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The Vacuum’s

A story told by Eva Hutchings
Once upon a time, there were two vacuums and they loved
each other very much. They almost spent all their time with
each other, and almost always stayed together. One day, the
husband (Eli) went into the woods to hunt.

The wife (Rose) went outside, waiting for her husband to return
so she could cook. However, she didn’t see a suspicious hole
right in front of her, and fell in! She landed in a rocky, cave like
hole. She looked around, groaning in pain. As she looked, she
saw a ruff, rugged train track and some old supplies. She had
landed right in what seemed to look like an old mineshaft!

She soon noticed that there was no way out, and she would
have to look for an exit. So, she got up, thinking that this might
not be so bad after all.

When Eli got back from his hunt, and looked around for Rose.
When he didn’t find her, he started to get worried. He tried to
decide if he should call the police or just keep looking. He
finally decided that he would keep looking for a little while
longer. So he looked in every single spot of the house. When
he still couldn’t find her, he decided he should call the police.
The police told him that they would come over as fast as they
could to look for his wife. When the police got there, they
asked if he had already looked for her, and he said yes. Then he
answered multiple questions about Rose.

Meanwhile, Rose heard a bang above her, and it got dark. She
suddenly realized that this was no ordinary hole; it had a trap
door that opened and closed. It must have fallen down!
Rose squinted into the darkness, trying to find light, but had no
success, and she wailed; worried and scared. Then she saw a
tiny light, and went toward it, feeling around her on her way.
As she got closer, she saw that it was torchlight, from a lit
torch! She grabbed it as soon as she got there and looked
around. She spotted a rusted cart on the track, with a chest in
it. She ran to it and saw it was not locked, so she pried the rusty
chest open, finding a map.

Soon, the police had enough information to start looking. They

had asked questions to distract Eli, hoping Rose would show up.
They were thinking Rose thought Eli was gone a long time,
longer than usual, so she went upstairs to her room, and when
Eli got home, they both started looking for each other, and they
lost each other! They waited so long though, they knew that
wasn’t the case; and told Eli to wait a day to see if she would
come back.
Meanwhile, Rose had looked at the map, and found an exit!
Also on the way, she would pass gold, and all she had to do was
ride the- Creak, Creeeeak! The cart creaked, and started to
move. Oh no! Rose thought, that’s the only fast way to get to
the gold and exit! The cart moved faster. I have to get
in…NOW! She tried to get in, but the cart was moving too fast.
Oh no! Now what am I going to do? Rose thought as she
watched the cart roll down the rails.

Rose watched the cart until it was out of sight. She lowered her
head in dismay, for she had a long way until she even caught
sight of the gold and exit.
Later, back at the house, Eli was angry because the police didn’t
help him, so he set off by himself---right over the mineshaft
Rose landed in!
He continued on, not knowing what lay beneath him--his wife!
He looked everywhere. He looked at various shops and
markets that Rose loved, and asked the people at the desks if
they had seen Rose, but they all said no. He became even more
worried until a thought hit him. What if she is at home now?
So he rushed home, hopeful but he had no luck. She was
nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, in the mineshaft, Rose had started to follow the

map, but came across a problem. Right in front of her, was a
dark cliff with a bridge. However the bridge was unsteady and
most likely could only hold light weight. She put 1 foot on the
bridge, pushing down hard. It seemed to be sturdy, surprisingly.
CRASH! Rose's whole leg sank down below the bridge, and she
screamed. It had taken her by surprise, and she fought hard to
get her leg out. Crrrrreeeeeek! The bridge started to fall. If she
didn't get her leg out in time, she could be history!

Back at the house, Eli was sitting on the couch with his
shoulders slumped. He had tried everything to find his wife, but
he just had no success. He knew his wife could get lost or
kidnapped, and Eli wanted neither of those to happen to his
sweet wife. Eli loved Rose very much, and he wanted no one to
hurt her. He went upstairs to Rose's room and looked at her
various rock and jewel collections that reminded him of her
sweet, sweet heart, and how much he missed her.

Meanwhile, in the mineshaft, Rose was struggling to stay alive.

If the bridge fell any further, she could fall to her doom!
Suddenly, she felt a strong hand grip onto her, and it pulled her
out! She tried to see the person that pulled her out, but the
dark figure disappeared into the mineshaft quickly, too quick to
see who it was. She tried not to worry about it, because she
knew she should get home as soon as possible. Rose, too, loved
her sweetheart very much and didn't want him to be worried
about her, so she knew she should try to find the exit as soon as
possible, and her husband.

Back at the house, Eli decided he should go somewhere to take

his mind off of Rose and his worry. He thought the beach would
be a good idea, because of the smooth sand, but he was wrong.
It just reminded him of Rose's smooth, beautiful smile. Then he
went to the pool, because he thought the shimmering water
would take his worry off his mind, but again he was wrong. The
shimmering water just reminded him of Rose's shimmering
eyes whenever he looked into them. Then he went home and
went up to Rose's room once more. He knew no better place
than her room. This time, instead of reminding him of his
worry, it reminded him of beautiful Rose and the times they
had together. Instead of feeling his worry, he felt his happiness
back when she was there.
Back at the mineshaft, Rose looked at her problem, then the
rope. Surprisingly, the rope was very handy for this problem.
For some reason, there was a metal hook-like thing at the top
of the mountain. Rose assumed that the people who worked in
the mines probably put that up there so that they could get
over the mountain, and left the rope there, also so they could
get over the mountain. Rose knew what she had to do. She had
to throw the rope onto the hook, and pull herself up. Then she
could slide down the other side, holding onto the rope, and

Meanwhile, at the house, Eli wondered where Rose could have

wandered off to. All his worry was off his shoulders now, and so
he was calmer than stressed, and more confident than weak.
But he felt like he had checked everywhere and he still couldn’t
find her. Then he had an idea. “Why don’t I stop worrying about
this and relax?” So he lay down, thought of finding Rose, and
fell asleep. A couple hours later, Eli woke, startled. While
asleep, he had a vision. A vision of Rosy. A vision of where she
was. When he heard her cry, he awakened to find himself on
the couch. Well, he thought, that certainly helped! As he filled
up with joy, he realized that he had not felt this feeling for a
loooooong time, and he felt happier than ever.

Back at the mountain, Rose was struggling to pull herself up, to

the top, and kept slipping. She was almost there when, SLIP!
She slipped and fell. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She screamed,
landing on the ground with a THUD, THUD. ”Ohhhhhh…” She
wailed, bruised and very hurt. She had almost used all of her
energy, and was panting for breath. So she decided she would
rest, maybe even sleep in the cave. It wasn’t that bad in the
cave. It was more like… scary. Not surprisingly, she didn’t bring
anything except what she was wearing, because she wasn’t
planning on falling!!! So, she looked around. While she was
looking, she saw a rock that looked like a long, long bench, and
she sat on it, sighing, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh… I guess I won’t be
seeing Eli for a while… and our fortune…” she gasped for
breath. Lying down made her sleepy, but, wait, what was that?
“Can it be? Yes, yes!” She spotted a blanket that was a little
ripped and torn, and she grabbed it. She laid it on the rock,
because it was cold. Then she laid down, sighing softly, and fell
Back home, Eli was so happy, he thought he wouldn’t sleep, but
at last it started to get dark, and he started to feel sleepy. As
he lay down, he thought to himself, if I’m sleeping, why
shouldn’t Rosy? I hope she finds somewhere to sleep. If not,
she’ll be laying on hard rock, wherever she is. So he knew he
couldn’t look now that she was somewhere sleeping, so he fell
asleep. The next morning, Eli was eager to start looking. He
had written down his vision, and he found the picture. He
pictured all the things that happened, and how she fell and how
the trapdoor closed on her. He pictured her lying on the
blanket, fast asleep. That was it. That was the picture. So, he
set off.

Back at the cave, Rosy felt awake, and felt sunshine on her face.
Suddenly, she sat straight up, wondering where the light came
from. What? She thought, how is there- She stopped as she
spotted a small crack in the ceiling above her. Oh. That’s where
it’s coming from. I wonder why I didn’t notice that before. She
was confused. Then she remembered. Ohhh…I thought I saw a
star somewhere.

Swoosh! A dark figure brushed by in the distance. Wait a

minute. Wasn't that the same dark figure that had saved her
from her doom? She had to catch up to him! He wanted to
know who he was and why he saved her. She started zooming
after the dark figure and yelled, "Please stop! I wanted to say
thank you!" She turned and twisted. She dipped and jumped,
and finally jumped into a big room in the cave where the dark
figure said, "Who are you? Where did you come from?" Rose
answered, "I-I-I was the o-one you save-save-saved...I wanted
to s-s-say thanks." Her voice shook while she spoke, giving the
dark figure enough courage to trust her.
Back at the house, Eli eagerly ran across the yard, looking for a
weird patch of grass. After 10 minutes or so, Eli stepped on a
patch of grass, but it felt like wood. He knew that this was the
trapdoor that Rose fell into, and he tried to yank it open, but it
was stuck. He soon realized that he would have to pry it open,
and so he went to the garage to get a screwdriver. After he had
got it, he ran back and felt the patch of grass for the trap. Then
he pulled and pulled and pulled and then...POP!!! The trapdoor
came crashing open, making Eli fall backwards on his back.
"Ouch," Eli said, "That hurt!" Slowly, he got up. "Oh… I guess I’ll
need some rope to get in and out if I'm going to save Rose." So,
he went to the garage and got some rope. Then, he got a big
nail and a big hammer. What he did next was very impressive.
He built his own little rope-holder to hang the rope on, so he
could get down and up without having to hang the rope onto a
tree or something. It didn't take that long, but he knew every
second counted. It took about a half hour, and he didn't want
to waste a minute longer. He quickly tied the rope to the rope-
holder, making sure that the knots were tight so when he slid
down, he would not fall, but smoothly slide down.

Meanwhile, in the cave, the dark figure revealed his mask.

"John?!" Rose said, angrily. “What are you doing here!? You
scared me so bad!!!" "Sorry, I used to work down in these
mines, but everyone died or left. I'm sorry! I am really really
sorry!" John replied. "Well, why were you dressed dark? What,
were you trying to scare me on purpose? You will not keep me
here. So be quiet, and let me tell you something." "What?"
John replied. "I need help getting out of here. Please, please,
please tell me you know how to get out of here." They looked
at each other and there was a moment of silence between
them. Then John spoke up. "I'm sorry, but I've been stuck in
here…for years. I don't know how to get out either. I saw a cart
go by a little over three days ago. I don't know how that cart
started moving, but apparently it did." "W-w... That was me!!!
Rose stuttered, "I... how...*sigggggh* I need help John, I
thought you would always be there for me to help." Then she
turned her back and started walking away. “Wait!" John said,
"Please don't leave me here! I'll help you get around! I'll come
with you and I won't bother you again! I promise!!" "Hmmm..."
Rose said, "Y'now what, you can come with me.” "Thanks so
much!" Replied John, "You're welcome.” Said Rosy. And so,
they set off.

At the house, Eli had slid down the rope, looked at the long
path and said, "You know what, I think I'm just going to walk
over the mineshaft… Or cave, whatever it is." So, he climbed up.
Then he said, "I think I've got a map of the place… Let's just see
if I can get around. If I know where that cave leads, I can walk
over it.”
Eli went into the garage and found the map, in his never-used
stuff. “Hmmm…” He said, “I thought I had that in the mining
stuff.” Then he remembered when he used to work in the
mines, long, long ago. When he didn’t know at all about Rose.

That was when I was about 10! He thought, digging through his
mining supplies. Then he went back out to the hole, and
started marking a path where the mineshaft was.
Meanwhile, below the ground, Rose and John were continuing
on the trail. Rose had the map and John had the
directions. Soon they stopped to rest. "What's that?" Rose
asked, confused. "I don't know," John replied, "let's find
out." So they looked into the gleaming whore and
gasped. There was the gold! Just sitting there in front of their
eyes. "That… That must mean we're close to the exit!" Rose
exclaimed, shaking with excitement.

Then she saw John, staring in front of them not moving. "What
is it, John?" she asked, worried. "I… I… I see…" John stuttered.
"What? You see what?" Rose replied.
"The exit..." came the faint words from John. He started to get
pale then suddenly, jumped up and celebrated. "I'm finally
getting out of here!!! I'm finally getting out of here!!!" Soon,
Rose joined him, and they both sang, "We're finally getting out
of here!!! We're finally getting out of here!!!" Then they
continued, the exit just ahead. Hmmm... I feel like were missing
something…*gasp* we forgot the gold! "Wait, John wait!" She
exclaimed, trying to catch up to her best friend. "What is it

In the yard, Eli was still marking the path when he heard a
sound. Cre-cre-creeeaaak!
What was that? He thought, shaking. Well it's not nighttime
yet... wait! Could that be…?
*pant* *pant* "Phew!" Came a voice, a familiar voice. Eli
twirled his head around, and saw the grass shake. Rustle!
Rustle! Rustle! Came the noise, swiftly. He took a look at the
patch of grass, then saw it was another trap door! Quickly and
excitedly he took a yank at the trap door, and it tumbled open.
With it came Rose and John, carrying a gold nugget! "Where
were you?!?!" Both of them yelled at the same time. "I've been
looking for you everywhere! I'm glad to know you're safe." Eli
cried. "Me too," Rose replied, "I first, dropped in this trapdoor
that was open, then there was a huge wall and-" "Woah, woah,
woah, you need to slow down a little bit. How about we go
inside and we'll talk about this. I am not losing you again." Eli
said, nervously. "It's getting dark. How about some dinner for
all of us? John will be staying here with us tonight." Rose
replied, "I'll tell you the story tomorrow." She added, a grin on
her face.
So, they went back home to eat dinner and get a good night's

The next morning...

*yaaaaaawwwwnnn*... Ahhh... Time to go check on Rose...
Eli had promised last night that he would always check on Rose
and check everywhere in the house if she was not in her room.
So he got up and upstairs and looked in her room and saw if
you were sound asleep, snuggling up in her bed, right where
she was supposed to be. Then he checked on John's room. He
wasn't there. He looked downstairs in the kitchen, and there he
was sitting and eating his breakfast. "Hi, John." Eli said in a
whisper. "Rose is still sleeping, so make sure to be quiet."
"Okay," John squeaked quietly, "but I want to say goodbye
before I go, so make sure that I can stay long enough to say
goodbye." "I'll try my best, but for now I think I'm going to get
some breakfast." Both of them laughed quietly, and hung out
for a while until Rose got up. Once Rose got up, John said, "I'm
sorry I have to go. My parents will be so happy to know."

"That's OK. I understand that you would like to see your

parents, but can you visit sometimes?" Rose answered,
quietly. "Sure!" John said with a smile, "I'd love to!"
So John went back home, and Rose and Eli went outside
together, making sure to avoid any traps. "Hey, do you want to
start that dinner over?" They both laughed. They knew they
might have a lot of more adventures, and now they knew how
to prepare for them.

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