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Prime Edicts of the Holy Synod of the Adeptus Ministorum:

When the people forget their duty they are no longer human and become something
less than beasts. They have no place in the bosom of humanity nor in the heart of
the Emperor. Let them die and be forgotten.

Ecclesiarch Deacis IX:

Men united in the purpose of the Emperor are blessed in his sight and shall live
forever in his memory.

The words of the faithful are the mountains. But the deeds of the faithful are the

No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the

One man can start a landslide with the casting of a single pebble.
-from The Legend of Thor from the Age of Apostasy

Precepts of Saint Emelia:

The path to duty is often a stony one, made smoother by thought for others.

Saint Praxides of Ophelia VII:

When it was over, when the blood had dried and the fires had died down, then we
found we were the same as we had always been - small and terrified human beings,
with only the light of the Emperor to see by in this dark galaxy of sin.
-Notes on Martyrdom

Saint Sabbat:

There are no miracles. There are only men.

- Epistles

Where there is an enemy, rage!

Where there is a victory, rejoice!
- Epistles

If the road is easy, the destination is worthless.

- Proverbs

Let the sky welcome you, for therein dwells the Emperor and his saints.
- Proverbs

That which was will be.

That which dieth will live. That which falleth will rise up.
This, I say to you, is the nature of things, if you but once believe.
- Epistles

Sister Ephrael Stern, also known as the Thrice-Born:

Unfortunately, duty and fear often follow the same path. We must follow the one,
and conquer the other.

The absence of faith is the mark of the weak.

The absence of faith is the mark of the heretic.
The absence of faith is the mark of damnation.
- extract from "The Stern Codex"

Abbess Helena the Virtuous:

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be
compelled to destroy themselves.
-"Discourses on the Faith"

The Sio't is a Tau text of collected meditations, litanies and lessons on various
subjects pertaining to the Greater Good, that is distributed throughout the Tau
Empire and is read by all Castes of the Tau. The meditations are often memorized by
Fire Warriors, who tend to recite a favored meditation when they are under stress
or need to focus in battle. The Sio't is often revised by the Por'hui (Tau media),
who compile the text and segments that are no longer applicable to the Greater Good
are dropped from later editions.

Aun'Va, Master of the Undying Spirit:

It burns so briefly, the light of my children, so briefly. But, by the Greater

Good, it burns so bright!

It saddens me greatly that we must take arms against the peoples of the galaxy. By
their deaths, they deny themselves the liberation that is only to be found in total
surrender to the Greater Good.

Por'vre Tau'n Ch'koras:

There is no victory without unity, no peace when there's conflict. In this dark
time, we can only forget our differences and fight the darkness together.

No expansion without equilibrium.

No conquest without control.

Pursue success in serenity.

And service to the tau'va.

- Sio't meditation supposedly composed by Shas'o T'au Shi'ur

Aun'el T'au Tam'ya, Ethereal caste:

It is as we join with others, in a way that only the Tau can, in shared engagement
to the Greater Good, that we find ourselves able to fully realize our true
potential. And that is the final source of our hopes and intentions.

Por'O Dal'yth V'Rok greets the Thurm Brotherhood during first contact with the

You misunderstand, this is Tau space, despite what the Gue�la may claim, and you
are welcomed to it as friend. We too have suffered difficulty with the Or�es�la,
since it seems they wish no unity. We would be honoured to have you fight alongside
us against this common enemy. You will find it to the benefit of both our peoples.
You will find it, I have no doubt, to be for the greater good.

Stranger, I bid you greetings in the name of the Tau.

If you are reading this then you will have encountered one of our messengers drones
and are therefore a spacefaring race. Soon you will see more evidence of us, this
is no cause for alarm.
When you encounter one of our ships or outposts then welcome it. We have much to
offer a faithful friend. We are five castes, one people. The earth caste build and
manufacture, the air caste pilot and navigate, the water caste liase and arbitrate,
the fire caste guard our holdings and defeat our enemies. All are bound to the
dream of bringing a new way to the universe.
I hope you will choose to share the culture, technology and protection of the Tau
The one constant in the universe is change, the wise adapt.
Believe in our destiny.

A single blade of grass will bend and falter in the lightest wind. But where grass
grows in pasture, in field or savannah; each blade feels but a fraction of the
wind�s full force. It prospers due to the common purpose of its fellow blades.

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