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Diagram 1 shows three sets, Set I, II and III of the apparatus set up for an
experiment to investigate the effect of ethanoic acid and ammonia solution on
the coagulation of latex.

a) State one hypothesis based on set I and II. (3 marks)

b) Record the time taken for latex to coagulate in set Iand III. (2 marks)
c) Construct a table to record the time taken for coagulation in set I and III (3
d) State one observation that can be obtained from each set of the experiment.
Set I:
Set II:
Set III:
e) State the operational definition for the coagulation of latex.
f) For this experiment, state:
i. manipulated variable:
ii. responding variable:
iii. constant variable:
g) i. Excess hydrochloric acid is added to beaker in set I after 2pm. What
observation can be made about the latex? (3 marks)
ii. Explain your answer in g) i. (3 marks)
h) Explain why latex can coagulate without acid in set III. (3 marks)
i) i. Explain why latex in set I coagulates faster than latex in set III. (3 marks)
ii. The following is a list of chemical substances:
- nitric acid
- sodium hydroxide
- methanoic acid
- potassium hydroxide

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