Iaeste 2017

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The International Association for the Exchange of Students for

Technical Experience
An independent non-governmental organisation (NGO), with 84
Members and Co-operating Institutions in operational relations with
UNESCO. The IAESTE name and logo are the registered properties
of IAESTE, the International Association for the Exchange of Students
for Technical Experience.
Founded in 1948 on the initiative of James Newby (1893 – 1978).
Established in 2005 as a registered, non-profit making Association.

Published by IAESTE A.s.b.l. IAESTE 2017. All rights reserved. ISBN

978-99959-0-107-3 (print), ISBN 978-99959-0-108-0 (digital), ISSN
2409-0301 (digital)

Edited by: Olga Legacka, Bruce Wicks, Tim Binnion

Layout and Design: Tim Binnion
Proof Reading: Bruce Wicks, Tim Binnion, Christina Vakomies

Federal University of Vicosa photo by Mateus S. Figueiredo, licensed under Creative

Canadian Rocky Mountains photo by James Wheeler, licensed under Creative Commons

Distributed for circulation to all Members and Co-operating

Institutions. Copies are available from IAESTE National Secretariats
in Member countries, from IAESTE Co-operating Institutions or from
the IAESTE Board: board@iaeste.org

Chinese and foreign IAESTE trainees in Shanghai gather for a group photo during the day’s activities
IAESTE China Article Page 61
Welcome from the President 2
We are IAESTE 3
Impact on International Understanding: Exchange Report 8

Exchange Highlights
25 Years of IAESTE Tajikistan 15
Water Board of Lemesos 18
UNESP and IAESTE: Including and improving the lives of paraplegic people in Brazil 21
UFV Brazil and IAESTE 22
Japan was Never on My Dream List 25
From Kenya to Chicago 29
Taking the Step 30
Objective Sharing from ISTNU: A long-lasting Partner of IAESTE Vietnam 33
My IAESTE Internship at ISTNU, Vietnam 36
Glasgow’s New IAESTE Employer 39
Events and Networking
70th Annual Conference in Seoul 43
6th Annual Alumni Conference 47
New Exchange Platform: The Story of its Creation 49
IAESTE Careers Fairs 52
32nd Strategic IAESTE Development in Skopje 55
IAESTE China: Taking a Ride on the Innovation Wave in China 58
IAESTE China’s Mission X 61
A Colourful Summer 65
Destination: Central Europe 66
The Story of the Central European Region 66
Local Committee Dresden’s Summer Reception 69
How to feel the passion for IAESTE? 71
IAESTE Slovenia: Building Networks Between Members and Alumni 72
70th Anniversary in 2018 74
New Beginnings for IAESTE Canada 75
Testimonials: Work. Experience. Discover. 77
IAESTE Organisation
New Website 83
Career Partners 84
Who is Who: IAESTE Organisation 87
IAESTE Employers and Academic Institutions 90

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 1


Dear IAESTE Friends and Supporters,
Welcome to the 2017 IAESTE Annual Review!

I sometimes think about a student in metallurgical engineering who

from the
undertook an IAESTE traineeship in a factory in France in the early 60’s,
where he met Algerian workers. They started to speak about Algerian
independence and this encouraged him to gain Masters and Doctoral
degrees in political science, reorienting his whole life. He has been, and
still is, a successful scientist in climate-related impact on societies.

Again and again, from people young and old, we hear that the IAESTE
experience changed their lives, many times sending them on a different
course to the one they had originally intended.
Together with students, academics, employers and government agencies,
we have worked for nearly 70 years to give young people, not only the This year we have a made a significant step in improving our exchange,
opportunity to learn about their future work activities in a real environment, making it more flexible for all stakeholders and more effective in
but also to give them the unique chance to do it in a cultural environment administration. The Exchange Platform, our new IT tool for managing the
totally different to the one they grew up in. Some of their stories are exchange process, is now available for students and employers to use. We Professor Bernard Baeyens,
featured in this Annual Review. In this last year alone we have changed would like to thank Smart Simple Ltd of Dublin, an IAESTE employer, for
lives of 3497 students. their support in developing this essential tool. President,
In the real world, where many times easy solutions are proposed for very Our goal is to operate a consistent year-round exchange, meeting the
complex problems, this preparation for a multicultural world makes a needs of companies and students around the world. As we head towards
difference. It is fair to say that we are needed as much today as we were our 70th Anniversary year, please enjoy this Annual Review and we hope
in the 1930s when the IAESTE idea formed in the mind of our founder Mr it inspires you to work with us.
James Newby of the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee (UK).
Bernard Baeyens
We are especially proud of working with people from all countries,
sometimes political opponents, without segregation of any kind. Our
mission is to help all mankind and to make a better world for everyone. President
IAESTE A.s.b.l.


We are
Our Mission
• To operate a high quality practical training exchange programme
between members in order to enhance technical and professional

• To promote international understanding, co-operation and trust
amongst students, academic institutions, employers and the wider
• To operate irrespective of race, colour, gender, culture, religious or
political beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or
• To promote non-discriminatory practices

Our Aims
• To provide students in higher education with technical experience
Representatives from IAESTE countries at the 2017 Annual Conference in
relevant to their studies
Incheon, Republic of Korea
• To offer employers well-qualified and motivated trainees
• To be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host
What We Do communities
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical
Experience, Association sans but lucratif (non-profit association), commonly Our Values
known as IAESTE A.s.b.l. is an association of national committees In IAESTE we are committed to fostering international understanding and
representing academic, industrial and student interests. We serve 4000 impacting on the development of young people through international
students, 3000 employers and 1000 academic institutions through career- exchange. Our core values of friendship, trust, respect, professionalism,
focused professional internships abroad, social and intercultural reception development and intercultural cooperation serve as a foundation for our
programmes, international networking and other career and employer strong organisational culture and as the principles that guide all our work
branding activities in 82 countries and on each continent. and daily activities.

IAESTE Annual Review 2017



• Austria
Asia Pacific
• Afghanistan
Middle East
• Egypt

• Belarus • Australia • Iran
• Belgium • Bangladesh • Israel
• Bosnia and Herzegovina • China including Hong Kong • Jordan
• Croatia SAR and Macao SAR • Lebanon
• Cyprus • DPR Korea • Oman
• Czech Republic • India • Palestine

• Denmark • Indonesia • Qatar
New countries joined • F.Y.R. Macedonia • Japan • Saudi Arabia
in 2016-17 • Finland • Kazakhstan • Syria
• Germany • Mongolia • United Arab Emirates
• Greece • Nepal

• Hungary • New Zealand
Countries in IAESTE • Ireland
• Lithuania
• Pakistan
• Philippines
network • Malta • Republic of Korea • Argentina
• Netherlands • Sri Lanka • Bolivia
• Norway • Tajikistan • Brazil
• Poland • Thailand

• Canada
• Portugal • Turkey • Chile
Local committees • Romania • Uzbekistan • Colombia
• Russia • Vietnam • Ecuador
• Serbia • Jamaica
• Slovakia • Mexico
• Slovenia

• Nicaragua
• Spain • Panama
• Sweden
Volunteers • Switzerland • Gambia • Peru
• Ghana • USA
• Ukraine
• United Kingdom • Kenya
• Mozambique
• Nigeria
• South Africa
• Tanzania
• Tunisia

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 5


Our History
The Association was founded in January 1948 at Imperial College, Each year the Annual Conference brings together the representatives of
London, on the initiative of the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee. these bodies to decide on issues of general policy and, with the IAESTE
National Organisations from ten European countries attended this meeting Co-operating Institutions, to carry out the exchange of offers for training.
and became Members and Mr. James Newby was elected General We have 82 members and co-operating institutions and are present on
Secretary. The geographical coverage soon spread to most of Europe each continent. Each national office is responsible for the administration
and beyond, as new countries were granted membership. The Association of the exchange in its own country. Sometimes IAESTE national offices
became a registered body according to Luxembourg law at its General are run by students and academics together, which makes us a unique
Conference 2005 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. organisation working across generations.

Our International Relations

The Association is an independent, non-political and non-governmental
body, in consultative partnership with the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and maintains consultative
relationships with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the
International Labour Office (ILO).

IAESTE is also in contact with the United Nations Economic Council

for Africa (ECA), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the
Organisation of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU), as
well as with other educational non- governmental organisations.

Our Structure & Network

The Association is a confederation of National Committees representing
academics, industry and student spheres of interest. Each National
Committee is responsible for the administration of the exchange in its
own country. Membership is given after the establishment of a National
Committee in accordance with IAESTE Statutes and By-laws, together with Organising committee members and delegates at the 2017 Annual Conference Czech student Lenka Kaderábková wearing Vietnamese Dress and one of her
a responsible permanent Secretariat. For countries without a National in Seoul supervisors Ms. Nguyen Thanh Tan, Lecturer at ISTNU
Committee, it is possible to participate in the exchange as a cooperating


How to Receive
International Contact the IAESTE Submit an offer of The offer is exchanged IAESTE foreign committee selects Student’s nomination is

Trainees at
committee in your country training with another country and nominates the best student presented to the
according to your criteria employer

Your Company
Employer report form
Visa/work permits are Accommodation and social Training and intercultural
Student accepted arranged by the IAESTE reception arranged by experience
office in your country IAESTE in your country

The IAESTE exchange programme in short

Business oriented: Employer led selection process:
• IAESTE trainees are ideally placed to carry out short-term projects and • Employers can stipulate criteria such as: subject area; specialisation;
to help develop new business opportunities overseas. level of study; technical experience, language requirements and
• Intercultural experience: IAESTE students bring an international duration.
dimension to the workplace as well as fresh ideas and different, often • Students are selected according to employers’ requirements through a
innovative perspectives. stringent, 3-tier selection process from a pool of over 1000 universities
• Hassle free procedure: IAESTE in your country will provide expertise in worldwide.
navigating necessary visa/work authorisation and support/arrange • Employers are expected to pay students a wage sufficient to cover
accommodation. Letting IAESTE take care of the details will leave you their cost of living during the actual training periods.
hassle-free to get the most out of the traineeship, while your intern will • Students must be insured against accidents and illness and they also
be socially integrated in your country. pay their own travel costs.

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 7

Exchange Report

Impact on
“I learnt a lot in terms of my work experience in a lab, accepted
challenges which I didn’t know I had in me to tackle as well as
experienced whole new cultures, languages, cuisines & beer! My

IAESTE internship was honestly, the best thing I have ever done!” says
Rajon Bhuiyan, Automotive Engineering student from Bangladesh,
after his 5 month traineeship in Germany.

Since 1948 over 357,000 trainees have had life-changing experiences

thanks to the IAESTE exchange programme. They lived and worked in
a country and culture very different to their own - all for promoting
international understanding. Rajon is one of 3497 students who
gained his professional experience with IAESTE in 2016. It was only
possible thanks to 2500 employers and 900 universities cooperating
Exchange Report
with IAESTE committees in over 85 countries last year.

IAESTE exchange programme development in 2016

357,740 students have gained work experience abroad with IAESTE
since 1948 and 3497 of them in 2016, which is comparable to the
previous year. 357,740 3497 Olga Legacka,
Students since 1948 Students in 2016
In 2016 we introduced an entirely new IT tool (the Exchange Platform - www. 1948-2015 (99%) 2016 (1%) Development Manager,
iaeste.net) that enabled the management of the whole exchange process
to be done online, by employers, students and IAESTE administrators. The
Exchange Platform will also provide data about the quality of traineeships. Whole Year Exchange

We continue to focus on the Whole Year Exchange approach, so more

and more traineeships are available outside of the Northern Hemisphere’s

10% 15%
summer period to meet the expectations of students and employers. In
2016, 15% of our total exchanges were handled through Whole Year
Exchange systems (COBE, FCFS) vs. 10% in 2015.
2015 2016
(percentage of COBE, FCFS in total number of traineeships)

8 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Exchange Report

Comparison of Placement Duration

Top Fields ofTop Fields of Training
Profile of the student trainee and work experience
IAESTE operates irrespective of gender – in 2016 we had 55% male and
Comparison of Placement Duration Training
45% female trainees.
43% Engineering
Profile of Trainee

20% Other Science
55% 45% 20%
Male Female
11% Computer & IT Science
19 22.7 35 0%
1-2 months Less than 3 3-6 months 6-12 months Over 12 months
Age Range months

10% Architecture

The average IAESTE trainee is almost 23 years old and is an undergraduate One in three trainees in 2016 performed office work, dealt with special
student. Graduate students (studying master’s degrees) represent 25% of project work, possibly in a design office, in technical management or in
trainee population. testing services.
10% Bio-Medical

Placement duration: 6-8 and up to 12 week traineeships are the most On-site or assembly work related to the production proces, where students
popular (77% of all traineeships). However, in 2016 longer traineeships gain experience in the hands-on working environment was the less popular
3% Business & Management
(6-12 months) were more popular than in 2015. (6% trainees).

Most of trainees worked on R&D projects (59%). Offers in this category Top fields of training
are often laboratory-based and deal with specialised work. They entail IAESTE is focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 2% Agriculture
some element of diagnostic analysis, testing and evaluation and have as there is an increasing need for people educated in STEM fields and
some theoretical content. for high quality practical training in higher education, but is also active in
management and multidisciplinary fields of study.
1% Applied Arts

Exchange Report

Students Sent
As usual, the majority of trainees in 2016 were students in engineering Europe continues to be the most popular destination for traineeships and. The IAESTE exchange programme is based on a bilateral balanced
and science (84%). The remaining 22% are divided between architecture, However, the number of traineeships performed in non-European countries exchange between members countries. Most member countries attempt
business and management, agriculture and applied arts. These figures are is increasing, accounting for 42% of the number of all students sent in to maintain a balance between outgoing and incoming students but an
quite stable and change only by a few percentage points from one year 2016. The open international exchange is clearly illustrated by the number exact bilateral balance is rarely possible within any given year. Only long-
to the next. of members and co-operating institutions that exchange with each other. term balance is sought. This flexibility is needed to support the proper
In 2016 each member country and co-operating institution exchanged allocation of places and the selection of the appropriate students. In 2016,
The most popular fields of study are: Mechanical Engineering (467 on average with 15 other member countries and co-operating institutions. 37 member countries and co-operating institutions received more students
students), IT and Computer Science (389), Electrical Engineering (332), than they sent abroad and this benefited 41 other member countries and
Architecture (331), Civil Engineering (288) and Chemistry (282). cooperating institutions.

TopTopSTEM Fields
STEM Fields of Training
of Training Top
Top Destination
Destination Regions
Regions Top
TopDestination Countries
Destination Countries

59% 17% 11% 14% 8%

Europe Asia Pacific Americas Germany Poland
4% Brazil
9% Middle East 4% Africa 4% India 4% Spain 4% Switzerland
Mechanical Computer Science Electrical
Engineering 389 students Engineering
467 students 332 students
Top Sending
Sending Regions
Regions 2016
2016 Total

58% 16% 13%

Europe Asia Pacific Americas
3497 Trainees
Architecture Civil Engineering Chemistry 9% Middle East 4% Africa
331 students 288 students 282 students

Exchange Report

Participating Employers and Educational Institutions International skills & intercultural communication, not just
IAESTE is an employer-led programme, meaning students are selected practical experience
according to employers’ requirements, which can stipulate criteria such The IAESTE exchange programme is unique, thanks to our personal
as: subject area; specialisation; level of study; technical experience, approach. Before and during the internship, IAESTE provides assistance
language requirements and duration. 2255 employers and 894 to employers and trainees with finding accommodation and solving visas
Educational Institutions cooperated with IAESTE in 2016. We are pleased and work permit issues.
to acknowledge their continued support.
IAESTE social reception programmes are famous worldwide. Every summer
over 100 international weekend events are organised. 3000 volunteers
take care of international evenings, sightseeing tours, city games, sport

activities and much more, and help the trainees fully participate in the daily
life of the local community.

Today, most employers require a trainee to have some previous experience

Educational Czech trainee Lenka Kaderábková in a meeting with staff members of ISTNU
before considering a curriculum, but global competences are gaining in
importance. International traineeships where a multicultural environment
Institutions Vietnam
and foreign languages present additional challenges develop skills such as
adaptability, interpersonal and communication skills, time management,

confidence and team working. Being part of an international group permits
trainees to build networks that will help them in their future career.


Activity Report - For More Detailed Information

The 2016 IAESTE Activity Report contains more details on the bilateral
exchanges. Readers interested in this report may order a copy from the
IAESTE national secretariat in their own country or from the Board.
Trainee Jiri Panos outside the Water Board of Lemesos, Cyprus

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 11

Exchange Highlights

25 Years
Tajikistan joined the IAESTE family as a cooperating institution at the
General Conference in Germany in 1992 . The National Committee of
IAESTE Tajikistan was founded by the Rector of the Technological University
of Tajikistan, Dr. Pulat Pulatov, who has been the National Secretary of

IAESTE Tajikistan from 1992 to the present day. In 1996 at the IAESTE
General Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, IAESTE Tajikistan became
a full member of IAESTE. We are proud that IAESTE Tajikistan was one of
the first National Committees among other post-Soviet countries to become
a full member of IAESTE.

Tajikistan In 2005 during the IAESTE General Conference in Cartagena, Columbia,

IAESTE Tajikistan was one of the founder members of IAESTE A.s.b.l. In
2008 during the IAESTE National Conference in Jordan the National
Secretary of IAESTE Tajikistan Dr. Pulat Pulatov was elected to the IAESTE
Board from 2008-2011.
IAESTE Tajikistan delegation with international friends at the Annual
Conference in Cartagena, Colombia in 2005
In 2009 Dr. Pulat Pulatov initiated the establishment of the Asian IAESTE
Forum and was the Chairman of the Asian IAESTE Forum from 2009- Throughout the years, we have observed changes in the growing demand
Odil Abdulkhakov, 2014. In 2013, IAESTE Tajikistan’s project ‘IAESTE-help for future careers for quality education and improvements of skills of the prospective
through international experience and intercultural dialogue” was selected applicants. The profile of the exchange students has also been changing
Executive Director, as one of three top projects in the “Living Together Peacefully in a Diverse to reflect the realities of the job market. The strict selection criteria subjects

IAESTE Tajikistan World” award contest arranged by UNOPS. Deputy National Secretary
Mr. Odil Abdulkhakov was invited to the award presentation in Baku,
the prospective candidates to a tough competition, which, in part, prepares
them for their future professional lives.
Azerbaijan on May 30, 2013.
In total, the number of Tajik students who have been awarded with
During the past 25 years, the organisation evolved from a small university internship opportunities abroad has reached 526, in the same period,
based set-up to a larger scale nation-wide institution with an extensive partnering employers in Tajikistan accepted 381 students for in-country
alumni network. Established in the early years of the post-Soviet era, IAESTE internships. Of course, during those 25 years of IAESTE Tajikistan activity
Tajikistan is a single, officially registered Non-Government Organisation in we have had successes and failures, especially during the civil war in
Opposite: Tajikistan providing opportunities for students to get international technical Tajikistan 1992-1997. Nevertheless, we always keep in our memories
IAESTE Tajikistan has sent many students to Volvo in the past, via
experience and exposure to the external world of knowledge. good and warm words from foreign students about their internships, as
IAESTE Sweden. The photo depicts Tajik student Niso Umbarova, who
interned at Volvo in 1998, along with her supervisor. well as good words about our students from foreign employers.

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 15

Exchange Highlights

The 1996 Annual Conference in Copenhagen where IAESTE Tajikistan was Farewell dinner at the Annual Conference in Mexico City, Mexico in 1994 IAESTE Tajikistan Volunteers in 2003
accepted as a full member

The geographical scope of the exchange also evolved compared to past

years. Currently, IAESTE Tajikistan provides a platform for exchange “Many alumni are the strongest Cooperation and Development (ACTED)”, “MMK” Ltd., “Saykhun” Ltd.,
Tajik Scientific Research Institute for Preventive Medicine, Institute of Botanic
of knowledge and experience with almost 20 countries. The quality of
internships offered by local partners has also improved.
supporters of IAESTE activities” and Genetic of Academy of Science of Tajikistan, Open Stock Company
“Shahrofar”, Limited Liability Company “Yahmosi 33”, Ravzana Plastik
LLC, Sanatorium “Bahoriston”, High school “Tajikistan” and others.
During the last 25 years IAESTE Tajikistan has tried to cooperate with the
leading companies in different sectors of local industry, to offer foreign Our current alumni network includes professionals working in different
students interesting, valuable, and challenging experiences in Tajikistan. fields ranging from telecommunications to international development.
One of our most famous employers “Babilon-M” and “Babilon-T” is the The strong alumni network is the backbone of the institutional structure,
leading provider of Internet and Mobile services in Tajikistan. For the last as many of our alumni are the strongest advocates and supporters of
15 years this company has provided up to 10 working places for foreign IAESTE activities. They take part in providing guidance to the prospective
students annually. IAESTE A.s.b.l. highly appreciated this cooperation candidates and addressing their questions and concerns throughout the
and presented an IAESTE award to the company during the General application process, and some of them have transitioned into successful
Conference 2008 in Jordan. employers, partnering with IAESTE Tajikistan. The active efforts of two of
our alumni were recognised through IAESTE A.s.b.l. awards this year.
Here we would also like to thank other our other reliable partners and
employers in Tajikistan for their constant support, understanding and mutual IAESTE Tajikistan delegation with international friends at the Annual
fruitful cooperation: French humanitarian NGO “Agency for Technical Conference in Cartagena, Colombia in 2005 Opposite: International Party in Tokyo, Japan in 1999

16 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Board of
IAESTE Cyprus Team

Left: A tour of the Water Board of Lemesos

Above: Trainee Michael Zalesak at the Water Board of Lemesos

IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Exchange Highlights

There are few experiences in life that are more unique and life-changing • Environmental Protection Engineering trainee, Michael Zalesak
as living and working abroad. The intercultural, academic, personal, and of Tomas Bata University in Zlin, cooperated with the University of
social benefits that are associated with international internships create the Cyprus to prepare a report on chlorination levels in various parts of
perfect opportunity for young people to get a flavor for different working the distribution network and how the chlorination process could be
environments while also experiencing how other cultures operate in the improved. Michael Zalesak was quite inspired by the programme
business world. and is now an Exchange Coordinator for IAESTE Czech Republic
• Statistics trainee, Jiri Panos of the University of West Bohemia,
Plagued by frequent droughts and severe water scarcity for centuries, prepared a prediction model for technical faults which aided the WBL
water conservation is especially critical to the Mediterranean island of in identifying high incidents areas, something critical for preventive
Cyprus. The country has adopted sustainable and integrated water maintenance purposes.
resources management policies to help manage the future challenges that • Information Technology trainee, Bram De Deyn of Ghent University,
lie ahead. These policies are necessary due to escalating water demands worked closely with the IT department to develop and design a user-
in a continuously changing environment, climate change, along with rapid friendly interface platform which may be used in the near future along
social changes and economic development. with the new CRM (Customer Relations Management) software.

Trainee Jiri Panos at work at the Water Board of Lemesos

As a major contributor to the island’s systematic efforts in water conservation, Mr. Metaxas also highlighted the importance the IAESTE programme has
the Water Board of Lemesos is keenly aware of the responsibility towards them kick-start their careers. Having the opportunity to work abroad allows from a cultural perspective. He explained “the programme provides the
its consumers and the environment. As part of its social responsibility, students to build their confidence, establish a global network of friends means to foster global awareness, understanding and appreciation of
the Water Board of Lemesos (WBL) maintains strong ties to the Cyprus and develop skills that will help them make their mark in today’s global many cultures. The programme helps establish relationships with people
University of Technology, administrators of the IAESTE Cyprus programme economy.” from cultures other than our own and encourages us to see things from a
and since 2012 actively participates in the programme as an employer different perspective, which may help us in making informed decisions”.
and Board Member. Over the years, the WBL has hosted a number of IAESTE students for
research & developmental work, from various disciplines ranging from This is especially important when it comes to water conservation, a scarce
The WBL Director, Mr. Socrates Metaxas, has welcomed the IAESTE civil engineering, environmental protection engineering, to statistics and natural resource in Cyprus. As part of the Cultural Programme of IAESTE
programme and values the opportunity the program provides to students information technology. The following highlights the work which the Cyprus, a tour to the Water Museum of Limassol is arranged. The Museum
- both from Cyprus and abroad. Mr. Metaxas stated that “by hosting incoming students contributed to: was founded in 2008 by the WBL and aims to help the public appreciate
a student, our organisation benefits from the trainees’ knowledge on the importance of water conservation and awareness and provides
specialised subjects, while the trainee gains relevant work experience. • Civil Engineering trainee, Sarka Mrnavkova of the Czech Technical a historic perspective of the water supply to the Limassol area. When
University in Prague, contributed to the testing of the strategic planning trainees visit Cyprus, the tour at the Water Museum helps trainees develop
Furthermore, we take pride in providing local students with life-changing of hydraulic models which helped the WBL access the technical environmental sensitivities, especially as far as protecting the environment
opportunities to work abroad, which sets an important foundation to help infrastructure needs for the next few decades. and water resources is concerned.

Exchange Highlights

UNESP and “IAESTE Brazil is very proud to

UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”,
one of the biggest and most acclaimed universities in Brazil have been
collaborating with IAESTE Brazil since 2009. During those eight years
of collaboration, UNESP has grown to become one of our most valuable
work with Prof. Pádua and we
are glad to promote something
partners, having received over a thousand foreign interns in at least 13
so special”
Since 2011, Prof. Dr. Antônio Pádua de Lima Filho, from UNESP Campus
in Ilha Solteira, has been receiving IAESTE interns for an amazing project.

Including and improving

Prof. Pádua created an electric motorised tricycle made from recycled bikes
for paraplegic people’s mobility. IAESTE interns from Germany, Lebanon,
India, Australia and Oman have already participated in his project
the lives of paraplegic throughout the years, they have been responsible for assembling, testing
and manufacturing these bikes, as well as producing other mechanisms

people in Brazil to include and improve the lives of the paraplegic community, such as
the creation of adapted school desks, toilets and the creation of a special
hospital bed.

Through Prof. Pádua’s project, IAESTE students have been able to not only
gain technical experience in their field of studies, but also, to participate

Raíssa Albuquerque, in a greater project that integrates them to the local community and
improves the lives of paraplegic people, and that has been recognised by
Exchange Coordinator, international organisations such as UNESCO. IAESTE Brazil is very proud
to work with Prof. Pádua and we are glad to promote something so special
IAESTE Brazil to a group that is oftentimes neglected in our society.
Prof. Pádua and Al-Khalil, a student from Oman, working on the special
hospital bed for paraplegic people

Prof. Dr. Antônio Pádua Lima Filho is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering

in UNESP Guaratinguetá.

Opposite: Prof. Pádua and IAESTE interns from the 2016 season
testing the bicycle pushing tricycle

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 21

Exchange Highlights

The IAESTE Programme has played a crucial role in the internationalisation
process of many Brazilian universities. One of our oldest and most “The collaboration between UFV
successful cases is with UFV – Universidade Federal de Viçosa, in the
state of Minas Gerais. The institution was given an award at the IAESTE
and IAESTE is definitely a case of
Brazil and
2017 Annual Conference in Incheon, Republic of Korea, for its long-
term cooperation with IAESTE and we would like to share some of their
experience with the association.

The history between Universidade Federal de Viçosa and IAESTE dates

from the end of the 20th century. At that time, most IAESTE foreign students
coming to Viçosa had internship experiences in the Department of Food
Technology, and the Brazilian students were responsible for voluntarily
finding resources for paying scholarships for those foreign interns. It was
not until 2002 that a formal agreement was signed between UFV and the
representatives of IAESTE in Brazil. The university started offering foreign
interns, for free, meals at the local cafeteria and Portuguese classes. In
2010, a new agreement was signed between UFV and ABIPE, the
association that coordinates IAESTE in Brazil. Since then, UFV provides
scholarships to IAESTE foreign interns as a counterpart for the participation Vladmir Oliveira di Iorio,
of the Brazilian students in the program.
Director of International Relations,
The collaboration with IAESTE has allowed UFV to receive around 20
foreign students a year, and a similar number of Brazilian students also IAESTE interns at UFV Federal University of Viçosa
benefit from reciprocal internships. Chemistry and Engineering are the
most popular areas for internships. UFV students have described their The collaboration between UFV and IAESTE is definitely a case of success.
period as interns abroad as a wonderful experience, and this opinion is The University’s plans for the next years include increasing the promotion
shared by the foreign students in Viçosa. Reports from UFV professors who of the programme among Brazilian students and improving even further
work as advisors to the foreign students are always very good, indicating the local conditions for receiving our visitors.
the high level of knowledge and interest of the visitors. For the University,
the programme has allowed the reception of students from countries that
were not previously involved in regular agreements of student exchange,
such as Syria, Lebanon, Poland, Switzerland, Serbia, Austria and China.
Opposite: UFV Student in Wales during his IAESTE internship

22 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Exchange Highlights

Japan was
Japan was never on my dream list before my experience in IAESTE. I
was encouraged to explore it thanks to a friend in IAESTE Tunisia who
had already been there and only told me good things. In the beginning,
my family was not excited about this idea because Japan was far away

Never on
from Tunisia and they were afraid that I would not adjust to this new and
different culture. Things happened very fast, we got a civil engineering
offer from IAESTE Japan. I prepared my nomination and I got accepted.

I got into the plane with no expectations. The flight was delayed for 4

My Dream
hours but I had no complaints, I was excited to live this new experience.
I reached the guesthouse at 10pm after confusing the directions, which is
something that happened to me often in Japan but thanks to the helpful
Japanese people, I was accompanied all the way to the front door.

List The day after, I had to wake up early in the morning at 5am to join all
the other trainees at a very distant station to reach the bottom of “Mount
Fuji”. On one hand, it was so hard, it was cold and it was tough to walk
all that distance up the mountain (about 3.7 km). On the other hand, it
Even when it was raining, Tokyo was a delightful place

As with any place you enter in Japan, you will always find details that will
was a very cool experience to get to know the other trainees (suffering remind you of the Japanese culture. This was the case for the laboratory,
together through the climbing, making jokes and time pass more quickly where we had to take off our shoes to sit at the office. It was comfortable,

Imen Chaabouni, while chatting). You can only feel the joy of this hike when you reach the
summit, all covered by clouds and then suddenly the sun breaking through
though. I was welcomed as well by a table full of gifts (snacks). It is common
in Japan to bring gifts as snacks after a journey. I was also amazed by the
Trainee and lighting up the mountain, a beautiful and unique view. discipline and the cleanliness we had to respect, while and after, executing
the concrete tests in the lab. We actually had a dedicated day to clean the
One of the most important things that I gained through this experience laboratory (office and materials) by all the lab team including the professor.
was my internship in The University of Tokyo or as it is commonly called,
“TODAI”, Hongo Campus. It is actually a very huge campus. I was lost Throughout my stay in Japan, I joined Mr. Tomoyose on his project,
inside it even after a month and a half arriving at the University Hospital especially in the practical part, which helped me consider the use and
instead of the Architecture Department. It is an international educational preparation of concrete. Working very closely with my supervisor offered
establishment, in which many IAESTE trainees had their internships in me the opportunity to attend interesting tests and discoveries outside
different departments. the institution, hence understanding very developed tools used in
Opposite: Trainees at the top of Mount Fuji

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 25

important companies. He helped me get used to the Japanese lifestyle
and adjust to new ideas. He also encouraged me to discover Japanese “Here comes the best part:
history and visit some monuments which are hard to enter by myself as a
foreigner, such as some of the imperial buildings.
‘Trainees’ or is it better to say
Apart from the technical experience, the laboratory was also an opportunity
‘new worldwide friends’?”
to make new friends from Japan of course and from other countries such other better, learn how to make decisions together, even though we had
as China, Korea etc. We organised different parties in the lab too, such as different points of view, but the same spirit of eagerness to travel and
my welcome party, an “okonomiyaki” party, (traditional and very delicious discover something new. We also stayed in Hiroshima for two nights in a
food in Japan); we also celebrated my final presentation. Finally, we spent cozy apartment where we preferred spending nights in, rather than going
the last night of my internship trying different “izakayas”, traditional out.
Japanese restaurants.
When you ask me about my brightest moment in Japan, I will tell you
Here comes the best part: ‘Trainees’ or is it better to say ‘new worldwide immediately, swimming on “Miyajima” Island. It was only us in the sea, we
friends’? To be honest, it was very hard for me at the beginning to get along had one of the craziest moments in Japan; we enjoyed the unique view of
with the Japanese culture: so many rules, different food, very expensive mountains next to the nice ocean.
lifestyle; I even thought of withdrawing. Fortunately, I met new friends from
different parts of Europe with so many things in common and differences Finally, yet importantly, our friendships did not stop there in Japan; we still
as well. That is what makes discussions between us enjoyable and rich. maintain contact thanks to Facebook and other social networks. We also
have a very rich collection of photos and videos, saving the nicest (and
We took a seven-day trip to the south together. We were about eight weirdest!) moments we shared in Japan. Many of us are planning to meet
trainees. We took advantage of a one-week holiday from our internship each other around Europe; I hope I can join them very soon.
to spend four nights in a traditional hostel in Kyoto. We enjoyed visiting
different temples and spending nights at rooftop bars in Gion (center of
Kyoto). It was of course, an important opportunity to get to know each
Right: Kinkaku-ji Temple in Kyoto
Opposite: Jubilant trainees after descending Mount Fuji

26 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Opposite: Canopy is an adventure sport that consists of seeing from a high
wire, the beautiful landscapes of the region.
Exchange Highlights

The 3rd of July, Sunday 4pm Central time was touchdown. They call it the
superpower, the land of many opportunities, the United States of America.
It was beautiful, more like love at first sight. I went through customs and
had all the required documents.

Kenya to
The next day, I decided to take a walk and explore downtown Chicago
all the way to the loop. It was all new and different; all the buildings were
so tall. Chicago has the second tallest building in the whole of USA called
the Willis/Sears Tower and I was lucky because my office plaza was one

block away from it. The Trump tower is also another very recognised tall
building here.

Chicago has really good infrastructure, buildings, the railways, the river
hydraulics and roads. Most people use the trains as they are very fast and
convenient. This was my means of transport to work every day. I got a Charlotte attended the Designing Your Future Intern Leadership Conference
whilst on her traineeship
chance to visit various parks like Millennium, Sheridan and Lincoln Parks.
One of the parks had a really cool monument called the Bean, a big myself, with my name written on the wall and a computer customised to
metallic structure that resembles a bean coated with very smooth stainless- my name and work email.
steel polish. It was a sight to behold.
I had a chance to participate in an internship symposium organised by
Charlotte Tsisika, The internship was the most important part of the programme because I got Greeley and Hansen, there were a lot of presentations that inspired me to
to obtain hands on experience on technical and environmental projects. become great at branding in the business world and afterwards awarding
Trainee My host company was called Greeley and Hansen. We worked on the of certificates.
largest waste water treatment plant in the whole world, the Stickney Water
Reclamation Plant, owned by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District The company culture was amazing. Everybody was friendly and there
of Greater Chicago Area. I was assigned a personal mentor/supervisor were a lot of fun activities sponsored by the company. I must admit the
to work on their project. My mentor, Mr. Fasil Yitbarek, really helped me internship felt like a job because I was very much involved, I felt part and
understand the work environment and gave me a lot of career advice. parcel of the main projects that the full time workers were doing. Every
hour counted, I learnt a lot in terms of responsibility, accountability, team
I was introduced to visual hydraulics software and visual professional work, networking and experience. I successfully finished my internship on
programmes. I did a lot of reviews and commented on various project 2nd of September. I am very positive that I represented my institution and
submissions, project management and also a little bit of invoicing and Country very well. Thank you IAESTE for giving me such an opportunity
updating the submission logs to make sure all the activities balanced with of a lifetime. It was never in my wildest dreams before but you made it
the time and costs. It was very practical. I had my own office cube to happen. LONG LIVE IAESTE!
Opposite: Charlotte on-site during her internship

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 29

Exchange Highlights

Taking the
I had no idea what I had got myself into when the country, whose name
I thought was a fruit salad, was going to be my home for the following 3 “The time I spent there was filled
months; Skopje, Macedonia. I would never have foreseen the lifechanging
experience that was waiting for me. Truly, the best decision I made in my
with good times, friendships for
life and new experiences.”

I did my internship in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the SS Cyril

and Methodius University. I oversaw a project that consisted of optimising
the parameters of the 3D printer Dimension Elite with the goal of saving
support and molding material. In order to accomplish this, I learnt to use
new software, which allowed me to develop my skills in industrial design
and additive Manufacturing.

My mentors were kind and professional, they supported me with everything.

Workwise, I felt I didn’t waste my time, I was learning something new every
day and developing skills in a multicultural environment. As a professional
I can say this internship helped me focus toward quality, creativity and
efficiency of my work.
Eduardo Lerma,
An internship abroad will give you the chance to travel to new places,
make new friends, make new memories and learn new skills. But it also Eduardo Lerma and new friends in Skopje, Macedonia Trainee
challenges you; it teaches you firsthand what intercultural communication
really is; it will challenge your mindset and it will help you become more I made some amazing friends and shared some fantastic experiences with
open minded and more culturally aware. them during the 3 months. The time I spent there as an intern was filled with
good times, friendships for life and new experiences.
It opened my mind to the notion that we are all different, we might think
differently but that shouldn’t stop us from getting to know each other. So as I said once in a IAESTE meeting, before going to the best local bar,
People and places will surprise you- Skopje for sure did. To see the beauty “A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”, and I couldn’t
of humanity. To embrace the beauty of the world. It gave me a perspective be happier mine started in Macedonia. So I DARE you to take that step,
as a part of the world. sometimes sacrifices are necessary but you will never regret this decision.
Thank you Skopje, you will always have a special place in my heart.
Opposite: Eduardo Lerma outside the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering at the SS Cyril and Methodius University

30 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Exchange Highlights

Aiming at “Nurturing global citizens” and “Cooperation for sustainable
development”, ISTNU (International School – Thai Nguyen University) is
striving to become a prestigious and reputed education organisation in
scientific training, and transfer of research and technology in the region

and in the world.

For many years, ISTNU has been constantly promoting internationalisation,

in which it closely cooperates with IAESTE in exchanging students for

from ISTNU:
professional internships. As well as encouraging students at ISTNU to do
IAESTE internships abroad to become potential global citizens, ISTNU
is an important partner of IAESTE Vietnam in welcoming international
students for IAESTE internships at ISTNU.

A long-lasting Partner of This interview with PhD. Dang Hoang Ha, an Academic Professional
Lecturer at ISTNU, will assess two of the most recent international trainees
Trainee Peter Neasham at the peak of Fansipan, the highest mountain in

IAESTE Vietnam
doing IAESTE internships at ISTNU – Lenka Kaderábková (a Czech MA
student of Science in Microbiology) and Peter Neasham (a British BA
student of Biology, Immunology).
requirement, good skills, excellent English competence and enthusiasm,
Good morning Phd. Dang Hoang Ha! Would you mind talking about the they will be welcomed. For Lenka and Peter, we conducted the same
process of recruiting trainees? selection process as mentioned above and we found them two excellent
Firstly, I would like to thank IAESTE Vietnam for giving employers like us an students that meet our expectations.
opportunity to share and recommend some ideas in this interview. It should
Thai Nguyen and be emphasised that ISTNU is an international education environment What were the main tasks of the trainees during their internships?

Bui Thanh Huong, where the English language is used in training undergraduates and
postgraduates for the whole curriculum. We completely appreciate the
During their periods of professional internships at ISTNU, Peter, an
undergraduate, gave some seminars on sharing his learning experience in
IAESTE Vietnam diversity in culture, nationalities, as well as chances for our students to the UK, the difference between studying in the UK and in Vietnam. Lenka,
integrate with the world. a postgraduate, was encouraged to give some specialised seminars in the
fields of the environment and economics. They also worked in a team with
To recruit international students for IAESTE internships at ISTNU, we our students to study science and research. They supported us to build a
carefully analyse the applications of candidates tested and assessed by curriculum for our “Life Science Faculty” based on advanced academic
Opposite: One of the highlights of IAESTE is meeting trainees from all
IAESTE. If students prove to have appropriate qualifications with our work materials in the world.
over the world

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 33

Exchange Highlights

What did you do to help the trainees not only develop their qualifications How do you assess the role of IAESTE in connecting the employers and
and skills but also contribute for ISTNU? international IAESTE students, especially IAESTE Vietnam and ISTNU?
As my years of experience in supervising and working with international Personally, IAESTE is a professional organisation which enthusiastically
students and experts, it is my very first expectation that every IAESTE supports employers to select high-quality international trainees who can
student should creatively develop their academic and professional skills, meet the needs of specialisation and time requirements. Additionally,
as well as actively share those skills with our students. IAESTE always coordinates very tightly with employers to promote the
quality of internships and solve problems related to IAESTE students. I
As soon as they arrive at ISTNU, we organise “Orientation Meetings” to myself appreciate IAESTE for their cooperation and support.
talk, and discuss with them about our requirements and their tasks. Then,
both supervisors and students made weekly and monthly internship plans. Do you encourage students worldwide to apply for IAESTE internships?
By conducting those plans, international students can not only actively do International students should apply for IAESTE internship to integrate
their internships but also complete tasks assigned by ISTNU. with the world, and have a broader view of life and career. It is clearly
recognised that ISTNU’s students doing IAESTE interships in other countries
Did students at ISTNU connect tightly with the trainees? made significant progress in their self-development and had more
It is recognised that our students at ISTNU had a lot of exchange and sustainable steps in their future career after graduation.
Trainee Peter Neasham with other IAESTE trainees
connection with Lenka, Peter and other IAESTE students in terms of
Opposite: Exploring the country of your traineeship is an important part of the
specialisation, research, language skills, and other opportunities. Since IAESTE experience Do you recommend other employers to associate with IAESTE to receive
our students can use English language quite fluently, they actively connect international students for professional internships?
with Lenka and Peter to discuss as a team about research and other tasks. If qualified international students work for each employer, it will bring
wonderful benefits. Positively, international students contribute to create
How did the trainees contribute for your faculty particularly and ISTNU What are your most memorable memories related to Lenka and Peter? an international environment of multicultural and multi-language, and help
generally? For both of them, I remember their experiences of conducting seminars the improve the foreign language competence for students and staffs of each
They contributed to create an international environment for students, in most. Lenka was a knowledgeable and experienced trainee who made organization. I strongly recommend other employers to associate with
which our students had opportunities to learn from international students all efforts to seriously and passionately conduct a seminar on Environment IAESTE to recruit international students for internships.
of a variety of nationalities, exchange with them about culture, language until 10pm in a cold winter evening, which made me appreciate her so
and other aspects. much. IAESTE Vietnam would love to show our appreciation and sincere thanks to
you for your time and arrangement to attend this interview. Your openness,
Similarly, they also partly played an important role in specialisation Peter seemed to be a little tremulous and nervous when doing a presentation objective comments and ideal suggestions will be a big motivation
development of the faculty through their seminars on environment or at the first seminar in front of many students in a class. However, with for IAESTE to make more efforts to provide employers worldwide with
climate changes, or through their recommending us specialised books that support and guidance from lecturers at my faculty, Peter made progress qualified students that can meet the expectations of all employers.
are necessary for lecturers at our Faculty. and satisfied our expectations.

34 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Lenka Kaderábková,

Trainee Lenka Kaderábková and other trainees receiving IAESTE


IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Exchange Highlights

There are few words that could describe my time at the International called “Ao Dai” for the first time, and also people made me feel like I was
School – Thai Nguyen University (ISTNU) during December 2016. The a real member of their united family – International School.
time I spent there has been priceless and life changing, even more than I
thought it could be. I am pursuing a Master of Science in Microbiology at The staff ISTNU have set me up with have been beyond wonderful.
the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Czech Republic. Coming to Vietnam on my own seemed very daunting and intimidating;
they have helped me make the transition smooth and seamless. I am
Two months ago, I decided to undertake the internship at ISTNU through very appreciated of their support, and they make the whole experience
the IAESTE exchange programme. The programme works very well and as wonderful.
I was traveling to Vietnam, some Vietnamese students were traveling to the
Czech Republic to take up an internship there. This is my first experience in Besides going to work, I spent my weekends travelling to new places like
an Asian country, and being so far from my home in Czech Republic! So, Tam Dao Mountrain, Sa Pa Tourism Site, Ha Long Bay, Hanoi and Ninh
what’s it like going abroad to Vietnam? Well, here’s a little insight to give Binh province. I met so many nice people who are so friendly and they
you an illustration of what is good to know about Thai Nguyen city and really want you, a foreign visitor, to immerse yourself into the culture.
what I learned about working abroad!
If there is one thing I feel that I have developed, it must be my ability to
My job during my internship was about teaching students of ISTNU about talk with people, to be more open towards anything. Before coming here,
soft skills and environmental topics. I spent a lot of time doing seminars, I knew pretty much nothing about Viet Nam. Still, I managed to live here
discussion or meetings with students from classes EMSK4 and EMSK3. and was never lonely my whole time. I am glad that I came here, and
The students were little bit shy at first, but then they were so communicative cannot believe that I am going to leave this place so soon.
and friendly. They were very eager to learn something new, so it was very
joyful for me to teach. Teaching at ISTNU has given me a unique insight Being in Viet Nam has taught me so much about different people and
into the lives of ordinary people in Vietnam and I find that locals are far cultures, as there were many other foreigners working here from all over
more friendly and receptive to foreigners. That’s the reason why I will be the world. My internship coordinator and supervisor at the Department
sure to come back there to teach if I get another chance. of Life Sciences, Mr. Ha and Ms. Tan, were so helpful, and were a huge
support for me whenever I needed it. I would definitely recommend an
Coming to Vietnam with the ability to motivate and add value to people’s internship at ISTNU. They really cater to your needs and care about what
lives, setting an example for students, and trying to get to know and you want and are looking for.
understand Vietnam, the university and the culture made my living and
working there quite enjoyable. I felt like I was making an important Thanks to all members of all Departments and Units of the International
contribution in helping the students to learn English and vital soft skills. School – Thai Nguyen University for being so open and hospitable during
Especially, during my internship, I had a chance to join the Teachers’ Day. Czech trainee Lenka Kaderábková wearing Vietnamese Dress and one of her my internship and for leaving aside the difference in culture (language,
It was very nice, as I could wear traditional Vietnamese dress which is supervisors Ms. Nguyen Thanh Tan, Lecturer at ISTNU way of being, way of thinking, etc.). Thank you all so much!

Exchange Highlights

IAESTE UK welcomed a new employer to the IAESTE family in the shape
of CH2M Hill, one of the world’s largest engineering firms, providing “Our trainee enjoyed the entire
consulting, design, construction, and operations services for corporations,
and federal, state and local governments across the globe. In Scotland the
experience, feeling valued and
trusted from his first day”
company led on much of the construction for the 2014 Commonwealth
Games in Glasgow, including the Emirates Arena, and the Sir Chris Hoy

CH2M entrusted IAESTE UK and our colleagues in Norway and Sweden

with identifying ten high quality civil engineering and project management
interns to undertake placements in their Glasgow office, with a view to their
leading the development of new Scandinavian offices for the company in
the coming year. One of these interns is Hampus Hansson, from Lulea,

Sweden, who began a one-year internship at CH2M Glasgow in June
2016. After completing his induction training, Hampus has developed his
knowledge within the company, across multiple teams including Highways,
Asset Management and Human Resources.

Hampus has enjoyed leading on several projects, including a Transport

Scotland initiative comparing road safety practice in Scotland and

Doug Watters, Scandinavia. Nicola Vemmie, Senior Asset Management Consultant at

CH2M, and Hampus’ internship supervisor is delighted with his work,
IAESTE UK emphasising the value of his hard work and technical knowledge, as well Trainee Hampus Hansson and supervisor at work at CH2M in Glasgow

as that of his language skills in helping with both the Transport Scotland
project, and in representing the company at trade fairs in Sweden over
the past year.
the highlights, but stresses he has enjoyed the entire experience, feeling
Meanwhile, Hampus is hugely enthusiastic about the experience and valued and trusted from his first day. Hampus will return to his studies to
future career opportunities the internship has provided, identifying the size complete his degree this autumn, after which he hopes to return to work for
of the company and subsequent opportunities to work with colleagues CH2M in Sweden, helping to grow the company’s footprint in one of their
across the UK, notably in London, Birmingham and Bristol, as one of key development markets.
Opposite: Swedish trainee Hampus Hansson at CH2M in Glasgow

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 39

Events and
Events and Networking

70 Annual th
Time flies! 6 months have already passed since we held the Annual
Conference. It was such an honour for IAESTE Korea to host the 70th
IAESTE Annual Conference in Incheon, Republic of Korea. From 20-26
January 2017, over 200 people from more than 70 countries gathered in

the Ramada Hotel Songdo in Incheon, Republic of Korea for the IAESTE
Annual Conference! What a tremendous thing!

At the 2015 conference in Zagreb, Croatia, IAESTE Korea put in a

in Seoul
successful bid to host the 70th Annual Conference. As an Associate
Member, it was a big challenge to convince other IAESTE member
countries to travel across the world to come to Korea for the conference.
However, IAESTE Korea wanted to host a successful conference to give
a great impression to conference delegates. Even if the preparation was
not easy, nor the process either, we believe that it ended well with every
delegate’s contribution at the conference. Can you even imagine an Moojin Kim welcomes delegates to the 70th Annual Conference
Associate Member – with less than 10 people working at IAESTE Korea
– welcoming more than 237 delegates from all over the world? As the
conference drew closer, the anticipation was rising. Luckily, we managed
Sohyun Jung and Sohyun Lee, to deliver, with 50 volunteer students and 237 participants.

IAESTE Korea For the opening plenary, we were pleased to invite Dr. Wankyoo Cho from
International Vaccine Institute (IVI) also from Seoul National University,
Prof. Chikaosa Tanimoto from IAESTE Japan and Mr. Brian Fallon from
SmartSimple, Ireland. Another important session, the Exchange Platform
training session, was introduced by the IAESTE IT team for the first time
this year in this conference. Keeping up with current flow of the world,
the online platform is essential in communicating on the world-wide level.
Nominating students and communicating with other members through this
platform will reduce much work and effort, even if it is challenging to get
accustomed to new things at first.
Opposite: Representatives from IAESTE countries at the 2017 Annual A team of wonderful volunteers assisted at the 70th Annual Conference
Conference in Seoul, South Korea

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 43

Events and Networking

The highlight of the week-long conference was undoubtedly the

International evening on the 22nd of January, as it truly highlighted the
spirit of IAESTE: Cultural Openness and Companionship. Despite the
unfavorable weather conditions and the challenge of taking a group
photo, the delegates were excited to experience traditional Korean food
and dance which showcased the rich culture of Korea. Not only was it a
great opportunity for us to introduce Korean culture, it also was a great
moment for all the participating countries to share their diverse culture.
With talk and laughter, the hard work of the daytime could be forgotten
and social networks could be strengthened!

The Post-Conference Tour (PCT) took place from January 26th to 28th during
the Korean holiday of the Lunar New Year. The tour included visits to the
Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), Gyeongbokgung Palace and the Blue House.
Annual Conference delegates at dinner Participants of the PCT wore the Hanbok (Korean traditional clothes) and The IAESTE dance at International Night
videotaped the ‘IAESTE dance’ at the Namsan Hanok Village, which was
truly an unforgettable experience. A group of foreigners with Hanbok was
beloved at the Korean Traditional Village! Big thanks to those who joined
us on this memorable tour, and we wish to have another opportunity to
invite all the members who were not able to join last time.

The whole conference was supported by Mr. Moojin Kim, the National
Secretary of IAESTE Korea. The tour and the transportation were covered
by Incheon City. We wish to thank them all for their support.

We want to send our thanks to all IAESTE members. Thinking back, it

was impossible to have such a successful conference without everyone’s
help and support. We want to send a special thanks to IAESTE A.s.b.l
and IAESTE Czech Republic. Without them, planning and organising the
conference would have been chaotic. Once again, thank you all for your
Awards presented to IAESTE Korea in recognition of hosting the 2017 Annual incredible support and IAESTE Korea wishes to build stronger relationship The Post Conference Tour visiting the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ)
Conference with all of you in our future! Opposite: The Post Conference Tour at Namsan Hanok Village

44 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Events and Networking

6 Annualth
The 6th Annual Alumni Conference was held in Incheon, Republic of
Korea from 20-23 January 2017. Around 20 participants from countries
such as the Netherlands, FYR Macedonia, Spain, Italy, China, Austria,
Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Norway, Sweden and Slovakia came

together for a weekend of fun and knowledge sharing.

The conference started with introductions and ice breaker exercises and it
was clear that the IAESTE spirit was strong! Although the emphasis was on

having fun, that didn’t mean that no work was done. The conference had
two working sessions, one on the new alumni online platform, involving
coming up with many ideas of what we would like to see on it, and looking
at how we can better share our skills and experience to help IAESTE
countries develop.

The evening events were of course amazing. The highlight as always, the All IAESTE countries marked on the world map
international evening where we joined with the exchange conference for
a night of food and drink from around 80 countries, lots of dancing and
making new friends. The city tour was another highlight, sharing with us
Bruce Wicks, the sites of the beautiful city of Incheon.

Alumni & Communications The weekend was over all too quickly, but everyone left tired and

Manager motivated, hopefully having made new friends, gained new knowledge
and the satisfaction of sharing their knowledge with others. A big thank
you to our Korean hosts for the excellent organisation throughout the
weekend. It was a special time and we look forward to doing it all again
next year in Germany!

Opposite: Alumnus Linnea Blomgren introduces herself to the Martin Eisfeld presented his IAESTE experience to other alumni at the 6th
conference attendees alumni conference

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 47

Events and Networking

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to Once upon a time, Mr Jim Reid was General Secretary of IAESTE. His
always reach my destination” brother, Michael Reid was one of founding fathers of SmartSimple – an IT
Jimmy Dean company founded in 2002 in Canada. The company’s branch in Ireland
used to offer placements to IAESTE interns.

IAESTE is nearly 70 years’ old, and, almost self-contradictorily, remains still
young due to the aims of its activity - fostering international understanding One of these interns had an experience in the area of managing the
and impacting on the development of young people through international exchange of offers. Together with the Polish Exchange Administrator
exchange. and the Board Member responsible for the exchange, they presented
to the whole Board (during the SID 2016 in Łódz) the possibilities of

Regarding such a long history we can realise how the world has changed the company’s product as a potential tool for a new IAESTE exchange
since IAESTE was founded, and how it obliges us to follow the changes. platform .
So, we keep adjusting IAESTE sails to sustain and achieve our goals. They
can be achieved by means of good communication, quick response and After detailed market research, approaching several companies, the
regular contact with employers and students. In today’s virtualised world, Board decided to hire SmartSimple because they offered a good

The Story of its Creation proper IT tools for the management of practical training offers seems to be
the mainsail of the IAESTE clipper.
proposition, developing the application themselves at a very affordable
price. SmartSimple is a global leader in cloud-based automation software,
offering unique process solutions used, by over 250 clients in more than
The Smart Simple Exchange Platform Story: 192 countries. Some of the largest companies in the Fortune 100, as well
Dr Dorota Rylska, It was clear that proper IT support of the exchange process is crucial for as global foundations and government agencies, choose SmartSimple to
the Association to remain an attractive partner for students and employers enrich their impact story and create greater efficiencies in their processes.
IAESTE Board Member, and to improve exchange numbers. In parallel, Board and Staff members worked on defining system

TUL Rector’s Plenipotentiary for We knew that we had to perform the necessary changes of the technology
requirements with members’ involvement - following the Pareto rule: major
contributors to IAESTE exchange results and countries having their own IT
Students’ Training and IAESTE we use and to renew the recognition of users’ needs. Our old good friend exchange systems were invited to contribute to this process.
- written code technology, which supported our exchange for years, was
Exchange time consuming, far too slow for our dynamic needs and also problematic The first face-to-face meeting was held in Warsaw between SmartSimple
with maintenance. So, the Board of IAESTE A.s.b.l. investigated the representatives and IAESTE team to review and discuss the Statement of
possibility of developing a brand-new system based on the existing IT Work Document, the Visio Diagram (process) and to integrate and build
platform. up relations between the Project Team members (both SmartSimple and
AND THE STORY BEGAN – it is really the story of the spirit of IAESTE,
influenced by IAESTE people, history and values…
Opposite: Planning underway for the new Exchange Platform

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 49

Events and Networking

After the Warsaw meeting for both sides (our ‘just established’ New • SmartSimple Executive Sponsor - Brian Fallon - Director of Operations
Exchange Platform Team and SmartSimple) the time of many virtual of Dublin office – the person who hired IAESTE interns
meetings, debates and conciliation procedures, period of refining our • SmartSimple Project Manager – Emma Duffy – with overall
specifications and procedures has come. responsibility for the project on behalf of SmartSimple
• Business Analyst Małgorzata Grzyb – a previous IAESTE intern in
After many discussions, we agreed the Statement of Work and during SmartSimple and main designer of the Platform, her responsibility is to
Autumn Board meeting in Dublin, the Board signed an official contract. translate IAESTE exchange processes into the SmartSimple framework.
The functionalities of the System are delivered step-by-step. The IAESTE ITS Reid Brothers
team managed by IT Manager, Michael Debono, tests the functionalities Michael Debono and our volunteers from the ITS team (Jimmy, Jeremiah,
before launching, prepares the user guides and supports members in Juan, Maciek) have been dedicated and contributed fully to their tasks
implementing this new tool. All members of the Exchange Team have been ranging from testing, meetings, migration, writing user guides, users’
deeply involved in the whole project from the beginning. support, they have shown really great commitment for the whole period of
implementing the new system.
It is necessary to introduce the main heroes of the “New Platform Project”
story: Once again, the IAESTE spirit has appeared -Volunteers offered their time,
• Customer Executive Sponsor Bernard Baeyens – the President of Brian Gosia Bernard Dorota staff members offered much more than their contracts intended.
IAESTE A.s.b.l., the first one who explored the IT Platform idea (in
general) A few words about the new exchange platform project:
• Customer Project Manager Dorota Rylska – the primary contact The exchange management system has been created to track and manage
regarding the overall project and the Board Member who presented the entire process from initial offer submission through the nomination and
the SmartSimple idea of a new IT platform to the Board monitoring the exchange.
• Project Manager Olga Legacka - involved with the project on a day-
to-day basis, contacting countries, organising meetings, taking part in Let me mention the most important functionalities:
main activities concerning the Platform. Olga Magda Krýstina Michael • IAESTE Members can create, share (publish) offers with countries,
• Product Owner Magdalena Maciejasz (the author of the Smartsimple they can also access a list of employers and find contact details of all
and IAESTE idea) and Kristýna Šimková – IAESTE Exchange IAESTE countries.
Coordinators from Poland and the Czech Republic responsible for • Exchange Administrators can assign offers to students and manage
specifications: the way how the exchange process is applied on the the students’ nominations in the system. This tool for administering
SmartSimple platform. nominations helps to speed up communication between sending and
• IT Manager Michael Debono and IT Admin Jimmy Clutter - Responsible receiving countries as it provides the possibility for quick verification
for specific technical functional areas of the project. and also amending of nominations. Moreover, the Student Nomination
Jimmy Juan Jeremiah Maciek
function strengthens the aspect of security and proper data protection.

50 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Events and Networking

• Student Access - an entrance to the new era of managing the To summarise:

exchange processes. The possibility for students to register themselves Our new modern system is a result of hard work, determination and
on the platform gives them the opportunity to check whether new passion from all of the IAESTE people involved in this project. We are sure
offers (COBE or FCFS) are available for them - it is the best way to that this tool allows IAESTE members to work faster and more effectively.
keep a big number of students interested in IAESTE exchange during
the whole year and the fastest way of informing students about new We are, as the whole Association, at the very beginning of using the
offers. IAESTE received a tool to develop the whole year exchange Exchange Platform. Since the Annual Conference in Korea, we have been
process and to decrease the number of unused offers, to speed up the trying to improve the alertness to EP and encourage countries to use it.
exchange and to satisfy both the employers and students. The Board is aware that now we all are learning how to interact and
• Thanks to the next functionalities -Student Acceptance/Rejection and properly use the system. We know very well that all beginnings are
Arrival Sections, it is feasible to report on nominations statuses. difficult, but this is also the reason why we ask Members for the feedback
• The facilitation of communication: Users can easily find the contact about their experience with the EP, to inform about progress and, even
details of other users and they can communicate via the system about more importantly, about issues, to give the ITS Team a chance to offer help
offers, nominations, etc. Users receive notifications from the system, if necessary.
including deadline reminders and information about status changes Contract signing for the New Exchange Platform project
for all forms that are tracked in the system. The Canadian writer, Nathaniel Branden, used to say “the first step toward
• Users can download documents and/or forms and auto-upload and change is awareness. The second step is acceptance”. I do hope that
export data from the system through a CSV file. all our Members will accept our ‘newborn IAESTE baby’ – the Exchange
• It will be also possible to connect the EP system to users’ own systems Platform as it will help us to improve our activities.
through an API
• The user can upload documents to the Library (at international level).
SmartFolder (IAESTE Library) will be configured and available for all
committees and users from all countries.
• Basic reports are included in the Exchange Platform implementation
which means that the IAESTE annual Activity Report will be configured
in the Platform. Most reports will be generated by a given date range.
The reports are created using the SmartSimple reporting tool. These
reports can aggregated and/or display information about the offers,
contacts and companies. These reports can be used on the system to
generate graphs and charts and can be exported to Excel if required.
Michael from the IAESTE ITS team and Brian from SmartSimple

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 51

Events and Networking

IAESTE is well known for its internships, but did you know it also organises
other projects that help students with employability? Perhaps the best
known in Europe are Careers Fairs. IAESTE local committees in the Czech
Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria and Norway organise careers fairs

each year at their universities for students.

Over 25 different occasions employers can present themselves to over

100,000 students with offers of jobs, internships, part-time jobs and
thesis cooperation offers. Careers Fairs are organised by several hundred

students who also gain soft and hard skills as well as experience. The
largest Careers Fair with 170 exhibitors is organised in Pilsen, Czech
Republic. Annually it hosts exhibitors from several countries and invites
other IAESTE members to help with the organisation.

The Pilsen Careers Fair We certainly hope that our network of Careers fairs will grow in the
future and present the opportunity to find their dream employer for more
and more students. We also aim for the companies to find more suitable
employees and IAESTE members to learn and improve their skills. If
you wish to contact the organisers, you can find the email addresses of David Zenisek,
national committees in the back of this Annual Review or find out more on
the following pages: IAESTE Czech Republic
• Czech Republic: veletrhy.iaeste.cz
• Austria: teconomy.at
• Slovakia: dniprilezitosti.sk
• Slovenia: iaeste.si/teconomy
• Norway: iaeste.no/in

The organising team of Teconomy 2016 in Vienna, Austria

Opposite: IAESTE Czech Republic members at the Pilsen Career Fair

52 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Events and Networking

The 32nd Strategic IAESTE Development (SID) meeting took place in
Skopje from May 4-7 2017. This yearly event brought people together from
around the world for a weekend of workgroups and workshops focused
on supporting the IAESTE mission to promote international understanding.

Strategic SID is a seminar which brings member countries and cooperative

institutions together, to have constructive cooperation on an international
level and to discuss topics which are fundamental for our association. The

aim of the SID is to prepare suggestions for the Board and the Annual
Conference about the development of IAESTE.

This was the second time IAESTE Macedonia was the host of SID. For
this year’s SID, IAESTE Macedonia welcomed 25 countries. European
countries were the most numerous, but to our huge surprise and pleasure,
we also had participants from other continents, such as USA, Iran, India, A large group of student volunteers ensured the SID in Skopje was a great

in Skopje
Tajikistan, Palestine, China and more.
Another highlight of the seminar was that, for the first time, we had a
The seminar was hosted in the Park Hotel & Spa and the Faculty of guest trainer, Ms. Nicole Fouchier, from EMOJIEE. She held a fundraising
Mechanical Engineering, one of our most longstanding collaborators, workshop for all SID participants on the topic: “How to ask Mark
which has been a host of more than 50 IAESTE trainees in the last 20 years. Zuckerberg for a one million gift? The psychology of creating Good Will”.
Hopefully, this workshop will result with more raised funds in the upcoming
Tamara Dimeska, The event was opened by Tamara Dimeska, former National Secretary of
IAESTE Macedonia and one of the main organisers of SID 2017. Tamara years.
IAESTE Macedonia was followed by the current National Secretary of IAESTE Macedonia,
Ivana Trajkovska, who expressed her biggest gratitude to all the supporters The fundraising workshop was followed by five more productive
of the event. In the name of the alumnus of IAESTE Macedonia, Robert workgroups, which covered some important topics:
Smileski gave an excellent speech on how this association has grown.
Further remarks were made by the President of IAESTE, prof. Bernard • WG1 – Exchange led by Kristýna Šimková (IAESTE Czech Republic)
Baeyens and the SID Coordinator, Mohammad Hossein Eftekhar. The and Yash Dhanuka (IAESTE India). The goals for this group were:
highlight of the opening ceremony was the new corporate identity manual, Surveying and analysing exchange statistics for 2016, how can we
which was presented by Michal Beneš (IAESTE Czech Republic) and the digitise the AC exchange, how can we promote COBE offers, how
new IAESTE website, by Bruce Wicks (IAESTE A.s.b.l. Support team). can we improve satisfaction levels of employers and redesigning the
IAESTE Activity Report.
Opposite: Traditional Macedonian dancers perform at SID

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 55

Events and Networking

One of the Working Group sessions at SID The Working Group sessions at SID continuing Delegates gather for lunch at SID
Opposite: Attendees gather for a photo at SID 2017

• WG2 – Marketing Plan led by Kinga Urbanek (IAESTE Poland) and • WG5 – Relations with international organisations/companies led by the Ottoman Empire in mid-15th century. The guests had the chance to see
Michal Benes (IAESTE Czech Republic). In this group, the IAESTE Dan Ewert (IAESTE USA). He and his WG covered the following: how the traditional Macedonian “Oro” is danced, experienced a short
corporate identity manual, social media campaigns, and IAESTE What is the potential of these relationships? How IAESTE could gig from a young rock band and enjoyed traditional Macedonian cuisine
marketing/promotion/branding were covered. better cooperate with international organisations and with which while drinking one of the world’s best wines.
• WG3 – Alumni led by Bruce Wicks (IAESTE A.s.b.l.), covering all ones to cooperate and how we can show the benefit of IAESTE to
the alumni related topics, with the main focus on how maintaining international organisations and companies. The farewell gala dinner was held on Saturday evening. It marked the
alumni relationships is important. The three main topics were: how to end of this wonderful seminar. During the gala the SID Coordinator,
utilise our new Alumni Network platform, how to engage members The work for the WG leaders and the SID coordinator did not stop with Mr. Mohammad Hossein Eftekhar and the IAESTE A.s.b.l.’s President,
in making full use of the opportunities provided by alumni and the the end of the seminar. Post-SID work has already started and they are prof. Bernard Baeyens gave their appreciations and certificates to the
IAESTE Alumni Conference. planning their next meeting. Aside from the hard work done in Skopje, hardworking organisers and the work group leaders.
• WG4 – 70th Anniversary & IAESTE Day led by Olga Legacka the participants had some time for networking, teambuilding and creating
(IAESTE A.s.b.l.) and Vanja Paulik (IAESTE Croatia). This group new friendships and relationships. The feedback from all participants and volunteers was very positive. The
produced action plans and discussed: 70th IAESTE Anniversary 2017 SID was successful and productive. We hope everyone enjoyed the
“Celebrations plan”, IAESTE awards and IAESTE day. The Friday evening was booked for everyone’s favourite International spring weather in Skopje, had great meetings and exchanged ideas with
Evening. The Evening took place in a historical inn - Suli An, built during other participants.

56 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Taking a Ride on the
Innovation Wave in
Angels Pique,
Operations Chief,

Left: April 2017 Workshop in “Communication Skills and Social

Etiquette” for Chinese students who applied for an IAESTE overseas
internship offer.

IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Events and Networking

Is IAESTE ready? Three Magic “I” for Students

If you read your local or international newspapers, you may realise that The China team also created programmes to mentally prepare Chinese
China is often mentioned for its government changes, facing of huge and Foreign young talents before starting their IAESTE oversea internships
challenges and for its innovations. Sometimes foreigners not living in in China or in other countries. This new generation of “MILLENNIALS” are
China, or even some locals, cannot really understand what is happening talented in using technology resources as they were born in an online,
here. Luckily, we have international organisations like IAESTE who are the socially-networked world. But they are commonly lacking in real world
bridge between different nations and cultures; in our case between China cross-cultural people skills. To address this shortage, the IAESTE China
and non-China. team is developing the Three Magic “I” Program (Inter-cultural, Innovative,
Internship) which includes a number of local cultural events, and specially
Looking back at 2011, when I first arrived in China, and looking at today, designed, fun-packed professional development workshops, for Chinese
many changes have occurred in China and the rest of the world. For and foreign applicants who want to take an IAESTE experience in China
example, media outlet “The Diplomat” mentioned in December 2015 that or oversea.
China will continue behaving like a global leader on the international LePA workshop at our IAESTE partner, Mettler Toledo China, together with
IAESTE China team, HR personnel and Chinese employees who are going to
stage, seek to increase its global influence while espousing new ideas for The messages to future partners
be the mentors of IAESTE foreign talents.
innovation. “CNBC” news just reported last month about the great success By the end of March, when I sat on a plane, headed to visit HR personnel
of President Xi’s government against corruption and the commitment to University students, young graduates, employers and society in general, in Shenzhen, I took a newspaper and found a great quotation from Ma
open up to world trade. These facts indicate that China has entered a new riding the new wave of Chinese innovation. Yun “Jack Ma”, the founder of China’s biggest online commerce company,
geo-political and technologically innovative era. As is happening around AliBaba. It is the perfect first slide statement for my PowerPoint Presentation
the world, there is a new generation of Chinese youth, willing to learn from During the past three years, IAESTE China launched a series of innovative to my potential partners in the next meeting.
overseas, and bring new ideas, perspectives and entrepreneurship into the programmes aimed at helping Chinese companies and universities to
country. The big and exciting question arises: Is IAESTE ready? What is the better use the unique resources of our organisation. In 2015, our team “In the future, if you want to compete with a machine to see who is
future role of IAESTE in China and the world? started a special HR training programme, called LePA (Learning through knowledgeable, you have no chance to win. So how should we compete
Participation & Achievement) cooperating with two of our business with a machine? I think we should teach our employees or kids, culture and
LePA: A unique approach towards new challenges partners, on boosting the productivity of their employees through our value. These are the things that humans can always win against machines”
IAESTE was set up in 1948 after World War II by Mr. James Newby, Head programme. By cooperating closely with HR departments, the results - Ma Yun
of the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee, at Imperial College of showed that IAESTE provides our partners with a cost-effective, cross-
London with the aim to promote a better understanding between countries cultural training programme that benefits the company and its employees And yes, IAESTE keeps doing it, as we look at the future.
and cultures in the post war era. Nowadays, it is still playing the same in the area of global talent development. The participants among company
role among young talented students, countries, employers and universities. employees can improve their cross-cultural communication, value-driven
Here in China, IAESTE holds these same principles and functions. We leadership skills, and performance management. Why send employees on
do so innovatively and as a unique bridge among Chinese and foreign an expensive overseas MBA while having this valuable “LePA” available
in town through the magic hands of IAESTE?

Events and Networking

On Saturday 25th of March, IAESTE China organised a day full of
activities to gather foreign and Chinese interns together. Such activities
were held in various locations in Shanghai, which was a perfect and fun
way to get to know and explore the city better, especially for those who

are new to Shanghai. The name of the day’s activities was “Mission X”,
because the games and missions were only revealed on the day. This gave
them a twist of mystery which made it even more exciting.

All the interns were asked to arrive at 10am to Fuxing Island Park and the

Mission X
location was absolutely beautiful. The peaceful surroundings and lovely
vegetation almost made you forget that you were still in the city. In the
park, participants were given a kit including an IAESTE t-shirt, team tags,
water and a lot of snacks. Afterwards, instructions were provided about
the day´s activities:
Particpants in the Spy game showing their name tags on their backs
First, the IAESTE China team spread the interns into 2 groups in order to
play the game “Spy”, a very popular game in China that not only tests
people´s communication, team work and strategic planning skills, but also
Alejandra Leguizamon, their fitness levels. Then, participants were given a red and a blue vest with
a tag in their back. The aim of the game was to chase members of the
Trainee, opposite team and rip their tags off in order to “kill” them. However, each

IAESTE China team had a Spy in their group that when “killed”, he/she will go back to
their real team and give away the other team´s strategy!

Even though the game seemed easy at first, it required a lot of

communication and planning skills. As a result, the red team won the first

Opposite: Chinese and foreign IAESTE trainees in Shanghai gather for Participants enjoying the Spy game
a group photo during the days’ activities

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 61

Events and Networking

“Apart from having fun together

and becoming friends, it also
helps to create an international
After the “SPY” game, we were taught the IAESTE dance by the IAESTE
staff and in exchange Spanish students taught the famous dance of the
Macarena, which actually was not very famous in China at all. Later, we
practiced and recorded the first IAESTE Mannequin Challenge. We had
so much fun during the morning activities.

In the afternoon we had a delicious traditional Chinese lunch and all the Trainees ready to start the game of Metropoly
participants were taken to the nearest metro station to play the game
“Metro monopoly” or as we called it “Metropoly”. The game consisted of
organising groups of 4 people with one leader. We were given a map and
had to roll electronic die on WeChat (Chinese Whatsapp) in order to know
which station we should head to. Every station had a different challenge
such as, finding 5 people to hug, make them do a mannequin challenge,
teach them the IAESTE dance, etc. The challenge took over 3 hours and the
winning team was rewarded with a delicious cheesecake. Unfortunately,
my team came second last as we did not have much luck when rolling the
dice, so we kept being sent backwards instead of forwards.

I think these type of activities are very good to integrate foreign and
local students. Apart from having fun together and becoming friends,
The only sad face all day: Trainee Alejandra after being ‘killed’ in the Spy
game it also helps to create an international network for future opportunities.
The IAESTE team did a wonderful job planning these activities and I am
looking forward to sharing many other experiences with them in the The Metropoly Board around Shanghai’s circular metro line 4
coming months.
Opposite: Happy at lunch time!

62 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Events and Networking

A Colourful
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbour.
Explore. Dream. Discover.” This Mark Twain quote fully represents the
IAESTE summer reception in Central Europe. We are welcoming students

from all over the world, helping them to sail from safe harbor of their home
and discover the beauty of Europe.

It is amazing how colourful summer can be in IAESTE. Young people from

all over the world are trying to make the best out of their traineeships. That
is why summer reception plays a very important part in Central Europe.

We are not only making summer days fun but supporting trainees as well:
• Equality, tolerance and positivity. All around the Europe you can find
happy and positive trainees from different cultures and religions.
Everyone the same, eager to learn, travel and explore the world. Budapest Weekend 2016

• Experiences. Learning from books is easy. Going on a traineeship

takes courage. Living in a foreign country by yourself brings you • Volunteering. All this would not be possible without volunteers who
Krista Lokar, more experiences than any class in school. Camping in the middle organise events and take care of trainees. Why? Because they as well
of nowhere under millions of stars, climbing mountains, canoeing want to discover their own country and culture. Because they gain
CER PR Coordinator rivers, learning the local language, comes in the same package as an skills and knowledge that otherwise they would never get. But mostly
internship and gives you experiences that you would not get sitting at because of the feeling you get when you help people, not to mention
home in front of a TV. the close friends you gain from all over the world.

• Discovering new cultures and habits. New country, new people, new There are plenty of opportunities to explore Europe, you just need to grab
environment - you can find plenty of opportunities to start discovering. them. We promote all our activities on the IAESTE website so everyone
A big part of summer reception is to share local culture and customs can experience our summer reception. Don’t hesitate and just explore,
with trainees. There is no better way to discover cultures then traveling dream, discover.
from one summer weekend to another. Every weekend a different
country and culture, why not?

Opposite: Slovenian Weekend 2016

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 65

Events and Networking

What comes to your mind when you hear “Central Europe”? Is it a place
full of rich medieval history with beautiful cathedrals, bridges and castles?
Is it a place with amazingly good food full of meat, cabbage and onion?
Or is it a remarkably diverse place where you can meet people from all

over the world? Well... all of it!

Central Europe is a region that can offer a lot and plays an important role in
IAESTE. After all, two of the founding countries of IAESTE come from there.

And right now, every country in Central Europe has IAESTE representation,
which means we are cooperating under a regional initiative.

CER is a platform for organising international projects and sharing

CER plays an important role in the development of IAESTE in Europe
knowledge amongst the Central and Eastern European countries that exist

The Story of the Central

since 2012. Currently our region consists of 10 countries and 2 Local
Committees. Our day-to-day agenda is handled by a Management Team
of the region which consists of 7 people from 7 different countries.

In CER we focus on strenghtening cooperation between countries. We

European Region
organise 3 regional conferences each year, which provide an excellent
opportunity for education in professional and soft-skills oriented workshops.
We have also established 3 working groups (Exchange, Public Relations
and IT) that are focused on the exchange of knowledge and solving of
Michal Beneš,
issues in the region. CER Vice Coordinator,
The main focus of the region is to improve the quality of exchange in IAESTE Czech Republic
member countries and raise the amount of internship offers. For that
purpose we developed a clear structure for jobraising in member countries
that wish to participate, with call teams and exchange coordinators
working together to achieve the best possible results. Incoming trainees
The organising team for CER 2017
can look forward to a large number of diverse Summer Reception events,
from hiking in the highest Tyrolean Alps, to getting lost in the deepest Opposite: Young people from Central Europe gather together to share
Slovenian forests and canoening in the marvelous Czech rivers. ideas and knowledge

66 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Events and Networking

It’s August – the summer has reached its peak, the IAESTE programme has
bridged cultures and new friendships were made. So, it’s time to head to
Dresden! Every year we welcome IAESTE members and interns to our city
and share with them some insights into its culturally-rich history.

Committee Starting on a Friday, we welcome the interns and members from all over
the country to the hostel. Afterwards, we proceed with a BBQ at the

Gutzkow student club, where we learn more about our guests with some
drinks and food.

Saturday morning, we get together again for breakfast in the hostel and

make our way to the city centre. An experienced tour guide takes us
through the impressive sightseeing Dresden has to offer: from the famous
Church of Our Lady to the Semper Opera and Zwinger, which have
attracted artists and scientists alike over the past centuries. After walking Local Committees play an important role in IAESTE, including welcoming

students to their cities
around the centre, we head to the castle of Pillnitz outside the city.

Having to walk all morning is tiring of course, so we take a break in the As the weekend is slowly ending, we have a last breakfast with everyone
Pillnitz park and have a picnic with the group. We eventually visit the and proceed to go on a trip to the Saxon Switzerland National Park,
castle after lunch and return to the old town afterwards with the White where we go hiking all afternoon to the Bastei. This marks the end of the

Eric Ceballos, Fleet, the oldest paddlewheel steamboat fleet in the world. Those who
wish to see more of the city can do so as we let everyone have some free
weekend for some, but those with more time are invited to have dinner
with us.
LC Dresden time for themselves.
We, as the local committee of IAESTE in Dresden enjoy welcoming
Once the night time arrives, we meet in a typical German restaurant and interested people every year and like to show everyone that visits us why
have dinner together. With our stomachs full of delicious food, we then we love Dresden as our home. Come meet us if you get the chance, you’ll
get to experience the nightlife in the scenic district of Neustadt. Dresden likely be as fascinated as everyone who came!
Neustadt is known for its wide range of bars and cafes and its artistic

Opposite: LC Dresden welcomes IAESTE members from around the

world every year

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 69

Events and Networking

How to
Over 60 years of IAESTE history, 400 members, 12 Local Committees –
this is a brief description of IAESTE Poland. Throughout the years a lot of
has changed here – but one thing remains the same – our passion and
IAESTE spirit.

feel the
Coming together is a beginning.
The Polish Committee of IAESTE was established in 1957 by Professor
Janusz Tymowski from Warsaw University of Technology and shortly after
IAESTE Poland became an Associate Member of the IAESTE family. In

passion for
1959 during the Annual Conference in Turkey, Poland was accepted as
a Full Member of IAESTE. Since that time, we have managed to host over
Participants of National Conference of IAESTE Poland in 2016 in Warsaw
13,000 students from over 80 countries. IAESTE Poland still works on the
development of the network of cooperating companies and institutions –

year by year we organise around 300 internships, which makes Poland One of the new traditions that arrived in Poland are Twinnings between
one of the biggest countries participating in the exchange programme. Local Committees, within Poland, but also on the international level. As
well as the social aspect of these kind of events this is also a good occasion
Keeping together is progress. for sharing knowledge and experience. You can measure the motivation
In Poland, we understand the need of keeping together and motivating level afterwards!
each other. We spend long hours in deep discussions. IAESTE Poland is
well known as having one of the best Summer Reception programmes Working together is success.
Our main goal is to match the best students with the most open-minded
Kinga Urbanek, across the European Countries. We have events that have become a
permanent fixture in the IAESTE cultural calendar, such as: companies so that both sides can benefit from this cooperation. We
IAESTE Poland • Gdansk Baywatch Weekend realise that goal through the Exchange Programme – which is the core
• Poznan TEY Weekend activity of our organisation, but also through our national project ‘IAESTE
• ICEM Krakow Weekend CaseWeek’ held annually each April – a series of case study based
• Warsaw Weekend workshops for students. They are prepared by companies which are
professionally involved in the subjects mentioned in the sessions. It is worth
We are also happy that we managed to reactivate two more events: highlighting that IAESTE CaseWeek is organised by students for students.
Wroclaw Magic Weekend & Lodz Weekend. The passion of our members, The whole preparation process involves more than 100 people from our
all of whom are volunteers, year by year allows us to raise the quality of Local Committees and is still among the biggest projects run by students
Opposite: Always IAESTE! Twinning between IAESTE Warsaw and in our country.
the Summer Reception events prepared for interns – the goal is to have the
summer calendar filled with the events!
Above: Poznan TEY! Weekend 2016

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 71

Events and Networking

Relationships with our alumni have been one of the key topics lately in the
IAESTE community, and for a good reason. In many countries, including
Slovenia, they are often overlooked as a part of the organisation and
an opportunity for growth. Therefore, after a year of discussions and

preparations, we at IAESTE Slovenia finally organised another alumni
meeting in Ljubljana, our capital. In addition to current members, more
than 50 alumni came to the event: from ex-trainees to National Secretaries
and Presidents of both local committees and the national committee. New
connections between us were made and the old ones rebuilt through the
ice breakers and games we played together. We know that building
strong relationships with our alumni will be a slow process, but we are
really happy we finally started it.
Building Networks
Between Members and
Teconomy Maribor, 2017

Here are some basics about us at IAESTE Slovenia, for those who don’t Not all our activities are fun oriented, though. We believe that our role is
know us yet: we are from a small country, a member of the Central
European Region (CER), and we are student run, with two LCs: Ljubljana
not just to help students find a paid internship in a foreign country, but also
to educate and help them find opportunities among employers around
and Maribor. The NC is based in Ljubljana. All work is done on a volunteer them. This is the objective of Teconomy, an annual careers fair organised
basis and every year we search for new members at universities, by hosting by LC Maribor: to connect students with prospective employers from
presentations and inviting prospective members to 2 newbie weekends Slovenia and beyond. We are also searching for employers to involve in
somewhere in the countryside. In addition to the alumni meeting, we are Caseweek, a project originating in IAESTE Poland, where representatives
currently working on a few other events as well and hoping to make them
a tradition.
from companies lead workshops for students and get to know the best
students in the field.
Tanja Kokalj,
National Secretary,
We organised the CEC (Central European Convention), an event for The main focus of our work remains the exchange of offers. We are
members of CER countries, in 2015. Later, in 2016 we got the idea working hard to bring the numbers up in line with Strategy 2020. The IAESTE Slovenia
of organising a summer weekend for foreign trainees. To differentiate first and hardest step has so far been finding new interested employers.
ourselves from other weekends, mostly city breaks, we placed our weekend This is where we are hoping to, eventually, get some help from our alumni
in the unrefined nature, away from all the city lights. Slovenian Weekend and their connections. Anyone who has ever been a trainee knows how
was a success and you can count on another event like it this year, in a beneficial a traineeship is for the student and the company, so as we
completely new and exciting location. expand our network and spread the word, we are confident in finding
more people interested in our mission.
Opposite: Group photo from Slovenia weekend 2016, in front of
Lake Bohinj

72 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

Final Concept - Standard Next year we will be celebrating our 70th Anniversary with a series of
planned events throughout the year. We will be holding birthday parties
in 2018
around the world on IAESTE Day (20th October), running competitions,
sending our IAESTE Teddy Bears, Sci, Tec, Eng and Arch around the world
once again (they last travelled the globe during our 65th Anniversary
celebrations) and much, much more. We will also be celebrating
throughout the Annual Conference in Berlin that takes place from 19-25
January 2018.

If you would like to get involved, keep an eye our on our website iaeste.org
and on our social media. We’re hoping to spread our message further than
ever before in 2018 and celebrate 70 years of our amazing association.
Final Concept - Dark Background

Events and Networking

Though IAESTE Canada has been a member of IAESTE since 1953, in
recent years it has been through several structural and personnel changes, “We were welcomed into
so we still consider ourselves a young organisation. This year we sent two
new members to the Annual Conference and it was the first AC for both
the IAESTE family and got
to experience first-hand the
of us.

We went to the AC to exchange internship positions, meet our international enthusiasm and welcoming spirit
colleagues, and attend the social events. However, we also went with the
additional goals of understanding how other countries run their exchanges, of the organisation”

how they are organised, how they raise jobs, and how they match jobs to
students. We were looking for ideas and best practices on how to better
run IAESTE Canada. Though we got all of this, we also received a lot

Canada IAESTE is an organisation that is distributed around the world. For those of
us new to it, working in our own countries, it is a challenge to experience
the IAESTE spirit as we go about our daily activities in our home country.
We were welcomed into the IAESTE family and got to experience first-hand
the enthusiasm and welcoming spirit of the organisation. We learnt how
each country has their own way of organising themselves, that different
approaches work equally well, and now have examples of how we can
better ourselves. We learnt how we have two constituents; students and
employers, and different ways of balancing the two, sometimes conflicting,
David Fraser, needs. Most important of all, we could speak and discuss matters with our

National Secretary, colleagues from around the world and now truly feel that we are part of
the international IAESTE family. The IAESTE Canada delegation at the 2017 Annual Conference in Seoul

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 75


Namaste! Biochemical studies and in my free time I was able to travel to so many I had the opportunity to take classes on the basics of the Spanish language
places like the Amazonas, Caribbean coast, Ibague - the Music capital, during this internship period. Also, the assistance of volunteers in IAESTE
My name is Jogy Philip Thomas and I am from a southern state of India Barichara - the typical colonial city, Recuca Coffee culture, Hot springs in Colombia during this period was astounding. I was able to connect with
named Kerala. I am a recent postgraduate in Renewable Energy from Manizales, extreme sports in chicamocha and several other places. The students from other nationalities. The professors, officials, inhabitants,
Karunya University. I had the privilege to complete my summer internship graffiti on the street walls, the delicious variety of street foods like arepas especially friends and their families, whomever I met astonished me with
for a period of 5 months as a co-researcher in Universidad Santo Tomas in and chicharrón, traditional food like ajiaco, tamale, bandeja paisa and their gracious deeds and hospitality.
Bogota, which is the capital city of Colombia. the rapidly changing weather all made mesmerised me.
I chose my destination only because of the future opportunity the
As I am from an Asian culture this opportunity through IAESTE to experience The days spent at the IAESTE National meeting, when students from programme provided but I had never heard much about Colombia, other
Colombia and Latin American culture was inestimable and the academic different parts of the world spent time together for a week of traveling to than Shakira’s ‘Hips don’t lie’, and the king of 90’s. But now I know it was
experience through the Colciences project was lucrative for my career. different parts of Colombia and experiencing their respective gastronomy, one of the best decisions I ever took in my career. It was really an eye-
were unforgettable moments. The diverse landscapes, greenery, the opening experience for my personal development and also for the new
Everything felt so different for me when I landed in the capital city. The richness and wide variety of vegetation and the apt weather, along with emerging opportunities in my career.
food, the language, the people, the weather and so on. Since I started the friendly citizens and steps of Salsa upon the ‘National Drink’ on
work, my days were inquisitive with academic experimentations on weekends made my days awesome. Thanks IAESTE for this fascinating experience


Experience, Commitment and Trust With the IAESTE
Programme and EAFIT University, Colombia

We appreciate the EAFIT – IAESTE relationship in supporting our

foundational purpose of internationalisation. We consider exchange as

Work. a force of valuable experience in which the student´s formative processes

are enriched by international internships. Our institutional projects are

Experience. enriched by the incoming trainees knowledge and the knowledge that
EAFIT students contribute to their host organisations.

Discover. IAESTE is an international, high-value academic programme, based on

cooperation and supported by local committees, universities, employers
and students. Our 15 years of positive experience with IAESTE is
reaffirmed each year with the commitment of an organisation that creates
trust between the peoples. This is reflected in the more than 30 students
that EAFIT has sent abroad and by the same number of incoming trainees
that we have hosted. In every case they have been performed with great

Willy Henao Zea

EAFIT University, Colombia

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 77


How the key of an IAESTE Local Committee office changed During my time at IAESTE, I have held various Board positions, ranging
my life from Accommodation Service Coordinator and Events Coordinator
to Treasurer. Since last year, I am the President of the LC Berne. At the
Katharina Kloidt, enthusiastic IAESTE member since 2006, has studied moment, the major challenge for the LC Berne is to find new, motivated
Environmental Sciences at the University of Lüneburg in Germany. After members who are well connected within the student body. Another
a short detour to the world of employment, she came to Switzerland to important task is local job-raising in order to expand our network. As LC
study Civil Engineering at Berne University of Applied Sciences for her Berne’s President, I try to push and support as many ideas as possible to
second degree. Her reflection of her 11 years as an active member of achieve these goals. Furthermore, I hope to experience another facet of
IAESTE shows how valuable it is to be part of and to contribute to a great IAESTE soon - the employer’s side.
organisation such as ours:
For me, IAESTE mainly means having a social network and showing
“The wish to do an internship in Australia brought me to IAESTE in Lüneburg cultural openness, which, in my opinion, has turned out to be very
as far back as 11 years ago. However, back then there was no internship important wherever I go. Encounters with cultural differences can already
in Australia available in my field. So, after visiting the local IAESTE office be interesting within one’s own country. For example, if well-heeled people
and an interesting talk about the international exchange programme, I left from hierarchically organised countries come here and don’t know how
without an internship, but with a key for the LC office in my pocket. Since to make tea, sometimes even people from similar cultural backgrounds
then, I have been part of the IAESTE community and it has become an are irritated.
invaluable part of my life.
suitable when relocating to other cities. After I moved away from Lüneburg, It is great that so many students take the chance to gather work experience
Various student exchanges to Australia, France and Spain made me the LC in Munich received me with open arms. abroad and I hope that our organisation keeps on growing. This would
appreciate having good support when abroad and I am pleased to lead to ever more fertile ground for IAESTE’s founding idea of counteracting
be able to help our trainees with my experiences in a similar way as I My second degree brought me to Switzerland in 2010. Now, some global conflicts with a growing cultural understanding.”
was assisted back then. I myself never got to go abroad on an IAESTE students in Berne tutored a couple of IAESTE interns, but Berne had no
internship for all sorts of reasons. I am probably one of the oldest members Local Committee yet. That is why a few friends and I, together with former
without an internship. However, the IAESTE network also proved to be very trainees, founded the LC Berne in 2013.

78 IAESTE Annual Review 2017

IAESTE Organisation

As part of our Strategy 2020, this year we launched a brand-new website.
It was created for us by a company founded by IAESTE Alumni, Bamboo
Labs, and is our first fully responsive website, tailored to the needs of our
visitors, students, employers, academics and alumni.

It’s regularly updated with the latest IAESTE news ands events, so please
do visit and let us know what you think.

Visit iaeste.org

Bruce Wicks,
Alumni and Communications

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 83


Bruce Wicks,
Alumni and Communications

IAESTE Annual Review 2017

IAESTE Organisation

IAESTE is a non-profit organisation and our mission is to contribute to the tips, development opportunities and of course, access to jobs. What do you get in return?
professional development of young scientists and engineers around the We do this in partnership with companies and organisations that share our In return for a yearly donation, IAESTE Career Partners receive the
world. For us, an internship is the beginning of a lifelong journey. vision. As a non-profit organisation, we need the partnership of companies following benefits:
Once an internship is completed we aim to provide young graduates and to provide us with the best information possible to our alumni. • Promotion of your company’s brand as a Career Partner of IAESTE
professionals with careers information, access to science and engineering How can your company get involved? • On donating you will be promoted as a Career Partner of IAESTE.
jobs and opportunities. Your company’s logo and profile will appear on our website which
Becoming an IAESTE Career Partner is simple has around 500,000 unique hits per year. Your company will also
With 70 years of experience, being present in more than 80 countries and Advertise your job vacancies to our alumni via our Alumni Network be promoted on our Alumni Network portal, on our social media
being the biggest exchange programme for scientists and engineers in One of the main benefits of being a Career Partner is that you get to post platforms and in our publications.
the world, our aim is to enhance the employability of young professionals your job vacancies on our Alumni Network. This gives you access to over • Be associated as a company that develops the employability of young
across the globe. 12,000 IAESTE alumni from around the world. These are the same young people around the globe. This is an opportunity for you to have a
people that were highly successful IAESTE trainees and are now looking real, visible impact on the lives of young engineers and scientists. By
If you share our vision, you can become a Career Partner with IAESTE. to develop their careers. sharing your knowledge and experience you can contribute to the
Together we can make a real difference to the lives of young people. increased employability of young people and be part of the solution
Annual donation to support the project to a global challenge.
An internship is only the beginning Making a yearly donation brings a range of benefits to your company • Targeted advertising of your vacancies to over 12000 IAESTE alumni.
We want to help our members develop their careers by providing them with or organisation. The donation enables us to develop our services to Through our Alumni Network you can find the right person for your
information and access to science and engineering jobs and opportunities. our alumni and members, supporting them through their journey from vacancy. IAESTE alumni are highly skilled, highly motivated and
We do this in partnership with companies and organisations that share our education to work. come ready-made with prior international work experience. Whether
mission to enhance the employability of young professionals. you want to advertise globally or to a specific region or country, we
Share your career guidance and knowledge with us (through our portal, can assist you to find the best people for your company. Your yearly
Employability of young people is a very important and current topic. Young social media, presence at our conferences/seminars etc.) donation means you can advertise as many positions as you like
graduates are finding it increasingly difficult to secure the right jobs in their Work with us to provide the best career related information and guidance throughout the year.
chosen field. Even those who have had the benefit of international work possible to our alumni. We see this as a real partnership and want to take • Gain direct access to our young talents. As part of the partnership
experience have told us of the challenges they are facing post-education. this unique opportunity to work together, to learn about you and what you you will have the opportunity to present your company at our events
With over 4000 new IAESTE graduates each year, we are committed to do, and for you to learn about us. We want you to share with our alumni and talk to our young people. If you wish to invite our alumni to your
helping them achieve the best possible start to their working life. your knowledge and experience regarding careers and working life. company for a visit, we can also facilitate this.

How do we do this? What next?

Through our Alumni Network, events and social media we provide careers If you’re interested in becoming a Career Partner with IAESTE, please
news, information and opportunities. The type of information we provide contact us for further details.
includes: company profiles, online events and seminars, job application

IAESTE Organisation

General Conference Strategic IAESTE General Conference SID: Strategic IAESTE Development
The General Conference possesses full power to take formal decisions Development (SID) The Strategic IAESTE Development Team is responsible for moderating the
for the fulfilment of the Aims and approves the budget and regulations of active dialogue between the member countries about the development
the Association. It is comprised of one delegate from each Full Member Internet Technology Internal of the strategic direction of the association. This includes conducting the
Services Team (ITS) Board
country and it elects the President, the Board and the SID coordinator, Auditors Seminar of Strategic IAESTE development once per year and organise the
meeting every year in January. The General Conference also admits new follow-up to ensure that the upcoming ideas for improvement are presented
Members of the Association. to the General Conference.
Support Team
National Committees
Board ITS: Internet Technology Services Team
The Board implements the Association’s policy and decisions approved The IAESTE Internet Technology Services Team, ITS, provides IT services
by the General Conference, initiates activities supporting the Association’s for IAESTE. Anything surrounding the Exchange Platform, IAESTE internet
policy in general and provides strategic direction to the Association. The domains and emails is the responsibility of the ITS.
Local Committees
Board is composed of five members. It is composed of the President and
four members. The Board elects from the four members one as Secretary Ombudsman
and one as Treasurer. Local Committee The function of the Ombudsman is to be an impartial mediator between a
• President:
The President is elected by the Members to convene and Local Committees represents the national committee throughout the country. student or group of students who feel they have been disadvantaged by a
chair the board meeting. The President represents the Association at Usually they are located at universities and are run by volunteers. person or Organisation representing IAESTE.
the international level.
• Secretary:
The Secretary is responsible at the higher directive level Support Team
for the international administration of the Association, and acts as the The Support Team (ST) is a team of people working for IAESTE on an
active conduit for communication and custodian of the proceedings international level with the target to implement (under the supervision of
of the Association. the Board) the strategic direction provided by the General Conference.
• Treasurer:
The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the This includes carrying out day-to-day business, fostering knowledge
Association. sharing between members of the association and creating fundraising
opportunities for IAESTE A.s.b.l. Besides these general tasks all team
National Committee members have their own area of responsibility, where they focus on
National Committees represent the Member countries and are composed developing new concepts for the further development of our association.
of persons representing academic, industrial and student interests.
National Committees are responsible for administration of the IAESTE
exchange programme.

IAESTE Organisation

Who is
Representatives of the Board to the UN and its
DPI/UN – New York – Prof. Bernard Baeyens;
ECOSOC – New York – Dr. Pulat Pulatov/Prof. Bernard Baeyens

UNIDO – Vienna – Dr. László Becker / Mr. Thomas Faltner
World Bank – New York – Prof. Bernard Baeyens
OECD – Paris – Mr. Thomas Faltner
European Union – Prof. Bernard Baeyens, Dr.Dorota Rylska and
Ms. Valentina Jovic

IAESTE Organisation
UN in Geneva – Mrs. Barbara Lingel

Edith Bretin
IAESTE Board (from the left): Bård Sve Wallentinsen, Dr. Dorota Rylska, Prof.
Bernard Baeyens, Valentina Jovic, Thomas Faltner
Internal Auditors
Hector Godoy Hernandez, IAESTE Colombia
Josep Andrés Ventura, IAESTE Spain
Board Members
Prof. Bernard Baeyens, President, IAESTE Colombia SID Coordinator
Dr. Dorota Rylska, Board Member, IAESTE Poland Mohammad Hossein Eftekhar, IAESTE Iran
Bård Sve Wallentinsen, Board Member, IAESTE Norway
Thomas Faltner, Board Member, IAESTE Austria Support Team
Valentina Jovic, Board Member, IAESTE Croatia Michael Debono, IT Manager
Olga Legacka, Development Manager
Bruce Wicks, Alumni & Communications Manager

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 87

IAESTE Employers
and Academic
Employers and Institutions
Argentina Participating Institutions • GOVI • Doxat Studio
• College Of Aviation Technology, Catech • NATO HQ • Ecoplan
Participating Employers • OCAS • EKVATOR d.o.o.
• Universidad Nacional del Sur - PLAPIQUI
Belarus • Pepsico • Elas metalexpres export-import
• Universidad Nacional del Sur - INQUISUR • Septentrio • Energoinvest SUE d.d.
• Universidad Nacional del Sur - Departamento de Agronomía Participating Employers
• Showpad • Faculty of agricultural and food sciences University of Sarajevo
• Universidad Nacional del Sur - Departamento de Ciencias e • Belarusian National Technical University
• StarFisk • FeAl
Ingeniería de la Computación • Belarusian State Technological University
• Televic • Hano d.o.o Sarajevo
• Universidad Nacional del Sur - Departamento de Química • Belarusian State University
• VITO • Info Studio d.o.o Sarajevo
• Universidad Nacional del Sur - Departamento de Ingeniería • Belarusian State University/Faculty of Chemistry
• Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics • Insurance Agency of Republic of Srpska
Eléctrica y Computadoras • Belarusian State University/Faculty of Economics
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Intrade energija d.o.o. Sarajevo
• Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Facultad de Arquitectura • Belarusian State University/Faculty of Mathematics
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Bruwind • ITOdjel doo
• Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas • Belarusian State University/Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Mobility, Logistics & Automotive • JKP Buducnost Laktasi
• Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Facultad de ingeniería • Belarusian State University/Faculty of Physics
Technology • JPS “Sume Republike Srpske” a.d.
• Universidad Nacional del Centro de Buenos Aires - Facultad de • Belarusian-Russian University
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Research group Fluid Mechanics & • Krajina Klas
Ingeniería • Brest State Technical University
thermodynamics • Language Bar
• Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Facultad de ingeniería y • EPAM Systems
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel -Acoustics and Vibrations Research Group • Messer Tehnoplin
Ciencias Hídricas • Francisk Skorina Gomel State University
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel- AVRG-BDM • Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and water Managment Republic
• Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Facultad de Arquitectura • Qulix Systems
• Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department of Mechanics of Materials of Srpska
• Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Facultad de Ciencias • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
and Constructi • Ministry of Health and Social Care
Veterinarias Participating Institutions • Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department ELEC • Mistral Technologies d.o.o.
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional • Belarusia - Russian University • Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Research group SURF • Miviko doo
Avellaneda • Belarusian National Technical University • Mtel a.d. Banja Luka
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Bahía
Participating Institutions
• Belarusian State University • NSoft doo
• Brussels Faculty of Engineering
Blanca • Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics • Petrolinvest d.d. Sarajevo
• Ghent University
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos • Brest State Technical University • PING d.o.o. Sarajevo
• Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Aires • Francisk Skorina Gomel State University • Prevent BH
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Chubut
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional
• Grodno State University
Bolivia • Public Health Institute of Republic of Srpska
• International Sakharov Ecological University • Putna laboratorija 1957 d.o.o
Concepción del Uruguay • Minsk State Linguistic University Participating Employers • Putovi doo
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Delta • Polotsk State University • Arq. Guido Bravo • Racunari d.o.o.
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional General • Arq. Gustavo Dellien • Routing d.o.o.
Pacheco Belgium • Arq. Pedro Del Pino • Screenfire doo
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Resistencia • Terraazul Agropecuaria • Stilles d.o.o.
Participating Employers
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Rosario • Universidad Del Valle • TEMPO-VRANICA dd
• Agfa Gevaert
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Santa Fe • Universidad Nacional Ecologica • The Republic od Srpska Investment-Development Bank
• Agfa Graphics
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional San
• Belgian Welding Institute Participating Institutions • UNA INZINJERING d.o.o.
francisco • Unis Telecom
• Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant • UAGRM Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno
• Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Villa • Zec doo
• BIOMATH - Ghent University • UMSA Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
• bubbe architects • UNIVALLE Universidad Privada del Valle Participating Institutions
• DMOA architects • Universidad Mayor de San Simon
Australia • Enhansa • Universidad Nacional Ecológica
• Faculty of Architecture, Sarajevo
• Faculty of Biology, Sarajevo
Participating Employers • EntityOne • UPSA Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz • Faculty of Chemistry, Banja Luka
• Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, SUT • FEops • EMI Escuela Militar de Ingeniería • Faculty of Chemistry, Sarajevo
• CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering • Flanders’ Make • Faculty of Civil engineering, Banja Luka
• Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia • Ghent University Bosnia and Herzegovina • Faculty of Economics, Mostar
• Monash University • Ghent University - Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Participating Employers • Faculty of Electrical engineering, Banja Luka
Participating Institutions • Ghent University - Department of Chemical Engineering • Alfatherm doo • Faculty of Electrical engineering, Sarajevo
• Department of Nuclear Physics, Australian National University • Ghent University - Department of Textiles • ARS STUDIO R • Faculty of Food technology, Mostar
• Ghent University - Department of Applied Physics • Banking Agency of Republic of Srpska • Faculty of Forestry, Banja Luka
Bangladesh • Ghent University - Multimedia Lab research group • Bekto Precisa d.o.o • Faculty of Geodesy , Banja Luka
• Ghent University - Research group Applied Thermodynamics and • CICAK doo • Faculty of Mathematics and informatics,Banja Luka
Participating Employers Heat Transfer • COMP-2000 d.o.o. Sarajevo • Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Mostar
• College Of Aviation Technology

Employers and Institutions
• Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Sarajevo • KOBAJAGI Design e Empreendimentos Ltda
Chile • Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong
• Faculty of Pharmacy, Banja Luka • Kobajagi Design,Comercio, Serviço e Empreendimentos Ltda Polytechnic University (PolyU)
• Faculty of Philology, Sarajevo • Lagoa Quente Ltda. Participating Employers • Dept of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
• Lanza Arquitetura e Construções Ltda • Tritec Intervento SpA University (PolyU)
Brazil • Larissa Leme Arquitetura • Universidad de La Frontera (Facultad de Ingeniería) • Dept of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong

Participating Employers • Levorato e Guerino Engenharia LTDA. Participating Institutions Polytechnic University (PolyU)
• LV comércio e serviços Ltda. • Universidad Autónoma de Chile • Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong
• MEP Arquitetura e Planejamento Ltda • Universidad Católica de Temuco Polytechnic University (PolyU)
- ME
• Oracides Adriano Engenharia Especial Ltda • Universidad de La Frontera • Dept of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
• Acta Arquitetos e Consultores Técnicos Associados Ltda.
• Paula Duarte Silvão Queiroz ME • Universidad Mayor University (PolyU)
• Alpha Channel Centro de Computação Gráfica
• Pintura Store Tinta Revestimento e Decoração • Universidad Santo Tomás • EDIasia Ltd
• Auran Serviços Holisticos Ltda.
• Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais • Universidad Tecnológica de Chile • Galaxy (Asia) Limited
• AWGES Engenharia
• Prefeitura Municipal de Cataguases • ITE Smartcard Solutions Limited
• B3D Indústria & Comércio LTDA
• BCMF Arquitetos e Engenharia Ltda.
• Raro Labs China • Kinetix Systems Limited
• Regina Marcia Arquitetura Ltda. • RF Tech Limited
• Bework Consultoria e Sistemas de Gestão Ltda Participating Employers
• Roni Hirsch M.E. • Solomon Systech Limited
• Big Sorvete Ltda • CDG Architecture Group
• RW Engenharia e Consultoria Empresarial LTDA • Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited
• SATC - Associação Beneficente da Indústria do Carbono SC. • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MATERIALS • DC Alliance Architecture
• SGS Soluções em Gestão Ltda • Widerworld Company Limited
• CA Cenografia e Eventos Ltda epp • Division 8
• Talinvest Comercial • WTT World Express (HK) Limited
• Canaltech • Maymuse
• Tecnometrica Estatística Ltda
• Centro de Pesquisar Avançadas Wernher Von Braun • Mettler-Toledo Changzhou Participating Institutions
• TECTRAN – Técnicos em Transporte Ltda
• Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais • Mettler-Toledo Shanghai • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
• Tectran Técnicos em Transporte
• Cia Olsen de Tratores Agro Industrial • Ningbo Xinrong Ji, Investments Ltd
• Confecçoes Nivalda Freitas Ltda
• Think Technology Indústria e Comércio de Produtos de Telecom
• Shanghai Humantech Biotechnology Co. China, Macau
• Controllar Automação Residencial • Shanghai Rongheng Information Technology Co. Ltd
• Universidade Estadual de Campinas Participating Employers
• Danilo Polo Cain ME • Wanhua Chemical Group Co.
• Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho • Biomedical Electronics Research Line, State Key Laboratory of
• DL Com. Ind. De Produtos Eletr. LTDA • WelinkData Shanghai
• Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, University of Macau (Prof. Vai)
• Dom Silvério Informática LTDA • E-C International Enterprise Management Consulting
• Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto • Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Department of Electrical and
• Estúdio 5 Arquitetura e Design • Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co., Ltd
• Universidade Federal de Viçosa Computer Engineering, University of Macau (Prof. Vai)
• Evolução Aluguel de Carros Ltda. • IAESTE China- CiTD Council for International Training &
• Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro • Centre for Engineering Research and Testing
• Exsto Tecnologia LTDA Development
• Universitário Ativo • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
• FAACZ - Faculdades Integradas de Aracruz
• Vale Arquitetura Ltda Participating Institutions Macau (Dr. Angus, Chi Chiu Lam)
• Favale e Associados Engenharia e Arquitetura Ltda
• Vovó Pia Sabores Artesanais LTDA • Changzhou University • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
• FEMA - Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis
• East China Normal University Macau (Dr. Thomas, Man Hoi Lok
• Fundação Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações
• Fundação Presidente Antônio Carlos
Canada • Ningbo University of Engineering • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
• Shanghai Jiaotong University Macau (Mr.Walter, Iat Meng Lam)
• Gericke Equipamentos Industriais Ltda Participating Employers • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
• Shanghai Maritime University
• Granja Pinheiros LTDA • Coanda Research & Development Corporation
• Shanghai Ocean University Macau (Prof. K.P.Kou)
• GRI Club • General Fusion
• Shanghai University • Department of Computer and Information Science, Faculty of
• HDA Ind. e Com. de componentes eletronicos LTDA • Lakes Environmental Software
• University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Science & Technology, University of Macau (Dr. Biuk-Aghai)
• Helany Poeys Cursos de Idiomas • Lallemand Inc.
• Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science
• Hermanus A. Steltenpool e Outro • McGill University
• Hoplon Infotainment S.A. • Stantec
China, Hong Kong & Technology, University of Macau (Dr. Alfred Wong)
• Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science
• Instituto Botafogo Social • Transformix Engineering Participating Employers
& Technology, University of Macau (Dr. P. K. Wong)
• Instituto de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Estudos e Pesquisas LTDA • Université de Montréal • Altitude Limited
• Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science
• Instituto de Tecnologia Edson Mororó Moura • University of Guelph • Deltason Medical Limited
& Technology, University of Macau, (Dr. P. K. Wong)
• Instituto Educacional Jaguary Ltda • Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
Participating Institutions • Institute for the Development and Quality Macau
• Instituto Federal de Alagoas University
• École Polytechnique • Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau
• INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO SUDESTE DE MINAS GERAIS • Dept of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong
• McGill University • The Macao Water Supply Co. Ltd.
• Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
• JBA Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda • Dept of Applied Physics, PolyU Participating Institutions
• João de Paula Arquitetura • Dept of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University • University Of Macau
• JP7 Serviços de Informática Ltda. (PolyU)

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 91

Employers and Institutions
Colombia • GEO-RAD d.o.o. Participating Institutions Cyprus
• Gradjevinarstvo i proizvodnja Krk d.d. • Department of Biology, University of Osijek
Participating Employers • Gravia d.o.o. • Department of Biotechnology, University of Rijeka
Participating Employers
• Universidad EAFIT • HIDROPROJEKT-ING d.o.o. • Ayios Athanasios Municipality
• Department of Chemistry, University of Osijek
• Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia - UNIAGRARIA • HPNJ+ d.o.o. • Cynthiana Beach Hotel
• Department of Health Studies, University of Split
• Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Bucaramanga • Human Resources Cloud d.o.o. • CYTA
• Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka
• Institución Universitaria EAM • IDT Inzenjering d.o.o. • Central Bank of Cyprus
• Department of Marine Studies, University of Split
• Universidad del Sinu - Elias Bechara Zainum • Impuls Ing d.o.o. • Cyprus Ports Authority
• Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek
• Universidad Católica de Manizales • IN2 d.o.o. • Hellenic Copper Mines Ltd
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Osijek
• Universidad del Tolima • INDUCTA d.o.o. • Intership Navigation Co Ltd
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
• Universidad de Ibagué • INFOSOL d.o.o. • Larnaca Municipality
• Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb
• Universidad Santo Tomás - Tunja • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of • Republic of Cyprus - Ministry of Transport, Communication &
• Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of
• Universidad Santo Tomás - Bogotá Chemistry Works
• Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of • Sewerage Board of Limassol - Amathus
• Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University of Split
• Universidad del Valle Mathematics • Sewerage Board of Nicosia
• Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University
• Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Palmira • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Physics • Vassiliko Cement Public Company Ltd
of Split
• Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Montería • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Mechanical • Water Board of Lemesos
• Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Osijek
• Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod • Water Board of Nicosia
• Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka
• Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology • Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb Participating Institutions
• Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical • Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb • Cyprus University of Technology
• Universidad Nacional de Colombia Engineering • Faculty of Economics, University of Osijek • European University
Participating Institutions • Koios savjetovanje d.o.o. • Faculty of Economics, University of Split • Frederick University
• Universidad Santo Tomas - Tunja • LIBUSOFT CICOM d.o.o. • Faculty of Electrical Engineering And Computing, University of • Neapolis University
• Mer Systems Zagreb • Open University of Cyprus
Croatia • Messer Croatia Plin d.o.o. • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and • University of Central Lancashire - Cyprus
• Nimium d.o.o. Naval Architecture, University of Split • University of Cyprus
Participating Employers
• PROKON d.o.o. • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Osijek • University of Nicosia
• AIR-TRACTOR d.o.o. Pannonia pilot school
• RENCON d.o.o. • Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka
• Altus informacijske tehnologije d.o.o
• ALV-AST d.o.o
• Rudno d.o.o. • Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology, University of Czech Republic
• Strojarsko-akusticki inzenjering d.o.o. Zagreb
• ÄŒAROBNI TIM d.o.o. Participating Employers
• Studio ARS d.o.o. • Faculty of Food Technology, University of Osijek
• APIS d.o.o. • 2K Czech, s.r.o.
• Tehnicko veleuciliste u Zagrebu, University of Applied Science, • Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb
• Arhitektonski biro Ante Kuzmanic d.o.o. • Allium s.r.o.
Deptartment of Electrical Engineering • Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb
• Arhitektonski kolektiv d.o.o • ALPS Electric Czech, s.r.o.
• Tehnicko veleuciliste u Zagrebu, University of Applied Science, • Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb
• Arhitektonski studio Marinovic d.o.o. • Alza.cz a.s.
Deptartment of Life Long Learning • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
• Bamboo Lab d.o.o. • AMIRES s.r.o.
• TELENERG d.o.o. • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
• Brodarski institut d.o.o. • Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
• Tentamen d.o.o • Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka
• CEMEX Hrvatska d.d Department of Railway Structures and Constructions
• Tera Tehnopolis d.o.o. • Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split
• Djuro Djakovic Thermal-power plants d.o.o. • Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
• University of Osijek, Faculty of Educational Sciences • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture,
• Elcon Geraetebau d.o.o. Institute of Materials Science and Engineering
• University of Split Faculty of Civil Engineering,rchitecture and University of Zagreb
• Elekta-C d.o.o. • Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Geodesy • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Osijek
• ELEKTRO-VRATA d.o.o. Institute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics
• University of Split Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Mechanical • Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University
• Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. • Cadconsulting, spol. s r.o
Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb
• EUROTIP d.o.o. • DELTAPLAN spol. s r.o.
• University of Zagreb , Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, • Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Osijek • Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, • Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb
• Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Department of in Prague
Department of Marine Structures • Faculty of Science – Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics,
Mathematics • Department of Digital Design, Faculty of Information Technology,
• University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Geology, Geography, University of Zagreb
• Faculty of food technology University of Osijek CTU in Prague
Biotechnology • Faculty of Science, University of Split
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, • Department of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, CTU in
• URBANE TEHNIKE d.o.o. • Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb
Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment Prague
• Veritas Esco d.o.o. • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
• Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb • Department of Microenvironmental and Building Services
• X.I.M.A.R. d.o.o. • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb
• Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science, University of Zagreb Engineering, CTU in Prague
• Zeljeznicko projektno drustvo d.d. • Polytechnic of Zagreb
• Farmeron d.o.o. • Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in
• ZU Ljekarna Osijek
• Galovic Inzenjering d.o.o. Prague

Employers and Institutions
• Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information • Cheminova A/S • Proquim • JUG AD Skopje
Technology, CTU in Prague • COWI A/S • Romano Jeans • KJP Niskogradba
• Department of Vehicle Technology, Faculty of Transportation • Danish Fundamental Metrology • Semaica • Knauf DOOEL Skopje
Sciences, CTU in Prague • Danish Power Systems ApS • Sergeoingter • Loging Electronics
• Experimental Centre, Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague • DTU Danchip • Servicios Odontologicos Biomagneticos • MCA dooel Skopje
• FCC prumyslove systemy s.r.o. • DTU, Mechanical Engineering • Soft Warehouse S.a • Melon Technologies DOOEL
• FCR TECH, spol. s r.o. • ExpandIT A/S • Studio De Diseño Sostenible Sdarch • Netcetera DOOEL
• Fine spol. s.r.o. • Haldor Topsoe A/S • Tecniseguros • Porsche Macedonia
• GE Aviation Czech • Microsoft Development Center • Tierra Del Volcan • PHARMACHEM
• Gemalto s.r.o. • NIRAS A/S • Tropical Herping • Pharmacy Zegin Farm
• Hutchinson s.r.o. • Nordzucker, Corporate Technology & Innovation • Universidad San Francisco De Quito • Rade Konchar TEP
• IKA DATA, s.r.o. • Sophion Bioscience A/S • Vainillas Del Ecuador • Siskon Dragisa DOOEL
• Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCR, v. v. i. • Zuleta Y Anexos • Sparkase Banka Makedonija AD
Participating Institutions
• Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics • Studio 2000
• Technical University Of Denmark Participating Institutions
• Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i. • Systems4Enterprice
• University Of Copenhagen • Escuela Politecnica Del Ejercito
• Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i. • Salo Media Group LTD
• Escuela Politecnica Nacional
• Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v. v. i.
D.P.R Korea • Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Ecuador
• Technical Faculty - Bitola
• JHV - ENGINEERING s.r.o. • Terms Holding
• Universidad De Las Americas
• KUBERG s.r.o. Participating Institutions • TETRAKTIS-Kristijan dooel, Skopje
• Universidad San Francisco De Quito
• Logio s.r.o. • Pyongyang University of Science & Technology • University for Information Science and Technology St. Paul the
• Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial
• Matapo s.r.o. Apostle
• Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, v.v.i.
F.Y.R. Macedonia • Zavar Company
• Procter & Gamble - Rakona, s.r.o. Participating Employers Participating Institutions
• Rompa CZ s. r. o. • Acepromet
Participating Employers
• Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
• Scanfore, s.r.o. • AD ELEM Skopje
• Aico Ltda and Food
• Technical University of Liberec • 3P Development
• Amortiguadores Y Partes Del Ecuador • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Architecture
• The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of West Bohemia • Adora Engineering
• Arq. Gabriel Rivera • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Civil Engineering
• Tomas Bata University in Zlin • Asseco SEE
• Austroriego • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Computer Science and
• University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings at CTU • ATS Macedonia
• Biometrika Engineering
• University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague • Benning PSAM DOO
• Bratwurst • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Design and
• VALEO AUTOKLIMATIZACE k.s. • Besian Mehmeti Architects
• Bustec Ecuador Technologies of Furniture and Interior
• VALIANT - TMS Czech s.r.o. • Chelik
• Casa Topografica • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Economics (E-business
• Veterinary Research Institute • Codewell Unlimited DOO Skopje
• Cereales Andinos programme)
• Veterinary Research Institute • Cubus
• Construcciones Royal • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
• VSB - Technical University of Ostrava • Dijag DOO
• Construcphisa and Information Technologies
• ZF Stankov s.r.o.. • AD Grozd Strumica
• Constructiva • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Forestry
• Endava DOOEL
Participating Institutions • Constructora Leon • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science
• Brno University of Technology • Edison Guerrero • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Natural Sciences and
• Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
• Charles University in Prague • Envapress Mathematics
• Faculty of Design and Technologies of Furniture
• Czech Technical University in Prague • Frameworks • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Pharmacy
• Faculty of Electrical Engineering and IT
• Masaryk University in Brno • Fundacion Ags • Cyril and Methodius University: Faculty of Technology and
• Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
• Mendel University in Brno • FYI Ingenieria Y Construcciones Metallurgy
• Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
• Technical University of Liberec • Gaias Usfq • Goce Delcev University in Stip:  Faculty of Agriculture
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Tomas Bata University in Zlin • Garme S.a • Goce Delcev University in Stip:  Faculty of Computer Science
• Faculty of Farmacy
• University of Chemistry and Technology Prague • Global Trail • Goce Delcev University in Stip:  Faculty of Electrical Engineering
• Faculty of Technology and Technical Studies-Veles
• University of Pardubice • Indalvagro • Goce Delcev University in Stip:  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Haselt DOOEL
• University of West Bohemia • Int. Food Service • Goce Delcev University in Stip:  Faculty of Natural and Technical
• Intervej DOOEL
• VSB - Technical University of Ostrava • Invertronica Sciences, Faculty of Technology
• Inception Enterprises
• Jobsity Tecnologia • St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola: Faculty of Economics
• Vox Teneo Macedonia
Denmark • Luis Homero Hidrobo
(E-business programme)
• Maps Rendering • St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola: Faculty of education
Participating Employers • Proalva
(Informatics and Technical Education (joint program with the
• AN Group A/S • JKP Vodovod - Bitola
• Proofchemical Faculty OF Technical Sciences– Bitola))
• Balslev Consulting Engineers A/S • JP Makedonski Sumi

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 93

Employers and Institutions
• St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola: Faculty of Information and • Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Z.3 • Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und • KIT Karlsruhe, Engler-Bunte-Institut, Bereich Chemische
Communication Technologies Personal, berufliche Ausbildung Team 8 Küstenforschung GmbH Energieträger, Brennstofftechnologie
• St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola: Faculty of Technical • CASAMUNDO GmbH • Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für • KIT Karlsruhe, Inst. für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik u.
sciences • Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH), Personalabteilung/International Mechanik
• St. Paul the Apostle University in Ohrid: Faculty of applied IT, Abteilung für Naturheilkunde Staff Services • KIT Karlsruhe, Institut für Technische Mechanik / Lehrstuhl:
Machine Intelligence and Robotics • Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendor,f Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg Mechanik und Festigkeitslehre
• St. Paul the Apostle University in Ohrid: Faculty of Communication • d:evolute GbR für Ressourcentechnologie • KIT Karlsruhe, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer
Networks and Security • DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Northern Europe Service Division GmbH • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Ion Beam Chemestry (ITCP)
• St. Paul the Apostle University in Ohrid: Faculty of Computer • Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Physics and Materials Research • KIT Karlsruhe, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Science and Engineering Referat Personal- und Sozialwesen • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institut üfr • KIT Karlsruhe, Institute of Geography and Geoecology
• St. Paul the Apostle University in Ohrid: Faculty of Information and • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Radiopharmazeutische Krebsforschung, Abteilung • KIT Karlsruhe, Peresonalentwicklung und berufliche Bildung
Communication Sciences Verkehrssystemtechnik Neuroradiopharmaka, Forschungsstelle Leipzig • Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung
• St. Paul the Apostle University in Ohrid: Faculty of Information • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Luft- und • Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg • Landschaftsgestaltung, Straßen-, Tief- und Wasserbau GmbH
• St. Paul the Apostle University in Ohrid: Systems, Visualization, Raumfahrtmedizin, Abteilung Strahlenbiologie • Helwig Haus und Raum Planungs GmbH • Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. (ATB)
Multimedia and Animation • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für • Hochschule Emden-Leer / FB T • Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V.,
Verbrennungstechnik • Hochschule Erfurt, Institut Verkehr und Raum Hans-Knöll-Institut
Gambia • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Simulations- und • Hochschule Harz, Fachbereich Automatisierung und Informatik • Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung
Softwaretechnik • Hochschule Merseburg, FB Informatik und Kommunikationssysteme (IPK)
Participating Employers
• Dr. Ecklebe GmbH • Hochschule Merseburg, FB Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften • Magdeburg Molecular Detections (MMD) GmbH & Co. KG
• Edward Francis Small Teaching Hosiptal
• DUDDA Energiesysteme GmbH • Hochschule Merseburg, FB Wirtschaftswissenschaften und • magma architecture Ostermann & Kleinheinz
• Gambia Telecommunication & Multimedia Institute
• EAH Jena, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik Informationswissenschaften • MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
• Gambia Telecommunication Co, Ltd
• Eastern Graphics GmbH • Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Science, FB Chemie • Max Planck Institut für biophysikalische Chemie
• LG Electronic
• Energent AG • Hochschule Osnabrück, Fakultät für Ingenieurswissenschaften und • Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie
• Medical Research Council
• Enviral Oberflächenveredelung GmbH Informatik im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
• Microtech Institute
• Erdbaulabor Göttingen GmbH • Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Detmolder Schule für Architektur • Max-Planck Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation
• EUCC Die Küsten Union Deutschland e. V. c/o Leibniz Institut für und Innenarchitektur, ResearchLab: PerceptionLab, ConstructionLab • Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
• National Disaster and Management
Ostseeforschung • Hochschule Wismar • Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
• National Environmental Agency
• Fachhochschule Kiel, • Hochschule Zittau/Görlit,z Fakultät: Mathematik - • Mollmann Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
• Fachhochschule Kiel,, Fachbereich Informatik und E-Technik Naturwissenschaften • Molnar-Institut für Angewandte Chromatographie
Participating Institutions • Fachhochschule Lübeck, Labor für Med. Sensor- und Gerätetechnik • Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Institut für Ökologie und Umweltschutz • Montanes GmbH
• Microtech Institute of Multimedia & Technology • Fachhochschule Westküste • Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, IPM • Nationalpark Unteres Odertal Verwaltung
• FAR Frohn & Rojas GbR Zentralbüro • HSWT Freising, Chair of Vegetation Ecology • Neue Materialien Bayreuth
Germany • Faserinstitut Bremen • HTW Dresden, Fachbereich Landbau/Landespflege • New Commercial Room GmbH
Participating Employers • Fernuniversität Hagen Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik • Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, • Nordzucker AG
• Airbus Defence and Space GmbH • Filmperspektive GmbH Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften • Objective Software GmbH Haus 9 / EG
• AJG Ingenieure GmbH • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences • IAESTE LC Halle, c/o International Office MLU • oculavis GmbH
• ALASTI-PLAN Ingenieurbüro für Bauwesen • Fraunhofer FHR, Personalverwaltung • IFU GmbH Diagnostic Systems GmbH • Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Computerscience,
• Analytic Company GmbH • Fraunhofer FKIE, Leiter Kommunikationssysteme • INAC Industry & Academy Robotics Group
• Anja Beecken Architekten Gesellschaft von Architekten und • Fraunhofer FKIE, Unbemannte Systeme • Ingenieurbüro für Bauwerkserhaltung Weimar GmbH • PD Dr. Udo Gansloßer
Energieberatern mbH • Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik (IOF) • Ingenieurbüro Tino Sauer • Peter und Lochner Beratende Ingenieure für Bauwesen GmbH
• ARCUS Planung + Beratung Bauplanungsgestellschaft mbH • Fraunhofer Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie IDMT • Ingenieurbüro Wuttke • Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Härte und taktile
• Bau Wehner GmbH • Fraunhofer Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung (IFF) • Ingenieursozietät Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katzenbach GmbH Antastverfahren
• BiPRO GmbH Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte • Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen, Institutsteil • INNOVENT e.V. Jena • Pioneer Hi -Bred Northern Europe Service Division GmbH
Problemlösungen Entwicklung Adaptiver Systeme • Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gemeinnützige GmbH • Pollion GmbH
• Bolles + Wilson GmbH & Co. KG • Fraunhofer Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme JKTS • Institut für Schalltechnik, Raumakustik, Wärmeschutz Dr.-Ing. • provenion gmbh
• Bourns Sensors GmbH • Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik Klapdor GmbH • Renomax GmbH
• BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Lehrstuhl Organisation, • Fraunhofer-Insitut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik (IST) • INVERS GmbH • Rita Grosse-Ruyken
Personalmanagement und Unternehmensführung • Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik • iSyst Intelligente Systeme GmbH • Robert Bosch GmbH Werk Waiblingen - Kunststofftechnik
• BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Lehrstuhl Software-Systemtechnik IWU • Jena Bioscience GmbH • Ruhr-Universität Bochum Lehrstuhl für Tunnelbau, Leitungsbau und
• BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Lehrstuhl Theoretische Elektrotechnik und • FuE Zentrum, FH Kiel, GmbH • Johnson Electric Germany GmbH & Co. KG Niederlassung Baubetrieb
Prozessmodelle • Gebrüder Kunze GmbH Dresden • Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie Lehrstuhl für
• BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, LS Energiewirtschaft • Gensoric GmbH • Julius Kühn-Institut Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik Physikalische Chemie I
• BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, LS Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik • Green Parrot GmbH und Vorratsschutz • Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie AG
• Heckert GmbH • KISTERS AG Biomolekulare NMR NC7/175

Employers and Institutions
• Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute of Biochemistry and • TU Chemnitz, Chair of Electronic Components of Micro- and • Universität des Saarlandes, Quantenphotonik • Universität Jena, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
Pathobiochemistry, Microbial Biochemistry Nanotechnology • Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, Technische Physik • Universität Jena, Institut für Organische Chemie und
• Ruhr-Universität, Bochum Institut für Werkstoffe, Lehrstuhl • TU Chemnitz, Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, • Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für klassische Archäologie Makromolekulare Chemie
Werkstofftechnik Professur Mess- und Sensortechnik • Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für • Universität Jena, Otto-Schott-Institut für Glaschemie
• Ruhr-UniversitätBochum, Lehrstuhl für Photonik und • TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Mathematik Energieverfahrenstechnik • Universität Kiel, Institut für Agrarökonomie, Ökonomie der
Terahertztechnologie • TU Chemnitz, Fakultät Informatik Professur Medieninformatik • Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Feststoff- und Milch- und Ernährungswirtschaft Ökonomie der Milch- und
• RWTH Aachen, DWI Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien • TU Chemnitz, Professur Elektrische Energiewandlungssysteme und Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik Ernährungswirtschaft
• RWTH Aachen, Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtsysteme Antriebe • Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Informatik 12, • Universität Kiel, Institut für Anorganische Chemie
• RWTH Aachen, Institut für Textiltechnik • TU Chemnitz, Professur Konstruktionslehre Hardware-Software-Co-Design • Universität Kiel, Institut für Informatik, AG Algorithmische Optimale
• Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, • TU Darmstadt, Institut für Elektromechanische Konstruktionen (EMK) • Universität Freiburg, Fritz-Hüttinger-Professur für Mikroelektronik Steuerung - CO2-Aufnahme des Meeres
Referat 12 / Personal und Recht • TU Darmstadt, Institut für Energiesysteme und Energietechnik • Universität Freiburg, Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik IMTEK, Lehrstuhl • Universität Kiel, Institut für Physikalische Chemie
• Saint Gobain Sekurit • TU Dortmund, Department of Business Information Management für Elektrische Mess- und Prüfverfahren • Universität Kiel, Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik
• Scherr + Klimke AG Architekten Ingenieure • TU Dortmund, Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen Dekanat/ • Universität Gießen, Inst. für Pflanzenbau u. Pflanzenzüchtung II, • Universität Kiel, Lehrstuhl für Nachrichten-und Übertragungstechnik
• Schlaich Bergermann Partner Beratende Ingenieure im Bauwesen Geschäftsführung Professur für Organischen Landbau Techn. Fakultät der Universität Kiel,
sbp GmbH • TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie • Universität Gießen, Institut für Bodenkunde und Bodenhaltung • Universität Konstanz, Department of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
• schneider + schumacher Planungsgesellschaft mbH • TU Dresden, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen, Institut für • Universität Gießen, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung I • Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Biologie
• ServiceXpert GmbH Naturstofftechnik, Professur für Lebensmitteltechnik Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenbau • Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Biologie/ Lehrstuhl für
• SHE ARCHITEKTEN • TU Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut für Energietechnik • Universität Gießen, Institut für Pflanzenernährung Zellbiologie
• Siemens AG Automation and Drives • TU Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik • Universität Gießen, Institut für Phytopathologie • Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Chemie
• SkipQ UG • TU Dresden, Lehrstuhl Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe • Universität Gießen, Klinikum Veterinärmedizin, Klinik für Kleintiere, • Universität Konstanz, FB Informatik & Informationswissenschaft
• Smart Hydro Power GmbH • TU Dresden, Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugmechatronik Chirurgie • Universität Konstanz, Neurobiologie
• Stadt Donauwörth • TU Hamburg-Harburg, Security in Destributed Applications • Universität Gießen, Professur für Ökologischen Landbau • Universität Leipzig, Abteilung Supraleitung und Magnetismus
• star/trac supply chain solutions GmbH • TU Ilmenau, Dept. Technical Physics • Universität Gießen, Professur für Pfanzenzüchtung - IFZ für • Universität Leipzig, Institut für Anorganische Chemie
• Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH • TU Kaiserslautern, Fachgebiet Bodenmechanik und Grundbau Umweltsicherung • Universität Lüneburg, Fakultät Wirtschaft, Institut für Produkt- u.
• Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover • TU Kaiserslautern, Laboratory of Engineering Thermodynamics, • Universität Göttingen, Albrecht-von-Halle,r Institut Prozessinnovation
• STRABAG Rail GmbH Bereich Ost Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering für Pflanzenwissenschaften Abteilung Ökologie und • Universität Lüneburg, Institut für nachhaltige Chemie und
• Straßenkinder e.V. Kinder- und Jugendhaus Bolle • TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Regelungssysteme Ökosystemforschung Umweltchemie, Umweltchemie und Stoffdynamik
• Systain Consulting GmbH • TU München, Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie • Universität Göttingen, Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften • Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Ökologie AG Ecosystem Functions
• Teamplan Ingenieure GmbH • TU München, Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik Materialfluss Abteilung Pflanzenernährung and Service
• Technikzentrum Lübeck • TU München, Lehrstuhl für Messsystem- und Sensortechnik • Universität Göttingen, Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften, • Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Ökologie, Arbeitsgruppe
• Technische Hochschule Köln, Cologne Center for Construction • TU München, Lehrstuhl für Regelungstechnik Abteilung Graslandwissenschaft Tierökologie/Landschaftsökologie
Machinery • TU München, Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Professur für • Universität Göttingen, Department für Nutztierwissenschaften • Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik, Institut für
• Technische Hochschule Köln, Institut of Media and Imaging Thermofluiddynamik • Universität Göttingen, Dept. Crop Sciences, Quality of Plant mathematische Optimierung
Technology • TU München, Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffkunde und -mechanik Products • Universität Magdeburg, FEIT/IMOS
• tennet oHG • TU München, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau • Universität Göttingen, Pflanzenernährung und Ertragsphysiologie • Universität Magdeburg, Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenz- und
• Thoma Architekten • TU München, WZ Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung • Universität Greifswald, Institut für Biochemie Biophysikalische Kommunikationstechnik, FEIT-IESK
• Topos Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung Stadtforschung und Umwelt, Lehrstuhl für Terrestrische Ökologie Chemie • Universität Mainz, Institut für Kernphysik
• TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät für Mathematik und • TU München-Weihenstephan, Chair for Food and Bioprocess • Universität Halle, Bodenbiogeochemie • Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik KOMET 336
Informatik, Institut für Numerische Mathematik und Optimierung Engineering • Universität Halle, Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie • Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik, Quantum/Larissa
• TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Aufbereitungsmaschinen • TU München-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Phytopathologie • Universität Halle, Institut für Pharmazie, Bereich Pharmazeutische • Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät V
• TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik • Universal Utility International GmbH & Co KG c/o Oliver Friedrich Technologie • Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Chemie
und Chemieingenieurwesen • Universität Bayreuth. Abteilung Geologie • Universität Halle, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III, Institut für • Universität Oldenburg, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the
• TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Keramik, Glas- und • Universität Bayreuth. Chair of Applied Mathematics Geowissenschaften Marine Environment AG Paleomicrobiology
Baustofftechnik • Universität Bayreuth. Lehrstuhl für Kristallographie • Universität Hannover Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research • Universität Oldenburg, Institute of Physics Computational Physics
• TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Wärmetechnik und • Universität Bayreuth. Lehrstuhl Störungsökologie & • Universität Hohenheim, Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt und • Universität Oldenburg, Zentrum für Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung,
Thermodynamik, Lehrstuhl für Gas- und Wärmetechnische Anlagen Vegetationsdynamik Ernährungsphysiologie der Kulturpflanzen Angewandte Geographie und Umweltplanung
• TU Berlin, Inst. für Technischen Umweltschutz, Fachgebiet • Universität Bonn, Institut für Landtechnik • Universität Hohenheim, Fachgebiet Ernährungsphysiologie der • Universität Paderborn, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und
Umweltchemie, Sekr. KF 3 • Universität Bremen, Advanced Ceramics Group FB04 Kulturpflanzen Mathematik, Institut für Mathematik
• TU Berlin, Institut für Energietechnik, KT2 FG Maschinen- und • Universität der Bundeswehr München, Auslandsbüro • Universität Hohenheim, FG Bioverfahrenstechnik 150k • Universität Paderborn, Mechatronik und Dynamik
Energieanlagentechnik • Universität des Saarlandes, Experimentalphysik Zimmer 4.06 • Universität Hohenheim, FG. Qualität pflanzlicher Produkte (340e) • Universität Potsdam, Institut für Chemie - Physikalische Chemie
• TU Berlin, Institut für Stömungsmessmechanik und Technische • Universität des Saarlandes, Institut für Experimentalphysik und • Universität Hohenheim, Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology • Universität Rostock, Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik,
Akustik Hermann-Föttinger-Institut Quantenoptik • Universität Jena Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik Institut für Institut für Angewandte Mikroelektronik und Datentechnik
• TU Berlin, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb, • Universität des Saarlandes, Organische Chemie Informatik • Universität Rostock, FMS, LKV/LTT
Produktionstechnisches Zentrum

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 95

Employers and Institutions
• Universität Rostock, Institut für Chemie, Abt. Organische Chemie • Technische Hochschule Brandenburg
Ghana • ATHENA Research Centre - Xanthi’s Branch
• Universität Stuttgar, Institut für Photovoltaik • Technische Hochschule Köln • AUA - Laboratory of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture
• Universität Stuttgart, IFK - Institut für Feuerungs- und • Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Participating Employers • AUA -Lab of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Foods
Kraftwerkstechnik • Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg • Accra Metropolitan Assembly • AUA -Laboratory of Dairy Research
• Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Biomaterialien und Biomolekulare • Technische Universität Berlin • Acumed Diagnostic Centre Limited • AUTH - Environmental Engineering Lab
Systeme Abteilung Biophysik • Technische Universität Braunschweig • Amakom Veterinary Hospital • AUTH - Environmental Engineering Lab
• Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Luftfahrtsysteme • Technische Universität Chemnitz • Aninwaah Medical Center • AUTH - Hydraulics Lab
• Universität, Paderborn Fakultät EIM-E, GET Lab • Technische Universität Darmstadt • Anointed Electrical Engineering Services
• Architecture and Engineering Services Limited
Participating Institutions
• Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Experimentelle Molekulare • Technische Universität Dortmund
• AUTH - Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics
Bildgebung • Technische Universität Dresden • ASPEE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD
• AUTH - Laboratory of Computational Physics
• Universitätsklinikum Jena • Technische Universität Freiberg • Bethany Medical Services
• AUTH - School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
• Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals,- • Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg • BOMSO CLINIC
• CPERI - Certh
Nasen-, Ohrenkrankheiten, Molekularbiologisches Labor • Technische Universität Ilmenau • Brand Plus
• University of Stuttgart, Institute of Energy Economics and Rational • Technische Universität München • Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research, Forestry Research
• MELCON Engineering L.P
Energy Use • Technische Universität München/Weihenstephan Institute of Ghana. (FORIG)
• MOTOR OIL Hellas Corinth Refineries S.A
• Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg • Universität Bayreuth • City Hospital
• Nanophos S.A.
• Vitronic Dr.-Ing. Stein the machine vision people • Universität Berlin • Conterra Limited
• NTUA - Computational Process Engineering Unit
Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH • Universität Bielefeld • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Building and
• NTUA - Computer Networks Laboratory
• Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung • Ruhr-Universität Bochum Road Research Institute
• NTUA - Environmental & Energy Management Research Unit
und Umwelt • Universität Bonn • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Building and
• NTUA - Institute of Steel Structures
• ZWP Ingenieur-AG • Universität Bremen Road Research Institute
• NTUA - Lab of Reinforced Concrete
• Universität Duisburg-Essen • CSIR-Crop Research Institute
Participating Institutions • Cynsett Motors Co. Ltd
• NTUA - Laboratory of Energy, Economy and Environment
• Universität Erlangen
• BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Modelling
• Universität Frankfurt • Donyma Steel Complex Ltd.
• Fachhochschule Lübeck • NTUA - Laboratory of Hydraulic Turbomachines
• Universität Freiburg • ECKA Engineering Contractors Limited
• Fachhochschule Westküste • NTUA - Laboratory of Hydrology
• Universität Gießen • Electricity Company of Ghana
• Freie Universität Berlin • Obermeyer Hellas Ltd
• Universität Göttingen • Envaserv Research Consult
• HCU Hamburg
• Fekams Construction Ltd
• HFT Stuttgart
• Universität Greifswald
• Frontline Petroleum Institute
• Universität Halle-Wittenberg
• Hochschule Berlin
• Universität Hamburg • Gate Management Consults Participating Employers
• Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
• Universität Hannover • Governor Steel Co. Ltd • 4Hungar Agri-Tech Kft.
• Hochschule Bremerhaven
• Universität Heidelberg • Institute for Quality, Energy and Environment • Balint Analitika Ltd.
• Hochschule Flensburg
• Universität Hohenheim • Jans Computer Training Institute • Budapest University of Technical and Economics
• Hochschule Hamburg
• Universität Jena • Japan Motors Trading Company Limited • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
• Hochschule Harz
• Universität Kiel • Kasmo Construction Limited • Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dpt. of
• Hochschule Jena
• Universität Köln • KleanJubileeServices (KJS) Hydrodynamic Systems
• Hochschule Koblenz
• Universität Konstanz • Kobaku and Associates • CEOS Mernoki Szolgaltato es Tanacsado Kft.
• Hochschule Merseburg
• Universität Leipzig • Medilab Diagnostics Services Ltd • Claas Hungaria Kft
• Hochschule Mittweida
• Universität Lüneburg • MNOTIFY Company Ltd • DELTA Ipari, Kereskedelmi es Szolgaltato Mernok Kft.
• Hochschule München
• Universität Magdeburg • Multiple Survey and Engineering Works • Fomterv Civil Engineering Designer Ltd.
• Hochschule Niederrhein
• Universität Mainz • Nickseich Construction Com. Ltd • Hepenix Ltd.
• Hochschule Osnabrück
• Universität Oldenburg • Process & Plant Automation Limited • Industrial Technique Hungary Kft.
• Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
• Universität Osnabrück • See Consult • InfomatiX Ltd.
• Hochschule Schwerin
• Universität Paderborn • The Consortium (CIHSD) • Izotop Intezet Kft.
• Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
• KB Holding Csoport Zrt.
• Hochschule Wismar
• Universität Potsdam Participating Institutions
• Universität Regensburg • Laki Epuletszobrasz Zrt.
• Hochschule Zittau • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
• Universität Rostock • MAOV Central Rail and Track Inspection Ltd.
• HTW Berlin • University of Cape Coast
• Universität des Saarlandes • MAOV-THERMIT Kft.
• HTW Dresden • University of Ghana
• Universität Siegen • MCXVI Epiteszmuterem Kft.
• HTWK Leipzig • University of Mines and Technology
• Universität Stuttgart • MSc Kft.
• Humboldt-Universität Berlin
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
• Universität Tübingen Greece • MTA Wigner FK RMI
• Bauhaus-Universität Weimar • National Instruments Hungary Kft.
• LMU München Participating Employers • Roden Kft.
• Universität Würzburg
• RTWH Aachen • ATHENA RC • Servier Kutato intezet Zrt.

Employers and Institutions
• Swietelsky Magyarorszag Kft. • Kalinga Institute • Tazand Consulting Engineers
• Synetiq Kft. • Karunya University • Transport Phenimena and Nanotechnology Lab
• TGA Consult Kft. • Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda • University of Tehran, College of Engineering, School of Civil Eng., Participating Employers
• Tilla-fa Bt. • Manipal Institute of Technology, ​Jaipur​ Soil Mechanics Laboratory • Colgate-Palmolive
• Trilak Festekgyarto Kft. • Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal • University of Tehran, Construction Material Institute • LM Ericsson Ireland Ltd.
• TUV Rheinland InterCet Kft. • National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal • University of Tehran, Dr Ali Nakhaee • SAP
• Weener Plastic International East Ltd.. • PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh • University of Tehran, Dr Allahkaram • Smartsimple Software Ireland
• Rajagiri Group of Institutions​ • University of Tehran, Dr Ayatollah Shirazi • Threefold Project Management Ltd.
Participating Institutions • Trinity College Dublin
• RV College, Bangalore • University of Tehran, Dr B. Kaffashi, Physical Chemistry Polyme lab
• Budapest University of Technology and Economics
• School of Info Sciences • University of Tehran, Dr Baghdadi • University College Dublin
• Obuda University
• ​Sharda University • University of Tehran, Dr Behbahani • VM Ware
• Szechenyi Istvan University
• Szent Istvan University
• University School of Information & Communication Technology • University of Tehran, Dr Darabi Participating Institutions
• Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore • University of Tehran, Dr Fereshteh Rashchi • Cork Institute of Technology
India • University of Tehran, Dr Fijani • Dublin Institute of Technology
Iran • University of Tehran, Dr Ghavidel • Galway/ Mayo Institute of Technology
Participating Employers • University of Tehran, Dr Giti Pour • Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Dublin
• JECRC University
Participating Employers
• University of Tehran, Dr Hadi Moradi, School of Electrical and • National University of Ireland, Galway
• Abadgaran Construction Chemicals
• Kariwala Industries Limited Computer Eng.
• Abinegar IT • National Univesity of Ireland, Maynooth
• Karunya University • University of Tehran, Dr Hajizadeh
• Abkavosh sarzamin • Trinity College, Dublin
• Logisure • University of Tehran, Dr Hamzeh
• Arina polymer Co. • University College, Cork
• Maheshwari Architects Pvt Ltd.Kolkata • University of Tehran, Dr Hosseini
• Bar-O-Bon Company • University College, Dublin
• Manipal Institute of Technology, Jaipur • University of Tehran, Dr Majd
• Baspar Pey Iranian Co
• Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
• Center of advanced systems and technologies (CAST)
• University of Tehran, Dr Mehrdad Faizi Israel
• Rajagiri Group of Institutions • University of Tehran, Dr Mohseni, High Voltage Institute, ECE
• RoboManipal
• Center of Excellence in Electrochemistry (CEE) Participating Employers
• CVR Consulting Engineers • Yuval Geni - Architecture Consulting Design Planning, Tel Aviv
• Sakuraa Nihongo Resource Centre • University of Tehran, Dr Montazeri Namin, Faculty of Civil Eng.
• Daneshkar Ahwaz • Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa
• School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal University • University of Tehran, Dr Moradi, School of Electrical and Computer
• Ferbet company • Kedmor Engineers LTD, Ramat-Gan
• School of Management, Manipal University Eng.
• Green Technologies lab • Kolker Epstein Architects, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv
• Sharda University • University of Tehran, Dr Nabi
• Herampey Consultant Engineers • Mochly-Eldar Architects, Haifa
• Sirena Tech • University of Tehran, Dr Nasser Masoumi High Frequency Circuits,
• I.B.B, University of Tehran • Optima Design LTD, Nazareth
• Solar Mobil Systems and Test Lab
• Iran Grid Secure Operation Research Center (IGSORC), Amirkabir • Daynix, Netanya
• Team Manipal Racing • University of Tehran, Dr Niksokhan
University of Technology(AUT) • Shlomo Aronson Architects, Jerusalem
• Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Manipal • University of Tehran, Dr Payam Zahedi
• Iran khak
University • University of Tehran, Dr R. Zarghami Participating Institutions
• Iran University of Science and Technology
• AB Initio Architects • University of Tehran, Dr R.Attarnejad • Shenkar Collage of Engineering and Design
• Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Architecture
• AND studios • University of Tehran, Dr Riyahi, Institute of Petroleum Engineering • Tel Aviv University
and Environmental Design
• Full Creative • University of Tehran, Dr Sara Nazif • Technion- Israel Institute of Technology
• Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Civil
• Lighting Technologies  • University of Tehran, Dr Tabesh
• Cogoport
• Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Materials
• University of Tehran, Dr Yousefi Jamaica
• Origin D-Fab
and Metallorgical Eng.
• University of Tehran, Genetic Engineering Lab Participating Employers
Participating Institutions • Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Progress
• University of Tehran, Laboratory of Systems Biology and • ADEB Consultants
• Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani Bioinformatics (LBB), Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics • Beckford & Dixon Ltd
• Delhi Technical University • University of Tehran, Photonics Research Lab., School of Electrical • Caribbean Cement
• Khak-e-Mosalah Sazan
• Guindy, Anna University and Computer Engineering • Environmental & Engineering Managers Ltd
• KHAKBAFT Cons. Engs
• Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi • University of Tehran, Prof. M. Nili Ahmadabadi, Faculty of • Noranda Bauxite Partners
• Khoshbaf Tehran Co.
• Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Metallury and Materials Eng. • Peter Jervis & Association
• Indian Institute of Technology, Indore • University of Tehran, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering • Petrojam Ltd
• Mapfan Institute, University of Tehran
• Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee • University of Tehran, School of Industriand Engineering • Pyramid Design Consultants
• Mehran Habibi-Rezaei
• Institute of Chemical Technolog​y​ • University of Tehran, School of Metallurgy and Materials • The Bank of Nova Scotia
• Jadavpur University • Middle East Water & Environment Consulting Engineers Participating Institutions • Y.P Seaton Associates
• JECRC UDML College of Engineering • Parsa Textile Factory • Iran University of Science and Technology
• JECRC University • Road, Housing & Urban Development Resaerch Center • University of Tehran
• JECRC, Sitapura • Sabalan

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 97

Employers and Institutions
Participating Institutions • Arab Center for Engineering Studies • S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar • SNH Architects and Engineers
• Northern Caribbean University • Aramex • Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty • STS Consultants Lebanon
• University of Technology • Assarai Engineering Firm • South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent • Target Engineering
• University of the West Indies • Bilal Hammad Architects • Zhangirkhan West Kazakhstan Agro-technical University, Uralsk • TEAM International engineering and management cons
• Consolidated Consultants • UMTS
Japan • Dar Al-Handasah (Shair and Partners) Kenya Participating Institutions
• Dar Jordan
Participating Employers Participating Employers • American University of Beirut (AUB)
• Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC
• ALMEC Corporation • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology • Lebanese American University (LAU))
• Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
• Graduate School of Engineering,Tohoku University • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
• Hitachi, Ltd.
• Lafarge Concrete Jordan
Participating Institutions Lithuania
• Leading Point Software
• Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory
• MAP Architects & Engineers • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Participating Employers
• Hitachi, Ltd., Infrastructure Systems Company, Omika Works • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology • UAB Printela
• Madi & Partners Consulting Engineers
• Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.
• Mawshour Architects and Consultants Participating Institutions
• KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc.
• MK Associates Latvia • Kaunas University of Technology
• Kyushu University
• Modern Cement and Mining Company Participating Employers
• Nippon Paper Industries Co.,Ltd. R&D Division
• Olympus Corporation Research & Development Center Ishikawa
• National Electric Power Company • Riga Technical University Malta
• Nuqul Group (Fine Hygienic Holding
Facility Participating Institutions Participating Institutions
• SAM Engineering & Trade Co.
• Olympus Corporation Research & Development Center Utsugi • Latvian University Of Agriculture • University of Malta
• Tahhan & Bushnaq Consultants
Facility • Riga Technical University
• Omron Switch & Devices Corporation, Kurayoshi Factory
• The Sultan Center (Safeway)
• University Of Latvia Mexico
• Umniah
• Osaka Institute of Technology Participating Employers
• Riken genesis Corporation
• Wind Star for Renewable Energy
Lebanon • Agronegocios del Guadiana SA de CV
• Sanyo Chemical Industries, LTD Participating Institutions Participating Employers • Alfa Viviendas SA de CV
• The Institute of Behavioral Sciences • Jordan University of Science and Technology
• 109 Architects • Alprema S.A. De C.V.
• The University of Tokyo • The University of Jordan
• American University of Beirut (AUB) / Dr. Imad Elhajj • Bio Pappel, S.A.B. de C.V.
• Tokyo Metropolitan University • American University of Beirut / Dr. Fadl Moukalled • Instituto Tecnológico de Durango
• Tokyo University of Science Kazakhstan • American University of Beirut / Dr. Ghanem Oweis • Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica
• Tokyu Corporation Participating Employers • American University of Beirut / Dr. Nesreen Ghaddar • Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tantoyuca
• Yokogawa sumikin bridge Corporation • “Byelcamit” plant, Almaty • Apliman (Offshore) • Pacs Computación S.A. De C.V.
• Yokohama National University • Al Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty • ASKDECO • Plata Panamericana S.A. de C.V.
Participating Institutions • Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication • Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE) • Primero Empresa Minera, S.A. de C.V.
• Doshisha University • D. Serikbayev East Kazakh State Technical University, Ust- • Beirut International Marine Industry and commerce • Tahe Construcciones de Durango S.A. De C.V
• Kobe University Kamenogorsk • BMF Architects • Taller de Hule y Maquinaría de Durango, S.A. de C.V.
• Kyoto University • Innovation Euro Asian University, Pavlodar • BTUTP Bureau Tech. D’urbanisme et de Travaux Publ. • Universidad Politécnica de Durango
• Kyushu University • Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty • Bureau d’Etudes Rodolphe Mattar s.a.r.l.
Participating Institutions
• Muroran Institute of Technology • Kozybayev North Kazakh state university, Petropavlovsk • CCL Engineering
• Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero
• Okayama University • LTD “Intermax BSV,Almaty • D.G.Jones & Partners
• Instituto Tecnológico de Durango
• Osaka University • Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny • Dar al Handasah Nazih Taleb & Partners
• Instituto Tecnológico de Matamoros
• Tohoku University • S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar • Debbas Group
• Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica
• Tokyo City University • South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent • Hadife Architects
• Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tantoyuca
• Tokyo Institute of Technology Participating Institutions • Lebanese American University (LAU) / Dr. Barbar Akle
• Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
• Tokyo Metropolitan University • Al Faraby Kazakh National University, Almaty • Lebanese American Univesity (LAU) / Dr. Barbar Akle
• Universidad Politécnica de Durango
• Tokyo Univerisity of Science • Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication • Liban Cables S.A.L.
• Universidad Tecnológica de Morelia
• Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology • D. Serikbayev East Kazakh State Technical University, Ust- • MAN Enterprise
• Waseda University Kamenogorsk • Mimaj Sarl / rapid manufactory
• Yokohama City University • Innovation Euro Asian University, Pavlodar • Mitsulift and Equipment
• Mobi-Mind Participating Employers
• International IT University, Almaty
Jordan • Kazakh British University, Almaty • National Instruments Lebanon Corp. • Mongolian University of Science and Technology/School of Civil
• Otis Elevator co. Engineering and Architecture
Participating Employers • Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty
• Mongolian University of Science and Technology/School of
• Nazarbayev university, Astana • PPB Structures, Derviche Haddad S.A.L.
• Abdin Industrial Geology and Mining Engineering
• Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny • RD Group company
• Aqua Treat Group
• S. & A.S. Ltd

Employers and Institutions
• Mongolian University of Science and Technology/School of
New Zealand • NTNU Department of Engineering Design and Materials
Applied Sciences • NTNU Dept. of Chemical Engineering
• Mongolian University of Science and Technology/School of Participating Employers • NTNU Dept. of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics Participating Institutions
Information and Communication Technology • Touchtech • NTNU, Dept. of Electrical Power and Engineering • Air University
• Bahria University
• Mongolian University of Science and Technology/School of Participating Institutions • NTNU, Dept. of Structural Engineering
Industrial Technology • ROSIM AS • College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (E&ME) NUST
• Auckland University
• Mongolian University of Science and Technology/School Power • Solid Entreprenør Rawalpindi
Engineering Nicaragua • Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim • FAST - NUCES Karachi
• Systor Vest • GIKI
Participating Institutions Participating Employers • NUST Business School (NBS) Islamabad
• Teknobingo Scandinavia AS
• National University of Mongolia • BORDA
• TeliaSonera Norge AS • PAF - KIET
• Erdenet Mining Corporation
Participating Institutions • UiB, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen • Pakistan National Engineering College PNEC Karachi
• UNAN • UiB, Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen • Research Institute of Microwave and Millimeterwave Studies
Nepal • UiB, Deptartment of Biology, University of Bergen
• Sarhad University
• UiB, Deptartment of Chemistry, University of Bergen
Participating Employers Nigeria • UiT, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics • School of Civil & Environmental Engneering (SCEE) NUST
• Cosmic Education Training and Research Academy Islamabad
Participating Employers • University of Bergen, Dept of Molecular Biology
• Cosmic Education Training and Researvh Academy • University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
• Complete Computers and Technology, Benin City, Edo State
• Everest English Boarding School • University of Oslo, Department of Informatics NUST Islamabad
• Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria
• Global Academy of Tourism and Hospitality Education • University of Oslo, Dept. of Physics • School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME)
• Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainability Research,
• Gyandarpan Academy • University of Oslo, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics NUST Islamabad
• Islington College • University of Tromsø, Dept. of Physics
• Hyper Trans Limited, Benin City, Edo State
• Mahendra Memorial Higher Secondary English School
• National Board for Technology Incubation, Abuja • VISMA SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL AS Palestine
• Peace Zone Higher Secondary School
• National Centre for Energy and Environment, UNIBEN Participating Employers
• Prabhat Higher Secondary English Boarding Schoool
• NIIT Benin Centre, G.R.A. Benin City, Edo State Oman • Al-Ahlia Boxes Industry Co.
• Standard Secondary Boarding School
• Precious Palm Royal, Benin City, Edo State Participating Employers • An-Najah National University
• Union Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
• Technology Incubation Centre, Benin City, Edo State • Al Hassan group • ARABEX
• Vijaypur Higher Secondary School
• University of Benin Phytomedicine Research Unit • Al-Mashhoor Consultant Office • Birzeit University
Participating Institutions • University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Edo State • Azri Architects • Herbawi Industrial and Trading Company
• Kathmandu University • Consolidated Contractors Co. • Pal Tel
Participating Institutions
• Pokhara University • Daleel Petroleum Co LLC • Palestine Real Estate Investment Co.
• Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Bauchi State
• Purbanchal University • Halliburton Worldwide Ltd. • Paper Industries Company
• Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State
• Tribhuvan University • Hill International • Universal Group
• Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State
• Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Delta State • Majan Petroleum Services LLC Participating Institutions
Netherlands • Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State • Musstir • An-Najah National University
Participating Employers • Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State • National Engineering Office • Bir-Zeit University
• Astellas Pharma Europe BV • University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State • Occidental of Oman, Inc
• Auto-Cell - ECMT • University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State • Oman Cement Company Panama
• Avaatech/Doeschot B.V. • Oman Electricity Transmission
Participating Employers
• Bravilor Bonamat B.V. Norway • Oman Holdings International Company
• Bauer
• Dynamic Ear Company • Oman Refinery Company
Participating Employers • Oman Telecommunications Company
• café Ruiz
• HGG Profiling Equipment B.V.
• Borregaard AS • Empresas Bern
• Holst Centre/TNO • Ooredoo Oman
• Dept. of Electronic Systems • Ingeniería Lambda, S.A.
• Min 2 Bouw-Kunst BV • Parsons International & Co. LLC
• Rentman • Petroleum Development Oman
• HiB, Bergen Univ. College, Dept. of Mechanical and Marine Eng. • Equipos PTY, S.A.
• Ventil Test Equipment BV • Rock International Engineering & Consultancy
• HiB, Computer Engieering and science • Ingeniería Atlántico, S.A.
• schlumberger Middle east
Participating Institutions • Inspera AS • ENEl Fortuna Panama
• Delft University of Technology • IWMAC • UEP Penonomé II, SA
• Sultan Qaboos University
• University of Groningen • Kjeller Vindteknikk AS • LETTFALAH NADER Y CIA, S.A.
• Valdal LLC
• University of Twente • Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace AS • Universidad Tecnológica de Panama
• Utrecht University • MazeMap AS Participating Institutions • INSTEKSA
• Nordic Semiconductor ASA • Sultan Qaboos University • DOGER TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT
• Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelig universitet • Logic Studio

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 99

Employers and Institutions
• Servicios Electricos de Chiriqui, S.A. • AARSLEFF Sp. Z.O.O. • DEPARTMENT OF MICROELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER • Institute of General Food Chemistry Chem Biophysics-Lodz
• Abiline Sp. z o.o. SCIENCE Lodz University of Technology University of Technology
Participating Institutions
• Ablogis Sp. z o. o. • Design Office “MENOS” • Institute of Informatics (Silesian University of Technology)
• Universidad de Panama
• ADJATECH • Dwakroki.com • Institute of Information Technology
• Universidad Santa Maria La Antigua
• AdRem Software Sp. z o.o. • E.V.I. Electronics Sp. z o.o. • Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering TUL
• Universidad Tecnologica de Panama
• Aesculap Chifa Sp. z.o.o. • EASYSOLAR • Institute of Material Science, Dept. of Coatings Engineering and

Peru • AGH University of Science and Technology • ECOLAND Biuro urbanistyczne Non-metal Materials
• Agora S.A. • EDAG Engineering Polska Sp. z o.o. • Institute of Material Science, Dept. of Metal Materials,Composites
Participating Employers • AKG Architektura Krajobrazu • Ekoarchitekci and Sinters
• ADEN - Asesoria Y Diseño Electromecánico Del Norte • Alba Thyment Sp. z.o.o. • Ekoinbud Sp z o.o. • Institute of Organic Chemistry Lodz University of Technology
• Agropecuaria Don Lucho Sac • ALDEC-ADT Sp. z. o.o. • ELMAT Sp. z o. o. • INSTITUTE OF TURBOMACHINERY -Lodz University of Technology
• Arelco S.R.L. • Alrec In-Store Ltd. • Ensalta Sp. z o.o. • Instytut Spawalnictwa
• Cia. De Minas Buenaventura • AMS-systems • ES-System S.A. • InterSoft Gmbh Sp. z o.o.
• Declan Construcciones S.R.L. • AMSORT Sp. z o.o. • EURO-EKO-POL Leszek Kaminski • ITEO
• Ecoacuicola S.A.C. • ANTENNA VOLANTIS LIMITED SP.Z O.O. POLAND • Ferma Kresek Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. • IVONA Software Sp. z o.o.
• Fabtech • APA Projekt Ltd. Design Office • Figaro Software Sp. z o.o. • Jasinski Kruszewski Architekci Sp. z o.o.
• Herrera Dkp S.R.L. • APA Wojciechowski Sp. z o.o. • FLEXTRONICS Logistics • Jazzy Innovations
• Instituto Geofisico Del Peru • Archi-vision • Fotoraporty Sp. z o.o. • JCommerce SA
• Intech S.A. Industrial Technology • Architecture Office ARKADA • Gawel’s Screw Factory • Jeppesen Poland
• Jr. Servicios Generales S.R.L • ARCHITEKCI LOSIAK SIWIAK • GC Energy Sp. z o.o. • JIT Solutions Sp. z o.o.
• M&D Consultores • Archwig Sp. z o.o. • Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and • K.R.U.K. Technika i Energia Sp. z o.o.
• Olivos Del Sur S.A.C. • ARTA Ltd. Design Office Environmental Engineering • KABE Sp. z o.o.
• Universidad De Piura • Artur Jasinski i Wspolnicy Biuro Architektoniczne sp. z. o. o. • Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control • Kulczynski Architekt Sp. z.o.o.
Participating Institutions • ASKA s.c. Alicja i Stefan Kwiatkowscy Engineering • Lab4motion Solutions Sp. z o.o.
• Piura - Universidad de Piura • Asseco Poland S.A. • Geokrak Sp. z o.o • Labour Co-operative ARMATURA Ltd.
• Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú • Automationstechnik Sp. z o.o. • GETH P.P.H.U. • Madkom S.A.
• Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú • BESTA Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane sp. z o.o. • GIL ARCHITEKCI Design Office • MakoLab S.A. IT company
• Universidad Católica San Pablo de Arequipa • BIBUS MENOS Sp. z o.o. • Goyello sp. z o.o. • Mateusz Niedzielski Sylop sp. z o.o.
• Universidad Cayetano Heredia • Bio-Tech Consulting • GRUPPAY S.C. • MDJ Electronic
• Universidad de Piura • Bio-Tech Media Sp. z o.o. • HIT - Kody Kreskowe Sp. j. • Medical Univeristy of Lodz, Deprartament of Proteomics and
• Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería • Biuro Projektow Lutomski J. • HIT Enterprises Cytobiology
• Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería • BOC Information Technologies Consulting Sp. z o.o. • HOCHTIEF Polska S.A. • Medical University of Lodz Faculty of Biomedical Sciences
• Universidad Nacional de Piura • Brainsupport • Hoppecke Baterie Polska Sp. z o.o. Department of Structural Biology
• Universidad Nacional del Callao • Budem-Project Design Office • Hydron Unipres Ltd. • Medical University of Lodz, Departement of Molecular Biology
• Building Research Institute • Ideo Sp. z o.o. of Cancer
Philippines • Buro Happold Polska Sp. z o.o. • IF Research Polska Sp. z o.o. • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Biomedical Chemistry
• Business Reporting - Advisory Group Sp. z o. o. Spolka • Industrial Construction Design Office in Gliwice PROJPRZEM S.A. • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Biomolecular Chemistry
Participating Employers
komandytowa • Industrial Institute of Agricultural Machinery • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Comparative
• POEC Consultancy International, Inc.
• Capgemini Polska Sp. z o. o. • Infosys BPO Endocrinology
• STI College - General Santos Inc.
• Celther Polska • INFOX Henryk Kopiec Sp. Z O. O. • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Dental Technology
• Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan
• Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies PAS • InPay Spolka Akcyjna • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Experimental and
Participating Institutions Department of Hetero Organic Compounds • Institute of Applied Computer Science - Industrial Computer Clinical Physiology
• John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation- Bacolod Inc (Bacolod City) • Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute Systems • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Experimental
• Lipa City Colleges (Batangas) • Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy • Institute of Applied Computer Science-Image Processing and Immunology
• MAPUA Institute of Technology - Makati (Makati City) of Sciences Analysis • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Geriatrics
• St Anthony College • Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polska Akademia Nauk • Institute of Applied Computer Science-Process Tomography • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Microbiology and
• University of Southern Mindanao (Kabacan, Cotabato) • Centrum Systemow SOFTDESK • Institute of Automatisation of Technological Processes (Silesian Laboratory Medical Immunology
• University of the Visayas (Cebu City) • COMMON Ltd.-Gas Measurement Systems Equipment University of Technology) • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Molecular
• Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan de Oro City Philippines • Computer Centre ZETO Ltd. • Institute of Aviation, Engineering Design Center Cancerogenesis
• Conbelts Bytom S.A. • Institute of Electronics (Silesian University of Technology) • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Molecular
Poland • D.A. Glass - Teodora Doros • Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry -Lodz University of Cancerogenesis/BioTech Consulting
Participating Employers • DAC System Technology • Medical University of Lodz, Department of Molecular
• “Domus” S.C. Studio Projektowe Sieniawski & Sieniawski • DAS COMPANY Sp.z o. o. • Institute of General Food Chemistry -Lodz University of Technology Neurochemistry

Employers and Institutions
• Medical University of Lodz, Department of Pharmaceutical • Projekty Bankowe POLSOFT sp. z o.o. • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Department of • Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Unidade de
Biochemistry • Przedsiebiorstwo ARI Sp. z o.o. Electrical and Computer Engineering Gestão e Engenharia Industrial (UGEI)
• Medical University of Lodz, Department of Pharmaceutical • Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Montazowe “KLIMAWENTEX” • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of • Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa,
Chemistry and Drug Analysis • Przedsiebiorstwo Wdrazania Innowacji INWET S.A. Biotechnology and Animal Breeding Centro Interdisciplinar de Performance Humana (CIPER)
• Medical University of Lodz, Department of Pharmaceutical • QBOTA Jakub Bienkowski • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil • Hovione FarmaCiencia, S.A.
Microbiology and Diagnostic Microbiology • Quantoo sp. z o.o. Engineering and Architecture • Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Centro para o Desenvolvimento
• Medical University of Lodz, Department of Toxicology • RDH Architekci Urbanisci Sp. z o.o. • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Rápido e Sustentado de Produto (CDRsp)
• Medical University of Lodz/Centre of Molecular and • Ready4S Environmental Management and Agriculture • Instituto Superior Técnico, Centro de Ambiente e Tecnologias
Macromolecular Studies, PAS • REINVEST Ltd. Design and Engineering Office • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Food Marítimas (MARETEC)
• MEGATEL sp. z o.o. • RoboNET Sp. z o. o. Sciences and Fisheries • Instituto Superior Técnico, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear
• MEILLER POLSKA sp.z o.o. • RW Swiss Automation • West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Maritime (IPFN)
• Meritus Systemy Informatyczne Sp. z o.o. • Rzeszow University of Technology Chair of Urban Planning and Technology • Instituto Superior Técnico, Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica (ISR)
• Miejskie Przedsiebiorstwo Wodociagow i Kanalizacji SA w Architecture • Wielkopolskie Przedsiebiorstwo Inzynierii Przemyslowej Sp. z • Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Instituto de
Krakowie • Rzeszow University of Technology Civil Engineering Technology o.o. Sp. k. Telecomunicações (IT)
• Miroslaw Wisniewski Architecure and Urbanistic Office Centre • Wierszyllowski & Projektanci • ITSector - Sistemas de Informação, S.A.
• MOOMOO Architects • Rzeszow University of Technology, Department of Computer and • XTERM.PL Agnieszka Pawlik • Kinematix
• MURKRAK Sp z o.o. Spolka Komandytowa Control Engineering • Yabimo Sp. z o.o. • Logic Information Systems, Inc.
• Mysak Group • Rzeszow University of Technology, The Faculty of Mechanical • Zaklady Mechaniczne Kazimieruk Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. • Microsoft - Software para Microcomputadores, Lda.
• NABUD Company for Design, Expertise and Supervision in Build Engineering and Aeronautics • ZANO Miroslaw Zarotynski • Secil - Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A.
• NATEK Poland Sp. z o.o. • Sanofi Aventis Sp. z o.o. • Zeissia Poland Sp. z o. o. • Simoldes Plásticos, S.A.
• NAVICENTRUM Sp. z o.o. • Schmalz Sp. Z O. O. • SISTRADE - Software Consulting, S.A.
Participating Institutions
• NMS Architekci Mikolaj Stepien • Semicon Sp. z o.o. • Universidade da Beira Interior, Centro de Investigação em
• Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
• Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine • SKANSKA S.A. Ciências da Saúde (CICS)
• Politechnika Czestochowska
• OKE Poland Sp. z o.o. • SOCHOR - Precision Engineering & Electronics Company • VisionWare - Sistemas de Informação, S.A.
• Politechnika Gdanska
• OMNI 3D Sp. z o. o. • SoftQ Sp. z o.o. • Volkswagen Autoeuropa, Lda.
• Politechnika Krakowska
• Orlowski Szymanski Architekci Sp. J. • Spolka Projektowania Architektonicznego Sadowski, Sadowska
• Politechnika Łódzka Participating Institutions
• Paks’D • Steinberg Sp. z o.o.
• Politechnika Poznanska • Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa
• Pearson IOKI Sp. z o.o. • STER Sp. z o.o.
• Politechnika Rzeszowska • Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
• PERI Polska Sp. z o.o • Steria
• Politechnika Slaska • Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de
• PGS Software • Studio A4 Spolka Projektowa Sp. z o.o.
• Politechnika Warszawska Lisboa
• PGS Software SA • Studio Architektury “Kontur” Swiatopelk-Mirscy Sp.j.
• Politechnika Wrocławska • Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
• Playsoft Sp. z o.o. • Sztuka Uzytkowa Ltd. Design Office
• Uniwersytet Łódzki • Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Lisboa
• Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kosciuszki • Technokabel S.A.
• Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi • Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
• Pomorskie Biuro Projektow “GEL” Sp. z o.o. • The Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
• Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny • Instituto Superior Técnico
• POTRONICS Ltd. • The Professor Religa Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development
• Universidade da Beira Interior
• Poznan University of Technology - Faculty of Civil and • TPI Sp. z o.o.
Environmental Engineering • University of Lodz, Department of Cytobiochemistry
Participating Employers Qatar
• Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Environmental • University of Lodz, Department of Inorganic and Analytical
Engineering Chemistry • Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A. Participating Employers
• Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Control and • University of Lodz, Department of Molecular Genetics • BIAL - Portela & Cª., S.A. • QAFCO -Qatar Fertiliser Company
Information Engineering • University of Lodz, Department of Organic Chemistry • DevScope, S.A. • Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO)
• Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Electrical Engineering • University of Lodz, Department of Solid State Physics • EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. • Qatar University
• Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de
and Industrial Electronics • University of Lodz, Institute of Biophysics, Department of General Participating Institutions
• Poznan University of Technology - Institute of Material Technology Biophysics Coimbra, Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de
• Qatar University
• Poznan University of Technology- Institute of Chemistry and • University of Lodz, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology Coimbra (CEMUC)
Technical Electrochemistry Department of Immunology and Infections • Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de
Republic Of Korea
• Pracownia Projektowa MOST s.c. Marta Wlodarczak, Tomasz • Urbanistic and Design Office WMW Projekt Ltd Lisboa, Centro de Investigação em Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
(CENSE) Participating Employers
Swiderski • Venture Industries Sp. z o.o.
• Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de • Addit Co.
• Pracownia Projektowa Wojciech Kolesinski • Verbicom S.A.
Lisboa, Unidade de I&D em Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial • Automotive Control & Electronics (ACE) Lab, Hanyang University
• Pracownia Projektowania Konstrukcji Budowlanych Henryk • Voice Lab Sp. z o.o.
(UNIDEMI) • Center for Autonomous and Adaptive Software, Korea University
Mackowiak • WAMECH Sp.J.
• Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Laboratório • Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
• Pro- Service Sp. z o.o. • Wandachowicz-Kashyna Architekci Sp. p.
de Processos de Separação e Reação (LSRE) • Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)
• Programa.pl Sp. z o. o. • WEBWIZARDS Waldemar Krankiewicz
• Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST)

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 101

Employers and Institutions
• Korea Internet & Security Agency(KISA) • Optim Proiect • Moscow State University of Radiotechnics, Electronics, Automatics • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Chair of
• Multimedia Security Lab, Korea University • Pioneer Romania • People’s Friendship University of Russia Power Systems
• National Information Society Agency (NIA) • POLARH-DESIGN • National Research University St.Petersburg State Polytechnical • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Dept. of
• Signal and Communcation System Lab, Chung-Ang University • Profesional Construct Proiectare S.R.L. University Computer Eng and Informatics
• Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) • PZP Arhitectura • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry

Participating Institutions • Rai Software Serbia • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geology

• S.C. A.G.D. S.R.L. • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of
• Chosun University Participating Employers
• S.C. Architect Service S.R.L. Computer Science
• Chung-Ang University • Ab&Co., Geosystems
• S.C. C.C.P.E.C. S.R.L. • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Dankook University • Anahem
• SC 4VET SRL • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy
• Donguk University • Arhitektonski Studio Berkes
• SC Copacul Verde SRL • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics
• Ehwa Womans University • Beograd - PUT
• SC STUDIO 10 M. S.R.L.. • University of Belgrade, Tmf Department of Biochemical Eng.
• Friedrich-Alexander University Busan Campus • Bexel Consulting
• Square one • University of Belgrade, Tmf Department of Environmental Eng.
• Hanyang University • Bioirc Doo, Bioengineering Research and, Development Center
• TECON • University of Belgrade, Tmf Department of Organic Chemistry
• Honam University • BVK
• Urban Proiect • University of Belgrade, Tmf Dept. of General and Inorganic Chem.
• Hongik University • Centroprojekt Doo
• Varzan si Arhitectii • University of Belgrade, Tmf Dept. of General Technical Sci.
• Inha University • Commissariat For Refugees and Migration, Republic of Serbia
• VP Holding International • University of Belgrade, Tmf Dept. of Inorganic Chemical Tech.
• Konkuk University • DVA Studio
• Wed.Arch World srl • University of Belgrade, Tmf Dept. of Organic Chemical Tech.
• Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology • Elektromreza Srbije
• Western Outdoor • University of Belgrade, Tmf Innovation Center
• Korea University • Energoprojekt - Entel
• WESTGROUP • University of Nis, Faculty of Architecture and, Civil Engineering
• Kwangwoon University • Energoprojekt, Hidroinzenjering
• X Architecture & Engineering • University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering
• Kyunghee University • Eps, Elektroprivreda Srbije
• University of Nis, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of
• Pohang University of Science and Technology Participating Institutions • EXLRT
• Pukyong National University • “Ion Ionescu De La Brad” Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary • Folic Architects
• University of Nis, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of
• Seoul National University Medicine Unviersity - Iasi • IHTM
• Sookmyung Women’s University • University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” – Bucharest • IMS
• University of Nis, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of
• Sungkyunkwan University • University of Civil Engineering – Bucharest • Institut Mihajlo Pupin
Computer Science
• Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology • Institut Za Vodoprivredu, Jaroslav Cerni
• University of Seoul Russia • Institute For Biological Research, Sinisa Stankovic
• University of Nis, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of
• University of Ulsan • Institute For Medical Research
Participating Employers • University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Chair of
• Yonsei University • Institute For Microbiology and, Immunology
• A.Asadov Architectural Studio Telecom. and Signal Proc.
• Institute For Nuclear Sciences, Vinca
• Architectural Studio Manipulazione Internazionale
Romania • Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
• Institute of Molecular Genetics and, Genetic Engineering
• University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department
of Architecture
• Institute of Physics
Participating Employers • Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National • University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Dept. of
• Iwa Consalt
• ADdesign services S.R.L Research University Energetics and Process Eng.
• Kana Sr
• Adest Architecture • Moscow Polytechnic University MAMI • University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Institute For
• Key To Metals
• Arc Studio • Moscow Technological University Environmental Protection
• Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje
• Arhitectural • Moscow Student Center • Web-Up
• Millennium Team
• Birou de Proiectare Strajan • Russian Plekhanov University of Economics • Zelenilo Beograd
• Mitarh
• Capitel Avangard
Participating Institutions • Mostprojekt Participating Institutions
• City Project
• Bauman Moscow State Technical University • Petnica Science Center • University of Arts, Belgrade – Univerzitet umetnosti, Beograd
• Lomonosov Moscow State University • Planum Gp, Ad Beograd • University of Belgrade – Univerzitet u Beogradu
• Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation • Projmetal • University of Kragujevac – Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
• Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance • Rb Kolubara • University of Nis – Univerzitet u Nišu
• Dasein
• Moscow Technological University • Telegroup • University of Novi Pazar – Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru
• Dobrescu ARH
• Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace • Termoelektrana, Nikola Tesla • University of Novi Sad – Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Technologies) • Totalobserver • University of Pristina – Univerzitet u Prištini
• Elco Construct
• Moscow Polytechnic University MAMI • Traco-Invest • Singidunum University - Univerzitet Singidunum
• Russian Plekhanov University of Economics • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology • Faculty of Information Technology – Fakultet Informacionih
• Globalworth Asset Managers srl
• Mendeleev University of Chemistry Technology of Russia • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry Tehnologija, Beograd
• Graphic studio
• National Research University “Higher School of Economics” • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering • Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bor – Fakultet tehnickih nauka u
• Moscow Engineering – Physical Institute • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Chair of Boru
• Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Biomedical Engineering • Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak – Tehnicki fakultet, Cacak
• Mihnea Ghildus Design SRL.

Employers and Institutions
Slovakia • Studio Kalamar d.o.o. • DHEMEN DESIGN, S.L. • JG INGENIEROS SA
• INEA d.o.o. • DIGITEX INFORMÁTICA, S.L.U • Joingame SL
Participating Employers • Ebm-Papst • Dolset CAI, SL • JOMA Ingenieros SLU
• Accenture • Venturia d.o.o. • DORNIER MEDTECH SPAIN • JOSE MANUEL VALERO S.L.
• AUREX, spol. s r.o. • Mikropis • DS Smith Packaging Holding SLU • KINTECH ENGINEERING S.L.
• BWG k.s. • Comtrade d.o.o. • EDIPROSA - Edificios industriales, proyectos y obras S.L. • L35 Arquitectos S.A.P
• CEIT Consulting, s.r.o. • Drugi vid d.o.o. • ELECTRÉN (GRUPO VIAS) • LABORATORIOS CONDA, SA
• CEIT Technical Innovation,LtD. • Menerga d.o.o. • Emergya Ingeniería SL • LLEIDANET WORKS SERVEIS TELEMATICS SA
• CEIT, a.s. • Kovinarstvo Bucar • Empresarios Agrupados A. I. E. • Luis Vidal y asociados Estudio de Arquitectura SLP
• Handtmann Slovakia, s.r.o. • Kovintrade d.d. Celje • Endalia • MAIER S.COOP
• IPM Solutions s.r.o. • University Of Maribor • Enerlin Ingenieros SL • MARGARET NURSERIES SAN MARTIN S.L.
• JP Software s.r.o. • ENSA • Mediamano, S.L
• KROS, a.s. Spain • ENTERTAINMENT SOLUTIONS • Medicsensors
• Lionbridge(Slovakia)s.r.o.
Participating Employers
• Eurobits Technologies SL • Métrica Ingeniería SL.
• Localhost s.r.o. • EVERIS S.L.U • MEUPE
• Media/ST • Excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Alicante • MICROAPPS S.L.
• National Forest Centre • ExpandIT Solutions Ibérica S.L • MITCH DeltaCommunications Spain S.L.
• Aleanova Software S.L
• Nemetschek Allplan, s.r.o. • Expertia Ingeniería y Logística, s.l. • MOEHS IBÉRICA, S.L.
• Slovak Academy of Sciences • Factory Data, S.L. • Nice People At Work
• ARC Aragon Ingenieria S.L.U.
• Slovak University of Technology • Farmacia Albero Piñuela de Pablos • Northgate Arinso Granada S.A.U.
• Architecture meets engineering SL
• Slovak University of Technology, FA • Fixr Networks SL • Oritia y Boreas, S.L.
• Sygic a.s. • Fon Labs S.L. • ORONA S.COOP
• Asenjo y Asociados Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Urbanismo, S.L.P.
• Technical University of Kosice • FRUNET S.L • Pago de Carroviejas SL
• Azpiaran Tool SL
• Technical University of Kosice, BERG • Fundación Leonardo Torres Quevedo • PINTURAS HEMPEL S.A.
• Technical University of Kosice, FEI • GMV • PLAY HAWKERS S.L.
• Bambosoft S.L
• University of Zilina • GOAL SYSTEM S.L. • Power Electronics
• Beiersdorf SA
• Vigour SK s.r.o. • Grupo Logiscenter SL • QROBOTICA
• VM Telecom, s.r.o. • Harbour Research Laboratory (Cátedra Pablo Bueno) Technical • RADIOBIT SISTEMAS SL
• Bio-Oils Huelva S.L.U.
• Za¡padoslovenska¡ energetika, a.s. University of Madrid • Ramos Elevación S.L.
• BTV S.L.
• ZTS VVU Kosice a.s. • HOFMANN, S.L.U. • Residencias Universitarias S.A.
Participating Institutions • CAF Turnkey & Engineering S.L.
• Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava • Hundredrooms SL • RODERIC SHOES S.L.
• Catral Garden & Home Depot S.L.
• Technical University in Zvolen • ICG Software • SAITEC S.A.
• Ceit (Centro Tecnológico Ceit-IK4)
• Technical University of Kosice • IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, SAU • Sassola Partners EAFI S.L
• Centro de Estudios Materiales y control de Obra, S.A.
• University of Alexander Dubcek in Trencin • IDP Concept Design S.L. • SCANNER PATRIMONIO E INDUSTRIA S.L.
• Centro Publicidad Electrónica España SL
• University of Zilina • Incliza S.L. • Seedtag Advertising S.L.
Slovenia • CIMNE ( International Centre of Numerical Methodes in
• Indotalk • SEREM
• Industrial Tècnica Pecuaria S.A • SERMICRO
Participating Employers Engineering)
• INECO • Seven Eighths Consulting, S.L.
• Arboretum Volcji Potok • Comercial Mecánico Tamegar S.L.
• Infrakonsult Europa SL • SRG Global Liria SLU
• Banka Slovenije • Compresores Josval S.L.
• Ingeniería de Cálculo Estructural y Modelado Mecánico, SLU • SISENER INGENIEROS S.L.
(ICEMM) • Sistemas de Información y Protección de Datos, SL
• Cosylab d.d. • COTA AMBIENTAL S.L.P
• INIT SERVICES FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION, S.L. • Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telegrafos S.A
• Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia • CT Ingenieros AAI, S.L.
• Institute of Chemistry (Kemijski institut) • CUSTOMERVILLE ESPAÑA SLU
• Jozef Stefan Institute • CYPE INGENIEROS S.A.
• Interactora • Sun Agile
• Korona d.d. • DENTALZON SL
• Intercambio Electónico de Datos y Comunicaciones, S.L. EDICOM • Taller de Projectes i Enginyeria SL
• LITOSTROJ POWER d.o.o. • Departamento de ciencia de materiales, ETSI CCP
• Ioon technologies SLU • TDT Profesional
• Papirnica Vevce d.o.o. • Desarrollos informáticos Intelygenz S.L
• J. A. Romero Polo SA • Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme
• Protim Rzisnik Perc d.o.o. • Deustotech-Life

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 103

Employers and Institutions
• Tecnocom Telecomunicaciones y Energía • E.T.S.I.Informática- U. Málaga • Syntronic • ETH Zürich, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Grassland Sciences
• Tecnologías avanzadas Inspiralia, SL (Grupo PERA) • E.T.S.I.Telecom. Bilbao- UPV • Södra Cell • ETH Zurich, Seminar for Applied Mathematics
• Telenatura EBT S.L. • E.T.S.I.Telecom. Madrid- UPM • Theoretical Chemistry, Lund University • FHNW - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
• TELEVES S.A. • E.T.S.I.Telecom. Valencia- UPV • Uniti Sweden Switzerland, School of Engineering, Institute of Polymer
• Tereos Starch & Sweeteners Iberia • E.T.S.I.Telecomunicaciones- U. La Salle • Volvo Car Corporation Engineering
• Teyme Tecnologia Agrícola S.L • E.T.S.Ingeniería del Diseño Valencia- UPV • Volvo Group • FHNW, Institute of Polymer Nanotechnology
• Tible Technologies • E.U.P. La Almunia Dª. Godina • Xylem Water Solutions • Fischer Architekten AG
• Tiendeo Web Marketing S.L. • E.U.P. Lleida • FKH Fachkommission für Hochspannungsfragen
Participating Institutions
• Treelogic. Telemática y Lógica Racional para la Empresa Europea • E.U.Politécnica- U. Málaga • Frontiers Media SA
• Chalmers University of Technology
S.L. • Escuela Ingeniería y Arquitectura- U. Zaragoza • General Electric (Switzerland)
• Linköping University
• Tribalyte Technologies, S.L. • F. ADE Valencia • Geocom Informatik AG
• Luleå University of Technology
• Ubiotex Quality Life S.L. • F. C. Experimentales- U. Pablo Olavide- Sevilla • Herzog & de Meuron
• Lund University
• University of Lleida • F. CCEE- U. Alicante • HHF Architects
• Royal Institute of Technology
• Vanderlande Industries España, S.A.U • F. Ciencias Experimentales- U. Miguel Hernández • Hochstrasser Glaus & Partner Cons. AG
• Umeå University
• VÍAS Y CONSTRUCCIONES S.A. • F. Ciencias- U. Málaga • ID Gebäudetechnik AG
• Uppsala University
• Vibromart SL • F. Ciencias- U. Zaragoza • Institute for Applied Plant Biology
• Visual Limes, s.l. • F. Economía y Empresa- U. Zaragoza
Switzerland • Kanton Bern / Waldabteilung Voralpen
• Webydom S.L. • F. Veterinaria- U. Zaragoza • Lichtkompetenz GmbH
• WIDEWALL INVESTMENT S.L.U. • F.Informática Valencia- UPV Participating Employers • LK Luftqualität
• Wireless Mundi S.L. • Facultad Biología- U. Sevilla • A.I.A. GmbH • Locatee
• XERIDIA S.L. • Facultad Biología- Universitat Barcelona • ABB Schweiz AG • Loepfe Brothers Ltd.
• Zanini • Facultad Ciencias- U. Alicante • AFT GmbH • Lonza AG
• ZIV Aplicaciones y Tecnología, S.L. • Facultad Ciencias- U. Granada • Agroscope • Lüscher Bucher Theiler Architekten gmbh
• ZTE Managed Service • TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme- E.C.Socials i de l’Empresa • Ansaldo Energia Switzerland AG • matti ragaz hitz architekten ag
• TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme- EP Mataró • Ateliers PHI SA • MaxWell Biosystems AG
Participating Institutions • atelier ww Architekten SIA AG • MD Systems
• E.P.S. Gandía- UPV
• E.P.S.- U. Alicante
Sri Lanka • Atus AG • Mercury Mission Systems International SA.
• Baudepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt • Mettler-Toledo GmbH
• E.P.S.Elche- U. Miguel Hernández Participating Employers • BFH - University of applied science Berne • microGauge AG
• E.T.S. Enxeñaría- U.Santiago de Compostela • Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB)
• Biognosys AG • microsTECH AG
• E.T.S. Gestión en la Edificación Valencia-UPV • Engineering Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. (ECL)
• Burckhardt+Partner AG • Millform AG, Gbanga
• E.T.S.Arquitectura Barcelona- UPC • International Finacial Systems R & D International (Pvt.) Ltd. (IFS)
• Camlin Technologies (Switzerland) • MONTRES ONSA AG (Intl Luxury Group)
• E.T.S.Arquitectura Madrid- UPM • Lanka Transformers (Pvt) Ltd. (LTL)
• Caprez Ingenieure AG • Morger Partner Architekten AG
• E.T.S.Arquitectura San Sebastián- UPV • MAS Active Trading (Pvt.) Ltd. (Kreeda)
• CAScination AG • mvt architectes
• E.T.S.Arquitectura- U. Málaga
Participating Institutions • CERN • Nafora S.A.
• E.T.S.Arquitectura- U. Sevilla
• University of Moratuwa • Cimpress • NESTEC LTD. Nestlé Research Konolfingen
• E.T.S.Arquitectura Valencia- UPV
• CPI | Crane Payment Innovations • Paul Scherrer Institut
• E.T.S.Arquitectura Vallés- UPC Sweden • CVCube AG • PC Engines GmbH
• E.T.S.I. Caminos- U. Granada
• Dacuda AG
• E.T.S.I. Geodésica, Cartográfica y Topográfica Valencia- UPV Participating Employers • peoplefone AG
• Dätwyler Sealing Solutions International AG • QualySense AG
• E.T.S.I. Industrial y Aeronáutica Terrassa- U. Ramón Llull • Ahlström-Munksjö
• digitalSTROM AG • Rapp Architekten AG
• E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciones- U. Málaga • AkzoNobel Pulp & Performance Chemicals
• ELCA Informatik AG • Rapyuta Research AG
• E.T.S.I.Aeronáuticos Madrid – UPM • Boozt
• Embotech GmbH • Schäublin Architekten AG
• E.T.S.I.Agronómica y Medio Natural UPV • Chalmers University of Technology
• Empa - Swiss federal Laboratories for Materials Science and • Schenkel Vermessungen AG
• E.T.S.I.Caminos Barcelona- UPC • Gothenburg University
Technology • Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
• E.T.S.I.Caminos Madrid- UPM • Hällnäs Handelsträdgård
• Enea GmbH • Sensirion AG
• E.T.S.I.Caminos Santander- U.Cantabria • Iggesunds Paperboard
• Enzmann Fischer Partner AG • SMA und Partner AG
• E.T.S.I.Caminos Valencia- UPV • Innventia
• EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Electronics and • Solcept AG
• E.T.S.I.Industriales Barcelona- UPC • Kiruna Wagon
Signal Processing Laboratory ESPLAB • Space Exploration Institute (Space-X)
• E.T.S.I.Industriales Bilbao- UPV • Luleå Tekniska Universitet
• EPFL, Laboratory of Construction Materials • St. Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG
• E.T.S.I.Industriales Madrid- UPM • Nevs
• ETH Zürich - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, • Suter + Partner AG Architekten
• E.T.S.I.Industriales- U. Málaga • Prismatic Sensors
Computational Social Science • Syngenta Crop Protection AG
• E.T.S.I.Industriales Valencia- UPV • Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Dept. of Chem
• ETH Zürich, Crop Science • SYNICS AG
• E.T.S.I.Industriales y Teleco. Santander- U.Cantabria • SAAB Academy
• ETH Zürich, Institute of Process Engineering

Employers and Institutions
• University of Basel • Saykhun Ltd. • Faculty of Pharmacy, Rangsit University • A.T.I.D CO
• University of Bern, ARTORG Center for Computer Aided Surgery • Tajik Scientific Research Institute for Preventive Medicine • Human Resource Development Division Generating Authority of • Abbassi Youssef
• University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences, Prof. Matthias Erb Thailand • AD Architecture
Participating Institutions
• vario-optics ag • IAESTE Thailand Office King Monkut’s University of Technology • ADTECH
• Dushanbe branch of Moscow State University
• VitaPlant AG North Bangkok • AFRICA Solutions
• Khujand Polytechnic Institute
• Waldhauser + Hermann AG • International Education Institute (Project Initiative), UbonRatchathani • Afrique Travaux
• Russian –Tajik Slavic University
• WeAct AG University • AGORA ARCHITECTS
• Tajik Agrarian University
• Zeugin Bauberatungen AG • IPTM, King Monkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok • Ahmed Mejdoub Architect
• Tajik National University
• Zulauf AG • Khon Kaen University • AIR LIQUID TUNISIE
• Tajik State Medical University
• Zurich Instruments AG • King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang • AL BARAKA BANK TUNISIA
• Tajik State University of Commerce
• ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Energy • King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok • AMAL GROUP
• Tajik Technical University
Systems and Fluid Engineering • King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok • AR
• Technological University of Tajikistan
• ZHAW, Institute of Mechatronic Systems • King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) • Archi Zoom
• Isfara brunch of theTechnological University of Tajikistan
• ZHAW, Institute of Applied Information Technology • Know-how Transfer Co.,Ltd • Archidesign
• Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service
• Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG • MAE MOH MINE, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand • ARCHIMED

Participating Institutions Tanzania • Magpie Blaztech Co.,Ltd. • Archisprit Architecture

• Office of TGDE, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North • Architecte Zied WALI
• BFH - Berne University of Applied Sciences
Participating Employers Bangkok • Architecture On
• EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
• Asili Africa ( Travel and Tours Company) • PAN DRIVES CO.,LTD. • Ark
• ETH Zürich - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
• Binti Africa Company Limited • Phattharayan Witthaya School • Ark Architecture Associes
• FHNW - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
• Filbert Bayi Schools LTD • Rangsit University • ASB International
• Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) • Rayong Technical College • Assad International
• FHO - University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
• Institute of Judicial Aministration- Tanga • Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology • Atelier 1/2/3
• HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western
• The Open University of Tanzania (Institute of Educational • Thai Development Machinery Parts Ltd. • Atelier EXE
Management and Technology) • The Petroleum and Petrochemical, Chulalongkorn University • Atelier W.S
• HSLU - Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
• SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana Participating Institutions • Western Digital (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. • AVENSYS
• Ardhi University • Workshop and Spare Parts Division, Electricity Generating • Baak Architectes associes Kacem AZZOUZ & Ahmed BLACH
• University of Basel
• Kampala University Authority of Thailand • Bak Arkitekts
• University of Berne
• Mzumbe University • BATICAD
• University of Fribourg Participating Institutions
• St. Joseph University • Batinox.SA
• University of Geneva • Asian Institute of Technology
• The Open University of Tanzania • Bayer Crop Science
• University of Lausanne • Assumption University
• University of Dar es Salaam • BET: Bureau de conseil Tanoubi Akram
• University of Liechtenstein • Chulalongkorn University
• University of Dodoma • BETA Design SARL
• University of Neuchâtel • Civil Aviation Training Center
• University of Zurich • Kasetsart University
• ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences Thailand • King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
• BKA-Studio
• BM Architecture
Participating Employers • King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok
Tajikistan • Assumption University • King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok Prachinburi
• Bridge Conseil et Developpement
• CAT Telecom Public Company Limited Campus
Participating Employers • Bureau “Arches” d’Architecture
• CONVEYOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD • King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
• JSC”Babilon-M” • Bureau d’Architecture BEN HAMIDA Jalel
• Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut’s University • Mahasarakham University
• JSC”Babilon-T” • Bureau d’architecture Selim Jerbi
of Technology Thonburi • Mahidol University
• High School Tajikistan • Bureau d’Architecture Taieb KHIRI
• Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, • Prince of Songkla University
• INGO ACTED • Bureau d’Etudes d’architecture et d’Urbanisme
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi • Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai Campus
• Institute of Botany, Physiology and Genetics of Academy of • BYOS
• Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Silpakorn University • Rajamangla University of Technology Phranakon
Sciences • Cabinet Ali CHETOUI
• Domestic Sales and Contract Management Department Electricity • Shinawatra University 
• Language Center Arkon • Cabinet d’architecture Abbes HOUCINE
Generating Authority of Thailand • Silpakorn University
• LLC Yahmosi 33 • Cabinet d’architecture Chaker ZAYATI
• Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand • Srinakharinwirot University
• Micro Credit Organization Imon International JSC • Cabinet d’architecture Fethi BEN GHORBEL
• Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Bangpakong Power • Sripatum University
• MMK Ltd. • Cabinet d’architecture Hazem ALLANI
Plant • Thammasat University
• Open Stock Company Shahrofar • Cabinet d’architecture Malik ALJANE
• Private Company Shohshir • Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Rajjaprabha Dam
• Private High School in Khujand • Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Bangpakong Power Tunisia • Cabinet d’Architecture Slim BEN NESSIB
• Cabinet d’Etudes Abdelmajid HAMOUDA
• Ravzana Plastik LLC Plant Participating Employers • CADI
• Sanatorium Bahoriston Khujand • Faculty of Architecture Silpakorn University • 2MZ Architecture

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 105

Employers and Institutions
• Carre d’Archi • International Development Consultants (IDC) • SAROST • AGS Medikal Ürün. Ith. Ihr. Ltd. Sti.
• Carre d’Archi de Ouns Baklouti • KB-PLAN • SCC • Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Agriculture
• Carthage Business Ware • KBR • SCIPP • Aldag Isıtma Sogutma Klima San. Tic. A.S.
• CES • Khaled Ayed Architecture • SCIT • APLUS Enerji Yatırım DanıSmanlık Teknoloji ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• CHAKETMAN PHOSPHATESSA • Laboratoire Geotechnique Routiere et Materiaux de Construction • SEMAP SA • Armona Denizcilik A.S.
• Cheikhrouhou & Partners Architects (Labo G.R.M.C) • SERAH • Arzu Nuhoglu Peyzaj Tasarım
• CIAG Concept • Les Argonautes • SETBA • Ateks Otomotiv San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• CMRT • Les Ateliers du Meuble KIA • SIGMA Conseil • Atelye 70 Sehir Planlama A.S.
• Conviction Architecture d’interieur • Les Domaines de Saint Augustin • SIGMACOST • Avrasya Kablaj ve Robotik Otomasyon Sistemleri Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• COTTAM • Liber Energy Sarl • SIQA films • Ay Mimarlık Fuar Hizmetleri
• Cowater Industry • M2A • Sixieme Sens Agency • Ayasis Yazılım ve BiliSim Teknolojileri Ltd. Sti.
• CREA.H.M • Mac 125 • Societe Boudhafri de Construction • Aybey Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
• Creative Associates • MAE • Societe CONDAIR Plus • Aykom Turizm ve Makina Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
• Cynapsys • MASS • Societe de Construction et de Batiment (SOCOBAT) • Aytaç Mimarlık
• Da-concepts • MD Architectes • Societe La Renaissance • Bilgi Bilgi Sistemleri A.S.
• Dental Concept • MECANO METAL • Societe Le Bois • Bilgin Denizcilik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• DETERSAN • Med Consulting S.A • Societe Maghrebine de Transport Terrestre (SMTT) • Boosmart Marketing Agency
• Digivoip tunisie • Medianet • Societe SOFORI • Budak Turizm InSaat Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• Dot Power • MELIOZ • Soska Etosa construction • C2M BiliSim Teknolojileri A.S.
• DYNAJOOB • MMA Architecture • SOTECA • CEMATEK Muhendislik Makine San.ve Tic.Ltd.Sti.
• DZETA • Mondial Packaging • SOTRAP • Cevahir Deri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• EAM • More Links • Star Engineering • CMA DanıSmanlık ve BiliSim Teknolojileri Ltd. Sti.
• Easy Way Technics • MPC Prokim • Ste LARGESTINFO TUNISIE • ÇagdaS Harita Mühendislik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• ECM • MT Consulting • Ste LE MOTEUR DIESEL Sarl • Demirci Makine San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• Eco-Ressources International (E.R.I) • MTC • Tailor Made Tour • Destech MüSavirlik, Mühendislik ve Proje A.S.
• Electron security and development • Nejib KRID • Talys Consulting • Devoin Yazılım Çöz. ve Dan. Ltd. Sti.
• Elite Business of Consulting • Nesma IND • Tanit Etudes • DoguS InSaat ve Tic. A.S.
• Ellouze and partners • New EmployerTest • Tawasol group holding • Doku BiyoTeknoloji Ltd. Sti.
• Elypsia Tunisie • NOLAM Tunisie (Mersen Group) • Technique Service Maintenance • Dolsan Kimya Ltd. Sti.
• Entreprise FARJALLAH • Noway Interactive • Technologie et Developpement Informatique • Eastern Black Sea Forest Research Institute
• Entreprise Gharbi Freres • Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel • Test Employer • E-fabrika BiliSim Tic. A.S.
• Environmental Assessment And Management “E.A.M • OPCMA Tunisie • The Box Studio • EFEX Elektrik Mühendislik
• EPPM • Orchidee Design International • Tunisie Nouvelles Technologies • Ege University, Dept. of Biongineering
• Esprit • OVM Middle East and North Africa • TURBAT • Ege University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
• Etablissement Aymen Frikha • Peak Source • Twins Architecture d’Interieur • Ege University, Dept. of Civil Engineering
• Fluides Services SARL • PLADET • UL-ICQ • Ege University, Dept. of Computer Engineering
• FNAC for environment • Polyclinique TAOUFIK • Visteon • Ege University, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
• GM ARCHI INTERNATIONAL • Polyline Architecture • Voicecom • Ege University, Dept. of Food Engineering
• GreenLab • Poulina group holding • Wide Sarl • Ege University, Dept. of Leather Engineering
• Groupe d’Eclairage de Tunisie (GET) • Powerking International • YOUVAS • Ege University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
• Groupe STAS • Precision • ZINarchitecture • Ege University, Dept. of Textile Engineering
• Groupement des Industries de Conserves Alimentaires(GICA) • Pro-Invest • Ekinler Endüstri San. ve Tic. A.S.
Participating Institutions
• H&O Architecture And Design • PRODDESIGN Corporation • Empet Metalurji San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• Esprit
• H2M Architecture • Prospect • EOS Istanbul Sürdürülebilir Enerji Çözümleri A.S.
• Faculty of Sciences of Tunis
• Hedyl Systems • PwC Tunisie • Erbil Proje, MüSavirlik, Mühendislik Ltd. Sti.
• National Engeneering school of Mestir
• Hend Import et Service • Rahma Ghorbel • Erdemli Proje ve MüSavirlik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti
• National Engeneering School of Sousse
• HHW-Haier • ReaLink • Erenli Saç Profil Kauçuk Plastik San. Tic. A.S.
• National Engineering School of Tunis
• hk+b architecture • Resys-Consultants • Erlab Technology
• National School of Architecture
• Houssemeddine FALFOUL • Roam Smar • ETCBASE Yazılım ve BiliSim Teknik A.S.
• HP Automatisme • S.Architecture
Turkey • Fili Labs Arge ve Yazılım Çözümleri Ltd. Sti.
• I.H.C.T carthage • S.T.FOOM • Finartz Bilgi Teknolojileri A.S.
• I.H.E.E • Saber HILALI Participating Employers • Gamegos Internet Teknolojileri Ltd. Sti.
• Interact • SAFI • 3Dörtgen Teknoloji BiliSim Hizmetleri San. ve DıS Tic. A.S. • Geen Biyoteknoloji Ar-Ge San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
• Adnan Kazmaoglu Mimarlık AraStırma Merkezi • Gemsan A.S.

Employers and Institutions
• General Directorate of Highways Participating Institutions United Kingdom • University of Greenwich
• General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre • Ahi Evran University • University of Southampton
• Genesis Genel Elektrik Elektronik Sis. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Akdeniz University
Participating Employers • University of St Andrews
• Hacı Ayvaz Endüstriyel Mamüller A. S. • Abertay University • University of Strathclyde
• Ankara University
• Hatko Teknik Donanımlar Mümessllik ve Ticaret A.S. • Cardiff University • University of the Highlands and Islands
• Bülent Ecevit University
• HB Elektrik Proje MüSavirlik Ltd. Sti. • CDE Global Ltd • University of the West of Scotland
• Dokuz Eylül University
• ICM Yazılım BiliSim DanıSmanlık ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • CDEnviro Ltd
• Ege University
• Iontek A.S. • Erzurum Teknik University
• CH2M United States
• IQ System Solutions • CUBIS Industries
• Istanbul University
• Durham University
Participating Employers
• Imza Internet ve Teknolojileri San. Tic. Net. IS. • Istanbul Technical University • A.G. Scientific
• Inter Kauçuk ve Eva Ltd. Sti. • Edinburgh Napier University
• Izmir Institute of Technology • Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC
• Istanbul Gedik University • Ellis IP Ltd
• Karabük University • BinWise, Inc.
• ITÜNOVA Teknoloji A.S. • Glasgow Caledonian University
• Kocaeli University • Build 360, LLC
• Kardemir A.S. • Imperial College London
• Koç University • Carnegie Mellon University - CYLAB Visual Intelligence Studio (VIS)
• Kartaca IletiSím Internet Pazarlama Tanıtım Tic. ve San. Ltd. Sti. • NI Environment Link
• KTO Karatay University • Carnegie Mellon University - Dept. of Computer & Electrical
• Kiklop Mühendislik Mimarlık MüSavirlik ve InSaat San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Pollard Thomas Edwards LLP
• Marmara University Engineering
• Kocaeli University Teknopark A.S • Precision Engineering
• MEF University • Childrens National Medical Center
• Koç University College of Engineering • Ricardo UK Ltd
• Middle East Technical University • Cultural Vistas
• Koç University College of Sciences • The University of Nottingham
• Süleyman Demirel University • DiDomenico and Partners
• Laterna Alternatif Enerji Kaynakları Ltd. Sti. • The University of Warwick
• Yeditepe University • ESCRYPT
• Ledmar Elektronik Aydınlatma San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Translink
• Yıldız Technical University • Field Paoli Architects
• Lostar Bilgi Güvenligi A.S. • University of Dundee
• Fueled
• MAG Mühendislik Ltd. Sti. Ukraine • University of Edinburgh
• Gorlin Architects
• Maksad Internet BiliSim ve DanıSmanlık Tic. Ltd. Sti. • University of Glasgow
Participating Employers • University of Greenwich
• Greeley and Hansen
• Marmara Forest Research Institute
• Company “PROMEL” • Health Advocate
• Medron Medikal Tek. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. • University of St Andrews
• Kiev Research Institute of Automation and Experimental • ICCT
• Middle East Technical University, Dept. of Food Engineering • University of Strathclyde
• National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI • Itemize Corp.
• Naature BiliSim Teknolojileri A.S. • University of the West of Scotland
• Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology • John Deere
• NAVA Endüstri Ürünleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Xcell Partners
• Lightweight Manufacturing
• Nokta Grup Mimarlık Mühendislik Ltd. Sti. Participating Institutions Participating Institutions • Mediterranean Shipping Company, Inc.
• Norm Mekanik Tesisat San. ve Tic. Sti. • Ivano-Frankovsk National University of Oil and Gas • Abertay University • MPM Capital/ Potenza
• OMNI KANAL Dijital Teknoloji ve Arge Yazılım Hizmetleri A.S. • Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture • Aberystwyth University • Omnyx
• Optomed Metroloji Kalibrasyon ve Egitim Merkezi • National Aviation University • Cardiff University • OTJ Architects
• Parkyeri A.S. • National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” • Durham University • Panasonic
• Poplar and Fast Growing Forest Trees Research Institute • Edinburgh Napier University • PLC International
• Proje Mimarlık MüS. Ltd. Sti United Arab Emirates • Glasgow Caledonian University • PLUMGrid
• Rent’n Connect Participating Employers • Heriot Watt University • Purdue (MAHA)
• ReysaS Teknoloji • Arab & Turk International • Imperial College London • SCICON
• Ricoh Türkiye Baskı Çözümleri Ltd. Sti. • Bin Dalmouk Engineering Consultants • Newcastle University • SGS
• ROK Enerji ve Mühendislik A.S. • Enerwhere • Plymouth University • Small Precision Tooling
• Servicium Bilgisayar Hizmetleri ve DıS Ticaret A.S. • Fun Robitics • Queen Margaret University Edinburgh • Spiral Gen
• Turpack Makine San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Research Institute for Medical and Health Sciences (RIMHS) • Queens University Belfast • Test America
• UZ-AR Mühendislik Kimya San. ve DıS Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Research Institute of Siences & Engineering (RISE) • Swansea University • The Pennsylvania State University - Dept. of Engineering Science
• Western Black Sea Forest Research Institute • Sharjah Center for Astronomy & Space Sciences (SCASS) • The Robert Gordon University & Mechanics
• Western Mediterranean Forest Research Institute • The University of Manchester
Participating Institutions • University of Iowa/Santos Human
• Yaren Asansör Proje Mühendislik InS. San. ve Tic. Ltd.Sti. • The University of Sheffield
• American University of Sharjah • University of Michigan- Mechanical Engineering
• Yaz Bilgi Sistemleri Tic. A.S. • University College London
• Birla Institute of technology Dubai • Valeron Strength Films
• YEG Mühendislik Mimarlık Taahhüt San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • University of Aberdeen
• Bits Pilani Dubai Campus • Villanova
• Yıldız Technical University, Dept. of Bioengineering • University of Bath
• Khalifa University • Virginia Commonweath University-School of Engineering, Dept of
• Yıldız Technical University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering • University of Brighton
• The Petroleum Institute Computer Science
• Yıldız Technical University, Dept. of Computer Engineering • University of Dundee
• University of Sharjah • Volvo Penta of the Americas
• Yıldız Technical University, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics • University of Edinburgh
• University of Wollongong in Dubai • Wolf Robotics
Engineering • University of Glasgow • Wolf Robotics, LLC
• Yurtiçi Kargo Servis A.S.

IAESTE Annual Review 2017 107

Employers and Institutions
• World Net
Vietnam • University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National • Vietnam Aviation Academy - VAA
• xFlow Research University - VNU-UET • Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh University of Science
• ZipPak Participating Employers • University of Science and Technology - The University of Danang - VNUHCM
• Asean Education Development Joint Stock Company - AED • University of Sciences and Technology of Hanoi - USTH • Vietnam National University of Agriculture - VNUA
Participating Institutions • Bac Giang College of Industrial Techniques - BCIT • Vietnam - German University - VGU
• Carnegie Mellon University
• EDS Overseas Study and Training Co., Ltd - EDS
• Colorado State University
• Ha Noi Urban Architecture Development Joint Stock Company
• Georgia Institute of Technology
• Kansas State University
• Hai Phong Private University - HPU
• Lafayette University
• Horizon English Training Joint Stock Company - HRZ
• Lehigh University
• International School - Thai Nguyen University - ISTNU
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Marie Curie International Preschool - MCIP
• New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
• Popoodo Smart English Training System - PPD
• Northwestern University
• Thai Nguyen University of Education - TUE
• Rochester Institute of Technology
• Thai Nguyen University of Sciences - TNUS
• San Francisco State University
• Thai Nguyen University of Technology - TNUT
• Stanford University
• TT-AS Architecture - Construction Joint Stock Company - Hanoi -
• Stevens Institute of Techonology
• Texas A&M
• Vietnam Education Development Joint Stock Company - VPBOX
• Texas Tech University
• Vietnam Forestry University - VFU
• The Ohio State University
• Vietnam Hungary Industrial University - VHIU
• Tufts University
• Vietnam International Education & Training Joint Stock Company
• University of California, Berkeley
• Vietnam Training & Trade Development Joint Stock Company
• University of California, Irvine
• University of Colorado - Boulder Participating Institutions
• University of Florida • College of Trade Economic and Technique
• University of Michigan • Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam - DAV
• University of Missouri, Kansas City • Foreign Trade University - FTU
• University of Pennsylvania • FPT University - FPT Czech trainee Lenka Kaderábková in Vietnam
• University of South Carolina • Ha Noi Polytechnic College - HPC IAESTE Vietnam Article Page 36
• University of Southern California • Hanoi Law University - HLU
• University of Texas at San Antonio • Hanoi Open University - HOU
• University of Toledo • Hanoi University - HANU
• University of Tulsa • Hanoi University of Sciences & Technology - HUST
• University of Virginia • Ho Chi Minh City International University - HCMIU
• University of Wisconsin - Madison • Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport - UT-HCMC
• Wake Forest University • Ho Chi Minh University of Technology - HCMUT
• Ho Chi Minh University of Technology & Education - HCMUTE
Uzbekistan • Hue University of Foreign Languages - HUFL
• Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City - IUH
Participating Employers • International School - Thai Nguyen University - ISTNU
• Centre of Architecture “Shaxarsozlik”
• National Economic University - NEU
• Republican Specialized Center of Surgery
• National University of Civil Engineering - NUCE
• Tashkent Medical Academy
• RMIT University - RMIT
• Tashkent State Technical University
• School of Foreign Languages - Thai Nguyen University - SFL-TNU
• Technical Centre “SIMUZ”
• Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture & Forestry - TUAF
Participating Institutions • Thai Nguyen University of Economics & Business Administration
• Andijan Agricultural Institute - TUEBA
• Tashkent Medical Academy • Thai Nguyen University of Education - TUE
• Tashkent National University • Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication
• Tashkent state technical University Technology - ICTU
• Westminster International University In Tashkent • Thai Nguyen University of Sciences - TNUS
• Thai Nguyen University of Technology - TNUT
• University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City - UAH
Trainee Jogy Philip Thomas in Colombia
Testimonials Page 76

Employers and Institutions

Trainees enjoying the camp fire at the 2016 Slovenia weekend

IAESTE Slovenia Article Page 72

IAESTE Worldwide
Members and Co-operating Institutions
Full Members: Associate Members:
Argentina Comité Argentino del IAESTE, Ministry of Science, Technology Lebanon IAESTE Lebanon (1966)*
Bangladesh IAESTE Bangladesh, Bangladesh College of Aviation (2013)
and Productive Innovation (1961)* Lithuania IAESTE Lithuania, Ktu Karjeros Centras (1990)*
China, Including Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR
Australia IAESTE Australia (1996)* Malta IAESTE Malta (1984)* Council For International Training and Development (2000)
Mexico IAESTE Mexico, Amipp, A.c. (1985)*
 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1997)
Austria IAESTE Austria (1949)*
University of Macau (2004)
Belarus IAESTE Belarus, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Mongolia IAESTE Mongolia (2001)
Netherlands IAESTE Netherlands (2011)
(2000) Norway IAESTE Norway (1948)**
Peru Universidad De Piura (2001)
Belgium IAESTE Belgium Vzw (1948)**
 Oman IAESTE Oman, Sultan Qaboos University (2001)

Bosnia and Herzegovina IAESTE Bosnia & Herzegovina (2000) Pakistan IAESTE Pakistan, National University of Sciences & Technology (1990)* Co-operating Institutions:
Brazil IAESTE Brazil, Abipe (1982)* Panama IAESTE Panama,Technological University of Panama (2004) Afghanistan The Kabul University, Engineering Faculty (2016)
Canada IAESTE Canada (1953)* Philippines POEC Consultancy International Inc. (2007)
 Bolivia Fundacion IAESTE Bolivia – Pasantias Internacionales (2013)
Colombia IAESTE Colombia, Universidad de Ibagué (1995)* Poland IAESTE Poland, Stowarzyszenie IAESTE Polska (1959)* Chile Temuco Univerciudad (2014)
Croatia IAESTE Croatia, Hrvatska Udruga Za Medunarodnu Razmjenu Portugal IAESTE Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico (1954)* D.P.R. Korea Pyongyang University of Science & Technology, PUST (2015)
Studenata Prirodnih I Tehnickih Znanosti (1993)*
Republic of Korea Global
Association of Training and Exchange (2007) Gambia Microtech Institute of Multimedia & Technology (2009)

Cyprus IAESTE Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology (1980)*
Romania IAESTE Romania, Asociatia IAESTE Romania (1998) Indonesia Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (2017)
Czech Republic IAESTE Czech Republic (1965)*
Russia IAESTE Russia, Moscow Student Center (1991)* Jamaica Jamaica JOYST Youth Exchange International Ltd. (2006)
Denmark IAESTE Denmark, Polyteknisk Forening (1948)**
Serbia IAESTE Srbija (1952)* Kenya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (2004)
Ecuador IAESTE Ecuador, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (1999)

Slovakia IAESTE Slovakia (1965)* Kenya Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (2013)
Egypt IAESTE Egypt, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (1961)*

Slovenia IAESTE Slovenia (1993)* Mozambique University Eduardo Mondlane (2017)
F.Y.R. Macedonia IAESTE Macedonia (1994)*

Spain IAESTE Spain, Comité Español Para Intercambio de Estudiantes Técnicos Nepal Civil Initiative Nepal (2013)
Finland IAESTE Finland (1948)** IAESTE España (1951)* New Zealand IAESTE New Zealand, Auckland University Student
Germany IAESTE Germany, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Sweden IAESTE Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology (1948)** Association (2014)
Deutsches Komitee der IAESTE (1950)*
Switzerland IAESTE Switzerland (1948)**
 Nicaragua Universidad Tecnológica La Salle (2015)
Ghana IAESTE Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Syria IAESTE Syria, Ministry of Higher Education (1965)* Nigeria University of Benin (2007)
Technology (1970)*
Tajikistan IAESTE Tajikistan (1992)*
 Palestine An–Najah National University Nablus (2009)
Greece IAESTE Greece, National Technical University of Athens (1958)*
Tanzania The Open University (2007) Qatar Qatar University (2011)
Hungary IAESTE Hungary, Magyar Mérnökhallgatók Egyesülete (1983)*
Thailand IAESTE Thailand, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, (1978)* Saudi Arabia The Taibah University (2015)
India IAESTE India (2001)
Tunisia IAESTE Tunisia (1959)* South Africa Global Ties South Africa (2017)
Iran IAESTE Iran, University of Tehran (2002)

Turkey IAESTE Türkiye, Istanbul Technical University (1955)* Sri Lanka University of Moratuwa (2000)

Ireland IAESTE Ireland, Leargas (1962)*
Ukraine IAESTE Ukraine (1994)* Vietnam Thai Nguyen University (2006)

Israel Israel IAESTE Committee, Technion (1951)*

Japan IAESTE Japan (1964)* United Arab Emirates IAESTE UAE, Arab Emirates University of Sharjah (2000)

Jordan IAESTE Jordan, The University of Jordan (1978)* United Kingdom IAESTE UK, British Council (1948)**
 ** Founding Member of IAESTE Ad Hoc (1948) and IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005)

Kazakhstan IAESTE Kazakhstan (1995)*
 U.S.A. IAESTE United States, Cultural Vistas Inc. (1950)* * Founding Member of IAESTE A..s.b.l. (2005)
Uzbekistan IAESTE Uzbekistan, Technical Centre Simuz (1997)*

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience A.s.b.l
51, Rue Albert Ier, L-1117 Luxembourg, registration number F1180
www.iaeste.org e-mail: board@iaeste.org

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