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2nd SEMESTER, SY 2017-2018

SCHOOL Wesleyan University – Philippines GRADE LEVEL Grade 11

TEACHER Mr. Christian D. Tonogbanua LEARNING AREA Fundamentals of ABM 1
WEEK/DATE Week 3: January 15-19, 2018 QUARTER Third


SECTION/TIME 11 ABM-1 – 8:00-9:00 11 ABM-2 – 7:00-8:00 11 ABM-1 – 8:00-9:00 11 ABM-1 – 8:00-9:00 11 ABM-2 – 7:00-8:00
11 ABM-3 – 9:00-10:00 11 ABM-1 – 8:00-9:00 11 GAS-1 – 9:00-10:00 11 GAS-1 – 9:00-10:00 11 ABM-3 – 9:00-10:00
11 ABM-4 – 11:15-12:15 11 ABM-3 – 9:15-10:15 11 ABM-4 – 9:15-10:15 11 ABM-4 – 9:15-10:15 11 ABM-3 – 10:15-11:15
11 ABM-4 – 10:15-11:15 11 ABM-5 – 11:15-12:15 11 ABM-5 – 11:15-12:15 11 ABM-5 – 11:15-12:15
11 ABM-5 – 11:15-12:15 11 ABM-2 – 12:15-1:15 11 ABM-2 – 12:15-1:15 11 GAS-1 – 12:15-1:15
11 GAS-1 – 12:15-1:15
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate
understanding of the varied an understanding of the understanding of the an understanding of the
branches and areas of varied branches and areas external and internal users external and internal users
accounting, particularly of accounting, particularly of financial information. of financial information.
financial accounting, financial accounting,
management accounting, management accounting,
government accounting, government accounting,
auditing, tax accounting, auditing, tax accounting,
cost accounting, accounting cost accounting,
education, and accounting accounting education, and
research accounting research
B. Performance The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able
Standard make a list of business to make a list of business solve exercises and to solve exercises and
within the community on the within the community on problems on the problems on the
types of accounting services the types of accounting identification of users of identification of users of
they require and solve services they require and information, type of information, type of
exercises in the solve exercises in the decisions to be made, and decisions to be made, and
identification of the identification of the type of information needed type of information
branches of accounting branches of accounting by the users and cite users needed by the users and
described through the types described through the of financial information and cite users of financial
of services rendered. types of services rendered. identify whether they are information and identify
external or internal users. whether they are external
or internal users.
C. Learning At the end of the session At the end of the session At the end of the session At the end of the session
Competencies/ learners are expected to: learners are expected to: learners are expected to: learners are expected to:
Objectives 1. Define 1. Define accounting. 1. Define accounting. 1. Define accounting.
accounting. ABM_FABM11- ABM_FABM11- ABM_FABM11-
ABM_FABM11- IIIa-1 IIIa-1 IIIa-1
IIIa-1 2. Describe the 2. Describe the nature 2. Describe the
2. Describe the nature of of accounting. nature of
nature of accounting. ABM_FABM11- accounting.
accounting. ABM_FABM11- IIIa-2 ABM_FABM11-
ABM_FABM11-IIIa-2 IIIa-2 3. Explain the IIIa-2
3. Explain the 3. Explain the functions of 3. Explain the
functions of functions of functions of
accounting in accounting in accounting in accounting in
business. business. business. business.
4. Narrate the IIIa-3 IIIa-3 IIIa-3
history/origin of 4. Narrate the 4. Narrate the 4. Narrate the
accounting. history/origin of history/origin of history/origin of
ABM_FABM11-IIIa-4 accounting. accounting. accounting.
5. Differentiate the ABM_FABM11- ABM_FABM11- ABM_FABM11-
branches of IIIa-4 IIIa-4 IIIa-4
accounting 5. Differentiate the 5. Differentiate the 5. Differentiate the
ABM_FABM11-IIIa-5 branches of branches of branches of
6. Explain the accounting accounting accounting
kind/type of ABM_FABM11- ABM_FABM11- ABM_FABM11-
services rendered IIIa-5 IIIa-5 IIIa-5
in each of these 6. Explain the 6. Explain the 6. Explain the
branches. kind/type of kind/type of services kind/type of
ABM_FABM11- services rendered rendered in each of services rendered
IIIa-6 in each of these these branches. in each of these
branches. ABM_FABM11- branches.
IIIa-6 7. Define external IIIa-6
users and gives 7. Define external
examples. users and gives
ABM_FABM11- examples.
8. Define internal users 8. Define internal
and give examples. users and give
ABM_FABM11- examples.
9. Identify the type of IIIa-8
decisions made by 9. Identify the type of
each group of users. decisions made by
ABM_FABM11- each group of
IIIa-9 users.
10. Describe the type of ABM_FABM11-
information needed IIIa-9
by each group of 10. Describe the type
users. of information
ABM_FABM11- needed by each
IIIa-10 group of users.
II.CONTENT/ LESSON Introduction to Accounting Introduction to Introduction to Accounting Introduction to
NAME Branches of Accounting Accounting Branches of Accounting Accounting
Branches of Accounting User of Accounting Branches of Accounting
Infromation User of Accounting
a. Reference/s Florendo, Joselito G., 2016 Florendo, Joselito G., Florendo, Joselito G., 2016 Florendo, Joselito G.,
2016 2016
Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Fundamentals of
Accountancy, Business and Accountancy, Business Accountancy, Business and Accountancy, Business
Management 1 and Management 1 Management 1 and Management 1
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 1-22 pp. 1-22 pp. 1-46 pp. 1-46
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
b. Learning Materials
A.Reviewing Previous Review of past lesson. Review of past lesson. Review of past lesson. Review of past lesson.
Lesson or Presenting New Introduction of new lesson: Continuation of new lesson: Introduction of new lesson:
Lesson Chapter 2 – Branches of Chapter 2 – Branches of Chapter 3 – Users of
Accounting Accounting Accounting Information
B.Establishing a purpose for Discussion of Case Study on Discussion of Case Study on Discussion of Case Study on Discussion of Case Study on
Lesson each lesson tackled. each lesson tackled. each lesson tackled. each lesson tackled.
C.Presenting examples/ The teacher will answer and The teacher will answer and The teacher will answer and The teacher will answer and
instances of new lesson discuss the Review Questions discuss the Review discuss the Review Questions discuss the Review
of each Chapter tackled. Questions of each Chapter of each Chapter tackled. Questions of each Chapter
tackled. tackled.
D.Discussing new concepts Lesson Proper: From Chapter Lesson Proper: From Lesson Proper: From Chapter Lesson Proper: From
and practicing new skill #1 1: Introduction to Accounting Chapter 1: Introduction to 1: Introduction to Accounting Chapter 1: Introduction to
Accounting Accounting
E.Discussing new concepts Lesson Proper: From Chapter Lesson Proper: From Lesson Proper: From Chapter Lesson Proper: From
and practicing new skill #2 2: Branches of Accounting Chapter 2: Branches of 2: Branches of Accounting Chapter 2: Branches of
Accounting Accounting
F.Developing Mastery (leads Lesson Proper: From Chapter Lesson Proper: From
to Formative Assessment #3) 3: Users of Accounting Chapter 3: Users of
Information Accounting Information
G.Finding practical Preparation of Discussion Preparation of Discussion Preparation of Discussion Preparation of Discussion
applications of concepts and Questions(Group Activity) Questions(Group Activity) Questions(Group Activity) Questions(Group Activity)
skills to daily living
H.Making generalizations Presentation of Discussion Presentation of Discussion Presentation of Discussion Presentation of Discussion
and abstraction about the Questions(Group Activity) Questions(Group Activity) Questions(Group Activity) Questions(Group Activity)
I.Evaluating learning Ask the students to answer Ask the students to answer Ask the students to answer Ask the students to answer
Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Summative Assessment
Activity to be submitted, Activity to be submitted, Activity to be submitted, Activity to be submitted,
checked and discussed next checked and discussed next checked and discussed next checked and discussed next
meeting. meeting. meeting. meeting.
J.Additional activities for
application or remediation
V. REMARKS Did not meet some classes Distribution of Cards, No
because they had a seminar classes`
with the guidance office
A.Number of learners who
earned 80% on the formative
B.Number of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C.Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G.What innovations or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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