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the Rough Guide


Compiled by


w w w. ro u g h g u i d e s . c o m
Compiled by Lexus with David and Somsong Smyth
Lexus Series Editor: Sally Davies
Rough Guides Reference Director: Andrew Lockett
Rough Guides Series Editor: Mark Ellingham

First edition published in 1999 by Rough Guides Ltd.

This updated edition published in 2006 by
Rough Guides Ltd,
80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL
345 Hudson St, 4th Floor, New York 10014, USA
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© Lexus Ltd 2006

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 13: 978-1-84353-622-2

ISBN 10: 1-84353-622-6

The publishers and authors have done their best to ensure

the accuracy and currency of all information in The Rough
Guide Thai Phrasebook however, they can accept no
responsibility for any loss or inconvenience sustained by any
reader using the book.
Online information about Rough Guides can be found at our website

Introduction 5

Basic Phrases 5

Scenarios 13

English - Thai  31

Thai - English 182

Thai - English: Signs and Notices 223

Menu Reader
Food �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓����������������������������������� 246
Drink �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓����������������������������������� 260

How the Language Works

Pronunciation �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓�������������� 265
Tones �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓���������������������������������� 267
The Thai alphabet �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓���� 269
Articles / Nouns / Classifiers �����������������������������������尓�������������� 271
Adjectives and adverbs �����������������������������������尓�������������������������� 274
Pronouns �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓������������������������ 276
Possessives �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓����������������� 277
Verbs �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓���������������������������������� 278
Questions, answers, yes and no �����������������������������������尓����� 280
Polite particles: krúp, kâ, ká �����������������������������������尓��������������� 282
Dates / Days �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓���������������� 283
Months / Time �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓������������ 284
Numbers �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓�������������������������� 286
Conversion Tables �����������������������������������尓������������������������������������尓��� 288


T he Rough Guide Thai dictionary phrasebook is a highly
practical introduction to the contemporary language. Laid
out in clear A-Z style, it uses key-word referencing to lead you
straight to the words and phrases you want – so if you need to
book a room, just look up ‘room’. The Rough Guide gets straight

to the point in every situation, in bars and shops, on trains and
buses, and in hotels and banks.

The main part of the Rough Guide is a double dictionary:
English-Thai then Thai-English. Before that, there’s a section called
Basic Phrases and to get you involved in two-way communication,
the Rough Guide includes, in this new edition, a set of Scenario
dialogues illustrating questions and responses in key situations such
as renting a car and asking directions. You can hear these and then
download them free from
for use on your computer or MP3 player.
Forming the heart of the guide, the English-Thai section
gives easy-to-use transliterations of the Thai words wherever
pronunciation might be a problem. Throughout this section,
cross-references enable you to pinpoint key facts and phrases, while
asterisked words indicate where further information can be found in
a section at the end of the book called How the Language Works.
This section sets out the fundamental rules of the language, with
plenty of practical examples. You’ll also find here other essentials
like numbers, dates, telling the time and basic phrases. The Thai-
English section is in two parts: a dictionary, arranged phonetically,
of all the words and phrases you’re likely to hear (starting with a
section of slang and colloquialisms); then a compilation, arranged
by subject, of various signs, labels, instructions and other basic
words you may come across in print or in public places.
Near the back of the book too the Rough Guide offers an
extensive Menu Reader. Consisting of food and drink sections
(each starting with a list of essential terms), it’s indispensable
whether you’re eating out, stopping for a quick drink, or brows-
ing through a local food market.
têe-o hâi sa-nòok ná!
have a good trip!

yes bye
krúp (kâ); châi lah gòrn
¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) ãªû ÅÒ¡û͹
no see you!
mâi jer gun mài ná!
äÁû à¨Í¡Ñ¹ãËÁû¹Ð
OK see you later
oh-kay dqe-o jer gun èek

hello please
sa-wùt dee (requesting something)
ÊÇÑÊ´Õ ksr ...
¢Í ...
bpai npi? (offering)
ä»ä˹ chern krúp (kâ)
good morning
sa-wùt dee krúp (kâ) (could you) please ...?
ÊÇÑÊ´Õ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) chôo-ay ... nòy dâi mái?
ªûÇ ... ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
good evening
sa-wùt dee krúp (kâ) yes please
ÊÇÑÊ´Õ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) ao krúp (kâ)
good night
sa-wùt dee krúp (kâ) thanks, thank you
ÊÇÑÊ´Õ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) kòrp-koon
lah gòrn ná no thanks, no thank you
ÅÒ¡û͹¹Ð mâi ao kòrp-koon

thank you very much I’m sorry

kòrp-koon mâhk psm (chún) sqe-a jai
¢Íº¤Ø³ÁÒ¡ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÊÕÂã¨
don’t mention it sorry?/pardon (me)?
mâi bpen rai (didn’t understand) a-rai ná krúp
äÁûà»ç¹äà (ká)?
how do you do?
sa-wùt dee krúp (kâ)
I see/I understand
kâo jai láir-o
how are you? à¢üÒã¨áÅüÇ
bpen yung-ngai bâhng?
I don’t understand
psm (chún) mâi kâo jai
fine, thanks ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûà¢üÒã¨
sa-bai dee krúp (kâ)
do you speak English?
koon pôot pah-sph ung-grìt
nice to meet you bpen mái?
yin dee têe dâi róo-jùk gun ¤Ø³¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉà»ç¹äËÁ
I don’t speak Thai
psm (chún) pôot pah-sph tai
excuse me mâi bpen
(to get past, to say sorry) ksr-tôht ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒä·ÂäÁûà»ç¹
¢Íâ·É could you speak more 
(to get attention) koon krúp (kâ) slowly?
pôot cháh cháh nòy!
¤Ø³¤ÃѺ (¤ûÐ)
¾Ù´ªüÒ æ ˹ûÍÂ
(to say pardon?) a-rai ná?
could you repeat that?
pôot èek tee dâi mái?

could you write it down?
chôo-ay kqe-un long hâi nòy,
dâi mái?

I’d like a ...

Basic Phrases

psm (chún) ao ...

¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÍÒ ...
I’d like to ...
psm (chún) yàhk ...
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡ ...
can I have ...?
ksr ... dâi mái?
¢Í ... ä´üäËÁ
how much is it?

it is ...
bpen ...
à»ç¹ ...
where is it?
yòo têe npi?
is it far?
yòo glai mái?

1. Accommodation

Scenarios  Thai
is there an inexpensive hotel you can recommend?
a chôo-ay náir-num rohng rairm rah-kah tòok, hâi nòy kâ?

kŏr-tôht krúp, dtem mòt láir-o b

I’m sorry, they all seem to be fully booked

can you give me the name of a good middle-range hotel?

a kŏr chêu rohng rairm têe dee bpahn glahng, dâi mái ká?

kŏr doo gòrn ná krúp, dtôrng gahn púk jai glahng meu-ung châi
mái krúp? b
let me have a look; do you want to be in the centre?

if possible
a tâh bpen bpai dâi

a têe púk glai nít-nòy, mâi bpen rai châi mái krúp?
do you mind being a little way out of town?

not too far out

a mâi koo-un glai gern bpai kâ

where is it on the map?

a yòo dtrong năi bon păirn-têe ká?

can you write the name and address down?

a kĕe-an chêu têe yòo hâi nòy dâi mái ká?

I’m looking for a room in a private house

a gum-lung hăh hôrng púk hôrng nèung, nai bâhn púk sòo-an
dtoo-a kâ

2. Banks
Scenarios  Thai

bank account bun-chee ta-nah-kahn

to change money lâirk ngern
cheque chék
to deposit money fàhk ngern
pin number măi lâyk ra-hùt
pound bporn
to withdraw money tŏrn ngern

can you change this into baht?

a rúp lâirk bpen ngern bàht mái krúp?
dtôrng-gahn lâirk ngern bàirp năi ká? b
how would you like the money?
small notes big notes
a báirng yôy a báirng yài
do you have information in English about opening an account?
a mee kôr moon gahn bpèrt bun-chee bpen pah-săh ung-grìt mái
mee kâ, dtôrng-gahn bpèrt bun-chee bàirp năi ká? b
yes, what sort of account do you want?
I’d like a current account
a dtôrng-gahn bpèrt bun-chee gra-săir rai wun krúp
kŏr doo núng-sĕu dern tahng nòy kâ? b
your passport, please
can I use this card to draw some cash?
a chái bùt née tŏrn ngern dâi mái krúp?
dtôrng bpai têe káirt-chee-a kâ b
you have to go to the cashier’s desk
I want to transfer this to my account at Bangkok Bank
a dtôrng-gahn ohn ngern kâo bun-chee ta-nah-kahn groong-tâyp
dâi kâ, dtàir dtôrng kít ngern kâh toh-ra-sùp ná ká b
OK, but we’ll have to charge you for the phonecall

14 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

3. Booking a room

Scenarios  Thai
shower hôrng núm fùk boo-a
telephone in the room toh-ra-sùp nai hôrng púk
payphone in the lobby toh-ra-sùp săh-tah-ra-ná têe lórp-bêe

do you have any rooms?

a mee hôrng púk wâhng mái krúp?
sŭm-rùp gèe kon ká? b
for how many people?
for one/for two
a sŭm-rùp kon dee-o/sŭm-rùp sŏrng kon
mee kâ, mee hôrng wâhng b
yes, we have rooms free
ja púk gèe keun ká? b
for how many nights?
just for one night
a keun dee-o krúp
how much is it?
a tâo-rài krúp?
hôrng púk mee hôrng núm róy hâh-sìp bàht, hôrng púk mâi mee
hôrng núm róy bàht kâ b
150 baht with bathroom and 100 baht without bathroom
does that include breakfast?
a roo-um ah-hăhn cháo dôo-ay mái krúp?
can I see a room with bathroom?
a kŏr doo hôrng púk mee hôrng núm dâi mái krúp?
ok, I’ll take it
a dtòk-long ao hôrng née krúp
when do I have to check out?
a dtôrng chék-áo gèe mohng krúp?
is there anywhere I can leave luggage?
a fàhk gra-bpăo têe năi krúp? 15
4. Car hire
Scenarios  Thai

automatic gee-a ùt-dta-noh-mút

full tank dtem tŭng
manual gee-a meu
rented car rót châo

I’d like to rent a car

a kŏr châo rót nèung kun krúp
a châo nahn tâo-rài ká? two days
for how long? a sŏrng wun
I’ll take the ...
a pŏm ao…
is that with unlimited mileage? châi kâ b
a mâi jum-gùt ra-ya tahng châi mái krúp? it is
kŏr doo bai kùp kèe nòy kâ? b
can I see your driving licence, please?
núng-sĕu dern tahng dôo-ay kâ b
and your passport
is insurance included?
a roo-um bpra-gun mái krúp?
roo-um kâ, dtàir dtôrng jài ngern sòo-un râirk pun bàht ayng b
yes, but you have to pay the first 1000 baht
wahng ngern mút jum pun bàht, dâi mái ká? b
can you leave a deposit of 1000 baht?
and if this office is closed, where do I leave the keys?
a tâh órp-fít bpìt láir-o, keun goon-jair têe năi krúp?
yòrn mun long nai glòrng nún kâ b
you drop them in that box

16 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

5. Communications

Scenarios  Thai
ADSL modem moh-dem ay dee áyt airn
at àirt
dial-up modem moh-dem rêe-uk pàhn măi lâyk toh-ra-
dot dòrt
Internet in-dter-nèt
mobile (phone) toh-ra-sùp meu tĕu
password ra-hùt pàhn
telephone socket dtâo sèe-ap toh-ra-sùp
wireless hotspot bor-ri-gahn in-dter-nèt rái săi kwahm
ray-o sŏong

is there an Internet café around here?

a mee ráhn in-dter-nèt tăir-o née mái ká?
can I send email from here?
a têe nêe, sòng ee-may-o dâi mái ká?
where’s the at sign on the keyboard?
a krêu-ung măi àirt yòo dtrong năi bon kee-bòrt ká?
can you switch this to a UK keyboard?
a chôo-ay bplèe-un kee-bòrt bpen pah-săh ung-grìt, dâi mái ká?
can you help me log on?
a chôo-ay lórk-orn dâi mái ká?
I’m not getting a connection, can you help?
a dtòr săi sŭn-yahn mâi dâi, chôo-ay nòy dâi mái ká?
where can I get a top-up card for my mobile?
a séu bùt dterm ngern toh-ra sùp meu tĕu dâi têe năi ká?
can you put me through to ...?
a chôo-ay dtòr … hâi nòy kâ?

zero sŏon five hâh

one nèung six hòk
two sŏrng seven jèt
three săhm eight bpàirt
four sèe nine gâo 17
6. Directions
Scenarios  Thai

where? which direction?

têe năi? tahng năi?

hi, I’m looking for Yaowarat Road

a sa-wùt dee krúp, pŏm gum-lung hăh ta-nŏn yao-wa-râht
kŏr-tôht kâ, mâi ker-ee dâi yin mah gòrn ler-ee b
sorry, never heard of it
hi, can you tell me where Yaowarat Road is?
a sa-wùt dee krúp, bòrk nòy dâi mái wâh ta-nŏn yao-wa-râht yòo
têe năi krúp?
chún gôr mâi châi kon têe nêe kâ b
I’m a stranger here too
hi, Yaowarat Road, do you know where it is?
a sa-wùt dee krúp, sâhp mái wâh, ta-nŏn yao-wa-râht yòo têe năi
lée-o dtrong hŏo-a moom b
around the corner
lée-o sái têe sŭn-yahn fai têe sŏrng b
left at the second traffic lights
lŭng jàhk nún, ta-nŏn râirk tahng kwăh keu ta-nŏn yao-wa-râht kâ b
then it’s the first street on the right

dtrong bpai kâhng nâh por pàhn têe nôhn

straight ahead in front of just after over there

dtrong kâhm ler-ee bpai tahng kwăh tùt bpai

opposite further on the right next

glâi lée-o tahng sái

near turn off on the left

kâhng lŭng pàhn ... bpai ta-nŏn

back past the ... street

18 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

7. Emergencies

Scenarios  Thai
accident oo-bùt-dti-hàyt
ambulance rót pa-yah-bahn
consul sa-tăhn gong-sŏon
embassy sa-tăhn tôot
fire brigade nòo-ay dùp plerng
police dtum-ròo-ut

a chôo-ay dôo-ay!

can you help me?

a chôo-ay nòy dâi mái ká?

please come with me! it’s really very urgent

a mah gùp chún nòy kâ! mee rêu-ung dòo-un mâhk jing jing

I’ve lost (my keys)

a chún tum (goon-jair) hăi

(my car) is not working

a (rót chún) sĕe-a

(my purse) has been stolen

a chún dohn ka-moy-ee (gra-bpăo sa-dtahng)

I’ve been mugged

a chún dohn jêe

chêu a-rai krúp? b

what’s your name?

kŏr doo núng-sĕu dern tahng nòy krúp b

I need to see your passport

I’m sorry, all my papers have been stolen

a kŏr-tôht kâ, àyk-ga-săhn túng-mòt dohn ka-moy-ee kâ 19
8. Friends
Scenarios  Thai

hi, how’re you doing?

a sa-wùt dee, sa-bai dee mái?

sa-bai dee, láir-o koon lâ? b

OK, and you?

yeah, fine not bad

a sa-bai dee a gôr dee

d’you know Pairot?

a róo-jùk pai-róht mái?

and this is Suchada

a láir nêe sòo-chah-dah

hây, róo-jùk gun láir-o b

yeah, we know each other

where do you know each other from?

a róo-jùk gun têe năi?

jer gun têe bâhn sùk-dah b

we met at Sukda’s place

that was some party, eh?

a mee bpah-dtêe rěr?

yêe-um mâhk b
the best

are you guys coming for a beer?

a bpai gin bee-a mái?

a dee, bpai gun tèr mâi bpai ná, dĕe-o bpai jer a-lí-să b
cool, let’s go no, I’m meeting Alisa

see you at Sukda’s place tonight

a keun née jer gun têe bâhn sùk-dah ná

láir-o jer gun ná b

see you

20 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

9. Health

Scenarios  Thai
I’m not feeling very well
a chún róo-sèuk mâi sa-bai kâ
can you get a doctor?
a chôo-ay dtahm mŏr dâi mái ká?
jèp têe năi krúp? a
where does it hurt?
it hurts here
a jèp têe nêe kâ
jèp dta-lòrt mái krúp? b
is the pain constant?
it’s not a constant pain
a mâi kâ, mâi jèp dta-lòrt
can I make an appointment?
a kŏr nút dâi mái ká?
can you give me something for ...?
a hâi yah gâir … dâi mái ká?
yes, I have insurance
a kâ, chún mee bpra-gun sòok-ka-pâhp

antibiotics yah bpa-dti-chee-wa-ná

antiseptic ointment yah tah kâh chéu-a
cystitis gra-pór bpùt-sa-wa ùk-sàyp
dentist mŏr fun
diarrhoea tórng sĕe-a
doctor mŏr
hospital rohng pa-yah-bahn
ill mâi sa-bai
medicine yah
painkillers yah gâir bpòo-ut
pharmacy ráhn kăi yah
to prescribe sùng yah
thrush ah-gahn ùk-sàyp chéu-a rah 21
10. Language difficulties
Scenarios  Thai

a few words sŏrng săhm kum

interpreter lâhm
to translate bplair

bùt kray-dìt koon, tòok ra-ngúp chái krúp b

your credit card has been refused
what, I don’t understand; do you speak English?
a a-rai ná-ká, mâi kâo jai kâ, koon pôot pah-săh ung-grìt dâi
mái ká?
koon chái bùt kray-dìt née, mâi dâi láir-o krúp b
you can’t use this credit card any more
could you say that again? slowly
a chôo-ay pôot èek krúng dâi mái ká? a cháh cháh
I understand very little Thai
a chún kâo jai pah-săh tai dâi nít-nòy kâ
I speak Thai very badly
a pôot pah-săh tai dâi mâi dee ler-ee
koon jài ngern dôo-ay bùt née, mâi dâi krúp b
you can’t use this card to pay
kâo jai mái krúp? a sorry, no
do you understand? a mâi kâo jai kâ, kŏr-tôht kâ
is there someone who speaks English?
a mee krai pôot pah-săh ung-grìt dâi mái krúp?
oh, now I understand
a ŏr, kâo jai láir-o kâ
is that ok now?
a rêe-up róy rěu yung krúp?

22 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

11. Meeting people

Scenarios  Thai
a sa-wùt dee krúp

sa-wùt dee kâ, chún chêu nin-da kâ b

hello, my name’s Ninda

Graham, from England, Thirsk

a pŏm chêu graham, mah jàhk thirsk, bpra-tâyt ung-grìt

mâi róo-jùk kâ, meu-ung née yòo têe năi ká? b

don’t know that, where is it?

not far from York, in the North; and you?

a mâi glai jàhk yórk, tang pâhk nĕu-a, láir-o koon lâ?

chún mah jàhk chee-ang mài, mah kon dee-o rĕu ká? b
I’m from Chiangmai; here by yourself?

no, I’m with my wife and two kids

a bplào krúp, mah gùp pun-ra-yah láir lôok sŏrng kon

what do you do?

a tum ngahn a-rai krúp?

dâhn korm-pew-dtêr kâ b
I’m in computers

me too
a pŏm gôr mĕu-un gun

here’s my wife now

a nêe pun-ra-yah pŏm krúp

yin dee têe dâi róo-jùk kâ b

nice to meet you 23
12. Post offices
Scenarios  Thai

airmail air may-o

post card bprai-sa-nee-ya-bùt
post office bprai-sa-nee
stamp sa-dtairm

what time does the post office close?

a bprai-sa-nee bpìt gèe mohng ká?
tóok wun jun tĕung wun sòok dtorn hâh mohng yen krúp b
five o’clock weekdays
is the post office open on Saturdays?
a bprai-sa-nee bpèrt wun săo rĕu bplào ká?
bpèrt tĕung têe-ang krúp b
until midday
I’d like to send this registered to England
a yàhk long ta-bee-an un née láir sòng bpai ung-grìt kâ
dâi krúp, túng-mòt hâh-sìp bàht b
certainly, that will cost 50 baht
and also two stamps for England, please
a lair kŏr sa-dtairm sŏrng doo-ung sŭm-rùp bpra-tâyt ung-grìt kâ
do you have some airmail stickers?
a mee sa-tík-gêr air may-o mái krúp?
do you have any mail for me?
a mee jòt-măi sŭm-rùp chún mah mái ká?

ต่างประเทศ จดหมาย ภายในประเทศ

dtàhng bpra-tâyt jòt-măi pai nai bpra-tâyt
international letters domestic

บริการไปรษณีย์รอจ่าย พัสดุ
bor-ri-gahn bprai-sa-nee ror jài pút-sa-doo
poste restante parcels

24 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

13. Restaurants

Scenarios  Thai
bill bin
menu may-noo
table dtó

can we have a non-smoking table?

a kŏr dtó têe mâi sòop boo-rèe dâi mái krúp?
there are two of us there are four of us
a sŭm-sùp sŏrng kon krúp a sŭm-rùp sèe kon krúp
what’s this? bplah cha-nít nèung kâ b
a nêe a-rai krúp? it’s a type of fish
bpen ah-hăhn pi-sàyt pra-jum tórng tìn kâ b
it’s a local speciality
kâo mah kâhng nai si ká, ja hâi doo b
come inside and I’ll show you
we would like two of these, one of these, and one of those
a kŏr un née sŏrng têe, un née nèung têe, láir un nóhn nùeng têe krúp
dèum a-rai ká? b
and to drink?
red wine white wine
a wai dairng a wai kăo
a beer and two orange juices
a kŏr bee-a nèung gâir-o láir núm sôm sŏrng gâir-o krúp
some more bread please
a kŏr ka-nŏm bpung èek krúp
ah-hăhn a-ròy mái ká? b
how was your meal?
excellent!, very nice!
a a-ròy mâhk krúp!
ja rúp a-rai èek mái ká? b
anything else?
just the bill thanks
a chék bin ler-ee, kòrp-koon krúp 25
14. Shopping
Scenarios  Thai

hâi chôo-ay mái ká? b

can I help you?
can I just have a look around? yes, I’m looking for ...
a kŏr doo gòrn krúp a krúp, pŏm gum-lung hăh …
how much is this? nèung pun bàht kâ b
a un née tâo-rài krúp? one thousand baht
OK, I think I’ll have to leave it; it’s a little too expensive for me
a rěr krúp, mâi séu ròrk krúp, mun pairng bpai
un née lâ krúp? b
how about this?
can I pay by credit card?
a jài dôo-ay bùt kray-dìt dâi mái?
it’s too big it’s too small
a yài gern bpai krúp a lék gern bpai krúp
it’s for my son – he’s about this high
a dtoo-a née sŭm-rùp lôok chai pŏm – sŏong bpra-mahn née krúp
rúp a-rai èek mái ká? b
will there be anything else?
that’s all thanks
a króp láir-o, kòrp-koon krúp
make it six hundred and I’ll take it
a hâi rah-kah hòk róy bàht, láir-o ja séu
fine, I’ll take it
a dee, ao krúp

เปิด ปิด โต๊ะจ่ายเงิน

bpèrt bpìt dtó jài ngern
open closed cash desk

ขายลดราคา แลกเปลี่ย
kăi lót rah-kah lâirk bplèe-un
sale to exchange

26 download these scenarios as MP3s from:

15. Sightseeing

Scenarios  Thai
art gallery hŏr sÇn
bus tour rót too-a num têe-o
city centre jai glahng meu-ung
closed bpìt
guide múk-koo-tâyt
museum pí-pít-ta-pun
open bpèrt

I’m interested in seeing the old town

a yàhk bpai têe-o meu-ung gào
are there guided tours?
a mee too-a têe mee múk-koo-tâyt mái ká?
kŏr-tôht krúp, dtem mòt láir-o b
I’m sorry, it’s fully booked
how much would you charge to drive us around for four hours?
a kùp rót pah têe-o, sùk sèe chôo-a mohng, ja kít ngern tâo-rài ká?
can we book tickets for the concert here?
a jorng dtŏo-a korn-sèrt têe nêe dâi mái ká?
a dâi krúp, chêu a-rai krúp? a kray-dìt gáht bàirp năi ká?
yes, in what name? which credit card?
where do we get the tickets?
a rúp dtŏo-a têe năi ká?
rúp têe bpra-dtoo tahng kâo krúp b
just pick them up at the entrance
is it open on Sundays?
a wun ah-tít bpèrt mái ká
how much is it to get in?
a kâh kâo tâo-rài ká?
are there reductions for groups of 6?
a lót rah-kah săm-rùp glòom mah dôo-ay gun hòk kon mái ká?
that was really impressive!
a nâh bpra-túp jai jing jing! 27
16. Trains
Scenarios  Thai

to change trains dtòr rót fai

platform chahn chah-lah
return dtŏo-a bpai glùp
single dtŏo-a têe-o dee-o
station sa-tăh-nee rót fai
stop jòrt
ticket dtŏo-a

how much is ...?

a … rah-kah tâo-rài ká?
a single, second class to ...
a dtŏo-a têe-o dee-o, chún sŏrng nèung bai bpai …
two returns, second class to ...
a dtŏo-a bpai glùp, chún sŏrng sŏrng bai bpai …
for today for tomorrow
a sŭm-rùp wun née a sŭm-rùp wun prôong-née
for next Tuesday
a sŭm-rùp wun ung-kahn nâh
dtôrng jài kâh bor-ri-gahn pi-sàyt, sŭm-rùp rót fai sa-bprín-dtêr krúp b
there’s a supplement for the Sprinter Train
dtôrng-gahn jorng têe nûng mái krúp? b
do you want to make a seat reservation?
koon dtôrng dtòr rót fai têe sa-tăh-nee dorn meu-ung krúp b
you have to change at Don Muang Station
what time is the last train to Chiangmai?
a rót fai bpai chee-ung mài, têe-o sòot tái, òrk gèe mohng ká?
is this seat free?
a têe nêe wâhng mái ká?
excuse me, which station are we at?
a kŏr-tôht kâ, têe nêe sa-tăh-nee a-rai ká?
is this where I change for Chiangmai?
a têe nêe, dtòr rót fai bpai chee-ung mài châi mái ká?


accurate tòok-dtôrng

English ➜ Thai
ache bpòo-ut
a, an* »Ç´
about: about 20 bpra-mahn my back aches bpòo-ut
yêe-sìp ltng
it’s about 5 o’clock bpra- across: across the ...
mahn hâh mohng yen kâhm ...
»ÃÐÁÒ³ËüÒâÁ§àÂç¹ ¢üÒÁ ...
a film about Thailand ntng adapter (for voltage) krêu-ung
rêu-ung meu-ung tai bplairng fai fáh
˹ѧàÃ×ûͧàÁ×ͧä·Â à¤Ã×ûͧá»Å§ä¿¿üÒ
above kâhng bon (plug) bplúk
¢üÒ§º¹ »ÅÑý¡
abroad dtàhng bpra-tâyt address têe-yòo

µûÒ§»ÃÐà·È ·ÕûÍÂûÙ
absolutely (I agree) nâir-norn what’s your address? koon
á¹û¹Í¹ púk yòo têe-npi?
absorbent cotton stm-lee ¤Ø³¾Ñ¡ÍÂÙû·Õûä˹
ÊÓÅÕ address book sa-mòot têe-
accelerator kun rêng yòo
¤Ñ¹àÃû§ ÊÁØ´·ÕûÍÂÙû
accept rúp admission charge kâh kâo
ÃѺ ¤ûÒà¢üÒ
accident oo-bùt-dti-hàyt adult pôo-yài
ÍغѵÔà赯 ¼ÙüãËญû
there’s been an accident mee advance: in advance lôo-ung
oo-bùt-dti-hàyt nâh
ÁÕÍغѵÔà赯 Åûǧ˹üÒ
accommodation têe púk aeroplane krêu-ung bin
·Õû¾Ñ¡ à¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹

after ltng nèung mah láir-o
English ➜ Thai

ËÅѧ ªÑûÇâÁ§Ë¹Öû§ÁÒáÅüÇ
after you chern gòrn agree: I agree psm (chún) hěn
àªÔญ¡û͹ dôo-ay
after lunch ltng ah-hphn ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àËç¹´üÇÂ
glahng wun AIDS rôhk áyd
afternoon dtorn bài air ah-gàht
µÍ¹ºûÒ ÍÒ¡ÒÈ
in the afternoon dtorn bài by air tahng ah-gàht
µÍ¹ºûÒ ·Ò§ÍÒ¡ÒÈ
this afternoon bài née air-conditioning krêu-ung
ºûÒ¹Õü air
aftershave yah tah ltng gohn à¤Ã×ûͧáÍÃì
nòo-ut airmail: by airmail sòng tahng
ÂÒ·ÒËÅѧ⡹˹Ǵ ah-gàht

aftersun cream yah tah ltng Êû§·Ò§ÍÒ¡ÒÈ

àhp dàirt airmail envelope sorng jòt-mpi
ÂÒ·ÒËÅѧÍҺᴴ ah-gàht
afterwards tee ltng «Í§¨´ËÁÒÂÍÒ¡ÒÈ
·ÕËÅѧ airport sa-nphm bin
again èek ʹÒÁºÔ¹
ÍÕ¡ to the airport, please bpai sa-
against: I’m against it psm nphm bin
(chún) mâi hěn dôo-ay ä»Ê¹ÒÁºÔ¹
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûàËç¹´üÇ airport bus rót sa-nphm bin
age ah-yóo öʹÒÁºÔ¹
ÍÒÂØ aisle seat têe nûng dtìt tahng
ago: a week ago ah-tít nèung dern
mah láir-o ·Õû¹Ñû§µÔ´·Ò§à´Ô¹
ÍÒ·ÔµÂì˹Öû§ÁÒáÅüÇ alarm clock nah-li-gah bplòok
an hour ago chôo-a mohng ¹ÒÌÔ¡Ò»ÅØ¡

alcohol lâo alone kon dee-o

English ➜ Thai
àËÅüÒ ¤¹à´ÕÂÇ
alcoholic kon kêe lâo mao yah alphabet dtoo-a uk-ssrn
all: all the boys pôo-chai tóok already ... láir-o
kon ... áÅüÇ
¼ÙüªÒ·ء¤¹ also dôo-ay
all the girls pôo-yrng tóok kon ´üÇÂ
¼ÙüËญÔ§·Ø¡¤¹ although máir wâh
all of it túng mòt áÁüÇûÒ
·Ñü§ËÁ´ altogether túng mòt
all of them tóok kon ·Ñü§ËÁ´
·Ø¡¤¹ always sa-měr
that’s all, thanks sèt láir-o àÊÁÍ
kòrp-koon am*: I am ... psm (chún)
àÊÃç¨áÅüǢͺ¤Ø³ bpen ...

allergic: I’m allergic to ... psm ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹ ...
(chún) páir ... a.m.: at six/seven a.m.
¼Á(©Ñ¹)á¾ü ... hòk/jèt mohng
allowed: is it allowed? un- cháo
nóo-yâht mái? Ë¡/à¨ç´âÁ§àªüÒ
͹ØญÒµäËÁ amazing (surprising) mâi nâh
all right mâi bpen rai chêu-a
äÁûà»ç¹äà äÁû¹ûÒàª×ûÍ
I’m all right psm (chún) sa-bai (very good) wi-sàyt
dee ÇÔàÈÉ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ʺÒÂ´Õ ambulance rót
are you all right? bpen yung- pa-yah-bahn
ngai bâhng? ö¾ÂÒºÒÅ
à»ç¹ÍÂûÒ§äúüÒ§ call an ambulance! rêe-uk rót
almost gèu-up pa-yah-bahn!
à¡×ͺ àÃÕ¡ö¾ÂÒºÒÅ

America a-may-ri-gah another èek
English ➜ Thai

American (adj) a-may-ri-gun can we have another room? ksr
ÍàÁÃԡѹ bplèe-un hôrng nòy dâi mái?
I’m American psm (chún) ¢Íà»ÅÕû¹Ëüͧ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
bpen kon a-may-ri-gun another beer, please ksr bee-a
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹ÍàÁÃԡѹ èek kòo-ut nèung
among nai ra-wàhng ¢ÍàºÕÂÃìÍÕ¡¢Ç´Ë¹Öû§
ã¹ÃÐËÇûÒ§ antibiotics yah bpùti-chee-
amount jum-noo-un wa-ná
¨Ó¹Ç¹ ÂÒ»®ÔªÕǹÐ
amp: a 13-amp fuse few sìp antihistamines yah airn-dtêe
sphm airm hít-dta-meen
and láir antique: is it an antique? bpen
áÅÐ ksrng gào taír táir rěu bplào?

angry gròht à»ç¹¢Í§à¡ûÒá·ü æ ËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ

â¡Ã¸ antique shop ráhn kpi ksrng
animal sùt gào
ÊѵÇì ÃüÒ¹¢Ò¢ͧà¡ûÒ
ankle kôr táo antiseptic yah kâh chéu-a
¢üÍà·üÒ ÂÒ¦ûÒàª×üÍ
anniversary (wedding) wun cha- any: have you got any bread/
lsrng króp rôrp tomatoes? mee ka-nsm-
Çѹ©Åͧ¤ÃºÃͺ bpung/ma-kěu-a-tâyt mái?
annoy: this man’s ÁÕ¢¹Á»Ñ§/ÁÐà¢×Íà·ÈäËÁ
annoying me kon née do you have any change?
tum hâi psm (chún) rum- mee sàyt sa-dtahng mái?
kahn ÁÕàÈÉʵҧ¤ìäËÁ
¤¹¹Õü·ÓãËü¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÓ¤Òญ sorry, I don’t have any ksr-
annoying nâh rum-kahn tôht psm (chún) mâi mee
¹ûÒÃÓ¤Òญ ¢Íâ·É¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÁÕ

anybody krai gôr dâi apologize ksr-tôht

English ➜ Thai
ã¤Ã¡çä´ü ¢Íâ·É
does anybody speak English? appendicitis rôhk sâi dtìng
mee krai pôot pah-sph ung- âääÊüµÔû§
grìt dâi? apple air-bpêrn
ÁÕã¤Ã¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉä´ü áÍ»à»ÔÅ
there wasn’t anybody appointment nút
there mâi mee krai yòo têe ¹Ñ´
äÁûÁÕã¤ÃÍÂÙû·Õû¹Ñû¹ dialogue
anything a-rai gôr dâi
ÍÐäáçä´ü good morning, how can I
help you? sa-wùt dee krúp
dialogues mee a-rai ja hâi chôo-ay
mái krúp?
anything else? ao a-rai èek I’d like to make an

mái? appointment with ... yàhk
nothing else, thanks mâi nút póp gùp ...
ao krúp (kâ) what time would you like?
yàhk dâi way-lah tâo-rài?
would you like anything to three o’clock bài sphm
drink? dèum a-rai mái? mohng
I don’t want anything, I’m afraid that’s not
thanks mâi krúp (kâ) possible, is four o’clock all
right? kít wâh kong mâi
apart from nôrk jàhk dâi ao bpen way-lah sèe
¹Í¡¨Ò¡ mohng dâi mái?
apartment a-páht-mén yes, that will be fine krúp
;ÒÃìµàÁü¹·ì dtòk-long
apartment block dtèuk a-páht- the name was? chêu a-rai
mén krúp?

apricot ay-pri-kort tvung wun née
English ➜ Thai

à;ÃԤͷ àÃÒÁÒ¶Ö§Çѹ¹Õü
April may-sph-yon art srn-la-bpà
are*: we are rao bpen art gallery ráhn kpi pâhp
àÃÒà»ç¹ kěe-un
you are koon bpen ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂÀÒ¾à¢Õ¹
¤Ø³à»ç¹ artist srn-la-bpin
they are káo bpen ÈÔÔŻԹ
à¢Òà»ç¹ as: as big as yài tâo gùp
area bor-ri-wayn ãËญûà·ûҡѺ
ºÃÔàdz as soon as possible yàhng
area code ra-hùt ray-o têe sòot têe ja ray-o dâi
ÃËÑÊ ÍÂûÒ§àÃçÇ·ÕûÊØ´·Õû¨ÐàÃçÇä´ü
arm kpirn ashtray têe kèe-a boo-rèe
ᢹ ·Õûà¢ÕûºØËÃÕû

arrange: will you arrange it for Asia ay-see-a

us? chôo-ay jùt gahn hâi nòy àÍà«ÕÂ
dâi mái? ask tphm
ªûǨѴ¡ÒÃãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ ¶ÒÁ
arrival gahn mah těung I didn’t ask for this psm
¡ÒÃÁÒ¶Ö§ (chún) mâi dâi kxr ao un née
arrive mah těung ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûä´ü¢ÍàÍÒÍѹ¹Õü
ÁÒ¶Ö§ could you ask him to ...?
when do we arrive? rao ja chôo-ay bòrk hâi káo ... dâi
tvung mêu-a rài? mái?
àÃҨж֧àÁ×ûÍäà ªûǺ͡ãËüà¢Ò ... ä´üäËÁ
has my fax arrived yet? fairks asleep: she’s asleep káo norn
ksrng psm (chún) mah rěu lùp yòo
yung? à¢Ò¹Í¹ËÅѺÍÂÙû
á¿¡«ì¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÒËÃ×ÍÂѧ aspirin airt-pai-rin
we arrived today rao mah áÍÊä¾ÃÔ¹

asthma rôhk hèut Australian (adj) órt-sa-tray-

English ➜ Thai
âäË×´ lee-a
astonishing nâh bpra-làht jai ÍÍÊàµÃàÅÕÂ
¹ûÒ»ÃÐËÅҴ㨠I’m Australian psm (chún)
at: at the hotel têe rohng bpen kon órt-sa-tray-lee-a
rairm ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹ÍÍÊàµÃàÅÕÂ
·ÕûâçáÃÁ automatic ùt-dta-noh-mút
at the station têe sa-tph-nee Íѵâ¹ÁѵÔ
rót fai (car) rót ùt-dta-noh-mút
·ÕûʶҹÕÃ¶ä¿ Ã¶Íѵâ¹ÁѵÔ
at six o’clock way-lah hòk automatic teller bor-ri-gahn
mohng ngern dòo-un
àÇÅÒË¡âÁ§ ºÃÔ¡ÒÃà§Ô¹´ûǹ
at Noi’s têe bâhn koon nói autumn réu-doo bai-mái rôo-
·ÕûºüÒ¹¤Ø³¹üÍ ung
athletics gree-tah Ä´ÙãºäÁüÃûǧ

¡ÃÕ±Ò in the autumn dtorn réu-doo
attractive sso-ay bai-mái rôo-ung
ÊÇ µÍ¹Ä´ÙãºäÁüÃûǧ
aubergine ma-kěu-a average tum-ma-dah
August srng-hph-kom on average doy-ee cha-lèe-a
aunt (elder sister of mother/father) awake: is he awake? káo
bpâh dtèun láir-o rěu yung?
»üÒ à¢Òµ×û¹áÅüÇËÃ×ÍÂѧ
(younger sister of father) ah away: go away! bpái!
ÍÒ ä»
(younger sister of mother) náh is it far away? yòo glai mái?
¹üÒ ÍÂÙûä¡ÅäËÁ
Australia órt-sa-tray-lee-a awful yâir mâhk

axle plao a bad headache bpòo-ut
English ➜ Thai

à¾ÅÒ hso-a mâhk

badly mâi dee
bag tsOng
baby dèk òrn ¶Ø§
à´ç¡Íû͹ (handbag) gra-bppo těu
baby food ah-hphn dèk ¡ÃÐà»þÒ¶×Í
ÍÒËÒÃà´ç¡ (suitcase) gra-bppo dern tahng
baby’s bottle kòo-ut nom ¡ÃÐà»þÒà´Ô¹·Ò§
¢Ç´¹Á baggage gra-bppo
baby-sitter kon fâo dèk ¡ÃÐà»þÒ
¤¹à½üÒà´ç¡ baggage check têe fàhk gra-
back (of body) ltng bppo
ËÅѧ ·Õû½Ò¡¡ÃÐà»þÒ

(back part) kâhng ltng baggage claim spi pahn

¢üÒ§ËÅѧ lum-lee-ung gra-bppo
at the back kâhng ltng ÊÒ¾ҹÅÓàÅÕ§¡ÃÐà»þÒ
¢üÒ§ËÅѧ bakery ráhn tum ka-nsm-
can I have my money back? bpung
ksr ngern keun dâi mái? ÃüÒ¹·Ó¢¹Á»Ñ§
¢Íà§Ô¹¤×¹ä´üäËÁ balcony ra-bee-ung
to come/go back glùp mah/ ÃÐàºÕ§
glùp bpai a room with a balcony hôrng
¡ÅѺÁÒ/¡ÅÑºä» mee ra-bee-ung
backache bpòo-ut ltng ËüͧÁÕÃÐàºÕ§
»Ç´ËÅѧ ball lôok born
bacon mso bay-korn ÅÙ¡ºÍÅ
ËÁÙ຤͹ ballpoint pen bpàhk-gah lôok
bad mâi dee lêun
äÁû´Õ »Ò¡¡ÒÅÙ¡Å×û¹

bamboo mái pài bpai nòy

English ➜ Thai
äÁüä¼û how about 400? sèe róy
bamboo shoot(s) nòr mái dâi mái?
˹ûÍäÁü I’ll let you have it for 450
banana glôo-ay kít sèe róy hâh sìp gôr láir-
¡ÅüÇ o gun
band (musical) wong don-dtree can’t you reduce it a bit
ǧ´¹µÃÕ more?/OK, it’s a deal lót
bandage pâh pun plpir èek mâi dâi lěu?/oh kay,
¼üҾѹá¼Å dtòk long
Bandaids® plah-sa-dter
¾ÅÒÊàµÍÃì basket dta-grâh
Bangkok groong-tâyp µÐ¡ÃüÒ
¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï bath àhng àhp náhm
bank (money) ta-nah-kahn ÍûÒ§ÍÒº¹üÓ
¸¹Ò¤Òà can I have a bath? ksr àhp

bank account bun-chee ngern náhm dâi mái?
fàhk ta-nah-kahn ¢ÍÍÒº¹üÓä´üäËÁ
»ÑญªÕà§Ô¹½Ò¡¸¹Ò¤Òà bathroom hôrng náhm
bar bah Ëüͧ¹üÓ
ºÒÃì with a private bathroom
barber’s châhng dtùt psm hôrng norn têe mee hôrng
ªûÒ§µÑ´¼Á náhm dôo-ay
bargaining gahn dtòr rah-kah Ëüͧ¹Í¹·ÕûÁÕËüͧ¹üÓ´üÇÂ
¡ÒõûÍÃÒ¤Ò bath towel pâh chét dtoo-a
dialogue bathtub àhng àhp náhm
how much is this? nêe battery bair-dta-rêe
tâo-rài? ẵàµÍÃÕ
500 baht hâh ròy bàht bay ào
that’s too expensive pairng ÍûÒÇ

be* bpen beef néu-a woo-a
English ➜ Thai

à»ç¹ à¹×üÍÇÑÇ
beach chai hàht beer bee-a
on the beach tee chai haht two beers, please ksr bee-a
·ÕûªÒÂËÒ´ ssrng kòo-ut
beach mat sèu-a bpoo chai- ¢ÍàºÕÂÃìÊͧ¢Ç´
hàht before gòrn
àÊ×ûͻ٪ÒÂËÒ´ ¡û͹
beach umbrella rôm gun dàirt begin rêrm
ÃûÁ¡Ñ¹á´´ àÃÔûÁ
beans tòo-a when does it begin? rêrm
¶ÑûÇ mêu-a rài?
beansprouts tòo-a ngôrk àÃÔûÁàÁ×ûÍäÃ
¶Ñûǧ͡ beginner pôo rêrm ree-un
beard krao ¼ÙüàÃÔûÁàÃÕ¹

à¤ÃÒ beginning: at the beginning

beautiful sso-ay dtorn dtôn
ÊÇ µÍ¹µü¹
because prór behind kâhng ltng
à¾ÃÒÐ ¢üÒ§ËÅѧ
because of ... neû-ung behind me kâhng ltng psm
jàhk ... (chún)
à¹×ûͧ¨Ò¡ ... ¢üÒ§ËÅѧ¼Á(©Ñ¹)
bed dtee-ung Belgian (adj) bayl-yee-um
àµÕ§ àºÅàÂÕÂÁ
I’m going to bed now Belgium bpra-tâyt bayl-yee-um
psm (chún) bpai »ÃÐà·ÈàºÅàÂÕÂÁ
norn below dtâi
¼Á(©Ñ¹)仹͹ ãµü
bedroom hôrng norn belt kěm kùt
Ëüͧ¹Í¹ à¢çÁ¢Ñ´

bend (in road) tahng kóhng bill bin

English ➜ Thai
·Ò§â¤ü§ ºÔÅ
berth (on ship) têe-norn (US) bai báirng
·Õû¹Í¹ ãºáºý§¤ì
beside: beside the ... kâhng could I have the bill, please?
kâhng ... chék bin
¢üÒ§æ ... àªç¤ºÔÅ
best dee têe sòot bin ttng ka-yà
´Õ·ÕûÊØ´ ¶Ñ§¢ÂÐ
better dee gwàh bin liners tsOng ka-yà
´Õ¡ÇûÒ ¶Ø§¢ÂÐ
are you feeling better? kôy bird nók
yung chôo-a mái? ¹¡
¤ûÍÂÂѧªÑûÇäËÁ birthday wun gèrt
between ra-wàhng Çѹà¡Ô´
ÃÐËÇûÒ§ happy birthday! oo-ay-porn

beyond ler-ee bpai wun gèrt!
àÅÂä» ÍǾÃÇѹà¡Ô´
bicycle jùk-gra-yahn biscuit kóok-gêe
¨Ñ¡ÃÂÒ¹ ¤Ø¡¡Õü
big yài bit: a little bit nít-nòy
ãËญû ¹Ô´Ë¹ûÍÂ
too big yài gern bpai a big bit chín yài
ãËญûà¡Ô¹ä» ªÔü¹ãËญû
it’s not big enough yài mâi por a bit of ... ... chín nèung
ãËญûäÁû¾Í ... ªÔü¹Ë¹Öû§
bike jùk-gra-yahn a bit expensive pairng bpai nòy
¨Ñ¡ÃÂÒ¹ ᾧä»Ë¹ûÍÂ
(motorbike) jùk-gra-yahn-yon bite (by insect, dog) gùt
¨Ñ¡ÃÂҹ¹µÃì ¡Ñ´
bikini bi-gi-nee bitter (taste etc) ksm
ºÔ¡Ô¹Õ ¢Á

black sěe dum boarding pass bùt têe-nûng
English ➜ Thai

ÊÕ´Ó ºÑµÃ·Õû¹Ñû§
blanket pâh hòm boat reu-a
¼üÒËûÁ àÃ×Í
bleach (for toilet) yah láhng body râhng-gai
hôrng náhm ÃûÒ§¡ÒÂ
ÂÒÅüÒ§Ëüͧ¹üÓ boiled egg kài dtôm
blind dtah bòrt ä¢ûµüÁ
µÒºÍ´ boiled rice kâo sso-ay
blinds môo-lêe ¢üÒÇÊÇÂ
ÁÙûÅÕû boiler môr náhm
blister plpir porng ËÁü͹üÓ
á¼Å¾Í§ bone gra-dòok
blocked (road, pipe, sink) dtun ¡Ãд١
µÑ¹ bonnet (of car) gra-bprohng rót
blond (adj) psm sěe torng ¡ÃÐâ»Ã§Ã¶

¼ÁÊշͧ book (noun) núng-sěu

blood lêu-ut ˹ѧÊ×Í
àÅ×Í´ (verb) jorng
high blood pressure kwahm ¨Í§
dun loh-hìt ssong can I book a seat? ksr jorng
¤ÇÒÁ´Ñ¹âÅËÔµÊÙ§ têe-nûng dâi mái?
blouse sêu-a pôo-yrng ¢Í¨Í§·Õû¹Ñû§ä´üäËÁ
blow-dry bpào psm dialogue
I’d like a cut and blow-dry I’d like to book a table for
yàhk hâi dtùt láir bpào two yàhk jorng dtó stm-
psm rùp ssrng kon
ÍÂÒ¡ãËüµÑ´áÅÐà»ûÒ¼Á what time would you like it
blue sěe núm ngern booked for? ja jorng way-
ÊÕ¹üÓà§Ô¹ lah tâo-rài?

half past seven tôom dâi mái?

English ➜ Thai
krêung ¢ÍÂ×Á ... ä´üäËÁ
that’s fine dâi krúp both túng ssrng
and your name? chêu a-rai ·Ñü§Êͧ
krúp? bother: sorry to bother you
ksr-tôht têe róp-goo-un
bookshop, bookstore ráhn kpi ¢Íâ·É·Õûú¡Ç¹
núng-sěu bottle kòo-ut
ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂ˹ѧÊ×Í ¢Ç´
boot (footwear) rorng-táo bottle-opener têe bpèrt kòo-ut
Ãͧà·üÒ ·Õûໄ´¢Ç´
(of car) gra-bprohng tái rót bottom (of person) gôn
¡ÃÐâ»Ã§·üÒÂö ¡ü¹
border (of country) chai-dairn at the bottom of the hill
ªÒÂá´¹ cherng kpo
bored: I’m bored psm (chún) àªÔ§à¢Ò

bèu-a at the bottom of the street
¼Á(©Ñ¹)àº×ûÍ bplai ta-nsn
boring nâh bèu-a »ÅÒ¶¹¹
¹ûÒàº×ûÍ bowl chahm
born: I was born in ªÒÁ
Manchester psm (chún) gèrt box hèep
têe Manchester ËÕº
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¡Ô´·Õû Manchester box office hôrng kpi
I was born in 1960 psm dtso-a
(chún) gèrt bpee nèung pun Ëüͧ¢ÒµÑþÇ
gâo róy hòk sìp boy pôo-chai
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¡Ô´»Õ˹Öû§¾Ñ¹à¡üÒÃüÍ ¼üÙªÒÂ
Ë¡ÊÔº boyfriend fairn
borrow yeum Ό
Â×Á bra sêu-a yók song
may I borrow ...? ksr yeum ... àÊ×üÍ¡·Ã§

bracelet gum-lai meu breathe hpi jai
English ➜ Thai

brake bràyk breeze lom òrn òrn
àºÃ¤ ÅÁÍû͹æ
brandy lâo brùn-dee bridge (over river) sa-pahn
àËÅüÒºÃÑû¹´Õ Êоҹ
bread ka-nsm-bpung brief sûn
¢¹Á»Ñ§ ÊÑü¹
break (verb) dtàirk briefcase gra-bppo
ᵡ ¡ÃÐà»þÒ
I’ve broken the ... psm (chún) bright (light etc) sa-wàhng
tum ... dtàirk ÊÇûÒ§
¼Á(©Ñ¹)·íÒ ... ᵡ bright red dairng jùt
I think I’ve broken my wrist á´§¨Ñ´
psm (chún) kít wâh kôr meu brilliant (idea) yêe-um
hùk àÂÕûÂÁ

¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤Ô´ÇûÒ¢üÍÁ×ÍËÑ¡ bring ao ... mah

break down sěe-a àÍÒ ... ÁÒ
àÊÕ I’ll bring it back later ja keun
I’ve broken down (car) rót hâi tee ltng
psm (chún) sěe-a ¨Ð¤×¹ãËü·ÕËÅѧ
ö¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÊÕ Britain bpra-tâyt ung-grìt
breakdown service bor-ri- »ÃÐà·ÈÍѧ¡ÄÉ
gahn sôrm British ung-grìt
breakfast ah-hphn cháo brochure rai la-èe-ut
break-in: I’ve had a break-in broken dtàirk láir-o
mee ka-moy-ee kâo bâhn ᵡáÅüÇ
ÁÕ¢âÁÂà¢üÒºüÒ¹ bronchitis lòrt lom
breast nom ùk-sàyp

brooch kěm glùt sêu-a buggy (for child) rót kěn dèk

English ➜ Thai
à¢çÁ¡ÅÑ´àÊ×üÍ Ã¶à¢ç¹à´ç¡
broom mái gwàht building ah-kahn
brother (older) pêe chai bulb (light bulb) lòrt fai fáh
¾ÕûªÒÂ ËÅÍ´ä¿¿üÒ
(younger) nórng chai bumper gun chon
¹üͧªÒ ¡Ñ¹ª¹
brother-in-law (older) pêe kěr-ee bungalow bung-gah-loh
¾Õûà¢Â ºÑ§¡ÒâÅ
(younger) nórng kěr-ee bureau de change bor-ri-gahn
¹üͧà¢Â lâirk ngern
brown sěe núm dtahn ºÃÔ¡ÒÃáÅ¡à§Ô¹
ÊÕ¹üÓµÒÅ burglary ka-moy-ee kâo bâhn
bruise fók-chúm ¢âÁÂà¢üÒºüÒ¹
¿¡ªüÓ Burma bpra-tâyt pa-mâh

brush (for hair) bprairng psm »ÃÐà·È¾ÁûÒ
á»Ã§¼Á Burmese pa-mâh
(artist’s) bprairng ¾ÁûÒ
á»Ã§ burn (noun) plpir mâi
(for cleaning) mái gwàht á¼ÅäËÁü
äÁü¡ÇÒ´ burnt: this is burnt un née mâi
bucket ttng Íѹ¹ÕüäËÁü
¶Ñ§ burst: a burst pipe tôr dtàirk
Buddha prá-póot-ta-jâo ·ûÍᵡ
¾Ãоط¸à¨üÒ bus rót may
Buddhism sàh-sa-nph póot öàÁÅìì
ÈÒʹҾط¸ what number bus is it to ...?
Buddhist (noun) chao póot rót bpai ... ber tâo-rài?
ªÒǾط¸ Ã¶ä» ... àºÍÃìà·ûÒäÃ
buffet car rót sa-bee-ung when is the next bus to ...?
öàʺÕ§ rót têe-o nâh bpai ... òrk gèe

mohng? butcher’s ráhn néu-a
English ➜ Thai

öà·ÕûÂÇ˹üÒä» ... ÃüÒ¹à˹ü×Í

ÍÍ¡¡ÕûâÁ§ butter ner-ee sòt
what time is the last bus? à¹ÂÊ´
rót têe-o sòot tái òrk gèe button gra-doom
mohng? ¡ÃдØÁ
öà·ÕûÂÇÊØ´·üÒÂÍÍ¡¡ÕûâÁ§ buy séu
dialogue where can I buy ...? psm
(chún) séu ... dâi têe
does this bus go to ...? rót npi?
kun née bpai ... mái? ¼Á(©Ñ¹)«×üÍ ... ä´ü·Õûä˹
no, you need a number by: by bus/car doy-ee rót
... mâi bpai koon dtôrng may/rót yon
kêun mpi-lâyk ... â´ÂöàÁÅì/ö¹µì
written by ... kěe-un

business tóo-rá doy-ee ...

¸ØÃÐ à¢Õ¹â´Â ...
bus station sa-tph-nee rót by the window glâi nâh-
may dtàhng
ʶҹÕöàÁÅì ã¡Åü˹üÒµèÒ§
bus stop bpâi rót may by the sea chai ta-lay
»üÒÂöàÁÅì ªÒ·ÐàÅ
bust nâh òk by Monday gòrn wun jun
˹üÒÍ¡ ¡û͹Çѹ¨Ñ¹·Ãì
busy (restaurant etc) nâirn bye lah gòrn
á¹û¹ ÅÒ¡û͹
I’m busy tomorrow prôong C
née mee tóo-rá
but dtàir cabbage ga-lùm-bplee
áµû ¡ÐËÅûÓ»ÅÕ

cake ka-nsm káyk poo-chah

English ➜ Thai
¢¹Áà¤ý¡ »ÃÐà·È¡ÑÁ¾ÙªÒ
call (verb) rêe-uk Cambodian (adj) ka-mpyn
àÃÕ¡ à¢ÁÃ
(to phone) toh-ra-sùp, toh camcorder glôrng bun-téuk
â·ÃÈѾ·ì, â·Ã pâhp
what’s it called? rêe-uk wâh ¡ÅüͧºÑ¹·Ö¡ÀÒ¾
a-rai? camera glôrng tài rôop
àÃÕ¡ÇûÒÍÐäà ¡Åüͧ¶ûÒÂÃÙ»
he/she is called ... káo camera shop ráhn kpi glôrng
chêu ... tài rôop
à¢Òª×ûÍ ... ÃüÒ¹¢Ò¡Åüͧ¶ûÒÂÃÙ»
please call the doctor chôo- can gra-bpsrng
ay rêe-uk msr hâi nòy ¡Ãлþͧ
ªûÇÂàÃÕ¡ËÁÍãËü˹ûÍ a can of beer bee-a gra-
please give me a call at 7.30 bpsrng

a.m. chôo-ay toh mah àºÕÂÃì¡Ãлþͧ
way-lah jèt mohng can*: can you ...? koon ... dâi
krêung mái?
ªûÇÂâ·ÃÁÒàÇÅÒà¨ç´âÁ§¤ÃÖû§ ¤Ø³ ... ä´üäËÁ
please ask him to call me can I have ...? ksr ... dâi
chôo-ay hâi káo toh mái?
mah ¢Í ... ä´üäËÁ
ªûÇÂãËüà¢Òâ·ÃÁÒ I can’t ... psm (chún) ... mâi
call back: I’ll call back later dâi
děe-o ja toh mah mài ¼Á(©Ñ¹) ... äÁûä´ü
à´ÕþÂǨÐâ·ÃÁÒãËÁû Canada bpra-tâyt kairn-nah-
call round: I’ll call round dah
tomorrow prôong née ja wáir »ÃÐà·È᤹ҴÒ
mah hph Canadian (adj) kair-nah-dah
¾Ãûا¹Õü¨ÐáÇÐÁÒËÒ á¤¹Ò´Ò
Cambodia bpra-tâyt gum- I’m Canadian psm (chún)

bpen kon kair-nah-dah caretaker kon fâo bâhn
English ➜ Thai

¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹á¤¹Ò´Ò ¤¹à½üÒºüÒ¹
canal klorng car ferry pair chái
¤Åͧ bun-tóok rót-yon kâhm
cancel ngót fâhk
§´ á¾ãªüºÃ÷ءö¹µì¢üÒÁ¿Ò¡
candies tórp-fêe car hire bor-ri-gahn rót châo
·ýÍ¿¿Õû ºÃÔ¡ÒÃöàªûÒ
candle tee-un carnival ngahn
à·Õ¹ §Ò¹
can-opener têe bpèrt car park têe jòrt rót
gra-bpsrng ·Õû¨Í´Ã¶
·Õûໄ´¡Ãлþͧ carpet prom
cap (hat) mòo-uk ¾ÃÁ
ËÁÇ¡ car rental bor-ri-gahn rót châo
car rót yon ºÃÔ¡ÒÃöàªûÒ

ö¹µì carriage (of train) dtôo rót fai

by car doy-ee rót yon µÙüöä¿
â´Âö¹µì carrier bag tsOng hêw
carburettor kah-ber-ret-dtêr ¶Ø§ËÔüÇ
¤ÒÃìºÙàÃàµÍÃì carrot hso-a pùk-gàht
card (business) nahm bùt dairng
¹ÒÁºÑµÃ ËÑǼѡ¡Ò´á´§
here’s my card nêe nahm bùt carry (something in the hands) těu
psm (chún) ¶×Í
¹Õû¹ÒÁºÑµÃ¼Á(©Ñ¹) (something by a handle) hêw
cardigan sêu-a npo ËÔüÇ
àÊ×üÍ˹ÒÇ (a heavy load on the back or
careful ra-mút ra-wung shoulder) bàirk
be careful! ra-wung ná! (a child, in one’s arms) ôom

carry-cot dta-grâh sài dèk cat mair-o

English ➜ Thai
µÐ¡ÃüÒãÊûà´ç¡ áÁÇ
carton glòrng catch (verb) jùp
¡Åûͧ ¨Ñº
carwash bor-ri-gahn láhng rót where do we catch the bus
ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÅüҧö to ...? rao kêun rót may bpai
case (suitcase) gra-bppo dern ... têe npi?
tahng àÃÒ¢Öü¹Ã¶àÁÅìä» ... ·Õûä˹
¡ÃÐà»þÒà´Ô¹·Ò§ Catholic (adj) káirt-oh-lík
cash (noun) ngern sòt á¤â·ÅÔ¤
à§Ô¹Ê´ cauliflower dòrk ga-lùm-bplee
(verb) kêun ngern ´Í¡¡ÐËÅûÓ»ÅÕ
¢Öü¹à§Ô¹ cave tûm
will you cash this for me? ¶üÓ
chôo-ay bpai kêun ngern hâi ceiling pay-dahn
nòy dâi mái? ྴҹ

ªûÇÂ仢Öü¹à§Ô¹ãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ cemetery bpàh cháh
cash desk dtó jài ngern »ûÒªüÒ
âµýШûÒÂà§Ô¹ centigrade* sen-dti-gràyd
cash dispenser bor-ri-gahn à«ç¹µÔà¡Ã´
ngern dòo-un centimetre* sen-dti-mét
ºÃÔ¡ÒÃà§Ô¹´ûǹ à«ç¹µÔàÁµÃ
cassette móo-un tâyp kah-set central glahng
Áüǹ෻¤ÒÊà«ç· ¡ÅÒ§
cassette recorder krêu-ung centre sson glahng
lên tâyp kah-set ÈÙ¹Âì¡ÅÒ§
à¤Ã×ûͧàÅû¹à·»¤ÒÊà«ç· how do we get to the city
castle bprah-sàht centre? bpai sson glahng
»ÃÒÊÒ· meu-ung yung-ngai?
casualty department pa-nàirk ä»ÈÙ¹Âì¡ÅÒ§àÁ×ͧÍÂûÒ§äÃ
oo-bùt-dti-hàyt chòok chěrn certainly nâir-norn
á¼¹¡ÍغѵÔà˵ةءà©Ô¹ á¹û¹Í¹

certainly not! mâi ròrk! train dtôrng, dtôrng
English ➜ Thai

äÁûËÃÍ¡ bplèe-un têe bahng gra-

chair gâo êe toom/mâi dtôrng, bpen
à¡üÒÍÕü rót dtrong
champagne chairm-bpayn
áªÁà»ญ changed: to get changed
change (noun: money) sàyt sa- bplèe-un sêu-a
dtahng à»ÅÕû¹àÊ×üÍ
àÈÉʵҧ¤ì charge (noun) kâh
change (verb: money) ¤ûÒ
bplèe-un (verb) kít kâh
à»ÅÕû¹ ¤Ô´¤ûÒ
can I change this for ...? ksr cheap tòok
lâirk âi nêe bpen ... dâi ¶Ù¡
mái? do you have anything
¢ÍáÅ¡äÍü¹Õûà»ç¹ ... ä´üäËÁ cheaper? mee a-rai tòok

I don’t have any change psm gwàh rěu bplào?

(chún) mâi mee báirnk yôy ÁÕÍÐäö١¡ÇûÒËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
yôy check (verb) chék doo
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÁÕầ¤ìÂûÍÂæ àªç¤´Ù
can you give me change for a could you check the ...,
100 baht note? ksr dtàirk bai please? chôo-ay chék doo ...
la róy nòy, dâi mái? nòy, dâi mái?
¢ÍᵡãºÅÐÃüÍÂ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ ªûÇÂàªç¤´Ù ... ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
check (US: noun) chék
dialogue àªç¤
(US: bill) bin
do we have to change ºÔÅ
(trains)? dtôrng bplèe-un see cheque and bill
rót fai rěu bplào? check book sa-mòot chék
yes, change at Bang ÊÁØ´àªç¤
Krathum/no it’s a direct check-in dtròo-ut chûng

núm-nùk Chiangmai chee-ung mài

English ➜ Thai
µÃǨªÑû§¹üÓ˹ѡ àªÕ§ãËÁû
check in: where do we have to chicken gài
check in? rao dtôrng ‘check ä¡û
in’ têe npi? chickenpox ee-sòok
àÃÒµüͧ ‘check in’ ·Õûä˹ ee-spi
cheek (on face) gâirm ÍÕÊØ¡ÍÕãÊ
á¡üÁ child dèk
cheerio! wùt dee hâ! à´ç¡
ÇÑÊ´ÕÎûÐ child minder kon lée-ung doo
cheese ner-ee kpirng dèk
à¹Âá¢ç§ ¤¹àÅÕü§´Ùà´ç¡
chemist’s ráhn kpi yah children’s pool sà wâi náhm
ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂÂÒ dèk
cheque chék ÊÃÐÇûÒ¹üÓà´ç¡
àªç¤ chilli prík

do you take cheques? jai ¾ÃÔ¡
bpen chék, dâi mái? chin kahng
¨ûÒÂà»ç¹àªç¤ä´üäËÁ ¤Ò§
cheque book sa-mòot chék Chinese (adj) jeen
ÊÁØ´àªç¤ ¨Õ¹
cheque card bùt chék chips mun fa-rùng tôrt
ºÑµÃàªç¤ Áѹ½ÃÑû§·Í´
cherry cher-rêe chocolate
àªÍÃÿÃÕû chork-goh-lairt
chess màhk róok ªýÍ¡â¡àŵ
ËÁÒ¡ÃØ¡ choose lêu-uk
chest nâh òk àÅ×Í¡
˹üÒÍ¡ chopsticks dta-gèe-up
chewing gum màhk µÐà¡Õº
fa-rùng Christian name chêu
ËÁÒ¡½ÃÑû§ ª×ûÍ

Christmas krít-sa-maht clear chút
English ➜ Thai

¤ÃÔʵìÁÒÊ ªÑ´
church bòht (obvious) hěn dâi chút
âºÊ¶ì àËç¹ä´üªÑ´
cigar si-gah clever cha-làht
«Ô¡ÒÃì ©ÅÒ´
cigarette boo-rèe cliff nâh pph
ºØËÃÕû ˹üÒ¼Ò
cigarette lighter fai cháirk clinic klee-ník
ä¿áªý¤ ¤ÅÕ¹Ô¤
cinema rohng ntng cloakroom têe fàhk ksrng
âç˹ѧ ·Õû½Ò¡¢Í§
circle wong glom clock nah-li-gah
city meu-ung close (verb) bpìt
àÁ×ͧ »Ô´

city centre jai glahng meu-ung

㨡ÅÒ§àÁ×ͧ dialogue
clean (adj) sa-àht
ÊÐÍÒ´ what time do you close?
can you clean these for me? koon bpìt gèe mohng?
tum kwahm sa-àht nêe hâi we close at 8 p.m. on
nòy dâi mái? weekdays and 6 p.m. on
·Ó¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´¹ÕûãËü˹ûÍÂä´üä Saturdays rao bpìt way-
ËÁ lah ssrng tôom ra-wàhng
cleaning solution (for contact wun jun wun sòok láir
lenses) núm yah tum kwahm hòk mohng wun spo
sa-àht do you close for lunch?
¹üÓÂÒ·Ó¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´ bpìt way-lah ah-hphn
cleansing lotion núm yah tum glahng wun rěu bplào?
kwahm sa-àht yes, between 1 and 3.30
¹üÓÂÒ·Ó¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´ p.m. krúp ra-wàhng way-

lah bài mohng těung sphm on the coast chai ta-lay

English ➜ Thai
mohng krêung ªÒ·ÐàÅ
coat (long coat) sêu-a kloom
closed bpìt àÊ×üͤÅØÁ
»Ô´ (jacket) sêu-a nôrk
cloth (fabric) pâh àÊ×ü͹͡
¼üÒ coathanger mái kwpirn
(for cleaning etc) pâh kêe réw sêu-a
¼üÒ¢ÕüÃÔüÇ äÁüá¢Ç¹àÊ×üÍ
clothes sêu-a pâh cockroach ma-lairng sàhp
àÊ×üͼüÒ áÁŧÊÒº
clothes line rao dtàhk pâh cocoa goh-gôh
ÃÒǵҡ¼üÒ â¡â¡ü
clothes peg mái nèep pâh coconut ma-práo
äÁü˹պ¼üÒ ÁоÃüÒÇ
cloud mâyk coconut milk núm ma-práo

àÁ¦ ¹üÓÁоÃüÒÇ
cloudy mâyk kréum code (for phoning) ra-hùt
clutch klút what’s the (dialling) code for
¤ÅÑ·ªì Chiangmai? ra-hùt chee-ung
coach (bus) rót too-a mài ber a-rai?
(on train) dtôo rót fai coffee gah-fair
µÙüÃ¶ä¿ ¡Òá¿
coach station sa-tphn-nee rót two coffees, please ksr gah-
may fair ssrng tôo-ay
ʶҹÕöàÁÅì ¢Í¡Òá¿Êͧ¶üÇÂ
coach trip rót num têe-o coffee shop kòrp-fèe chórp
ö¹Óà·ÕûÂÇ ¤Í¿¿Õûªýͺ
coast chai ta-lay coin ngern rěe-un
ªÒ·ÐàÅ à§Ô¹àËÃÕÂญ

Coke® koh-lâh comb (noun) wěe
English ➜ Thai

cold (adj) npo come mah
I’m cold psm (chún) npo
¼Á(©Ñ¹)˹ÒÇ dialogue
I have a cold psm (chún)
bpen wùt where do you come from?
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹ËÇÑ´ koon mah jàhk npi krúp
collapse: he’s collapsed káo (ká)?
mòt sa-dtì I come from Edinburgh
à¢ÒËÁ´ÊµÔ psm (chún) mah jàhk
collar kor bpòk sêu-a Edinburgh
collect gèp come back glùp mah
à¡çº ¡ÅѺÁÒ

I’ve come to collect ... psm I’ll come back tomorrow

(chún) mah gèp ... prôong née glùp mah mài
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÒà¡çº ... ¾ÃØû§¹Õü¡ÅѺÁÒãËÁè
collect call toh-ra-sùp gèp come in chern kâo mah
ngern bplai tahng àªÔญà¢üÒÁÒ
â·ÃÈѾ·ìà¡çºà§Ô¹»ÅÒ·ҧ comfortable sa-dòo-uk
college wít-ta-yah-lai Êдǡ
ÇÔ·ÂÒÅÑÂ compact disc pàirn see dee
colour sěe á¼û¹«Õ´Õ
ÊÕ company (business) bor-ri-sùt
do you have this in other ºÃÔÉÑ·
colours? mee sěe èun compartment (on train) hôrng
mái? pôo doy-ee sphn
colour film feem sěe compass kěm-tít

complain bòn dtòr

English ➜ Thai
ºû¹ à·ÕûÂǺԹµûÍ
complaint rêu-ung rórng connection dtòr
ree-un µûÍ
àÃ×ûͧÃüͧàÃÕ¹ conscious mee sa-dtì
I have a complaint psm ÁÕʵÔ
(chún) mee rêu-ung rórng constipation tórng pòok
ree-un ·üͧ¼Ù¡
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÕàÃ×ûͧÃüͧàÃÕ¹ consulate sa-tphn gong-ssOn
completely túng mòt ʶҹ¡§ÊØÅ
·Ñü§ËÁ´ contact (verb) dtìt dtòr
computer korm-pew-dter µÔ´µûÍ
¤ÍÁ¾ÔÇàµÍÃì contact lenses korn-táirk
concert gahn sa-dairng don- layn
dtree ¤Í¹á·¤àÅ繫ìì
¡ÒÃáÊ´§´¹µÃÕ contraceptive krêu-ung koom

concussion sa-msrng tòok gum-nèrt
gra-tóp gra-teu-un à¤Ã×ûͧ¤ØÁ¡Óà¹Ô´
ÊÁͧ¶Ù¡¡Ãзº¡ÃÐà·×͹ convenient sa-dòo-uk
conditioner (for hair) kreem Êдǡ
nôo-ut psm that’s not convenient nûn mâi
¤ÃÕÁ¹Ç´¼Á kôy sa-dòo-uk
condom tsOng yahng ¹Ñû¹äÁû¤ûÍÂÊдǡ
¶Ø§ÂÒ§ cook (verb) tum ah-hphn
conference gahn bpra-choom ·ÓÍÒËÒÃ
¡ÒûÃЪØÁ not cooked dìp dìp
confirm rúp-rorng ´Ôºæ
ÃѺÃͧ cooker dtao
congratulations! ksr sa-dairng àµÒ
kwahm yin dee! cookie kóok-gêe
¢ÍáÊ´§¤ÇÒÁÂÔ¹´Õ ¤Ø¡¡Õü
connecting flight têe-o bin cooking utensils krêu-ung

chái nai kroo-a couch (sofa) têe nûng rúp kàirk
English ➜ Thai

à¤Ã×ûͧãªü㹤ÃÑÇ ·Õû¹Ñû§ÃѺᢡ
cool yen cough ai
àÂç¹ äÍ
cork jòok kòo-ut cough medicine yah gâir ai
¨Ø¡¢Ç´ ÂÒá¡üäÍ
corkscrew têe bpèrt kòo-ut could: could you ...? koon ...
·Õûà»Ô´¢Ç´ dâi mái?
corner: on the corner têe ¤Ø³ ... ä´üäËÁ
moom could I have ...? ksr ... dâi
·ÕûÁØÁ mái?
in the corner yòo dtrong ¢Í ... ä´üäËÁ
hso-a mum I couldn’t ... psm (chún) ...
ÍÂÙûµÃ§ËÑÇÁØÁ mâi dâi
correct (right) tòok ¼Á(©Ñ¹) ... äÁûä´ü
¶Ù¡ country (nation) bpra-tâyt

corridor tahng dern »ÃÐà·È

·Ò§à´Ô¹ countryside chon-na-bòt
cosmetics krêu-ung stm- ª¹º·
ahng couple (two people) kôo
à¤Ã×ûͧÊÓÍÒ§ ¤Ùû
cost (noun) rah-kah a couple of ... ssrng sphm ...
ÃÒ¤Ò ÊͧÊÒÁ ...
how much does it cost? rah- courier múk-koo-tâyt
kah tâo-rài? ÁѤ¤Øà·È¡ì
ÃÒ¤Òà·ûÒäà course (main course etc) chóot
cot bplay ah-hphn
cotton fâi of course nâir-norn
½üÒ á¹û¹Í¹
cotton wool stm-lee of course not mâi ròrk

cousin lôok pêe lôok nórng and the expiry date? láir-o

English ➜ Thai
ÅÙ¡¾ÕûÅÙ¡¹üͧ bùt mòt ah-yóo mêu-rai?
cow woo-a
ÇÑÇ crisps mun fa-rùng tôrt
crab bpoo Áѹ½ÃÑû§·Í´
»Ù crockery tôo-ay chahm
crash (noun) rót chon ¶üǪÒÁ
öª¹ crossing (by sea) kâhm ta-lay
I’ve had a crash psm (chún) ¢üÒÁ·ÐàÅ
gèrt rót chon crossroads sèe yâirk
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¡Ô´Ã¶ª¹ ÊÕûá¡
crazy bâh crowd fsong kon
ºüÒ ½Ù§¤¹
cream kreem crowded kon nâirn
¤ÃÕÁ ¤¹á¹û¹
credit card bùt kray-dìt crown (on tooth) lèe-um

ºÑµÃà¤Ã´Ôµ fun
can I pay by credit card? jài àËÅÕûÂÁ¿Ñ¹
doy-ee bùt kray-dìt dâi mái? cruise lôrng reu-a
¨ûÒÂâ´ÂºÑµÃà¤Ã´Ôµä´üäËÁ ÅèͧàÃ×Í
crutches mái yun rúk
dialogue ráir
can I pay by credit card? cry (verb) rórng hâi
jài doy-ee bùt kray-dìt dâi ÃüͧäËü
mái? cucumber dtairng gwah
which card do you want to ᵧ¡ÇÒ
use? ja chái bùt a-rai krúp? cup tôo-ay
Access/Visa ¶üÇÂ
yes, sir dâi krúp a cup of ..., please ksr ...
what’s the number? ber tôo-ay nèung
a-rai krúp? ¢Í ... ¶üÇÂ˹Öû§

cupboard dtôo jùk-ra-yahn
English ➜ Thai

µÙü ¤¹¶Õº¨Ñ¡ÃÂÒ¹
cure (verb) gâir
á¡ü D
curly psm yìk
current (electrical) gra-spir fai dad pôr
fáh ¾ûÍ
¡ÃÐáÊä¿¿üÒ daily bpra-jum wun
(in water) gra-spir náhm »ÃШÓÇѹ
¡ÃÐáʹüÓ damage (verb) kwahm
curtains mâhn sěe-a hpi
cushion msrn damaged sěe-a láir-o
custom bpra-pay-nee I’m sorry, I’ve damaged this

»ÃÐà¾³Õ ksr-tôht psm (chún) tum hâi

Customs ssOn-la-gah-gorn sěe-a
ÈØÅ¡Ò¡Ã ¢Íâ·É¼Á(©Ñ¹)·ÓãËüàÊÕÂ
cut (noun) dtùt damn! chìp-hpi!
µÑ´ ©ÔºËÒÂ
(verb) roy bàht damp (adj) chéun
ÃͺҴ ª×ü¹
I’ve cut myself psm (chún) dance (noun) ra-bum
mee roy bàht ÃкÓ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÕÃͺҴ (verb) dtên rum
cutlery chórn sôrm àµü¹ÃÓ
ªü͹ÊüÍÁ would you like to dance?
cycling gahn tèep yàhk dtên rum mái?
jùk-ra-yahn ÍÂÒ¡àµü¹ÃÓäËÁ
¡Òöպ¨Ñ¡ÃÂÒ¹ dangerous un-dta-rai
cyclist kon tèep ÍѹµÃÒÂ

Danish den-mahk the day before yesterday

English ➜ Thai
à´¹ÁÒÃì¡ mêu-a wun seun née
dark (adj: colour) gàir àÁ×Íû ÇÒ¹Çѹ«×¹¹Õü
á¡û every day tóok wun
(hair) dum ·Ø¡Çѹ
´Ó all day túng wun
it’s getting dark mêut láir-o ·Ñü§Çѹ
Á×´áÅüÇ in two days’ time èek ssrng
date*: what’s the date today? wun
wun née wun têe tâo-rài? ÍÕ¡ÊͧÇѹ
Çѹ¹ÕüÇѹ·Õûà·ûÒäà day trip bpai glùp wun dee-o
let’s make a date for next 仡ÅѺÇѹà´ÕÂÇ
Monday nút póp gun wun dead dtai
jun nâh µÒÂ
¹Ñ´¾º¡Ñ¹Çѹ¨Ñ¹·Ãì˹üÒ deaf hso nòo-uk
dates (fruit) in-ta-pa-ltm ËÙ˹ǡ

ÍÔ¹·¼ÅÑÁ deal (business) tóo-ra-gìt
daughter lôok spo ¸ØáԨ
ÅÙ¡ÊÒÇ it’s a deal dtòk long láir-o
daughter-in-law lôok sa-pái µ¡Å§áÅüÇ
ÅÙ¡ÊÐãÀü death gahn dtai
dawn (noun) rôong ¡ÒõÒÂ
ÃØû§ decaffeinated coffee gah-fair
at dawn rôong cháo mâi mee kah-fay-in
ÃØû§àªüÒ ¡Òá¿äÁûÁÕ¤Òà¿ÍÔ¹
day wun December tun-wah-kom
Çѹ ¸Ñ¹ÇÒ¤Á
the day after tomorrow wun decide dtùt srn jai
ma-reun née µÑ´ÊÔ¹ã¨
ÇѹÁÐÃ×¹¹Õü we haven’t decided yet rao
the day before wun gòrn yung mâi dâi dtùt srn jai
Çѹ¡û͹ àÃÒÂѧäÁûä´üµÑ´ÊÔ¹ã¨

decision gahn dtùt srn jai dentist msr fun
English ➜ Thai

deck (on ship) dàht fáh
´Ò´¿üÒ dialogue
deckchair gâo êe pâh bai
à¡üÒÍÕü¼üÒ㺠it’s this one here un nêe ná
deep léuk this one? un née, châi mái?
ÅÖ¡ no that one mâi châi, un
definitely nâir-norn nún
á¹û¹Í¹ here? un nêe, châi mái?
definitely not! mâi ròrk! yes châi
degree (qualification) bpa-rin- dentures chóot fun tee-um
yah ªØ´¿Ñ¹à·ÕÂÁ
»ÃÔญญÒ deodorant yah dùp glìn dtoo-a
delay (noun) kwahm chúk ÂҴѺ¡ÅÔû¹µÑÇ

cháh department pa-nàirk

¤ÇÒÁªÑ¡ªüÒ á¼¹¡
deliberately doy-ee ay-dta-nah department store hâhng
â´Âਵ¹Ò ËüÒ§
delicatessen ráhn kpi ah-hphn departure kph òrk
stm-rèt rôop ¢ÒÍÍ¡
ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂÍÒËÒÃÊÓàÃç¨ÃÙ» departure lounge hôrng pôo
delicious a-ròy doy-ee sphn kph òrk
deliver sòng depend: it depends láir-o dtàir
Êû§ áÅüÇáµû
delivery (of mail) gahn sòng it depends on ... láir-o
jòt-mpi dtàir ...
¡ÒÃÊû§¨´ËÁÒ áÅüÇáµû ...
Denmark bpra-tâyt den-mahk deposit (as security) ngern fàhk
»ÃÐà·Èà´¹ÁÒÃì¡ à§Ô¹½Ò¡

(as part payment) kâh mút-jum dialling code ra-hùt toh-ra-sùp

English ➜ Thai
description kum ùt-ti-bai diamond pét
¤Ó͸ԺÒ ྪÃ
dessert ksrng wphn diaper pâh ôrm
destination jòot-mpi bplai diarrhoea tórng sěe-a
tahng ·üͧàÊÕÂ
¨Ø´ËÁÒ»ÅÒ·ҧ do you have something for
develop (film) láhng diarrhoea? mee yah gâir
ÅüÒ§ tórng sěe-a mái?
dialogue diary sa-mòot bun-téuk bpra-
jum wun
could you develop these ÊÁØ´ºÑ¹·Ö¡»ÃШÓÇѹ
films? láhng feem née dâi dictionary pót-ja-nah-nóo-

mái? grom
yes, certainly dâi krúp ¾¨¹Ò¹Ø¡ÃÁ
when will they be ready? didn’t* mâi dâi ...
sèt mêu-rai? äÁûä´ü ...
tomorrow afternoon see not
prôong née bài die dtai
how much is the µÒÂ
four-hour service? bor-ri- diesel núm mun rót
gahn sèe chôo-a mohng dee-sen
tâo-rài? ¹üÓÁѹö´Õà«Å
diet ah-hphn pi-sàyt
diabetic (noun) bpen rôhk bao ÍÒËÒþÔàÈÉ
wphn I’m on a diet psm (chún)
à»ç¹âäàºÒËÇÒ¹ gum-lung lót núm nùk
dial (verb) msOn ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡ÓÅѧŴ¹üÓ˹ѡ
ËÁع I have to follow a special diet

psm (chún) dtôrng tahn direct (adj) dtrong
English ➜ Thai

ah-hphn pi-sàyt µÃ§

¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧ·Ò¹ÍÒËÒþÔàÈÉ is there a direct train?
difference kwahm dtàirk mee rót fai dtrong bpai
dtàhng mái?
¤ÇÒÁᵡµûÒ§ ÁÕö俵çä»äËÁ
what’s the difference? dtàirk direction tahng
dtàhng gun yung-ngai? ·Ò§
ᵡµûÒ§¡Ñ¹ÍÂûÒ§äà which direction is it? yòo
different dtàhng tahng npi?
µûÒ§ ÍÂÙû·Ò§ä˹
this one is different un née is it in this direction? bpai
dtàhng gun tahng née, châi mái?
Íѹ¹ÕüµûÒ§¡Ñ¹ ä»·Ò§¹ÕüãªûäËÁ
a different table/room èek directory enquiries bor-ri-
dtó/hôrng nèung gahn sòrp tphm ber toh-ra-

ÍÕ¡âµýÐ/Ëüͧ˹Öû§ sùp
difficult yâhk ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÊͺ¶ÒÁàºÍÃìâ·ÃÈѾ·ì
ÂÒ¡ dirt kêe fòon
difficulty bpun-hph ¢Õû½Øû¹
»ÑญËÒ dirty sòk-ga-bpròk
dinghy reu-a bòt Ê¡»Ã¡
àÃ×ͺ´ disabled pí-gahn
dining room hôrng rúp-bpra- ¾Ô¡ÒÃ
tahn ah-hphn disappear hpi bpai
dinner (evening meal) ah-hphn it’s disappeared mun hpi bpai
yen npi gôr mâi róo
ÍÒËÒÃàÂç¹ ÁѹËÒÂä»ä˹¡çäÁûÃÙü
to have dinner tahn ah-hphn disappointed pìt wtng
yen ¼Ô´ËÇѧ
·Ò¹ÍÒËÒÃàÂç¹ disappointing mâi dee tâo têe

kít wái distance ra-yá tahng

English ➜ Thai
äÁû´Õà·ûÒ·Õû¤Ô´äÇü ÃÐÂзҧ
disaster hpi-ya-ná in the distance yòo nai ra-yá
disco dit-sa-gôh ÍÂÙûã¹ÃÐÂÐä¡Å
´ÔÊâ¡ü district kàyt
discount lót rah-kah ࢵ
Å´ÃÒ¤Ò disturb róp-goo-un
is there a discount? lót ú¡Ç¹
rah-kah nòy dâi diversion (detour) bplèe-un sên
mái? tahng dern
Å´ÃÒ¤Ò˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ à»ÅÕû¹àÊü¹·Ò§à´Ô¹
disease rôhk diving board têe gra-dòht
âä náhm
disgusting nâh glèe-ut ·Õû¡ÃÐâ´´¹üÓ
¹ûÒà¡ÅÕ´ divorced yàh gun láir-o

dish (meal) gùp kâo ËÂûҡѹáÅüÇ
¡Ñº¢üÒÇ dizzy: I feel dizzy psm (chún)
(bowl) chahm wee-un hso-a
ªÒÁ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÇÕ¹ËÑÇ
dishcloth pâh chét jahn do (verb) tum
¼üÒàªç´¨Ò¹ ·Ó
disinfectant yah kâh chéu-a what shall we do? rao ja tum
rôhk yung-ngai?
ÂÒ¦ûÒààª×üÍâä àÃҨзÓÍÂûÒ§äÃ
disk (for computer) jahn bun- how do you do it? tum yung-
téuk ngai?
¨Ò¹ºÑ¹·Ö¡ ·ÓÍÂûÒ§äÃ
disposable diapers/nappies will you do it for me? chôo-ay
pâh ôrm stm-rèt rôop chái tum hâi nòy, dâi mái?
krúng dee-o ªûÇ·ÓãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ

dialogues rêe-uk msr
English ➜ Thai

how do you do? sa-wùt
dee krúp (kâ) dialogue
nice to meet you yin dee
têe dâi róo-jùk gun where does it hurt? jèp
what do you do? (work) dtrong npi?
koon tum ngahn a-rai right here dtrong née
krúp (ká)? does that hurt now? yung
I’m a teacher, and you? jèp yòo rěu bplào?
bpen kroo, láir-o koon lâ? yes jèp
I’m a student bpen núk take this to the pharmacy
sèuk-sph ao nêe bpai ráhn kpi yah
what are you doing this
evening? yen née bpai document àyk-ga-sphn
npi? àÍ¡ÊÒÃ

we’re going out for a drink, dog mph

do you want to join us? rao ËÁÒ
bpai gin lâo, bpai dôo-ay doll dtóok-ga-dtah
gun mái? µØý¡µÒ
domestic flight têe-o bin pai
do you want fish sauce? nai
sài núm bplah mái? à·ÕûÂǺԹÀÒÂã¹
I do, but she doesn’t mâi don’t!* yàh!
sài dtàir káo gôr sài ÍÂûÒ
don’t do that! yàh tum yàhng
doctor msr nún!
we need a doctor rao dtôrng door bpra-dtoo
gahn hph msr »ÃеÙ
àÃÒµüͧ¡ÒÃËÒËÁÍ doorman kon fâo bpra-dtoo
please call a doctor chôo-ay ¤¹à½üÒ»ÃеÙ

double kôo draughty: it’s draughty mee

English ➜ Thai
¤Ùû lom yen kâo
double bed dtee-ung yày ÁÕÅÁàÂç¹à¢üÒ
àµÕ§ãËญû draw wâht
double room hôrng kôo ÇÒ´
Ëüͧ¤Ùû drawer lín-chúk
doughnut doh-nút ÅÔü¹ªÑ¡
ⴹѷ drawing rôop wâht
down: down here yòo têe nêe ÃÙ»ÇÒ´
ÍÂûÙ·Õû¹Õû dreadful yâir
put it down over there wahng áÂû
bpai têe nôhn dream (noun) kwahm ftn
Çҧ价Õûâ¹û¹ ¤ÇÒÁ½Ñ¹
it’s down there on the right dress (noun) sêu-a chóot
ler-ee bpai kâhng nâh tahng àÊ×üͪش
dâhn kwph meu dressed: to get dressed

àÅÂ仢üҧ˹üÒ·Ò§´üÒ¹¢ÇÒÁ×Í dtàirng dtoo-a
it’s further down the road bpai áµû§µÑÇ
dtahm ta-nsn kâhng nâh dressing (for cut) pâh pun
仵ÒÁ¶¹¹¢üҧ˹üÒ plpir
downmarket (restaurant etc) rah- ¼üҾѹá¼Å
kah tòok salad dressing núm (râht) sa-
ÃÒ¤Ò¶Ù¡ lùt
downstairs kâhng lâhng ¹üÓ(ÃÒ´)ÊÅÑ´
¢üÒ§ÅûÒ§ dressing gown sêu-a kloom
dozen lsh chóot norn
âËÅ àÊ×üͤÅØÁªØ´¹Í¹
half a dozen krêung lsh drink (noun) krêu-ung dèum
¤ÃÖû§âËÅ à¤Ã×ûͧ´×ûÁ
drain (in sink, in street) tôr (verb) dèum
ra-bai ´×ûÁ
·ûÍÃкÒ a cold drink krêu-ung dèum

yen yen drop: just a drop, please (of
English ➜ Thai

à¤Ã×ûͧ´×ûÁàÂç¹æ drink) nít dee-o tâo-nún

can I get you a drink? koon ¹Ô´à´ÕÂÇà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹
ja dèum a-rai mái? drug yah
what would you like (to drugs (narcotics) yah-sàyp-dtìt
drink)? koon ja dèum a-rai? ÂÒàʾµÔ´
¤Ø³¨Ð´×ûÁÍÐäà drunk (adj) mao
no thanks, I don’t drink mâi àÁÒ
krúp (kâ) psm (chún) mâi drunken driving kùp rót ka-nà
dèum mao
äÁû¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁû´×ûÁ ¢ÑºÃ¶¢³ÐàÁÒ
I’ll just have a drink of water dry (adj) hâirng
ksr náhm bplào tâo-nún áËü§
¢Í¹üÓà»ÅûÒà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ dry-cleaner ráhn súk hâirng
drinking water náhm dèum ÃüÒ¹«Ñ¡áËü§

¹üÓ´×ûÁ duck bpèt

is this drinking water? náhm à»ç´
née gin dâi mái? due: he was due to arrive
¹üÓ¹Õü¡Ô¹ä´üäËÁ yesterday káo koo-un ja mah
drive (verb) kùp mêu-a wahn née
¢Ñº à¢Ò¤ÇèÐÁÒàÁ×ûÍÇÒ¹¹Õü
we drove here rao kùp rót when is the train due? rót fai
mah mah gèe mohng?
àÃҢѺöÁÒ Ã¶ä¿ÁÒ¡ÕûâÁ§
I’ll drive you home psm dull (pain) mâi roon rairng
(chún) kùp rót bpai sòng äÁûÃعáç
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¢ÑºÃ¶ä»Êû§ (weather) mêut moo-a
driver kon kùp Á×´ÁÑÇ
¤¹¢Ñº dummy (baby’s) hso-a nom
driving licence bai kùp kèe lòrk

during nai ra-wàhng early in the morning cháo

English ➜ Thai
ã¹ÃÐËÇûÒ§ dtròo
dust fòon àªüÒµÃûÙ
½Øû¹ I called by earlier psm (chún)
dustbin ttng ka-yà mah hph mêu-a gòrn née
¶Ñ§¢ÂÐ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÒËÒàÁ×ûÍ¡û͹¹Õü
dusty mee fòon yér earrings dtôom hso
Dutch horl-lairn east dta-wun òrk
duty-free (goods) mâi dtôrng in the east tahng dta-wun
sěe-a pah-sěe òrk
duty-free shop ráhn káh srn- Easter ee-sa-dtêr
káh bplòrt pah-sěe ah-gorn ÍÕÊàµÍÃì
ÃüÒ¹¤üÒÊÔ¹¤üÒ»ÅÍ´ÀÒÉÕÍÒ¡Ã easy ngâi

eat gin kâo
we’ve already eaten, thanks
each (every) tóok rao gin kâo láir-o
·Ø¡ àÃÒ¡Ô¹¢üÒÇáÅüÇ
how much are they each? un eau de toilette núm òp
la tâo-rài? ¹üÓͺ
ÍѹÅÐà·ûÒäà egg kài
ear hso ä¢û
ËÙ egg noodles ba-mèe
earache: I have earache psm ºÐËÁÕû
(chún) bpòo-ut hso either: either ... or ... ... rěu ...
¼Á(©Ñ¹)»Ç´ËÙ ... ËÃ×Í ...
early ray-o either of them un npi gôr dâi
àÃçÇ Íѹä˹¡çä´ü

elastic (noun) spi yahng yêut embassy sa-tphn tôot
English ➜ Thai

ÊÒÂÂÒ§Â×´ ʶҹ·Ùµ
elastic band yahng rút emergency chòok chěrn
ÂÒ§ÃÑ´ ©Ø¡à©Ô¹
elbow kôr sòrk this is an emergency! bpen
¢üÍÈÍ¡ pah-wá chòok chěrn!
electric fai fáh à»ç¹ÀÒÇЩءà©Ô¹
ä¿¿üÒ emergency exit tahng òrk
electrical appliances krêu-ung chòok chěrn
fai fáh ·Ò§ÍÍ¡©Ø¡à©Ô¹
à¤Ã×ûͧ俿üÒ empty wâhng
electrician châhng fai fáh ÇûÒ§
ªûҧ俿üÒ end (noun) jòp
electricity fai fáh ¨º
ä¿¿üÒ (verb) sîn sòot, jòp
elephant cháhng ÊÔü¹ÊØ´, ¨º

ªüÒ§ at the end of the soi sòot soy

elevator líf ÊØ´«ÍÂ
ÅÔ¿·ì when does it end? jòp mêu-
else: something else a-rai rài?
èek ¨ºàÁ×ûÍäÃ
ÍÐäÃÍÕ¡ engaged (toilet, telephone) mâi
somewhere else têe èun wâhng
·ÕûÍ×û¹ äÁûÇûÒ§
(to be married) mûn
dialogue ËÁÑü¹
engine (car) krêu-ung yon
would you like anything à¤Ã×ûͧ¹µì
else? ao a-rai èek mái? England bpra-tâyt ung-grìt
no, nothing else, thanks »ÃÐà·ÈÍѧ¡ÄÉ
mâi krúp (kâ), kòrp-koon English (adj) ung-grìt

(language) pah-sph ung-grìt por

English ➜ Thai
I’m English psm (chún) bpen it’s not big enough yài mâi por
kon ung-grìt ãËญûäÁû¾Í
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹Íѧ¡ÄÉ that’s enough por láir-o
do you speak English? koon ¾ÍáÅüÇ
pôot pah-sph ung-grìt bpen entrance (noun) tahng kâo
mái? ·Ò§à¢üÒ
¤Ø³¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉà»ç¹äËÁ envelope sorng jòt-mpi
enjoy: to enjoy oneself «Í§¨´ËÁÒÂ
sa-nòok epileptic bpen rôhk lom bâh
ʹء mso
dialogue equipment òop-bpa-gorn
how did you like the film? error têe pìt

ntng sa-nòok mái? ·Õû¼Ô´
I enjoyed it very much, especially doy-ee cha-pòr
did you enjoy it? sa-nòok â´Â੾ÒÐ
mâhk, koon kít wâh sa- essential jum-bpen
nòok mái? ¨Óà»ç¹
it is essential that ...
enjoyable sa-nòok dee jum-bpen têe ...
ʹء´Õ ¨Óà»ç¹·Õû ...
enlargement (of photo) pâhp Europe yoo-rohp
ka-ypi ÂØâû
ÀÒ¾¢ÂÒ European (adj) yoo-rohp
enormous yài bêr-rêr ÂØâû
ãËญûàºüÍàÃûÍ even máir dtàir
enough por áÁüáµû
¾Í even if ... máir wâh ...
there’s not enough mâi áÁüÇûÒ ...

evening (early evening) dtorn yen every tóok
English ➜ Thai

µÍ¹àÂç¹ ·Ø¡
(late evening) dtorn glahng every day tóok wun
keun ·Ø¡Çѹ
µÍ¹¡ÅÒ§¤×¹ everyone tóok kon
this evening (early evening) yen ·Ø¡¤¹
née everything tóok yàhng
àÂç¹¹Õü ·Ø¡ÍÂûÒ§
(late evening) keun née everywhere tôo-a bpai
¤×¹¹Õü ·ÑûÇä»
in the evening (early evening) exactly! châi láir-o!
dtorn yen ãªûáÅüÇ
µÍ¹àÂç¹ exam gahn sòrp
(late evening) dtorn glahng ¡ÒÃÊͺ
keun example dtoo-a yàhng
µÍ¹¡ÅÒ§¤×¹ µÑÇÍÂûÒ§

evening meal ah-hphn yen for example chên ...

ÍÒËÒÃàÂç¹ àªû¹ ...
eventually nai têe sòot excellent yêe-um
ã¹·ÕûÊØ´ àÂÕûÂÁ
ever ker-ee excellent! yêe-um ler-ee!
except yók wáyn
dialogue ¡àÇü¹
excess baggage núm nùk
have you ever been to gern
Phuket? koon ker-ee bpai ¹üÓ˹ѡà¡Ô¹
poo-gèt mái? exchange rate ùt-dtrah lâirk
yes, I was there two years bplèe-un
ago ker-ee, ker-ee bpai ÍѵÃÒáÅ¡à»ÅÕû¹
mêu-a ssrng bpee gòrn exciting nâh dtèun dtên

excuse me (to get past, to say dòo-un

English ➜ Thai
sorry) ksr-tôht ä»ÃɳÕÂì´ûǹ
¢Íâ·É (train) rót fai dòo-un
(to get attention) koon krúp (kâ) ö俴ûǹ
¤Ø³¤ÃѺ (¤Ð) extension (telephone) dtòr
(to say pardon?) a-rai ná? µûÍ
ÍÐäùРextension 341, please ksr
exhaust (pipe) tôr ai sěe-a dtòr ber sphm sèe nèung
·ûÍäÍàÊÕ ¢ÍµûÍàºÍÃìÊÒÁÊÕû˹Öû§
exhausted (tired) nèu-ay extension lead spi pôo-ung
à˹×ûÍ ÊÒ¾ûǧ
exhibition ní-tá-sa-gahn extra: can we have an extra
¹Ô·ÃÃÈ¡ÒÃ one? ksr èek un nèung
exit tahng òrk ¢ÍÍÕ¡Íѹ˹Öû§
·Ò§ÍÍ¡ do you charge extra for that?
where’s the nearest exit? kít dtàhng hàhk rěu bplào?

tahng òrk glâi têe sòot yòo ¤Ô´µûÒ§ËÒ¡ËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
têe npi? extraordinary bplàirk mâhk
·Ò§ÍÍ¡ã¡Åü·ÕûÊØ´ÍÂÙû·Õûä˹ á»Å¡ÁÒ¡
expect kâht extremely mâhk lěu-a gern
¤Ò´ ÁÒ¡àËÅ×Íà¡Ô¹
expensive pairng eye dtah
ᾧ µÒ
experienced mee bpra-sòp- will you keep an eye on my
ba-gahn suitcase for me? chôo-ay
ÁÕ»ÃÐʺ¡Òóì fâo gra-bppo hâi nòy, dâi
explain ùt-ti-bai mái?
͸ԺÒ ªûÇÂà½üÒ¡ÃÐà»þÒãËü˹ûÍÂä´ü
can you explain that? chôo- äËÁ
ay ùt-ti-bai hâi nòy, dâi mái? eyebrow pencil din-ssr kěe-
ªûÇÂ͸ԺÒÂãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ un kéw
express (mail) bprai-sa-nee ´Ô¹ÊÍà¢Õ¹¤ÔüÇ

eye drops yah yòrt dtah (trade) ngahn sa-dairng srn-
English ➜ Thai

ÂÒËÂÍ´µÒ káh
eyeglasses (US) wâirn dtah §Ò¹áÊ´§ÊÔ¹¤üÒ
áÇû¹µÒ (adj) yóot-dti-tum
eyeliner têe kěe-un kòrp dtah ÂصԸÃÃÁ
·Õûà¢Õ¹¢ÍºµÒ fairly kôrn-kâhng
eye make-up remover núm ¤û͹¢üÒ§
yah láhng têe kěe-un kòrp fake ksrng bplorm
dtah ¢Í§»ÅÍÁ
¹üÒÂÒÅüÒ§·Õûà¢Õ¹¢ÍºµÒ fall (US) réu-doo bai-mái
eye shadow kreem tah ntng rôo-ung
dtah Ä´ÙãºäÁüÃûǧ
¤ÃÕÁ·Ò˹ѧµÒ in the fall dtorn réu-doo
bai-mái rôo-ung
F µÍ¹Ä´ÙãºäÁüÃûǧ
fall (verb) hòk lóm

face nâh she’s had a fall káo hòk
˹üÒ lóm
factory rohng ngahn à¢ÒË¡ÅÁ
âç§Ò¹ false mâi jing
Fahrenheit* fah-ren-háit äÁû¨ÃÔ§
¿ÒàÃç¹äηì family krôrp-kroo-a
faint (verb) bpen lom ¤Ãͺ¤ÃÑÇ
à»ç¹ÅÁ famous mee chêu sěe-ung
she’s fainted káo bpen lom ÁÕª×ûÍàÊÕ§
à¢Òà»ç¹ÅÁ fan (electrical) pút lom
I feel faint psm (chún) róo- ¾Ñ´ÅÁ
sèuk bpen lom (handheld) pút
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÙüÊÖ¡à»ç¹ÅÁ ¾Ñ´
fair (funfair) ngahn òrk ráhn (sports) kon chôrp doo gee-lah
§Ò¹ÍÍ¡ÃüÒ¹ ¤¹ªÍº´Ù¡ÕÌÒ

fan belt spi pahn father-in-law (of a man) pôr

English ➜ Thai
ÊÒ¾ҹ dtah
fantastic yêe-um yôrt ¾û͵Ò
àÂÕûÂÁÂÍ´ (of a woman) pôr pso-a
far glai ¾ûͼÑÇ
ä¡Å faucet górk náhm
dialogue fault kwahm pìt
is it far from here? yòo sorry, it was my fault ksr-
glai mái? tôht kwahm pìt ksrng psm
no, not very far mâi glai (chún)
well, how far? gèe gi-loh- ¢Íâ·É ¤ÇÒÁ¼Ô´¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹)
met? it’s not my fault mâi châi
it’s about 20 kilometres kwahm pìt ksrng psm
bpra-mahn yêe-sìp (chún)

gi-loh-met äÁûãªû¤ÇÒÁ¼Ô´¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹)
faulty pìt
fare kâh doy-ee sphn ¼Ô´
¤ûÒâ´ÂÊÒÃ favourite bpròht
farm fahm â»Ã´
¿ÒÃìÁ fax (machine) krêu-ung
fashionable tun sa-mpi toh-ra-sphn
·Ñ¹ÊÁÑ à¤Ã×ûͧâ·ÃÊÒÃ
fast ray-o (verb: person) sòng toh-ra-sphn
àÃçÇ bpai hâi
fat (person) ôo-un Êû§â·ÃÊÒÃä»ãËü
Íüǹ (document) bun-téuk
(on meat) mun toh-ra-sphn, fáirks
Áѹ ºÑ¹·Ö¡â·ÃÊÒÃ, á¿¡«ì
father pôr February goom-pah-pun
¾ûÍ ¡ØÁÀҾѹ¸ì

feel róo-sèuk I’ll fetch him psm (chún) ja
English ➜ Thai

ÃÙüÊÖ¡ bpai rúp káo

I feel hot psm (chún) róo- ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¨Ðä»ÃѺà¢Ò
sèuk rórn will you come and fetch
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÙüÊÖ¡Ãü͹ me later? mah rúp
I feel unwell psm (chún) róo- psm (chún) tee ltng dâi
sèuk mâi sa-bai mái?
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÙüÊÖ¡äÁûʺÒ ÁÒÃѺ¼Á(©Ñ¹)·ÕËÅѧä´üäËÁ
I feel like going for a walk feverish bpen kâi
psm (chún) yàhk ja bpai dern à»ç¹ä¢ü
lên few: a few ssrng sphm
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ðä»à´Ô¹àÅû¹ ÊͧÊÒÁ
how are you feeling? koon a few days ssrng sphm
róo-sèuk bpen yung-ngai wun
bâhng? ÊͧÊÒÁÇѹ
¤Ø³ÃÙüÊÖ¡à»ç¹ÍÂûÒ§äúüÒ§ fiancé(e) kôo mûn

I’m feeling better psm (chún) ¤ÙûËÁÑü¹

róo-sèuk kôy yung chôo-a field sa-nphm
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÙüÊÖ¡¤ûÍÂÂѧªÑûÇ Ê¹ÒÁ
felt-tip (pen) bpàhk-gah fight (noun) gahn chók dtòy
may-jik ¡Ò꡵ûÍÂ
»Ò¡¡ÒàÁ¨Ô¡ fill dterm
fence róo-a àµÔÁ
ÃÑüÇ fill in gròrk
fender gun chon ¡ÃÍ¡
¡Ñ¹ª¹ do I have to fill this in?
ferry reu-a kâhm fâhk dtôrng gròrk un née rěu
àÃ×Í¢üÒÁ¿Ò¡ bplào?
festival ngahn µüͧ¡ÃÍ¡Íѹ¹ÕüËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
§Ò¹ fill up tum hâi dtem
fetch rúp ·ÓãËüàµçÁ
ÃѺ fill it up, please dterm núm

mun hâi dtem could you find out for me?

English ➜ Thai
àµÔÁ¹üÓÁѹãËüàµçÁ chôo-ay hph rai la-êe-ut hâi
filling (in tooth) òot fun nòy dâi mái?
film (movie) ntng ä´üäËÁ
˹ѧ fine (weather) dee
(for camera) feem ´Õ
¿ÕÅìÁ (punishment) kâh bprùp
do you have this kind of
film? mee feem bàirp née how are you? bpen yung-
mái? ngai bâhng?
yes, how many exposures? I’m fine, thanks sa-bai dee
mee, ao gèe rôop? kòrp-koon mâhk

36 sphm sìp
is that OK? oh kay mái?
film processing láhng feem that’s fine thanks dee láir-o
ÅüÒ§¿ÔÅìÁ kòrp-koon
filthy sòk-ga-bpròk
Ê¡»Ã¡ finger néw meu
find (verb) jer ¹ÔüÇÁ×Í
à¨Í finish (verb) jòp
I can’t find it psm (chún) hph ¨º
mâi jer I haven’t finished yet
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ËÒäÁûà¨Í psm (chún) yung mâi
I’ve found it psm (chún) jer sèt
láir-o ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÂѧäÁûàÊÃç¨
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¨ÍáÅüÇ when does it finish? jòp gèe
find out hph rai la-êe-ut mohng?

fire: fire! fai mâi! first-aid kit chóot bpa-thsm
English ➜ Thai

ä¿äËÁü pa-yah-bahn
can we light a fire here? gòr ªØ´»°Á¾ÂÒºÒÅ
fai dtrong née dâi mái? first class (travel etc) chún
¡ûÍ俵ç¹Õûä´üäËÁ nèung
fire alarm stn-yahn fay mâi ªÑü¹Ë¹Öû§
ÊÑญญÒ³ä¿äËÁü first floor chún ssrng
fire brigade gorng dtum-ròo- ªÑü¹Êͧ
ut dùp plerng (US) chún nèung
¡Í§µÓÃǨ´Ñºà¾ÅÔ§ ªÑü¹Ë¹Öû§
fire escape bun-dai stm-rùp first name chêu
něe fai ª×ûÍ
ºÃÃä´ÊÓËÃѺ˹Õä¿ fish (noun) bplah
fire extinguisher krêu-ung dùp »ÅÒ
plerng fisherman kon jùp bplah
à¤Ã×ûͧ´Ñºà¾ÅÔ§ ¤¹¨Ñº»ÅÒ

first râirk fishing gahn jùp bplah

áá ¡ÒèѺ»ÅÒ
I was first psm (chún) bpen fishing boat reu-a bpra-mong
kon râirk àÃ×Í»ÃÐÁ§
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹áá fishing village mòo bâhn bpra-
at first tee râirk mong
·Õáá ËÁÙûºüÒ¹»ÃÐÁ§
the first time krúng râirk fishmonger’s ráhn kpi bplah
¤ÃÑü§áá ÃüÒ¹¢Ò»ÅÒ
first on the left lée-o sái fit (attack) ah-gahn bpen lom
têe tahng yâirk kâhng ÍÒ¡ÒÃà»ç¹ÅÁ
nâh fit: it doesn’t fit me sài mâi dâi
àÅÕüÂÇ«üÒ·Õû·Ò§á¡¢üҧ˹üÒ ãÊûäÁûä´ü
first aid gahn bpa-tsm fitting room hôrng lorng
pa-yah-bahn sêu-a pâh
¡Òû°Á¾ÂÒºÒÅ ËüͧÅͧàÊ×üͼüÒ

fix (verb: arrange) jùt floating market dta-làht

English ➜ Thai
¨Ñ´ náhm
can you fix this? (repair) un µÅÒ´¹üÓ
née gâir dâi mái? flood núm tôo-um
Íѹ¹Õüá¡üä´üäËÁ ¹üÓ·ûÇÁ
fizzy sâh floor (of room) péun
«ûÒ ¾×ü¹
flag tong (storey) chún
¸§ ªÑü¹
flannel (facecloth) pâh chét nâh on the floor yòo bon péun
¼üÒàªç´Ë¹üÒ ÍÂÙûº¹¿×ü¹
flash (for camera) fláirt florist ráhn kpi dòrk-mái
á¿Åª ÃüÒ¹¢Ò´͡äÁü
flat (noun: apartment) fláirt flour bpâirng sph-lee
á¿Åµ á»ü§ÊÒÅÕ
(adj) bairn flower dòrk-mái

ẹ ´Í¡äÁü
I’ve got a flat tyre yahng flu kâi wùt
bairn ä¢üËÇÑ´
Âҧẹ fluent: John speaks fluent Thai
flavour rót John pôot pah-sph tai dâi
ÃÊ khlôrng
flea mùt ¨ÍËì¹¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒä·Âä´ü¤Åûͧ
ËÁÑ´ fly (noun) ma-lairng wun
flight têe-o bin áÁŧÇѹ
à·ÕûÂǺԹ (verb) bin
flight number têe-o bin ºÔ¹
mpi-lâyk can we fly there? bpai
à·ÕûÂǺԹËÁÒÂàÅ¢ krêu-ung bin dâi mái?
flippers rorng táo ma-nóot ä»à¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹ä´üäËÁ
gòp fly in bin kâo mah
Ãͧà·éÒÁ¹ØÉÂ졺 ºÔ¹à¢üÒÁÒ

fly out bin òrk bpai (ball) lôok fóot-born
English ➜ Thai

ºÔ¹ÍÍ¡ä» ÅÙ¡¿ØµºÍÅ
fog mòrk long football match gahn kàirng
ËÁ͡ŧ ktn fóot-born
foggy: it’s foggy mòrk ¡ÒÃá¢û§¢Ñ¹¿ØµºÍÅ
long for: do you have something
ËÁ͡ŧ for ...? (headache/diarrhoea etc)
folk dancing gahn fórn rum mee a-rai gâir ... mái?
péun meu-ung ÁÕÍÐäÃá¡ü ... äËÁ
folk music don-dtree péun dialogues
´¹µÃÕ¾×ü¹àÁ×ͧ who’s the fried rice for?
follow dtahm kâo pùt sym-rùp krai?
µÒÁ that’s for me sym-rùp
follow me dtahm psm (chún) psm

mah and this one? láir-o nêe lâ?

µÒÁ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÒ that’s for her sym-rùp káo
food ah-hphn
ÍÒËÒÃ where do I get the bus for
food poisoning ah-hphn bpen Bangsaen? kêun rót bpai
pít bahng-spirn têe-npi?
ÍÒËÒÃà»ç¹¾ÔÉ the bus for Bangsaen
food shop/store ráhn kpi leaves from the central
ksrng chum market rót bpai bahng-
ÃüÒ¹¢Ò¢ͧªÓ spirn òrk jàhk dta-làht
foot* (of person) táo glahng
on foot dern bpai how long have you been
à´Ô¹ä» here for? koon yòo têe nêe
football (game) fóot-born nahn tâo-rài?
¿ØµºÍÅ I’ve been here for two days,

how about you? yòo ssrng forward: could you forward my

English ➜ Thai
wun, láir-o koon lâ? mail? chôo-ay sòng jòt-mpi
I’ve been here for a week dtòr bpai hâi dôo-ay
psm (chún) yòo têe nêe ªûÇÂÊû§¨´ËÁÒµûÍä»ãËü´üÇÂ
ah-tít nèung láir-o forwarding address têe yòo
stm-rùp sòng jòt-mpi bpai
forehead nâh pàhk hâi
foreign dtàhng bpra-tâyt foundation cream kreem
µûÒ§»ÃÐà·È rorng péun
foreigner chao dtàhng ¤ÃÕÁÃͧ¾×ü¹
bpra-tâyt fountain núm póo
ªÒǵûÒ§»ÃÐà·È ¹üÓ¾Ø
forest bpàh foyer (of hotel) hôrng tshng
»ûÒ glahng stm-rùp rúp kàirk
forget leum Ëüͧ⶧¡ÅÒ§ÊÓËÃѺÃѺᢡ

Å×Á (of theatre) bor-ri-wayn nûng
I forget, I’ve forgotten psm púk ror
(chún) leum láir-o ºÃÔàdz¹Ñû§¾Ñ¡ÃÍ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)Å×ÁáÅüÇ fracture (noun) gra-dòok hùk
fork sôrm ¡Ãд١ËÑ¡
ÊüÍÁ France bpra-tâyt fa-rùng-sàyt
(in road) tahng yâirk »ÃÐà·È½ÃÑû§àÈÊ
·Ò§á¡ free ì-sa-rá
form (document) bàirp form ÍÔÊÃÐ
Ẻ¿ÍÃìÁ (no charge) free
formal (dress) bpen tahng gahn ¿ÃÕ
à»ç¹·Ò§¡Òà is it free (of charge)? free rěu
fortnight ssrng ah-tít bplào?
fortunately chôhk dee freeway tahng dòo-un
⪤´Õ ·Ò§´ûǹ

freezer dtôo châir kpirng fried rice kâo pùt
English ➜ Thai

µÙüáªûá¢ç§ ¢üÒǼѴ
French (adj) fa-rùng-sàyt friend pêu-un
½ÃÑû§àÈÊ à¾×û͹
(language) pah-sph fa-rùng-sàyt friendly bpen pêu-un
ÀÒÉÒ½ÃÑû§àÈÊ à»ç¹à¾×û͹
French fries mun fa-rùng tôrt frog gòp
Áѹ½ÃÑû§·Í´ ¡º
frequent bòy bòy from jàhk
ºûÍÂ æ ¨Ò¡
how frequent is the bus to when does the next train from
Pattaya? mee rót bpai pút-ta- Ubon arrive? rót fai jàhk oo-
yah bòy kâir npi? bon têe-o nâh mah těung gèe
ÁÕö仾ѷÂÒºûÍÂá¤ûä˹ mohng?
fresh (weather, breeze) sòt chêun ö俨ҡÍغÅà·ÕûÂÇ˹üÒÁÒ
Ê´ª×û¹ ¶Ö§¡ÕûâÁ§

(fruit etc) sòt from Monday to Friday dtûng

Ê´ dtàir wun jun jon těung wun
fresh orange núm sôm kún sòok
¹üÓÊüÁ¤Ñü¹ µÑü§áµûÇѹ¨Ñ¹·Ã쨹¶Ö§ÇѹÈØ¡Ãì
Friday wun sòok from next Thursday
ÇѹÈØ¡Ãì dtûng dtàir wun
fridge dtôo yen pa-réu-hùt
µÙüàÂç¹ µÑü§áµûÇѹ¾ÄËÑÊ
fried pùt
¼Ñ´ dialogue
fried egg kài dao
ä¢û´ÒÇ where are you from? koon
fried noodles (Thai-style) pùt tai mah jàhk npi?
¼Ñ´ä·Â I’m from Slough psm
(Chinese-style) pùt see éw (chún) mah jàhk Slough

front nâh full board gin yòo prórm

English ➜ Thai
˹üÒ ¡Ô¹ÍÂÙû¾ÃüÍÁ
in front kâhng nâh fun: it was fun sa-nòok dee
¢üҧ˹üÒ Ê¹Ø¡´Õ
in front of the hotel kâhng funeral ngahn sòp
nâh rohng rairm §Ò¹È¾
¢üҧ˹üÒâçáÃÁ funny (strange) bplàirk
at the front kâhng nâh á»Å¡
¢üҧ˹üÒ (amusing) dta-lòk
frozen châir kpirng µÅ¡
áªûá¢ç§ furniture krêu-ung reu-un
frozen food ah-hphn châir à¤Ã×ûͧàÃ×͹
kpirng further ler-ee bpai
ÍÒËÒÃáªûá¢ç§ àÅÂä»
fruit psn-la-mái it’s further down the road
¼ÅäÁü bpai dtahm ta-nsn kâhng

fruit juice núm psn-la-mái nâh
¹üÓ¼ÅäÁü 仵ÒÁ¶¹¹¢üҧ˹üÒ
fry (deep-fry) tôrt
·Í´ dialogue
(stir-fry) pùt
¼Ñ´ how much further is it to
frying pan ga-tá Hua Hin? bpai hso-a hrn
¡Ð·Ð èek glai mái?
full dtem about 5 kilometres bpra-
àµçÁ mahn hâh gi-loh-met
it’s full of ... dtem bpai
dôo-ay ... fuse few
àµçÁä»´üÇ ... ¿ÔÇÊì
I’m full psm (chún) ìm the lights have fused few
láir-o kàht
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÔûÁáÅüÇ ¿ÔÇÊì¢Ò´

fuse box glòrng few (US) núm mun
English ➜ Thai

¡Åûͧ¿ÔÇÊì ¹üÓÁѹ
fuse wire spi few see petrol
ÊÒ¿ÔÇÊì gas cylinder (camping gas) ttng
future a-nah-kót gáirt
͹Ҥµ ¶Ñ§á¡ýÊ
in future nai a-nah-kót gasoline núm mun
ã¹Í¹Ò¤µ ¹üÓÁѹ
gas station bpúm núm

G mun
gate bpra-dtoo
game (cards etc) gaym »ÃеÙ
à¡Á (at airport) chôrng kâo
(match) gahn lên ªûͧà¢üÒ
¡ÒÃàÅû¹ gay gay

(meat) néu-a sùt bpàh à¡Âì

à¹×üÍÊѵÇì»ûÒ gay bar bah gay
garage (for fuel) bpúm núm mun ºÒÃìà¡Âì
»ÑýÁ¹üÓÁѹ gearbox glòrng gee-a
(for repairs) òo sôrm rót ¡Åûͧà¡ÕÂÃì
ÍÙû«ûÍÁö gear lever kun gee-a
(for parking) rohng rót ¤Ñ¹à¡ÕÂÃì
âçö gears gee-a
garbage (waste) ka-yà à¡ÕÂÃì
¢ÂÐ general (adj) tôo-a bpai
garden sso-un ·ÑûÇä»
Êǹ gents (toilet)
garlic gra-tee-um boo-ròot
gas gáirt genuine (antique etc) táir
á¡ýÊ á·ü

German (adj) yer-ra-mun get on (to train etc) kêun

English ➜ Thai
àÂÍÃÁѹ ¢Öü¹
(language) pah-sph yer-ra-mun get out (of car etc) long
German measles rôhk hùt get up (in the morning) dtèun
yer-ra-mun µ×û¹
âäËÑ´àÂÍÃÁѹ gift ksrng kwtn
Germany bpra-tâyt ¢Í§¢ÇÑญ
yer-ra-mun gin lâo yin
get (fetch) dâi a gin and tonic, please ksr
ä´ü yin toh-nik
will you get me another one, ¢ÍÂԹⷹԤ
please? ksr ao èek un nèung girl pôo-yrng
dâi mái? ¼ÙüËญÔ§
¢ÍàÍÒÍÕ¡Íѹ˹Öû§ä´üäËÁ girlfriend fairn

how do I get to ...? bpai ... Ό
yung-ngai? give hâi
ä» ... ÍÂûÒ§äà ãËü
do you know where I can get can you give me some
them? sâhp mái wâh ja séu dâi change? ksr lâirk sàyt
têe npi? sa-dtahng dâi mái?
·ÃÒºäËÁÇûҨЫ×üÍä´ü·Õûä˹ ¢ÍáÅ¡àÈÉʵҧ¤ìä´üäËÁ
get back (return) glùp I gave it to him psm (chún)
¡ÅѺ hâi káo bpai láir-o
get in (arrive) těung ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ãËüà¢Òä»áÅüÇ
¶Ö§ will you give this to ...?
get off long chôo-ay ao née bpai hâi ...
ŧ nòy, dâi mái?
where do I get off? psm ªûÇÂàÍÒ¹Õüä»ãËü ...
(chún) long têe npi? ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ

dialogue may spi née bpai npi?
English ➜ Thai

how much do you want for let’s go! bpai tèr!
this? nêe kít tâo-rài? ä»à¶ÍÐ
200 baht ssrng róy bàht she’s gone (left) káo bpai
I’ll give you 150 baht psm láir-o
(chún) ja hâi koon róy hâh à¢Òä»áÅüÇ
sìp bàht where has he gone? káo bpai
give back keun à¢Òä»ä˹
¤×¹ I went there last week psm
glad yin dee (chún) bpai têe nûn mêu-a
ÂÔ¹´Õ ah-tít têe láir-o
glass gâir-o ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ä»·Õû¹Ñû¹àÁ×ûÍ
á¡üÇ ÍÒ·ÔµÂì·ÕûáÅüÇ
glasses (spectacles) wâirn go away bpai

dtah ä»
áÇû¹µÒ go away! bpai hâi pón!
gloves tsOng meu ä»ãËü¾ü¹
¶Ø§Á×Í go back (return) glùp
glue (noun) gao ¡ÅѺ
¡ÒÇ go down (the stairs etc) long bpai
go bpai ŧä»
ä» go in (enter) kâo bpai
we’d like to go to the à¢üÒä»
waterfalls rao yàhk ja bpai go out (in the evening)
têe-o núm dtòk têe-o bpai
àÃÒÍÂÒ¡¨Ðä»à·ÕûÂǹüÓµ¡ ä»à·ÕûÂÇ
where are you going? koon do you want to go out
bpai npi? tonight? keun née yàhk bpai
¤Ø³ä»ä˹ têe-o mái?
where does this bus go? rót ¤×¹¹ÕüÍÂÒ¡ä»à·ÕûÂÇäËÁ

go through pàhn bpai good morning sa-wùt dee

English ➜ Thai
¼ûÒ¹ä» krúp (kâ)
go up (the stairs etc) kêun ÊÇÑÊ´Õ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)
bpai good night sa-wùt dee krúp
¢ÖÖü¹ä» (kâ)
goat páir ÊÇÑÊ´Õ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)
á¾Ð goose hàhn
God pra-jâo ËûÒ¹
¾ÃÐà¨üÒ got: we’ve got to leave rao
goggles wâirn dtah dum dtôrng bpai
náhm àÃÒµüͧä»
áÇû¹µÒ´Ó¹üÓ have you got any ...? mee ...
gold torng mái?
·Í§ ÁÕ ... äËÁ
Golden Triangle sphm lèe-um government rút-ta-bahn
torng kum ÃÑ°ºÒÅ

ÊÒÁàËÅÕûÂÁ·Í§¤Ó gradually tee la nòy
goldsmith châhng torng ·ÕÅÐ˹ûÍÂ
ªûÒ§·Í§ grammar wai-yah-gorn
golf górp äÇÂҡóì
¡ÍÅì¿ gram(me) grum
golf course sa-nphm górp ¡ÃÑÁ
ʹÒÁ¡ÍÅì¿ granddaughter lphn spo
good dee ËÅÒ¹ÊÒÇ
´Õ grandfather (maternal) dtah
good! dee láir-o! µÒ
´ÕáÅüÇ (paternal) bpòo
goodbye lah gòrn ná »ûÙ
ÅÒ¡û͹¹Ð grandmother (maternal) yai
good evening sa-wùt dee krúp ÂÒÂ
(kâ) (paternal) yâh

grandson lphn chai grocer’s ráhn kpi ksrng
English ➜ Thai

ËÅÒ¹ªÒ chum
grapefruit sôm oh ÃüÒ¹¢Ò¢ͧªÓ
ÊüÁâÍ ground péun din
grapes a-ngòon ¾×ü¹´Ô¹
ͧûع on the ground bon péun din
grass yâh º¹¾×ü¹´Ô¹
ËญüÒ ground floor chún nèung
grateful róo-sèuk ªÑü¹Ë¹Öû§
kòrp-koon group glòom
ÃÙüÊÖ¡¢Íº¤Ø³ ¡ÅØûÁ
great (excellent) yôrt guarantee (noun) bai
ÂÍ´ rúp-rorng
that’s great! yôrt! ãºÃѺÃͧ
ÂÍ´ is it guaranteed? mee bai rúp
Great Britain bpra-tâyt ung- bpra-gun mái?

grìt ÁÕãºÃѺ»ÃСѹäËÁ
»ÃÐà·ÈÍѧ¡ÄÉ guest kàirk
Greece bpra-tâyt greet ᢡ
»ÃÐà·È¡ÃÕ« guesthouse gáyt háot
greedy dta-glà à¡ÊµìàÎÒÊì
µÐ¡ÅÐ guide (noun: person) múk-koo-
green sěe kěe-o tâyt
greengrocer’s ráhn kpi pùk guidebook kôo meu num
ÃüÒ¹¢Ò¼ѡ têe-o
grey sěe tao ¤ÙûÁ×͹Óà·ÕÂÇ
ÊÕà·Ò guided tour rai-gahn num
grill (noun) dtao bpîng têe-o
àµÒ»Ôü§ ÃÒ¡ÒùÓà·ÕûÂÇ
grilled yâhng guitar gee-dtah
ÂûÒ§ ¡ÕµÒÃì

Gulf of Thailand ào tai hair spray sa-bpray chèet psm

English ➜ Thai
ÍûÒÇä·Â Êà»ÃÂì©Õ´¼Á
gum (in mouth) ngèu-uk half* krêung
à˧×Í¡ ¤ÃÖû§
gun (pistol) bpeun pók half an hour krêung chôo-a
»×¹¾¡ mohng
(rifle) bpeun yao ¤ÃÖû§ªÑûÇâÁ§
»×¹ÂÒÇ half a litre krêung lít
gym rohng yim ¤ÃÖû§ÅÔµÃ
âçÂÔÁ about half that bpra-mahn
krêung nèung
H »ÃÐÁÒ³¤ÃÖû§Ë¹Öû§
half-price krêung rah-kah
hair psm ham mso hairm

hairbrush bprairng psm hamburger hairm-ber-gêr
á»Ã§¼Á áÎÁàºÍÃìà¡ÍÃì
haircut dtùt psm hammer (noun) kórn
µÑ´¼Á ¦ü͹
hairdresser’s (men’s) ráhn hand meu
dtàirng psm chai Á×Í
ÃüÒ¹áµû§¼ÁªÒ handbag gra-bppo těu
(women’s) ráhn tum psm ¡ÃÐà»þÒ¶×Í
sa-dtree handbrake brayk meu
ÃüÒ¹·Ó¼ÁʵÃÕ àºÃ¤Á×Í
hairdryer krêu-ung bpào psm handkerchief pâh chét nâh
à¤Ã×ûͧà»ûÒ¼Á ¼üÒàªç´Ë¹üÒ
hair gel kreem sài psm handle (on door, suitcase) dâhm
¤ÃÕÁãÊû¼Á ´üÒÁ
hairgrips gíp nèep psm hand luggage gra-bppo těu
¡ÔýºË¹Õº¼Á ¡ÃÐà»þÒ¶×Í

hang-gliding gahn hshn hardly ever mâi kôy ...
English ➜ Thai

rôrn äÁû¤ûÍ ...

¡ÒÃâ˹Ãû͹ hardware shop ráhn kpi
hangover bpòo-ut hso-a krêu-ung lèk
»Ç´ËÑÇ ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂà¤Ã×ûͧàËÅç¡
I’ve got a hangover psm hat mòo-uk
(chún) bpòo-ut hso-a ËÁÇ¡
happen gèrt kêun hate (verb) glèe-ut
à¡Ô´¢Öü¹ à¡ÅÕ´
what’s happening? gèrt a-rai have* mee
kêun? ÁÕ
à¡Ô´ÍÐäâÖü¹ can I have a ...? ksr ... nòy
what has happened? mee ¢Í ... ˹ûÍÂ
a-rai gèrt kêun? do you have ...? mee ... mái?
ÁÕÍÐäÃà¡Ô´¢Öü¹ ÁÕ ... äËÁ
happy dee jai what’ll you have? (drink) koon

´Õ㨠ja dèum a-rai?

I’m not happy about this ¤Ø³¨Ð´×ûÁÍÍÐäÃ
rêu-ung née psm (chún) mâi I have to leave now psm
sa-bai jai (chún) dtôrng bpai děe-o
harbour tâh reu-a ¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧä»à´ÕþÂǹÕü
·ûÒàÃ×Í do I have to ...? psm (chún)
hard kpirng dtôrng ... rěu bplào?
á¢ç§ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧ ... ËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
(difficult) yâhk can we have some ...? ksr ...
ÂÒ¡ nòy dâi mái?
hard-boiled egg kài dtôm ¢Í ... ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
kpirng hayfever rôhk hèut
ä¢ûµüÁá¢ç§ âäË×´
hardly mâi kôy ... he* káo
äÁû¤ûÍ ... à¢Ò

head hso-a heart attack hso-a jai wai

English ➜ Thai
headache bpòo-ut heat kwahm rórn
hso-a ¤ÇÒÁÃü͹
»Ç´ËÑÇ heating krêu-ung tum kwahm
headlights fai nâh rót rórn
ä¿Ë¹üÒö à¤Ã×ûͧ·Ó¤ÇÒÁÃü͹
headphones hso fung heavy nùk
Ëٿѧ ˹ѡ
healthy (person) mee sòok-ka- heel (of foot) sôn táo
pâhp dee Êü¹à·üÒ
ÁÕÊØ¢ÀÒ¾´Õ (of shoe) sôn rorng táo
(food) bpen bpra-yòht gàir Êü¹Ãͧà·üÒ
râhng-gai could you heel these? bplèe-
à»ç¹»ÃÐ⪹ìá¡ûÃûÒ§¡Ò un sôn mài hâi nòy, dâi mái?
hear dâi yin à»ÅÕû¹Êü¹ãËÁûãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ

ä´üÂÔ¹ height kwahm ssong
dialogue helicopter hay-li-korp-dter
can you hear me? dâi yin hello sa-wùt dee
mái? ÊÇÑÊ´Õ
I can’t hear you, could you (answer on phone) hun-loh
repeat that? psm (chún) ÎÑÅâÅ
mâi dâi yin, pôot èek tee helmet (for motorbike) mòo-uk
dâi mái? gun chon
hearing aid krêu-ung chôo-ay help (noun) kwahm chôo-ay
fung lěu-a
à¤Ã×ûͧªûÇ¿ѧ ¤ÇÒÁªûÇÂàËÅ×Í
heart hso-a jai (verb) chôo-ay

help! chôo-ay dôo-ay! here têe-nêe
English ➜ Thai

ªûÇ´üÇ ·Õû¹Õû
can you help me? chôo-ay here is/are ... nêe ...
psm (chún) nòy, dâi mái? ¹Õû ...
ªûǼÁ(©Ñ¹)˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ here you are (offering) nêe ngai
thank you very much for your ¹Õûä§
help kòrp-koon têe dâi chôo- hers* ksrng káo
ay lěu-a ¢Í§à¢Ò
¢Íº¤Ø³·Õûä´üªûÇÂàËÅ×Í that’s hers nûn ksrng káo
helpful bpen bpra-yòht mâhk ¹Ñû¹¢Í§à¢Ò
à»ç¹»ÃÐ⪹ìÁÒ¡ hey! háy!
hepatitis dtùp ùk-sàyp àÎü
µÑºÍÑ¡àʺ hi! (hello) bpai npi?
her*: I haven’t seen her psm ä»ä˹
(chún) mâi dâi hěn káo hide (verb) sôrn
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûä´üàËç¹à¢Ò «û͹

to her gàir káo high ssong

á¡ûà¢Ò ÊÙ§
with her gùp káo highchair gâo êe ssong
¡Ñºà¢Ò à¡üÒÍÕüÊÙ§
for her stm-rùp káo highway tahng dòo-un
ÊÓËÃѺà¢Ò ·Ò§´ûǹ
that’s her nûn káo hill kpo
¹Ñû¹à¢Ò à¢Ò
that’s her towel bpen pâh chét him*: I haven’t seen him
dtoo-a ksrng káo psm (chún) mâi dâi hěn
à»ç¹¼üÒàªç´µÑǢͧà¢Ò káo
herbs (for cooking) krêu-ung ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûä´üàËç¹à¢Ò
tâyt to him gàir káo
à¤Ã×ûͧà·È á¡ûà¢Ò
(medicinal) sa-msOn prai with him gùp káo
ÊÁعä¾Ã ¡Ñºà¢Ò

for him stm-rùp káo Holland bpra-tâyt hor-lairn

English ➜ Thai
that’s him nûn káo home bâhn
hip sa-pôhk ºüÒ¹
ÊÐ⾡ at home (in my house etc) têe
hire châo bâhn
àªûÒ ·ÕûºüÒ¹
for hire hâi châo (in my country) nai bpra-tâyt
ãËüàªûÒ psm (chún)
where can I hire a bike? ã¹»ÃÐà·È¼Á(©Ñ¹)
(bicycle) châo jùk-ra-yahn dâi we go home tomorrow (to
têe npi? country) rao glùp bâhn prôong
àªûҨѡÃÂÒ¹ä´ü·Õûä˹ née
his*: it’s his car bpen rót àÃÒ¡ÅѺºüÒ¹¾ÃØû§¹Õü
ksrng káo honest sêu dtrong
à»ç¹Ã¶¢Í§à¢Ò «×û͵ç

that’s his nûn ksrng káo honey núm pêung
¹Ñû¹¢Í§à¢Ò ¹üÓ¼ÖÖü§
hit (verb) dtee honeymoon hun-nee-moon
µÕ Îѹ¹ÕÁÙ¹
hitch-hike bòhk rót hood (US: car) gra-bprohng rót
⺡ö ¡ÃÐâ»Ã§Ã¶
hobby ngahn a-di-râyk hope wtng
§Ò¹Í´Ôàá ËÇѧ
hold (verb) těu I hope so wtng wâh yung
¶×Í ngún
hole roo ËÇѧÇûÒÍÂûÒ§¹Ñü¹
ÃÙ I hope not wtng wâh kông
holiday wun yòot mâi
ÇѹËÂØ´ ËÇѧÇûÒ¤§äÁû
on holiday yòot púk pòrn hopefully wtng wâh ...
ËÂØ´¾Ñ¡¼û͹ ËÇѧÇûÒ ...

horn (of car) dtrair rairm
English ➜ Thai

áµÃ Ëüͧã¹âçáÃÁ
horrible nâh glèe-ut hour chôo-a mohng
¹ûÒà¡ÅÕ´ ªÑûÇâÁ§
horse máh house bâhn
ÁüÒ ºüÒ¹
horse riding kèe máh how? yung-ngai?
¢ÕûÁüÒ ÍÂûÒ§äÃ
hospital rohng how many? gèe?
pa-yah-bahn ¡Õû
âç¾ÂÒºÒÅ how do you do? sa-wùt dee
hospitality gahn dtôrn rúp krúp (kâ)
kùp sôo ÊÇÑÊ´Õ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)
thank you for your hospitality dialogues
kòrp-koon têe dtôrn rúp kùp

sôo how are you? bpen yung-

¢Íº¤Ø³·ÕûµÍ¹ÃѺ¢ÑºÊÙü ngai bâhng?
hostess (in bar) pôo-yrng bah fine, thanks, and you?
¼ÙüËญÔ§ºÒÃì sa-bai dee krúp (kâ) láir-o
hot rórn koon lâ?
(spicy) pèt how much is it?
à¼ç´ tâo-rài?
I’m hot psm (chún) rórn 50 baht hâh sìp baht
¼Á(©Ñ¹)Ãü͹ I’ll take it ao
it’s hot today wun née
ah-gàht rórn jung ler-ee humid chéun
Çѹ¹ÕüÍÒ¡ÒÈÃü͹¨Ñ§àÅ ª×ü¹
hotel rohng rairm hungry hěw kâo
hotel room hôrng nai rohng are you hungry? hěw kâo

mái? kpirng

English ➜ Thai
ËÔÇ¢üÒÇäËÁ äÁûãÊû¹üÓá¢ç§
hurry (verb) rêep ice cream ait-greem
I’m in a hurry psm (chún) ice-cream cone groo-ay sài
dtôrng rêep ait-greem
¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧÃÕº ¡ÃÇÂãÊûäÍÈ¡ÃÕÁ
there’s no hurry mâi dtôrng iced coffee gah-fair yen
rêep ¡Òá¿àÂç¹
äÁûµüͧÃÕº ice lolly ait-greem tâirng
hurry up! ray-o ray-o kâo! äÍȤÃÕÁá·û§
àÃçÇ æ à¢üÒ idea kwahm kít
hurt (verb) jèp ¤ÇÒÁ¤Ô´
à¨çº idiot kon bâh
it really hurts jèp jing ¤¹ºüÒ
jing if tâh

à¨çº¨ÃÔ§ æ ¶üÒ
husband sph-mee ignition fai krêu-ung yon
ÊÒÁÕ ä¿à¤Ã×ûͧ¹µÃì
ill mâi sa-bai

I äÁûʺÒÂ
I feel ill psm (chún) mâi
I* (male) psm ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûʺÒÂ
¼Á illness kwahm jèp bpòo-ay
(female) chún; dee-chún ¤ÇÒÁà¨çº»ûÇÂ
©Ñ¹; ´Ô©Ñ¹ imitation (leather etc) tee-um
ice núm kpirng à·ÕÂÁ
¹üÓá¢ç§ immediately tun-tee
with ice sài núm kpirng ·Ñ¹·Õ
ãÊû¹üÓá¢ç§ important stm-kun
no ice, thanks mâi sài núm ÊÓ¤Ñญ

it’s very important stm-kun kom
English ➜ Thai

mâhk à´×͹¾ÄÉÀÒ¤Á
ÊÓ¤ÑญÁÒ¡ in English bpen pah-sph ung-
it’s not important mâi grìt
stm-kun à»ç¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ
äÁûÊÓ¤Ñญ in Thai bpen pah-sph tai
impossible bpen bpai mâi dâi à»ç¹ÀÒÉÒä·Â
à»ç¹ä»äÁûä´ü is he in? káo yòo mái?
impressive nâh têung à¢ÒÍÂÙûäËÁ
¹ûÒ·Öû§ inch* néw
improve dee kêun ¹ÔüÇ
´Õ¢Öü¹ include roo-um
I want to improve my Thai ÃÇÁ
psm (chún) yàhk ja pôot does that include meals?
pah-sph tai hâi dee kêun roo-um ah-hphn dôo-ay rěu
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ð¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒ bplào?

in: it’s in the centre nai jai is that included? roo-um yòo
glahng meu-ung dôo-ay rěu bplào?
ã¹ã¨¡ÅÒ§àÁ×ͧ ÃÇÁÍÂÙû´üÇÂËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
in my car nai rót psm (chún) inconvenient mâi sa-dòo-uk
ã¹Ã¶¼Á(©Ñ¹) äÁûÊдǡ
in Chiangmai têe chee-ung- incredible mâi nâh chêu-a
mài äÁû¹ûÒàª×ûÍ
·ÕûàªÕ§ãËÁû India bpra-tâyt in-dee-a
in two days from now èek »ÃÐà·ÈÍÔ¹à´ÕÂ
ssrng wun dtòr jàhk née Indian (adj) kàirk
ÍÕ¡ÊͧÇѹµûͨҡ¹Õü ᢡ
in five minutes èek hâh nah- indicator (on car) fai lée-o
tee ä¿àÅÕüÂÇ
ÍÕ¡ËüÒ¹Ò·Õ indigestion ah-hphn mâi yôy
in May deu-un préut-sa-pah- ÍÒËÒÃäÁûÂûÍÂ

Indonesia bpra-tâyt in-doh- inner tube (for tyre) yahng nai

English ➜ Thai
nee-see-a ÂÒ§ã¹
»ÃÐà·ÈÍԹⴹÕà«Õ innocent bor-ri-sòot
indoors kâhng nai ºÃÔÊØ·¸ì
¢üҧ㹠insect ma-lairng
inexpensive mâi pairng, tòok áÁŧ
äÁûᾧ, ¶Ù¡ insect bite ma-lairng gùt
infection ah-gahn ùk-sàyp áÁŧ¡Ñ´
ÍÒ¡ÒÃÍÑ¡àʺ do you have anything for
infectious rôhk dtìt dtòr insect bites? mee yah tah gâir
âäµÔ´µûÍ ma-lairng gùt mái?
inflammation ah-gahn bpòo-ut ÁÕÂÒ·Òá¡üáÁŧ¡Ñ´äËÁ
boo-um insect repellent yah gun
ÍÒ¡ÒûǴºÇÁ ma-lairng
informal bpen gun ayng ÂҡѹáÁŧ
à»ç¹¡Ñ¹àͧ inside kâhng nai

information kào-sphn ¢üÒ§ã¹
¢èÒÇÊÒà inside the hotel kâhng nai
do you have any information rohng rairm
about ...? mee rai la-èe-ut ¢üÒ§ã¹âçáÃÁ
gèe-o gùp ... mái? let’s sit inside bpai nûng
ÁÕÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ´à¡ÕûÂǡѺ ... äËÁ kâhng nai tèr
information desk têe sòrp 仹Ñû§¢üÒ§ã¹à¶ÍÐ
tphm insist ka-yún ka-yor
injection chèet yah I insist psm (chún) ka-yún
©Õ´ÂÒ ka-yor
injured bàht jèp ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤ÐÂÑü¹¤ÐÂÍ
ºÒ´à¨çº insomnia norn mâi lùp
she’s been injured káo bàht ¹Í¹äÁûËÅѺ
jèp instant coffee gah-fair psng
à¢ÒºÒ´à¨çº ¡Òῼ§

instead tairn into nai
English ➜ Thai

á·¹ ã¹
give me that one instead ao I’m not into ... psm (chún)
un nún tairn mâi chôrp ...
àÍÒÍѹ¹Ñü¹á·¹ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûªÍº ...
instead of ... tairn têe ja ... introduce náir-num
á·¹·Õû¨Ð ... á¹Ð¹Ó
insulin in-soo-lin may I introduce ...? psm
ÍÔ¹«ÙÅÔ¹ (chún) ksr náir-num hâi róo-
insurance gahn bpra-gun pai jùk gùp ...
¡ÒûÃСѹÀÑ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¢Íá¹Ð¹ÓãËüèüÙ ¡ Ñ ¡Ñº ...
intelligent cha-làht invitation kum chern
©ÅÒ´ ¤ÓàªÔญ
interested: I’m interested in ... invite chern choo-un
psm (chún) ssn jai ... àªÔญªÇ¹
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ʹ㨠... Ireland ai-lairn

interesting nâh ssn jai äÍÃìᏴì

¹ûÒʹ㨠iron (for ironing) dtao rêet
that’s very interesting nâh ssn àµÒÃÕ´
jai mâhk can you iron these for me?
¹ûÒʹã¨ÁÒ¡ chôo-ay rêet hâi nòy dâi mái?
international sph-gon ªûÇÂÃÕ´ãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
ÊÒ¡Å is* bpen
interpret bplair à»ç¹
á»Å island gòr
interpreter lâhm à¡ÒÐ
ÅûÒÁ it mun
intersection sèe yâirk Áѹ
ÊÕûá¡ it is ... bpen ...
interval (at theatre) púk à»ç¹ ...
krêung is it ...? ... châi mái?
¾Ñ¡¤ÃÖû§ ... ãªûäËÁ

where is it? yòo têe npi? jaw kph-gun-grai

English ➜ Thai
ÍÂÙû·Õûä˹ ¢Ò¡ÃÃä¡Ã
it’s him káo nûn làir jazz jáirt
à¢Ò¹Ñû¹áËÅÐ á¨ýÊ
it was ... bpen ... jealous hěung
à»ç¹ ... ËÖ§
Italy bpra-tâyt jeans yeen
ì-dtah-lee ÂÕ¹Êì
»ÃÐà·ÈÍÔµÒÅÕ jellyfish mairng ga-proon
itch: it itches kun áÁ§¡Ð¾Ãع
¤Ñ¹ jersey sêu-a sa-wét-dtêr
jetty tâh reu-a
jeweller’s ráhn kpi krêu-ung
jack (for car) mâir rairng pét ploy

áÁûáç ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂà¤Ã×ûͧྪþÅÍÂ
jacket sêu-a nôrk jewellery pét ploy
àÊ×ü͹͡ ྪþÅÍÂ
jam yairm Jewish yew
jammed: it’s jammed mun dtìt job ngahn
nâirn §Ò¹
ÁѹµÔ´á¹û¹ jogging jórk-gîng
January mók-ga-rah-kom ¨çÍ¡¡Ôü§
Á¡ÃÒ¤Á to go jogging bpai
Japan yêe-bpòon jórk-gîng
ญÕû»Øû¹ 仨çÍ¡¡Ôü§
Japanese yêe-bpòon joke dta-lòk
ญÕû»Øû¹ µÅ¡
jar (noun) hpi journey gahn dern tahng
äË ¡ÒÃà´Ô¹·Ò§

have a good journey! dern we’ve just arrived rao pêrng
English ➜ Thai

tahng dôo-ay dee ná! mah mêu-a gêe née ayng

jug yèu-uk
àËÂ×Í¡ K
a jug of water yèu-uk náhm
juice náhm psn-la-mái keep gèp
¹üÓÒ¼ÅäÁü à¡çº
July ga-rúk-ga-dah-kom keep the change mâi dtôrng
¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á torn
jump (verb) gra-dòht äÁûµüͧ·Í¹
¡ÃÐâ´´ can I keep it? psm (chún) gèp
jumper sêu-a sa-wét-dtêr wái dâi mái?
àÊ×üÍÊàǵàµÍÃì ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¡çºäÇüä´üäËÁ
junction tahng yâirk please keep it ao wái ler-ee

·Ò§á¡ àÍÒäÇüàÅÂ
June mí-too-nah-yon ketchup sórt ma-kěu-a tâyt
ÁԶعÒ¹ «ÍÊÁÐà¢×Íà·È
jungle bpàh kettle gah náhm
»ûÒ ¡Ò¹üÓ
just (only) tâo-nún key goon-jair
à·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ ¡Øญá¨
just two ssrng un tâo-nún the key for room 201, please
ÊͧÍѹà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ ksr goon-jair hôrng ssrng
just for me stm-rùp psm sson sèe
(chún) kon dee-o ¢Í¡Øญá¨ËüͧÊͧÈÙ¹ÂìÊÕû
ÊÓËÃѺ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤¹à´ÕÂÇ keyring hòo-ung
just here dtrong née goon-jair
µÃ§¹Õü Ëûǧ¡Øญá¨
not just now mâi ao děe-o née kidneys (in body) dtai
äÁûàÍÒà´ÕþÂǹÕü äµ

(food) krêu-ung nai knee hso-a kào

English ➜ Thai
kill kâh knickers gahng gayng nai
¦ûÒ sa-dtree
kilo* gi-loh ¡Ò§à¡§ã¹ÊµÃÕ
¡ÔâÅ knife mêet
kilometre* gi-loh-mét ÁÕ´
¡ÔâÅàÁµÃ knock (verb) kór
how many kilometres is it à¤ÒÐ
to ...? bpai ... gèe gi-loh? knock down (road accident) rót
ä» ... ¡Õ›¡ÔâÅ chon
kind (generous) jai dee öª¹
ã¨´Õ he’s been knocked down káo
that’s very kind koon jai dee tòok rót chon
mâhk à¢Ò¶Ù¡Ã¶ª¹
¤Ø³ã¨´ÕÁÒ¡ knock over (object, pedestrian)

chon lóm
dialogue ª¹ÅüÁ
know (somebody) róo-jùk
which kind do you want? ÃÙü¨Ñ¡
ao bàirp npi? (something) róo; (formal) sâhp
I want this/that kind ao ÃÙü; ·ÃÒº
bàirp née/nún (a place) róo-jùk
king nai lso-ung I don’t know psm (chún) mâi
ã¹ËÅǧ róo/sâhp
kiosk dtôo ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÃÙü/·ÃÒº
µüÙ I didn’t know that psm (chún)
kiss jòop mâi róo/sâhp mah gòrn
¨Ùº ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÃÙü/·ÃÒºÁÒ¡û͹
kitchen hôrng kroo-a do you know where I can
Ëüͧ¤ÃÑÇ find ...? sâhp mái wâh ja hph

... dâi têe npi? Laos bpra-tâyt lao
English ➜ Thai

·ÃÒºäËÁÇûÒ¨ÐËÒ ... ä´ü·Õûä˹ »ÃÐà·ÈÅÒÇ

large yài

L ãËญû
last sòot tái
label bpâi last week mêu-a ah-tít gòrn
»üÒ àÁ×ûÍÍÒ·ÔµÂì¡û͹
ladies’ (room) sa-dtree last Friday mêu-a wun sòok
ʵÃÕ gòrn
ladies’ wear krêu-ung dtàirng àÁ×ûÍÇѹÈØ¡Ãì¡û͹
gai sa-dtree last night mêu-a keun née
à¤Ã×ûͧáµû§¡ÒÂʵÃÕ àÁ×ûͤ׹¹Õü
lady pôo-yrng what time is the last train
¼ÙüËญÔ§ to Ubon? rót fai bpai oo-
lager lah-ger bon têe-o sòot tái òrk

ÅÒà¡ÍÃì gèe mohng?

lake ta-lay sàhp öä¿ä»ÍغÅà·ÕûÂÇÊØ´·üÒÂ
·ÐàÅÊÒº ÍÍ¡¡ÕûâÁ§
lamb (meat) néu-a gàir late cháh
à¹×üÍá¡Ð ªüÒ
lamp kohm fai fáh sorry I’m late ksr-tôht têe
â¤Áä¿¿üÒ mah cháh
lane (motorway) chôrng ¢Íâ·É·ÕûÁÒªüÒ
ªûͧ the train was late rót fai mah
(small road) soy těung cháh
«Í öä¿ÁÒ¶Ö§ªüÒ
language pah-sph we must go – we’ll be late rao
ÀÒÉÒ dtôrng bpai děe-o ja mâi tun
language course bàirp ree-un àÃÒµüÍ§ä» à´ÕþÂǨÐäÁû·Ñ¹
pah-sph it’s getting late dèuk láir-o

later tee ltng lazy kêe gèe-ut

English ➜ Thai
·ÕËÅѧ ¢Õüà¡Õ¨
I’ll come back later děe-o ja lead (electrical) spi fai fáh
glùp mah ÊÒÂä¿¿üÒ
à´ÕþÂǨСÅѺÁÒ (verb) num
see you later děe-o jer gun ¹Ó
èek where does this lead to? nêe
à´ÕþÂÇà¨Í¡Ñ¹ÍÕ¡ bpai těung npi?
later on tee ltng ¹Õû件֧ä˹
·ÕËÅѧ leaf bai mái
latest yàhng cháh têe sòot ãºäÁü
ÍÂûÒ§ªüÒ·ÕûÊØ´ leaflet bai bplew
by Wednesday at the latest 㺻ÅÔÇ
wun póot yàhng cháh têe leak rôo-a
sòot ÃÑûÇ
Çѹ¾Ø¸ÍÂûÒ§ªüÒ·ÕûÊØ´ the roof leaks ltng-kah

laugh (verb) hso-a rór rôo-a
laundry (clothes) sêu-a pâh learn ree-un
àÊ×üͼüÒ àÃÕÕ¹
(place) ráhn súk pâh least: not in the least mâi
ÃüÒ¹«Ñ¡¼üÒ ler-ee
lavatory hôrng náhm äÁûàÅÂ
Ëüͧ¹üÓ at least yàhng nóy têe sòot
law gòt-mpi ÍÂûÒ§¹éÍ·ÕûÊØ´
¡®ËÁÒ leather ntng
lawn sa-nphm yâh ˹ѧ
ʹÒÁËญüÒ leave (verb: behind) tíng wái
lawyer ta-nai kwahm ·Ôü§äÇü
·¹Ò¤ÇÒÁ (go away) jàhk bpai
laxative yah tài ¨Ò¡ä»
ÂÒ¶ûÒÂ I am leaving tomorrow psm

(chún) bpai prôong née leg kph
English ➜ Thai

¼Á(©Ñ¹)仾ÃØû§¹Õü ¢Ò
he left yesterday káo bpai lemon ma-nao
mêu-a wahn née ÁйÒÇ
à¢Òä»àÁ×ûÍÇÒ¹¹Õü lemonade núm ma-nao
may I leave this here? ksr ¹üÓÁйÒÇ
fàhk wái têe nêe dâi mái? lemon tea núm chah sài ma-
¢Í½Ò¡äÇü·Õû¹Õûä´üäËÁ nao
I left my coat in the bar psm ¹üÓªÒãÊûÁйÒÇ
(chún) tíng sêu-a wái têe lend: will you lend me
bah your ... ? ksr yeum ... nòy,
¼Á(©Ñ¹)·Ôü§àÊ×üÍäÇü·ÕûºÒÃì dâi mái?
when does the bus for ¢ÍÂ×Á ... ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
Bangsaen leave? rót bpai lens (of camera) layn
bahng-spirn òrk gèe mohng? àŹ«ì
ö仺ҧáʹÍÍ¡¡ÕûâÁ§ lesbian ‘lesbian’

left sái àÅçÊàºÕ¹

«üÒÂ less nóy gwàh
on the left tahng sái ¹üÍ¡ÇûÒ
·Ò§«üÒ less than ... nóy gwàh ...
to the left tahng sái ¹üÍ¡ÇûÒ ...
·Ò§«üÒ less expensive tòok gwàh
turn left lée-o sái ¶Ù¡¡ÇûÒ
àÅÕüÂÇ«üÒ lesson bòt ree-un
there’s none left mâi mee º·àÃÕ¹
lvu-a yòo let (allow) hâi
left-handed ta-nùt meu sái will you let me know? chôo-
¶¹Ñ´Á×Í«üÒ ay bòrk hâi psm (chún) sâhp
left luggage (office) têe fàhk dôo-ay
gra-bppo ªûǺ͡ãËü¼Á(©Ñ¹)·ÃÒº´üÇÂ
·Õû½Ò¡¡ÃÐà»þÒ I’ll let you know psm (chún)

ja bòrk hâi sâhp lifebelt choo chêep

English ➜ Thai
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¨ÐºÍ¡ãËü·ÃÒº ªÙªÕ¾
let’s go for something to eat life jacket sêu-a choo chêep
bpai tahn kâo mái? àÊ×üͪ٪վ
ä»·Ò¹¢üÒÇäËÁ lift (in building) líf
let off: will you let me off ÅÔ¿·ì
at ...? ksr long têe ... dâi mái? could you give me a lift?
¢Íŧ·Õû ... ä´üäËÁ chôo-ay bpai sòng nòy, dâi
letter jòt-mpi mái?
¨´ËÁÒ ªûÇÂä»Êû§Ë¹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
do you have any letters for would you like a lift? bpai
me? mee jòt-mpi mah těung sòng hâi ao mái?
psm (chún) mái? ä»Êû§ãËüàÍÒäËÁ
ÁÕ¨´ËÁÒÂÁÒ¶Ö§¼Á(©Ñ¹)äËÁ light (noun) fai
letterbox dtôo jòt-mpi ä¿
µÙü¨´ËÁÒ (not heavy) bao

lettuce pùk-gàht àºÒ
¼Ñ¡¡Ò´ do you have a light? (for
lever (noun) kun yók cigarette) mee fai mái?
¤Ñ¹Â¡ ÁÕä¿äËÁ
library hsr sa-mòot light green sěe kěe-o òrn
licence bai un-nóo-yâht light bulb lòrt fai fáh
ãºÍ¹ØญÒµ ËÅÍ´ä¿¿üÒ
lid fph I need a new light bulb psm
½Ò (chún) dtôrng-gahn lòrt fai
lie (verb: tell untruth) goh-hòk fáh
â¡Ë¡ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧ¡ÒÃËÅÍ´ä¿¿üÒ
lie down norn lighter (cigarette) fai cháirk
¹Í¹ ä¿áªý¡
life chee-wít lightning fáh lâirp
ªÕÇÔµ ¿éÒáź

like (verb) chôrp I want one like this ao bàirp
English ➜ Thai

ªÍº née
I like it psm (chún) chôrp àÍÒẺ¹Õü
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍº lime ma-nao
I like going for walks psm ÁйÒÇ
(chún) chôrp bpai dern lên line (on paper) sên
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍºä»à´Ô¹àÅû¹ àÊü¹
I like you psm (chún) chôrp (phone) spi
koon ÊÒÂ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍº¤Ø³ could you give me an
I don’t like it psm (chún) mâi outside line? chôo-ay dtòr spi
chôrp kâhng nôrk hâi nòy, dâi mái?
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûªÍº ªèǵûÍÊÒ¢üÒ§¹Í¡ãËü˹ûÍÂ
do you like ...? koon chôrp ... ä´üäËÁ
mái? lips rim fěe bpàhk
¤Ø³ªÍº ...äËÁ ÃÔÁ½Õ»Ò¡

I’d like a beer psm (chún) ao lip salve kêe pêung tah rim fěe
bee-a kòo-ut nèung bpàhk
¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÍÒàºÕÂÃì¢Ç´Ë¹Öû§ ¢Õü¼Öü§·ÒÃÔÁ½Õ»Ò¡
I’d like to go swimming psm lipstick líp sa-dtík
(chún) yàhk bpai wâi náhm ÅԻʵԡ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡ä»ÇûÒ¹üÓ listen fung
would you like a drink? koon ¿Ñ§
dèum a-rai mái? litre* lít
would you like to go for a little lék
walk? koon yàhk bpai dern àÅç¡
lên mái? just a little, thanks nít dee-o
¤Ø³ÍÂÒ¡ä»à´Ô¹àÅû¹äËÁ nít dee-o tâo-nún
what’s it like? bpen yung ¹Ô´à´ÕÂÇà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹
ngai? a little milk nom nít nòy
à»ç¹ÍÂûÒ§äà ¹Á¹Ô´Ë¹ûÍÂ

a little bit more èek nít náir-num ráhn ah-hphn tpir-

English ➜ Thai
nèung o née hâi nòy dâi mái?
ÍÕ¡¹Ô´Ë¹Öû§ ªûÇÂá¹Ð¹ÓÃüÒ¹ÍÒËÒÃá¶Ç¹Õ ü
live (verb) mee chee-wít yòo ãËé˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
ÁÕªÕÇÔµÍÂÙû lock (noun) goon-jair
we live together rao yòo dôo- ¡Øญá¨
ay gun (verb) sài goon-jair
àÃÒÍÂÙû´üÇ¡ѹ ãÊû¡Øญá¨
it’s locked sài goon-jair láir-o
dialogue ãÊû¡Øญá¨áÅüÇ
lock out: I’ve locked myself
where do you live? koon out bpìt goon-jair láir-o kâo
yòo têe npi? hôrng mâi dâi
I live in London psm »Ô´¡Øญá¨áÅüÇà¢üÒËüͧäÁûä´ü
(chún) yòo têe lorn-dorn locker (for luggage etc) dtôo

lively (person, town) mee lollipop om-yím
chee-wít chee-wah ÍÁÂÔüÁ
ÁÕªÕÇÔµªÕÇÒ London lorn-dorn
liver (in body, food) dtùp Å͹´Í¹
楧 long yao
loaf bporn ÂÒÇ
»Í¹´ì how long will it take to fix it?
lobby (in hotel) pa-nàirk dtôrn chái way-lah sôrm nahn tâo-
rúp rài?
á¼¹¡µü͹ÃѺ ãªüàÇÅÒ«ûÍÁ¹Ò¹à·ûÒäÃ
lobster gôong yài how long does it take?
¡Øü§ãËญû chái way-lah nahn
local tpir-o née tâo-rài?
á¶Ç¹Õü ãªüàÇÅÒ¹Ò¹à·ûÒäÃ
can you recommend a a long time nahn
local restaurant? chôo-ay ¹Ò¹

one day/two days longer èek lorry rót bun-tóok
English ➜ Thai

wun ssrng wun öºÃ÷ء

ÍÕ¡ÇѹÊͧÇѹ lose hpi
long-distance call toh tahng ËÒÂ
glai I’ve lost my way psm (chún)
â·Ã·Ò§ä¡Å lsng tahng
long-tailed boat reu-a hphng ¼Á(©Ñ¹)Ëŧ·Ò§
yao I’m lost, I want to get to ...
àÃ×ÍËÒ§ÂÒÇ psm (chún) lsng tahng,
look: I’m just looking, thanks dtôrng-gahn bpai ...
psm (chún) chom doo tâo- ¼Á(©Ñ¹)Ëŧ·Ò§ µüͧ¡ÒÃä» ...
nún I’ve lost my bag gra-bppo
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÁ´Ùà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ psm (chún) hpi
you don’t look well koon tâh ¡ÃÐà»þÒ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ËÒÂ
tahng mâi sa-bai lost property (office) têe jâirng
¤Ø³·ûÒ·Ò§äÁûʺÒ ksrng hpi

look out! ra-wung ná! ·Õûá¨ü§¢Í§ËÒÂ

ÃÐÇѧ¹Ð lot: a lot, lots mâhk
can I have a look? ksr doo ÁÒ¡
nòy, dâi mái? not a lot mâi mâhk
¢Í´Ù˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ äÁûÁÒ¡
look after doo lair a lot of people kon mâhk
´ÙáÅ ¤¹ÁÒ¡
look at doo a lot bigger yài mâhk gwàh
´Ù ãËญûÁÒ¡¡ÇûÒ
look for hph I like it a lot psm (chún)
ËÒ chôrp mâhk
I’m looking for ... psm (chún) ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍºÁÒ¡
gum-lung hph ... lotion yah tah
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡ÓÅѧËÒ ... ÂÒ·Ò
loose (handle etc) lòot loud dung
ËÅØ´ ´Ñ§

lounge (in house, hotel) hôrng rso-rph

English ➜ Thai
nûng lên ËÃÙËÃÒ
Ëüͧ¹Ñû§àÅû¹ luxury ksrng fôom feu-ay
(in airport) hôrng púk pôo doy- ¢Í§¿ûØÁà¿×ÍÂ
ee sphn
Ëüͧ¾Ñ¡¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒà M
love (noun) kwahm rúk
machine krêu-ung
(verb) rúk
mad (insane) bâh
I love Thailand psm (chún)
rúk meu-ung tai
(angry) gròht
lovely sso-ay
magazine nít-ta-ya-sphn
low (prices, bridge) dtùm
maid (in hotel) yrng

rúp chái
luck chôhk
maiden name nahm sa-goon
good luck! chôhk dee!
luggage gra-bppo
mail (noun) jòt-mpi
luggage trolley rót kěn
(verb) sòng jòt-mpi
lump (on body) néu-a ngôrk
is there any mail for me? mee
jòt-mpi stm-rùp psm (chún)
lunch ah-hphn glahng wun
lungs bpòrt
mailbox dtôo jòt-mpi
luxurious (hotel, furnishings)

main stm-kun see-a
English ➜ Thai

main post office bprai-sa-nee man pôo-chai
glahng ¼ÙüªÒÂ
ä»ÃɳÕÂì¡ÅÒ§ manager pôo-jùt-gahn
main road ta-nsn yài ¼Ùü¨Ñ´¡ÒÃ
¶¹¹ãËญû can I see the manager? ksr
mains switch (for electricity) sa- póp pôo-jùt-gahn nòy
wít spi fai yài ¢Í¾º¼Ùü¨Ñ´¡ÒÃ˹ûÍÂ
ÊÇÔªÊÒÂä¿ãËญû mango ma-môo-ung
make (brand name) yêe hôr ÁÐÁûǧ
ÂÕûËüÍ many mâhk
(verb) tum ÁÒ¡
·Ó not many mâi mâhk
I make it 500 baht psm äÁûÁÒ¡
(chún) kít wâh hâh róy bàht map ppirn-têe

¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤Ô´ÇûÒËüÒÃüͺҷ á¼¹·Õû
what is it made of? tum dôo- March mee-nah-kom
ay a-rai? ÁÕ¹Ò¤Á
·Ó´üÇÂÍÐäà margarine ner-ee tee-um
make-up krêu-ung à¹Âà·ÕÂÁ
stm-ahng market dta-làht
à¤Ã×ûͧÊÓÍÒ§ µÅÒ´
malaria kâi jùp sùn, mah-lay- marmalade yairm
ree-a áÂÁ
ä¢ü¨ÑºÊÑû¹, ÁÒàÅàÃÕ married: I’m married psm
malaria tablets yah gâir mah- (chún) dtàirng ngahn láir-o
lay-ree-a ¼Á(©Ñ¹)áµû§§Ò¹áÅüÇ
ÂÒá¡üÁÒàÅàÃÕ are you married? koon
Malay (adj) ma-lah-yoo dtàirng ngahn láir-o rěu
ÁÅÒÂÙ yung?
Malaysia bpra-tâyt mah-lay- ¤Ø³áµû§§Ò¹áÅüÇËÃ×ÍÂѧ

mascara mair-sa-kah-rah dâi mái?

English ➜ Thai
áÁʤÒÃÒ ¹Ñû§·Õû¹Õûä´üäËÁ
massage nôo-ut maybe bahng tee
¹Ç´ ºÒ§·Õ
match (football etc) gahn kàirng mayonnaise núm sa-lùt
ktn ¹üÓÊÅÑ´
¡ÒÃá¢û§¢Ñ¹ me* (male) psm
matches mái kèet ¼Á
äÁü¢Õ´ (female) dee-chún, chún
material (fabric) pâh ´Ô©Ñ¹, ©Ñ¹
¼üÒ that’s for me nûn stm-rùp
matter: it doesn’t matter mâi psm (chún)
bpen rai ¹Ñû¹ÊÓËÃѺ¼Á(©Ñ¹)
äÁûà»ç¹äà send it to me sòng mah hâi
what’s the matter? bpen psm (chún)
a-rai? Êû§ÁÒãËü¼Á(©Ñ¹)

à»ç¹ÍÐäà me too psm (chún) gôr měu-
mattress têe norn un gun
·Õû¹Í¹ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡çàËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹
May préut-sa-pah-kom meal ah-hphn
may: may I have another
one? ksr èek un nèung dâi dialogue
¢ÍÍÕ¡Íѹ˹Öû§ä´üäËÁ did you enjoy your meal?
may I come in? kâo mah dâi ah-hphn a-ròy mái?
mái? it was excellent, thank you
à¢üÒÁÒä´üäËÁ a-ròy mâhk
may I see it? ksr doo nòy dâi
mái? mean (verb) mpi kwahm
may I sit here? nûng têe nêe what do you mean? koon

mui kwahm wâh a-rai? gun têe npi?
English ➜ Thai

¤Ø³ËÁÒ¤ÇÒÁÇûÒÍÐäà ¾º¡Ñ¹·Õûä˹
meeting bpra-choom
dialogue »ÃЪØÁ
meeting place têe nút póp
what does this word ·Õû¹Ñ´¾º
mean? kum née bplàir melon dtairng tai
wâh a-rai? ᵧä·Â
it means ... in English pah- men pôo-chai
sph ung-grìt bplair wâh ... ¼ÙüªÒÂ
mend sôrm
measles rôhk hùt «ûÍÁ
âäËÑ´ could you mend this for me?
meat néu-a koon sôrm hâi dâi mái?
à¹×üÍ ¤Ø³«ûÍÁãËüä´üäËÁ
mechanic châhng krêu-ung men’s room boo-ròot

ªûÒ§à¤Ã×ûͧ ºØÃØÉ
medicine yah menswear krêu-ung dtàirng
ÂÒ gai boo-ròot
medium (adj: size) glahng à¤Ã×ûͧáµû§¡ÒºØÃØÉ
¡ÅÒ§ mention (verb) glào těung
medium-rare (steak) sòok sòok ¡ÅûÒǶ֧
dìp dìp don’t mention it mâi bpen
ÊØ¡æ´Ôºæ rai
medium-sized ka-nàht glahng äÁûà»ç¹äÃ
¢¹Ò´¡ÅÒ§ menu may-noo
meet (verb) póp àÁ¹Ù
¾º may I see the menu, please?
nice to meet you yin dee têe ksr doo may-noo nòy krúp
dâi róo-jùk gun (kâ)
ÂÔ¹´Õ·Õûä´üÃÙü¨Ñ¡¡Ñ¹ ¢Í´ÙàÁ¹Ù˹ûͤÃѺ(¤ûÐ)
where shall I meet you? póp see Menu Reader page 246

message kào might: I might ... bahng tee

English ➜ Thai
¢ûÒÇ psm (chún) àht ja ...
are there any messages for ºÒ§·Õ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÒ¨¨Ð ...
me? mee krai sùng a-rai wái I might not ... bahng tee psm
rěu bplào? (chún) àht ja mâi ...
ÁÕã¤ÃÊÑû§ÍÐäÃäÇüËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ ºÒ§·Õ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÒ¨¨ÐäÁû ...
I want to leave a I might want to stay another
message for ... psm (chún) day bahng tee psm (chún) àht
yàhk ja fàhk bòrk a-rai ja yòo èek wun nèung
hâi ... ºÒ§·Õ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÒ¨¨ÐÍÂÙûÍÕ¡Çѹ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ð½Ò¡ºÍ¡ ˹Öû§
ÍÐäÃãËü ... migraine bpòo-ut hso-a
metal (noun) loh-hà kâhng dee-o
metre* mét mild (taste) mâi pèt
àÁµÃ äÁûà¼ç´

midday têe-ung wun mile* mai
à·Õû§Çѹ äÁÅì
at midday têe-ung wun milk nom
à·ÕûÕ§Çѹ ¹Á
middle: in the middle yòo millimetre* min-li-mét
dtrong glahng ÁÔÅÅÔàÁµÃ
ÍÂÙûµÃ§¡ÅÒ§ minced meat néu-a sùp
in the middle of the night à¹×üÍÊѺ
dtorn glahng keun mind: never mind mâi bpen
µÍ¹¡ÅÒ§¤×¹ rai
the middle one un glahng äÁûà»ç¹äÃ
Íѹ¡ÅÒ§ I’ve changed my mind psm
midnight têe-ung keun (chún) bplèe-un jai láir-o
à·Õû§¤×¹ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ÅÕû¹ã¨áÅüÇ
at midnight têe-ung keun

dialogue mee gra-bppo hpi bpai
English ➜ Thai

do you mind if I open mist mòrk
the window? ksr bpèrt ËÁÍ¡
nâh-dtàhng nòy, dâi mistake (noun) kwahm pìt
mái? ¤ÇÒÁ¼Ô´
no, I don’t mind dâi I think there’s a mistake psm
(chún) kít wâh mee kôr pìt
mine*: it’s mine ksrng psm lék nóy
(chún) ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤Ô´ÇûÒÁÕ¢üͼԴ
¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹) àÅ硹éÍÂ
mineral water núm râir sorry, I’ve made a mistake
¹üÓáÃû ksr-tôht, psm (chún) tum
minute nah-tee pìt
¹Ò·Õ ¢Íâ·É¼Á(©Ñ¹)·Ó¼Ô´
in a minute èek bpra-děe-o misunderstanding kwahm kâo

ÍÕ¡»ÃÐà´ÕþÂÇ jai pìt

just a minute děe-o, děe-o ¤ÇÒÁà¢üÒ㨼Դ
à´ÕþÂÇ æ mix-up: sorry, there’s been a
mirror gra-jòk ngao mix-up ksr-tôht, mee kwahm
¡ÃШ¡à§Ò kâo jai pìt
Miss nahng-spo ¢Íâ·É ÁÕ¤ÇÒÁà¢üÒ㨼Դ
¹Ò§ÊÒÇ mobile phone toh-ra-sùp rái spi
miss: I missed the bus psm â·ÃÈѾ·ìäÃéÊÒÂ
(chún) dtòk rót may modern tun sa-mpi
¼Á(©Ñ¹)µ¡Ã¶àÁÅì ·Ñ¹ÊÁÑÂ
missing hpi bpai moisturizer kreem bum-roong
ËÒÂä» pěw
one of my ... is missing ksng ¤ÃÕÁºÓÃا¼ÔÇ
psm (chún) hpi bpai ... moment: I won’t be a moment
¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹)ËÒÂä» ... ror děe-o
there’s a suitcase missing ÃÍà´ÕþÂÇ

monastery wút a lot more èek mâhk

English ➜ Thai
Monday wun jun
Çѹ¨Ñ¹·Ãì dialogue
money ngern
à§Ô¹ would you like some
monk prá more? ao èek mái?
¾ÃÐ no, no more for me, thanks
monsoon mor-ra-ssOm por láir-o, kòrp-koon
ÁÃÊØÁ krúp (kâ)
month deu-un how about you? láir-o
à´×͹ koon lâ?
monument a-nóo-sph-wa-ree I don’t want any more,
͹ØÊÒÇÃÕÂì thanks por láir-o krúp (kâ)
moon prá-jun
¾ÃШѹ·Ãì morning dtorn cháo

moped rót mor-dter-sai µÍ¹àªüÒ
öÁÍÃìàµÍÃì䫤ì this morning cháo née
more* èek àªüÒ¹Õü
ÍÕ¡ in the morning dtorn cháo
can I have some more water, µÍ¹àªüÒ
please? ksr náhm èek nòy mosquito yoong
krúp (kâ) Âا
¢Í¹üÓÍա˹ûͤÃѺ(¤ûÐ) mosquito net móong
more expensive/interesting ÁØü§
pairng/nâh ssn jai gwàh mosquito repellent yah gun
ᾧ/¹ûÒʹ㨡ÇûÒ yoong
more than 50 hâh sìp gwàh ÂҡѹÂا
ËüÒÊÔº¡ÇûÒ most: I like this one most of
more than that mâhk gwàh all psm (chún) chôrp un née
nún mâhk têe sòot
ÁÒ¡¡ÇûÒ¹Ñü¹ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍºÍѹ¹ÕüÁÒ¡·ÕûÊØ´

most of the time sòo-un mouth ulcer plpir nai bpàhk
English ➜ Thai

mâhk á¼Åã¹»Ò¡
ÊûǹÁÒ¡ move: he’s moved to another
most tourists núk tôrng têe-o room káo yái bpai yòo èek
sòo-un mâhk hôrng nèung
¹Ñ¡·ûͧà·ÕûÂÇÊûǹÁÒ¡ à¢ÒÂüÒÂä»ÍÂÙûÍÕ¡Ëüͧ˹Öû§
mostly sòo-un mâhk could you move your car?
ÊûǹÁÒ¡ chôo-ay lêu-un rót ksrng
mother mâir koon, dâi mái?
áÁû ªûÇÂàÅ×û͹ö¢Í§¤Ø³ä´üäËÁ
mother-in-law (of a man) mâir could you move up a little?
yai chít nai nòy dâi mái?
áÁûÂÒ ªÔ´ã¹Ë¹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
(of a woman) mâir pso-a where has it moved to? (shop,
áÁû¼ÑÇ restaurant etc) yái bpai yòo têe
motorbike rót mor-dter-sai npi?

öÁÍÃìàµÍÃì䫤ì ÂüÒÂä»ÍÂÙû·Õûä˹
motorboat reu-a yon movie ntng
àÃ×͹µÃì ˹ѧ
motorway tahng dòo-un movie theater rohng ntng
·Ò§´ûǹ âç˹ѧ
mountain poo-kpo Mr nai
in the mountains nai Mrs nahng
poo-kpo ¹Ò§
ã¹ÀÙà¢Ò much mâhk
mouse nso ÁÒ¡
˹٠much better/worse dee/yâir
moustache nòo-ut mâhk gwàh
˹Ǵ ´Õ/áÂûÁÒ¡¡ÇûÒ
mouth bpàhk much hotter rórn mâhk gwàh
»Ò¡ Ãü͹ÁÒ¡¡ÇûÒ

not much mâi mâhk (chún) dtôrng mâi gin lâo

English ➜ Thai
äÁûÁÒ¡ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧäÁû¡Ô¹àËÅüÒ
not very much mâi kôy mâhk mustard núm jîm mut-sa-
äÁû¤ûÍÂÁÒ¡ dtàht
I don’t want very much psm ¹üÓ¨ÔüÁÁÑʵҴ
(chún) mâi ao mâhk my* ksrng psm (chún)
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûàÍÒÁÒ¡ ¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹)
mud klohn myself: I’ll do it myself psm
â¤Å¹ (chún) ja tum ayng
mug: I’ve been mugged psm ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¨Ð·Óàͧ
(chún) tòok jêe by myself dôo-ay dton
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¶Ù¡¨Õü ayng
mum mâir ´éǵ¹àͧ
mumps kahng toom

museum pí-pít-ta-pun
¾Ô¾Ô¸Àѳ±ì nail (finger) lép meu
mushrooms hèt àÅçºÁ×Í
àËç´ (metal) dta-bpoo
music don-dtree µÐ»Ù
´¹µÃÕ nailbrush bprairng kùt lép
musician núk don-dtree á»Ã§¢Ñ´àÅçº
¹Ñ¡´¹µÃÕ nail varnish yah tah lép
Muslim (adj) ì-sa-lahm ÂÒ·ÒàÅçº
ÍÔÊÅÒÁ name chêu
mussels hsy mairng pôo ª×ûÍ
ËÍÂáÁ§ÀÙû my name’s ... psm chêu ...
must*: I must psm (chún) ¼Áª×ûͨÍËì¹ ...
dtôrng what’s your name? koon
¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧ chêu a-rai?
I mustn’t drink alcohol psm ¤Ø³ª×ûÍÍÐäÃ

what is the name of this ... glâi têe sòot yòo têe npi?
English ➜ Thai

street? nêe ta-nsn a-rai? ... ã¡Åü·ÕûÊØ´ÍÂÙû·Õûä˹

¹Õû¶¹¹ÍÐäà nearby yòo glâi
napkin pâh chét bpàhk ÍÂÙûã¡Åü
¼üÒàªç´»Ò¡ nearly gèu-up
nappy pâh ôrm à¡×ͺ
¼üÒÍüÍÁ necessary jum-bpen
narrow (street) kâirp ¨Óà»ç¹
᤺ neck kor
nasty nâh too-râyt ¤Í
¹ûÒ·ØàÃÈ necklace sôy kor
national hàirng châht ÊÃüͤÍ
áËû§ªÒµÔ necktie nék-tai
nationality stn-châht à¹ç¤ä·
ÊÑญªÒµÔ need: I need ... psm (chún)
natural tum-ma-châht dtôrng-gahn ...

¸ÃÃÁªÒµÔ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧ¡Òà ...

nausea ah-gahn klêun hěe-un do I need to pay? dtôrng jài
ÍÒ¡ÒäÅ×û¹àËÕ¹ rěu bplào?
navy (blue) sěe fáh gàir µüͧ¨ûÒÂËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
ÊÕ¿üÒá¡û needle kěm
near glâi à¢çÁ
ã¡Åü negative (film) feem
is it near the city centre? yòo nay-gah-dteef
glâi meu-ung mái? ¿ÔÅìÁ๡ҵտ
ÍÂÙûã¡ÅüàÁ×ͧäËÁ nephew lphn chai
do you go near the museum? ËÅÒ¹ªÒÂ
koon pàhn bpai glâi glâi net (in sport) dtah-kài
pí-pít-ta-pun mái? µÒ¢ûÒÂ
¤Ø³¼ûÒ¹ä»ã¡Åüæ never mâi ker-ee
¾Ô¾Ô¸Àѳ±ìäËÁ äÁûà¤Â
where is the nearest ...?

dialogue New Zealander: I’m a New

English ➜ Thai
Zealander psm (chún) bpen
have you ever been to Hua kon new see-láirn
Hin? koon ker-ee bpai ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹¹ÔÇ«ÕᏴì
hso-a hrn mái? next nâh
no, never, I’ve never been ˹üÒ
there mâi ker-ee, psm the next turning on the left
(chún) mâi ker-ee bpai lée-o sái têe tahng yâirk
kâhng nâh
new mài àÅÕüÂÇ«üÒ·Õû·Ò§á¡¢üҧ˹üÒ
ãËÁû at the next stop bpâi nâh
news (radio, TV etc) kào »üÒÂ˹üÒ
¢ûÒÇ next week ah-tít nâh
newsagent’s ráhn kpi núng- ÍÒ·ÔµÂì˹üÒ
sěu pim next to dtìt gùp
ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂ˹ѧÊ×;ÔÁ¾ì µÔ´¡Ñº

newspaper núng-sěu pim nice (food) a-ròy
˹ѧÊ×;ÔÁ¾ì ÍÃûÍÂ
newspaper kiosk dtôo núng- (looks, view etc) sso-ay
sěu pim ÊÇÂ
µÙü˹ѧÊ×;ÔÁ¾ì (person) dee
New Year bpee mài ´Õ
»ÕãËÁû niece lphn spo
Happy New Year! sa-wùt dee ËÅÒ¹ÊÒÇ
bpee mài! night glahng keun
ÊÇÑÊ´Õ»ÕãËÁû ¡ÅÒ§¤×¹
New Year’s Eve wun sîn at night dtorn glahng
bpee keun
ÇѹÊÔü¹»Õ µÍ¹¡ÅÒ§¤×¹
New Zealand bpra-tâyt new good night sa-wùt dee
see-láirn ÊÇÑÊ´Õ

dialogue there’s nobody there mâi mee
English ➜ Thai

krai yòo
do you have a single room äÁûÁÕã¤ÃÍÂÙû
for one night? mee hôrng noise sěe-ung
stm-rùp keun dee-o mái? àÊÕ§
yes, madam mee krúp noisy: it’s too noisy nòo-uk
how much is it per night? hso
keun la tâo-rài? ˹ǡËÙ
it’s 1,000 baht for one night non-alcoholic mâi mee un-
keun la pun bàht gor-horl
thank you, I’ll take it kòrp- äÁûÁÕÍÑÅ¡ÍÎÍÅ
koon ao hôrng née nonsmoking hâhm sòop boo-
nightclub náit klúp ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû
ä¹·¤ÅѺ noodles gso-ay dtěe-o
nightdress chóot norn ¡þÇÂàµÕþÂÇ

ªØ´¹Í¹ noodle shop ráhn gso-ay

no* mâi dtěe-o
äÁû ÃüÒ¹¡þÇÂàµÕþÂÇ
I’ve no change mâi mee sàyt noon têe-ung wun
sa-dtahng à·Õû§Çѹ
äÁûÁÕàÈÉʵҧ¤ì at noon têe-ung wun
there’s no ... left mâi mee ... à·Õû§Çѹ
lěu-a yòo no-one mâi mee krai
äÁûÁÕ ... àËÅ×ÍÍÂÙû äÁûÁÕã¤Ã
no way! mâi mee nor: nor do I psm (chún) gôr
tahng! mâi měu-un gun
äÁûÁÕ·Ò§ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡çäÁûàËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹
oh no! (upset) dtai jing! normal tum-ma-dah
nobody mâi mee krai north něu-a
äÁûÁÕã¤Ã à˹×Í

in the north nai pâhk něu-a it’s not necessary mâi jum-

English ➜ Thai
ã¹ÀÒ¤à˹×Í bpen
to the north tahng něu-a äÁû¨Óà»ç¹
·Ò§à˹×Í I didn’t know that psm (chún)
north of Bangkok tahng něu- mâi sâhp rêu-ung nún
a ksrng groong-tâyp ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁû·ÃÒºàÃ×ûͧ¹Ñü¹
·Ò§à˹×ͧ͢¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï not that one – this one mâi
northeast dta-wun òrk chěe- châi un nún – un nêe
ung něu-a äÁûãªûÍѹ¹Ñü¹Íѹ¹Õû
µÐÇѹÍÍ¡à©Õ§à˹×Í note (banknote) bai báirng
Northern Ireland ai-lairn něu-a ãºáºý§¤ì
äÍÃìᏴìà˹×Í notebook sa-mòot
northwest dta-wun dtòk chěe- ÊÁØ´
ung něu-a notepaper (for letters) gra-dàht
µÐÇѹµ¡à©Õ§à˹×Í kěe-un jòt-mpi
Norway bpra-tâyt nor-way ¡ÃдÒÉà¢Õ¹¨´ËÁÒÂ

»ÃÐà·È¹ÍÃàÇ nothing mâi mee a-rai
nose ja-mòok äÁûÁÕÍÐäÃ
¨ÁÙ¡ nothing for me, thanks mâi ao
nosebleed lêu-ut gum-dao a-rai krúp (kâ) kòrp-koon
srk äÁûàÍÒÍÐääÃѺ(¤ûÐ)¢Íº¤Ø³
àÅ×Í´¡Óà´ÒÍÍ¡ nothing else mâi mee a-rai
not* mâi èek
no thanks, I’m not hungry mâi novel na-wa-ni-yai
krúp (kâ) psm (chún) mâi ¹Ç¹ÔÂÒÂ
hěw November préut-sa-ji-gah-yon
äÁû¤ÃѺ (¤ûÐ) ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûËÔÇ ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹
I don’t want any, thank you now děe-o née
psm (chún) mâi ao kòrp- à´ÕþÂǹÕü
koon number mpi-lâyk
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûàÍҢͺ¤Ø³ ËÁÒÂàÅ¢

I’ve got the wrong number off (lights) bpìt
English ➜ Thai

toh pìt ber »Ô´

â·Ã¼Ô´àºÍÃì it’s just off Sukhumwit Road
what is your phone number? yòo tpir-o ta-nsn soo-
ber toh-ra-sùp ksrng koon ksOm-wít
lâyk a-rai? ÍÂÙûá¶Ç¶¹¹ÊØ¢ØÁÇÔ·
àºÍÃìâ·ÃÈѾ·ì¢Í§¤Ø³àÅ¢ÍÐäà we’re off tomorrow (leaving)
number plate bpâi ta-bee-un rao bpai prôong née
rót àÃÒ仾ÃØû§¹Õü
»üÒ·ÐàºÕ¹ö offensive nâh rung-gèe-ut
nurse (woman) nahng pa-yah- ¹ûÒÃѧà¡Õ¨
bahn office (place of work) stm-núk
¹Ò§¾ÂÒºÒÅ ngahn
nut (for bolt) glee-o Êӹѡ§Ò¹
à¡ÅÕÂÇ officer (said to policeman) nai
nuts tòo-a dtum-ròo-ut

often bòy bòy

O ºûÍÂ æ
not often mâi bòy
occupied (line etc) mâi how often are the buses? rót
wâhng mah bòy kâir npi?
äÁûÇûÒ§ öÁÒºûÍÂá¤ûä˹
o’clock* mohng oil núm mun
âÁ§ ¹üÓÁѹ
October dtoo-lah-kom (motor) núm mun krêu-ung
µØÅÒ¤Á ¹üÓÁѹà¤Ã×ûͧ
odd (strange) bplàirk ointment yah tah
á»Å¡ ÂÒ·Ò
of* ksrng OK oh-kay
¢Í§ âÍà¤

are you OK? koon oh-kay old-fashioned láh sa-mpi

English ➜ Thai
mái? ÅüÒÊÁÑÂ
¤Ø³âÍà¤äËÁ old town (old part of town) meu-
is that OK with you? koon ung gào
oh-kay mái? àÁ×ͧà¡ûÒ
¤Ø³âÍà¤äËÁ olive oil núm mun ma-gòrk
is it OK to ...? ... dâi mái? ¹üÓÁѹÁС͡
... ä´üäËÁ olives ma-gòrk
that’s OK thanks (it doesn’t ÁС͡
matter) mâi bpen rai omelette kài jee-o
äÁûà»ç¹äà ä¢èà¨ÕÂÇ
I’m OK (nothing for me, I’ve got on* bon
enough) psm (chún) por láir-o º¹
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¾ÍáÅüÇ on the beach têe chai hàht
(I feel OK) psm (chún) oh kay ·ÕûªÒÂËÒ´
¼Á(©Ñ¹)âÍठon the street bon ta-nsn

is this train OK for ...? rót fai º¹¶¹¹
née bpai ... châi mái? is it on this road? yòo ta-nsn
Ã¶ä¿¹Õœä» ... ãªûäËÁ née rěu bplào?
old (person) gàir ÍÂÙû¶¹¹¹ÕüËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
á¡û on the plane bon krêu-ung
(thing) gào bin
à¡ûÒ º¹à¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹
on Saturday wun sâo
dialogue ÇѹàÊÒÃì
on television nai tee wee
how old are you? koon ã¹·ÕÇÕ
ah-yóo tâo-rài? I haven’t got it on me psm
I’m 25 psm (chún) ah-yóo (chún) mâi dâi ao mah
yêe-sìp hâh bpee dôo-ay
and you? láir-o koon lâ? ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûä´üàÍÒÁÒ´üÇÂ
this one’s on me (drink) psm

(chún) lée-ung on/off switch sa-wít bpèrt/bpìt
English ➜ Thai

¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÅÕü§ ÊÇÔªà»Ô´/»Ô´
the light wasn’t on fai mâi open (adj, verb) bpèrt
bpèrt yòo à»Ô´
ä¿äÁûà»Ô´ÍÂÙû when do you open? bpèrt gèe
what’s on tonight? keun née mohng?
mee a-rai? à»Ô´¡ÕûâÁ§
¤×¹¹ÕüÁÕÍÐäà I can’t get it open bpèrt mâi
once (one time) krúng nèung dâi
¤ÃÑü§Ë¹Öû§ à»Ô´äÁûä´ü
at once (immediately) tun-tee in the open air glahng jâirng
·Ñ¹·Õ ¡ÅÒ§á¨ü§
one* nèung opening times way-lah bpìt-
˹Öû§ bpèrt
the white one un sěe kpo àÇÅÒ»Ô´à»Ô´
ÍѹÊÕ¢ÒÇ open ticket dtso-a mâi jum-

one-way ticket dtso-a bpai gùt way-lah

µÑþÇä» µÑþÇäÁû¨Ó¡Ñ´àÇÅÒ
onion hso-a hsrm operation (medical) gahn pàh
only tâo-nún ¡ÒüûҵѴ
à·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ operator (telephone) pa-núk
only one un dee-o ngahn toh-ra-sùp
tâo-nún ¾¹Ñ¡§Ò¹â·ÃÈѾ·ì
Íѹà´ÕÂÇà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ opposite: the opposite
it’s only 6 o’clock pee-ung direction tahng dtrong
hòk mohng tâo-nún kâhm
à¾Õ§ˡâÁ§à·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ ·Ò§µÃ§¢üÒÁ
I’ve only just got here psm the bar opposite bah dtrong
(chún) pêung mah děe-o née kâhm
ayng ºÒÃìµÃ§¢üÒÁ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¾Ôû§ÁÒà´ÕþÂǹÕüàͧ opposite my hotel dtrong

kâhm rohng rairm nèung

English ➜ Thai
µÃ§¢üÒÁâçáÃÁ ÍÕ¡¤¹Ë¹Öû§
optician jùk-sòo pâirt (thing) èek un nèung
¨Ñ¡ÉØá¾·Âì ÍÕ¡Íѹ˹Öû§
or rěu the other day (recently) mêu-a
ËÃ×Í mâi gèe wun
orange (fruit) sôm àÁ×ûÍäÁû¡ÕûÇѹ
ÊüÁ I’m waiting for the others
(colour) sěe sôm (other people) psm (chún) ror
ÊÕÊüÁ kon èun
orange juice núm sôm ¼Á(©Ñ¹)Ãͤ¹Í×û¹
¹üÓÊüÁ do you have any others? mee
orchestra wong don-dtree yàhng èun mái?
ǧ´¹µÃÕ ÁÕÍÂûÒ§Í×û¹äËÁ
order: can we order now? (in otherwise mí-cha-nún
restaurant) ksr sùng děe-o née ÁԩйÑü¹

dâi mái? our* ksrng rao
¢ÍÊÑû§à´ÕþÂǹÕüä´üäËÁ ¢Í§àÃÒ
I’ve already ordered, ours* ksrng rao
thanks psm (chún) sùng ¢Í§àÃÒ
láir-o out: he’s out (not at home) káo
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÊÑû§áÅüÇ mâi yòo
I didn’t order this psm (chún) à¢ÒäÁûÍÂÙû
mâi dâi sùng three kilometres out of town
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûä´üÊÑû§ nôrk meu-ung bpai sphm gi-
out of order sěe-a loh
àÊÕ ¹Í¡àÁ×ͧä»ÊÒÁ¡ÔâÅ
ordinary tum-ma-dah outdoors glahng jâirng
¸ÃÃÁ´Ò ¡ÅÒ§á¨ü§
other èun outside kâhng nôrk
Í×û¹ ¢üÒ§¹Í¡
the other one (person) èek kon can we sit outside? nûng

kâhng nôrk dâi mái? mah kon dee-o rěu
English ➜ Thai

¹Ñû§¢üÒ§¹Í¡ä´üäËÁ bplào?
oven dtao ¤Ø³ÁÒ¤¹à´ÕÂÇËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
àµÒ I’m on my own psm (chún)
over: over here têe nêe mah kon dee-o
·Õû¹Õû ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÒ¤¹à´ÕÂÇ
over there têe nôhn owner jâo-ksrng
·Õûâ¹û¹ à¨üҢͧ
over 500 hâh róy gwàh oyster hsy nahng rom
it’s over (finished) jòp P
overcharge: you’ve pack (verb) jùt gra-bppo
overcharged me koon kít ¨Ñ´¡ÃÐà»þÒ
ngern mâhk bpai a pack of ... hòr ...

¤Ø³¤Ô´à§Ô¹ÁÒ¡ä» ËûÍ ...

overcoat sêu-a nôrk package (parcel) hòr
àÊ×ü͹͡ ËûÍ
overnight (travel) dern tahng packed lunch ah-hphn glahng
glahng keun wun glòrng
à´Ô¹·Ò§¡ÅÒ§¤×¹ ÍÒËÒáÅÒ§Çѹ¡Åûͧ
overtake sairng packet: a packet of
᫧ cigarettes sorng
owe: how much do I owe you? boo-rèe
psm (chún) bpen nêe koon «Í§ºØËÃÕû
tâo-rài? paddy field nah
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹Ë¹Õü¤Ø³à·ûÒäà ¹Ò
own: my own ... kxrng psm page (of book) nâh
(chún) ayng ... ˹üÒ
¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹)àͧ ... could you page Mr ...? chôo-
are you on your own? koon ay hph ber toh-ra-sùp koon

... hâi dôo-ay panties gahng gayng nai sa-

English ➜ Thai
ªûÇÂËÒàºÍÃìâ·ÃÈѾ·ì¤Ø³ ... dtree
ãËü´üÇ ¡Ò§à¡§ã¹ÊµÃÕ
pagoda jay-dee pants (underwear: men’s) gahng
਴ÕÂì gayng nai
pain kwahm jèp bpòo-ut ¡Ò§à¡§ã¹
¤ÇÒÁà¨çº»Ç´ (women’s) gahng gayng nai sa-
I have a pain here jèp dtrong dtree
née ¡Ò§à¡§ã¹ÊµÃÕ
à¨çºµÃ§¹Õü (US: trousers) gahng-gayng
painful jèp bpòo-ut ¡Ò§à¡§
à¨çº»Ç´ pantyhose tsOng yai boo-a
painkillers yah ra-ngúp ¶Ø§ãºÑÇ
bpòo-ut paper gra-dàht
paint (noun) sěe (newspaper) núng-sěu-pim

ÊÕ Ë¹Ñ§Ê×;ÔÁ¾ì
painting (picture) pâhp kěe-un a piece of paper gra-dàht
ÀÒ¾à¢Õ¹ pàirn nèung
pair: a pair of ... ... kôo nèung ¡ÃдÒÉá¼û¹Ë¹Öû§
... ¤Ùû˹Öû§ paper handkerchiefs gra-dàht
Pakistani (adj) kon bpah-gee- chét nâh
sa-tphn ¡ÃдÒÉàªç´Ë¹üÒ
¤¹»Ò¡Õʶҹ parcel hòr
palace wung ËûÍ
Çѧ pardon (me)? (didn’t
pale sěe òrn understand, hear) a-rai ná krúp
ÊÕÍû͹ (ká)?
pale blue sěe fáh òrn ÍÐäùФÃѺ(¤Ð)
ÊÕ¿üÒÍû͹ parents pôr mâir
pan (frying pan) gra-tá ¾ûÍáÁû
¡ÃзРparents-in-law (wife’s parents)

pôr dtah mâir yai just past the post office
English ➜ Thai

¾û͵ÒáÁûÂÒ ler-ee bprai-sa-nee bpai èek

(husband’s parents) pôr pso-a nít nèung
mâir pso-a àÅÂä»ÃɳÕÂìä»ÍÕ¡¹Ô´Ë¹Öû§
¾ûͼÑÇáÁû¼ÑÇ path tahng
park (noun) sso-un sph-tah- ·Ò§
ra-ná pattern bàirp
(verb) jòrt pavement bàht wít-těe
¨Í´ ºÒ·ÇÔ¶Õ
can I park here? jòrt têe nêe on the pavement bon bàht
dâi mái? wít-těe
¨Í´·Õû¹Õûä´üäËÁ º¹ºÒ·ÇÔ¶Õ
parking lot têe jòrt rót pay (verb) jài
·Õû¨Í´Ã¶ ¨ûÒÂ
part (noun) sòo-un can I pay, please? ksr bin

ʋǹ nòy
partner (boyfriend, girlfriend etc) ¢ÍºÔÅ˹ûÍÂ
fairn it’s already paid for jài
Ό láir-o
party (group) glòom kon ¨ûÒÂáÅüÇ
(celebration) ngahn lée-ung dialogue
pass (in mountains) chôrng kpo who’s paying? krai bpen
ªûͧà¢Ò kon jài ngern?
passenger pôo doy-ee sphn I’ll pay psm (chún) ayng
¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒÃ no, you paid last time, I’ll
passport núng-sěu dern tahng pay koon jài dtorn krúng
˹ѧÊ×Íà´Ô¹·Ò§ gòrn láir-o ná psm (chún)
past*: in the past mêu-a gòrn jài ayng

pay phone toh-ra-sùp sph-tah- people kon

English ➜ Thai
ra-ná ¤¹
â·ÃÈѾ·ìÊÒ¸ÒóРthe other people in the hotel
peaceful (quiet) ngêe-up kon èun nai rohng rairm
à§Õº ¤¹Í×û¹ã¹âçáÃÁ
peach lôok pêech too many people kon mâhk
ÅÙ¡¾Õª bpai
peanuts tòo-a ¤¹ÁÒ¡ä»
¶ÑûÇ pepper (spice) prík tai
pear lôok pair ¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â
ÅÙ¡á¾Ãì (vegetable) prík yòo-uk
peculiar (taste, custom) bplàirk ¾ÃÔ¡ËÂÇ¡
á»Å¡ per: per night keun la ...
pedestrian crossing tahng ¤×¹ÅÐ ...
máh-lai how much per day? wun la
·Ò§ÁüÒÅÒ tâo-rài?

pedestrian precinct têe hâhm ÇѹÅÐà·ûÒäÃ
rót kâo per cent bper-sen
·ÕûËüÒÁöà¢üÒ à»ÍÃìà«ç¹µì
peg (for washing) mái nèep pâh perfect yôrt yêe-um
äÁü˹պ¼üÒ ÂÍ´àÂÕûÂÁ
pen bpàhk-gah perfume núm hsrm
»Ò¡¡Ò ¹üÓËÍÁ
pencil din-ssr perhaps bahng tee
´Ô¹ÊÍ ºÒ§·Õ
penfriend pêu-un tahng perhaps not bahng tee mâi
jòt-mpi ºÒ§·ÕäÁû
à¾×û͹·Ò§¨´ËÁÒ period (of time) chôo-a rá-yá
penicillin yah pen-ni-seen-lin ªÑûÇÃÐÂÐ
ÂÒྐྵ¹Ô«ÕÅÅÔ¹ (menstruation) bpra-jum
penknife mêet púp deu-un
ÁÕ´¾Ñº »ÃШÓà´×͹

perm dùt psm (kâ), chôo-ay tài rôop rao hâi
English ➜ Thai

´Ñ´¼Á nòy dâi mái? ¢Íâ·É

permit (noun) bai un-nóo-yâht ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)ªûǶûÒÂÃÙ»
ãºÍ¹ØญÒµ àÃÒãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
person kon phrasebook kôo meu ssn-ta-
¤¹ nah
personal stereo work-mairn ¤ÙûÁ×Íʹ·¹Ò
ÇÍÅì¡áÁ¹ Phuket poo-gèt
petrol núm mun ÀÙà¡çµ
¹üÓÁѹ piano bpee-a-noh
petrol can gra-bpsrng núm à»ÕÂâ¹
mun pickpocket ka-moy-ee lóo-
¡Ãлþͧ¹üÓÁѹ ung gra-bppo
petrol station bpúm núm mun ¢âÁÂÅéǧ¡ÃÐà»þÒ
»ÑýÁ¹üÓÁѹ pick up: will you be there to
pharmacy hâhng kpi yah pick me up? ja bpai rúp psm

ËüÒ§¢ÒÂÂÒ (chún) mái?

phone toh-ra-sùp ¨Ðä»ÃѺ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äËÁ
â·ÃÈѾ·ì picnic (noun) bpìk-ník
phone book sa-mòot mpi-lâyk »Ô¤¹Ô¤
toh-ra-sùp picture (painting, photo) rôop
phone box dtôo toh-ra-sùp pie pai
µüÙâ·ÃÈѾ·ì ä¾
phonecard bùt toh-ra-sùp piece chín
ºÑµÃâ·ÃÈѾ·ì ªÔü¹
phone number ber toh-ra-sùp a piece of ... ... chín nèung
àºÍÃìâ·ÃÈѾ·ì ... ªÔü¹Ë¹Öû§
photo rôop tài pill (contraceptive pill) yah koom
ÃÙ»¶ûÒ gum-nèrt
excuse me, could you take a ÂÒ¤ØÁ¡Óà¹Ô´
photo of us? ksr-tôht krúp I’m on the pill chún chái yah

koom gum-nèrt at his place têe bâhn káo

English ➜ Thai
©Ñ¹ãªüÂÒ¤ØÁ¡Óà¹Ô´ ·ÕûºüÒ¹à¢Ò
pillow msrn plain (not patterned) mâi mee
ËÁ͹ lôo-ut lai
pillow case bplòrk msrn äÁûÁÕÅÇ´ÅÒÂ
»ÅÍ¡ËÁ͹ plane krêu-ung bin
pin (noun) kěm mòot à¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹
à¢çÁËÁØ´ by plane doy-ee krêu-ung bin
pineapple sùp-bpa-rót â´Âà¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹
ÊѺ»Ðô plant dtôn mái
pineapple juice núm sùp- µü¹äÁü
bpa-rót plaster cast fèu-uk
¹üÓÊѺ»Ðô à½×Í¡
pink sěe chom-poo plasters plah-sa-dter
pipe (for smoking) glôrng yah plastic bplah-sa-dtìk

sên »ÅÒʵԤ
¡ÅüͧÂÒàÊü¹ (credit cards) bùt kray-dìt
(for water) tôr ºÑµÃà¤Ã´Ôµ
·ûÍ plastic bag tsOng bplah-sa-
pipe cleaners mái tum dtìk
kwahm sà-aht glôrng yah ¶Ø§»ÅÒʵԤ
sên plate jahn
äÁü·Ó¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´¡ÅüͧÂÒàÊü¹ ¨Ò¹
pity: it’s a pity nâh ssng-sphn platform chahn chah-lah
¹ûÒʧÊÒà ªÒ¹ªÒÅÒ
pizza pee-sâh which platform is it for
¾Õ««ûÒ Chiangmai? bpai chee-ung-
place (noun) sa-tphn-têe mài chahn chah-lah a-rai?
ʶҹ·Õû ä»àªÕ§ãËÁûªÒ¹ªÒÅÒÍÐäÃ
at your place têe bâhn koon play (verb) lên
·ÕûºüÒ¹¤Ø³ àÅû¹

(noun: in theatre) la-korn o kòrp-koon
English ➜ Thai

ÅФà ¾ÍáÅüǢͺ¤Ø³
playground (for children) pliers keem bpàhk kêep
sa-nphm dèk lên ¤ÕÁ»Ò¡¤Õº
ʹÒÁà´ç¡àÅû¹ plug (electrical) bplúk
pleasant sa-nòok »ÅÑý¡
ʹء (for car) hso-a tee-un
please (requesting something) ËÑÇà·Õ¹
ksr ... (in sink) jòok òot
¢Í ... ¨Ø¡ÍØ´
(offering) chern krúp (kâ) plumber châhng bpra-bpah
àªÔญ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) ªûÒ§»ÃлÒ
yes please ao krúp (kâ) p.m.*
àÍÒ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) pocket gra-bppo
could you please ...? chôo-ay ¡ÃÐà»þÒ
... nòy dâi mái? point: two point five ssrng

ªûÇÂ˹ûÍ ... ä´üäËÁ jòot hâh

please don’t yàh ler-ee krúp Êͧ¨Ø´ËüÒ
(kâ) there’s no point mâi mee
ÍÂûÒàŤÃѺ(¤ûÐ) bpra-yòht
pleased: pleased to meet you äÁûÁÕ»ÃÐ⪹ì
yin dee têe dâi róo-jùk gun points (in car) torng kpo
ÂÔ¹´Õ·Õûä´üÃÙü¨Ñ¡¡Ñ¹ ·Í§¢ÒÇ
pleasure: my pleasure (response poisonous bpen pít
to thanks) mâi bpen rai à»ç¹¾ÔÉ
äÁûà»ç¹äà police dtum-ròo-ut
plenty: plenty of ... ... mâhk µÓÃǨ
... ÁÒ¡ call the police! rêe-uk dtum-
there’s plenty of time mee ròo-ut mah!
way-lah mâhk àÃÕ¡µÓÃǨÁÒ
ÁÕàÇÅÒÁÒ¡ policeman dtum-ròo-ut
that’s plenty, thanks por láir- µÓÃǨ

police station sa-tph-nee porter (in hotel) kon fâo bpra-

English ➜ Thai
dtum-ròo-ut dtoo
ʶҹյÓÃǨ ¤¹à½üÒ»ÃеÙ
policewoman dtum-ròo-ut portrait pâhp kěe-un dtoo-a
yrng jing
polish (noun) yah kùt posh (restaurant, people)
ÂҢѴ rso-rph
polite soo-pâhp ËÃÙËÃÒ
ÊØÀÒ¾ possible bpen bpai dâi
polluted bpen pít à»ç¹ä»ä´ü
à»ç¹¾ÔÉ is it possible to ...? ... bpen
pony máh glàirp bpai dâi mái?
ÁüÒá¡Åº ... à»ç¹ä»ä´üäËÁ
pool (for swimming) sà wâi náhm as ... as possible yàhng ... têe
ÊÃÐÇûÒ¹üÓ sòot têe ja ... dâi

poor (not rich) jon ÍÂûÒ§ ... ·ÕûÊØ´·Õû¨Ð ... ä´ü
¨¹ post (noun: mail) jòt-mpi
(quality) mâi ao npi ¨´ËÁÒÂ
äÁûàÍÒä˹ (verb) sòng jòt-mpi
pop music don-dtree pórp Êû§¨´ËÁÒÂ
´¹µÃÕ¾ý; could you post this for
pop singer núk rórng me? chôo-ay sòng jòt-
¹Ñ¡Ãüͧ mpi née hâi nòy dâi mái?
popular bpen têe nee-yom ªûÇÂÊû§¨´ËÁÒ¹ÕüãËü˹ûÍÂ
à»ç¹·Õû¹ÔÂÁ ä´üäËÁ
population bpra-chah-gorn postbox dtôo bprai-sa-nee
»ÃЪҡà µÙüä»ÃɳÕÂì
pork néu-a mso postcard bpóht-gáht
à¹×üÍËÁÙ â»Ê¡ÒÃì´
port (for boats) tâh reu-a postcode ra-hùt bprai-sa-nee

poster bpoh-sa-dter pregnant mee tórng
English ➜ Thai

â»ÊàµÍÃì ÁÕ·üͧ
poste restante ‘poste restante’ prescription (for medicine) bai
post office bprai-sa-nee sùng yah
ä»ÃɳÕÂì ãºÊÑû§ÂÒ
potato mun fa-rùng present (gift) ksrng kwtn
Áѹ½ÃÑû§ ¢Í§¢ÇÑญ
potato chips (US) mun fa-rùng president (of country) bpra-tah-
tôrt nah-tí-bor-dee
Áѹ½ÃÑû§·Í´ »ÃиҹҸԺ´Õ
pots and pans môr kâo môr pretty sso-ay
gairng ÊÇÂ
ËÁüÍ¢üÒÇËÁüÍᡧ it’s pretty expensive pairng
pottery krêu-ung bpûn din mvu-un gun ná
ppo ᾧàËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹¹Ð
à¤Ã×ûͧ»Ñü¹´Ô¹à¼Ò price rah-kah

pound* (money) bporn ÃÒ¤Ò

»Í¹´ì priest prá
power cut dtùt fai ¾ÃÐ
µÑ´ä¿ prime minister nah-yók rút-ta-
power point bplúk fai mon-dtree
»ÅÑý¡ä¿ ¹Ò¡ÃÑ°Á¹µÃÕ
practise: I want to practise printed matter sìng dtee
my Thai psrm (chún) yàhk ja pim
fèuk pôot pah-sph tai ÊÔû§µÕ¾ÔÁ¾ì
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ð½Ö¡¾Ù´ priority (in driving) sìt pàhn bpai
ÀÒÉÒä·Â gòrn
prawns gôong ÊÔ·¸¼ûҹ仡û͹
¡Øü§ prison kóok
prefer: I prefer ... psrm (chún) ¤Ø¡
chôrp ... mâhk gwàh private sòo-un dtoo-a
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍº ... ÁÒ¡¡ÇûÒ ÊûǹµÑÇ

private bathroom hôrng náhm wphn

English ➜ Thai
sòo-un dtoo-a ¢Í§ËÇÒ¹
Ëüͧ¹üÓÊûǹµÑÇ pull deung
probably kong-ja ´Ö§
¤§¨Ð pullover sêu-a sa-wét-dtêr
problem bpun-hph àÊ×üÍÊàǵàµÍÃì
»ÑญËÒ puncture (noun) yahng dtàirk
no problem! mâi mee bpun- Âҧᵡ
hph! purple sěe môo-ung
program(me) (noun) bproh- purse (for money) gra-bppo
grairm sa-dtahng
â»Ãá¡ÃÁ ¡ÃÐà»þÒʵҧ¤ì
promise: I promise psm (chún) (US) gra-bppo těu
stn-yah ¡ÃÐà»þÒ¶×Í
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÊÑญญÒ push plùk

pronounce: how is this ¼Å¡
pronounced? nêe òrk sěe-ung pushchair rót kěn
yung-ngai? öà¢ç¹
¹ÕûÍÍ¡àÊÕ§ÍÂûÒ§äà put sài
properly (repaired, locked etc) ãÊû
tòok dtôrng where can I put ...? ... sài dâi
¶Ù¡µüͧ têe npi?
Protestant krít ... ãÊûä´ü·Õûä˹
¤ÃÔʵì could you put us up for the
public convenience sôo-um night? ksr káhng keun têe
sph-tah-ra-ná nêe nòy dâi mái?
public holiday wun yòot râht- pyjamas sêu-a gahng-gayng
cha-gahn norn
ÇѹËÂØ´ÃÒª¡Òà àÊ×ü͡ҧࡧ¹Í¹
pudding (dessert) ksrng

quickly ray-o
English ➜ Thai

quiet (place, hotel) ngêe-up
quality koon-na-pâhp à§Õº
¤Ø³ÀÒ¾ quiet! ngêe-up ngêe-up
quarantine (place) dâhn gùk nòy!
rôhk à§Õº æ ˹ûÍÂ
´èÒ¹¡Ñ¡âä quite (fairly) por ssm-koo-un
(period) ra-yá way-lah têe gùk ¾ÍÊÁ¤ÇÃ
rôhk wái (very) tee dee-o
quarter nèung nai sèe that’s quite right tòok láir-o
˹Öû§ã¹ÊÕû ¶Ù¡áÅüÇ
quayside: on the quayside têe quite a lot mâhk por ssm-
tâh reu-a koo-un

question kum tphm

queue (noun) kew
¤ÔÇ rabbit (meat) gra-dtài
quick ray-o ¡ÃеèÒÂ
àÃçÇ race (for runners, cars) gahn
that was quick ray-o kàirng ktn
jing ¡ÒÃá¢û§¢Ñ¹
àÃçǨÃÔ§ racket (tennis, squash) mái
what’s the quickest way dtee
there? bpai tahng npi ray-o äÁüµÕ
têe sòot? radiator môr náhm
ä»·Ò§ä˹àÃçÇ·ÕûÊØ´ ËÁü͹üÓ
fancy a quick drink? yàhk radio wít-ta-yóo
bpai dèum a-rai mái? ÇÔ·ÂØ
ÍÂÒ¡ä»´×ûÁÍÐäÃäËÁ on the radio tahng wít-ta-

yóo razor (dry, electric) mêet

English ➜ Thai
·Ò§ÇÔ·ÂØ gohn
rail: by rail doy-ee rót fai Áմ⡹
â´ÂÃ¶ä¿ razor blades bai mêet gohn
railway tahng rót fai ãºÁմ⡹
·Ò§Ã¶ä¿ read àhn
rain (noun) fsn ÍûÒ¹
½¹ ready prórm, sèt
in the rain dtàhk fsn ¾ÃüÍÁ, àÊÃç¨
µÒ¡½¹ are you ready? sèt láir-o rěu
it’s raining fsn dtòk yung?
½¹µ¡ àÊÃç¨áÅüÇËÃ×ÍÂѧ
raincoat sêu-a fsn I’m not ready yet psm (chún)
àÊ×üͽ¹ yung mâi sèt
rape (noun) kòm kěun ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÂѧäÁûàÊÃç¨

rare (uncommon) hph yâhk dialogue
(steak) sòok sòok dìp dìp when will it be ready? sèt
ÊØ¡ æ ´Ôº æ mêu-a rài?
rash (on skin) pèun it should be ready in a
¼×û¹ couple of days èek ssrng
rat nso sphm wun koo-un ja sèt
rate (for changing money) ùt-dtrah real jing
rather: it’s rather good kôrn really jing jing
kâhng dee ¨ÃÔ§ æ
¤û͹¢üÒ§´Õ I’m really sorry psm (chún)
I’d rather ... psm (chún) yàhk sěe-a jai jing jing
ja ... dee gwàh ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÊÕÂ㨨ÃÔ§ æ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ð ... ´Õ¡ÇûÒ that’s really great dee jung

ler-ee recognize jum dâi
English ➜ Thai

´Õ¨Ñ§àÅ ¨Óä´ü
really? (doubt) jing lěr? recommend: could you
¨ÃÔ§ËÃ×Í recommend ...? koon náir-
(polite interest) lěr? num ... dâi mái?
ËÃ×Í ¤Ø³á¹Ð¹Ó ... ä´üäËÁ
rear lights fai ltng rót record (music) pàirn sěe-ung
ä¿ËÅѧö á¼û¹àÊÕ§
rearview mirror gra-jòk ltng red sěe dairng
¡ÃШ¡ËÅѧ ÊÕá´§
reasonable (price) rah-kah red wine lâo wai dairng
yao àËÅüÒäǹìá´§
ÃÒ¤ÒàÂÒ refund (noun) keun ngern
receipt bai sèt rúp ngern ¤×¹à§Ô¹
ãºàÊÃç¨ÃѺà§Ô¹ can I have a refund? keun
recently mêu-a ray-o ray-o née ngern hâi dâi mái?

àÁ×ûÍàÃçÇ æ ¹Õü ¤×¹à§Ô¹ãËüä´üäËÁ

reception (in hotel) pa-nàirk region pâhk
dtôrn rúp ÀÒ¤
á¼¹¡µü͹ÃѺ registered: by registered
(for guests) ngahn lée-ung mail jòt-mpi long
dtôrn rúp ta-bee-un
§Ò¹àÅÕü§µü͹ÃѺ ¨´ËÁÒÂŧ·ÐàºÕ¹
at reception têe pa-nàirk registration number ta-bee-
dtôrn rúp un rót
·Õûá¼¹¡µü͹ÃѺ ·ÐàºÕ¹ö
reception desk pa-nàirk dtôrn relative (noun) yâht
rúp ญÒµÔ
á¼¹¡µü͹ÃѺ religion sàh-sa-nph
receptionist pa-núk ngahn ÈÒʹÒ
dtôrn rúp remember: I don’t
¾¹Ñ¡§Ò¹µü͹ÃѺ remember psm (chún) jum

mâi dâi dialogue

English ➜ Thai
I remember psm (chún) jum I have a reservation psm
dâi (chún) dâi jorng wái láir-o
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¨Óä´ü yes sir, what name please?
do you remember? jum dâi krúp koon chêu a-rai?
¨Óä´üäËÁ reserve (verb) jorng
rent (noun: for apartment etc) kâh ¨Í§
¤ûÒàªûÒ dialogue
(verb: car etc) châo
àªûÒ can I reserve a table for
rented car rót châo tonight? chún ksr jorng
öàªûÒ dtór stm-rùp keun née
repair (verb) sôrm dâi mái?

«ûÍÁ yes madam, for how many
can you repair it? sôrm dâi people? dâi krúp mee gèe
mái? kon?
«ûÍÁä´üäËÁ for two ssrng kon
repeat pôot èek tee and for what time? láir-o
¾Ù´ÍÕ¡·Õ gèe mohng?
could you repeat that? pôot for eight o’clock ssrng
èek tee dâi mái? tôom
¾Ù´ÍÕ¡·Õä´üäËÁ and could I have your
reservation jorng name, please? láir-o koon
¨Í§ chêu a-rai krúp?
I’d like to make a reservation
ksr jorng rest: I need a rest psm (chún)
¢Í¨Í§ dtôrng púk pòrn
the rest of the group pôo-uk

kon èun ridiculous nâh hso-a rór
English ➜ Thai

¾Ç¡¤¹Í×û¹ ¹ûÒËÑÇàÃÒÐ
restaurant ráhn ah-hphn right (correct) tòok
restaurant car rót (not left) kwph
sa-bee-ung ¢ÇÒ
öàʺÕ§ you were right koon tòok
rest room hôrng náhm láir-o
Ëüͧ¹üÓ ¤Ø³¶Ù¡áÅüÇ
retired: I’m retired psm (chún) that’s right tòok láir-o
ga-see-un ¶Ù¡áÅüÇ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¡ÉÕ¹ this can’t be right mâi tòok
return: a return to ... dtso-a nâir nâir
bpai glùp ... äÁû¶Ù¡á¹ûæ
µÑþÇ仡ÅѺ ... right! ao lá!
return ticket dtso-a bpai glùp àÍÒÅÐ

µÑþÇ仡ÅѺ is this the right road for ...?

reverse charge call toh-ra-sùp bpai ... tahng ta-nsn née
gèp ngern bplai tahng tòok mái?
â·ÃÈѾ·ìà¡çºà§Ô¹»ÅÒ·ҧ ä» ... ·Ò§¶¹¹¹Õü¶Ù¡äËÁ
reverse gear gee-a tsy ltng on the right tahng kwuh
revolting nâh rung-gèe-ut turn right lée-o kwuh
¹ûÒÃѧà¡Õ¨ àÅÕüÂÇ¢ÇÒ
rib sêe krohng right-hand drive poo-ung ma-
«Õûâ¤Ã§ lai kwph
rice kâo ¾Ç§ÁÒÅÑ¢ÇÒ
¢üÒÇ ring (on finger) wpirn
rich (person) roo-ay áËǹ
ÃÇÂ I’ll ring you psm (chún) ja toh
(food) mun bpai těung
Áѹ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¨Ðâ·Ã件֧

ring back toh glùp mah rock hrn

English ➜ Thai
ripe (fruit) sòok (music) rórk
ÊØ¡ Ãýͤ
rip-off: it’s a rip-off lòrk dtôm on the rocks (with ice) sài núm
ËÅÍ¡µüÁ kpirng
rip-off prices rah-kah lòrk ãÊû¹üÓá¢ç§
dtôm roll (bread) ka-nsm-bpung
ÃÒ¤ÒËÅÍ¡µüÁ ¢¹Á»Ñ§
risky sèe-ung roof ltng-kah
àÊÕû§ ËÅѧ¤Ò
river mâir náhm roof rack gròrp dtìt ltng-kah
áÁû¹üÓ rót
road (in town, country) ta-nsn ¡ÃͺµÔ´ËÅѧ¤Òö
¶¹¹ room hôrng
is this the road for ...? nêe ta- Ëüͧ

nsn bpai ... châi mái? in my room nai hôrng psm
¹Õû¶¹¹ä» ... ãªûäËÁ (chún)
down the road yòo glâi glâi ã¹Ëüͧ¼Á(©Ñ¹)
kâir née room service bor-ri-gahn
ÍÂÙûã¡Åüæá¤û¹Õü rúp chái nai hôrng
road accident rót chon púk
gun ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÃѺãªüã¹Ëüͧ¾Ñ¡
öª¹¡Ñ¹ rope chêu-uk
road map ppirn-têe ta-nsn àª×Í¡
á¼¹·Õû¶¹¹ roughly (approximately) bpra-
roadsign krêu-ung mpi ja-rah mahn
jorn »ÃÐÁÒ³
à¤Ã×ûͧËÁÒ¨ÃҨà round: it’s my round bpen tee
rob: I’ve been robbed psm ksrng psm
(chún) tòok ka-moy-ee à»ç¹·Õ¢Í§¼Á
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¶Ù¡¢âÁ roundabout (for traffic) wong

wee-un kóhk
English ➜ Thai

ǧàÇÕ¹ ÃÑÁá͹´ìâ¤ü¡
round trip ticket dtso-a bpai run (verb: person) wîng
glùp ÇÔû§
µÑþÇ仡ÅѺ how often do the buses run?
route tahng rót may wîng tèe mái?
·Ò§ öàÁÅìÇÔû§¶ÕûäËÁ
what’s the best route? bpai I’ve run out of money psm
tahng npi dee têe sòot? (chún) mót ngern
ä»·Ò§ä˹´Õ·ÕûÊØ´ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ËÁ´à§Ô¹
rubber (material) yahng
(eraser) yahng lóp
Âҧź sad sâo
rubber band yahng rút àÈÃüÒ
ÂÒ§ÃÑ´ saddle (for bike) ahn jùk-gra-

rubbish (waste) ka-yà yahn

(poor quality goods) mâi ao npi (for horse) ahn máh
äÁûàÍÒä˹ ÍÒ¹ÁüÒ
rubbish! (nonsense) mâi bpen safe (not in danger) bplòrt-pai
rêu-ung! »ÅÍ´ÀÑÂ
äÁûà»ç¹àÃ×ûͧ (not dangerous) mâi
rucksack bpây ltng un-dta-rai
à»üËÅѧ äÁûÍѹµÃÒÂ
rude mâi soo-pâhp safety pin kěm glùt
äÁûÊØÀÒ¾ à¢çÁ¡ÅÑ´
ruins sâhk sa-lùk hùk pung sail (noun) bai reu-a
«Ò¡ÊÅÑ¡ËÑ¡¾Ñ§ ãºàÃ×Í
rum lâo rum sailboard (noun) gra-dahn dtôh
àËÅüÒÃÑÁ lom
rum and Coke® rum airn ¡ÃдҹâµüÅÁ

sailboarding gahn lên gra- Saturday wun spo

English ➜ Thai
dahn dtôh lom ÇѹàÊÒÃì
¡ÒÃàÅû¹¡ÃдҹâµüÅÁ sauce núm jîm
salad sa-lùt ¹üÓ¨ÔüÁ
ÊÅÑ´ saucepan môr
salad dressing náhm sa-lùt ËÁüÍ
¹üÓÊÅÑ´ saucer jahn rorng tôo-ay
sale: for sale kpi ¨Ò¹Ãͧ¶üÇÂ
¢ÒÂ sauna sao-nah
salt gleu-a à«Ò¹Ò
à¡Å×Í sausage sâi gròrk
same: the same měu-un äÊü¡ÃÍ¡
gun say (verb) bòrk, pôot
àËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹ ºÍ¡, ¾Ù´
the same as this měu-un how do you say ... in Thai?
yàhng née pah-sph tai ... pôot wâh

àËÁ×͹ÍÂûÒ§¹Õü yung-ngai?
the same again, please ksr ÀÒÉÒä·Â ... ¾Ù´ÇûÒÍÂûÒ§äÃ
yàhng derm what did he say? káo pôot
¢ÍÍÂûÒ§à´ÔÁ wâh yung-ngai?
it’s all the same to me a-rai à¢Ò¾Ù´ÇûÒÍÂûÒ§äÃ
gôr dâi she said ... káo bòrk wâh ...
ÍÐäáçä´ü à¢ÒºÍ¡ÇûÒ ...
sand sai could you say that again?
·ÃÒÂ pôot èek tee dâi mái?
sandals rorng táo dtàir ¾Ù´ÍÕ¡·Õä´üäËÁ
Ãͧà·üÒáµÐ scarf (for neck) pâh pun kor
sandwich sairn-wít ¼üҾѹ¤Í
᫹´ìÇÔª (for head) pâh pôhk sěe-sà
sanitary napkins, sanitary ¼üÒ⾡ÈÕÃÉÐ
towels pâh un-nah-mai scenery poo-mi-bpra-tâyt

schedule (US) dtah-rahng sea ta-lay
English ➜ Thai

way-lah ·ÐàÅ
µÒÃÒ§àÇÅÒ by the sea chai ta-lay
scheduled flight dtah-rahng ªÒ·ÐàÅ
têe-o bin seafood ah-hphn ta-lay
school rohng ree-un ÍÒËÒ÷ÐàÅ
âçàÃÕ¹ seafood restaurant
scissors: a pair of scissors pút-ta-kahn ah-hphn
dta-grai ta-lay
scooter rót sa-góot-dter seafront chai ta-lay
öʡÙýàµÍÃì ªÒ·ÐàÅ
scotch lâo wít-sa-gêe seagull nók nahng noo-un
àËÅüÒÇÔÊ¡Õü ¹¡¹Ò§¹ÇÅ
Scotch tape® sa-górt táyp search (verb) hph
Ê¡ý͵෻ ËÒ

Scotland sa-górt-lairn seashell bplèu-uk hsy

ʡ͵Ᏼì à»Å×Í¡ËÍÂ
Scottish kon sa-górt seasick: I feel seasick psm
¤¹Ê¡Íµ (chún) róo-sèuk mao klêun
I’m Scottish psm (chún) bpen ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÙüÊÖ¡àÁÒ¤Å×û¹
kon sa-górt I get seasick psm (chún) mao
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹Ê¡Íµ klêun ngâi
scrambled eggs kài kon ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÁÒ¤Å×û¹§ûÒÂ
ä¢û¢¹ seaside: by the seaside chai
scratch (noun) roy kòo-un ta-lay
ÃÍ¢ûǹ ªÒ·ÐàÅ
screw (noun) dta-bpoo koo- seat têe nûng
ung ·Õû¹Ñû§
µÐ»Ù¤Ç§ is this seat taken? têe nêe
screwdriver kpi koo-ung wâhng mái?
䢤ǧ ·Õû¹ÕûÇûÒ§äËÁ

seat belt kěm kùt ni-ra-pai see you! jer gun mài ná!

English ➜ Thai
à¢çÁ¢Ñ´¹ÔÃÀÑ à¨Í¡Ñ¹ãËÁû¹Ð
sea urchin bpling ta-lay I see (I understand) kâo jai láir-o
»ÅÔ§·ÐàÅ à¢üÒã¨áÅüÇ
seaweed sph-rài-ta-lay self-service bor-ri-gahn chôo-
ÊÒËÃûÒ·ÐàÅ ay dtoo-a ayng
secluded dòht dèe-o ºÃÔ¡ÒêûǵÑÇàͧ
â´´à´ÕûÂÇ sell kpi
second (adj) têe ssrng ¢ÒÂ
·ÕûÊͧ do you sell ...? mee ... kpi
(of time) wí-nah-tee mái?
ÇÔ¹Ò·Õ ÁÕ ... ¢ÒÂäËÁ
just a second! děe-o gòrn! Sellotape® sa-górt táyp
à´ÕþÂÇ¡û͹ Ê¡ý͵෻
second class (travel etc) chún send sòng
ssrng Êû§

ªÑü¹Êͧ I want to send this to England
second floor (UK) chún nèung psm (chún) yàhk ja sòng nêe
ªÑü¹Ë¹Öû§ bpai ung-grìt
(US) chún ssrng ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨ÐÊû§¹Õûä»Íѧ¡ÄÉ
ªÑü¹Êͧ senior citizen kon cha-rah
see hěn ¤¹ªÃÒ
àËç¹ separate dtàhng hàhk
can I see? ksr doo nòy, dâi µûÒ§ËÒ¡
mái? separated: I’m separated (man)
¢Í´Ù˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ psm yâirk gun gùp pun-
have you seen ...? hěn ... rěu ra-yah
bplào? ¼Áᡡѹ¡ÑºÀÃÃÂÒ
àËç¹ ... ËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ (woman) chún yâirk gun gùp
I saw him this morning hěn sph-mee
mêu-a cháo née ©Ñ¹á¡¡Ñ¹¡ÑºÊÒÁÕ
àËç¹àÁ×ûÍàªüÒ¹Õü separately (pay, travel) yâirk

gun sexy sek-sêe
English ➜ Thai

ᡡѹ à«ç¡«Õû
September gun-yah-yon shade: in the shade nai rôm
¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ ã¹ÃûÁ
septic mee chéu-a shake: let’s shake hands jùp
ÁÕàª×üÍ meu gun
serious (person) ao jing ao jung ¨ÑºÁ×͡ѹ
àÍÒ¨ÃÔ§àÍҨѧ shallow (water) dtêun
(situation) dtreung krêe-ut µ×ü¹
µÃÖ§à¤ÃÕ´ shame: what a shame! nâh
(problem, illness) nùk sěe-a dai!
˹ѡ ¹ûÒàÊÕ´ÒÂ
service charge (in restaurant) shampoo (noun) chairm-poo
kâh bor-ri-gahn áªÁÀÙ
¤ûÒºÃÔ¡Òà shampoo and set sà sét
service station bpúm núm ÊÃÐà«ç·

mun share (verb: room, table etc)

»ÑýÁ¹üÓÁѹ bàirng
serviette pâh chét bpàhk áºû§
¼üÒàªç´»Ò¡ sharp (knife) kom
set menu ah-hphn chóot ¤Á
ÍÒËÒêش (taste) bprêe-o
several lpi à»ÃÕüÂÇ
ËÅÒÂ (pain) sěe-o
sew yép àÊÕÂÇ
àÂçº shattered (very tired) nèu-ay
could you sew this back on? mâhk
chôo-ay yép hâi nòy dâi mái? à˹×ûÍÂÁÒ¡
ªûÇÂàÂçºãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ shaver krêu-ung gohn
sex gahn rôo-um bpra-way- nòo-ut
nee à¤Ã×ûͧ⡹˹Ǵ
¡ÒÃÃûÇÁ»ÃÐàÇ³Õ shaving foam kreem gohn

nòo-ut shocking lěu-a gern jing jing

English ➜ Thai
¤ÃÕÁ⡹˹Ǵ àËÅ×Íà¡Ô¹¨ÃÔ§æ
shaving point bplúk krêu-ung shoe rorng táo
gohn nòo-ut Ãͧà·üÒ
»ÅÑý¡à¤Ã×ûͧ⡹˹Ǵ a pair of shoes rorng táo kôo
she* káo nèung
à¢Ò Ãͧà·üÒ¤Ùû˹Öû§
is she here? káo yòo têe nêe shoelaces chêu-uk pòok
mái? rorng táo
à¢ÒÍÂÙû·Õû¹ÕûäËÁ àª×Í¡¼Ù¡Ãͧà·üÒ
sheet (for bed) pâh bpoo têe norn shoe polish yah kùt rorng táo
¼üÒ»Ù·Õû¹Í¹ ÂҢѴÃͧà·üÒ
shelf hîng shoe repairer kon sôrm rorng
ËÔü§ táo
shellfish hsy ¤¹«ûÍÁÃͧà·üÒ
ËÍÂ shop ráhn

ship reu-a ÃüÒ¹
àÃ×Í shopping: I’m going shopping
by ship tahng reu-a psm (chún) bpai séu ksrng
·Ò§àÃ×Í ¼Á(©Ñ¹)仫×üͧ͢
shirt sêu-a chért shopping centre sson gahn
àÊ×üÍàªÔüµ káh
shit! âi hàh! ÈÙ¹Âì¡ÒäüÒ
äÍüËûÒ shop window nâh gra-jòk
shock: I got an electric shock ráhn
from the ... psm (chún) tòok ˹üÒ¡ÃШ¡ÃüÒ¹
fai chórk têe ... shore chai fùng
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¶Ù¡ä¿ªýͤ·Õû ... ªÒ½Ñû§
shock-absorber chórk short (person) dtêe-a
ªýͤ àµÕüÂ
shocked dtòk jai (time) sûn
µ¡ã¨ ÊÑü¹

shortcut tahng lút (in bathroom) fùk boo-a
English ➜ Thai

·Ò§ÅÑ´ ½Ñ¡ºÑÇ
shorts gahng-gayng kph sûn with shower mee fùk boo-a
¡Ò§à¡§¢ÒÊÑü¹ ÁսѡºÑÇ
(US: underwear) gahng gayng shower gel kreem àhp
nai náhm
¡Ò§à¡§ã¹ ¤ÃÕÁÍÒº¹üÓ
should: what should I do? shut (verb) bpìt
psm (chún) koo-un ja tum »Ô´
yung-ngai? when do you shut? koon bpìt
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤ÇèзÓÍÂûÒ§äà gèe mohng?
you should ... koon ¤Ø³»Ô´¡ÕûâÁ§
koo-un ja ... when does it shut? bpìt gèe
¤Ø³¤ÇèР... mohng?
you shouldn’t ... koon mâi »Ô´¡ÕûâÁ§
koo-un ja ... they’re shut káo bpìt láir-o

¤Ø³äÁû¤ÇèР... à¢Ò»Ô´áÅüÇ

he should be back soon děe- I’ve shut myself out leum ao
o káo kong glùp mah goon-jair òrk mah
shoulder lài shut up! yòot pôot ná!
äËÅû ËÂØ´¾Ù´¹Ð
shout (verb) dta-gohn shutter (on camera) chút-dter
µÐ⡹ ªÑµàµÍÃì
show (in theatre) gahn (on window) bahn glèt nâh-
sa-dairng dtàhng
¡ÒÃáÊ´§ ºÒ¹à¡Åç´Ë¹üÒµûÒ§
could you show me? ksr doo shy ai
nòy ÍÒÂ
¢Í´Ù˹ûÍ sick (ill) mâi sa-bai
shower (rain) fsn bproy bproy äÁûʺÒÂ
½¹»ÃÍÂæ I’m going to be sick (vomit)

róo-sèuk wâh klêun sâi signature lai sen

English ➜ Thai
ÃÙüÊÖ¡ÇûÒ¤Å×û¹äÊü ÅÒÂà«ç¹
side kâhng signpost dtìt bpâi ja-rah-jorn
¢üÒ§ µÔ´»üÒ¨ÃÒ¨Ã
the other side of the street silence kwahm ngêe-up
èek fâhk nèung ksrng ¤ÇÒÁà§Õº
ta-nsn silk mpi
ÍÕ¡¿Ò¡Ë¹Öû§¢Í§¶¹¹ äËÁ
sidelights fai kâhng silly ngôh
ä¿¢üÒ§ â§û
side salad sa-lùt silver (noun) ngern
ÊÅÑ´ à§Ô¹
side street soy silver foil gra-dàht
«ÍÂ dta-gòo-a
sidewalk bàht wít-těe ¡ÃдÒɵСÑûÇ
ºÒ·ÇÔ¶Õ similar měu-un

sight: the sights of ... sa-tphn- àËÁ×͹
têe nâh têe-o nai ... simple (easy) ngâi
ʶҹ·Õû¹ûÒà·ÕûÂÇã¹ ... §ûÒÂ
sightseeing: we’re going since: since last week dtûng
sightseeing rao ja bpai têe-o dtàir ah-tít gòrn
àÃÒ¨Ðä»à·ÕûÂÇ µÑü§áµûÍÒ·ÔµÂì¡û͹
sightseeing tour rai gahn num since I got here dtûng dtàir
têe-o psm (chún) mah těung
ÃÒ¡ÒùÓà·ÕûÂÇ µÑü§áµû¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÒ¶Ö§
sign (roadsign etc) bpâi stn-yahn sing rórng playng
ja-rah-jorn Ãüͧà¾Å§
»üÒÂÊÑญญÒ³¨ÃҨà singer núk rórng
signal: he didn’t give a signal ¹Ñ¡Ãüͧ
(driver, cyclist) káo mâi dâi hâi single: a single to ... dtso-a
stn-yahn bpai ...
à¢ÒäÁûä´üãËüÊญ Ñ ญÒ³ µÑþÇä» ...

I’m single psm (chún) bpen skin pěw
English ➜ Thai

sòht ¼ÔÇ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹âÊ´ skin-diving gahn dum náhm
single bed dtee-ung dèe-o léuk
àµÕ§à´ÕûÂÇ ¡ÒôӹüÓÅÖ¡
single room hôrng dèe-o skinny psrm
Ëüͧà´ÕûÂÇ ¼ÍÁ
single ticket dtso-a bpai skirt gra-bprohng
µÑþÇä» ¡ÃÐâ»Ã§
sink (in kitchen) àhng sky fáh
ÍûÒ§ ¿üÒ
sister (older) pêe spo sleep (verb) norn lùp
(younger) nórng spo did you sleep well? lùp dee
¹üͧÊÒÇ mái?
sister-in-law (older) pêe sa-pái ËÅѺ´ÕäËÁ

ksrng sleeper (on train) rót norn

¾ÕûÊÐãÀü¢Í§ ö¹Í¹
(younger) nórng sa-pái ksrng sleeping bag tsOng norn
¹üͧÊÐãÀü¢Í§ ¶Ø§¹Í¹
sit: can I sit here? ksr nûng sleeping car rót norn
têe nêe, dâi mái? ö¹Í¹
¢Í¹Ñû§·Õû¹Õûä´üäËÁ sleeping pill yah norn lùp
is anyone sitting here? mee Âҹ͹ËÅѺ
kon nûng têe nêe rěu bplào? sleepy: I’m feeling sleepy psm
ÁÕ¤¹¹Ñû§·Õû¹ÕûËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ (chún) ngôo-ung norn
sit down nûng ¼Á(©Ñ¹)§ûǧ¹Í¹
¹Ñû§ sleeve kpirn sêu-a
do sit down chern nûng see ᢹàÊ×üÍ
àªÔญ¹Ñû§«Ô slide (photographic) sa-lai
size ka-nàht ÊäÅ´ì
¢¹Ò´ slip (garment) gra-bprohng

chún nai snake ngoo

English ➜ Thai
¡ÃÐâ»Ã§ªÑü¹ã¹ §Ù
slippery lêun sneeze (verb) jahm
Å×û¹ ¨ÒÁ
slow cháh snorkel tôr hpi jai
ªüÒ ·ûÍËÒÂã¨
slow down! (driving) kùp cháh snow (noun) hí-má
cháh nòy! ËÔÁÐ
¢ÑºªüÒ æ ˹ûÍ so: it’s so good dee jung
(speaking) pôot cháh cháh nòy! ler-ee
¾Ù´ªüÒ æ ˹ûÍ ´Õ¨Ñ§àÅÂ
slowly cháh it’s so expensive pairng jung
ªüÒ ler-ee
very slowly cháh mâhk ᾧ¨Ñ§àÅÂ
ªüÒÁÒ¡ not so much mâi kôy mâhk
small lék äÁû¤ûÍÂÁÒ¡

àÅç¡ not so bad mâi kôy lay-o
smell: it smells (smells bad) měn äÁû¤ûÍÂàÅÇ
àËÁç¹ so am I psm (chún) gôr měu-
smile (verb) yím un gun
ÂÔüÁ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡çàËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹
smoke (noun) kwun so do I psm (chún) gôr měu-
¤Çѹ un gun
do you mind if I smoke? ksr ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡çàËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹
sòop boo-rèe dâi mái? so-so rêu-ay rêu-ay
¢ÍÊÙººØËÃÕûä´üäËÁ àÃ×ûÍ æ
I don’t smoke psm (chún) soap sa-bòo
mâi sòop boo-rèe ʺûÙ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÊÙººØËÃÕû soap powder psng súk fôrk
do you smoke? koon sòop ¼§«Ñ¡¿Í¡
boo-rèe mái? sober mâi mao

sock tsOng táo something to eat ksrng gin
English ➜ Thai

¶Ø§à·üÒ ¢Í§¡Ô¹
socket (electrical) bplúk fai sometimes bahng tee
»ÅÑý¡ä¿ ºÒ§·Õ
soda (water) núm soh-dah somewhere têe npi
¹üÓâ«´Ò ·Õûä˹
sofa têe nûng rúp kàirk son lôok chai
·Õû¹Ñû§ÃѺᢡ ÅÙ¡ªÒÂ
soft (material etc) nîm song playng
¹ÔûÁ à¾Å§
soft drink náhm kòo-ut son-in-law lôok kěr-ee
¹üӢǴ ÅÙ¡à¢Â
sole (of shoe, of foot) péun rorng soon děe-o
táo à´ÕþÂÇ
¾×ü¹Ãͧà·üÒ I’ll be back soon děe-o glùp
could you put new soles ná

on these? sài péun rórng à´ÕþÂÇ¡ÅѺ¹Ð

táo mài hâi nòy, dâi mái? as soon as possible yàhng
ãÊû¾×ü¹Ãͧà·üÒãËÁûãËü˹ûÍ ray-o têe sòot têe ja ray-o
ä´üäËÁ dâi
some bahng ÍÂûÒ§àÃçÇ·ÕûÊØ´·Õû¨ÐàÃçÇä´ü
ºÒ§ sore: it’s sore jèp
some people bahng kon à¨çº
ºÒ§¤¹ sore throat jèp kor
can I have some? ksr nòy, à¨çº¤Í
dâi mái? sorry: (I’m) sorry psm (chún)
¢Í˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ sěe-a jai
somebody, someone ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÊÕÂã¨
krai sorry? (didn’t understand) a-rai
ã¤Ã na?
something a-rai ÍÐäùÐ
ÍÐäà sort: what sort of ...? ... bàirp

npi? spare tyre yahng a-lài

English ➜ Thai
... Ẻä˹ ÂÒ§ÍÐäËÅû
soup sóop spark plug hso-a tee-un
«Øº ËÑÇà·Õ¹
sour (taste) bprêe-o speak: do you speak English?
à»ÃÕüÂÇ koon pôot pah-sph ung-grìt
south dtâi bpen mái?
ãµü ¤Ø³¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉà»ç¹äËÁ
in the south nai pâhk dtâi I don’t speak ... psm (chún)
ã¹ÀÒ¤ãµü pôot ... mâi bpen
South Africa ah-fri-gah dtâi ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¾Ù´ ... äÁûà»ç¹
ÍÒ¿ÃÔ¡Òãµü can I speak to ...? ksr pôot
South China Sea ta-lay jeen gùp ... nòy, dâi mái?
dtâi ¢Í¾Ù´¡Ñº ... ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
southeast dta-wun òrk dialogue

chěe-ung dtâi
µÐÇѹÍÍ¡à©Õ§ãµü can I speak to Tongchai?
southwest dta-wun dtòk ksr pôot gùp koon Tong-
chěe-ung dtâi chai nòy, dâi mái ká?
µÐÇѹµ¡à©Õ§ãµü who’s calling? krai pôot
souvenir ksrng têe ra-léuk krúp?
¢Í§·ÕûÃÐÅÖ¡ it’s Patricia chún Patricia
soy sauce núm see éw pôot kâ
¹üÓ«ÕÍÔýÇ I’m sorry, he’s not in, can I
Spain bpra-tâyt sa-bpayn take a message? káo mâi
»ÃÐà·ÈÊ໹ yòo krúp mee a-rai ja fàhk
spanner goon-jair bpàhk bòrk mái?
dtai no thanks, I’ll call back
¡ØญᨻҡµÒ later mâi mee kâ ja toh
spare part a-lài glùp mah dtorn ltng
ÍÐäËÅû please tell him I called

chôo-ay bòrk káo wâh sprain: I’ve sprained my ...
English ➜ Thai

chún toh mah psm (chún) tum ... klét

¼Á(©Ñ¹)·Óà¤Åç´ ...
spectacles wâirn dtah spring (season) réu-doo bai
áÇû¹µÒ mái plì
speed (noun) kwahm Ä´ÙãºäÁü¼ÅÔ
ray-o in the spring dtorn réu-doo
¤ÇÒÁàÃçÇ bai mái plì
speed limit ùt-dtrah kwahm µÍ¹Ä´ÙãºäÁü¼ÅÔ
ray-o squid bplah-mèuk
speedometer krêu-ung wút stairs bun-dai
kwahm ray-o ºÑ¹ä´
à¤Ã×ûͧÇÑ´¤ÇÒÁàÃçÇ stale mâi sòt
spell: how do you spell it? äÁûÊ´
sa-gòt yung-ngai? stall: the engine keeps

ÊС´ÍÂûÒ§äà stalling krêu-ung dùp

spend chái ngern bòy
ãªüà§Ô¹ à¤Ã×ûͧ´ÑººûÍÂ
spider mairng moom stamp (noun) sa-dtairm
áÁ§ÁØÁ áʵÁ»ì
spin-dryer krêu-ung bpùn pâh
hâi hâirng dialogue
splinter sa-gèt mái a stamp for England,
ÊÐà¡ç´äÁü please ksr sa-dtairm sòng
spoke (in wheel) sêe lór rót bpai ung-grìt
«ÕûÅüÍö what are you sending?
spoon chórn koon ja sòng a-rai bpai?
ªü͹ this postcard bpóht-káht
sport gee-lah nêe

standby ‘standby’ púk yòo têe ...

English ➜ Thai
star dao ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¾Ñ¡ÍÂÙû·Õû ...
´ÒÇ I’d like to stay another two
(in film) dah-rah ntng nights psm (chún) yàhk ja
´ÒÃÒ˹ѧ púk yòo èek ssrng keun
start (verb) rêrm ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ð¾Ñ¡ÍÂÙ û
àÃÔûÁ ÍÕ¡Êͧ¤×¹
when does it start? rêrm steak néu-a sa-dték
mêu-rai? à¹×üÍàʵý¡
àÃÔûÁàÁ×ûÍäà steal ka-moy-ee
the car won’t start rót sa- ¢âÁÂ
dtàht mâi dtìt my bag has been stolen gra-
öʵÒÃì·äÁûµÔ´ bppo tòok ka-moy-ee
starter (of car) bpòom ¡ÃÐà»þÒ¶Ù¡¢âÁÂ
sa-dtàht steep (hill) chun
»ØûÁʵÒÃì· ªÑ¹

starving: I’m starving psm steering msOn poo-ung
(chún) hěw jung ler-ee mah-lai
state (country) rút step: on the steps têe kûn
ÃÑ° bun-dai
the States (USA) sa-hph-rút ·Õû¢Ñü¹ºÑ¹ä´
ÊËÒÃÑ° stereo sa-dtay-ri-oh
station sa-tph-nee rót fai ÊàµÃÔâÍ
ʶҹÕÃ¶ä¿ sterling ngern bporn
statue rôop bpûn à§Ô¹»Í¹´ì
ÃÙ»»Ñü¹ steward (on plane) pa-núk
stay: where are you ngahn krêu-ung bin
staying? koon púk yòo têe ¾¹Ñ¡§Ò¹à¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹
npi? stewardess pa-núk ngahn
¤Ø³¾Ñ¡ÍÂÙû·Õûä˹ dtôrn rúp bon krêu-ung bin
I’m staying at ... psm (chún) ¾¹Ñ¡§Ò¹µü͹ÃѺº¹à¤Ã×ûͧºÔ¹

sticking plaster plah-sa-dter stop it! yòot na!
English ➜ Thai

sticky rice kâo něe-o stopover wáir
still: I’m still here psm (chún) storm pah-yóo
yung yòo têe nêe ¾ÒÂØ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÂѧÍÂÙû·Õû¹Õû straight: it’s straight ahead
is he still there? káo yung yòo dtrong nâh
yòo têe nûn mái? ÍÂÙûµÃ§Ë¹üÒ
à¢ÒÂѧÍÂÙû·Õû¹Ñû¹äËÁ a straight whisky wít-sa-gêe
keep still! yòo nîng nîng! pee-o
ÍÂÙû¹Ôû§ æ ÇÔÊ¡Õüà¾ÕÂÇ
sting: I’ve been stung psm straightaway tun-tee
(chún) tòok ma-lairng dtòy ·Ñ¹·Õ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¶Ù¡áÁŧµûÍ strange (odd) bplàirk
stockings tsOng nôrng á»Å¡

¶Ø§¹ûͧ stranger kon bplàirk nâh

stomach tórng ¤¹á»Å¡Ë¹üÒ
·üͧ I’m a stranger here psm
stomach ache bpòo-ut tórng (chún) mâi châi kon têe
»Ç´·üͧ nêe
stone (rock) hrn ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûãªû¤¹·Õû¹Õû
ËÔ¹ strap spi
stop (verb) yòot ÊÒÂ
ËÂØ´ strawberry sa-dtor-ber-rêe
please stop here (to taxi driver ʵÃÍàºÍÃìÃÕû
etc) yòot dtrong née krúp stream lum-tahn
(kâ) ÅÓ¸ÒÃ
ËÂØ´µÃ§¹Õü¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) street ta-nsn
do you stop near ...? koon ¶¹¹
yòot glâi glâi ... mái? on the street bon ta-nsn
¤Ø³ËÂØ´ã¡Åü æ ... äËÁ º¹¶¹¹

streetmap ppirn-têe suitcase gra-bppo dern tahng

English ➜ Thai
ta-nsn ¡ÃÐà»þÒà´Ô¹·Ò§
á¼¹·Õû¶¹¹ summer nâh rórn
string chêu-uk ˹üÒÃü͹
àª×Í¡ in the summer dtorn nâh rórn
strong kpirng rairng µÍ¹Ë¹üÒÃü͹
á¢ç§áç sun prá-ah-tít
stuck dtìt ¾ÃÐÍÒ·ÔµÂì
µÔ´ in the sun dtàhk dàirt
it’s stuck mun dtìt µÒ¡á´´
ÁѹµÔ´ out of the sun nai rôm
student núk-sèuk-sph ã¹ÃûÁ
¹Ñ¡ÈÖ¡ÉÒ sunbathe àhp dàirt
stupid ngôh ÍҺᴴ
â§û sunblock (cream) yah tah gun
suburb bor-ri-wayn chahn dàirt

meu-ung Âҷҡѹᴴ
ºÃÔàdzªÒ¹àÁ×ͧ sunburn tòok dàirt
suddenly tun-tee ¶Ù¡á´´
·Ñ¹·Õ sunburnt tòok dàirt mâi
suede ntng glùp ¶Ù¡á´´äËÁü
˹ѧ¡ÅѺ Sunday wun ah-tít
sugar núm dtahn ÇѹÍÒ·ÔµÂì
¹üÓµÒÅ sunglasses wâirn gun
suit (noun) chóot dàirt
ªØ´ áÇû¹¡Ñ¹á´´
it doesn’t suit me (jacket etc) sun lounger máh nûng àhp
mâi mòr gùp psm (chún) dàirt
äÁûàËÁÒСѺ¼Á(©Ñ¹) ÁüÒ¹Ñû§ÍҺᴴ
it suits you mòr gùp koon sunny: it’s sunny dàirt òrk
dâi dee á´´ÍÍ¡
àËÁÒСѺ¤Ø³ä´ü´Õ sunroof (in car) ltng-kah

gra-jòk jai rěu?
English ➜ Thai

ËÅѧ¤Ò¡ÃШ¡ ¤Ø³á¹ûã¨ËÃ×Í
sunset ah-tít dtòk sure! nâir-norn!
ÍÒ·ÔµÂ쵡 á¹û¹Í¹
sunshade ngao dàirt surname nahm sa-goon
à§Òá´´ ¹ÒÁÊ¡ØÅ
sunshine dàirt òrk swearword kum sa-bòt
á´´ÍÍ¡ ¤Óʺ¶
sunstroke rôhk páir dàirt sweater sêu-a sa-wet-dter
âäá¾üá´´ ÊàǵàµÍÃì
suntan pěw klúm dàirt Sweden bpra-tâyt
¼ÔǤÅüÓá´´ sa-wee-den
suntan lotion kreem tah àhp »ÃÐà·ÈÊÇÕà´¹
dàirt sweet (taste) wphn
suntanned mee pěw klúm (noun: dessert) ksrng wphn

dàirt ¢Í§ËÇÒ¹
ÁÕ¼ÔǤÅüÓá´´ sweets tórp-fêe
suntan oil núm mun tah àhp ·ýÍ¿¿Õû
dàirt swelling boo-um
¹üÓÁѹ·ÒÍҺᴴ ºÇÁ
super yôrt yêe-um swim (verb) wâi náhm
supermarket soo-bper-mah- I’m going for a swim psm
get (chún) bpai wâi náhm
«Øà»ÍÃìÁÒÃìà¡çµ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ä»ÇûÒ¹üÓ
supper ah-hphn yen let’s go for a swim bpai wâi
ÍÒËÒÃàÂç¹ náhm mái?
supplement (extra charge) kâh ä»ÇûÒ¹üÓäËÁ
bor-ri-gahn pi-sàyt swimming costume chóot àhp
¤ûÒºÃÔ¡ÒþÔàÈÉ náhm
sure: are you sure? koon nâir- ªØ´ÍÒº¹üÓ

swimming pool sà wâi náhm take (lead: something somewhere)

English ➜ Thai
ÊÃÐÇûÒ¹üÓ ao ... bpai
swimming trunks gahng-gayng àÍÒ ... ä»
wâi náhm (someone somewhere) pah ...
¡Ò§à¡§ÇûÒ¹üÓ bpai
switch (noun) sa-wít ¾Ò ... ä»
ÊÇÔª take (accept) rúp
switch off bpìt ÃѺ
»Ô´ can you take me to the ...?
switch on bpèrt pah bpai ... dâi mái?
ໄ´ ¾Òä» ... ä´üäËÁ
Switzerland bpra-tâyt sa-wìt do you take credit cards? rúp
»ÃÐà·ÈÊÇÔÊ bùt kray-dìt rěu bplào?
swollen boo-um ÃѺºÑµÃà¤Ã´ÔµËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ
ºÇÁ fine, I’ll take it oh kay, psm
(chún) ao

T âÍठ¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÍÒ
can I take this? (leaflet etc) ksr
un née dâi mái?
table dtó ¢ÍÍѹ¹Õüä´üäËÁ
âµýÐ how long does it take? chái
a table for two dtó stm-rùp way-lah nahn tâo-rài?
ssrng kon ãªüàÇÅÒ¹Ò¹à·ûÒäÃ
âµýÐÊÓËÃѺÊͧ¤¹ it takes three hours chái
tablecloth pâh bpoo dtó way-lah sphm chôo-a
¼üÒ»ÙâµýÐ mohng
table tennis bping bporng ãªüàÇÅÒÊÒÁªÑûÇâÁ§
»Ô§»Í§ is this seat taken? têe nêe
tailback (of traffic) rót dtìt wâhng mái?
öµÔ´ ·Õû¹ÕûÇûÒ§äËÁ
tailor châhng dtùt sêu-a pâh can you take a little off here?
ªûÒ§µÑ´àÊ×üͼüÒ (to hairdresser) dtùt dtrong née

òrk nít-nòy dâi mái? will you get me a taxi? chôo-
English ➜ Thai

µÑ´µÃ§¹ÕüÍÍ¡¹Ô´Ë¹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ ay rêe-uk táirk-sêe hâi nòy,

talcum powder bpâirng dâi mái?
á»ü§ ªûÇÂàÃÕ¡á·ý¡«ÕûãËü˹ûÍÂ
talk (verb) pôot ä´üäËÁ
tall ssong dialogue
tampons tairm-porn to the airport/to the Regent
á·Á¾Í¹ Hotel, please bpai sa-nphm
tan (noun) klúm bin/rohng rairm ree-yen
¤ÅüÓ how much will it be? tâo-
to get a tan hâi pěw klúm rài?
ãËü¼ÔǤÅüÓ 300 baht sphm róy bàht
tank (of car) ttng núm mun that’s fine right here,
¶Ñ§¹üÓÁѹ thanks jòrt dtrong née na

tap górk náhm

¡ýÍ¡¹üÓ taxi-driver kon kùp táirk-sêe
tape (for cassette) táyp ¤¹¢Ñºá·ý¡«Õû
à·» taxi rank têe jòrt rót táirk-sêe
tape measure spi wút ·Õû¨Í´Ã¶á·ý¡«Õû
ÊÒÂÇÑ´ tea (drink) núm chah
tape recorder krêu-ung bun- ¹üÓªÒ
téuk sěe-ung tea for one/two, please ksr
à¤Ã×ûͧºÑ¹·Ö¡àÊÕ§ núm chah têe nèung/ssrng
taste (noun) rót têe
ÃÊ ¢Í¹üÓªÒ·Õû˹Öû§/Êͧ·Õû
can I taste it? ksr lorng teabags chah tsOng
chim nòy, dâi mái? ªÒ¶Ø§
¢ÍÅͧªÔÁ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ teach: could you teach me?
taxi táirk-sêe ssrn hâi dâi mái?
á·ý¡«Õû Ê͹ãËüä´üäËÁ

teacher kroo tennis racket mái dtee

English ➜ Thai
¤ÃÙ ten-nít
team teem äÁüµÕà·¹¹ÔÊ
·ÕÁ tent dten
teaspoon chórn chah àµç¹·ì
ªü͹ªÒ term term
tea towel pâh chét jahn à·ÍÃìÁ
¼üÒàªç´¨Ò¹ terminus (rail) sa-tph-nee
teenager dèk wai rôon ʶҹÕ
à´ç¡ÇÑÂÃûع terrible yâir
telephone toh-ra-sùp áÂû
â·ÃÈѾ·ì terrific yôrt yêe-um
television toh-ra-tút ÂÍ´àÂÕûÂÁ
â·Ã·Ñȹì text (message) ték
tell: could you tell him ...? à⋎礫
chôo-ay bòrk káo wâh ... Thai (adj) tai

nòy, dâi mái? ä·Â
ªûǺ͡à¢ÒÇûÒ ... (language) pah-sph tai
˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ ÀÒÉÒä·Â
temperature (weather) oon-na- a Thai, the Thais kon tai
ha-poom ¤¹ä·Â
ÍسËÀÙÁÔ Thailand (formal) bpra-tâyt tai
(fever) kâi »ÃÐà·Èä·Â
ä¢ü (informal) meu-ung tai
temple wút àÁ×ͧä·Â
ÇÑ´ than* gwàh
tennis tay-nit ¡ÇûÒ
à·¹¹ÔÊ smaller than lék gwàh
tennis ball lôok ten-nít àÅç¡¡ÇûÒ
ÅÙ¡à·¹¹ÔÊ thanks, thank you kòrp-koon
tennis court sa-nphm ten-nít ¢Íº¤Ø³
ʹÒÁà·¹¹ÔÊ thank you very much kòrp-

koon mâhk theatre rohng la-korn
English ➜ Thai

¢Íº¤Ø³ÁÒ¡ âçÅФÃ
thanks for the lift korp-koon their ksrng káo
tee mah song ¢Í§à¢Ò
¢Íº¤Ø³·Õ›ÁÒÊ›§ theirs ksrng káo
no thanks mâi ao kòrp-koon ¢Í§à¢Ò
äÁûàÍҢͺ¤Ø³ them káo
dialogue for them stm-rùp káo
thanks kòrp-koon with them gùp káo
that’s OK, don’t mention it ¡Ñºà¢Ò
mâi bpen rai to them gàir káo
that: that boy pôo-chai kon who? – them krai? – pôo-uk
nún káo

¼ÙüªÒ¤¹¹Ñü¹ ã¤Ã – ¾Ç¡à¢Ò

that girl pôo-yrng kon nún then (at that time) dtorn nún
¼ÙüËญÔ§¤¹¹Ñü¹ µÍ¹¹Ñü¹
that one un nún (after that) ltng jàhk nún
Íѹ¹Ñü¹ ËÅѧ¨Ò¡¹Ñü¹
I hope that ... psm (chún) there têe nûn
wtng wâh ... ·Õû¹Ñû¹
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ËÇѧÇûÒ ... over there têe-nôhn
that’s nice sso-ay ·Õûâ¹û¹
ÊÇÂ up there kâhng bon nún
is that ...? ... châi mái? ¢üÒ§º¹¹Ñü¹
... ãªûäËÁ is/are there ...? mee ... mái?
that’s it (that’s right) châi ÁÕ ... äËÁ
láir-o there is/are ... mee ...
ãªûáÅüÇ ÁÕ ...
the* there you are (giving something)

nêe krúp (kâ) think kít

English ➜ Thai
¹Õû¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ) ¤Ô´
thermometer bpròrt I think so psm (chún) kít wâh
»ÃÍ· yung-ngún
Thermos flask® gra-dtìk ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤Ô´ÇûÒÍÂûÒ§¹Ñü¹
náhm I don’t think so psm (chún)
¡Ãеԡ¹üÓ kít wâh kong mâi
these*: these men pôo-chai ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¤Ô´ÇûÒ¤§äÁû
pôo-uk lào née I’ll think about it psm (chún)
¼ÙüªÒ¾ǡàËÅûÒ¹Õü ja lorng kít doo gòrn
these women pôo-yrng pôo- ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¨ÐÅͧ¤Ô´´Ù¡û͹
uk lào née thirsty: I’m thirsty psm (chún)
¼ÙüËญÔ§¾Ç¡àËÅûÒ¹Õü hěw náhm
I’d like these ao pôo-uk lào ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ËÔǹüÓ
née this: this boy pôo-chai kon
àÍҾǡàËÅûÒ¹Õü née

they káo ¼ÙüªÒ¤¹¹Õü
à¢Ò this girl pôo-yrng kon née
thick nph ¼ÙüËญÔ§¤¹¹Õü
Ë¹Ò this one un née
(stupid) ngôh Íѹ¹Õü
â§û this is my wife nêe pun-ra-
thief ka-moy-ee yah ksrng psm
thigh nôrng is this ...? ... châi mái?
¹ûͧ ... ãªûäËÁ
thin psrm those: those men pôo chai
¼ÍÁ pôo-uk lào nún
thing ksrng ¼ÙüªÒ¾ǡàËÅûÒ¹Ñü¹
¢Í§ those women pôo yrng pôo-
my things ksrng psm (chún) uk lào nún
¢Í§¼Á(©Ñ¹) ¼ÙüËญÔ§¾Ç¡àËÅûÒ¹Ñü¹

which ones? – those un nâi? ung-mài
English ➜ Thai

– un nún coming back when? glùp

Íѹä˹ – Íѹ¹Ñü¹ mêu-rai?
thread (noun) sên dâi today/next Tuesday wun
àÊü¹´üÒ née/wun ung-kahn nâh
throat kor hsy that will be 200 baht ssrng
¤ÍËÍ róy bàht
throat pastilles yah om gâir
kor jèp ticket office (bus, rail) têe jum-
ÂÒÍÁá¡ü¤Íà¨çº nài dtso-a
through pàhn ·Õû¨Ó˹ûÒµÑþÇ
¼ûÒ¹ tie (necktie) nék-tai
does it go through ...? (train, à¹ç¤ä·
bus) pàhn ... rěu bplào? tight (clothes etc) kúp
¼ûÒ¹ ... ËÃ×Íà»ÅûÒ ¤Ñº
throw (verb) kwâhng it’s too tight kúp gern

¢ÇüÒ§ bpai
throw away (verb) tíng ¤Ñºà¡Ô¹ä»
·Ôü§ tights tsOng yai boo-a
thumb néw hso-a mâir meu ¶Ø§ãºÑÇ
¹ÔüÇËÑÇáÁûÁ×Í till (cash desk) têe gèp ngern
thunderstorm pah-yóo fsn ·Õûà¡çºà§Ô¹
¾ÒÂؽ¹ time* way-lah
Thursday wun pá-réu-hùt àÇÅÒ
Çѹ¾ÄËÑÊ what’s the time? gèe mohng
ticket dtso-a láir-o?
µÑþÇ ¡ÕûâÁ§áÅüÇ
this time krúng née
dialogue ¤ÃÑü§¹Õü
last time krúng têe
a return to Chiangmai láir-o
dtso-a bpai glùp chee- ¤ÃÑü§·ÕûáÅüÇ

next time krúng nâh toast (bread) ka-nsm bpung

English ➜ Thai
¤ÃÑü§Ë¹üÒ bpîng
three times sphm krúng ¢¹Á»Ñ§»Ôü§
ÊÒÁ¤ÃÑü§ today wun née
timetable dtah-rahng way-lah Çѹ¹Õü
µÒÃÒ§àÇÅÒ toe néw táo
tin (can) gra-bpsrng ¹ÔüÇà·üÒ
¡Ãлþͧ together dôo-ay gun
tinfoil gra-dàht a-loo-mi-nee- ´üÇ¡ѹ
um we’re together (in shop etc) rao
¡ÃдÒÉÍÅÙÁÔà¹ÕÂÁ mah dôo-ay gun
tin-opener têe bpèrt àÃÒÁÒ´üÇ¡ѹ
gra-bpsrng toilet hôrng náhm
·Õûà»Ô´¡Ãлþͧ Ëüͧ¹üÓ
tiny lék where is the toilet? hôrng
àÅç¡ náhm yòo têe npi?

tip (to waiter etc) ngern típ Ëüͧ¹üÓÍÂÙû·Õûä˹
à§Ô¹·Ô» I have to go to the toilet psm
tired nèu-ay (chún) dtôrng bpai hôrng
à˹×ûÍ náhm
I’m tired psm (chún) nèu-ay ¼Á(©Ñ¹)µüͧä»Ëüͧ¹üÓ
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à˹×ûÍ toilet paper gra-dàht
tissues pâh chét meu chum-rá
¼üÒàªç´Á×Í ¡ÃдÒɪÓÃÐ
to: to Bangkok bpai groong- tomato ma-kěu-a tâyt
tâyp ÁÐà¢×Íà·È
仡ÃØ§à·¾Ï tomato juice núm ma-kěu-a
to Thailand bpai meu-ung tai tâyt
ä»àÁ×ͧä·Â ¹üÓÁÐà¢×Íà·È
to the post office bpai bprai- tomato ketchup sórt ma-kěu-
sa-nee a tâyt
ä»ä»ÃɳÕÂì «ÍÊÁÐà¢×Íà·È

tomorrow prôong née toothache bpòo-ut fun
English ➜ Thai

¾ÃØû§¹Õü »Ç´¿Ñ¹
tomorrow morning cháo toothbrush bprairng sěe fun
prôong née á»Ã§Êտѹ
àªüÒ¾ÃØû§¹Õü toothpaste yah sěe fun
the day after tomorrow wun ÂÒÊտѹ
ma-reun née top: on top of ... yòo bon ...
ÇѹÁÐÃ×¹¹Õü ÍÂÙûº¹ ...
toner (cosmetic) toner at the top yòo kâhng bon
tongue lín ÍÂÙû¢üÒ§º¹
ÅÔü¹ top floor chún bon
tonic (water) núm toh-ník ªÑü¹º¹
¹üÓâ·¹Ô¤ topless bpleu-ay òk
tonight keun née à»Å×ÍÂÍ¡
¤×¹¹Õü torch fai chpi
tonsillitis dtòrm torn-sin ùk- ä¿©ÒÂ

sàyp total (noun) roo-um yôrt

too (excessively) ... gern tour (noun) rai-gahn num têe-o
bpai ÃÒ¡ÒùÓà·ÕûÂÇ
... à¡Ô¹ä» is there a tour of ...? mee
(also) dôo-ay rai-gahn num têe-o bpai ...
´üÇ mái?
too hot rórn gern bpai ÁÕÃÒ¡ÒùÓà·ÕûÂÇä» ... äËÁ
Ãü͹à¡Ô¹ä» tour guide múk-koo-tâyt
too much mâhk gern bpai ÁѤ¤Øà·È¡ì
ÁÒ¡à¡Ô¹ä» tourist núk tôrng têe-o
me too psm (chún) gôr měu- ¹Ñ¡·ûͧà·ÕûÂÇ
un gun tourist information office stm-
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¡çàËÁ×͹¡Ñ¹ núk kào sphn núk tôrng
tooth fun têe-o
¿Ñ¹ Êӹѡ§Ò¹¢ûÒÇÊÒùѡ·ûͧà·ÕûÂÇ

tour operator pôo-jùt bor-ri- traffic ja-rah-jorn

English ➜ Thai
gahn num têe-o ¨ÃÒ¨Ã
¼Ùü¨Ñ´¡ÒúÃÔ¡ÒùÓà·ÕûÂÇ traffic jam rót dtìt
towards sòo öµÔ´
ÊÙû traffic lights fai stn-yahn ja-
towel pâh chét dtoo-a rah-jorn
¼üÒàªç´µÑÇ ä¿ÊÑญญÒ³¨ÃÒ¨Ã
town meu-ung trailer (for carrying tent etc) rót
àÁ×ͧ pôo-ung
in town nai meu-ung ö¾ûǧ
ã¹àÁ×ͧ train rót fai
just out of town nork meu- öä¿
ung bpai noy by train doy-ee rót fai
¹Í¡àÁ×ͧä»Ë¹›Í â´Âöä¿
town centre jai glahng meu-
ung dialogue

town hall tâyt-sa-bahn is this the train for Korat?
à·ÈºÒÅ rót fai née bpai koh-râht
toy ksrng lên mái?
¢Í§àÅû¹ sure nâir-norn
track chahn chah-lah no, you want that platform
ªÒ¹ªÒÅÒ there mâi bpai koon
which track is it for dtôrng bpai chahn chah-
Chiangmai? bpai chee-ung- lah un nún
mài chahn chah-lah a-rai?
ä»àªÕ§ãËÁûªÒ¹ªÒÅÒÍÐäà trainers (shoes) rorng táo
tracksuit chóot gee-lah gee-lah
ªØ´¡ÕÌÒ Ãͧà·üÒ¡ÕÌÒ
traditional bpen ka-nòp-tum train station sa-tphn-nee rót
nee-um fai
à»ç¹¢¹º¸ÃÃÁà¹ÕÂÁ ʶҹÕöä¿

translate bplair hairdresser) chôo-ay dtùt òrk
English ➜ Thai

á»Å nít-nòy tâo-nún krúp (ká)

could you translate that? ªûǵѴÍÍ¡¹Ô´Ë¹ûÍÂ
chôo-ay bplair hâi nòy, dâi à·ûÒ¹Ñü¹¤ÃѺ(¤Ð)
mái? trip (excursion) têe-o
ªûÇÂá»ÅãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ à·ÕûÂÇ
translation gahn bplair I’d like to go on a trip to ...
¡ÒÃá»Å psm (chún) yàhk ja bpai têe-o
translator pôo bplair ...
¼Ùüá»Å ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ðä»à·ÕûÂÇ ...
trash can ttng ka-yà trolley rót kěn
travel gahn dern tahng trouble (noun) bpun-hph
¡ÒÃà´Ô¹·Ò§ »ÑญËÒ
we’re travelling around rao I’m having trouble with ...
dern tahng bpai rêu-ay rêu-ay psm (chún) mee bpun-hph

àÃÒà´Ô¹·Ò§ä»àÃ×ûÍ æ gùp ...

travel agent’s trah-wern ay- ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÁÕ»ÑญËҡѺ ...
yen trousers gahng-gayng
·ÃÒàÇÔÅàÍà¹µì ¡Ò§à¡§
traveller’s cheque chék dern true jing
tahng ¨ÃÔ§
àªç¤à´Ô¹·Ò§ that’s not true mâi jing
tray tàht äÁû¨ÃÔ§
¶Ò´ trunk (US: car) gra-bprohng
tree dtôn mái tái rót
µü¹äÁü ¡ÃÐâ»Ã§·üÒÂö
tremendous wí-sàyt trunks (swimming) gahng-gayng
ÇÔàÈÉ wâi náhm
trendy tun sa-mpi ¡Ò§à¡§ÇûÒ¹üÓ
·Ñ¹ÊÁÑ try (verb) pa-yah-yahm
trim: just a trim, please (to ¾ÂÒÂÒÁ

can I try it? ksr lorng nòy, gàht nòy, dâi mái?

English ➜ Thai
dâi mái? ªûÇÂà»Ô´à¤Ã×ûͧ»ÃѺÍÒ¡ÒÈ
¢ÍÅͧ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ ˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
try on lorng sài doo turning (in road) tahng lée-o
ÅͧãÊû´Ù ·Ò§àÅÕüÂÇ
can I try it on? ksr lorng sài TV tee-wee
doo nòy, dâi mái? ·ÕÇÕ
¢ÍÅͧãÊû´Ù˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ tweezers bpàhk kêep
T-shirt sêu-a yêut »Ò¡¤Õº
àÊ×üÍÂ×´ twice ssrng krúng
Tuesday wun ung-kahn Êͧ¤ÃÑü§
ÇѹÍѧ¤Òà twice as much mâhk ssrng
tuna bplah too-nah tâo
»ÅÒ·Ù¹Ò ÁÒ¡Êͧà·ûÒ
tunnel oo-mohng twin beds dtee-ung kôo
ÍØâÁ§¤ì àµÕ§¤Ùû

turn: turn left/right lée-o sái/ twin room hôrng kôo
kwph Ëüͧ¤Ùû
àÅÕüÂÇ«üÒÂ/¢ÇÒ twist: I’ve twisted my ankle
turn off: where do I turn off? ja kôr táo psm (chún) plík
lée-o têe npi? ¢üÍà·üÒ¼Á(©Ñ¹)¾ÅÔ¡
¨ÐàÅÕüÂÇ·Õûä˹ type (noun) bàirp
can you turn the air- Ẻ
conditioning off? chôo-ay another type of ... ... èek bàirp
bpìt krêu-ung bprùp nèung
ah-gàht nòy, dâi ... ÍաẺ˹Öû§
mái? typical bàirp cha-bùp
ªûÇ»Դà¤Ã×ûͧ»ÃѺÍÒ¡ÒÈ áºº©ºÑº
˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ tyre yahng rót
turn on: can you turn the air- Âҧö
conditioning on? chôo-ay
bpèrt krêu-ung bprùp ah-

I don’t understand psm
English ➜ Thai

(chún) mâi kâo jai

ugly nâh glèe-ut do you understand? kâo jai
¹ûÒà¡ÅÕ´ mái?
UK bpra-tâyt ung-grìt à¢üÒã¨äËÁ
»ÃÐà·ÈÍѧ¡ÄÉ United States sa-hà-rút a-
ulcer plpir gra-pór may-ri-gah
umbrella rôm university ma-hph-wít-ta-
ÃûÁ yah-lai
uncle (older brother of mother/ ÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅÑÂ
father) loong unleaded petrol núm mun rái
Åا sphn dta-gòo-a
(younger brother of father) ah ¹üÓÁѹäÃüÊÒõСÑûÇ
ÍÒ unlimited mileage mâi jum-

(younger brother of mother) náh gùt ra-ya tahng

¹üÒ äÁû¨Ó¡Ñ´ÃÐÂзҧ
unconscious mòt sa-dtì unlock kpi goon-jair
ËÁ´ÊµÔ 䢡Øญá¨
under (in position) dtâi unpack gâir hòr
ãµü á¡üËûÍ
(less than) dtùm gwàh until jon
µûÓ¡ÇûÒ ¨¹
underdone (meat) sòok-sòok unusual pìt
dìp-dìp tum-ma-dah
ÊØ¡ æ ´Ôº æ ¼Ô´¸ÃÃÁ´Ò
underpants gahng-gayng nai up kêun
¡Ò§à¡§ã¹ ¢Öü¹
understand: I understand psm up there yòo bon nún
(chún) kâo jai ÍÂÙûº¹¹Ñü¹
¼Á(©Ñ¹)à¢üÒ㨠he’s not up yet (not out of bed)

káo yung mâi dtèun V

English ➜ Thai
what’s up? (what’s wrong?)
bpen a-rai? vacancy: do you have any
à»ç¹ÍÐäà vacancies? (hotel) mee hôrng
upmarket rso-rph wâhng mái?
upset stomach tórng sěe-a vacation wun yòot
·üͧàÊÕ ÇѹËÂØ´
upside down kwûm on vacation yòot púk
¤ÇûÓ pòrn
upstairs kâhng bon ËÂØ´¾Ñ¡¼û͹
¢üÒ§º¹ vaccination chèet wúk-seen
urgent dòo-un ©Õ´ÇѤ«Õ¹
´ûǹ vacuum cleaner krêu-ung
us* rao dòot fòon

àÃÒ à¤Ã×ûͧ´Ù´½Øû¹
with us gùp rao valid (ticket etc) chái dâi
¡ÑºàÃÒ ãªüä´ü
for us stm-rùp rao how long is it valid for? chái
ÊÓËÃѺàÃÒ dâi těung mêu-a rài?
USA sa-hà-rút a-may-ri-gah ãªüä´ü¶Ö§àÁ×ûÍäÃ
ÊËÃÑ°ÍàÁÃÔ¡Ò valley hòop kpo
use (verb) chái Ëغà¢Ò
ãªü valuable (adj) mee kâh
may I use ...? ksr chái ... dâi ÁÕ¤ûÒ
mái? can I leave my valuables
¢Íãªü ... ä´üäËÁ here? ao kâo ksrng tíng wái
useful mee bpra-yòht têe nêe, dâi mái?
ÁÕ»ÃÐ⪹ì àÍÒ¢üÒǢͧ·Ôü§äÇü·Õû¹Õûä´üäËÁ
usual tum-ma-dah value (noun) kâh
¸ÃÃÁ´Ò ¤ûÒ

van rót dtôo wee-dee-oh
English ➜ Thai

öµÙü à¤Ã×ûͧÇÕ´ÕâÍ
vanilla wá-ní-lah Vietnam bpra-tâyt
ÇÒ¹ÔÅÒ wêe-ut-nahm
a vanilla ice cream ait kreem »ÃÐà·ÈàÇÕ´¹ÒÁ
wá-née-lah Vietnamese (adj)
vary: it varies láir-o dtàir wêe-ut-nahm
áÅüÇáµû àÇÕ´¹ÒÁ
vase jair-gun view wew
ᨡѹ ÇÔÇ
vegetables pùk village mòo bâhn
¼Ñ¡ ËÁÙûºüÒ¹
vegetarian (noun) kon mâi gin vinegar núm sôm
néu-a ¹üÓÊüÁ
¤¹äÁû¡Ô¹à¹×üÍ visa wee-sâh
vending machine dtôo ÇÕ«ûÒ

µÙü visit (verb: place) têe-o

very mâhk à·ÕûÂÇ
ÁÒ¡ (person) yêe-um
very little for me ksr nít dee-o àÂÕûÂÁ
tâo-nún I’d like to visit ... psm
¢Í¹Ô´à´ÕÂÇà·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ (chún) yàhk ja bpai têe-o/yêe-
I like it very much psm (chún) um ...
chôrp mâhk ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ðä»à·ÕûÂÇ/
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍºÁÒ¡ àÂÕûÂÁ ...
vest (under shirt) sêu-a glâhm vital: it’s vital that ... sym-kun
àÊ×üÍ¡ÅüÒÁ mâhk têe ja dtôrng ...
via pàhn ÊÓ¤ÑญÁÒ¡·Õû¨Ðµüͧ ...
¼ûÒ¹ vodka word-kâh
video (noun: film) wee-dee-o ÇÍÃì´¡üÒ
ÇÕ´ÕâÍ voice sěe-ung
(recorder) krêu-ung àÊÕ§

voltage rairng fai fáh waiter kon sérp

English ➜ Thai
áç俿üÒ ¤¹àÊÃÔ¿
vomit ah-jee-un waiter! koon krúp (kâ)!
ÍÒà¨Õ¹ ¤Ø³¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)
waitress kon sérp

W ¤¹àÊÃÔ¿
waitress! koon krúp (kâ)!
waist ay-o wake: can you wake me up
àÍÇ at 5.30? chôo-ay bplòok
waistcoat sêu-a gúk psm (chún) way-lah dtee hâh
àÊ×üÍ¡Ñý¡ krêung dâi mái?
wait ror ªûÇ»ÅØ¡¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÇÅÒµÕËüÒ¤ÃÖû§
ÃÍ ä´üäËÁ
wait for me ror psm (chún) Wales Wales
nòy ná àÇÅÊì

ÃͼÁ(©Ñ¹)˹û͹Рwalk: is it a long walk? dern
don’t wait for me mâi dtôrng glai mái?
ror psm (chún) ná à´Ô¹ä¡ÅäËÁ
äÁûµüͧÃͼÁ(©Ñ¹)¹Ð it’s only a short walk dern mâi
can I wait until my wife/ glai
partner gets here? ror jon à´Ô¹äÁûä¡Å
pun-ra-yah/fairn mah dâi I’ll walk psm (chún) dern
mái? bpai
Ãͨ¹ÀÃÃÂÒ/ΌÁÒä´üäËÁ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à´Ô¹ä»
can you do it while I wait? I’m going for a walk psm
psm (chún) ror ao dâi mái? (chún) bpai dern lên
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÍàÍÒä´üäËÁ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)ä»à´Ô¹àÅû¹
could you wait here for me? Walkman® walkman®
ror psm (chún) têe nêe dâi ÇÍÅì¡áÁ¹
mái? wall (inside) fph
ÃͼÁ(©Ñ¹)·Õû¹Õûä´üäËÁ ½Ò

(outside) gum-pairng I’m so warm psm (chún) rórn
English ➜ Thai

¡Óᾧ jung
wallet gra-bppo sa-dtahng ¼Á(©Ñ¹)Ãü͹¨Ñ§
¡ÃÐà»þÒʵҧ¤ì was*: he was káo bpen
wander: I like just wandering à¢Òà»ç¹
around psm (chún) chôrp she was káo bpen
dern lên rêu-ay bpèu-ay à¢Òà»ç¹
bpai it was (mun) bpen
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ªÍºà´Ô¹àÅû¹àÃ×ûÍÂà»×ûÍ Áѹà»ç¹
ä» wash (verb) súk
want: I want a ... psm (chún) «Ñ¡
ao ... (oneself) láhng
¼Á(©Ñ¹)àÍÒ ... ÅüÒ§
I don’t want any ... psm can you wash these?
(chún) mâi yàhk dâi ... súk un née hâi nòy dâi
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÍÂÒ¡ä´ü ... mái?

I want to go home psm «Ñ¡Íѹ¹ÕüãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ

(chún) yàhk ja glùp bâhn washer (for bolt etc) wong-
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÒ¡¨Ð¡ÅѺºüÒ¹ wpirn
I don’t want to ... psm (chún) ǧáËǹ
mâi yàhk ... washhand basin àhng láhng
¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁûÍÂÒ¡ ... nâh
he wants to ... káo yàhk ja ... ÍûÒ§Åüҧ˹üÒ
à¢ÒÍÂÒ¡¨Ð ... washing machine krêu-ung
what do you want? koon súk pâh
dtôrng-gahn a-rai? à¤Ã×ûͧ«Ñ¡¼üÒ
¤Ø³µüͧ¡ÒÃÍÐäà washing powder psng súk
ward (in hospital) hsr pôo fôrk
bpòo-ay ¼§«Ñ¡¿Í¡
ËͼÙü»ûÇ washing-up liquid núm yah
warm rórn láhng
Ãü͹ ¹üÓÂÒÅüÒ§

wasp dtairn no way! mâi mee tahng!

English ➜ Thai
áµ¹ äÁûÁÕ·Ò§
watch (wristwatch)
nah-li-gah dialogue
will you watch my things for could you tell me the way
me? chôo-ay fâo ksrng hâi to ...? chôo-ay bòrk tahng
nòy dâi mái? bpai ... hâi nòy, dâi mái?
ªûÇÂà½üҢͧãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ go straight on until you
watch out! ra-wung! reach the traffic lights dern
ÃÐÇѧ dtrong bpai jon těung fai
watch strap spi nah-li-gah stn-yahn
ÊÒ¹ÒÌÔ¡Ò turn left lée-o sái
water náhm take the first on the right
¹üÓ lée-o kwph têe tahng yâirk
may I have some water? ksr un râirk

náhm nòy dâi mái? see where
waterproof (adj) gun náhm we* rao
¡Ñ¹¹üÓ àÃÒ
waterskiing sa-gee náhm weak (person, drink) òrn-air
Ê¡Õ¹üÓ Íû͹áÍ
wave (in sea) klêun weather ah-gàht
¤Å×û¹ ÍÒ¡ÒÈ
way: it’s this way bpai tahng wedding pi-tee dtàirng
née ngahn
ä»·Ò§¹Õü ¾Ô¸Õáµû§§Ò¹
it’s that way bpai tahng nóhn wedding ring wpirn dtàirng
ä»·Ò§â¹ü¹ ngahn
is it a long way to ...? bpai ... áËǹáµû§§Ò¹
glai mái? Wednesday wun póot
ä» ... ä¡ÅäËÁ Çѹ¾Ø¸

week ah-tít you speak English very well
English ➜ Thai

ÍÒ·ÔµÂì koon pôot pah-sph ung-grìt

a week (from) today èek ah-tít dâi dee mâhk
nèung jàhk wun née bpai ¤Ø³¾Ù´ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉä´ü´ÕÁÒ¡
ÍÕ¡ÍÒ·ÔµÂì˹Öû§¨Ò¡Çѹ¹Õüä» well done! dee mâhk!
a week (from) tomorrow èek ´ÕÁÒ¡
ah-tít nèung jàhk prôong née this one as well un née dôo-ay
bpai Íѹ¹Õü´üÇÂ
ÍÕ¡ÍÒ·ÔµÂì˹Öû§¨Ò¡¾ÃØû§¹Õüä» well well! (surprise) mpir!
weekend wun spo wun ah-tít áËÁ
at the weekend wun spo ah- dialogue
ÇѹàÊÒÃìÍÒ·ÔµÂì how are you? bpen yung-
weight núm-nùk ngai bâhng?
¹üÓ˹ѡ very well, thanks, and you?

weird bplàirk sa-bai dee kòrp-koon, láir-

á»Å¡ o koon lâ?
weirdo kon bplàirk
¤¹á»Å¡ well-done (meat) sòok sòok
welcome: welcome to ... ksr ÊØ¡ æ
dtôrn rúp ... Welsh: I’m Welsh psm (chún)
¢Íµü͹ÃѺ ... bpen kon Wales
you’re welcome (don’t mention ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹¤¹àÇÅÊì
it) mâi bpen rai were*: we were rao bpen
äÁûà»ç¹äà àÃÒà»ç¹
well: I don’t feel well psm you were koon bpen
(chún) róo-sèuk mâi kôy ¤Ø³à»ç¹
sa-bai they were káo bpen
¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÃÙüÊÖ¡äÁû¤ûÍÂʺÒ à¢Òà»ç¹
she’s not well káo mâi sa-bai west dta-wun dtòk
à¢ÒäÁûʺÒ µÐÇѹµ¡

in the west dta-wun dtòk when’s the train/ferry? rót

English ➜ Thai
µÐÇѹµ¡ fai/reu-a òrk gèe mohng?
West Indian (adj) mah jahk öä¿/àÃ×ÍÍÍ¡¡ÕûâÁ§
mòo gòr in-dee-a dta-wun where? têe-npi?
dtòk ·Õûä˹
ÁÒ¨Ò¡ËÁÙûà¡ÒÐÍÔ¹à´ÕµÐÇѹµ¡ I don’t know where it is psm
wet bpèe-uk (chún) mâi sâhp wâh yòo têe-
à»Õ¡ npi
what? a-rai? ¼Á(©Ñ¹)äÁû·ÃÒºÇûÒÍÂÙû·Õûä˹
what’s that? nûn a-rai? dialogue
what should I do? ja tum where is the temple? wút
yung-ngai dee? yòo têe npi?
¨Ð·ÓÍÂûÒ§äÃ´Õ it’s over there yòo têe-
what a view! wew sso-ay nôhn

jung ler-ee! could you show me where
ÇÔÇÊǨѧàÅ it is on the map? chôo-ay
what bus do I take? kêun rót chée hâi hěn wâh yòo têe
may spi npi? npi nai ppirn-têe
¢Öü¹Ã¶àÁÅìÊÒÂä˹ it’s just here yòo dtrong
wheel lór née
ÅüÍ see way
wheelchair rót kěn stm-rùp
kon bpòo-ay which: which bus? rót may
öà¢ç¹ÊÓËÃѺ¤¹»ûÇ spi npi?
when? mêu-rai? öàÁÅìÊÒÂä˹
when we get back dialogue
mêu-a rao glùp mah/
bpai which one? un npi?
àÁ×ûÍàÃÒ¡ÅѺÁÒ/ä» that one un nún

this one? un née, châi mái? ksrng psm
English ➜ Thai

no, that one mâi châi un ÀÃÃÂҢͧ¼Á

nún will*: will you do it for me?
chôo-ay tum hâi nòy dâi
while: while I’m here ka-nà têe mái?
psm (chún) yòo têe nêe ªûÇ·ÓãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ
¢¹Ð·Õû¼Á(©Ñ¹)ÍÂÙû·Õû¹Õû wind (noun) lom
whisky lâo wít-sa-gêe ÅÁ
àËÅüÒÇÔÊ¡Õü window nâh-dtàhng
white sěe kpo ˹üÒµûÒ§
ÊÕ¢ÒÇ near the window glâi nâh-
white wine lâo wai kpo dtàhng
àËÅüÒäǹì¢ÒÇ ã¡Åü˹üÒµûÒ§
who? krai? in the window (of shop) têe
ã¤Ã nâh-dtàhng
who is it? nûn krai lâ? ·Õû˹üÒµûÒ§

¹Ñû¹ã¤ÃÅûÐ window seat têe nûng dtìt

the man who ... kon têe ... nâh-dtàhng
¤¹·Õû ... ·Õû¹Ñû§µÔ´Ë¹üÒµûÒ§
whole: the whole week dta- windscreen gra-jòk nâh rót yon
lòrt ah-tít ¡ÃШ¡Ë¹üÒö¹µì
µÅÍ´ÍÒ·ÔµÂì windscreen wiper têe bpùt
the whole lot túng mòt núm fsn
·Ñü§ËÁ´ ·Õû»Ñ´¹üÓ½¹
whose: whose is this? nêe windsurfing gahn lên gra-dahn
ksrng krai? dtôh lom
¹Õû¢Í§ã¤Ã ¡ÒÃàÅû¹¡ÃдҹâµüÅÁ
why? tum-mai? windy: it’s so windy lom rairng
·ÓäÁ jung
wide gwâhng ÅÁáç¨Ñ§
¡ÇüÒ§ wine wai
wife: my wife pun-ra-yah äǹÿ

can we have some more wonderful yôrt yêe-um

English ➜ Thai
wine? ksr wai èek dâi mái? ÂÍ´àÂÕûÂÁ
¢ÍäǹìÍÕ¡ä´üäËÁ won’t*: it won’t start mâi yorm
wine list rai-gahn wai dtìt
ÃÒ¡ÒÃäǹì äÁûÂÍÁµÔ´
winter nâh npo wood (material) mái
˹üÒ˹ÒÇ äÁü
in the winter nai nâh npo woods (forest) bpàh
ã¹Ë¹üÒ˹ÒÇ »ûÒ
wire lôo-ut wool ksn sùt
ÅÇ´ ¢¹ÊѵÇì
(electric) spi fai fáh word kum
ÊÒÂä¿¿üÒ ¤Ó
wish: best wishes dôo-ay work (noun) ngahn
kwahm bprah-ta-nph dee §Ò¹
´üǤÇÒÁ»ÃÒö¹Ò´Õ it’s not working mun sěe-a

with gùp ÁѹàÊÕÂ
¡Ñº I work in ... psm (chún) tum
I’m staying with ... psm ngahn têe ...
(chún) púk yòo gùp ... ¼Á(©Ñ¹)·Ó§Ò¹·Õû ...
¼Á(©Ñ¹)¾Ñ¡ÍÂÙû¡Ñº ... world lôhk
without doy-ee mâi âÅ¡
â´ÂäÁû worry: I’m worried psm (chún)
witness pa-yahn bpen hòo-ung
¾ÂÒ¹ ¼Á(©Ñ¹)à»ç¹Ëûǧ
will you be a witness for me? worse: it’s worse yâir gwàh
chôo-ay bpen pa-yahn hâi áÂû¡ÇûÒ
psm (chún) dâi mái? worst yâir têe sòot
ªûÇÂà»ç¹¾ÂÒ¹ãËü¼Á(©Ñ¹) áÂû·ÕûÊØ´
ä´üäËÁ worth: is it worth a visit? nâh
woman pôo-yrng têe-o mái?
¼ÙüËญÔ§ ¹ûÒà·ÕûÂÇäËÁ

would: would you give this to sorry, wrong number ksr-tôht
English ➜ Thai

...? chôo-ay ao nêe bpai hâi ... dtòr ber pìt

dâi mái? ¢Íâ·É µûÍàºÍÃì¼Ô´
ªûÇÂàÍÒ¹Õûä»ãËü ... ä´üäËÁ sorry, wrong room ksr-tôht,
wrap: could you wrap it up? pìt hôrng
chôo-ay hòr hâi nòy, dâi mái? ¢Íâ·É ¼Ô´Ëüͧ
ªûÇÂËûÍãËü˹ûÍÂä´üäËÁ there’s something wrong
wrapping paper gra-dàht hòr with ... ... mee a-rai pìt
ksrng kwtn ... ÁÕÍÐäüԴ
¡ÃдÒÉËûͧ͢¢ÇÑญ what’s wrong? bpen a-rai?
wrist kôr meu à»ç¹ÍÐäÃ
write kěe-un
could you write it down?
chôo-ay kěe-un long hâi nòy, X-ray 'X-ray'

dâi mái? àÍç¡«ìàÃÂì

how do you write it? kěe-un
writing paper gra-dàht kěe-un yacht reu-a yórt
jòt-mpi àÃ×ÍÂÍ«·ì
¡ÃдÒÉà¢Õ¹¨´ËÁÒ yard*
wrong: it’s the wrong key year bpee
goon-jair pìt »Õ
¡ØญᨼԴ yellow sěe lěu-ung
this is the wrong train rót fai ÊÕàËÅ×ͧ
pìt ka-boo-un yes* krúp (kâ); châi
ö俼Դ¢ºÇ¹ ¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ); ãªû
the bill’s wrong kít bin pìt yesterday mêu-a wahn née
¤Ô´ºÔżԴ àÁ×ûÍÇÒ¹¹Õü

yesterday morning cháo young (child) dèk lék

English ➜ Thai
wahn née à´ç¡àÅç¡
àªüÒÇÒ¹¹Õü your* ksrng koon
the day before ¢Í§¤Ø³
yesterday wun seun your camera glôrng tài rôop
née ksrng koon
Çѹ«×¹¹Õü ¡Åüͧ¶ûÒÂÃÙ»¢Í§¤Ø³
yet yung yours ksrng koon
Âѧ ¢Í§¤Ø³

dialogues Z
is it here yet? mah láir-o
rěu yung? zero sson
no, not yet yung ÈÙ¹Âì
you’ll have to wait a little zip sìp

longer yet koon dtôrng «Ôº
koy èek sùk nòy could you put a new zip on?
chôo-ay sài sìp mài dâi mái?
yoghurt yoh-gut ªûÇÂãÊû«ÔºãËÁûä´üäËÁ
â¡Ѵ zip code ra-hùt bprai-sa-nee
you* koon ÃËÑÊä»ÃɳÕÂì
¤Ø³ zoo sso-un sùt
this is for you nêe stm-rùp ÊǹÊѵÇì
with you gùp koon
young (man) nòom
(woman) spo


Thai ➜ English

You might well hear the following expressions but you shouldn’t be tempted to
use any of the stronger ones – local people will not be amused or impressed
by your efforts.

âi hàh! shit!
bpai (hâi pón)! go away!
bpai nfi! hi!
chìp-hfi! damn!
dtai hàh! oh hell!
dtai jing! oh no!
mâi chêu-a! come on!, I don’t believe you!
mâi mee tahng! no chance!, no way!
mfir! goodness!
òrk bpai hâi pón! get out!
tôh! good heavens!
yòot pôot ná! shut up!
yôrt! great!

Entries are listed alphabetically koon ah-yóo tâo-rài? how

Thai ➜ English
according to the first complete word, old are you?
for example, entries beginning with ai cough; shy
bâhn precede those beginning with âi hàh! shit!
bahng. ai-lairn Ireland
ai-lairn ngu-a Northern
A Ireland
air hóht-tet air stewardess
ai-rít Irish
ah uncle (younger brother of airm amp
father); aunt (younger sister of airt-pai-rin aspirin
father) a-lài spare part(s)
ah-fri-gah Africa; African a-may-ri-gah America;
ah-gahn klêun hge-un American (person)
nausea a-may-ri-gun American (adj)
ah-gahn ùk-sàyp infection a-nah-kót future
ah-gàht air; weather a-nóo-sfh-wa-ree
ah-hfhn meal; food; cuisine; monument; statue
cooking ao like; want
ah-hfhn bpen pít food ào bay

poisoning ao ... bpai take; remove
ah-hfhn cháo breakfast ao jing ao jung serious
ah-hfhn glahng wun lunch ao krúp (kâ) yes please
ah-hfhn kao savoury ao lá! right!, OK!
ah-hfhn mâi yôy indigestion ao ... mah fetch; bring
ah-hfhn pí-sàyt speciality ao ... mái? do you want ...?
ah-hfhn yen evening meal; ào tai Gulf of Siam
supper; dinner a-páht-mén flat, apartment
ah-jahn teacher a-rai something
ah-kahn building a-rai? what?
àhn read a-rai èek something else
àhng sink, basin a-rai èek? what else?
àhng àhp náhm bath a-rai gôr dâi anything
àhng láhng nâh washbasin a-rai ná? pardon (me)?, sorry?;
àhp dàirt sunbathe excuse me?
ah-tít week a-ròy nice, delicious
ah-tít dtòk sunset àyk-ga-sfhn document; leaflet
ah-tít kêun sunrise ay-o waist
ah-yóo age ay-see-a Asia

ay-see-a ah-ka-nay South bai reu-a sail
Thai ➜ English
East Asia bai rúp bpra-gun guarantee
bai rúp-rorng guarantee;
B certificate
bai sèt rúp ngern receipt
bai sùng yah prescription
bâh mad, crazy bai ùn-nóo-yâht licence,
bâhn house; home permit
têe bâhn at home bair-dta-rêe battery
bâhn tùt bpai nextdoor bàirk carry
bahng thin; some bairn flat (adj)
bâhng a few; some bàirng share; divide
bahng krúng bahng krao bàirp sort, kind, type; pattern
occasionally bàirp cha-bùp typical
bahng tee sometimes; maybe; bàirp fa-rùng European-style
perhaps bàirp form form
bàht baht (unit of currency) bàirp ree-un pah-sfh language
bàht jèp injured course
bàht plfir wound bàirp yàhng pattern
bàht wít-tge pavement, bao light (not heavy)

sidewalk ber toh-ra-sùp phone number

bài afternoon bèu-a bored
bài ... mohng ... p.m. (in the bin bill, (US) check; fly (verb)
afternoon) bòhk rót hitchhike, hitch
bài née this afternoon boh-rahn ancient
bài prôong née tomorrow boh-rahn wút-thóo antique
afternoon bon on; on top of
bài wahn née yesterday bon péun din on the ground
afternoon bòn complain
bai bai ná cheerio, bye bóop-fay buffet
bai báirng banknote, (US) bill boo-rèe cigarette(s)
bai bplew leaflet boo-rèe gôn grorng tipped
bai bpra-gàht kôht-sa-nah cigarettes
poster boo-ròot gents’ toilet, men’s
bai kùp kèe driving licence room
bai kùp kèe sfh-gon bòo-uk plus
international driving licence boo-um swollen
bai mái leaf bòrk say; tell
bai mêet gohn razor blade(s) bòrk wâh say

bor-ri-gahn service bpâi ta-bee-un rót licence

Thai ➜ English
bor-ri-gahn ngern dòo-un plates
cashpoint, ATM bpâirng powder; face powder;
bor-ri-gahn num têe-o talcum powder
excursion bpàirt eight
bor-ri-gahn rót châo car rental bpa-rin-yah degree
bor-ri-gahn rúp chái nai hôrng bpây ljng rucksack
púk room service bpee year
bor-ri-gahn sòrp tfhm ber toh- bpee têe láir-o last year; a
ra-sùp directory enquiries year ago
bor-ri-sòot innocent bpee mài New Year
bor-ri-sùt company, firm bpèek wing
bor-ri-wayn bâhn backyard bpèe-uk wet
bor-ri-wayn chahn meu-ung bpen be; is; in; can; be capable
suburb of
bòt ree-un lesson bpen ... it is ...; it was ...
bòy bòy often bpen a-rai? what’s up?,
bpà-dti-tin calendar what’s wrong?
bpâh aunt (elder sister of mother/ bpen bâi dumb (can’t speak)
father) bpen bpai dâi possible

bpàh jungle; forest bpen bpai mâi dâi impossible
bpàh cháh cemetery bpen bpra-yòht beneficial
bpàh dong dìp forest, jungle bpen gun ayng informal
bpàh mái sùk teak forest bpen hòo-ung worry
bpah-gee-sa-tfhn Pakistan bpen ìt-sa-rá independent
bpàhk mouth bpen ka-nòp-tum nee-um
bpàhk-gah pen traditional
bpàhk-gah lôok lêun ballpoint bpen lom faint (verb); stroke;
pen attack
bpai to; go; go away bpen mun greasy
bpai (hâi pón)! go away! bpen nêe boon-koon grateful
bpai tèr let’s go bpen nern hilly
bpâi label bpen pèun heat rash
bpai glùp wun dee-o day trip bpen pêu-un friendly
bpai gùp pim (chún) come bpen pít poisonous; polluted
with me bpen sai sandy
bpai nfi! hi! bpen sòht single, unmarried
bpâi rót may bus stop bpen tahng gahn formal
bpai séu kirng go shopping bpen têe nâh por jai

satisfactory bpòo-ut hio-a headache;
Thai ➜ English
bpen têe nee-yom popular hangover
bpen yung-ngai bâhng? how bpòo-ut ljng backache
are you? bpòo-ut tórng stomach ache
bper-sen per cent bpòrt lungs; nervous
bpèrt open (adj); on bpra-chah-chon public;
bpèt duck population
bpeun gun bpra-choom meeting
bpeun pók pistol bpra-chót sarcastic
bpeun yao rifle bpra-dtoo door; gate; goal
bpìt close, shut; closed bpra-gun insurance
bplah fish bprah-sàht castle
bplah cha-lfhm shark bprairng brush
bplah-sa-dter Elastoplast®, bprairng pim hairbrush
Bandaid® bprairng sge fun toothbrush
bplah-sa-dtìk plastic bprairng tah kreem gohn nòo-
bplair interpret; translate ut shaving brush
bplàirk strange, odd, funny, bprairng tio lép nailbrush
weird bprai-sa-nee post office; mail
bplàirk bpra-làht strange bprai-sa-nee dòo-un express

bplay cot mail

bplèe-un change bprai-sa-nee glahng central
bplèe-un rót fai change trains post office
bpleu-ay naked bpra-jum deu-un period
bplòrk condom (menstruation)
bplòrk mirn pillow case bpra-làht jai suprised
bplòrt-pai safe bpra-mahn roughly, about,
bplúk plug; adaptor approximately
bplúk fai power point bpra-pay-nee custom
bplúk krêu-ung gohn nòo-ut bpra-tahn director, president
shaving point (of company)
bpoh-sa-dter poster bpra-tah-nah-tí-bor-dee
bpóht-gáht postcard president (of country)
bpoo crab bpra-tâyt country
bpòo grandfather (paternal) bpra-tâyt bayl-yee-um
bpòom dtìt krêu-ung ignition Belgium
bpòom sa-dtàht starter (of car) bpra-tâyt fa-rùng-sàyt France
bpòo-ut it aches bpra-tâyt fi-líp-bpin
bpòo-ut fun toothache Philippines
bpra-tâyt gao-lge Korea bun-dai ladder; stairs

Thai ➜ English
bpra-tâyt gum-poo-chah bun-dai lêu-un escalator
Cambodia bun-dai sjm-rùp nge fai fire
bpra-tâyt hor-lairn Holland escape
bpra-tâyt ì-dtah-lee Italy bung-ern quite by chance
bpra-tâyt in-dee-a India bun-yai describe
bpra-tâyt in-don-nee-see-a bùt bpra-jum dtoo-a identity
Indonesia card
bpra-tâyt jeen China bùt chern invitation
bpra-tâyt kairn-nah-dah bùt kray-dìt credit card
Canada bùt têe-nûng boarding pass
bpra-tâyt lao Laos
bpra-tâyt mah-lay-see-a
bpra-tâyt new see-láirn New
Zealand cháh late; slow; slowly
bpra-tâyt pa-mâh Burma cháh cháh slowly
bpra-tâyt sa-bpayn Spain chahm dish, bowl
bpra-tâyt sa-górt-lairn chahn chah-lah platform, (US)
Scotland track

bpra-tâyt tai Thailand (formal) chahn meu-ung outskirts
bpra-tâyt ung-grìt England; cháhng elephant
Britain châhng bpra-bpah plumber
bpra-tâyt wêe-ut-nahm châhng dtùt pim hairdresser;
Vietnam barber
bpra-tâyt yêe-bpòon Japan châhng dtùt sêu-a pâh tailor
bpra-tâyt yer-ra-mun châhng fai fáh electrician
Germany châhng ngern silversmith
bpra-wùt-sàht history châhng tài rôop photographer
bprêe-o sour; sharp (taste) châhng torng goldsmith
bprèe-up têe-up compare chai man; male
bpròht favourite chái use
bpròrt thermometer chái dâi valid
bpúm núm mun petrol station, chai dairn border
gas station chai hàht beach
bpun-hfh problem; trouble châi láir-o that’s it, that’s right
bpùt-joo-bun-née nowadays châi láir-o! exactly!
brayk meu handbrake châi mái? isn’t it?
bum-nahn pension chái ngern spend

chái ... rôo-um gun share chêu-uk rorng táo shoelaces
Thai ➜ English
chai ta-lay seaside; coast chim taste
châir kfirng deep-freeze; chín piece
frozen chín yài a big bit
cha-làht clever, intelligent chìp-hfi! damn!
cha-ná win chôhk luck
châo rent, hire chôhk dee fortunately; good
cháo morning luck!
cháo née this morning chôhk rái unfortunately; hard
cháo prôong née tomorrow luck!
morning chon glòom nói ethnic
cháo wahn née yesterday minority
morning chon-na-bòt countryside
chao bâhn villager choo chêep lifebelt
chao dtàhng bpra-tâyt chôo-a krao temporary
foreigner chôo-a mohng hour
chao kfo hill tribe chôo-a rá-yá period (of time)
chao nah rice farmer chôo-ay help
chao yóo-rôhp European chôo-ay ...? please ...?, would
chèet yah injection you please ...?

chee-wít life chôo-ay dôo-ay! help!

chék cheque, (US) check chòok chgrn emergency
chék dern tahng traveller’s chòok-la-hòok hectic
cheque chóot suit
chék doo check (verb) chóot ah-hfhn course (of meal)
chên for example chóot àhp náhm swimming
chern choo-un invite costume
chern gòrn after you chóot bpa-thim pa-yah-bahn
chern kâo mah! come in! first-aid kit
chern krúp (kâ) ... please ... chóot fun tee-um false teeth
cherng kfo hillside chóot norn nightdress
chêu first name chórk shock-absorber
koon chêu a-rai? what’s your chórn spoon
name? chórn sôrm cutlery
chêu lên nickname chôrng lane (on motorway)
chêu-a believe chôrng kâo gate
chéu-a châht race (ethnic) chôrng kfo mountain pass
chéun humid; damp chôrp like
chêu-uk rope; string chôrp ... mâhk gwàh prefer

chun steep dèk chai boy

Thai ➜ English
chún I; me; myself (said by a dèk òrn baby; young child
woman); floor, storey dèk wai rôon teenager
chún nèung first class; ground dèk yhng girl
floor, (US) first floor dern walk
chún sfhm third class; second dern bpai on foot
floor, (US) third floor dern tahng travel
chún sirng second class; first dern tahng bpai tóo-rá gìt
floor, (US) second floor business trip
dèuk late
D dèum drink (verb)
deung pull
deu-un in; month
dâhm handle din earth; land
dâi get, obtain; may; might; din-sir pencil
be able dìp raw
dâi glìn smell dòht dèe-o secluded
... dâi mái? can I/you ... ? don-dtree music
dâi yin hear don-dtree péun meu-ung folk
dàirt òrk sunny; sunshine music

dao star don-dtree pórp pop music
dee good; fine; nice don-dtree tai derm Thai
dee! good! classical music
dee gwàh better doo look (at); watch
dee jai happy; pleased doo lair take care of
dee kêun mâhk much better doo mgu-un look, seem; look
dee láir-o! good!; that’ll do like
nicely! dôo-ay too, also
dee mâhk! well done!; dôo-ay gun together
magnificent! dôo-ay kwahm bprah-ta-nah
dee têe sòot (the) best dee with best wishes
dee-chún I; me (said by a dòo-un urgent
woman) dòrk goo-làhp rose
dee-o just, only dòrk-mái flower
dge-o soon doy-ee by
dge-o, dge-o just a minute doy-ee rót yon by car
dge-o gòrn! just a second! doy-ee cha-pòr especially
dge-o née now; at present doy-ee jay-dta-nah
dèk child; children deliberately
doy-ee mâi without dta-làht náhm floating
Thai ➜ English
dta-bai (fin) lép nailfile market
dta-gèe-up chopsticks dta-làht yen night market
dta-gla greedy dta-lòk funny, amusing; joke
dta-gohn shout dta-lòrt throughout; whole
dta-grâh basket dtao cooker
dta-grâh ka-yà wastepaper dtào turtle; tortoise
basket dtao òp oven
dta-grai scissors dtao rêet iron
dtah eye; grandfather (maternal) dta-wun dtòk west
dtah bòrt blind dta-wun dtòk chge-ung dtâi
dtahm follow southwest
dtahm tum-ma-dah as usual dta-wun dtòk chge-ung ngu-a
dtàhng different northwest
dtàhng bpra-tâyt abroad; dta-wun òrk east
foreign dta-wun òrk chge-ung dtâi
dtàhng dtàhng various southeast
dtàhng hàhk separate dta-wun òrk chge-ung ngu-a
dtàhng jung-wùt up-country northeast
(outside Bangkok) dtee hit

dtah-rahng têe-o bin dtêe-a short

scheduled flight dteen bottom (of hill)
dtah-rahng way-lah timetable, dtee-ung bed
(US) schedule dtee-ung dèe-o single bed
dtai die; dead; kidneys (in body) dtee-ung kôo twin beds
dtâi south; under, below dtem, dtem láir-o full
dtai hàh! oh hell! dten tent
dtai jing! oh no! dtên rum dance
dtàir but dterm fill
dtàir la kon each of them dtèuk block of flats, apartment
(people) block
dtàir la krúng each time dtêun shallow
dtàir la un each of them (things) dtèun awake; wake up; get up
dtàirk break dtèun-dtên excited; nervous
dtàirk láir-o broken dtìt stuck
dtàirk ngâi fragile dtìt dtòr contact
dtâirm score dtìt gùp next to
dtàirng ngahn láir-o married dtó table
dta-làht market dtó jài ngern cash desk, cashier

dtòk miss (bus etc) dtrah brand

Thai ➜ English
dtòk jai shock dtreung krêe-ut serious
dtôn bpahm palm tree dtrong direct
dtôn mái plant; tree dtrong dtrong straight
dtôo cupboard, closet; dtrong kâhm opposite
compartment; kiosk dtrong nâh straight ahead
dtôo bprai-sa-nee letterbox, dtrong née right here, just
mailbox here
dtôo châir kfirng freezer dtrong way-lah on time
dtôo gèp gra-bpfo locker dtròot jeen Chinese New Year
dtôo jòt-mfi letterbox, dtròo-ut examine
mailbox dtròo-ut chûng núm-nùk
dtôo norn sleeper, sleeping check-in
car dtròrk lane (off a soi)
dtôo núng-sgu pim dtúk-dtúk tuk-tuk
newsstand (motorized three-wheeled taxi)
dtôo toh-ra-sùp phone box, dtùm low
phone booth dtùm gwàh under, less
dtôo yen fridge; refrigerator than
dtio-a ticket dtum-ròo-ut police; policeman

dtio-a bpai single ticket, one- dtun blocked
way ticket dtûng-dtàir since (time)
dtio-a bpai glùp return ticket, dtùp liver
round trip ticket dtùp ùk-sàyp hepatitis
dtoo-a yàhng example dtùt cut
dtóok-ga-dtah doll dtùt fai power cut
dtoo-lah-kom October dtùt pim haircut
dtôom hio earring(s) dum dark (adj)
dtòr connection dum náhm dive
dtòr rah-kah bargain (verb) dung loud
dtòr wâh complain
dtorn bài afternoon E
dtorn cháo morning
dtorn glahng keun evening;
night èek more; again
dtorn yen late afternoon èek bpra-dge-o in a minute
dtôrng must; have to èek kon nèung the other one
dtôrng-gahn need (person)
dtòy sting (verb) èek mâhk a lot more

èek ... nèung another ... ; the fóot-born football
Thai ➜ English
other ... fùk boo-a shower
èek un nèung the other one fun tooth
(thing) fung listen (to)
èun other; others; another fung si! listen!
fùng shore; bank
F ... fùng dtrong kâhm across
the ...

fáh sky G
ffh wall; lid
fáh lâirp lightning
fáh rórng thunder gah núm chah teapot
fai fire; light gahn bpa-tim pa-yah-bahn
fâi cotton first aid
fai chfi torch, flashlight gahn bplair translation
fai cháirk cigarette lighter gahn bpra-gun pai insurance
fai fáh electric; electricity gahn chók dtòy fight
fai kâhng sidelights gahn dern tahng journey;
fai krêu-ung yon ignition travel

fai lée-o indicator gahn dtai death

fai ljng rót rear lights gahn dtôrn rúp kùp sôo
fai mâi fire (blaze) hospitality
fai mâi! fire!, it’s on fire! gahn dum náhm léuk skin-
fai mòrk fog lights diving
fai nâh rót headlights gahn fórn rum péun meu-ung
fairn boyfriend; girlfriend; folk dancing
partner gahn jùp bplah fishing
fàirt twins gahn kàirng kjn match; race
fa-rùng European; Caucasian; gahn lót rah-kah reduction
Westerner; foreigner gahn meu-ung politics
fa-rùng-sàyt France; French gahn pàh dtùt operation
feem film (for camera); negative gahn rôo-um bpra-way-nee
feem sge colour film sex
fláirt flat, apartment; flash gahn sa-dairng don-dtree
fók-chúm bruise concert
fin rain gahn sòrp exam
fin dtòk it’s raining gahn sùng ngót cancellation
fiong kon crowd gahn ta-hfhn military

gahn wâi náhm swimming gin dâi edible

Thai ➜ English
gahng-gayng trousers, (US) gin (kâo) eat
pants gin yòo prórm full board
gahng-gayng kfh sûn shorts glâh hfhn brave
gahng-gayng nai underpants, glahng medium; middle
underwear glahng jâirng outdoors
gahng-gayng nai sa-dtree glahng keun night; overnight
pants, panties glahng meu-ung central
gahng-gayng wâi náhm glai far (away)
swimming trunks glai gwàh farther (than)
gahng-gayng yeen jeans glâi near; near here
gàir strong; dark; old ... têe glâi têe sòot the
gâir hòr unpack nearest ...
gâirm cheek (on face) glèe-ut hate
gâir-o glass gler pal, mate
gáirt gas glom round
gao glue; scratch gloo-a afraid; fear
gào old glòom group
gâo nine glôom jai depressed
gâo êe chair glòom kon party, group

gâo êe pâh bai deckchair glòrng carton
gâo êe rúp kàirk sofa glòrng gee-a gearbox
gâo êe siong highchair glôrng tài njng movie camera
ga-rúk-ga-dah-kom July glôrng tài pâhp-pa-yon
ga-see-un retired camcorder
gfy gfi smart glôrng tài rôop camera
gáyt háot guesthouse glôrng yah sên, glôrng yah
gèe? how many? sòop pipe (for smoking)
gèe mohng láir-o? what time glùp get back
is it? glùp bâhn go home
gee-a tiy ljng reverse gear glùp bpai go back
gee-lah sport glùp mah come back
gee-lah náhm water sports glùp mah nêe! come back!
gèng well goh-hòk lie (tell untruth)
... gern bpai too ... gohn shave
gèrt kêun happen goh-roh-goh-sih junk,
gèrt a-rai kêun? what’s rubbish
happening? gôn bottom (of body)
gèu-up nearly, almost gôn grorng filter-tipped

goom-pah-pun February writing paper
Thai ➜ English
goon-jair key; lock gra-dìng bell
gôr then gra-dòok bone
gòr island gra-dòok hùk fracture
gòr ai-lairn Ireland gra-doom button
gôr mgu-un gun too, also gra-dtìk náhm vacuum flask
gôr yàhng nún làir so-so gra-jòk nâh rót yon
górk náhm tap, faucet windscreen
gòrn ago; before gra-jòk ngao mirror
sfhm wun gòrn three days gra-ter-ee gay, homosexual
ago grìng bell
gorng dtum-ròo-ut dùp plerng gròht angry
fire brigade grom dtròo-ut kon kâo
górp golf meu-ung Immigration
gòt-mfi law Department
gra-bpfo bag; briefcase; groong-tâyp Bangkok
luggage, baggage; pocket grum gramme
gra-bpfo dern tahng suitcase; gum-lai meu bracelet
baggage ... gum-lung pôot speaking
gra-bpfo kwâi ljng backpack gum-pairng wall

gra-bpfo sa-dtahng purse; gun chon bumper, (US) fender

wallet, billfold gun-chah marijuana
gra-bpfo tgu handbag, (US) gun-grai scissors
purse; hand luggage, hand gun-yah-yon September
baggage gùp with
gra-bpirng can, tin gùp kâo dish; meal
gra-bprohng skirt gùt insect bite
gra-bprohng rót bonnet (of car), gwàh than; more; over, more
(US) hood than
gra-bprohng tái (rót) boot (of gwâhng wide
car), (US) trunk
gra-dàht paper H
gra-dàht chét meu, gra-dàht
chét nâh paper handkerchiefs,
Kleenex® hâh five
gra-dàht chum-rá toilet paper hfh look for
gra-dàht hòr kirng kwjn hfh yâhk rare
wrapping paper hâhm prohibited, forbidden;
gra-dàht kge-un jòt-mfi prohibit
hâhm sòop boo-rèe non- hir sa-mòot library

Thai ➜ English
smoking hôrng room
hâhng department store hôrng ah-hfhn dining room
hàhng glai remote hôrng air air-conditioned
hâhng kfi yah pharmacy room
hàht beach hôrng bprùp ah-gàht air-
hâi give; for conditioned room
hfi lose hôrng dèe-o single room
hfi bpai disappear hôrng kôo twin-bedded room
hâi châo for hire, to rent hôrng kórk-tayn cocktail bar
hfir fishing net hôrng kroo-a kitchen
hâirng dry hôrng náhm bathroom; toilet,
hàirng châht national rest room
hfi-ya-ná disaster hôrng náhm pôo-chai gents’
hàyt cause toilet, men’s room
hèep box hôrng náhm pôo-yhng ladies’
hgn see toilet, ladies’ room
hgn dôo-ay agree hôrng náhm sòo-un dtoo-a
hgw hungry private bathroom
hêw carry hôrng norn bedroom

hgw kâo hungry hôrng pôo doy-ee sfhn kfh
hgw náhm thirsty òrk departure lounge
hi-má snow hôrng púk waiting room
hhn stone, rock hôrng rúp kàirk living room
hîng shelf hôrng rúp-bpra-tahn ah-hfhn
hòk six dining room
hio ear hôrng sa-mòot library
hio nòo-uk deaf hôrng tihng lounge
hio-a head; corner hiy shell
hio-a jai heart hùk break; deduct
hio-a jai wai heart attack hjn bpai tahng ... facing
hio-a kào knee the ...
hio-a láhn bald hun-loh hello
hio-a moom corner
hio-a nom lòrk dummy I
hio-a rór laugh
hio-a tee-un spark plug
hòop kfo valley ì-sa-rá free
hòr package, parcel

J destination
Thai ➜ English
jòp finish, end
jor-jair busy
jàhk from jorng reservation; reserve
jàhk .... bpai ... from ... to ... jor-ra-kây crocodile
jàhk bpai leave, go away jòrt park (verb)
jàhk meu-ung ‘Wales’ Welsh jòt-mfi letter; mail
jahn dish; plate jòt-mfi ah-gàht aerogramme
jahn rorng tôo-ay saucer jòt-mfi long ta-bee-un
jahn sge-ung record registered letter
jài pay jùk-gra-yahn bicycle
jai dee kind, generous jùk-sòo pâirt optician
jai glahng meu-ung city centre jum dâi remember; recognize
jair-gun vase jum-bpen necessary
jàirm sfi pleasant jung ler-ee so
ja-mòok nose jung-wùt changwat, province
jâo-bào bridegroom jùp catch; arrest
jâo-fáh chai prince jùp bplah fishing
jâo-fáh yhng princess jùt arrange; bright; strong
jâo-kirng owner jùt gahn organize

jâo kirng bâhn landlord

jâo nai boss K
jâo-sfo bride
ja-rah-jorn traffic
jay-dee pagoda kfh leg
jeen China; Chinese kâh kill; value
jèp sore; hurt kfh kâo arrival
jèp bpòo-ut painful kâh bor-ri-gahn service charge
jer find kâh bor-ri-gahn pi-sàyt
jèt seven supplement (extra charge)
jing true; real kâh châo rent
jing jai sincere kâh doy-ee sfhn fare
jing jing lgr? honestly? kâh mút-jum deposit
jîng-jòk lizard kfh òrk departure
jìt-dta-gum ffh pa-njng kâh pàhn tahng toll
murals kfh-gun-grai jaw
jon until; poor kâhm ta-lay crossing
jòop kiss kahng chin
jòot-mfi bplai tahng kâhng beside; side

kâhng bon above, over; kào-sfhn information

Thai ➜ English
upstairs ka-yà rubbish, litter, trash
kâhng lâhng downstairs kàyt district
kâhng ljng back; behind; rear kêe fòon dirt
kâhng nâh in front (of ); at kêe gèe-ut lazy
the front kèet siong sòot maximum
kâhng nai indoors; inside kge-un write
kâhng nôrk outside kem salty
kahng toom mumps kgm needle
kài egg kgm glùt sêu-a brooch
kâi temperature, fever; kgm kùt belt
feverish kgm kùt ni-ra-pai seatbelt
kfi sell kgm mòot pin
kfi goon-jair unlock kgm-tít compass
kâi jùp sùn malaria ker-ee ever
kài móok pearl kgrn embarrassed;
kâi wùt flu embarrassing
kàirk Indian; guest keun night; give back
kfirn arm keun la ... ... per night
kfirn sêu-a sleeve kêun up

kair-nah-dah Canada; kêun bpai go up
Canadian keun née tonight; this evening
kfirng solid; hard keun ngern refund
kfirng rairng strong kêun rót may catch a bus
kâirp narrow kew queue, line
ka-mfyn Cambodian kít think
ka-moy-ee steal; thief; burglar klohn mud
ka-nà têe while klorng canal
ka-nàht size; measurements kohm fai (fáh) lamp
ka-nàht glahng medium-sized koh-ték tampon
ka-nòp-tum-nee-um tradition kihn classical masked drama
káo he; him; she; her; they; kòht hhn rocky
them kom sharp
kâo rice kim bitter
kfo hill; mountain kòm-kgun rape
kào message; news kon person; people
kâo bpai go in kin hair (on the body)
kâo jai understand kon bâh idiot
kâo jai láir-o I understand kon bpah-gee-sa-tfhn a

Pakistani; Pakistanis Thais
Thai ➜ English
kon bplàirk nâh stranger kon tèep jùk-ra-yahn cyclist
kon châo tenant kon tum ka-nim-bpung baker
kon cha-rah senior citizen kon ung-grìt an English
kon dee-o just, only; alone, person; the English; a Briton;
by oneself the British
kon dern táo pedestrian kon yêe-bpòon a Japanese
kon fâo bpra-dtoo doorman; person; the Japanese
porter kon yer-ra-mun a German; the
kon fâo dèk baby-sitter Germans
kon fa-rùng-sàyt a French kong (ja) probably
person; the French kôo pair
kon hio-a siong snob kôo meu num têe-o
kon jai yen calm guidebook
kon jeen a Chinese person; the kôo meu sin-ta-nah
Chinese phrasebook
kon jùp bplah fisherman kôo mûn fiancé; fiancée
kon ka-mfyn a Cambodian; koo-ee chat
the Cambodians kóok prison
kon kùp (rót) driver koon you

kon kùp táirk-sêe taxi-driver koon krúp (kâ) excuse me

kon lao a Lao; the Laos koon-na-pâhp quality
kon lée-ung doo dèk child koo-un ja should
minder kòo-ut bottle
kon mâi gin néu-a vegetarian kor neck; collar
kon nâirn crowded kir please
kon new see-láirn a New pim (chún) kir I would like
Zealander; New Zealanders kor bpòk sêu-a collar
kon ngôh fool kôr glào hfh complaint
kon nún chap kir hâi dern tahng doy-
kon pa-mâh a Burmese ee bplòrt-pai! have a safe
person; the Burmese journey!
kon sa-górt a Scot; the Scots kor hiy throat
kon sérp waiter; waitress kôr meu wrist
kon sèrp yhng waitress kir ... nòy can I have ...?
kon sôrm rorng táo shoe kir rórng request
repairer kir sa-dairng kwahm yin dee!
kin sùt wool congratulations!
kon tai a Thai person; the kôr sòrk elbow

kôr táo ankle lotion

Thai ➜ English
kôr tét jing fact kreem tah njng dtah eye
kórn hammer shadow
kórng gong krêung half
kirng thing; of krêung chôo-a mohng half
kirng bplorm fake an hour
kirng bpròht favourite krêung lih half a dozen
kirng fôom feu-ay luxury krêu-ung air air-conditioning
kirng káo his; her; hers; their; krêu-ung bàirp uniform
theirs krêu-ung bin plane, airplane
kirng koon your; yours krêu-ung bpào pim hairdryer
kirng kwjn present, gift krêu-ung bplairng fai fáh
kirng lên toy adaptor (for voltage)
kirng pim (chún) my; mine krêu-ung bpra-dùp ornament
... kirng pim (chún) ayng my krêu-ung bprùp ah-gàht air-
own ... conditioning
kirng rao our; ours krêu-ung bpûn din pfo
kirng têe ra-léuk souvenir pottery, earthenware
kôrn-kâhng ja ... rather ... krêu-ung bun-téuk sge-ung
kòrp-koon thank; thanks, tape recorder

thank you krêu-ung chái siy equipment
kòrp-koon mâhk thank you krêu-ung chôo-ay fung
very much hearing aid
kir-tôht excuse me; sorry; I krêu-ung dèum drink
beg your pardon? krêu-ung dòot fòon vacuum
krai somebody cleaner
krai? who? krêu-ung dùp plerng fire
krai gôr dâi anybody extinguisher
krao beard krêu-ung gohn nòo-ut shaver
kreem bum-roong pgw krêu-ung kít lâyk calculator
moisturizer krêu-ung koom gum-nèrt
kreem gohn nòo-ut shaving contraceptive
foam krêu-ung lên pàirn sge-ung
kreem nôo-ut pim conditioner record player
kreem rorng péun foundation krêu-ung lên tâyp kah-set
cream cassette player
kreem sa-mfhn pgw cold krêu-ung reu-un furniture
cream krêu-ung súk pâh washing
kreem tah àhp dàirt suntan machine
krêu-ung sjm-ahng make-up kwahm kâo jai pìt
Thai ➜ English
krêu-ung wee-dee-oh misunderstanding
videorecorder kwahm kít idea
krêu-ung wút oon-na-ha- kwahm lúp secret
poom thermometer kwahm ngêe-up silence
krêu-ung yon motor; engine kwahm pìt fault; mistake
krít Protestant kwahm ray-o speed
krít-dtung Roman Catholic kwahm rórn heat
krít-sa-maht Christmas kwahm rúk love
kroo teacher kwahm siong height
krôrp-kroo-a family kwâhng throw
krúng time kwai water buffalo
krúng nèung once kwûm upside down
krúp (kâ) yes kwun smoke
kum word
kûm dark L
kum chern invitation
kum dtòrp answer
kum tfhm question lah gòrn bye
kun itch láh sa-mfi old-fashioned

kûn bun-dai step lâhm interpreter

kun gee-a gear lever lfhn chai grandson; nephew
kun rêng accelerator lfhn sfo niece; granddaughter
kun yôhk lever láhng wash; develop (film)
kúp tight lfi several
kùp drive lâi shoulder
kwfh right (not left) lai sen signature
kwahm bpra-préut behaviour láir and
kwahm bun-terng lâirk bplèe-un exchange (verb:
entertainment money)
kwahm chéun humidity ... láir-o already
kwahm chôo-ay lgu-a help láir-o dtàir it depends (on); it’s
kwahm dtai death up to you
kwahm dtàirk dtàhng la-korn play
difference lâo alcohol
kwahm fjn dream lay-kfh-nóo-gahn secretary
kwahm jèp bpòo-ay illness layn glôrng lens (of camera)
kwahm jèp bpòo-ut pain lée-o kwfh turn right
kwahm jing truth lée-o sái turn left

lèe-um siong cheeky lôo-ung nâh in advance

Thai ➜ English
lék small, little, tiny lóp minus
lèk iron lòr good-looking
lék nóy only a few lór wheel
lên play lorng try; try out, test
lép meu fingernail lòrt fai fáh lightbulb
ler-ee bpai further; beyond lum-tahn stream
ler-ee bpai èek further on ljng after; back (of body)
lgu-a gern jing jing shocking ljng jàhk nún then, after
léuk deep that
leum forget ljng-kah roof
lêun slippery
lêu-ut blood M
líf lift, elevator
likay popular folk theatre
lín tongue mah come
lít litre mfh dog
lih dozen máh horse
loh-hà metal mah gèp ... collect
loh-hà sjm-rít bronze máh glàirp pony

lôhk world; earth mah nêe come here
lom wind mah tgung arrive
lom òrn òrn breeze ma-hfh-wít-ta-yah-lai
long get off university
long bpai go down mah-dtra-tfhn standard
long bpai! get down! mâhk a lot, lots; many; much;
long mah! get down! very; very much
long ta-bee-un register ... mâhk plenty of ...
lôok child; children (one’s own) mâhk (gern) bpai too much;
lôok born ball excessive
lôok bpùt beads màhk fa-rùng chewing gum
lôok chai son mâhk lgu-a gern extremely
lôok gwàht sweets, candies mâhk por sim-koo-un quite
lôok kgr-ee son-in-law a lot
lôok ra-bèrt bomb màhk róok chess
lôok sfo daughter mâhn curtain
lôok sa-pâi daughter-in-law mai mile
loong uncle (older brother of father mfi silk
or mother) mái wood

mài new mâi mee lôo-ut lai plain
Thai ➜ English
mâi no; not mâi mee mah-ra-yâht rude
mâi ao ... no ... mâi mee tahng! no chance!,
mâi (ao) ... èek no more ... no way!
mâi ao nfi poor (quality); mâi nâh chêu-a amazing
disgusting mái nèep (pâh) clothes peg
mâi bòy seldom mái pài bamboo
mâi bpen rai don’t mention it; mâi pèt mild
it doesn’t matter; never mind; mâi rêe-up bumpy
that’s all right mâi ròrk! certainly not!
mâi bpen rêu-ung nonsense mâi sài without
mâi chêu-a! come on!, I don’t mái sùk teak
believe you! mâi tgung ... less than ...
mâi dàirt sunburn mâi wâhng engaged, occupied
mâi dee bad mfi-lâyk number, figure
mái dtee racket (tennis) mfir! well well!
mâi dtôrng sge-a pah-sge máir dtàir ... even the ...
duty-free goods mâir (kirng) mother
mâi gin néu-a vegetarian mâir mái widow
mái gwàht brush mâir náhm river

mâi jing false máir wâh although

mâi jum-gùt ra-ya tahng máir wâh ... even if ...
unlimited mileage mâir-náhm kihng Mekhong
mái kèet match River
mâi ker-ee never mairng ga-proon jellyfish
mâi kôy hardly mair-o cat
mâi lay-o it’s not bad ma-lairng insect
mâi ler-ee not in the least ma-lairng gùt insect bite
mâi mâhk not a lot, not much ma-lairng sàhp cockroach
mâi mâhk gwàh ... no more ma-lairng wun fly
than ... mao drunk
mâi mâhk tâo-rài not so much ma-reun-née the day after
mâi mao sober tomorrow
mâi mee ... there isn’t/ mâyk kréum cloudy
aren’t ...; no ... may-sfh-yon April
mâi mee a-rai nothing máyt metre
mâi mee bpra-sìt-ti-pâhp mee have
inefficient mee ... there is/are ...
mâi mee krai nobody, no-one mee ... mái? have you

got ...?; is/are there ...? mí-too-nah-yon June

Thai ➜ English
mee bpra-sìt-ti-pâhp efficient mók-ga-rah-kom January
mee bpra-yòht useful mio pig
mee chee-wít chee-wah lively moo-ay (sfh-gon) boxing
mee chee-wít yòo alive (international)
mee chêu sge-ung famous moo-ay tai Thai-style
mee fùk boo-a with shower boxing
mee hàyt-pin sensible mòo-bâhn village
mee kâh valuable mòo-bâhn bon poo-kfo
mee kwahm pìt guilty mountain village
mee lom òrn òrn breezy mòo bâhn bpra-mong fishing
mee-nah-kom March village
mee pgw klúm dàirt suntanned mòo gòr in-dee-a dta-wun
mee sa-này charming dtòk West Indies
mee sòok-ka-pâhp dee môo-lêe blinds
healthy móong mosquito net
mee tórng pregnant mòo-uk hat; cap
mêet knife móo-un tâyp kah-set cassette
mêet gohn razor mir doctor
mêet púp penknife mòr ideal

mgn smell, stink môr saucepan
meu hand mir fun dentist
mêu-a gòrn née once, mòr sim suitable,
formerly appropriate
mêu-a keun née last night mòrk mist
mêu-a rài? when? mòrk long foggy
mêu-a ray-o ray-o née lately, mirn pillow; cushion
recently mor-ra-soom monsoon
mêu-a wahn née yesterday mor-sor scruffy
mgu-un similar, like mòt láir-o empty
mgu-un gun same mòt sa-dtì unconscious
meu-ung city; town; country múk-koo-tâyt guide, courier
meu-ung boh-rahn Ancient mun it; it is; they; fat (on meat);
City rich
meu-ung gào old town mun bpen it’s
meu-ung lio-ung capital city mûn engaged (to be married)
meu-ung tai Thailand mun fa-rùng tôrt chips, French
(informal) fries; crisps, (US) chips
mí-cha-nún otherwise mùt flea

N nahng Mrs
Thai ➜ English
nahng pa-yah-bahn nurse
nahng-sfo Miss
nfh thick nah-tee minute
nah paddy field nah-yók director, president
náh uncle (younger brother of nah-yók rút-ta-mon-dtree
mother); aunt (younger sister of prime minister
mother) nai on; in; into; Mr
nâh face; front (part); page; nfi? which?
season; next nai a-nah-kót in future
nâh bèu-a boring nai bpra-tâyt rao at home
nâh dtèun dtên exciting nai lio-ung king
nâh fin rainy season nai ra-wàhng during; among
nâh glèe-ut ugly; horrible; nai têe sòot eventually, at last
disgusting nâir jai certain, sure
nâh nfo winter nâir norn of course, certainly,
nâh nèu-ay nài tiring definitely
nâh òk chest; bust nâirn crowded, busy
nâh rórn summer nfo cold; feel cold
nâh rung-gèe-ut unpleasant; née this; these

revolting nêe ... this is ...

nâh sge-a dai! what a shame! nêe a-rai? what’s this?
nâh sêet pale nêe kirng krai? whose is this?
nâh sin jai interesting nêe krúp (kâ) there you are
nâh sing-sfhn! what a pity! nêe ngai here you are
nâh têung impressive nge-o sticky; sultry
nâh too-râyt nasty nék-tai tie, necktie
nâh-dtàhng window ngu-a north
nah-li-gah clock; watch nèu-ay tired
nah-li-gah bplòok alarm clock nèung one
nah-li-gah kôr meu watch nèung nai sèe quarter
náhm water néw inch
nahm bùt business card néw hio-a mâir meu thumb
náhm dèum drinking water néw meu finger
nahm sa-goon surname, last néw táo toe
name ngah cháhng tusk
nahm sa-goon derm maiden ngahm sa-ngàh elegant
name ngahn job; work; carnival;
nahn a long time festival
ngahn lée-ung party people

Thai ➜ English
ngahn sa-dairng shn-káh trade nòo-uk hio noisy
fair nôo-ut massage
ngahn sòp funeral nòo-ut moustache
ngâi easy; simple nôrk jàhk apart from
ngao shadow norn lie down
ngfo lonely norn lùp sleep
ngao dàirt sunshade norn lùp yòo asleep
ngêe-up quiet; silent nôrng thigh
ngêe-up ngêe-up nòy! be nirng swamp
quiet! nórng chai younger brother
ngern money; silver nórng sfo younger sister
ngern bporn sterling nórng sa-pái younger sister-
ngern deu-un salary in-law
ngern dorn-lâh dollar nòy some
ngern dtàhng bpra-tâyt nóy few
foreign exchange nóy gwàh ... less than ...
ngern rge-un coin nóy têe sòot minimum
ngern sòt cash nùk heavy; serious
ngern típ tip núk don-dtree musician

ngèu-uk gum núk moo-ay boxer
ngêu-un kfi bpra-gun núk rórng singer
insurance policy núk sa-dairng chai actor
ngôh stupid, silly, dumb núk sa-dairng yhng actress
ngoo snake núk sèuk-sfh student
ngoo hào cobra núk tôrng têe-o tourist
ngôo-ung norn sleepy núm dtòk waterfall
ngót cancel núm hirm toilet water;
nîm soft perfume
nít dee-o tâo-nún just a little núm kfirng ice
ní-tahn story núm mun oil; petrol, (US) gas
ní-tá-sa-gahn exhibition núm mun gáht petrol, (US)
nít-nòy a little bit gas
nít-ta-ya-sfhn magazine núm mun krêu-ung oil (motor
nók bird oil)
nom milk núm mun rót dee-sen diesel
nio mouse; rat (fuel)
nòom young; young man núm mun tah àhp dàirt suntan
nòom nòom sfo sfo young oil
núm nùk weight òrn weak (drink)
Thai ➜ English
núm nùk gern excess baggage òrn-air weak (person)
núm póo fountain
núm tôo-um flood P
núm yah àhp náhm bubble
núm yah láhng chahm pâh material, cloth
washing-up liquid pah bpai take
nún that pâh bpòo têe norn sheet; bed
nûn a-rai? what’s that? linen
nûng sit pâh chét bpàhk napkin
njng leather; film, movie pâh chét dtoo-a towel
njng glùp suede pâh chét jahn tea towel
nûng si sit down! pâh chét meu napkin,
núng-sgu book serviette; tissues,
núng-sgu dern tahng passport Kleenex®
núng-sgu num têe-o pâh chét nâh handkerchief;
guidebook flannel
núng-sgu pim newspaper pâh hòm blanket
nút appointment pâh kêe réw cloth, rag

pâh ôrm nappy, diaper

O pâh pôhk sge-sà headscarf
pâh pun kor scarf (for neck)
pâh pun plfir bandage;
oh-gàht chance, opportunity dressing
ong-sfh degree pâh un-nah-mai sanitary
òo sôrm rót garage towel, sanitary napkin
oo-bùt-dti-hàyt accident pâhk region
ôo-ee! ouch! pâhk bung-kúp compulsory
ôom carry pâhk dtâi southern region of
oo-mohng tunnel Thailand
oon-na-ha-poom temperature pâhk ee-sfhn north-eastern
òop-bpa-gorn equipment region of Thailand
òot fun filling pâhk glahng central region of
òot-sfh-ha-gum industry Thailand
ôo-un fat pàhn through; via
òrk bpai go out pàhn bpai go through
òrk bpai hâi pón! get out! pâhp kge-un painting; picture
òrk sge-ung pronounce pah-sfh language

pah-sfh tai Thai (language) yòo bon péun on the floor

Thai ➜ English
pah-sfh tìn dialect pèun rash (on skin)
pah-sfh ung-grìt English péun din ground
(language) péun rorng táo sole (of shoe)
pah-sge duty; tax pêu-un friend
pah-sge sa-nfhm bin airport pêu-un bâhn neighbour
tax pêu-un rôo-um ngahn partner
pah-yóo storm (in business)
pah-yóo fin thunderstorm pêu-un tahng jòt-mfi
pâi cards penfriend
páir goat; allergic to pgw skin
páir dàirt heat stroke pgw klúm dàirt suntan
pàirn slice pgw njng skin
pàirn sge-ung record pí-gahn disabled
pairng expensive pí-pít-ta-pun museum
pfirn-têe map pí-pít-ta-pun hàirng châht
pfirn-têe ta-nin road map, National Museum
streetmap pi-sàyt special; de luxe
pa-mâh Burma; Burmese pìt wrong; faulty
pa-nàirk dtôrn rúp reception; pìt gòt-mfi illegal

reception desk pìt tum-ma-dah unusual
pa-núk ngahn dtôrn rúp pìt wjng disappointed
receptionist pi-tee dtàirng ngahn wedding
pa-núk ngahn krêu-ung bin plfir bàht jèp injury
steward plfir gra-pór ulcer
pa-núk ngahn toh-ra-sùp plfir mâi burn
operator plfir porng blister
pa-nun gamble plfir wèr nasty
pa-yah-yahm try; persevere plfirng eccentric
pay-dahn ceiling playng song
pêe older brother/sister playng póp pop song
pêe chai older brother plùk push
pêe sfo older sister pim I; me; myself (said by a
pêe sa-pái older sister-in-law man); hair
pêrm increase ping súk fôrk soap powder
pèt hot, spicy pin-la-mái fruit
pét diamond pôo bplair translator
pét ploy jewellery pôo doy-ee sfhn passenger
péun floor pôo-chai boy; man

poo-gèt Phuket pòt prickly heat
Thai ➜ English
pôo-jùt-gahn manager pót-ja-nah-nóo-grom
poo-kfo mountain dictionary
poo-mi-bpra-tâyt scenery; prá monk; priest
landscape prá-ah-tít sun
pôot speak; talk prá-jâo God
pôot èek tee repeat prá-jun moon
pôot lên joke prá-póot-ta-jâo Buddha
pôo-uk group prá-póot-ta-rôop Buddha
pôo-uk née these image
pôo-uk nún those prá-rah-chi-nee queen
pôo-uk pôo-yhng women prá-râht-cha-wung palace
poo-ung mah-lai sái left-hand prá-tóo-dong mendicant
drive monk
poo-ung ma-lai kwfh right- pree-o slim
hand drive préut-sa-jìk-gah-yon
pôo-yài adult November
pôo-yài bâhn village headman préut-sa-pah-kom May
pôo-yhng woman; lady; girl prom carpet; rug
pôo-yhng bah hostess (in bar) prôong née tomorrow

pôo-yhng ung-grìt English prór because

girl/woman prórm ready
por enough púk stay
pôr father pùk vegetables
pôr dtah father-in-law (of a púk krêung interval
man) púk pòrn rest
pôr dtah mâir yai parents-in- pun-ra-yah wife
law (wife’s parents) pút fan (handheld)
por jai satisfied pùt stir-fry
por láir-o no more; that’s pút lom fan (mechanical)
pôr mái widower R
pôr mâir parents
pôr pio-a father-in-law (of a
woman) ra-bee-ung patio; terrace;
pôr pio-a mâir pio-a parents- balcony
in-law (husband’s parents) rah-kah cost; price
por sim-koo-un quite, fairly rah-kah tòok downmarket
pirm thin, skinny ráhn shop, store

ráhn ah-hfhn restaurant ra-kung bell

Thai ➜ English
ráhn ah-hfhn jeen Chinese rao we; us
restaurant ra-wàhng between
ráhn gio-ay dtge-o café; ra-wung! be careful!; look out!
noodle shop ra-wung ná! look out!
ráhn kfi dòrk-mái florist ra-yá tahng distance
ráhn kfi kirng chum food ray-o early; quick, fast;
store quickly
ráhn kfi kirng gào antique ray-o ray-o kâo! hurry up!
shop ray-o ray-o nòy! come on!
ráhn kfi krêu-ung lèk rêep rêep nòy! hurry up!
hardware store rêe-uk call; be called
ráhn kfi krêu-ung pét ploy ree-un learn
jeweller’s rêe-up smooth
ráhn kfi lâo liquor store, rêe-up róy neat
shop selling wines and spirits rêrm begin, start
ráhn kfi núng-sgu bookshop, rgu or
bookstore ... rgu ... either ... or ...
ráhn kfi pâhp kge-un art reu-a ship; boat
gallery reu-a bpra-mong fishing boat

ráhn kfi pùk greengrocer’s reu-a choo chêep lifeboat
ráhn kfi yah chemist’s, reu-a hfhng yao long-tailed
pharmacy boat
ráhn kfi yah sòop reu-a kâhm fâhk ferry
tobacconist’s, tobacco store reu-a pai rowing boat
ráhn néu-a butcher’s reu-a ray-o speedboat
ráhn sgrm sio-ay beauty salon reu-a sjm-bpûn sampan
ráhn súk hâirng dry-cleaner’s reu-a sjm-pao junk
ráhn súk (sêu-a) pâh reu-a yon motorboat
laundry reu-a yórt yacht
ráhn tum ka-nim-bpung rêu-ay rêu-ay so-so
bakery reu-doo season
râhng-gai body reu-doo bai mái plì spring
rahng-wun prize réu-doo bai-mái rôo-ung
ra-hùt toh-ra-sùp dialling code autumn, (US) fall
rai-gahn schedule rêu-ung story
rai-gahn num têe-o tour rêu-ung a-rai gun? what’s
râirk first going on?
rairng fai fáh voltage rim fge bpàhk lip

rôhk disease upmarket
Thai ➜ English
rôhk áyd Aids róo-sèuk feel
rôhk bìt dysentery róo-sèuk ja ah-jee-un feel sick
rôhk bpòo-ut nai kôr róo-sèuk kòrp-koon feel
rheumatism grateful
rôhk gloo-a náhm rabies róo-sèuk mâi sa-bai feel
rôhk hèut hay fever; asthma unwell
rôhk hùt measles roo-um include
rôhk hùt yer-ra-mun German roo-um yòo dôo-ay included
measles roo-um yôrt total
rôhk páir dàirt sunstroke róp-goo-un disturb
rôhk sâi dtìng appendicitis ror wait
rohng la-korn theatre rórn hot; warm
rohng ngahn factory rórng hâi cry
rohng njng cinema, movie rórng playng sing
theater rorng táo shoe(s); boot(s)
rohng pa-yah-bahn hospital rorng táo dtàir sandal(s)
rohng rairm hotel rorng táo gee-lah trainer(s)
rohng ree-un school rorng táo ma-nóot gòp
rohng rót garage flipper(s)

rohng rúp jum-num pawnshop rót car; taste; flavour

rohng yim gym rót air air-conditioned bus
rôm umbrella; parasol rót bprùp ah-gàht air-
nai rôm in the shade conditioned bus
rôm gun dàirt beach umbrella rót bun-tóok lorry, truck
roo hole rót châo rented car
róo know rót dtôo van
róo-a fence rót fai train
rôo-a leak rót fai dòo-un express train
roo-ay rich rót kgn pushchair
róo-jùk know rót kgn sjm-rùp kon bpòo-ay
rôong dawn wheelchair
rôong cháo at dawn rót may bus
rôop picture rót may bprùp ah-gàht air-
rôop gàir sa-lùk carving conditioned bus
rôop lòr handsome rót mor-dter-sai motorbike;
rôop-song figure moped
rôop tài photograph rót norn sleeping car
rio-rfh posh; luxurious; rót num têe-o coach trip

rót pa-yah-bahn ambulance Scotch tape®

Thai ➜ English
rót sa-bee-ung dining car sa-hà-rút a-may-ri-gah United
rót sa-góot-dter scooter States
rót sfhm lór trishaw sfh-gon international
rót sa-nfhm bin airport bus sâhk sa-lùk hùk pung remains,
rót too-a tour bus ruins
rót yon car sfh-lah pavilion
rúk love sfhm three
rûm roo-ay wealthy sfhm lèe-um torng kum
rum tai Thai classical dancing Golden Triangle
rum-kahn annoying; annoy sfh-mee husband
rum-wong ramwong dance sâhp know
(popular Thai folk dance) sàh-sa-nfh religion
rúp accept; receive sàh-sa-nfh póot Buddhism;
rút state Buddhist
rút-ta-bahn government sfh-tah-ra-ná public
sai sand
S sài put
sái left
sfi late; telephone line; strap

sà pond; wash sfi fai fáh wire; lead
sà pim wash one’s hair sài goon-jair lock
sà wâi náhm swimming pool sfi pahn fanbelt
sa-àht clean sfi rút fastener
sa-bai well, in good health sfi yahng yêut elastic
sa-bai dee OK, all right sairng overtake
sa-bòo soap sa-lai slide
sa-bòo gohn nòo-ut shaving sa-lgung salung (unit of currency)
soap sa-lùk nâh-dtàhng shutter
sa-bpay chèet pim hairspray sa-mgr always
sa-dòo-uk convenient; sa-moh-sirn club, clubhouse
comfortable sa-moon prai herbs (medicinal)
sa-dtahng satang (unit of sa-mòot notebook
currency) sa-mòot bun-téuk bpra-jum
sa-dtairm stamp wun diary
sa-dtree ladies’ toilet, ladies’ sa-móot mfi lâyk toh-ra-sùp
room phone book
sa-gee náhm waterskiing sa-mòot yay-loh páyt yellow
sa-górt táyp Sellotape®, pages
sa-nfhm playing field; pitch sge chom-poo pink
Thai ➜ English
sa-nfhm bin airport sge dairng red
sa-nfhm gee-lah hàirng châht sge dum black
National Stadium sge kfo white
sa-nfhm górp golf course sge kge-o green
sa-nfhm ten-nít tennis court sêe krohng rib
sa-nfhm yâh lawn sge lgu-ung yellow
sa-ngòp calm sge lêu-ut mio scarlet
sa-nòok pleasant sge môo-ung purple
sa-nòok dee enjoyable, fun sge néu-a beige
sâo sad sge núm dtahn brown
sfo young (girl) sge núm ngern blue
sa-pahn bridge sge òrn pale
sa-tfhn bor-ri-gahn rót châo sge sôm orange
car rental company sge tao grey
sa-tfhn gong-soon consulate sge tao gairm lgu-ung fawn
sa-tfhn lée-ung dèk lék sèe yâirk crossroads,
nursery intersection
sa-tfhn sùk-gah-rá shrine sge-a broken, faulty, out of
sa-tfhn tôot embassy order; polluted

sa-tfhn-na-gahn situation sge-a jai sorry

sa-tfh-nee terminus; station sge-a láir-o damage; damaged
sa-tfh-nee dtum-ròo-ut police sge-o sharp
station sèe-ung risky
sa-tfh-nee rót fai railway sge-ung sound, noise; voice
station sên line
sa-tfh-nee rót may bus station sên dâi thread, cotton
sa-tfhn-têe place sên lôo-ut wire
sa-wàhng bright sèt ready; over, finished
sa-wít switch séu buy
sa-wít fai switch sêu dtrong honest
sa-wùt dee hello sêu-a chért shirt
sa-wùt dee bpee mài! happy sêu-a choo chêep lifejacket
New Year! sêu-a chóot dress
sa-wùt dee kâ hello sêu-a fin raincoat
sa-wùt dee krúp hello sêu-a gahng-gayng norn
sàyt sa-dtahng small change pyjamas
sèe four sêu-a glâhm vest (under shirt)
sge colour; paint sêu-a gúk waistcoat

sêu-a kloom coat, overcoat sòok-ka-pâhp health

Thai ➜ English
sêu-a kloom chóot norn sòok-ka-pâhp mâi dee
dressing gown unhealthy
sêu-a nôrk jacket sòok-ka-pâhp sim-boon fit,
sêu-a pâh clothes healthy
sêu-a pâh chún nai underwear sôom sâhm clumsy
sêu-a pôo-yhng blouse sion zero
sêu-a sa-wet-dter sweater; sion glahng centre
sweatshirt siong tall; high
sêu-a yêut T-shirt soon-la-gah-gorn Customs
sêu-a yók song bra soo-pâhp polite
si-gah cigar soo-pâhp boo-ròot gentleman
sîn sòot end soo-pâhp sa-dtree lady
shng-hfh-kom August sòop boo-rèe smoke
shn-la-bpà art sòot bottom (of road)
shn-la-bpà sa-mfi mài modern sòot tái last
art sôo-um sfh-tah-ra-ná public
shn-la-bpin artist convenience
sìp ten; zip sòo-un part
sìp-hâh nah-tee quarter of sio-un garden

an hour sòo-un dtoo-a private
sih-pay-nee prostitute sòo-un mâhk most (of )
sòht single (unmarried) sòo-un pa-sim mixture
sòk-ga-bpròk dirty sio-un sfh-tah-ra-ná park
sôn rorng táo heel (of shoe) sio-un sùt zoo
sôn táo heel (of foot) sòo-ut mon pray
sòng send sôrm repair, mend; fork
sòng dtòr forward sirn teach
sòng jòt-mfi post, mail sôrn hide
sòng jòt-mfi dtahm bâhn sorng pack, packet
delivery sirng two
sòng tahng ah-gàht by airmail sirng ah-tít fortnight
sing-grahn Thai New Year sorng jòt-mfi envelope
sing-krahm war sirng krúng twice
sòo towards sirng tâir-o van with two
sio-ay beautiful benches used as a bus
sòok ripe sòt fresh
sòok sòok well-done (steak) sòt chêun refreshing
sòok sòok dìp dìp rare (steak) soy side street; lane; soi

sôy kor necklace, chain tahng dòo-un motorway,
Thai ➜ English
súk wash highway, freeway
... sùk nít nèung a little ... tahng kâo entrance
súk pâh wash clothes; laundry tahng kóhng bend
sjm-kun important; main tahng kwfh on the right
sjm-lee cotton wool, tahng lée-o turning
absorbent cotton tahng lio-ung highway
sjm-núk kào sfhn núk tôrng tahng máh-lai pedestrian
têe-o tourist information crossing
office tahng òrk exit
sjm-núk ngahn office tahng ôrm detour
sjm-núk ngahn kào sfhn tahng rót fai railway
information office tahng rót fai pàhn level
sjm-rùp for crossing
sjm-rùp koon for you tahng sái on the left
sûn short tahng yâirk junction; fork
sjn-châht nationality tàht tray
sùng order tai Thai (adj)
sjn-yah promise tái tights, pantyhose
sjn-yahn fay mâi fire alarm tài rôop photograph

sùp-sin complicated táir genuine; original

sùt animal tairm-porn tampon
tairn instead
T tairn têe ja ... instead of ...
tfir-o queue, line
ta-lay sea
ta-bee-un rót car registration ta-lay sàhp lake
number ta-nah-kahn bank
tâh if ta-nai kwahm lawyer
tâh reu-a docks; harbour, ta-nin street; road
port; jetty; quay(side) ta-nin yài main road
tâh yàhng nún then, in that ta-nùt meu sái left-handed
case táo foot
tfhm ask tâo-nún just; only
tahn (kâo) eat tâo-rài? how much?
tahng direction; path; route; tâyp nge-o Sellotape®, Scotch
way tape®
tahng ah-gàht by air tee time
tahng dern corridor têe at

têe bâhn at home têe râhp lôom plain

Thai ➜ English
têe bpèrt gra-bpirng can- tee râirk at first
opener têe rúk darling
têe bpèrt kòo-ut bottle- têe rút kgm kùt seatbelt
opener; corkscrew têe sirng second (adj)
têe bpùt núm fin windscreen têe sòrp tfhm information
wipers desk
têe èun somewhere else têe tum ngahn office
têe fàhk gra-bpfo left luggage, têe yòo address
baggage check têe-o visit; trip
têe fàhk kirng cloakroom têe-o bin flight
têe hâhm rót kâo pedestrian têe-o bin mfo charter flight
precinct têe-o hâi sa-nòok! enjoy
têe jâirng kirng hfi lost yourself!
property office têe-o sa-nòok ná! have fun!;
têe jòrt rót car park, parking have a good journey!
lot tee-um imitation
têe jòrt rót táirk-sêe taxi rank tee-un candle
têe jum-nài dtio-a ticket office têe-ung keun at midnight
têe kèe-a boo-rèe ashtray têe-ung wun midday

têe láir-o last, previous tee-wee TV
tee la nóy gradually tén tent
têe lgu-a rest ter you
tee ljng afterwards; later, tgu carry
later on tgung reach
têe nfi somewhere tíng throw away
têe nfi? where? tíng wái leave behind
têe nêe here; over here tôh! good heavens!
têe nôhn there; over there toh tahng glai long-distance
têe norn mattress; berth call
têe nûn there toh-ra-lâyk telegram
têe nûng seat toh-ra-sùp phone
têe nûng dtìt nâh-dtàhng toh-ra-sùp gèp ngern bplai
window seat tahng reverse-charge call,
têe nûng kâhng ljng back collect call
seat toh-ra-sùp sfh-tah-ra-ná
têe nûng rúp kàirk couch payphone
têe pìt error toh-ra-tút television
têe púk accommodation(s) tong flag

too-a bus tour trah-wern ay-yen travel
Thai ➜ English
tòo-a peanuts; peas; beans agency
tôo-a bpai everywhere tum make; do
tôo-ay cup tûm cave
tôo-ay chahm crockery tum dôo-ay meu handmade
tóok every tum hâi cause
tòok right, correct; cheap, tum hâi ôo-un fattening
inexpensive tum kwahm sa-àht clean
tòok dàirt mâi sunburnt tum lép manicure
tòok gòt-mfi legal tum ngahn work
tòok ka-moy-ee robbed; tum têe bâhn home-made
stolen tum-ma-châht nature;
tóok kon everyone natural
tòok láir-o that’s right tum-ma-dah normal; usually,
tóok yàhng everything normally; ordinary; plain
tòok-dtôrng accurate tum-mai? why?
... tôom ... p.m. (in the evening) tûn you
tok ong bag tun sa-mfi fashionable;
tok ong bplah-sa-dtìk plastic modern
bag tjng bucket

tok ong gra-dàht paper bag tjng dtàirk broke

tok ong meu gloves tjng ka-yà dustbin, trashcan
tok ong norn sleeping bag túng mòt all; altogether;
tok ong nôrng stocking(s) completely
tok ong táo sock(s) tjng núm mun petrol tank,
tok ong yahng condom gas tank
tok ong yai boo-a tights, túng sirng both of them
pantyhose tun-tee at once, immediately;
tóo-rá business suddenly
tóo-ra-gìt deal tun-wah-kom December
tôr pipe
torng gold U
tórng stomach
tórng pòok constipated
tórng sge-a diarrhoea; upset um-per amphoe (sub-division of
stomach province)
tórp-fêe sweet(s), candy, un thing
candies un nfi? which one?
tôrt deep-fry un née this one

un nún that one wge comb

Thai ➜ English
un-dta-rai harm; danger; wee-sah visa
dangerous wèet rórng scream
ung-grìt English (adj); wew view
British wí-nah-tee second (in time)
un-nóo-yâht allowed wîng run
ùt-dta-noh-mút automatic wí-sàyt incredible, tremendous
ùt-dtrah rate wí-sàyt jung ler-ee fantastic
ùt-dtrah lâirk bplèe-un wít-ta-yah-lai college
exchange rate wít-ta-yah-sàht science
ùt-ta-noh-mút automatic wít-ta-yóo radio
ùt-ti-bai explain wít-tee method
wong don-dtree orchestra
W wong glom circle
woo-a cow
wun day
wâh say wun ah-tít Sunday
wfhn sweet wun gèrt birthday
wahn seun née the day before wun gòrn ... the day before ...
yesterday wun jun Monday

wahng put wun ljng jàhk têe ... the day
wâhng empty; deserted after ...
wâhng bplào empty, vacant wun ma-reun née the day after
wâhng ngahn unemployed tomorrow
wâi náhm swim wun née today
wáir stopover wun pa-réu-hùt Thursday
wfirn ring wun póot Wednesday
wâirn dtah glasses, (US) wun prá Buddhist holy day
eyeglasses wun sfo Saturday
wfirn dtàirng ngahn wedding wun sfo ah-tít weekend
ring wun seun née the day before
wâirn gun dàirt sunglasses yesterday
wfirn mûn engagement ring wun sîn bpee New Year’s Eve
wai-yah-gorn grammar wun sòok Friday
wâo kite wun têe date
way-lah time wun ung-kahn Tuesday
way-lah sòo-un mâhk most of wun yòot holiday, vacation
the time wun yòot râht-cha-gahn
way-lah-nún then, at that time public holiday
wung palace yah tah ljng gohn nòo-ut
Thai ➜ English
wjng hope aftershave
wút temple; monastery yah tài laxative
wùt cold (illness) yâhk hard, difficult
wút-ta-na-tum culture yàhk dâi want
yàhk (ja) I’d like to
Y yahng rubber
yahng a-lài spare tyre
yahng dtàirk puncture
yah medicine yahng lóp rubber, eraser
yâh grandmother (paternal); yahng nai inner tube
grass yàhng née this way, like this
yàh! don’t! yàhng nóy at least
yah dùp glìn dtoo-a deodorant yahng rót tyre
yah glôrng pipe tobacco yahng rút rubber band
yàh gun láir-o divorced yâht relatives
yah gun ma-lairng insect yai grandmother (maternal)
repellent yài big, large
yah kâh chéu-a antiseptic yài bêr-rêr enormous
yai sjng-krór synthetic

yah kâh chéu-a rôhk

disinfectant yâir terrible, dreadful
yah koom gum-nèrt yâir jung! too bad!
contraceptive pill yâir long worse
yah kùt polish yâir mâhk awful, terrible
yah kùt rorng táo shoe polish yâir têe sòot worst
yah kwin-neen quinine yâirk gun separate; separately
yah láhng make-up remover yao long
yah mét tablet yêe hôr brand
yah pít poison yêe-bpòon Japan; Japanese
yah ra-ngúp bpòo-ut yeen jeans
painkiller yêe-um excellent, brilliant;
yah sà pim shampoo visit
yah sàyp-dtìt drug, narcotic yêe-um ler-ee lovely, excellent
yah sge fun toothpaste yêe-um yôrt fantastic
yah sòop tobacco yen cold; cool
yah tah lotion; ointment yen née this afternoon
yah tah gun dàirt sunblock yen prôong née tomorrow
yah tah ljng àhp dàirt aftersun evening
cream yép sew

yer-ra-mun Germany; German

Thai ➜ English
yeun stand
yèu-uk jug
yím smile
yin dee glad
yhng rúp chái maid,
yók wáyn except
yòo live; still; in, at home
káo mâi yòo he/she’s not in
... yòo têe nfi? where is ...?
yòo bon ... on top of ...; at the
top of ...
yòo dtrong glahng in the
yòo dtrong nâh straight ahead
yòo glâi nearby
yòo kâhng bon at the top
yoong mosquito
yoo-rohp Europe; European

yòot stop
yòot pôot ná! shut up!
yóot-dti-tum fair, just
yôrt smashing, fabulous
yôrt! great!
yôrt yêe-um splendid, super
yung still; not yet
yung mâi sèt finish
yung-ngai? how?


Signs and
Abbreviations rohng pa-yah-bahn: hâhm

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

chái sge-ung hospital: no
».Í. bprùp ah-gàht air-
ËüÒÁ¼ûÒ¹ hâhm pàhn no
Í. um-per Amphoe, district
ËüÒÁà¢üÒ hâhm kâo no entry
¡.·.Á. groong-tâyp-ma-hfh-
ËüÒÁ·Ôü§¢ÂÐ hâhm tíng ka-yà
na-korn Bangkok
no litter
¾.È. póot-ta-sùk-ga-ràht
ËüÒÁ¨Í´ hâhm jòrt no parking
Buddhist Era (BE) (543 years
ËüÒÁ¶ûÒÂÃÙ» hâhm tài rôop no
ahead of AD)
¤.È. krít-dta-sùk-ga-ràht
ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû hâhm sòop boo-
Christian Era (AD)
rèe no smoking
ª.Á. chôo-a mohng hours
¡ÃسÒÍÂûÒÊû§àÊÕ§´Ñ§ ga-roo-
¹. nah-li-gah hours
nah yàh sòng sge-ung dung
¡.Á. gi-loh-mét kilometre
please don’t make a noise
ª. chai men
â»Ã´¶Í´Ãͧà·üÒ bpròht tòrt
¨. jung-wùt province
rorng táo please remove shoes
¶. ta-nin road
µÓÃǨ dtum-ròo-ut police
µ. dtum-bon Tambon, sub-
â»Ã´à§Õº bpròht ngêe-up
silence, please
ญ. yhng women

General signs Airport, planes

·Õû·Ó¡ÒúÃÔÉÑ·¡ÒúԹ têe
ÃÐÇѧ ra-wung caution
tum gahn bor-ri-sùt gahn bin
ÍѹµÃÒ un-dta-rai danger
airline company offices
ËüÒÁ ... hâhm ... ... forbidden
·ûÒÍÒ¡ÒÈÂÒ¹ tâh ah-gàht-sa-
ÍÂûÒ yàh ... do not ...
yahn airport
Êͺ¶ÒÁ sòrp tfhm enquiries
¶Ö§ tgung arrives
·ûÒÍÒ¡ÒÈÂÒ¹¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï passengers and crew only
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

bpra-chah sjm-pun tâh-ah- µÃǨ˹ѧÊ×Íà´Ô¹·Ò§ dtròo-ut

gàht-sa-yfhn groong-tâyp núng-sgu dern tahng passport
public relations, Bangkok control
Airport ÀѵµÒ¤Òà pút-dtah-khan
ÈØÅ¡Ò¡Ã soon-la-gah-gorn restaurant
Customs µÃǨÊͺºÑµÃ¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒÃáÅÐ
ÊØ¢ÒªÒ sòo-kfh chai gents’ ¡ÃÐà»þÒ dtròo-ut sòrp bùt
toilets, men’s room pôo-doy-ee-sfhn láir gra-
ªÒÂ chai gents bpfo ticket and baggage check
µÃǨ¤¹à¢üÒàÁ×ͧ dtròo-ut kon ·Õû¨Ó˹ûÒµÑþÇ têe jum-nài
kâo meu-ung immigration dtio-a ticket office
»ÃЪÒÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ì bpra-chah àÇÅÒ way-lah time
sjm-pun information ¼üÙÁÒÊû§¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒà pôo mah
ÊØ¢ÒËญÔ§ sòo-kfh yhng ladies’ sòng pôo-doy-ee-sfhn
toilets, ladies’ room visitors
ËญÔ§ yhng ladies ·Õû¾Ñ¡¼ÙüÁÒÊû§¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒà têe púk
ÍÍ¡ òrk leaves pôo mah sòng pôo-doy-ee-
½Ò¡¡ÃÐà»þÒ fàhk gra-bpfo left sahn visitors’ waiting area
luggage, baggage checkroom ·Ò§à¢üÒ tahng kâo way in,
ÅÔ¿·ì lif lift, elevator entrance
¨Ø´¹Ñ´¾º jòot nút póp ·Ò§ÍÍ¡ tahng òrk way out
meeting point
ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû hâhm sòop Banks, money
boo-rèe no smoking
¨Ø´µÃǨ¤ü¹¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒà jòot
dtròo-ut kón pôo doy-ee
ºÒ· bàht baht
sfhn passenger check-point
¸¹Ò¤Òà ta-nah-kahn bank
੾ÒмÙüâ´ÂÊÒÃáÅÐÅÙ¡àÃ×Íà ½Ò¡»ÃÐ¨Ó fàhk bpra-jum
deposit account, savings
·ûÒ¹Ñü¹ cha-pòr pôo-doy-ee
sfhn láir lôok reu-a tâo-nún
½Ò¡à§Ô¹ fàhk ngern deposits
ÍѵÃÒáÅ¡à»ÅÕû¹à§Ô¹ ùt- ÃѺ½Ò¡¢Í§ rúp fàhk kirng left

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

dtrah lâirk bplèe-un ngern luggage, baggage checkroom
exchange rate ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû hâhm sòop boo-
ÍѵÃÒáÅ¡à»ÅÕÂû ¹à§Ô¹µÃÒµûÒ§» rèe no smoking
ÃÐà·È ùt-dtrah lâirk bplèe-un Ëüͧ¾Ñ¡¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒà hôrng púk
ngern dtrah dtàhng bpra-tâyt pôo doy-ee sfhn passengers’
foreign exchange rate waiting room
Êͺ¶ÒÁ sòrp tfhm enquiries ·Ò§à¢üÒ੾ÒмÙü¶×͵ÑþÇâ´ÂÊÒÃ
áÅ¡à»ÅÕû¹à§Ô¹µÃÒµûÒ§»ÃÐà· tahng kâo cha-pòr pôo tgu
È lâirk bplèe-un ngern dtrah dtio-a doy-ee sfhn
dtàhng bpra-tâyt bureau de passengers with tickets only
change ·Õû¨Ó˹ûÒµÑþÇ têe jum-nài
à»Ô´»ÑญªÕãËÁû bpèrt bun-chee dtio-a ticket office
mài new accounts ¡Ó˹´àÇÅÒà´Ô¹Ã¶ gum-nòt
¶Í¹à§Ô¹ tirn ngern way-lah dern rót timetable,
withdrawals (US) schedule
ö·ÑÇÃì rót too-a tour bus
Bus travel
ö»ÃѺÍÒ¡ÒÈ rót bprùp ah- nationalities
gàht air-conditioned bus
¶Ö§ tgung arrives ÍÒ¿ÃÔ¡Ò ah-fri-gah Africa;
ÍÍ¡ òrk departs African
ÊØ¢ÒªÒ sòo-kfh chai gents’ ÍÕ¡üÍ ee-gôr Akha (hill tribe)
toilets, men’s room ÍàÁÃÔ¡Ò a-may-ri-gah
»ÃЪÒÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ì bpra-chah America; American
sjm-pun information àÍà«Õ ay-see-a Asia
Êͺ¶ÒÁ sòrp tfhm ÍÍÊàµÃàÅÕ òrt-sa-dtray-lee-a
information, enquiries Australia; Australian
ÊØ¢ÒËญÔ§ sòo-kfh yhng ladies’ ¾ÁûÒ pa-mâh Burma,
toilets, ladies’ room
Myanmar; Burmese (hill tribe)
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

¡ÑÁ¾ÙªÒ gum-poo-chah à¢Áà ka-mfyn Khmer;

Cambodia Cambodian
á¤¹Ò´Ò kair-nah-dah à¡ÒËÅÕ gao-lge Korea; Korean
Canada; Canadian ÅÒÇ lao Laos; Lao
¨Õ¹ jeen China; Chinese ÁÒàÅà«Õ mah-lay-see-a
»ÃÐà·È bpra-tâyt country Malaysia; Malaysian
Íѧ¡ÄÉ ung-grìt England; ¹ÔÇ«ÕᏴì new see-lairn New
Britain; UK; English; British Zealand
ÂØâû yoo-rôhp Europe; äÍÃìᏴìà˹×Í ai-lairn ngu-a
European Northern Ireland
½ÃÑû§àÈÉ a-rùng-sàyt France; »Ò¡Ôʶҹ bpah-gi-sa-tfhn
French Pakistan
»ÃÐà·ÈàÂÍÃÁѹ bpra-tâyt yer- ¿ÔÅÔ»»Ô¹Êì fin-lip-bpin
ra-mun Germany; German Phillipines; Fillipino
ªÒÇà¢Ò chao kfo hill-tribe ʡ͵Ᏼì sa-gort-lairn
person; hill-tribe people Scotland
áÁüÇ máy-o Hmong, Meo (hill ÊÔ§¤â»Ãì shng-ka-bpoh
tribe) Singapore
ÎÍÅᏴì horn-lairn Holland; »ÃÐà·ÈÊ໹ bpra-tâyt sa-
Dutch bpayn Spain
ÍÔ¹à´Õ in-dee-a India; Indian ä·Â tai Thai
ᢡ kàirk Indian; Malaysian àÁ×ͧä·Â meu-ung tai
ÍԹⴹÕà«Õ in-doh-nee-see-a Thailand (informal)
Indonesia; Indonesian »ÃÐà·Èä·Â bpra-tâyt tai
äÍÃìᏴì ai-lairn Ireland Thailand (formal)
»ÃÐà·ÈÍÔµÒÅÕ bpra-tâyt ì- ÊËÃÑ°ÍàÁÃÔ¡Ò sa-hà-rút a-
dtah-lee Italy may-ri-gah United States of
ญÕû»Øû¹ yêe-bpòon Japan; America
Japanese àÇÕ´¹ÒÁ wêe-ut-nahm
¡ÐàËÃÕû§ ga-rèe-ung Karen Vietnam; Vietnamese

àÂüÒ yáo Yao (hill tribe) ÇѹÈØ¡Ãì wun sòok Friday

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

ÇѹàÊÒÃì wun sfo Saturday
Customs ÇѹÍÒ·ÔµÂì wun ah-tít Sunday

ÈØÅ¡Ò¡Ã sok on-la-gah-gorn Entertainment

ÁբͧµüͧÊÓá´§ mee kirng ... ºÒ· ... bàht ... baht
dtôrng sjm-dairng goods to ¶Ø§ÅÐ ... ºÒ· toong la ... bàht
declare ... baht per bag
µÃǨ¤¹à¢üÒàÁ×ͧ dtròo-ut kon ¶üÇÂÅÐ ... ºÒ· tôo-ay la ...
kâo meu-ung immigration bàht ... baht per cup
äÁûÁբͧµüͧÊÓá´§ mâi mee ªÔü¹ÅÐ ... ºÒ· chín la ... bàht
kirng dtôrng sjm-dairng ... baht per piece
nothing to declare ºÃÔ¡Òà òô ª.Á. bor-ri-gahn
੾ÒÐ˹ѧÊ×Íà´Ô¹·Ò§ä·Â yge-sìp sèe chio-a mohng
cha-pòr núng-sgu dern-tahng 24-hour service
tai Thai passport holders only Ãͺ ñ÷.ðð ¹. rôrp 17.00
n(ah-li-gah) 5 p.m. show

Days ºÒÃì bah bar

âºÇìÅÔ§ bohn-lîng bowling
·Õû¨Ó˹ûÒµÑþÇ têe jum-nài
Çѹ wun day dtio-a box office
ÍÒ·ÔµÂì ah-tít week âçÀҾ¹µÃì rohng pâhp-pa-
ÇѹàÊÒÃìÍÒ·ÔµÂì wun sfo ah-tít yon cinema, movie theater
weekend àÃçÇæ¹Õü ray-o ray-o née coming
Çѹ¨Ñ¹·Ãì wun jun Monday soon
ÇѹÍѧ¤Òà wun ung-kahn ´ÔÊâ¡ü dít-sa-gôh disco
Tuesday ·Ò§à¢üÒ tahng kâo
Çѹ¾Ø¸ wun póot Wednesday entrance
Çѹ¾ÄËÑÊ wun pa-réu-hùt ·Ò§ÍÍ¡ tahng òrk exit
Thursday àµçÁ dtem full
ÍҺͺ¹Ç´ àhp òp nôo-ut à´×͹ deu-un month
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

massage ÊÑญªÒµÔ sjn-châht nationality

ÃÒ¡ÒÃ˹üÒ rai-gahn nâh ËÁÒÂà赯 mfi-hàyt note, n.b.
next programme ÍÒªÕ¾ ah-chêep occupation
ÍÒ·ÔµÂì˹üÒ ah-tít nâh next ˹ѧÊ×Íà´Ô¹·Ò§ËÁÒÂàÅ¢
week núng-sgu dern tahng mfi-
ä¹·¤ÅѺ náit klúp nightclub lâyk passport number
©ÒÂÇѹ¹Õü chfi wun née now ¨Ñ§ËÇÑ´ jung-wùt province
showing àª×üÍªÒµÔ chéu-a châht race
ÃÒ¤Ò rah-kah price ÍÂÙû·Õû yòo têe residing at
Ãͺ rôrp showing ¶¹¹ ta-nin road
à¾È pâyt sex
Forms ÅÒÂà«ç¹ lai sen signature
ŧª×ûÍ long chêu signed
¾Ñ¡·Õû púk têe staying at
·ÕûÍÂÙû têe yòo address ¹ÒÁÊ¡ØÅ nahm sa-goon
ÍÒÂØ ah-yóo age surname
¾.È. por sir (year) ... BE (543 µÓºÅ dtum-bon Tambon,
years later than AD)
ÊÕµÒ sge dtah colour of eyes ËÁÙûºüÒ¹ mòo-bâhn village
ÊÕ¼Á sge pim colour of hair ¹üÓ˹ѡ núm nùk weight
à¡Ô´Çѹ·Õû gèrt wun-têe date ¾ÂÒ¹ pa-yahn witness
of birth
ª×ûÍ chêu first name
µÑü§áµû ... ¶Ö§ ... dtûng-dtàir ... Garages
tgung ... from ... until ...
¤ÇÒÁÊÙ§ kwahm siong height ºÃÔ¡Òà òô ª.Á. bor-ri-gahn
ºüÒ¹àÅ¢·Õû bâhn lâyk têe house yêe-sìp sèe chôo-a mohng
number 24-hour service
µÃÍ¡ dtròrk lane ºÃÔ¡ÒëûÍÁö bor-ri-gahn
«ÍÂ soy lane, soi sôrm rót car repairs
ºÑ¹·Ö¡ bun-téuk memo ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÅüҧö bor-ri-gahn
láhng rót car wash ·ÕûÃÒºÅØûÁ têe râhp lôom plain

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

´Õà«Å dee-sen diesel áÁû¹üÓ mâir-náhm river
à»ÅÕû¹ËÁüÍ¡Ãͧ bplèe-un ·ÐàÅ ta-lay sea
môr grorng filters changed ªÒ·ÐàÅ chai ta-lay seaside
ÍÙû òo garage àÁ×ͧ meu-ung town; city;
ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû hâhm sòop boo- country
rèe no smoking ËÁÙûºüÒ¹ mòo-bâhn village
à»ÅÕû¹¹üÓÁѹà¤Ã×ûͧ bplèe-
un núm mun krêu-ung oil
ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÍÑ´©Õ´ bor-ri-gahn ùt beauty salons
chèet pressurized air
»ÐÂÒ§ bpà yahng punctures àÊÃÔÁÊÇ sgrm sio-ay beauty
repaired care
à¤Ã×ûͧÍÐäËÅû krêu-ung a-lài à¤Ã×ûͧÊÓÍÒ§ krêu-ung sjm-
spare parts ahng cosmetics
¹Ç´Ë¹üÒ nôo-ut nâh facial
Geographical massage
µÑ´¼Á dtùt pim hair cut
terms à»ûÒ¼Á bpào pôm hair drying
ä´¼Á dai pim hair drying
¤Åͧ klorng canal ÊÃмÁ sà pim wash
àÁ×ͧËÅǧ meu-ung lio-ung µÑ´àÅçº dtùt lép manicure
capital city ´Ñ´¼Á dùt pim perm
ª¹º· chon-na-bòt à«·¼Á sét pim set
countryside ⡹˹Ǵ gohn nòo-ut shave
»ûÒ´§´Ôº bpàh dong dìp
forest, jungle
à¢Ò kfo hill
à¡ÒÐ gòr island
»ûÒ bpàh jungle, forest ö¾ÂÒºÒÅ rót pa-yah-bahn
¤ØÁ¡Óà¹Ô´ koom gum-nèrt Hiring, renting
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

birth control
¤ÅÕ¹Ô¤ klee-ník clinic ªÑûÇâÁ§ÅÐ ... ºÒ· chôo-a
Ëüͧ¤ÅÍ´ hôrng klôrt delivery mohng la ... bàht ... baht per
room hour
·Ñ¹µá¾·Âì tun-dta-pâirt à´×͹ÅÐ ... ºÒ· deu-un la ...
dentist bàht ... baht per month
·Ó¿Ñ¹ tum fun dentist’s ÇѹÅÐ ... ºÒ· wun la ... bàht
¨Ó˹ûÒÂÂÒ jum-nài yah ... baht per month
dispensary ;ÒÃìµàÁü¹·ìãËüàªûÒ ah-paht-
á¾·ÂìËญÔ§ pâirt yhng doctor mén hâi châo apartment for
(female) rent
¾.ญ. pâirt yhng doctor (female) ºÒ· bàht baht (unit of currency)
¹.¾. nai pâirt doctor (male) öãËüàªûÒ rót hâi châo car for
¹ÒÂá¾·Âì nai pâirt doctor hire, car to rent
(male) à§Ô¹ÁÑ´¨Ó ngern mút-jum
µÃǨÊÒÂµÒ dtròo-ut sfi dtah deposit
eye test á¿Å·ãËüàªûÒ flàirt hâi châo
µÃǨÊÒÂµÒ dtròo-ut sfi dtah apartment for rent
dtròo-ut sfi-dtah eye-testing
ãËüàªûÒ hâi châo for hire, to let,
âç¾ÂÒºÒÅ rohng pa-yah- to rent
bahn hospital
ºüÒ¹ãËüàªûÒ bâhn hâi châo
©Õ´ÂÒ chèet yah injections house to let, house for rent
¹Ò§¾ÂÒºÒÅ nahng pa-yah- öÁÍàµÍÃì㫤ì/
bahn nurse
ö¨Ñ¡ÃÂÒ¹ãËüàªûÒ rót mor-
ËüÒ§¢ÒÂÂÒ hâhng kfi yah dter-sai/rót jùk-ra-yahn hâi
pharmacy, drugstore châo motorcycle/bicycle for
µÃǨ»ÑÊÊÒÇÐ dtròo-ut bpùt- hire
sfh-wá urine test
¨ûÒÂÅûǧ˹üÒ jài lôo-ung nâh
àÍý¡«àÃÂì X-ray X-ray pay in advance
¤ûÒàªûÒ kâh châo rental, fee
ËüͧãËüàªûÒ hôrng hâi châo ËüͧÍÒËÒà hôrng ah-hfhn

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

room for rent restaurant
Ëüͧ hôrng room
Hotels ËüͧãËüàªûÒ hôrng hâi châo
rooms to let
ºÃÔ¡ÒùÓà·ÕûÂÇ bor-ri-gahn
¤Í¿¿Õûªýͺ kòrp-fêe chórp num têe-o sight-seeing tours
café serving coffees, alcoholic Ëüͧà´ÕûÂÇ hôrng dèe-o single
drinks, snacks and meals room
Ëüͧ¤Ùû hôrng kôo double room Ëüͧà´ÕûÂÇ»ÃѺÍÒ¡ÒÈ hôrng
Ëüͧ¤Ùû»ÃѺÍÒ¡ÒÈ hôrng kôo dèe-o bprùp ah-gàht single
bprùp ah-gàht double room
room with air-conditioning
with air-conditioning ÊÃÐÇûÒ¹üÓ sà wâi náhm
·Ò§ÍÍ¡ tahng òrk exit swimming pool
ªÑü¹ chún floor ÊØ¢Ò sòo-kfh toilet
à¡Ê·ìàÎÒÊì gàyt háot Ëüͧ¹üÓ hôrng náhm toilets
guesthouse ËüͧÇûÒ§ hôrng wâhng
Êͺ¶ÒÁ sòrp tfhm enquiries vacancies
Ëüͧ¹üÓʵÃÕ hôrng náhm sa- ÂÔ¹´Õµü͹ÃѺ yin dee dtôrn rúp
dtree ladies’ toilet, ladies’
ËญÔ§ yhng ladies
ÅÔ¿·ì líf lift, elevator Lifts, elevators
ºÃÔ¡ÒÃöÃѺÊû§ bor-ri-gahn rót
rúp sòng limousine service ŧ long down
Ëüͧ¹üÓºØÃØÉ hôrng náhm boo- ªÑü¹ chún floor
ròot men’s toilet, men’s room ÅÔ¿·ì lif lift, elevator
ªÒ chai men äÁûà¡Ô¹ ... ¤¹ mâi gern ... kon
ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû hâhm sòop boo- maximum load ... people
rèe no smoking ËüÒÁÊÙººØËÃÕû hâhm sòop boo-
á¼¹¡µü͹ÃѺ pa-nàirk dtôrn rèe no smoking
rúp reception ¢Öü¹ kêun up
Medicines Á¡ÃÒ¤Á mók-ga-rah-kom
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

ËÅѧÍÒËÒà ljng ah-hfhn after ¡ØÁÀҾѹ¸ì goom-pah-pun
meals February
·Ò tah apply (ointments) ÁÕ¹Ò¤Á mee-nah-kom March
¡û͹¹Í¹ gòrn norn before àÁÉÒ¹ may-sfh-yon April
going to bed ¾ÄÉÀÒ¤Á préut-sa-pah-kom
¡û͹ÍÒËÒà gòrn ah-hfhn May
before meals ÁԶعÒ¹ mí-too-nah-yon
ÂÒÍѹµÃÒ yah un-dta-rai June
dangerous medicine ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á ga-rúk-ga-dah-
kom July
ÇÔ¸Õãªü wí-tee chái instructions
for use ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á shng-hfh-kom
¡Ô¹à¡Ô¹¢¹Ò´à»ç¹ÍѹµÃÒ gin August
gern ka-nàht bpen un-dta-rai
¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ gun-yah-yon
it is dangerous to exceeed the September
stated dose µØÅÒ¤Á dtoo-lah-kom
ÂÒ yah medicine October
àÁç´ mét tablet, pill ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹ préut-sa-jìk-gah-
yon November
ÃѺ»Ãзҹ rúp-bpra-tahn
take (orally) ¸Ñ¹ÇÒ¤Á tun-wah-kom
ªü͹ªÒ chórn chah teaspoon December
ÇѹÅÐ ... ¤ÃÑü§ wun la ... krúng
times ... times per day Notices on
ÇѹÅÐ ... àÁç´ wun la ... mét doors
tablets ... tablets per day
੾ÒÐà¨üÒ˹üÒ·Õû cha-pór jâo-
Months nâh-têe authorized personnel
à´×͹ deu-un month ¡ÃÔû§ grìng bell

ËÁÒ´Ø mfh dòo beware of Numbers

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

the dog
»Ô´ bpìt closed ÈÙ¹Âì sion zero
·Ò§à¢üÒ tahng kâo entry ˹Öû§ nèung one
·Ò§ÍÍ¡ tahng òrk exit Êͧ sirng two
ËüÒÁ¨Í´Ã¶¢ÇÒ§»Ãе٠hâhm ÊÒÁ sfhm three
jòrt rót kwfhng bpra-dtoo no
ÊÕû sèe four
parking in front of the gate ËüÒ hâh five
à¢üÒ kâo in Ë¡ hòk six
ËüÒÁà¢üÒ hâhm kâo no entry à¨ç´ jèt seven
äÁûÁÕ¡Ô¨ËüÒÁà¢üÒ mâi mee á»´ bpàirt eight
gìt hâhm kâo no entry to
à¡üÒ gâo nine
unauthorized persons ÊÔº sìp ten
ËüÒÁ¨Í´ hâhm jòrt no parking ÊÔºàÍç´ sìp-èt eleven
ËüÒÁ¡ÅѺö hâhm glùp rót no ÊÔºÊͧ sìp-sirng twelve
turning ÊÔºÊÒÁ sìp-sfhm thirteen
à»Ô´ bpèrt open ÊÔºÊÕû sìp-sèe fourteen
ÍÍ¡ òrk out ÊÔºËüÒ sìp-hâh fifteen
¡ÃسҶʹÃͧà·üÒ ga-roo-nah ÊԺˡ sìp-hòk sixteen
tòrt rorng táo please remove
ÊÔºà¨ç´ sìp-jèt seventeen
your shoes ÊԺỴ sìp-bpàirt eighteen
¡Ãسҡ´¡ÃÔû§ ga-roo-nah gòt ÊÔºà¡üÒ sìp-gâo nineteen
grìng please ring
ÂÕûÊÔº yêe-sìp twenty
¡´ gòt press ÂÕûÊÔºàÍç´ yêe-sìp-èt twenty-
¶¹¹ÊûǹºØ¤¤Å ta-nin sòo-un one
bòok-kon private road
ÊÒÁÊÔº sfhm-sìp thirty
´ÖÖ§ deung pull ÊÒÁÊÔºàÍç´ sfhm-sìp-èt
¼ÅÑ¡ plùk push thirty-one
ÃÐÇѧÊعѢ´Ø ra-wung soo-núk ÊÕûÊÔº sèe-sìp forty
dòo beware of the dog
ËüÒÊÔº hâh-sìp fifty
Ë¡ÊÔº hòk-sìp sixty

à¨ç´ÊÔº jèt-sìp seventy ñð sìp 10
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

á»´ÊÔº bpàirt-sìp eighty ññ sìp-èt 11

à¡üÒÊÔº gâo-sìp ninety ñò sìp-sirng 12
˹Öû§ÃüÍ nèung róy one ñó sìp-sfhm 13
hundred ñô sìp-sèe 14
˹Öû§¾Ñ¹ nèung pun one ñõ sìp-hâh 15
thousand ñö sìp-hòk 16
Êͧ¾Ñ¹ sirng pun two ñ÷ sìp-jèt 17
thousand ñø sìp-bpàirt 18
˹Öû§ËÁ×û¹ nèung mèun ten ñù sìp-gâo 19
thousand òð yêe-sìp 20
ÊͧËÁ×û¹ sirng mèun twenty òñ yêe-sìp-èt 21
thousand óð sfhm-sìp 30
˹Öû§áʹ nèung sfirn one óñ sfhm-sìp-èt 31
hundred thousand ôð sèe-sìp 40
Êͧáʹ sirng sfirn two õð hâh-sìp 50
hundred thousand öð hòk-sìp 60
˹Öû§ÅüÒ¹ nèung láhn one ÷ð jèt-sìp 70
million øð bpàirt-sìp 80
˹Öû§ÃüÍÂÅüÒ¹ nèung róy láhn ùð gâo-sìp 90
one hundred million ñðð nèung róy 100
ð sion 0 ñððð nèung pun 1,000
ñ nèung 1 òððð sirng pun 2,000
ò sirng 2 ñðððð nèung mèun 10,000
ó sfhm 3 òðððð sirng mèun 20,000
ô sèe 4 ñððððð nèung sfirn 100,000
õ hâh 5 òððððð sirng sfirn 200,000
ö hòk 6 ñðððððð nèung láhn
÷ jèt 7 1,000,000
ø bpàirt 8 ñðððððððð nèung róy láhn
ù gâo 9 100,000,000

Phones ºÒ§ÅÓÀÙ bahng-lum-poo

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

ºÒ· bàht baht (unit of currency) àªÕ§ãËÁû chêe-ung-mài
ÃËÑÊ ra-hùt code Chiangmai
àËÃÕÂญ rge-un coin ͹ØÊÒÇÃÕÂì»ÃЪҸԻäµÂ a-
µûÍ dtòr extension nóo-sfh-wa-ree bpra-chah-
típ-bpa-dtai Democracy
â·ÃÈѾ·ì·Ò§ä¡Å toh-ra-sùp
tahng glai long distance
telephone ËÒ´ãËญû hàht yài Hat Yai
àÊÕ sge-a out of order ËÑÇËÔ¹ hio-a hin Hua Hin
µÓÃǨ dtum-ròo-ut police ËÑÇÅÓ⾧ hio-a lum-pohng
µÙüâ·ÃÈѾ·ìÊÒ¸ÒóРdtôo toh- Hua Lampong
ra-sùp sfh-tah-ra-ná public ¡Òญ¨¹ºØÃÕ gahn-ja-na-boo-
ree Kanjanaburi
telephone box
â·Ã. toh tel. ¢Í¹á¡û¹ kirn-gàirn
â·ÃÈѾ·ì toh-ra-sùp telephone Khonkaen
ÊÁØ´àºÍÃìâ·ÃÈѾ·ì sa-mòot à¡ÒÐÊÁØ gòr sa-mio-ee Koh
ber toh-ra-sùp telephone
directory ÊǹÅØÁ¾Ô¹Õ sio-un loom-pi-
nee Lumpini Park
àºÍÃìâ·ÃÈѾ·ì ber toh-ra-sùp
telephone number ¹¤Ã»°Á na-korn bpa-tim
Nakhorn Pathom
¾Ñ·ÂÒ pút-ta-yah Pattaya
Place names ÀÙà¡çµ poo-gèt Phuket
»ÃеٹüÓ bpra-dtoo náhm
ÍÂظÂÒ a-yóot-ta-yah Pratu Nam
Ayutthaya áÁû¹üÓá¤Ç mâir-náhm kwair
ºÒ§»ÐÍÔ¹ bahng-bpà-in Bang River Kwai
Pa-In ʹÒÁËÅǧ sa-nfhm lio-ung
¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï groong-tâyp Sanam Luang
Bangkok ÊÂÒÁáʤÇÃì sa-yfhm

sa-kwair Siam Square ŧ·ÐàºÕ¹ long ta-bee-un
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

ʧ¢ÅÒ sing-klfh Songkhla registered mail

ÊâØ¢·Ñ sòo-kih-tai ¼ÙœÊ›§ pôo sòng sender
Sukhothai ä»ÃɳÕÂÒ¡Ã
¸¹ºØÃÕ ton-boo-ree Thonburi bprai-sa-nee-yah-gorn
ÍغÅÃÒª¸Ò¹Õ oo-bon râht- stamps
cha-tah-nee ·Ò§àÃ‡Í tahng reu-a surface
Ubonratchathani mail
͹ØÊÒÇÃÕÂìªÑÂÊÁÃÀÙÁÔ a-nóo- â·ÃàÅ¢ toh-ra-lâyk
sfh-wa-ree chai sa-mir-ra- telegrams
poom Victory â·ÃÈѾ·ì toh-ra-sùp
Monument telephone
àÂÒÇÃÒª yao-wa-râht
Yaowarat (China Town area of
Public buildings

ʹÒÁºÔ¹ sa-nfhm bin airport

Post office ¸¹Ò¤Òà ta-nah-kahn bank
ʹÒÁÁÇ sa-nfhm moo-ay
¼ÙœÃѺ pôo rúp addressee boxing stadium
·Ò§ÍÒ¡ÒÈ tahng ah-gàht ʶҹÕöàÁÅì sa-tfhn-nee rót
airmail may bus station
¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï groong-tâyp âçÀҾ¹µÃì rohng pâhp-pa-
Bangkok yon cinema, movie theater
µÙü¨´ËÁÒ dtôo jòt-mfi letter ¤ÅÕ¹Ô¤ klee-ník clinic
box, mail box ÇÔ·ÂÒÅÑÂ wít-ta-yah-lai college
·ÕûÍ×û¹ têe èun other places ¡ÃÁÈØÅ¡Ò¡Ã grom soon-
¾ÑÊ´Ø pút-sa-dòo parcels la-gah-gorn Customs
ÃËÑÊä»Ãɳ…Âì ra-hùt bprai-sa- Department
nee postcode ¡ÃÁ grom department
·Õû·Ó¡ÒÃä»ÃɳÕÂì têe tum (government)
gahn bprai-sa-nee post office ·ÕûÇûÒ¡ÒÃÍÓàÀÍ têe wâh gahn
um-per district office shopping centre

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

¡Í§ gorng division (government) ËüÒ§ hâhng store, shop
ʶҹ·Ùµ sa-tfhn tôot embassy ͧ¤ì¡ÒÃÊû§àÊÃÔÁ¡Ò÷ûͧà·Õû
âç¾ÂÒºÒÅ rohng pa-yah- ÂÇáËû§»ÃÐà·Èä·Â ong-
bahn hospital gahn sòng sgrm gahn tôrng
âçáÃÁ rohng rairm hotel têe-o hàirng bpra-tâyt TAT
¡Í§µÃǨ¤¹à¢üÒàÁ×ͧ gorng – Tourist Organisation of
dtròo-ut kon kâo meu-ung Thailand
Immigration Department ¡ÃÁÊÃþҡà grom sjn-pah-
¡ÃÁáç§Ò¹ grom rairng gorn Tax Department
ngahn Labour Department ÇÑ´ wút temple
ÈÒÅ sfhn law court âçÅФà rohng la-korn theatre
ËüͧÊÁØ´ hôrng sa-mòot ʶҹÕÃ¶ä¿ sa-tfhn-nee rót fai
library train station
µÅÒ´ dta-làht market ÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅÑ ma-hfh-wít-ta-
¡ÃзÃǧ gra-soo-ung yah-lai university
¾Ô¾Ô¸Àѳ±ì pí-pít-ta-pun Public holidays
ʹÒÁ¡ÕÌÒáËû§ªÒµÔ sa-nfhm
gee-lah hàirng châht National
Çѹ¾ÃÐ wun prá Buddhist
Stadium holy day
ÃüÒ¹¢ÒÂÂÒ ráhn kfi yah ÇѹËÂØ´ÃÒª¡Òà wun yòot
râht-cha-gahn official public
ʶҹյÓÃǨ sa-tfhn-nee holiday
dtum-ròo-ut police station
Çѹ¢Öü¹»ÕãËÁû wun kêun bpee
mài New Year’s Day
ä»ÃɳÕÂì bprai-sa-nee post
office Çѹʧ¡ÃÒ¹µì wun sing-grahn
âçàÃÕ¹ rohng ree-un school Songkran Day (Thai New Year)
ÃüÒ¹ ráhn shop, store
ÈÙ¹Âì¡ÒäüÒ sion gahn káh

Rail travel Regions,
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

provinces etc
¨Í§µÑþÇÅûǧ˹üÒ jorng dtio-
a lôo-ung nâh advance ªÒÂá´¹ chai dairn border
bookings ࢵ kàyt boundary; area
¶Ö§ tgung arrives ÀÒ¤¡ÅÒ§ pâhk glahng central
ÍÍ¡ òrk departs region
á¼¹¡Êͺ¶ÒÁ pa-nàirk sòrp áÁû¹üÓà¨üÒ¾ÃÐÂÒ mâir-náhm
tfhm enquiries jâo pra-yah Chao Phraya
ÊØ¢ÒªÒÂ sòo-kfh chai gents’ River
toilets, men’s room »ÃÐà·È bpra-tâyt country
ÊØ¢ÒËญÔ§ sòo-kfh yhng ladies’ ÍÓàÀÍ um-per Amphoe,
toilets, ladies’ room district
ÃѺ½Ò¡¢Í§ rúp fàhk kirng left áÁû⢧ mâir-kihng Mekhong
luggage, baggage checkroom River
ªÒ¹ªÒÅÒ chahn-chah-lah ÀÒ¤ÍÕÊÒ¹ pâhk ee-sfhn
platform, (US) track north-eastern region
»ÃЪÒÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ì bpra-chah ÀÒ¤à˹×Í pâhk ngu-a
sjm-pun public relations northern region
ʶҹÕÃ¶ä¿ sa-tfh-nee rót fai ¨Ñ§ËÇÑ´ jung-wùt province
railway station, train station ÀÒ¤ãµü pâhk dtâi southern
·Õû¨Ó˹ûÒµÑþÇ têe jum-nài region
dtio-a ticket office µÓºÅ dtum-bon Tambon,
¡Ó˹´àÇÅÒà´Ô¹Ã¶ gum-nòt sub-district
way-lah dern ròt timetable, ºüÒ¹¹Í¡ bâhn-nôrk up-
(US) schedule country
Ã¶ä¿ rót fai train µûÒ§¨Ñ§ËÇÑ´ dtàhng jung-wùt
Ëüͧ¾Ñ¡¼Ùüâ´ÂÊÒà hôrng púk up-country
pôo doy-ee sfhn waiting

Restaurants, ÊǹÍÒËÒà sio-un ah-hfhn

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

bars open-air restaurant
ªÒÁÅÐ ... chahm la ... ... per
ºÃÔ¡Òà òô ªÑ›ÇâÁ§ bor-ri-gahn ¨Ò¹ÅÐ ... jahn la ... ... per
24 chôo-a mohng
24-hour service
¨Ò¹ jahn plate, dish
ËüͧáÍÃì hôrng-air air- ÃÒ¤Ò rah-kah price
conditioned room
ÀѵµÒ¤Òà pút-dtah-kahn
ÃüÒ¹ÍÒËÒÃâµüÃØû§ ráhn ah- restaurant
hfhn dtôh rôong all-night
ÃüÒ¹ÍÒËÒà ráhn ah-hfhn
ºÒÃì bah bar ËüͧÍÒËÒà hôrng ah-hfhn
ªÒÁ chahm bowl, dish restaurant
ÍÒËÒÃàªüÒ ah-hfhn cháo ÍÒËÒ÷ÐàÅ ah-hfhn ta-lay
¤Í¿¿Õûªçͺ kórp-fêe chórp àªÅÅìªÇ¹ªÔÁ chen choo-un
café serving coffees, alcoholic
chim Shell® recommended,
drinks, snacks and meals
seal of approval, equivalent to
ÍÒËÒèչ ah-hfhn jeen Good Food Guide
Chinese food
ÍÒËÒûѡÉìãµü ah-hfhn bpùk
ÍÒËÒÃàÂç¹ ah-hfhn yen dtâi Southern food
evening meal
ÍÒËÒÃä·Â ah-hfhn tai Thai
ÍÒËÒÃ ah-hfhn food food
ÍÒËÒÃญÕû»Øû¹ ah-hfhn yêe- ÍÒËÒýÃÑû§ ah-hfhn fa-rùng
bpòon Japanese food
Western food
ÍÒËÒáÅÒ§Çѹ ah-hfhn
glahng wun lunch
ÍÒËÒÃÁØÊÅÔÁ ah-hfhn Road signs
móo-sa-lim Muslim food
ÍÒËÒÃÍÕÊÒ¹ ah-hfhn ee-sfhn ·Ò§â¤ü§ tahng kóhng bend
North-Eastern food ÃÐÇѧ·Ò§¢üҧ˹üÒà»ç¹·Ò§
àÍ¡ ra-wung tahng kâhng tóok cha-nít no
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

nâh bpen tahng àyk caution: vehicles

major road ahead ·Ò§Ã¶ä¿ tahng rót fai
ÃÐÇѧ ra-wung caution railway
ÍѹµÃÒ un-dta-rai danger âçàÃÕ¹ rohng ree-un
·Ò§àºÕû§ tahng bèe-ung school
diversion ËÂØ´ yòot stop
¢ÑºªüÒæ kùp cháh cháh drive ó Á. sahm mét 3 metres
ôð ¡.Á. sèe sìp gi-loh-mét 40 Shopping
ô µÑ¹ sìi dtun 4 tons
ËÂØ´ µÃǨ yòot - dtròo-ut ºÒ· bàht baht (unit of currency)
halt - checkpoint
ÅÙ¡ÅÐ ... ºÒ· lôok la ... bàht
... baht each (e.g. for large fruit)
rohng pa-yah-bahn
ãºÅÐ ... ºÒ· bai la ... bàht
... baht each (e.g. for eggs, fruit)
hâhm chái sge-ung
hospital: no sounding
µÑÇÅÐ ... ºÒ· dtoo-a la ...
bàht ... baht each (e.g. items of
ªÔ´«üÒÂ chít sái keep left
ËüÒÁà¢üÒ hâhm kâo no âÅÅÐ ... ºÒ· loh la ... bàht
... baht per kilo
ËüÒÁ᫧ hâhm sairng no ¤ÙûÅÐ ... ºÒ· kôo la ... baht
... baht per pair (e.g. shoes)
overtaking, no passing
ËüÒÁ¨Í´Ã¶ hâhm jòrt rót no ªÔü¹ÅÐ ... ºÒ· chín la ... bàht
... baht per piece/portion
ËüÒÁàÅÕüÂÇ hâhm lée-o no ÊØ¢Àѳ±ì sòok-ka-pun
bathroom accessories
ËüÒÁ¡ÅѺö hâhm glùp rót no ·Õû¨ûÒÂà§Ô¹ têe jài ngern cash
desk, cashier
ËüÒÁö·Ø¡ª¹Ô´ hâhm rót ¾¹Ñ¡§Ò¹à¡çºà§Ô¹ pa-núk
ngahn gèp ngern cashier

á¼¹¡à´ç¡ pa-nàirk dèk ʹÒÁ¡ÕÌÒ sa-nfhm gee-lah

Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

children’s department stadium
á¼¹¡ä¿¿üÒ pa-nàirk fai fáh ÇûÒ¹üÓ wâi náhm swimming
electrical goods ·ÕÁ teem team
à¤Ã×ûͧàÃ×͹ krêu-ung reu-un à·¹¹ÔÊ ten-nít tennis
furniture ʹÒÁà·¹¹ÔÊ sa-nfhm ten-nít
ÃÒ¤Ò rah-kah price tennis court
ÇÔ·ÂØ·ÕÇÕ wít-ta-yóo - tee-wee ÁÇÂä·Â moo-ay tai Thai
radio - TV boxing
Å´ÃÒ¤Ò lót rah-kah sale;
reduced Streets and
Ãͧà·üÒ rorng-táo shoes
Å´¾ÔàÈÉ lót pi-sàyt special roads
ÍØ»¡Ã³ì¡ÕÌÒ òo-bpa-gorn µÃÍ¡ dtròrk lane (off a soi)
gee-lah sports equipment «ÍÂ soy lane, soi
¢Í§àÅû¹ kirng lên toys ¶¹¹ ta-nin road
¹ÒÌÔ¡Ò nah-li-gah watches
Thai culture
àÁ×ͧâºÃÒ³ meu-ung boh-
¡ÃÕ±Ò gree-tah athletics rahn Ancient City
ÁÇ moo-ay boxing ¡ÃÁÈÔŻҡà grom shn-la-bpa-
¿ØµºÍÅ fóot-born football korn Department of Fine Arts
»Ãе٠bpra-dtoo goal µÅÒ´¹üÓ dta-làht náhm
¡ÍÅì¿ górp golf Floating Market
ʹÒÁ¡ÍÅì¿ sa-nfhm górp ¾Ô¾Ô¸Àѹ±ì pi-pít-ta-pun
golf course museum
ʹÒÁÁüÒ sa-nfhm máh race ¾Ô¾Ô¸Àѹ±ìʶҹáËû§ªÒµÔ
course pi-pít-ta-pun sa-tfhn hàirng
¡ÕÌÒ gee-lah sport châht National Museum

âçÅФÃáËû§ªÒµÔ rohng la- (US) schedule
Thai ➜ English: Signs and Notices

korn hàirng châht National Çѹ¹Õü wun née today

Theatre ¾ÃØû§¹Õü prôong née tomorrow
¾Ãл°Á਴ÕÂì prá-bpa-tim ÇѹàÊÒÃìÍÒ·ÔµÂì wun sfo ah-tít
jay-dee Pra Pathom Jedi weekend
(Buddhist monument) àÁ×ûÍÇÒ¹¹Õü mêu-a wahn née
¾ÃкÃÁÁËÒÃÒªÇѧ prá-ba- yesterday
Royal Palace Toilets
ÇѧÊǹ¼Ñ¡¡Ò´ wung sio-un
pùk-gàht Suan Pakkard Palace
ÇÑ´ wút temple äÁûÇûÒ§ mâi wâhng engaged
ÇÑ´¾ÃÐá¡üÇ wút pra-kâir-o ºØÃØÉ boo-ròot gentlemen
Temple of the Emerald
ªÒÂ chai gents
ËญÔ§ yhng ladies
ÁÇÂä·Â moo-ay tai Thai ʵÃÕ sa-dtree ladies
¼ÙüªÒ pôo-chai men
ÃÓä·Â rum tai Thai dancing ª. chor men
ÇѴ⾸Ôì wút poh Wat Po Ëüͧ¹üÓ hôrng náhm toilet, rest
ÊØ¢Ò sòo-kfh toilet, rest room
Timetables ÇûÒ§ wâhng vacant
ญ. yor women
¶Ö§ tgung arrives ¼ÙüËญÔ§ pôo-yhng women
Çѹ·Õû wun-têe date
Çѹ wun day
ÍÍ¡ òrk departs
ÇѹËÂØ´ wun yòot holiday
¹ÒÌÔ¡Ò nah-li-gah hours
àÇÅÒ way-lah time
¡Ó˹´àÇÅÒà´Ô¹Ã¶ gum-nòt
way-lah dern rót timetable,


Menu Reader: Food

Essential Terms
Basic Foods
Basic Main Meals
Beef and Beef Dishes
Cakes and Biscuits, Sweet Pastries
Condiments and Seasonings, Herbs and Spices
Cooking Methods and Typical Combinations
Eggs and Egg Dishes
Fish and Seafood
Fish and Seafood Dishes
Menu Terms
Miscellaneous Dishes
Pork and Pork Dishes
Poultry and Poultry Dishes
Rice and Noodles
Snacks and Sweets
Vegetables and Vegetable dishes

Essential terms
Menu Reader: Food

bowl chahm ªÒÁ

chopsticks dta-gèe-up µÐà¡Õº
cup tôo-ay ¶üÇÂ
dessert ksrng wphn ¢Í§ËÇÒ¹
fish bplah »ÅÒ
fork sôrm ÊüÍÁ
glass gâir-o á¡üÇ
knife mêet ÁÕ´
meat néu-a à¹×üÍ
menu may-noo àÁ¹Ù
noodles gso-ay dtqe-o ¡þÇÂàµÕþÂÇ
pepper prrk tai ¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â
plate jahn ¨Ò¹
rice kâo ¢üÒÇ
salt gleu-a à¡Å×Í
set menu ah-hphn chóot ÍÒËÒêش
soup sóop «Øº
spoon chórn ªü͹
table dtó âµýÐ

another ... èek ... nèung ÍÕ¡ ... ˹Öû§

excuse me! (to call waiter/waitress) koon krúp (kâ)! ¤Ø³¤ÃѺ(¤ûÐ)
could I have the bill, please? chék bin àªç¤ºÔÅ

Basic foods ºÐËÁÕûáËü§ ba-mèe hâirng

Menu Reader: Food

‘dry’ egg noodles, served
without soup
à¹ÂÊ´ ner-ee sòt butter ¡þÇÂàµÕþÂÇáËü§ gio-ay dtge-o
à¹Âá¢ç§ ner-ee kfirng cheese hâirng ‘dry’ noodles, served
¹üÓ¾ÃÔ¡ núm prík chilli paste without soup
¡Ð·Ô ga-tí coconut milk ¢üÒÇ˹üÒà»ç´ kâo nâh bpèt
¹üÓ»ÅÒ núm bplah fish sauce duck rice
á»ü§ÊÒÅÕ bpâirng sfh-lee flour ºÐËÁÕû¹üÓ ba-mèe náhm egg
¹üÒ¼Öü§ núm pêung honey noodle soup
áÂÁ yairm jam; marmalade ¡þÇÂàµÕþÂǼѴ«ÕÍÔýÇ gio-ay dtge-
¹üÒÁѹ¾×ª núm mun pêut oil o pùt see éw noodles fried in
¹üÓÁѹÁС͡ núm mun ma- soy sauce
gòrk olive oil
¡þÇÂàµÕþÂǼѴÃҴ˹üÒ gio-ay
¹üÓÁѹËÍ núm mun hiy dtge-o pùt râht nâh noodles
oyster sauce
with fried meat, vegetables
¹üÓ¨ÔüÁ núm jîm sauce and thick gravy
¹üÓ«ÕÍÔýÇ núm see éw soy sauce ¡þÇÂàµÕþÂǹüÓ gio-ay dtge-o
¹üÓµÒÅ núm dtahn sugar náhm noodle soup
¹üÓÊüÁ núm sôm vinegar ¢üÒǼѴËÁÙ kâo pùt mio pork
â¡Ѵ yoh-gut yoghurt fried rice
¢üÒÇËÁÙá´§ kâo mio dairng
Basic main ‘red’ pork rice (pork soaked in a
meals red marinade)
¢üÒǤÅØ¡¡Ð»Ô kâo klóok ga-bpì
¢üÒǼѴä¡û kâo pùt gài chicken rice and shrimp paste fried
fried rice together and served with
¢üÒÇÁѹä¡û kâo mun gài pork and shredded omelette
chicken rice ¢üÒǼѴ¡üا kâo pùt gôong
¢üÒǼѴ»Ù kâo pùt bpoo crab shrimp fried rice
fried rice ¼Ñ´ä·Â pùt tai Thai-style fried

noodles ¢¹Á»Ñ§»Ôü§ ka-nim bpung
Menu Reader: Food

¢¹Á¨Õ¹á¡§ä¡û ka-nim jeen bpîng toast

gairng gài Thai vermicelli
with chicken curry Cakes and
biscuits, sweet
Beef and beef pastries
¤Ø¡¡Õü kóok-gêe biscuit, cookie
à¹×üͼѴ¹üÓÁѹËÍ néu-a pùt ¢¹Áà¤ý¡ ka-nim káyk cake
núm mun hiy beef fried in á»ü§¢¹Á bpâirng ka-nim
oyster sauce pastry (dough)
à¹×üͼѴ¾ÃÔ¡ néu-a pùt prík ¢¹Á ka-nim pastry, small
beef fried with chillies cake
à¹×üͼѴ¡ÃÐà·ÕÂÁ¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â néu-
a pùt gra-tee-um prík tai beef Condiments
fried with garlic and pepper and seasonings,
à¹×üͼѴ¢Ô§ néu-a pùt khng beef herbs and
fried with ginger spices
à¹×üÍÊѺ¼Ñ´¾ÃÔ¡¡ÃÐà¾ÃÒ néu-a
sùp pùt prík gra-prao minced
㺡ÃÐà¾ÃÒ bai gra-prao basil
beef fried with chillies and
¾ÃÔ¡ prík chilli
¼Ñ¡ªÕ pùk chee coriander
à¹×üÍàʵý¡ néu-a sa-dték
¢ûÒ kàh galangal (similar to ginger)
¢Ô§ khng ginger
à¤Ã×ûͧà·È krêu-ung tâyt herbs
Bread µÐä¤Ãü dta-krái lemon grass
¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â prík tai pepper
¢¹Á»Ñ§ ka-nim-bpung bread; à¡Å×Í gleu-a salt
»Í¹´ì bporn loaf

Cooking Curries

Menu Reader: Food

and typical ᡧà¹×üÍ gairng néu-a beef
combinations curry
ᡧà¢ÕÂÇËÇÒ¹ gairng kge-o
... µüÁ ... dtôm boiled ... wfhn beef curry made using
... ÂûÒ§ ... yâhng charcoal- green curry paste, made from
grilled ... green chilli peppers
... ·Í´ ... tôrt deep-fried ... ¢üÒÇᡧ kâo gairng curry
... ¼Ñ´Ë¹ûÍäÁü ... pùt nòr-mái ... and rice
fried with bamboo ᡧä¡û gairng gài chicken
shoots curry
... ¼Ñ´ãº¡ÃÐà¾ÃÒ ... pùt bai ¾Ðṧ pa-nairng ‘dry’ curry
gra-prao ... fried with basil (in thick curry sauce)
leaves ¾Ðṧà¹×üÍ pa-nairng néu-a
... ¼Ñ´¾ÃÔ¡ ... pùt prík ... fried ‘dry’ beef curry (in thick curry
with chillies sauce)
... ·Í´¡ÃÐà·ÕÂÁ¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â ¾Ðṧä¡û pa-nairng gài ‘dry’
... tôrt gra-tee-um prík tai ... chicken curry (in thick curry
fried with garlic and sauce)
pepper ¾ÐṧËÁÙ pa-nairng mio ‘dry’
... ¼Ñ´¢Ô§ ... pùt khng ... fried pork curry (in thick curry sauce)
with ginger ᡧ¡ÒËÃÕû gairng ga-rèe
... ͺ ... òp oven-cooked ... Indian-style curry made with
... ¼Ñ´ ... pùt stir-fried ... beef and potatoes cooked in
... à»ÃÕüÂÇËÇÒ¹ ... bprêe-o coconut milk with yellow
wfhn sweet and sour ... curry paste
»Ôü§ bpîng toasted ᡧÁÑÊËÁÑû¹ gairng mút-
sa-mùn ‘Muslim’ curry
containing beef, potatoes and
ᡧà¼ç´ gairng pèt spicy curry ä¢ûÂÑ´äÊü kài yút sâi filled
Menu Reader: Food

ᡧ¨×´ gairng jèut vegetable omelette

soup or stock (an accompaniment ä¢û´ÒÇ kài dao fried egg
to curries) ä¢ûà¨ÕÂÇ kài jee-o omelette
ᡧ gairng ‘wet’ curry – meat ä¢ûÅÙ¡à¢Â kài lôok kgr-ee ‘son-
cooked in coconut milk and in-law’ eggs – hard-boiled
served in a bowl full of eggs with various condiments
liquid ä¢ûÅÇ¡ kài lôo-uk very soft
boiled egg (eaten, or rather
Desserts ‘drunk’ almost raw)

¡ÅüǺǪªÕ glôo-ay bòo- Fish and

ut chee banana in sweet
coconut-milk sauce
¢Í§ËÇÒ¹ kirng wfhn dessert »Ù bpoo crab
äÍȤÃÕÁ ai-sa- kreem ice »ÅÒ bplah fish
cream ¡Øü§ãËญû gôong yài lobster
¢üÒÇà˹ÕÂÇÁÐÁûǧ kfo nge-o ËÍÂáÁ§ÀÙû hiy mairng pôo
ma-môo-ung sweet sticky rice, mussels
mango and coconut cream »ÅÒËÁÖ¡ÂÑ¡Éì bplah-mèuk yúk
µÐâ¡ü dta-gôh Thai-style jelly octopus
with coconut cream Ë͹ҧÃÁ hiy nahng rom
Eggs and egg ÍÒËÒ÷ÐàÅ ah-hfhn ta-lay
dishes seafood
ËÍÂ hiy shellfish
¡Øü§ gôong shrimp, prawn
ä¢ûµüÁ kài dtôm boiled egg
»ÅÒËÁÖ¡ bplah-mèuk squid
ä¢û kài egg
ä¢û¾ÐâÅü kài pa-lóh egg stewed
in soy sauce and spices

Fish and Fruit

Menu Reader: Food

seafood dishes
áÍ»à»ÔÅ air-bpêrn apple
¡Øü§à¼Ò gôong pfo barbecued ¡ÅüÇ glôo-ay banana
prawns ÁоÃüÒÇ ma-práo coconut
¡Øü§·Í´¡ÃÐà·ÕÂÁ¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â ¹üÍÂ˹ûÒ nóy-nàh custard
gôong tôrt gra-tee-um prík apple – green heart-shaped
tai prawns fried with garlic fruit with white flesh
and pepper ÍÔ¹·¼ÒÅÑÁ in-ta-pfh-lum dates
¡Øü§¼Ñ´ãº¡ÃÐà¾ÃÒ gôong pùt ·ØàÃÕ¹ too-ree-un durian
bai gra-prao shrimps fried – large green fruit with
with basil leaves spiny skin, yellow flesh and a
¡Øü§¼Ñ´¾ÃÔ¡ gôong pùt prík pungent smell
shrimps fried with ¼ÅäÁü pin-la-mái fruit
chillies ͧûع a-ngòon grapes
·Í´Áѹ¡Øü§ tôrt mun gôong ¼ÃÑû§ fa-rùng guava – green-
shrimp ‘tort mun’, finely skinned fruit with white flesh
minced shrimps, fried in ¢¹Ø¹ ka-noon jackfruit – large
batter with spices melon-shaped fruit with
»ÅÒËÁÖ¡¼Ñ´¾ÃÔ¡ bplah-mèuk thick, green skin and yellow
pùt prík squid fried with flesh
chillies ÁйÒÇ ma-nao lemon; lime
»ÅÒËÁÖ¡·Í´¡ÃÐà·ÕÂÁ ÅÓã lum-yai longan – like a
¾ÃÔ¡ä·Â bplah-mèuk tôrt lychee
gra-tee-um prík tai squid fried ÅÔü¹¨Õû lín-jèe lychee
with garlic and pepper ÁÐÁûǧ ma-môo-ung
»ÅÒà»ÃÕüÂÇËÇÒ¹ bplah bprêe- mango
o wfhn sweet and sour Áѧ¤Ø´ mung-kóot mangosteen
fish – round fruit with a thick,
purplish-brown skin and
white flesh
ᵧä·Â dtairng tai melon Meat
Menu Reader: Food

ÊüÁ sôm orange

ÁÐÅÐ¡Í ma-la-gor papaya
– green or yellow-skinned
à¹×üÍ néu-a beef; meat
oblong-shaped fruit with
ä¡û gài chicken
reddish-orange flesh
à»ç´ bpèt duck
ÅÙ¡¾Õª lôok pêech peach à¤Ã×ûͧ㹠krêu-ung nai
ÅÙ¡á¾Ãì lôok pair pear
ÊѺ»Ðô sùp-bpa-rót pine- äµ tai kidneys
à¹×üÍá¡Ð néu-a gàir lamb
ÅÙ¡¾ÅÑÁ lôok plum plum µÑº dtùp liver
ÊüÁâÍ sôm oh pomelo ËÁÙ mio pork
– similar to grapefruit
à¹×üÍËÁÙ néu-a mio pork
à§ÒÐ ngór rambutan –
small fruit with reddish Menu terms
prickly skin and white
flesh ÍÒËÒèչ ah-hfhn jeen
ªÁ¾ûÙ chom-pôo rose apple Chinese food
– red, pink or white ÍÒËÒÃ ah-hfhn cuisine,
strawberrry-shaped fruit cooking; meal; food
ÅÐÁØ´ la-móot sapodilla ¡Ñº¢üÒÇ gùp kâo dish, meal
– small brown-skinned fruit, àÁ¹Ù may-noo menu
similar in taste and texture ÃÒ¡ÒÃÍÒËÒà rai gahn ah-
to a pear hfhn menu
ʵÃÍàºÍÃÕû sa-dtror-ber-rêe ÃÒ¤Ò rah-kah price
ᵧâÁ dtairng moh water Miscellaneous
melon dishes

·Í´Áѹ tôrt mun deep-fried

¢¹Á¨Õº ka-nim jèep ‘dim- wfhn sweet and sour pork

Menu Reader: Food

sum’ – steamed balls of ËÁÙÊÐàµýÐ mio sa-dtáy thin
minced pork in dough strips of charcoal-grilled
»Íà»ÕüÂзʹ bpor bpêe-a tôrt pork
Thai spring roll
Poultry and
Pork and pork poultry dishes
ä¡ûÂûÒ§ gài yâhng barbecued or
roast chicken
ä¡û gài chicken
sùp pùt prík gra-prao minced
ä¡ûµüÁ¢ûÒ gài dtôm kàh chicken
pork fried with chillies and
boiled in spicy stock
ä¡û¼Ñ´Ë¹ûÍäÁü gài pùt nòr-mái
ËÁÙ mio pork
chicken fried with bamboo
à¹×üÍËÁÙ néu-a mio pork
ËÁټѴ㺡ÃÐà¾ÃÒ mio pùt
ä¡û¼Ñ´ãº¡ÃÐà¾ÃÒ gài pùt bai
bai gra-prao pork fried with
gra-prao chicken fried with
basil leaves
basil leaves
ËÁټѴ¾ÃÔ¡ mio pùt prík pork
ä¡û¼Ñ´àÁç´ÁÐÁûǧËÔÁ¾Ò¹µì gài
fried with chillies
pùt mét ma-môo-ung hhm-
ma-pahn chicken fried with
mio tôrt gra-tee-um prík tai
cashew nuts
pork fried with garlic and
ä¡û¼Ñ´¾ÃÔ¡ gài pùt prík chicken
fried with chillies
ËÁټѴ¢Ô§ mio pùt khng pork
fried with ginger
gài tôrt gra-tee-um prík tai
ËÁÙ¾ÐâÅü môo pa-lóh pork
chicken fried with garlic and
stewed in soy sauce
«Õûâ¤Ã§ sêe krohng mio spare
ä¡û¼Ñ´¢Ô§ gài pùt khng chicken
fried with ginger
ËÁÙà»ÃÕüÂÇËÇÒ¹ mio bprêe-o
ä¡û¼Ñ´Ë¹ûÍäÁü½ÃÑû§ gài pùt nòr- noodles)
Menu Reader: Food

mái fa-rùng chicken with ¢üÒÇà˹ÕÂÇ kâo nge-o sticky

asparagus rice
à»ç´ bpèt duck ¢¹Á¨Õ¹ ka-nim jeen Thai
à»ç´ÂûÒ§ bpèt yâhng roast vermicelli
duck ÇØü¹àÊü¹ wóon-sên transparent
ä¡û¼Ñ´à»ÃÕüÂÇËÇÒ¹ gài pùt noodles
brêe-o wfhn sweet and sour àÊü¹ËÁÕû sên mèe very small
chicken (width of noodles)

Rice and Salads

ÊüÁµÓ sôm dtum papaya salad
¢üÒÇÊÇ kâo sio-ay boiled made with unripe green
rice papaya, chillies, lime juice,
ËÁÕû¡Ãͺ mèe gròrp crispy fish sauce and dried shrimps
noodles ÊÅÑ´ sa-lùt salad
ºÐËÁÕû ba-mèe egg noodles ÂÓ yum Thai salad
¢üÒǼѴ kâo pùt fried rice
àÊü¹ãËญû sên yài large (width of Snacks and
noodles) sweets
¼Ñ´ÃҴ˹üÒ pùt râht nâh
noodles with fried vegetables
ªçÍ¡â¡àŵ chórk-goh-let
and meat, served with a thick
Áѹ½ÃÑû§·Í´ mun fa-rùng tôrt
¡þÇÂàµÕþÂÇ gio-ay dtge-o rice-
crisps, (US) potato chips
flour noodles
äÍȤÃÕÁ ai-sa-kreem ice
¢üÒÇ kâo rice
¢üÒǵüÁ kâo dtôm rice
äÍȤÃÕÁá·û§ ai-sa-kreem
tâirng ice lolly
àÊü¹àÅç¡ sên lék small (width of
ÍÁÂÔüÁ om-yím lollipop Vegetables

Menu Reader: Food

¶ÑûÇ tòo-a nuts; peanuts and vegetable
¶ÑûÇÅÔʧ tòo-a li-sing dishes
·ýÍ¿¿Õû tórp-fêe sweets, candies
ÅÙ¡¡ÇÒ´ lôok gwàht sweets, ˹ûÍäÁü½ÃÑû§ nòr-mái fa-rùng
ÁÐà¢×Í ma-kgu-a aubergine,
Soups ˹ûÍäÁü nòr mái bamboo
µüÁÂÓä¡û dtôm yum gài ¶Ñûǧ͡ tòo-a ngôrk bean
chicken ‘tom yam’ spicy sprouts
soup ¡ÐËÅûÓ»ÅÕ ga-lùm-bplee
ºÐËÁÕû¹üÓ ba-mèe náhm egg cabbage
noodle soup ËÑǼѡ¡Ò´á´§ hio-a pùk-gàht
µüÁÂÓ»ÅÒ dtôm yum bplah dairng carrot
fish ‘tom yam’ spicy soup ´Í¡¡ÐËÅûÓ»ÅÕ dòrk ga-lùm-
µüÁÂÓâ»ýÐᵡ dtôm yum bpó bplee cauliflower
dtàirk mixed seafood ‘tom ¾ÃÔ¡ prík chilli
yam’ spicy soup Áѹ½ÃÑû§·Í´ mun fa-rùng tôrt
¡þÇÂàµÕþÂǹüÓ gio-ay dtge-o chips, French fries
náhm noodle soup ᵧ¡ÇÒ dtairng-gwah
µüÁÂÓ¡Øü§ dtôm yum gôong cucumber
shrimp ‘tom yam’ spicy ¼Ñ´¼Ñ¡ºØü§ä¿á´§ pùt pùk
soup bôong fai dairng fried
ᡧÊüÁ gairng sôm spicy morning-glory (type of greens)
vegetable soup ¡ÃÐà·ÕÂÁ gra-tee-um garlic
¢Ô§ khng ginger
¾ÃÔ¡ËÂÇ¡ prík yòo-uk green
¼Ñ¡¡Ò´ pùk-gàht lettuce
¶ÑûÇÅѹàµÒ tòo-a lun-dtao
Menu Reader: Food

¼Ñ¡ºØü§ pùk bôong morning-
glory (type of greens)
àËç´ hèt mushrooms
ËÑÇËÍÁ hio-a hirm onion
¶ÑûÇ tòo-a peas; beans; lentils
Áѹ½ÃÑû§ mun fa-rùng potato
¾ÃÔ¡ËÂÇ¡á´§ prík yôo-uk
dairng red pepper
¼Ñ¡¤Ð¹üÒ pùk ka-náh spring
µü¹ËÍÁ dtôn hirm spring
¢üÒÇâ¾´ kâo pôht sweet corn,
ÁÐà¢×Íà·È ma-kgu-a tâyt
¼Ñ¡ pùk vegetables

Contents: Drink

Menu Reader: Drink

Essential Terms
Beer, Spirits, Wine etc
Coffee, Tea etc
Soft Drinks

Essential terms
Menu Reader: Drink

beer bee-a àºÕÂÃì

bottle kòo-ut ¢Ç´
another bottle of ..., please ksr ... èek kòo-ut nèung ¢Í ...
coconut juice núm ma-práo ¹üÓÁоÃüÒÇ
coffee gah-fair ¡Òá¿
cup tôo-ay ¶üÇÂ
a cup of ..., please ksr ... tôo-ay nèung ¢Í ... ¶üÇÂ˹Öû§
fruit juice núm psn-la-mái ¹üÓ¼ÅäÁü
gin lâo yin àËÅüÒÂÔ¹
a gin and tonic, please ksr yin toh-nik ¢ÍÂԹⷹԤ
glass gâir-o á¡üÇ
milk nom ¹Á
mineral water núm râir ¹üÓáÃû
soda (water) núm soh-dah ¹üÓâ«´Ò
soft drink náhm kòo-ut ¹üӢǴ
sugar núm dtahn ¹üÓµÒÅ
tea núm chah ¹üÓªÒ
tonic (water) núm toh-nrk ¹üÓâ·¹Ô¤
water náhm ¹üÓ
whisky lâo wrt-sa-gêe àËÅüÒÇÔÊ¡Õü
wine lâo wai àËÅüÒäǹÿ
wine list rai-gahn lâo wai ÃÒ¡ÒÃàËÅüÒäǹì

another ... èek ... nèung ÍÕ¡ ... ˹Öû§

Beer, spirits, coffee

Menu Reader: Drink

wine etc ¡Òá¿àÂç¹ gah-fair yen iced
ªÒãÊûÁйÒÇ chah sài ma-nao
àËÅüÒ lâo alcohol, liquor lemon tea
àºÕÂÃì bee-a beer ¡Òῼ§ gah-fair ping instant
¢Ç´ kòo-ut bottle coffee
àËÅüÒºÃÑû¹´Õ lâo brùn-dee ¹üÓªÒ núm chah tea
brandy äÁûãÊû¹Á mái sài nom without
¤ýÍ¡à·Å kórk-tayn cocktail milk
á¡üÇ gâir-o glass äÁûãÊû¹üÓµÒÅ mái sài núm
àËÅüÒÂÔ¹ lâo yin gin dtahn without sugar
ÂԹⷹԤ yin toh-nik gin and
¹üÓá¢ç§ núm kfirng ice Soft drinks
áÁû⢧ mâir-kihng
Mekhong® whisky ¹üÓÁоÃüÒÇ núm ma-práo
àºÕÂÃìÊÔ§Ëì bee-a shng Singha® coconut juice
beer â¤ü¡ kóhk Coke®
ÇÍ´¡üÒ word-gâh vodka à¤Ã×ûͧ´×ûÁ krêu-ung dèum
àËÅüÒÇÔÊ¡Õü lâo wít-sa-gêe drinks
whisky, scotch «ûÒ sâh fizzy, carbonated
àËÅüÒäǹì lâo wai wine ¹üÓÊüÁ¤Ñü¹ núm sôm kún fresh
orange juice
Coffee, tea etc ¹üÒá¢ç§ núm kfirng ice
¹üÓ¼ÅäÁü náhm pin-la-mái
¤Ò¿Õ¹ kah-feen caffeine
¹Á nom milk
àÂç¹ yen chilled
¹üÓÁйÒÇ núm ma-nao
â¡â¡ü goh-gôh cocoa
¡Òá¿ gah-fair coffee
¹üÓáÃû núm râir mineral
âÍàÅÕü§ oh-lée-ung iced black
¹üÓÊüÁ núm sôm orange juice
Menu Reader: Drink

¹üÓÊѺ»Ðô núm sùp-bpa-rót
pineapple juice
¹üÓâ«´Ò núm soh-dah soda
¹üӢǴ náhm kòo-ut soft
¹Á¡Ãлþͧ nom gra-bpirng
tinned milk
¹üÓÁÐà¢×Íà·È núm ma-kgu-a
tâyt tomato juice
¹üÓ náhm water

How the


T hroughout this book Thai words have been written in a
romanized system (see the Thai alphabet page 269) so that
they can be read as though they were English, bearing in mind
the notes on pronunciation below. There are, however, some
sounds that are unlike anything in English. In this pronun-
ciation guide, words containing these sounds are given in Thai
script as well; ask a Thai to pronounce them for you.
a as in alive
e as in ten
i as in sin
o as in on
u as in fun
ah as the a in rather
ai as in Thai

air as in fair

ao as in Lao
ay as in hay
ee as in see
er as in number
er-ee as in the Thai word ner-ee
à¹Â (butter); the r is not pronounced
eu as in the Thai word meu
Á×Í (hand); like the English exclamation ugh!
ew as in few
oh as the o in no
oo as in boot
oo as in look
oy as in boy

bp sharp p sound (don’t pronounce the b). It occurs in
the word bpai ä» (go)
dt sharp t (don’t pronounce the d). It occurs in the
word dtàir áµû (but)
g as in gate
ng as in ring
When k, p and t are at the end of a word, it may sound almost
as if these consonants are not being pronounced. Ask a Thai
to say:
lâhk ÅÒ¡ drag (verb)
lâhp ÅÒº minced meat
lâht ÅÒ´ cover; spread (verb)

When a final r is followed by a vowel, the r is not pro-

ner-ee butter
Bangkok Thai

Among some Bangkok speakers, when there are two conso-

nants at the beginning of a word, the second consonant sound
is often omitted:
bplah (fish) becomes bpah
gra-tee-um (garlic) becomes ga-tee-um

Sometimes, words beginning with a kw sound are pronounced

as if they began with an f instead:
kwfh (right) becomes ffh
kwahm sòok (happiness) becomes fahm sòok



Thai is a tonal language which means that the pitch at which
a word is pronounced determines its meaning. The same
combination of letters pronounced with a different tone will
produce different words. In Thai there are five different tones:
mid tone (no mark), high tone (´), low tone (`), falling tone (ˆ)
and rising tone (↜ˇâ†œ). For example:
mai äÁÅì (mid-tone) mile mài ãËÁû (low tone) new
mái äÁü (high tone) wood mfi äËÁ (rising tone) silk
mâi äÁû (falling tone) not

In Thai, the tone is as important a part of the word as the
consonant and vowel sounds.
To help you get a clearer idea of how the tones sound, Thai
script equivalents are given for the words in this section. Ask
a Thai speaker to read the words for you so that you can hear
the tonal differences.

Mid-tone: e.g. bpai (go). This can be thought of as normal

To n e s
voice pitch. The following are words pronounced with mid-
mah ÁÒ come mee ÁÕ have
bpen à»ç¹ is tum ·Ó do
nai ã¹ in
High tone: e.g. rórn (hot). The voice has to be pitched slightly
higher than normal. Tones are relative, though, and a Thai
with a deep voice will have no problem producing a high
tone, even though it will not be as ‘high’ in absolute terms as
a child’s high tone.
The following are words pronounced with high tones:
sái «üÒ left rót ö car
cháo àªüÒ morning lék àÅç¡ little
náhm ¹üÓ water
Low tone: e.g. nèung (one). The voice should be pitched
below the normal level:
yài ãËญû big jàhk ¨Ò¡ from
bpìt »Ô´ closed gài ä¡û chicken
tòok ¶Ù¡ cheap

Falling tone: e.g. dâi (can). The best way to convey a falling
tone is to speak very emphatically, but this doesn’t mean that
Thai words with falling tones have to be shouted. English
speakers tend to find this the most difficult tone and do not let
the voice fall sufficiently. The secret is to start at a fairly high
pitch in order to achieve a distinct fall:
têe ·Õû at mâi äÁû not
hâh ËüÒ five mâhk ÁÒ¡ much
chôrp ªÍº like

Rising tone: e.g. sirng (two). The rising tone is like the into-

nation used when asking a question in English:

pim ¼Á I (said by a man) kir ... ¢Í ... may I ...
To n e s

kwfh ¢ÇÒ right lfi ËÅÒ several

mir ËÁÍ doctor

The relative positions of the five Thai tones can be represented
graphically like this:

High Tone Falling Tone Mid Tone Low Tone Rising Tone

The Thai alphabet


-Í -or à-ÍÐ -er
-Ð -a à-Ð -e
-Ñ -u- à-Ò -ao
-ÑÇ -oo-a à-ÒÐ -or
-Ò -ah à-Ô -er
-Ó -um à-ÕÂ -ee-a
-Ô -i à-ÕÂÐ -ee-a
-Õ -ee à-×Í -eu-a
-Ö -eu á- -air
-× -eu á-ç -air
-Ø -oo áÐ -air
-Ù -oo â- -oh
-à -ay â-Ð -o
à-ç -e ã- -ai

à-Â -er-ee ä- -ai

The Thai Alphabet

¡ g ± t
¢ k ² t
¤ k ³ n
¦ k ´ d
§ ng µ dt
¨ j ¶ t
© ch · t
ª ch ¸ t
« s ¹ n
¬ ch º b
ญ y » bp
® d ¼ p
¯ dt ½ f
° t ¾ p

¿ ÆÒ
f leu
À p Ç w
Á m È s
 y É s
à r Ê s
Ä reu Ë h
ÄÒ reu Ì l
Å l Í consonant that is not sounded
Æ leu Î h

When appropriate, in the How the Language Works and
English-Thai sections of this book, the phrases include two
forms, the second of which is in brackets.
Where you have pim (chún) (‘I’ or ‘me’) in a phrase, pim
should be used by a male speaker and chún by a female

There are also different polite particle forms for male and
The Thai Alphabet

female speakers (see the How the Language Works section,

page 282). Where you have krúp (kâ) or krúp (ká), the form in
brackets should be used by a female speaker.



There are no definite or indefinite articles in Thai. So, for
example, rót (car) can mean either ‘a car’ or ‘the car’ depending
on the context.

Gender and Number
There is no gender in Thai and nouns have a single fixed form
for both singular and plural. So, for example, bâhn means
either ‘house’ or ‘houses’, depending on the context. In most
cases, this is enough to make it clear whether it is a single
item or more than one item that is being referred to. Even so,
the Westerner has to learn to live with apparently ambiguous
statements like bpai gùp pêu-un which can mean: ‘I’m going
with a friend’ or ‘I’m going with friends’.

You can be more specific in Thai by using a number with a

Articles / Nouns / Classifiers

noun. However, if you use a number or word denoting quan-
tity, you also have to use a special ‘counting’ word known as
a ‘classifier’.

Every noun in Thai has a specific classifier which is used
when counting or quantifying that noun. Some classifiers
can be readily translated into English while others cannot.
The classifier for all human beings, for example, is kon which
means ‘person’ and the classifier for cars is kun which means
‘vehicle’; dtoo-a literally means ‘body’ but is the classifier
for animals.
The most common classifiers are:

bai fruit, eggs, cups, bowls, small bits of paper such as
cha-bùp letters, newspapers, papers, documents
chín pieces of cake, meat or cloth
dtoo-a animals, chairs, tables, clothing
hàirng places, buildings
hôrng rooms
kon people (excluding monks and royalty)
kòo-ut bottles
kun vehicles
lôok round objects such as fruit or balls
lêm books, knives
ljng houses
Uncountable nouns such as coffee, tea, beer etc are counted by
the container in which they are sold. So food can be counted
by the ‘plate’, coffee by the ‘cup’, beer by the ‘bottle’ etc.

When referring to more than one item the word order is as


noun number classifier

dtio-a hâh bai five tickets

dtôm yum gài sfhm chahm three bowls of chicken
‘tom yam’
cháhng sirng dtoo-a two elephants
gairng néu-a sirng jahn two plates of beef curry
pôo-yhng sfhm kon three girls
bee-a sèe kòo-ut four bottles of beer
rót sèe kun four cars
When only one item is being counted the order of number
and classifier is reversed:

noun classifier number


dtio-a bai nèung one/a ticket
mfh dtoo-a nèung one/a dog
pôo-chai kon nèung one/a man
bee-a koo-ùt nèung one/a bottle of beer
gah-fair tôo-ay nèung one/a cup of coffee
For some nouns, the classifier is the same as the noun itself.
For example, hôrng means ‘room’, and is also the classifier for
rooms. However, the word hôrng is not repeated and only the
classifier is used with the number:
sèe hôrng hôrng nèung
four rooms a room
Similarly, kon means ‘person’ and is also the classifier for
mee sfhm kon kon nèung

there were three people a person, one person

Units of time and measurement are used in the same way as
hôrng above; that is, the unit of time or measurement is the
same as the classifer and is not repeated:

hâh wun sirng ah-tít deu-un nèung

five days two weeks one month
bpra-mahn yêe-sìp gi-loh-met
it’s about 20 kilometres
Words such as ‘all’, ‘every’, ‘many’, ‘several’ and ‘some’ are also
used with classifiers:
pêu-un tóok kon
friend every/all classifier
all my friends

kon ung-grìt lfi kon
English person many classifier
many English people
rohng rairm bahng hàirng
hotel some classifier
some hotels
If you can’t think of the right classifier for something, use the
general classifier un:
pim (chún) mâi dâi kir ao un née
I didn’t ask for this (thing)
un la tâo-rài?
how much are they each?
èek un nèung
another one, the other one, the other thing

Adjectives and adverbs

Classifiers / Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives are always placed after the noun to which they

pôo-yhng sio-ay rót yài ngern deu-un dee
a beautiful girl a large car a good salary
Thai adjectives also function as verbs: sio-ay thus means both
‘beautiful’ and ‘to be beautiful’ and yài means both ‘big’ and
‘to be big’. The above examples might therefore just as readily
have been translated as ‘the girl is beautiful’, ‘the car is big’, and
‘the salary is good’.
Note, however, that the Thai verb bpen (to be) cannot be used
with adjectives and you cannot say:
pôo-yhng bpen sio-ay* or rót bpen yài*

*incorrect sentences


To form the comparative (more ..., ...-er), add gwàh after the
yài large sio-ay beautiful
yài gwàh larger sio-ay gwàh more beautiful

dee good, nice

dee gwàh better, nicer

To say ‘more ... than ...’ or ‘...-er than ...’, the word order is
as follows:
adjective + gwàh ...
groong-tâyp yài gwàh chee-ung mài
Bangkok is bigger than Chiangmai
dee gwàh un née rgu bplào?
is it better than this one?

bpai rót fai tòok gwàh bpai krêu-ung bin

Adjectives and Adverbs

going by train is cheaper than going by plane
To form the superlative, add têe sòot after the adjective:
yài large dee good
yài têe sòot (the) largest dee têe sòot (the) best

wút sjm-kun têe sòot tahng ray-o têe sòot

the most important temple the quickest route
Adverbs are placed after the verb as in English. The adverb is
the same as the adjective in Thai:
rót ray-o káo wîng ray-o
a fast car he runs quickly

pêu-un dee kfi dee
a good friend (it) sells well
Demonstrative Adjectives
The English demonstrative adjective ‘this’ is translated by née.
‘That’ is translated either by nún or nóhn. nún refers to some-
thing near the speaker and nóhn refers to something further
away. Classifiers are also used with Thai demonstrative adjec-
tives (see the section on Classifiers page 271):
noun classifier demonstrative
dtó dtoo-a née this table
gah-fair tôo-ay nún that cup of coffee
dtum-ròo-ut kon nóhn that policeman over there

Personal pronouns

There are many more personal pronouns in Thai than there

Adjectives and Adverbs / Pronouns

are in English. The most useful pronouns are listed below.

There is no distinction between subject and object pronouns
in Thai:
pim (said by a man) I, me
chún (said by a woman) I, me
dee-chún (said by a woman) I, me (more formal)
koon you
káo he, him; she, her; they, them
ráo we, us
mun* it
*Thais tend to avoid this as it is regarded as impolite in formal
spoken Thai.
When appropriate, in the How the Language Works and
English-Thai sections of this book, the phrases show both the
male and female forms. Where you have pim (chún) (‘I’ or ‘me’)


in a phrase, pim should be used by a male speaker and chún by
a female speaker.
Frequently, pronouns are omitted altogether and it is only
from the context that you will know who or what is being
referred to. This sentence, for example,
doo njng láir-o glùp bâhn
see film already return home
could mean, ‘after seeing a film, I/we/he/she/they went home’.
If you know a person’s name, the polite way to address them
or to speak about them is to use their first name and to place
the word koon in front of it:
koon Chârt-chai mah jàhk nfi? koon Sim-chai séu a-rai?
where are you from? what did you buy?
where is Chartchai from? what did Somchai buy?


Adjectives and Adverbs / Possessives

The equivalent of possessive pronouns and adjectives in Thai
is as follows:
noun + kirng + pronoun
The word kirng (of ), however, is optional and frequently
pêu-un kirng káo or pêu-un káo nûn kirng káo
his/her/their friend that’s his/hers/theirs
bâhn kirng pim or bâhn pim kirng chún
my house it’s mine
Relative pronouns
There is only one relative pronoun in Thai – têe – which
translates as either ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘that’ or ‘where’. Here are
some examples of how it is used:
kroo têe sirn pah-sfh tai pin-la-mái têe rao séu
the teacher, who teaches Thai the fruit which we bought
órp-fìt têe káo tum ngahn
the office where he works

Verbs in Thai have a single fixed form. That is, unlike
European languages, the form of the verb does not change
according to the person or the tense. So, for example, káo
bpai can mean ‘he goes’, ‘he will go’, ‘he went’ or ‘he has gone’.
Usually, the context in which you hear the verb will make
it clear whether the speaker is referring to the past, present
or future. But when it is important to be more specific, the
context can be made clearer by placing a ‘time-marker’ word
in front of or after the verb.
The most common and useful of these time-marker words are

as follows:
P o s s e s s i v e s / Ve r b s

ja is placed immediately in front of the verb to indicate the
future tense. For example:

chún ja bpai prôong née rao ja séu rót mài

I shall go tomorrow we shall buy a new car
ker-ee is placed in front of
the verb to indicate the fact of hav-
ing done something at least once in the past. It can also mean
‘used to (do something)’:
rao ker-ee bpai têe-o Chee-ung-mài
we have been to (visit) Chiangmai
káo ker-ee ree-un pah-sfh tai
he used to study Thai
pim mâi ker-ee gin


I have never eaten it
is placed at the end of a clause or sentence to indicate a
completed action in the past:
káo gin kâo láir-o chún doo láir-o
he has eaten I’ve seen (it)
gum-lung is placed in front of the verb to indicate the continu-
ous present or past:
káo gum-lung doo tee wee
he is watching TV or he was watching TV
These time-marker words are often omitted when the time
context is specified or is otherwise obvious:

pim séu bpee gòrn rao bpai bpee nâh
I bought (it) last year we are going next year

Ve r b s
To form a negative sentence, place the word mâi in front of
the main verb:
ah-hfhn a-ròy pim (chún) mee way-lah wâhng
the food is tasty I have some free time
ah-hfhn mâi a-ròy pim (chún) mâi mee way-lah wâhng
the food is not tasty I don’t have any free time
To make the imperative or command form, add si (pro-
nounced sí, see or sée) after the verb:
doo sí ra-wung sí bpìt bpra-dtoo sí
look! look out! close the door!

For negative commands (don’t ...), the word yàh is placed in
front of the verb:
yàh tum don’t do it
yàh bpai don’t go
yàh gin don’t eat

Questions, answers, yes and no

... mái? questions
A statement can be made into a question by adding the ques-
tion particle mái at the end of the sentence:
jèp jèp mái?
hurts does it hurt?
bâhn yài bâhn yài mái?
the house is big is the house big?
To answer ‘yes’ to this type of question, you simply repeat

the verb:
Questions, answers, yes and no

jèp mái? jèp

does it hurt? yes
bâhn yài mái? yài
is the house big? yes
If you want to say ‘no’, place the negative word mâi in front
of the verb:
jèp mái? mâi jèp
does it hurt? no
bâhn yài mái? mâi yài
is the house big? no
... châi mái? questions
To form tag-questions in Thai, equivalent to the English ‘isn’t
it?’ or ‘aren’t they?’ etc, add châi mái? to the end of a sentence:
káo mâi mah, châi mái? soy sfhm sìp sfhm, châi mái?


he’s not coming, is he? soi 33, isn’t it?
The châi mái question form is extremely useful for checking
that you have understood what is going on. A ‘yes’ answer to a
châi mái? question is châi. A ‘no’ answer is mâi châi:

bpai láir-o, châi mái? châi/mâi châi

he’s gone, hasn’t he? yes/no
... rgu bplào? questions
Another common question form tags rgu blpào? on to the
end of a statement. Literally it means ‘... or not?’, but it is
not nearly as abrupt as such a translation suggests; it simply
demands a straight answer:
koon bpai doo rgu bplào? mee rgu bplào?
are you going to see (it) or not? are there (any) or not?
If you want to say ‘yes’ to this, repeat the main verb – that is

bpai in the first example, and mee in the second; if you want
to say ‘no’, the answer is bplào.

Questions, answers, yes and no

Other question words: who? what? where? why? how? how
much? how many?
Here are the remaining question words with examples; note
that in almost every example the question word occurs at the
end of the sentence.
krai koon bpai gùp krai?
who? who are you going with?
krai mâi bpai?
who isn’t going?
a-rai nêe arai?
what? what’s this?
koon pôot arai?
what did you say?

têe nfi káo púk yòo têe nfi?
where? where is he staying?
hôrng náhm yòo têe nfi?
where’s the toilet?
tum-mai? káo bpai tum-mai?
why? why is he going?
yung-ngai? koon ja tum yung-ngai?
how? how will you do (it)?
tâo-rài? nêe tâo-rài?
how much? how much is this?
gèe bpai gèe krúng?
how many? how many times did (you) go?

Polite particles: krúp, kâ, ká

An important way of making your speech sound polite in

Thai is to use polite particles, which are untranslatable words

placed at the end of a sentence. A male speaker should add the
Polite particles

particle krúp to the end of both statements and questions to

make them sound more polite, while a female speaker should
add the particle kâ to the end of a statement and ká to the end
of a question:
pim bpai prôong née krúp
I am going tomorrow (said by a man)
chún mâi bpai kâ
I am not going (said by a woman)
káo bpai nfi krúp?
where is he going? (said by a man)
koon tum a-rai ká?
what are you doing? (said by a woman)
It is important to get into the habit of using the appropri-
ate polite particle at the end of every sentence and question.
In the English-Thai section, most of the phrases have been

given without these particles and the appropriate one should


be added. Sometimes, depending on the situation and person
addressed, it is acceptable to omit the polite particles, but,
until you are more familiar with the Thai language, it is better
to use them all the time.

Dates are expressed using the pattern:
wun (day) + ordinal number
+ month

Ordinal numbers are formed by placing têe in front of the car-

dinal number. A list of numbers is given on pages 286-287.
the first of July wun têe nèung ga-rúk-ga-dah-kom
the twentieth of March wun têe yêe sìp mee-nah-kom

the twenty first of June wun têe yêe sìp èt mí-too-nah-yon

Polite particles / Dates / Days

Thais use both the Western Gregorian calendar and a Buddhist
calendar – Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment in
the year 543BC, so Thai dates start from that point: thus 1996
AD becomes 2539 BE (Buddhist Era).

Monday wun jun Çѹ¨Ñ¹·Ãì
Tuesday wun ung-kahn ÇѹÍѧ¤ÒÃ
Wednesday wun póot Çѹ¾Ø¸
Thursday wun pá-réu-hùt Çѹ¾ÄËÑÊ
Friday wun sùk ÇѹÈØ¡Ãì
Saturday wun spo ÇѹàÊÒÃì
Sunday wun ah-tít ÇѹÍÒ·ÔµÂì

January mók-ga-rah-kom Á¡ÃÒ¤Á
February goom-pah-pun ¡ØÁÀҾѹ¸ì
March mee-nah-kom ÁÕ¹Ò¤Á
April may-sph-yon àÁÉÒ¹
May préut-sa-pah-kom ¾ÄÉÀÒ¤Á
June mí-too-nah-yon ÁԶعÒ¹
July ga-rúk-ga-dah-kom ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á
August srng-hph-kom ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á
September gun-yah-yon ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹
October dtoo-lah-kom µØÅÒ¤Á
November préut-sa-ji-gah-yon ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹
December tun-wah-kom ¸Ñ¹ÇÒ¤Á

The Thai system of telling the time seems rather complicated

at first because it uses different words for ‘o’clock’ depending

on what time of day it is:
Months / Time

from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. dtee

from 6 a.m. to midday mohng cháo
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. bài
from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m yen
from 7 p.m. to midnight tôom
Here, then, is how the hours are expressed in Thai:
1 a.m. dtee nèung µÕ˹Öû§
2 a.m. dtee ssrng µÕÊͧ
3 a.m. dtee sphm µÕÊÒÁ
4 a.m. dtee sèe µÕÊÕû
5 a.m. dtee hâh µÕËüÒ
6 a.m. hòk mohng cháo Ë¡âÁ§àªüÒ
7 a.m. jèt mohng cháo à¨ç´âÁ§àªüÒ
or mohng cháo âÁ§àªüÒ

8 a.m. bpàirt mohng cháo á»´âÁ§àªüÒ


or ssrng mohng cháo ÊͧâÁ§àªüÒ
9 a.m. gâo mohng cháo à¡üÒâÁ§àªüÒ
or sphm mohng cháo ÊÒÁâÁ§àªüÒ
10 a.m. sìp mohng cháo ÊÔºâÁ§àªüÒ
or sèe mohng cháo ÊÕûâÁ§àªüÒ
11 a.m. sìp èt mohng cháo ÊÔºàÍç´âÁ§àªüÒ
or hâh mohng cháo ËüÒâÁ§àªüÒ
midday têe-ung wun à·Õû§Çѹ
1 p.m. bài mohng ºûÒÂâÁ§
2 p.m. bài ssrng mohng ºûÒÂÊͧâÁ§
3 p.m. bài sphm mohng ºûÒÂÊÒÁâÁ§
4 p.m. bài sèe mohng ºûÒÂÊÕûâÁ§
5 p.m. hâh mohng yen ËüÒâÁ§àÂç¹
6 p.m. hòk mohng yen Ë¡âÁ§àÂç¹
7 p.m. tôom nèung ·ûØÁ˹Öû§
8 p.m. ssrng tôom Êͧ·ûØÁ
9 p.m. sphm tôom ÊÒÁ·ûØÁ

10 p.m. sèe tôom ÊÕû·ûØÁ
11 p.m. hâh tôom ËüÒ·ûØÁ

midnight têe-ung keun à·Õû§¤×¹

Note: There is no equivalent of ‘it is ...’ in Thai when

stating the time; sfhm tôom means both ‘9 p.m.’ and ‘it is 9
To say ‘half-past’, use the word krêung (half ). There is no
special word for ‘quarter past’ or ‘quarter to’ the hour; these
are translated by ‘fifteen minutes (past)’ and ‘fifteen minutes
(to)’ the hour:
11.30 a.m sìp-èt mohng krèung ÊÔºàÍç´âÁ§¤ÃÖû§
3.30 p.m bài sphm mohng krèung ºûÒÂÊÒÁâÁ§¤ÃÖû§
11.30 p.m hâh tôom krèung ËüÒ·ØûÁ¤ÃÖû§
1.15 p.m bài mohng síp hâh nah-tee ºûÒÂâÁ§ÊÔºËüÒ¹Ò·Õ
1.45 p.m èek sìp hâh nah-tee bài ssrng mohng
Note that when expressing minutes past the hour, the word
order is:
hour time number of minutes nah-tee (minutes)

2.10 p.m bài ssrng mohng sìp nah-tee ºûÒÂÊͧâÁ§ÊÔº¹Ò·Õ

8.25 p.m ssrng tôom yêe sìp hâh nah-tee Êͧ·ØûÁÂÕûÊÔºËüÒ¹Ò·Õ
To express minutes to the hour, the word order is as follows:
èek (further, more) number of minutes hour time

4.50 p.m èek sìp nah-tee hâh mohng yen ÍÕ¡ÊÔº¹Ò·ÕËüÒâÁ§àÂç¹

10.55 p.m èek hâh nah-tee hâh tôom ÍÕ¡ËüÒ¹Ò·ÕËüÒ·ØûÁ

what time is it? gèe mohng láir-o? ¡ÕûâÁ§áÅüÇ

hour chôo-a-mohng ªÑûÇâÁ§
minute nah-tee ¹Ò·Õ
two minutes ssrng nah-tee Êͧ¹Ò·Õ
second wí-nah-tee ÇÔ¹Ò·Õ
a quarter of an hour sìp hâh nah-tee ÊÔºËüÒ¹Ò·Õ

half an hour krêung chôo-a-mohng ¤ÃÖû§ªÑûÇâÁ§

Time / Numbers

three quarters of an hour sèe sìp hâh nah-tee ÊÕûÊÔºËüÒ¹Ò·Õ

Numbers 13 sìp-sphm ñó ÊÔºÊÒÁ

14 sìp-sèe ñô ÊÔºÊÕû
0 sson ð ÈÙ¹Âì 15 sìp-hâh ñõ ÊÔºËüÒ
1 nèung ñ ˹Öû§ 16 sìp-hòk ñö ÊԺˡ
2 ssrng ò Êͧ 17 sìp-jèt ñ÷ ÊÔºà¨ç´
3 sphm ó ÊÒÁ 18 sìp-bpàirt ñø ÊԺỴ
4 sèe ô ÊÕû 19 sìp-gâo ñù ÊÔºà¡üÒ
5 hâh õ ËüÒ 20 yêe-sìp òð ÂÕûÊÔº
6 hòk ö Ë¡ 21 yêe-sìp-èt òñ ÂÕûÊÔºàÍç´
7 jèt ÷ à¨ç´ 22 yêe-sìp-ssrng òò
8 bpàirt ø á»´ ÂÕûÊÔºÊͧ
9 gâo ù à¡üÒ 30 sphm-sìp óð ÊÒÁÊÔº
10 sìp ñð ÊÔº 31 sphm-sìp-èt óñ
11 sìp-èt ññ ÊÔºàÍç´ ÊÒÁÊÔºàÍç´
12 sìp-ssrng ñò ÊÔºÊͧ 40 sèe-sìp ôð ÊÕûÊÔº
50 hâh-sìp õð 100,000,000 nèung róy láhn


ËüÒÊÔº ñðððððððð ˹Öû§ÃüÍÂÅüÒ¹
60 hòk-sìp öð
70 jèt-sìp ÷ð à¨ç´ÊÔº 1st têe nèung ·Õû˹Öû§
80 bpàirt-sìp 2nd têe ssrng ·ÕûÊͧ
øð á»´ÊÔº 3rd têe sphm ·ÕûÊÒÁ
90 gâo-sìp 4th têe sèe ·ÕûÊÕû
ùð à¡üÒÊÔº 5th têe hâh ·ÕûËüÒ
100 nèung róy 6th têe hòk ·ÕûË¡
ñðð ˹Öû§ÃüÍ 7th têe jèt ·Õûà¨ç´
101 nèung róy nèung 8th têe bpàirt ·Õûá»´
ñðñ ˹Öû§ÃüÍÂ˹Öû§ 9th têe gâo ·Õûà¡üÒ
102 nèung róy ssrng 10th têe sìp ·ÕûÊÔº
ñðò ˹Öû§ÃüÍÂÊͧ
110 nèung róy sìp
ññð ˹Öû§ÃüÍÂÊÔº
200 ssrng róy

òðð ÊͧÃüÍÂ

201 ssrng róy nèung
òðñ ÊͧÃüÍÂ˹Öû§
202 ssrng róy ssrng
òðò ÊͧÃüÍÂÊͧ
210 ssrng róy sìp
òñð ÊͧÃüÍÂÊÔº
1,000 nèung pun
ñððð ˹Öû§¾Ñ¹
2,000 ssrng pun
òððð Êͧ¾Ñ¹
10,000 nèung mèun
ñðððð ˹Öû§ËÁ×û¹
100,000 nèung spirn
ñððððð ˹Öû§áʹ
1,000,000 nèung láhn
ñðððððð ˹Öû§ÅüÒ¹

Conversion Tables
1 centimetre = 0.39 inches 1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 metre = 39.37 inches = 1.09 yards 1 foot = 30.48 cm
1 kilometre = 0.62 miles = 5/8 mile 1 yard = 0.91 m
1 mile = 1.61 km
km 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100
miles 0.6 1.2 1.9 2.5 3.1 6.2 12.4 18.6 24.8 31.0 62.1

miles 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100
km 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 16.1 32.2 48.3 64.4 80.5 161

1 gram = 0.035 ounces 1 kilo = 1000 g = 2.2 pounds

g 100 250 500 1 oz = 28.35 g
oz 3.5 8.75 17.5 1 lb = 0.45 kg

kg 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

lb 1.1 2.2 4.4 6.6 8.8 11.0 13.2 15.4 17.6 19.8 22.0
C o n v e r s i o n Ta b l e s

kg 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
lb 44 66 88 110 132 154 176 198 220

lb 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20
kg 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.6 4.1 4.5 9.0

1 litre = 1.75 UK pints / 2.13 US pints

1 UK pint = 0.57 l 1 UK gallon = 4.55 l
1 US pint = 0.47 l 1 US gallon = 3.79 l
centigrade / Celsius °C = (°F - 32) x 5/9
°C -5 0 5 10 15 18 20 25 30 36.8 38
°F 23 32 41 50 59 64 68 77 86 98.4 100.4

Fahrenheit °F = (°C x 9/5) + 32

°F 23 32 40 50 60 65 70 80 85 98.4 101
°C -5 0 4 10 16 18 21 27 29 36.8 38.3













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