MatLab - Drug Pharmocokinetics Using Custom Function For Data Modeling and Regression Analysis

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Juei-Sheng Chiu - Module 2,

Computational Methods (EGRB 215)

Table of Contents
Clean Up .......................................................................................................................... 1
Honor Statement ................................................................................................................ 1
Function file - myhill.m ....................................................................................................... 1
Problem 1 ......................................................................................................................... 1

Clean Up
clear all
close all

Honor Statement
On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment, and I pledge that I am in compliance
with the VCU Honor System

% signed Joshua Chiu

% Date: 4/9/2015

Function file - myhill.m

type myhill

function [ssr] = myhill(x, C, e_meas)

% x is a two element matrix that contains ec50 and gamma
% c is measured concentration/dose (vector), 'Dose' in drug array
% e_meas is measured response, either response or toxicity in drug array,
% its a vector
e_calc = (C.^x(2))./((x(1)^x(2))+C.^x(2));
r = e_meas-e_calc;
ssr = sum(r.^2);

Problem 1
% Use fminsearch to find best fit
param0 = [1, 1]; % initial guess

options = optimset();
store = zeros(7);

Juei-Sheng Chiu - Module 2, Com-
putational Methods (EGRB 215)

for i=1:7

op = fminsearch(@myhill, param0, options, drug(i).Dose, drug(i).Efficacy);

store(i,1) = i; % Sets Drug ID
store(i,2) = op(1);
store(i,3) = op(2);
store(i,4) = myhill(op, drug(i).Dose, drug(i).Efficacy); % SSR for eff
y_hate(i, :) = (drug(i).Dose.^op(2))./((op(1)^op(2))+...
drug(i).Dose.^op(2));% y_hat for efficacy

op = fminsearch(@myhill, param0, options, drug(i).Dose, drug(i).Toxicity);

store(i,5) = op(1);
store(i,6) = op(2);
store(i,7) = myhill(op, drug(i).Dose, drug(i).Toxicity); % SSR for toxic
y_hatt(i, :) = (drug(i).Dose.^op(2))./((op(1)^op(2))+...
drug(i).Dose.^op(2));% y_hat for toxicity

plot(drug(i).Dose, drug(i).Efficacy, 'or',...
drug(i).Dose, drug(i).Toxicity, 'bx',...
drug(i).Dose, y_hate(i, :), 'm',...
drug(i).Dose, y_hatt(i, :), 'c');

titlestring = ['Drug #:' num2str(i)]; % set a title string based on i

legend('Efficacy', 'Toxicity');

% Determining which drug is 'best'

% I think a 'good' drug should have a very quick rise in efficacy and a
% delayed rise in toxicity. Drug 2 fits this profile exactly - it is
% possible to get a 100% response with very little toxicity. At six or
% seven units, you can get 100% response and almost no toxicity.
% Therefore I recommend drug 2.

Juei-Sheng Chiu - Module 2, Com-
putational Methods (EGRB 215)

Juei-Sheng Chiu - Module 2, Com-
putational Methods (EGRB 215)

Juei-Sheng Chiu - Module 2, Com-
putational Methods (EGRB 215)

Juei-Sheng Chiu - Module 2, Com-
putational Methods (EGRB 215)

Published with MATLAB® 7.12

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