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Lesson Plan

School : SMPN 12 Medan

Subject : English
Class : VII/1
Allocation Time : 1 x 25 minutes

Standard of Competence : Reading the story.

Basic Competence : Reading fluently and understand very simple texts.

Indicator : Identify the topic of the text

Identify the meaning of the words of the text
Identify the meaning of the sentences of the text
A. Objectives Learning
 In the end of the lesson, Students should be able to understand the text and reading
B. Learning Materials
 Read a very simple story with the title An Old Lady
C. Method of learning
 Speech
 Discussion
D. Steps of Activities
 Introduction
 Greeting and asking condition
 Checking for the presence of students
 Main Activities
 Teacher makes discussion groups
 Giving a text to students
 Teacher read the story text
 Students repeat reading
 Teacher and students translate into Indonesian
 Asking students to answer the exercise
 Scoring the exercise
 Close Activities
 The teacher makes conclusion
 The teacher closes the teaching learning process.
E. Tools
 White board
 Board marker
 Text
F. Sources
 Book text
 Internet
G. Evaluation
Technique : Quiz in the last meeting
Form : Essay
Instrument : Read the text bellow, then answer the question.

An old lady
An old lady went out shopping last Tuesday. She came to a bank and saw car near the door.
A man went out of it and went into the bank. She looked into the car. The keys were in the lock.

The old lady took the key and followed the man into the bank.

The man took a gun out of his pocket and said to the clerk, ‘give me all the money!’

But the old lady did not see this. She went to the man, put the keys in his hand and said ‘Young
man, you’re stupid! Never leave your key in your car: someone going to steal it!’

The man looked at the old lady for a few second. Then he looked at the clerk-and then he took
his keys, ran out of the bank, got into his car and drove away quickly, without any money.

Exercise 1

1. Who went out shopping last Tuesday?

2. Did the man get much money from the bank?
3. What did she look in the car?
4. What did she do after taking the key in the car?
5. What did she say to the man?

Keys answer

1. An old lady went out shopping last Tuesday.

2. No, he did not get much money from the bank.
3. She looked the key in the car.
4. The old lady took the key and followed the man into the bank.
5. She said ‘Young man, you’re stupid! Never leave your key in your car: someone going to
steal it!’

In the exercise 1, each of the correct answers is scored 2

The Form of Scoring

Totaling all corrects answer in the exercise 1.

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