English Time Myths

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of the island and pondered on what to do

Daedalus and Icarus next. The trees and bushes surrounding the
On the island of Crete there lived a Minotaur, beach would provide an ideal sanctuary for
a ferocious creature that was half man and the time being. They could possibly survive
for months or years without being seen. But
half bull. The people of the island of Crete who would want to live like that – hiding away
were terrifi ed of the Minotaur; it loved hoping they would not be captured? They
nothing more than to feast on human fl esh. needed to find a way to leave the island, but
They begged their ruler, King Minos, to order how? They could not swim, the nearest land
that the creature be killed, but the King was too far away, and they would never make
decided against this. Instead, he it. They could not leave by ship; all vessels
constructed a plan to imprison the were controlled by King Minos. Daedalus
Minotaur.To die at the hands of stared up at the sky and the seagulls that
circled overhead. If only he was as free as a
the Minotaur would be one of the most bird. If only he and his son could just fl y
terrible deaths imaginable, and King Minos away … and then he had an idea which was
believed that his enemies deserved to meet both brilliant and ambitious. He would build a
such a fate. He enlisted the help of Daedalus, pair of wings! It would take some time, days,
a talented architect, inventor and craftsman, weeks even, but he would build a pair of wings
and asked him to build a labyrinth – a maze of for his son and himself exactly the same as
passages that would be so complex that it the wings of a seagull but on a much larger
would be virtually impossible for anyone (or scale. Scattered around the beach were
anything) to ever fi nd a way out. Daedalus seagull feathers. Daedalus instructed his son
did as King Minos requested and then, to collect as many as he could fi nd. He
following the King’s instructions, he enticed worked carefully to build the wings, studying
the Minotaur into the labyrinth by leaving a the exact angle and shape of the seagulls and
huge pile of fresh meat in its centre. Once examining how the birds fl ew. At last, six
the Minotaur was in the labyrinth the weeks after they had escaped from the
creature was unable to escape. King Minos labyrinth, the wings were ready. ‘With these
was delighted. Anyone who was sent to the wings you will fl y like a bird,’ Daedalus told
labyrinth would be trapped and eventually his son, ‘but be careful. Make sure you do not
they would be found by the Minotaur who fly too close to the Sun. If you do, the wax
would eat them alive. Now he had the perfect that holds the feathers together will melt.’
punishment for his enemies! Deciding he had Icarus nodded quickly. In truth he was barely
no further use for Daedalus, the King threw listening. Hiding on the shore of the island of
him into the labyrinth along with his son Crete had been boring. He had spent weeks
Icarus. The King expected that the inventor
and his son would be found by the Minotaur doing nothing more exciting with his days
and eaten. Instead, unknown to the king, they than collecting feathers and catching fi sh
escaped. After all, Daedalus had built the for his father and himself to eat. And now at
labyrinth and knew his way around! last they had the chance to escape. He shuffl
Once out of the labyrinth Deadulus and ed impatiently as his father attached the
Icarus carefully made their way to the shore wings to his arms, then helped his father to
position his own wings. We are ready,’ his She kept her baby a secret from her own
father told him, ‘follow me!’below, his heart fl father. But days have come and King Acrisius
uttered with excitement. It was as though learned about her secret. The King ordered
his body was weightless. The wind whistled his people to have a chest built for Danae and
against his ears. He felt like a bird! Higher child Perseus. Danae and her child were put
and higher, faster and faster he flew! inside the chest and sent adrift the sea. It
bobbed in the waves until it reached the
Suddenly, Icarus realized he could hardly see
Island of Seraphos where a fisherman named
his father. He had flown so high his father Dictys noticed the chest and took it. When
he opened, he saw Danae and Perseus. The
resembled a small dot below him. At the same
kind Dictys let them in their house to live
time he noticed a feather drift past and fl together with his wife. Dictys’ brother, King
oat downwards towards the sea. And then Polydectes was captivated with Danae’s
another … and then another. Too late Icarus beauty and married her. Polydectes felt
realized his wings were melting. He had fl jealous over the love that Danae was giving to
own too close to the Sun. With every Perseus. To get rid of Perseus, Polydectes
desperate swoop of his arms, more feathers sent him to a dangerous adventure that put
fell and soon his arms were almost bare. his life in peril. The mission was to kill
Down and down and down went Icarus... Medusa, one of the three Gorgons. She has
snaky hair and metal-scaled skin. Looking
‘Father!’ he shouted before falling with a
straight in Medusa’s eye can turn mortals
heavy splash into the sea. His few remaining
into stone. Despite the danger, Perseus
feathers floated on the surface of the water
agreed to embark on the adventure in order
as he sank. Daedalus could only watch
to get his own name a glory. Hermes gave him
helplessly and his heart felt as heavy as a
a sword. He was also given a shield by Athena.
stone as he flew onwards, leaving his son
Hermes added that Perseus needed also the
winged sandals, the helmet of invisibility, and
the magic wallet. Those three essential
things were all in the possession of the
The Gorgon’ s Head Nymphs of the North. Getting there was not
Acrisius, King of Argos received a dreadful easy. In order to get to the Nymphs of the
oracle from Delphi. According to the North, Perseus has to go first to the Gray
priestess of Delphi, he will not have a son but Women who only could tell the direction.
a grandson from whose hands he will be killed. Perseus went to the Gray women, he
Frightened, King Acrisius hid his only snatched the eye of the women and
daughter Danae from the sight of all men. threatened not to return it unless they give
Danae was locked up inside a house of bronze him the direction pointing to the Nymphs of
sunk underground. Zeus entered into the the North. As soon as the direction was given,
underground chamber in the form of the Perseus headed to the Island of Gorgons. He
shower of gold through the roof partly was instructed by Athena, telling him that
opened. He appeared in front of Danae and in Medusa was the one lying closest to the
an instant Danae conceived a baby. Later, seashore. With one swift of his sword and
Danae had given birth to a boy named Perseus. with the help of his shield as mirror, Medusa
was beheaded and her head was put inside gathered around him to listen. Wild beasts
the magic wallet. While Perseus was making lay down as if they were tame, entranced by
his way back home, he noticed a beautiful his soothing notes. Even rocks and trees
lady chained on the cliff. He asked her name followed him, and the rivers changed their
and why she was hanged. No reply was given
directions to hear him play. Orpheus loved a
by the lady. Perseus insisted the lady to
young woman named Eurydice, and when they
respond. She said her name was Andromeda,
were married, they looked forward to many
daughter of Ethiopian King Cepheus and
years of happiness together. But soon after,
Queen Cassiopeia. Andromeda told Perseus
Eurydice stepped on a poisonous snake
that her mother boasted that she was the
most beautiful than 50 lovely daughters of and died. Orpheus roamed the earth, singing
Nereus. As a revenge to her mother sad melodies to try to overcome his grief.
Cassiopeia, Andromeda suffered the But it was no use. He longed for Eurydice so
punishment. At any moment, then, the deeply that he decided to follow her to the
serpent was on its way to devour Andromeda. underworld. He said to himself, “No mortal
Perseus told Andromeda’s parents that he has ever been there before, but I must try
would save their daughter on a condition that to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will
they will allow him to marry her. The king and charm Persephone and Hades with my music
queen agreed at once and Andromeda was and win Eurydice’s release. He climbed into a
saved from death. He took Andromeda to his cave and through a dark passage that led to
homeland. At that time, a discus-throw the underworld. When he reached the river
competition was going on at Larissa. Perseus Styx, he plucked his lyre and Charon, the
joined in and when it was his turn to throw ferryman, was so charmed that he rowed him.
the discus, he threw it mightily and
accidentally hit an old man in the audience. It
was learned that his grandfather, King across. Then he struck his lyre again, and
Acrisius, was the one hit by the discus. Cereberus, the fierce three0headed dog who
guarded the gates, heard the sweet music
and lay still to let him pass. Orpheus
Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he
made his way through the gloomy underworld.
“When stern Hades heard Orpheus’s song, he
The ghosts cried when they heard his sad
began to weep.” There were nine goddesses
music. Sisyphus, who had been condemned to
called Muses. Born of Zeus and a Titan named
roll a rock uphill forever, stopped his
Mnemosyne, each muse presided over a
fruitless work to listen. Tantalus, who had
different art or science. Calliope, one of
been sentenced to stand in a pool of receding
these sisters, was the inspiration of poets
water, stopped trying to quench his thirst.
and musicians. She was the mother of
And even the wheel to which Ixion was tied
Orpheus (a mortal because his father was as punishment stopped turning for one
one) and gave to her son a remarkable talent moment. At last Orpheus came to the palace
for music. Orpheus [played his lyre so of Hades and Persephone, king and queen of
sweetly that he charmed all things on earth. the underworld. Before they could order him
Men and women forgot their cares when they to leave, he began his gentle song, pleading
for Eurydice. When stern Hades heard throughout Greece, though she was
Orpheus’s song, he began to weep. Cold
neither wellborn nor beautiful and came from
Persephone was so moved that, for the first
time in all her months in the underworld, her no great city. She lived in an obscure little
heart melted. “Oh please, my husband,” she
village, and her father was a humble dyer of
said to Hades, “let Eurydice been reunited
with Orpheus.” And Hades replied, “I, too, wool. In this he was very skillful, producing
feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot refuse
many varied shades, while above all he was
him. They summoned Eurydice, and the two
lovers clasped each other and turned to leave. famous for the clear, bright scarlet which is
“Wait!” said Hades to Orpheus. “Eurydice is
yours to take back to earth on one condition.” made from shellfish, and which was the most

“What is that?” asked Orpheus. She must glorious of all the colors used in ancient
follow you, and you must not look back at her Greece. Even more skillful than her father
until you are on earth again.” “I understand,” was Arachne. It was her task to spin the
said Orpheus. “And I am forever grateful.” fleecy wool into a fine, soft thread and to
Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld weave it into cloth on the high-standing loom1
and made their way through the dark passage within the cottage. Arachne was small and
that led to the upper world. At last they pale from much working. Her eyes were light
reached the cave through which Orpheus had and her hair was a dusty brown, yet she was
descended. “I can see daylight ahead,” called quick and graceful, and her fingers,
Orpheus to Eurydice. “We are almost there.” roughened as they were, went so fast that it
But Eurydice had not heard him, and so she was hard to follow their flickering
did not answer. Orpheus turned to make sure movements. So soft and even was her thread,
that she was still following him. He caught so fine her cloth, so gorgeous her embroidery,
one last glimpse of her with her arms that soon her products were known allover
stretched out to him. And then she Greece. No one had ever seen the like of
disappeared, swallowed up by darkness. them before. At last Arachne's fame became
so great that people used to come from far
“Farewell,” he heard her cry as she was and wide to watch her working. Even the
carried back to the underworld. Orpheus graceful nymphs would steal in from stream
tried to follow her, but this time the gods or forest and peep shyly through the dark
would not allow it. And so he wandered the doorway, watching in wonder the white arms
of Arachne as she stood at the loom and
earth alone. He sang his sad songs to the
threw the shuttle from hand to hand
rocks and the trees and longed for the time
between the hanging threads, or drew out
when he, too, would die and be reunited with
the long wool, fine as a hair, from the
his beloved Eurydice in the underworld.
distaff3 as she sat spinning. "Surely Athena
herself must have taught her," people would
murmur to one another. "Whoelse could know
Arachne the secret of such marvelous skill?"
Arachne was a maiden who became famous Arachne was used to being wondered at, and
she was immensely proud ofthe skill that had wondering onlookers saw her grow tall and
brought so many to look on her. Praise was all fair and stand clad in long robes of dazzling
she lived for, and it displeased her greatly white. They were terribly afraid as they
that people should think anyone, even a realized that they stood in the presence of
goddess, could teach her anything. Athena. Arachne herself flushed red for a
Therefore when she heard them murmur, she moment, for she had never really believed
would stop her work and turn round to say, that the goddess would hear her. Before the
"With my own ten fingers I gained this skill, group that was gathered there she would not
and by hard practice from earlymorning till give in; so pressing her pale lips together in
night. I never had time to stand looking as obstinacy and pride, she led the goddess to
you people do while another maiden worked. one of the great looms and set
Nor if I had, would I give Athena credit
herself before the other. Without a word
because the girl was more skillful than
both began to thread the long woolen strands
I. Ask for Athena's weaving, how could there that hang from the rollers, and between
be finer cloth or more beautiful embroidery which the shuttle moves back and forth.
than mine? If Athena herself were to come Many skeins6 lay heaped beside them to use,
down and compete with me, she could do no bleached white, and gold, and scarlet, and
better than I." One day when Arachne other shades, varied as the rainbow. Arachne
turned round with such words, an old woman had never thought of giving credit for her
answered her, a gray old woman, bent and success to her father's skill in dyeing,
very poor, who stood leaning on a staff and though in actual truth the colors were as
peering at Arachne amid the crowd of remarkable as the cloth itself. Soon there
onlookers. "Reckless girl,"she said, "how dare was no sound in the room but the breathing
you claim to be equal to the immortal gods of the onlookers, the whirring of the shuttles,
themselves? I am an old woman and have seen and the creaking of the wooden frames as
much. Take my advice and ask pardon each pressed the thread up into place or
ofAthena foryour words. Rest content with tightened the pegs by which the whole was
your fame ofbeing the best spinner held straight. The excited crowd in the
doorway began to see that the skill of both in
and weaver that mortal eyes have ever
truth was very nearly equal, but that,
beheld." "Stupid old woman," said Arachne however the cloth might turn out, the
indignantly, "who gave you a right to speak in goddess was the quicker of the two. A
this way to me? It is easy to see that you pattern of many pictures was growing on her
were never good for anything in your day, or loom. There was a border of twined branches
you would not come here in poverty and rags of the olive,Athena's favorite tree, while in
to gaze at my skill. IfAthena resents my the middle, figures began to appear. Asthey
words, let her answer them herself. I have looked at the glowing colors, the spectators
challenged her to a contest, but she, of realized that Athena was weaving into her
course, will not come. It is easy for the gods pattern a last warning to Arachne. The
to avoid matching their skill with that of central figure was the goddess herself
men." Atthese words the old woman threw competing with Poseidon for possession of
down her staff and stood erect. The the city of Athens; but in the four corners
were mortals who had tried to strive with spinning their thread wonderfully fine, they
gods and pictures of the awful fate that remembered the contest with Athena and
thought that it was not right for even the
had overtaken them. The goddess ended a
best of men to claim equality with the gods.
little before Arachne and stood back from
her marvelous work to see what the maiden
was doing. Never before had Arachne been
matched against anyone whose skill was equal, How Odin Lost His Eye
or even nearly equal to her own. As she stole
Once when the world was still very young,
glances from time to time at Athena and saw
Odin sat on his throne in the most beautiful
the goddess working sWiftly, calmly, and
palace in Asgard. His throne was so high that
always a little faster than herself, she
he could see over all three parts of the world
became angry instead of frightened, and an
from where he sat. On his head he wore a
evilthought came into her head. Thus as
helmet shaped like an eagle. On his shoulders
Athena stepped back a pace to watch
perched two black ravens called Memory and
Arachne finishing her work, she saw that the
maiden had taken for her design a pattern of Thought. And at his feet crouched two
scenes which showed evil or unworthy actions snarling wolves. The great king gazed
ofthe gods, how they had deceived fair thoughtfully down on the earth below him. He
maidens, resorted to trickery, and appeared had made the green land that stretched out
on earth from time to time in the form of before his eyes. With the help of the other
poor and humble people. When the goddess gods he had made men and women who lived
saw this insult glowing in bright. colors on
on that earth. And he felt truly like the
Arachne's loom, she did not wait while the
All-father he was called. The fair elves had
cloth was judged, but stepped forward, her
promised they would help his children of the
gray eyes blazing with anger, and tore
earth. The elves were the tiny people who
Arachne's work across. Then she struck
lived between heaven and earth. They were
Arachne across the face. Arachne stood so small that they could flit about doing their
there a moment, struggling with anger, fear, work unseen. Odin knew that they were the
and pride. "I will not live under this insult," artists who painted the flowers and made the
she cried, and seizing a rope from the wall, beds for the streams. They took care of all
she made a noose and would have hanged the bees and the butterflies. And it was the
herself. The goddess touched the rope and elves who brought the gentle rain and
touched the maiden. "Live on, wicked girl," sunshine to the earth. Even the ugly dwarfs,
she said. "Liveon and spin, both you and your who lived in the heart of the mountains,
descendants. When men look at you they may agreed to help. They forged iron and metals,
remember that it is not wise to strive with made tools and weapons. They dug gold and
Athena." Atthat the body ofArachne silver and beautiful jewels out of the earth.
shriveled up; and her legs grew tiny, spindly,
Sometimes they even cut the grain and
and distorted. There before the eyes of the
ground the flour for the farmers on the
spectators hung a little dusty brown spider
earth. All seemed to be going well. Odin
on a slender thread. All spiders descend from
found it hard to think of evil times. But he
Arachne, and as the Greeks watched them
knew that the frost giants were only waiting
for a chance to bring trouble to his children. But once the king of the gods had made up his
They were the ones who brought cold and ice mind, nothing could change it. He was not
to the world and shook the earth in anger. afraid to look upon sorrow and death. "What
They hated Odin and all the work of the gods. is your price, aged Mimir?" Odin asked. "You
are great and good, Odin," answered Mimir.
And from high on his throne Odin looked
"You have worked hard to make the world.
down beyond the earth deep into the gloomy
Only those who know hard work may drink
land of his enemies. He saw dark figures of
from my well. However, that is not enough.
huge men moving about. They looked like evil
What have you given up that is very dear to
shadows. He, the king of the gods, must have
you? What have you sacrificed? The price of
more wisdom. It was not enough just to see
a drink must be a great sacrifice. Are you
his enemies. He must know more about them.
still willing to pay the price?" What could the
So Odin wrapped his tall figure in a blue cloak. king of the gods sacrifice? What was most
Down from his throne he climbed. Down the dear to him? Odin thought of his handsome
broad rainbow bridge he strode and across
son, Balder, whom he loved most in the world.
the green earth till Ile came to one of the
To give up his son would be like giving up life
roots of the great evergreen tree. There,
and all that was wonderful around him. Odin
close by the tree, was a well full of clear
stood silent before Mimir. Indeed that would
water. Its surface was so still it was like a
be a high price! Then Mimir spoke again. He
mirror. In it one could see pictures of things had read Odin's thoughts. "No, I am not
that had happened and things that were asking for your dear son. The Fates1 say his
going to happen. But beside the well sat an life must be short, but he has time yet to live
old man. His face was lined with the troubles
and bring happiness to the gods and the
of the world. His name was Mimir, which
world. I ask for one of your eyes." Odin put
means "memory." No one, not even the great
his hands up to his bright blue eyes. Those
Odin, could see the pictures in the well unless
two eyes had gazed across the world from his
he first drank some of its water. Only Mimir
high throne in the shining city of the gods.
could give the magic drink. "Aged Mimir,"
His eyes had taught him what was good and
Odin said to the old man, "you who hold the
beautiful, what was evil and ugly. But those
knowledge of the past and future in your
eyes had also seen his children, the men and
magic waters, let me have but one sip. Then I women of the earth, struggling against the
can know enough to protect the men and hate of the giants. One eye was a small
women of the earth from the hate of the sacrifice to win knowledge of how to help
giants."Mimir looked kindly at Odin, but he them. And without another thought, Odin
did not smile. Although he spoke softly, his plucked out one of his blue eyes and handed
voice was so deep it reminded Odin of the it to Mimir. Then Mimir smiled and gave Odin
distant roar of the ocean. "The price of one a horn full of the waters of his well. "Drink
drink from this well is not cheap," Mimir said. deeply, brave king, so you may see all that you
"And once you have drunk and gazed into the wish in the mirror of life." Odin lifted the
mirror of life, you may wish you had not. For horn to his lips and drank. Then he knelt by
sorrow and death as well as joy are pictured the edge of the well and watched the
there. Think again before you ask to drink." pictures passing across its still and silent
surface. When he stood up again, he sighed,
for it was as Mimir had said. He had seen
sorrow and death as well as joy. It was only
the glorious promise at the end that gave him
courage to go on. So Odin, the great king of
the gods, became one-eyed. If you can find
Mimir's well, you will see Odin's blue eye
resting on the bottom. It is there to remind
men and women of the great sacrifice he
made for them.

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