run, compadres! And now they're in the ground! (Win)
● You hit a dog hard enough it learns obedience. I think we hit those dogs hard enough,
don’t you? (Win)
● Shit, that was too close. Next time we will eradicate them from the face of the earth!
(Close win)
● I’d like to see us try a little harder to humilate them next time. (Close win)
● It is unforgivable to lose in such a manner. May my ancestors forgive me. (Loss)

● Yes!
● Time to restock.
● Down to business.
● Feliz Navidad, haha! (translation: “Merry Christmas.”)
● Finally!

● Today will be a good day, you’ll find.

● Muchas gracias, miss Ross, (???) (translation: “thank you very much.”)
● Thank you, miss Ross. Keep us updated?

● Standing by for new orders!
● Awaiting further instructions, miss Ross!
● It’s missions like that that separate the competent from the legendary!
● Dios, I nearly met my maker back there! (translation: “God.”)
● Miss Ross, a moment’s rest, perhaps, after that grueling task?

● Everything went right today, amigo!

● I only work with the best. I assume you do as well.
● I’ve affect my bored demeanour for dramatic effect.
● You'll do, I suppose.
● Money isn’t everything, but it certainly is nice.
● I choose my associates carefully.
● Delete “morality” from your dictionary.
● If anyone sees Victor Sullivan out there, leave him for me.
● I highly endorse any and all methods for bringing defeat to our enemies.

● Crawl while you still can!
● You may commence begging for mercy.
● Down you go! / They’re down! / Down!
● Learn some manners!
● How predictable.
● Dreadfully sorry. / Sorry, old sport!
● Excellent!
● Let that be a lesson to you.
● They're not getting up!

● And so the curtain closes.
● KO! / That’s a KO.
● Pathetic!
● So vulgar.
● What goes down must stay down.
● So very satisfying!
● They’re gone! / They're out!
● It's just business!
● So sorry about that!
● I'll make this brief!
● Forgive me, would you?
● Farewell!
● It's been fun.
● Off you go.
● Don’t bother begging for mercy.

● I didn’t need your help.
● It’s unsporting to claim another man’s kill.
● You had my help.
● I’ll accept a thank you… any time now.
● You’re welcome. Ingrate.
● I was doing perfectly well on my own, thank you.
● That wasn't just you!
● Hey! That was my target!
● I can’t move!

● Ugh, I’m down! / I've been hit!
● I’m too rich to die on my knees!
● Help me, I’ll pay you!
● I need a medic! / I require immediate medical attention! / Medic!
● Oh no!
● If someone doesn't help me I'm going to die!
● This is unacceptable!

● You have my gratitude. / You have my bottomless thanks.
● I’m in your debt. For now.
● Very good then.
● Yes, yes, fine, thank you. / Yes, thank you.
● You won't regret this.
● You'll be well compensated.

● Prepare yourselves.
● I suppose money doesn't solve every problem.

● Oh, just hold still a moment.
● Patches up good as new, don't make me regret it.
● Come now, I'm a busy man.

● Could always use more.

● Take care, miss Ross. We’ll get started.
● Rafe’s secretary has said enough, it’s time to get to work.
● Yes, thank you very much. Now let’s get on with it.

● We’re ready for our next adventure, miss Ross. Any news from above?
● The harder the challenge, the sweeter the victory!
● We’ve dealt with the problem, miss Ross. Do tell, what’s next on the agenda?
● We’ve performed admirably and ended the threat. Now what?
● I’m always happy to rise to the challenge, but that was quite the challenge!

● I admire perfection, and you, miss Ross, have it in spades.

● Do not step into a river without first knowing its depth.
● I do not want petty thieves at my side, I want greatness!
● I inspire even the most cowardly to greatness.
● Revolutions are seldom pretty, but they are always necessary.
● Let us show these philistines what excellence looks like.
● If you want to run with tigers, you must prepare to be eaten.

● Follow me. Let me show you what a route looks like.
● Only an inferior workman blames his tools.
● If you would like to win, do as I do.
● Remember: an empty vessel makes the most noise.
● Follow me, allow me to lead you to victory!
● Let us begin down the path of armed conflict.

● Music to my ears!
● Feel my wrath!
● You are filth.
● All too easy!
● The gods have guided my hands.
● How dare you even try!
● Crawl like a dog!
● Parasite!

● I have destroyed you! / I have purified you.
● Die in agony!
● You miserable mongrel.
● You are dead! How amusing.
● See you in the next life, my friend! / May you fare better in the next life.
● Idiot.
● Dispatched!
● Consider that mercy.
● Worm! / You worm!
● Ah, I like this! / Hahaha, yes, yes!
● This tiger’s got claws!
● Enough of you!
● Cruelty is but a tool!
● You smug little shit!
● Feel my strength!
● Accept death! It's easier that way.
● My skills are pure.
● It is done!

● You finished them off.
● Go ahead, have your little moment.
● We work together well! / We are a team.
● Do not deprive me of my victory again.
● We gave them two kinds of pain.
● I let you have that one!
● Don’t get greedy, my friend. It’s unbecoming.

● This is much closer than I was expecting.

● Shit shit shit!
● This is a problem.
● Time to go.

● Dammit. Dammit, dammit!
● I must rise again! / I don’t have much longer!
● I require assistance! / I require immediate triage!
● Whoever did that, you will pay!
● I’m not ready for the next life!
● I need a medic!
● You craven imbeciles! Help me!

● Your medical skills are… adequate.
● I was merely resting a moment.
● Your descretion on this matter is appreciated.

● That… could have gone better.
● These mongrels dare oppose me?
● My wrath burns like a hard, gem-like flame. That’s right… “gem-like.”
● And now to hunt them down.
● That was not failure. It was a test.
● The old gods’ strength floods my soul.
● I live. I die. I live again.

● You’re dying without my permission!
● Hold still, I have medical training.
● Your martyrdom has been postponed.
● Enough tears! Get up.

● And so we place another footstone on the path of our great revolution! (Win)
● If you strike a mountain enough times, it will move. Fine work, my comrades. (Win)
● All we do, we do for the cause. For the gods! For strength! (Win)
● We have failed our cause, we have failed our gods, and you have failed me. (Loss)
● Today Shiva looked upon us not with favor, but with disdain. (Loss)
● Even the greatest Hoysala kings tasted defeat. That doesn’t mean we have to like it.

● Oh...kay.
● Sure sure, sure.
● All right, China.
● Uh, oh...kay.
● Yeah, all...right.
● Who, me?

● Don’t worry, I’m a professional… kinda. / Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
● Wow, you’ve got steadier hands than I do.
● That’s okay, good enough.
● It’s cool I flunked out of med school, right?
● Let’s get you patched up. / We’ll get you patched up in no time!
● Oh man, you don’t look so good.
● We gotta get you moving.
● My internship didn’t prepare me for this.
● Hold still, I can help!
● Here, you need this more than I do. (Pack)
● Do you want this? I don’t. (Pack)
● You look like you need this. (Pack)

● Still kickin’ around! Don’t know how long, though.
● Can you believe this? Cuz I can’t.
● I don’t normally say this, but I’m doing great!
● How the heck I’ve survived this long I have no idea.
● I’ve got things completely under control, here!
● Ha! I’m actually kicking butt out here!
● Have some gear. / Here, ammo. / Need some gear? / Got some gear you can use. /
Here, take this.

● Marked the target, cool huh? / Marked the target, tasty eh?
● Ha, I actually hit him! / I got him! / Got one down for ya! / That was me, I did that!

● Oh man, I didn’t sign up for this, help!
● Help, I’m taking heat! / No no, taking damage! / Dang it, I’m getting hit!
● I can’t shake ‘em! / Ah, I’m getting hit! / I’m getting banged up over here!
● They’re on me, they’re on me!

● I’ve got my target! / You’re my target!
● Don’t run, I’m friendly!
● I just wanna hug ya!
● I’d like a moment with some of you.
● Don’t let the mask scare you away.
● Would anyone like to play?
● I wear this mask for excellent breathing.
● [Chicken noises.] / [Heavy breathing.]
● I’m really enjoying this.
● It’s nice to feel my blood pumping.
● So many interesting people here today. / I always enjoy the company of strangers.
● Guns are so… impersonal.
● Don't let my emotional problems frighten you.
● I've got a lot to share with people. / I'm a people person.
● I don’t enjoy this… much.
● Sorry, it’s just a job.
● Hi, what’s your name?
● I don’t think we’ve met!
● This isn’t personal.
● Hello there!
● You seem tense. Relax!
● Going somewhere?
● Just hold still.
● It’ll be over in a moment.

● Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.
● That’s not going to work! / I know what you’re doing, it won’t work.
● Futile!
● Why draw this out?
● Anyone else want to be friends?

● Was it something I said?
● I wasn’t expecting that.
● It won’t happen again.
● Maybe next time.
● How interesting!
● Now I’m angry.

● Ready to help.
● You got it.
● Roger that.

● Put one down!

● Taking damage!
● You think you got me? That’s adorable.
● Come on, keep shooting! It kinda tickles.

● Look at them all run!
● Come out come out wherever you are!
● Laying down suppressive fire!
● They can’t move! / I got them pinned down!
● Oh, I’m just getting started!
● I could do this all day!
● Take your shots, come on, I dare you!
● You’re not gonna like me at all.
● When you got a pest problem you call an exterminator.
● Let’s see what you little mice can do.
● Anyone that runs from me, I don’t blame you!
● You’d think they’d learn.
● You’re gonna wanna hide, trust me!
● It’s a lot more fun for me when you fight back!

● They’ll never see me coming!
● I got your back.
● On it.

● Target marked, go after them!
● There’s your target!

● Took down the target!
● Sorry, I don’t play nice.

● On the move to a new position.
● I’m moving.
● Moving now.

● Dammit, I’m hit!
● Taking damage!
● They found me!

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