What Went Wrong

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Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 2
Background ..................................................................................................... 3_Toc494183659
Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Mission Statement ................................................................................................................ 3
Value Statements .................................................................................................................. 3
Environmental Scan (PESTEL) and SWOT Analysis ................................................................. 4
Political Analysis .................................................................................................................... 4
Economic Analysis ................................................................................................................ 5
Social and Cultural analysis ................................................................................................... 6
Technology ............................................................................................................................ 7
Environmental ....................................................................................................................... 8
SWOT Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 9
Strength ................................................................................................................................ 9
Weakness ............................................................................................................................ 10
Opportunity .......................................................................................................................... 11
Threat ................................................................................................................................... 12
Key Result Areas ...................................................................................................................... 13

Key Result Area-1: - Provision of RH & HIV/AIDS Services .................................................. 13
Key Result Area-2: -Social Enterprise and Ensuring sustainable organization
development. ...................................................................................................................... 16
Key Result Area-3: - Women Empowerment ...................................................................... 17
Key Result Area-4: - Creating a platform to advance, promote and preserve exiting –
Art, culture and sport for social advancement. ................................................................. 20

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ART- Anti retroviral treatment.

DICs- Dropping Centers.

FHAPCO- Federal and Regional HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Offices

HIV-Human Immune Deficiency

IGA- Income generating activities

ILO– International Labor Organization.

JICA– The Japan international Cooperation Agency.

M&E-Monitoring and Evaluation

MARPs – Most at Risk Populations

MDG – Millennium Development Goal.

NGO – Nongovernmental Organizations.

RH - Reproductive health program.

SWs – Sex Workers

SWOT analysis- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis.

TLHE- Timret Le Hiwot Ethiopia

PESTLE- Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental Analysis.

PLC–Private Limited Company.

USAID – United States Aid.

UNIDO – United Nations Industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and
environmental sustainability.

IEC – Information, Education and Communication

BCC – Behavioral Change Communication


Timret Lehiwot Ethiopia

Timret Lehiwot Ethiopia (TLHE) is a local nonprofit, nongovernmental organization

established in July 2004. Re registered on October 30, 2009 as Ethiopian Residents
Charity organization according to the new civil society’s legislation. TLHE with its
development partners has been contributing towards reducing HIV incidence and mitigate
the socioeconomic impact of HIV/AIDS in Addis Ababa and other regions of Ethiopia.


Creating Aspired, Inspired and Empowered Society

Mission Statement
Enlighten, serve and equip marginalized and hard to reach segment of the society.

Value Statements
• Love
• Place
• Tolerance
• Openness
• Kindness
• Equality
• Cooperation
• Trustworthiness
• Confidentiality
• Accountability
• Unity
• Patience
• Obedience
• Trustworthiness
• Mutual Care and Respect
• Selflessness
• Undertaking responsibility
• Competence
• Accountability

Environmental Scan (PESTEL) and SWOT Analysis

Political Analysis
Organization Program

Enabling Enabling
§ Legal identity, § Program/Project appraisal and
§ Participation in joint signing,
§ Government commitment to entertain § Joint supervision and evaluation,
issues, related to civil societies in a
§ Reporting and feedback,
separate agency(CHSA),
§ Availability of technical § Financial support ,
(supervision) and Financial supports,
§ Remittance allowance ( recognition), § Referral and networking.
§ Opportunity granted by government
§ Involvement in direct/indirect project
at present for NGO to engage in
implementation(beneficiary selection)
§ Women empowerment, § prohibition from involvement in
§ Peace and stability, advocacy(right issues)
§ Availability of statistics at
government level. § Prohibition from retaining project

Not Enabling Not Enabling

1. Categorization of civil societies, § Involvement of government in
2. Biased assumption and high direct/indirect project
expectation Awareness of implementation(beneficiary selection),
government officials on NGOs,
3. Lack of government assistance (land § Prohibition from involvement in
resource, capital resource), advocacy/right issues,
4. Lack of government support to
§ Prohibition from retaining project
retain fixed capital,
5. Composition of board members,
6. Gender imbalance in management
7. Bad governance and corruption,
8. Bureaucracy.

Economic Analysis
Organization Program

Enabling Enabling
§ Availability of skilled manpower in § Budget allocation
the market,
§ Availability of raw material § Cost effectiveness
§ Existing man power, assets(fixed
§ Effective budget /finance
§ Resource management system,
§ Eligibility to generate income(IGA),
§ Viability to access financial sources,
§ Donors attention (fund opportunity)
to Ethiopia due to high poverty,

Not Enabling Not Enabling

§ High staff cost, § Donors less interest to support some
§ Inflation, activities like HIV any longer,
§ Cost effective project implementation,
§ 70/30 guideline, § Prohibition from retaining project
§ Lack of local financial sources
§ Lack of soliciting our own source of
income (Donor dependency).

§ Market inflation.

Social and Cultural analysis
Organization Program

§ Commitment, transparency and Not enabling
accountability, § Vast existence of social problems
§ Operation at different cultural & ( inability to address the whole
geographical locations, issue)
§ Excellent gender composition,
§ Social problems/gaps in the society,
§ Low staff turnover,
§ Excellent social interaction among
§ Unavailability of language barrier,
§ Existence of good relationship with
grass root community
organizations( Idirs),
§ Availability of social gatherings,
fellowships, recognition within the
§ Tolerance and equal treatment within
the organization.

Organization Program

§ Having its own website,
§ Effective project implementation
§ Utilization of advanced techs
(computers… § Easy monitoring, evaluation and
§ Use of updated financial management reporting system
systems, database
§ Skilled labor

§ Easy information access,

technological resource (e.g. mobile

Not Enabling Not Enabling

§ Poor facility in relation with advanced § Poor facility (within the society)
§ High cost of technological

Organization & Program

§ Government attention /inviting legal Not Enabling
framework, § High cost of project implementation
§ Critical environmental problems,
§ Recent issue/ to involve in environment
§ Lack of attention from the side of the
community due to poverty or other

SWOT Analysis

Organization Program

§ Rich experience,
§ Efficient management and good § Good program design and
governance, objective,
§ Existence, § Diversified goals and activities,
§ Experience, § Scope of the program,
§ Innovative idea generation, § Feasibility of the program
§ Visionary, strategy,
§ Good relationship with government § Problem solving strategy.
and beneficiaries,
§ Good reputation of the organization,
§ Established offices and
communication in different regions of
the country,
§ Trust developed among beneficiaries,
§ Good partner relationships,
§ Recognition and reward systems.

§ Expertise knowledge and skills,

§ Multiple disciplinary staff ,
§ Experienced and committed staffs with
shared visions.

Organization Program

§ Multiple responsibility assumed
§ Absence of coordination offices, by a single staff,
§ Absence of financial software in field § Lack of building ownership
offices, with stakeholders and
§ Over stretched organization ‘s communities,
nationwide presence, § Lack of adequate monitoring
§ In availability of sufficient financial system.
and technical resources,
§ Inefficiency in exploiting local
sources of fund,
§ Dependency,
§ Centralized system,
§ Not self-sustaining,
§ Lack of diversification,
§ Lack of operation at the root causes,
§ Poor Communication system,
§ Work load on certain staff/department.

§ Inadequate administrative staff in the

field offices,
§ Low staff capacity building

Organization Program

• Feasible,
§ Legal registration, • Experience,
§ Organization structure, • Asset accumulation(availability of
§ Recognition and acceptance, resources in some projects),
§ Geographical coverage, • Government attention on
§ Participation in decision environment, health,
making/Good governance , • Government assistance in project
§ Unqualified financial management, monitoring and appraisal.
§ External fund, • Trust and acceptance of stake
§ Eligibility to engage in income holders,
generation, • Good relationship and
§ Decentralized government system, communication with partners,
§ supportive government policies and • Existence of donor communities,
strategies, • Availability of recent studies and
§ Diversified donor organizations. data.


§ Relatively competent human resource,
§ Young and energetic/Motivated.
§ Availability of Volunteers
§ Diversified experience and skills of the

Organization Program

§ High competition to secure fund, • Prohibited interventions (right),

§ Duplication of efforts with other • Government officials turnover,
organization, • Cost of supervision,
§ The new CSA legislation law, • Inflation,
§ Poor governance, • Office rent,
§ Bureaucracy • Lack of project diversification,
§ 70/30 regulation, • Dependency (societal factor) or
§ Inflation. change resistance.


§ Turnover
§ Market competition

In relation to the above; participants have forwarded the following points to be considered as an
action to be taken as a way forward:-

• Local resource mobilization and profit making,

• Establishment of resource mobilization department,
• Maintaining good relationship with the existing donor,
• Strength partnership with existing partners and donors including the government and
private foundations,
• Creating and maintaining strong networking,
• Generate staff capacity building schemes,
• Establish Strong supervision mechanisms,
• Consistent staff performance evaluation and motivation,

Key Result Areas

1. Provision of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS service.

2. Social Enterprise and ensuring sustainable organization development.
3. Women Empowerment
4. Creating a platform to advance, promote and preserve exiting – Art, culture and
sport for social advancement.
5. Enhancing environment and WASH program.

Key Result Area-1: - Provision of RH & HIV/AIDS Services

No Objective Activities Funding Source Performance
1. Objective.1:- Clinical Service USAID # of DICs

To mcreate provision at the 3

behavioral change DICs
among 36,000
MARPs to protect Peer education DKT/Goal/USAID # Session
themselves from training
2020 Coffee session # Session

Edutainment # Events

Outreach # Session

Alternative # SHG
income outlets for
sex workers
through IGA,
saving and credit

Promote and # condoms


Reach other most- # MARPs
at-risk groups (i.e.
Baulks, soldiers,
drivers and

Holistic service # Services

provision for FSW

2. Objective 2: Peer Education DKT/Goal/USAID # Session

To provide Distribution of RH # Materials

reproductive IEC and BCC
health services for materials
125,000 youth by
School and out of # Session

Promote and # Session

award pioneer

Provision of RH # Services
methods through
social marketing
and referral for
House maids,
displaced persons,
refugees, school
and out of school

Train health # Session

extension workers
and health service
providers on RH

Review #
implementation guidelines/protocol
plans, guidelines,
and protocols on
RH and HIV and

Develop guidelines/protocol
guidelines to
obtain and sustain
commitment to
integrated RH and
HIV services at all

3. Objective 2: Review guidelines/protocol
To strengthen the
plans, guidelines,
provision and use
and protocols on
of high-quality
RH and HIV and
integrated RH and
HIV services.

Develop clear guidelines/protocol

guidelines and
ensure a
approach towards

integrated RH and
HIV service

Develop guidelines/protocol
guidelines to
obtain and sustain
commitment to
integrated RH and
HIV services at all

Key Result Area-2: -Social Enterprise and Ensuring sustainable
organization development.
No Objective Activities Funding Source Performance
1. Objective.1:- Strengthen DKT/Goal/USAID # # Session
Partnership with
To create self-
government, Private
sector and the Public.
organization by
2020 Leasing land and Securing Lease
building TLHE Head land
Quarter and
beneficiaries working
and market place

Set up shega crafts, # products

soap and beauty

products scheme

Getting license for License

Income generation

Capacity building # trainings


Set up of # Services
consultancy, event
organizer, art and
culture services

Key Result Area-3: - Women Empowerment

No Objective Activities Funding Performance
Source Indicator
1. Objective 1 Provision of Trainings Number of target

focusing on : business beneficiaries trained
To increase and
development skills, life in vocational skill
diversify the training,
skills, leadership and
income of 1500 leadership…
management, production
marginalized and
capacity/adding value,
hard to reach rural
vocational skills, non
and urban women
business skills to
and youth by
increase self-confidence;
building their
capacity in Market development: Number

different Conduct value chain beneficiaries

CST, Other
vocational skills development of selected engaged in viable
local and
business and start
by the end of products and promote international
income generation

2021. these at displays and sources Number of

shops. promotions
conducted and
number of value
chain development

Provision of resources: Amount of money

credit/startup capital allocated and

and other inputs disbursed to


To establish poor and Number of SHGs

marginalized women in organized

self-help saving and

credit group ( saving
and internal lending

2. Objective 2 Peer education, CST, Other Number of non

counseling and psycho local and business skill

To empower 1500
social support , international trainings conducted
poor and hard to sources and %age of
reach rural and Non business skills to beneficiaries
urban women to increase self-confidence involved in social
exercise their and saving activities and

rights to access decision making.

social protection
and inclusion by
the end of 2021

3. Objective 3 Conduct need CST, Other Assessment

assessment on bio-fuel local and conducted on bio-

3.1. Create 200
energy international fuel energy need
sustainable sources
alternative source Provide awareness Awareness raising

of energy for 200 raising training on trainings provided

poor and hard to alternative sources of and Number of

beneficiaries trained
reach rural energy
households by the
Set up bio-fuel energies Number of bio-fuel
end of 2021 energies constructed
in selected households
3.1.To raise the
Scale Up Sew Ale
awareness of project in different cities
1,000,000 people beyond Addis Ababa
and green 25ha of
and Hawasa
Lobby, advocate and
distribute promotional

materials on
protection and greenery

Have regular review

meetings among
organizations working
on environmental

Provide various need-

based trainings on
protection to key

Secure 25ha of land for
toilet erection and

Key Result Area-4: - Creating a platform to advance, promote and

preserve exiting – Art, culture and sport for social advancement.
No Objective Activities Funding Source Performance
1. Objective.1:- To set up art and Number of art and

cultural center cultural centers

To empower 250
local and cultural Organizing national Number of

artisans by the end and international exhibitions

of 2021 exhibition organized

Promote through promotions

website, social conducted
medias, print-out

2. Promote healthy life Provide capacity Number of

style and good building (financial, capacity building
behavior in sport technical and services
activities. material ) services provided
for youth centers,
Communal, DKT/Goal/USAID

Lobby national awareness

sport teams to created
promote Ethiopian
culture on their

Fan development

3. To create awareness organizing Art
and inspiration exhibition
among youths
organizing mass
through art, culture
sport and Art,
and sport
Culture and Sport

road shows

Art competition

promoting cultural

poem nights,


4. creating a self- Establishment of

sustaining organizational
mechanisms strong art, culture
through art, culture and sport
department as well
and sports by
as Indoor and
preserving and
Outdoor Games in
enhancing the local
identity and
uniqueness establishment of
strong IGA group
under it

Creating and
maintaining strong
partnership with
stake holders and
other business

focusing on
innovative and
profitable business
Twining like producing
with movies
and friend
countries, Twining with
Cities, clubs Europe Football
and Clubs, Cities and
Embassies Organizations in
for Culture, the other part of the
Knowledge world
Exchange Pen paling
friendship creation
and cultural

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