Intan Lidya Pratami (132122128)

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Name : Intan Lidya Pratami

Class : 6C

NPM : 132122128

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

Before contracting Researh on ELT subject, my opinion about research is something that is
very difficult. Hearing the story from the senior in campus, research is very difficult to do it.
The idea to do research is ‘0’. Really no idea. Moreover, does not know what method should
be used and should do when doing research. But after attending a class-by-class of Research
on ELT in every week, some ideas appeared. In fact, Teaching by Pak Junjun is very fun and
easy to understand, every week a new topic ideas are also appeared. Although, unfortunately
not accompanied 'read read read' because the ideas were only survive a week or even less.

But in the end, I have two topics were prepared, and read some journal before I proposed my
topic. First, I proposed a topic regarding teaching style of a teacher who comes from the
Javanese that teaching in Sundanese school. But the topic was rejected. So, I was already
preparing two topics and proposed immediately my second topic regarding on mobile devices
(mobile phone). How to enrich the vocabulary using a mobile phone with English language
settings. For example, my sister used to use Indonesian setting, quite confused when I change
the language setting into English. When he asked me, I did not answer the phone but give my
mother phone whose the applications are quite similar. And he compares the name of the
name of the application or notification information with mobile cell phone my mother until
she started to get used to. For example, she knows, 'pesan' is 'messages', ‘setelan’ is ‘setting’
and so on.

Futhermore in Research on ELT class, I was quite happy when Pak Junjun was always active
in social media. So close to the students and do not hesitate to share some journal that is
'JOSS'. A lot of references, sometimes I was confused which one should be read first.

Although, since you approve my second topic, I didn’t brave to consult regarding the title. I
did not brave because I was embarrassed if it should be sharing in group chat or facebook
group. If personal chat, I'm afraid if you think I am asking for the title as a ‘modus’. I drop
when see the others had a ‘JOSS’ title. They even have making an abstract. I’m in depression.

However, thanks to it that I was motivated to pursue the friends who already have the ‘JOSS’
title and started some discussion with my friends. The motivation from Pak Junjun that I had
to keep reading, Finally, I can submit to fill proposed supervisor form not long after you
launch the form. With the title, Vocabulary Enrichment: Semiotic Sign and English Language
Setting on Mobile Device. Of course, because I never consult the title, the title is still much to
be repaired or even unacceptable.

I am very grateful to Pak Junjun, because you always brighten my gloom about the new
method in each week. References from you are very helpful. Also, very grateful for this
workshop. It’s just one day, but new ideas reappeared, fut for now I will focus on titles that I
submitted on the propose form.

I apologize for this task that is should be telling the opinion before and after signing Research
on ELYT subjects, but I made it to vent. However, I'm really thankful and grateful for the
motivation and references that you gave to me. Thanks.

Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

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